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Season 1 Talk


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I loved this ep. Everything about the scene in the men's room was great, from the washroom attendant to the AA-type introductions to the "Special sex! Special sex!" jumping. 


The way Dre perused the menu and tried to decide what to order cracked me up.


Happy Valentime's Day always makes me think of 30 Rock.


The stuff with the kids was great too. I think the actress who plays Diane isn't a good actress, in that she seems phony, but I love her anyway. So funny when she opened the door for the pizza and saw that guy.


Outstanding all around.

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I liked this one, too. I am notoriously bad at relationships, so I could totally relate to the argument that could easily end but instead spirals out of control. And the kids' plot was hilarious. I have a Diane problem too, in which I start off saying the nice thing but then the mean thing comes out afterward. I hope the other kids fixed her back to how she used to be!

There isn't anyone in the cast I dislike, which is why this is my favorite new comedy.

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I loved this ep. Everything about the scene in the men's room was great, from the washroom attendant to the AA-type introductions to the "Special sex! Special sex!" jumping. 


The way Dre perused the menu and tried to decide what to order cracked me up.


Outstanding all around.


Glad I'm not the only one who loved it. Thought this was a great episode. I loved how Dre was the focus of ruining the night, but ended up being both of them who go nuclear. Bow was almost as bad as him, ruining the dinner of that other couple, eating almost her entire short rib dinner! Loved Dre perusing the menu forever and Bow telling the waiter to come back in 2 days. And I loved how the waiter added a generous tip to the bill.


Also, loved that when Bow's night was clearly going off the rails and she couldn't order her short ribs, she ordered a bottle of vodka with her quick meal? Perfect! Who hasn't been there when you just think, one glass just isn't going to do it tonight.


I loved almost everything here, I liked Dre and Bow's story more than the kids, and I do think some of that is because of Diane. I love her character but think smaller doses of her are better than having as much to do as she did in this episode because I'm not sure she's the strongest actor, but it's a great character and she's good enough at pulling off the most important parts.


ETA - Forgot to mention, I was dying that the bathroom attendant was wise, dropping knowledge and quoting Tennyson and Dre questioned what he was doing there. "Poetry major." "Gotcha."

Edited by JasmineFlower
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I loved almost everything here, I liked Dre and Bow's story more than the kids, and I do think some of that is because of Diane. I love her character but think smaller doses of her are better than having as much to do as she did in this episode because I'm not sure she's the strongest actor, but it's a great character and she's good enough at pulling off the most important parts.


You summed up my thoughts perfectly. The character "Diane" is fantastic but I need her to be used sparingly. I feel the same about Charlie: less is more.


I liked this episode. Both Bow and Dre were at fault and I loved the nuclear build up between them. The "pooping while giving birth" scene was hilarious, what with Dre apologizing on behalf of Bow and trying to clean up.

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Loved this episode.  Diane is hilarious and the actress who plays her is so very good in her role. This show has quickly become one of my very favourite sit-coms along with The Middle and The Mindy Project.  The casting & acting is top notch all the way around; including all of the child actors and the writing is also fabulous.  I would be so very happy if it was on after The Middle instead of that horrid Goldbergs show where all they do is yell at each other but what are ya gonna do?   Great show!

I really enjoyed this episode. Especially that both Bow and Dre were responsible for ruining their evening. I was sort of hoping that someone would come in to the men's room to tell them to keep it down with the 'special sex' chanting, but apart from that, I like the restaurant scenes a lot. Especially Bow eating the other lady's short rib.


But my favorite part of the ep. was how quickly they both took the "you broke my baby girl" stance with the nicer Diane. Yeah, she's a little bit of a pill, but it's who she is and they both support her in that. It's nice little touches like that, when they make a point without hitting anyone over the head with it, that make me really like this show.


Also, I've never seen Goodfellas or Boys in the Hood, but I would totally watch Hoodfellas. I'd get the best of both at once!

  • Love 2

Dre comparing his Valentine's misadventures to the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife, which led to one of the bloodiest conflicts in Europe and the death of millions was repellent. What's in the next fun-filled episode? Dre compares Bow burning dinner to the ovens at at Auschwitz?

This is the first time I thought there was not one likeable character on the whole show. Dre and Bow were both wrong and both acting like spoiled children.

I couldn't delete it fast enough from my DVR.

I loved almost everything here, I liked Dre and Bow's story more than the kids, and I do think some of that is because of Diane. I love her character but think smaller doses of her are better than having as much to do as she did in this episode because I'm not sure she's the strongest actor, but it's a great character and she's good enough at pulling off the most important parts.


ETA - Forgot to mention, I was dying that the bathroom attendant was wise, dropping knowledge and quoting Tennyson and Dre questioned what he was doing there. "Poetry major." "Gotcha."

Diane is one of my favorite characters, but she really is best reacting to what others, like Junior, are doing.  Junior's the "straight man," and Zoey is his "wise buddy."  Jack is the goofball, and Diane is the snarker.  Snarker can't carry a plot. There's great potential for awesome interactions, but they need to be set up in the right sequence and proportions.


I got this feeling that the bathroom attendant was a White version of the "Magical Negro" trope, which made him hilarious to me.

After a couple of episodes that, though funny often enough, felt not up to their best standard to me, this one seemed like a winner in every way. It kept finding new angles to explore, and they were all hilarious. Jack and Junior were especially valuable players this time around -- I swear, Marcus Scribner has a touch of brilliance in his timing and reactions.


Has Charlie's role at work changed since we first saw him? Originally Andre seemed to bump into him near the elevator purely by chance, never having seen him before. But now they're on the same ad team. Not that I'm complaining at all; it's just good sense to put all your secondary office characters in situations together where they can interact. Just asking.

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I really enjoyed that!  We got some genuine LOL moments at our house.  The "Frederick Douglas" line was wrong, so funny, yet so wrong.


The random "bump and grind" soundtrack while the boyfriends were meeting the family was hilarious. 


ABC comedies have done an excellent job of casting the kids in their series.  Jack is the cutest little guy!  I'd hug him too. Junior just grows on me; the actor's timing elevates some of the material he gets.  Diane continues to be cute and for real. "...except for your toes, those are jacked up" was too much.

  • Love 2

I hope my daughters aren't as shallow as Zoey. It's crazy that the family seems to be ok with her behavior of ignoring them while she's on the phone, or abruptly walking away or hanging up on her parents when they are trying to be supportive. Yikes.

Absolutely adore Andre Jr. His comedic timing is perfect.

I did notice while Bow was wearing her robe that her toes weren't the greatest looking, so I loved how Diane commented them later in the episode.

  • Love 3

Finally! I was getting a bit worried about the show not being as funny as the first few episodes. This episode brought so many laugh out loud moments. Like, the whole "A Black girl named Becky?!" "Well, her name is Beckeisha" exchange had me dying.

I also cracked up at the Frederick Douglass line and Charlie's proclamation that in ten years everyone will look Puerto Rican anyway.

[channeling my inner Zoey] Where can I find that raspberry dress that Bow wore to her pampering appointment?! [/channeling my inner Zoey]

Edited by Mozelle
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I loved this episode. So much comedy gold.


This episode brought so many laugh out loud moments. Like, the whole "A Black girl named Becky?!" "Well, her name is Beckeisha" exchange had me dying.

My closed caption spelled it as "B'Keesha"--but either way works. This reminds me of our conversation on the "Race and Social Issues" thread about culturally black names vs. mainstream names on Black-ish and in society. I wonder if Kenya Barris reads  the previously TV forums? I'm going fantasize and say, "Of course he does." On that thread, we had a lengthy discussion about the name "Andre." It's largely considered a "black" name in the US, despite its French origin. Which falls perfectly in line with the A-plot of the show.


Funny tid-bit: the actress who plays Diane is named Marsai Martin. I wonder if that's why Andre was from Marseille and not Paris, for example.


And poor B'Keesha (or Bekeisha). What were her parents thinking, and will she have problems later in life trying to find a job? (Which is probably why she goes by "Becky"). I know that wasn't the point of the episode, but it reminds me again of our conversation in the Race thread.



"You're already the most beautiful woman in the whole world! Except for your toes...those are jacked up." Diane is my favorite


Diane continues to be cute and for real. "...except for your toes, those are jacked up" was too much.


Diane brings comedy and cuteness to every scene she's in. I can't believe I never noticed her adorable dimples till she delivered that line to Bow.


But my favorite Diane line had to be when she was complaining about Zoey eating the Chunky Monkey ice cream. "I ask for so little!" That's a sentence that a child normally wouldn't say, so it would be very understandable if a child actor would either ham up that line or sound wooden when she said it, as if she didn't understand what it meant--because most children wouldn't understand what it meant. But Diane's delivery was perfect. Just the right amount of melodrama and genuine angst.

  • Love 3

Great episode. So many great lines, but I think this is my favorite -- 


Diane: Why are we here?

Bow: I have to take care of something, and if I left you home alone Mommy would go to prison.


It was just out of the blue, but man is it true! I mean, exaggerated, but not too far.


I can't remember the names, but the white guy and gal at the ad agency: Do they always color-coordinate?


Loved Junior getting so excited and happy about pleasing his dad, but then...


Andre: Look who it is. James Bomb. Bomb, because you blew it.


I kept expecting Junior to be wrong about what French-Andre said about Zoe. I thought Junior had misunderstood him or something.


So funny when Zoe brings her new boyfriend home, and he's like a carbon-copy of Andre. Even their laugh! Loved the end when they're each laughing back and forth.

  • Love 1
Has Charlie's role at work changed since we first saw him? Originally Andre seemed to bump into him near the elevator purely by chance, never having seen him before. But now they're on the same ad team. Not that I'm complaining at all; it's just good sense to put all your secondary office characters in situations together where they can interact. Just asking.


I thought that Charlie's introduction was on his first day at the firm, and that accounted for he and Dre hadn't interacted before? Of course, I could be remembering that incorrectly.


I'm generally not a fan of the 'father doesn't trust his teenaged daughter' plot, but there were a lot of very good things about this episode. The way Dre thought Junior was some kind of hacker for using social media was great - as an older person myself, I really appreciate when that kind of joke is done well.


I also really love the relationship between Dre and Bow. Unlike some other long-married tv couples who obviously hate each (ahem, Claire and Phil Dunphy), the Johnsons have a lovely, loving relationship where they may fight from time to time, but are obviously very comfortable and happy with each other. And it's still funny! That's amazing.


I did miss the boss in the office scenes this week, though. That guy is always hilarious, and I really would've liked to get his input on the French.

  • Love 3
The way Dre thought Junior was some kind of hacker for using social media was great - as an older person myself, I really appreciate when that kind of joke is done well.


What killed me there was how Junior replied to Jack's "doesn't everybody know how to check Facebook" - "No! I did something special, and Dad loves me for it!" So hilarious and at the same time almost sad.

  • Love 9

I also really love the relationship between Dre and Bow. Unlike some other long-married tv couples who obviously hate each (ahem, Claire and Phil Dunphy), the Johnsons have a lovely, loving relationship where they may fight from time to time, but are obviously very comfortable and happy with each other. And it's still funny! That's amazing.

I forgot to mention how much I liked their teasing of each other -- the grey hairs and the weight gain. I love the way their relationship is depicted.

  • Love 7

"In ten years we're all gonna' look Puerto Rican.!" I love Charlie.


This show is so consistently funny every week. Plus the #LovingMyDaddysGrilledCheese was so weirdly sweet! Dre looked about overcome with joy.


I agree about loving Bow and Dre. They seem like a real couples that have been together for a really long time, and like to tease each other and laugh with each other, and are really comfortable with their relationship. 


Dre being super impressed by Jr. knowing how to use Facebook and Instagram was perfect. My dad is consistently amazed by how easily I can do really basic stuff on Facebook. I just let him think I`m a tech genius too. 

  • Love 2

I'm a bit surprised Zoey got over the reasons for her dumping so easily.  I'd have been offended if I'd found out I'd lost a boyfriend because he considered me to be shallow.


The fact that she was all "oh, well" and moved on that quickly kinda says a lot about her and what kind of girlfriend (and potentially wife) she could be unless that attitude gets checked at some point in the future.

Edited by Donny Ketchum
  • Love 4

I was kind of disappointed by her reaction because she didn't seem to care about being called shallow. Her only comment was something along the lines of "Thank goodness! I thought he dumped me because he thought I was ugly or something!" She didn't seem to mind the "shallow" insult; she actually treated it as if it were a good thing. And Dre didn't exactly put a stop to that, further fueling it with his indulging her with whatever material thing she wanted (and one for himself as well). 


I liked a lot of this episode, found a lot of it to be really funny, but that particular message... I didn't love.

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