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Kailyn: Kail Smash!

Message added by OtterMommy

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She wants to have her kids close in age? So they can all talk about how they suffered together?

Having a 3rd kid when you're JUST graduating from college, no job, no stable relationship, recently divorced and already two baby daddies? That's so fucking selfish and stupid that I can't stand it. What in the everloving world does she think she's doing? Single mom to 3 kids?!  But you know, at least they're all close in age! 

This is the problem when 16 year olds have kids.  You have zero sense of time or patience or perspective. And it never happens, apparently. She hasn't learned. 

Congratulations on that degree, Kail.  I'm sure you'll be able to get an awesome job that will pay childcare for your 3 kids. All 25 year olds get jobs like that!

  • Love 20
7 minutes ago, TeeMo said:

So this girl is saying that Kail had a molar/ectopic pregnancy that had the rare complication of needing chemo treatment afterwards? What?

Not even being snarky when I ask when she would have had time for chemo treatment in between her plastic surgery, vacations and filming? I am genuinely curious about what the timeline would even be here. 

I'm confused about this. I know the woman on The Little Couple did have a molar pregnancy that resulted in actual cancer that needed several rounds of chemo to heal from. So, at first, I thought that's what this Toni was talking about. But then someone in the comments of that Twitter thread said that some people are given methotrexate after miscarriages (and I've heard that before). And methotrexate is also a drug commonly used for chemo.

So now I'm thinking this Toni is as dumb as Kail. She probably heard that Kail got a shot of methotrexate, googled it, and saw that it was a chemo drug. Doesn't actually mean Kail had cancer. Just means that, like many women, Kail needed some medical help after a miscarriage.

Edited by Vandy10
  • Love 10

Kail is such a stupid selfish bitch.  My heart breaks for Issac.  That boy has such a sensitive little soul and just had his heart ripped out because his "dad"  was thrown out of the house and he doesn't spend the majority of his time with Lincoln.  His whole world was turned upside down and he's probably still adjusting (soley with Jo's help)  and now his fat ass trash bag of a mother randomly decides she needs a third kid??? Wtf!!!  Kail doesn't even seem interested in the kids she has.  She's been dumping them where ever she can since Javi deployed.  She couldn't even spend a week with Issac because some guys dick was more important. Good lord,  she's going to have three different meeting places and schedules to exchange her kids with their fathers. What an f'ing idiot!!  Welcome to Janelles level Kail! 

I think I put more thought into buying a new pair of shoes (do I really need them,  can I afford them,  are they comfortable or cute) than these morons do about popping out babies! 

Edited by kira28
  • Love 18

All I really need to do is process that Kail,Maci, and Jenelle get to have these 'miracle ' children after being told they are too old at 24, have PCOS, and are on birth control with the fact that I've - at 38 going on 39 - been trying for three years (With no pregnancy scares on BC besides once at 23 and got my period 3 week later) and realize that life really is not fair.   Because I can snark but dammit I want their mistakes .  

  • Love 15
57 minutes ago, Vandy10 said:

I found the best photos on Twitter.


Also, people (fans) on Twitter are all, "EVERY BABY IS A BLESSING!" 

And I'm all, "Would you really feel blessed to be Kail's 3rd baby by a 3rd man?!" Or, more succinctly, "Would you feel blessed to have Kail as a mom?"

But that pic wouldn't be Feb 2017, it is actually Sept 2016. It only aired in February.  

Dude cut off his dreads in December. 

4 hours ago, GreatKazu said:

Are they all seeing the same doctor? Is he or she working in cahoots with MTV?  I have never had any doctor tell me my chances are slim or deteriorating to conceive or carry a pregnancy at the age of 25. We don't live in the 1800s.

I am reading through all of these posts and the news is coming in faster than Kail's vibrator in the 'ON' position.

Exactly, that is super rare. I conceived with a quadriplegic and with ovarian cyst and thought my chances were low. Doc checked everything and laughed and said we'd conceive within months. We did. 

The vast majority of people can even if it doesn't happen immediately, and any practitioner will tell someone that for at least a year before they start warning them about "problems." It would be incredibly rare to be told you can't at age 24 with 2 previous successful pregnancies. 

  • Love 4

Also, this dude was cool with unprotected sex after a couple months or less?!?! I guess she could have lied about being on BC but you should always use two forms and this pretty much guarantees they didn't use condoms. Why are people ***so*** stupid? I don't care if I'm on the pill and an IUD and the patch at the same damn time. You're wearing a condom unless we've decided to have a kid! 

Or did they actually discuss it, which is even more horrifying? Like she said to her casual boyfriend of 3 weeks, hey what if we try for a kid, and he said "cool?" What is life?!?!

  • Love 11

I think the line of crap she's shoveling is total bullshit. My guess is this pregnancy was a result of a night of irresponsible partying with whatever dick she was with at the time and when she told him she was pregnant, he peaced out at the speed of light. Or, she was dick hopping and doesn't know which one is the father. Now, she's making up stories about waning fertility at 24 and thinks people will gobble it up like she gobbles up pizza dipped in ranch.

  • Love 17
7 minutes ago, lovesnark said:

My guess is this pregnancy was a result of a night of irresponsible partying with whatever dick she was with at the time and when she told him she was pregnant, he peaced out at the speed of light. Or, she was dick hopping and doesn't know which one is the father. Now, she's making up stories about waning fertility at 24 and thinks people will gobble it up like she gobbles up pizza dipped in ranch.

My guess is she was trying to anchor another guy and then he peaced out. I'm just surprised she didn't have a backup dude to try and trick into thinking he's the dad. It's what B-cluster personality disordered women do.

1 hour ago, ChocolateAddict said:

They followed her, moving away from their families, because she had to be with her soulmate Javi.

Because she was trying to alienate Jo from Isaac, IMO.

  • Love 11
7 hours ago, Mkay said:

She's gonna be 9 months pregnant walking across the stage at graduation.  ?

Man, this girl always wants to look a reck during times where one wants to shine on center stage. 8 months pregnant with braces on wedding day and now 9 months pregnant when walking the stage. Two times in a woman's life where she should get ALL of the attention but everyone will be too busy looking at the baby belly. Shame.

Edited by Calm81
  • Love 1
6 hours ago, Lm2162 said:

Weird to say it but Farrah is looking better and better. I don't give a shit about anybody being a "whore" or "slut" or whatever, who cares have sex, but I do care about putting more kids in harm's way. Jenelle, Kail, Maci, Catelynn, Leah, all having 83 kids and miscarriages and marriages and engagements before they hit 25 and Farrah's just over there throwing shade, counting $ and setting up a trust fund for Sophia...And they all think they're better than her...

But Farrah has done PORN!  *clutch pearls*  So she is lower than low in their eyes.  (But they really hate her because she makes more money)

  • Love 11
4 hours ago, BitterApple said:

The situation is going to get messy because Isaac, Jo, Javi and Lincoln all have a relationship to one another but neither Javi nor Jo has a relationship with this new baby or the absentee father. So how is this going to play out, Javi swings by to take the boys out but leaves the third kid behind because he doesn't know him? Does the new baby ask Kail why his siblings have loving dads but he doesn't? And if the baby daddy's family isn't involved, who's Kail going to dump this kid on when she resumes her many vacations? It's going to be an absolute clusterfuck.

It's going to be hella confusing come Christmas time. Which baby daddy is coming to put together a bike or train set? Who's going to Disney and who's not? It's quite a clusterfuck Fail has built for herself.

  • Love 17
2 minutes ago, Brooklynista said:

It's going to be hella confusing come Christmas time. Which baby daddy is coming to put together a bike or train set? Who's going to Disney and who's not? It's quite a clusterfuck Fail has built for herself.

That's gold! That's how I'm referring to fail now by the name fail, fuck the hulk, Mail, and whatever kickass names we've created as this is my go-to! 

Fail you suck as a human and you've brought a third child into your fuckery hell.

  • Love 4
8 minutes ago, Chicken Wing said:

I just caught up to the news.

What in the ever loving fuck...?

This is what happen when you finally meet your father and he keeps the fridge locked.

She is going to trap/lock each man that comes her way in hopes that someone will love her.  Meanwhile, she is doing the same shit to her sons that she cried that her mother did (choose man over child) -- and will loose their love.  I wish she could store that clip of her son telling her that she is his best friend and replay it in her mind every time she chases after a man.  If you look at her timeline over the last 6 month, the way she chases after Chris (I think that's his name) is sad and desperate.  There is no way he wanted a baby.

  • Love 8
6 hours ago, Lm2162 said:

Exactly, that is super rare. I conceived with a quadriplegic and with ovarian cyst and thought my chances were low. Doc checked everything and laughed and said we'd conceive within months. We did. 

The vast majority of people can even if it doesn't happen immediately, and any practitioner will tell someone that for at least a year before they start warning them about "problems." It would be incredibly rare to be told you can't at age 24 with 2 previous successful pregnancies. 

Congrats! Although, I don't agree with your doctor laughing and saying you'd conceive within months. Although something like 88% of couples will conceive within 12 months, unexplained infertility is a thing and I don't agree with doctors brushing off concerns, even if they've checked off the usual suspects, like egg and sperm quality and clear fallopian tubes . But congrats again! When are you due?


Back to Kail. I don't think the guy with the chopped dreads is the father. Isn't he like a college kid? He's got nothing to offer Kail in terms of financial security or additional fame. I'm betting the father is well off, or connected within the entertainment industry, and desperate enough to keep this quiet that he will pay her off or help her in some way.


I don't think Kail seeks out romantic love the way the other girls do. She's an opportunist through and through. If all she wanted was a guy that would love her, she would have stuck with Javi (who despite his many faults, I think really did deeply care about her). She got pregnant with Isaac because she wanted financial and emotional support from the Riveras. I think she got pregnant with Lincoln because she wanted her white picket fence family, and to shed her white trash image, and she felt a pregnancy within wedlock would help. There is something in it for her with this third pregnancy; I just don't know what yet.

  • Love 10
22 minutes ago, Tatum said:

Congrats! Although, I don't agree with your doctor laughing and saying you'd conceive within months. Although something like 88% of couples will conceive within 12 months, unexplained infertility is a thing and I don't agree with doctors brushing off concerns, even if they've checked off the usual suspects, like egg and sperm quality and clear fallopian tubes . But congrats again! When are you due?


Back to Kail. I don't think the guy with the chopped dreads is the father. Isn't he like a college kid? He's got nothing to offer Kail in terms of financial security or additional fame. I'm betting the father is well off, or connected within the entertainment industry, and desperate enough to keep this quiet that he will pay her off or help her in some way.


I don't think Kail seeks out romantic love the way the other girls do. She's an opportunist through and through. If all she wanted was a guy that would love her, she would have stuck with Javi (who despite his many faults, I think really did deeply care about her). She got pregnant with Isaac because she wanted financial and emotional support from the Riveras. I think she got pregnant with Lincoln because she wanted her white picket fence family, and to shed her white trash image, and she felt a pregnancy within wedlock would help. There is something in it for her with this third pregnancy; I just don't know what yet.

Antagonizing Javi should be reason enough for her. She's petty as fuck, and she always has been. She wanted to recreate that dynamic that she had when Javi first came on the scene. "Look, Isaac! This is Javi and he's your daddy now" while freezing Jo out. She wanted to do the same shit with Lincoln and Javi, and it seems like this guy wised up enough not to get into a relationship with her, but was still too stupid to wrap this weasle. 

  • Love 5
7 hours ago, Lm2162 said:

Huh? I'll be 28 when I deliver and my doctor always talks about how young I am because most first time mothers in our area are 35+ (university town). 

Why would she need to be under 25 to have her THIRD child? 

I was 28 when I had my first as well. My husband and I had a few rough years trying to conceive, but I never even started trying until the age at which these chicks already have 2-3 kids! Insane. 

And, really, it's not necessarily that insane in general. Some women start having babies in their 20s, others in their 30s. Whatever. But these are women with no husband, no boyfriend sometimes, no job, several divorces, etc. It's a cornucopia of fuckery! 

5 hours ago, BitterApple said:

The situation is going to get messy because Isaac, Jo, Javi and Lincoln all have a relationship to one another but neither Javi nor Jo has a relationship with this new baby or the absentee father. So how is this going to play out, Javi swings by to take the boys out but leaves the third kid behind because he doesn't know him? Does the new baby ask Kail why his siblings have loving dads but he doesn't? And if the baby daddy's family isn't involved, who's Kail going to dump this kid on when she resumes her many vacations? It's going to be an absolute clusterfuck.

This really just highlights how horrible the situation is going to be for all 3 kids. I come from a broken home. Both of my parents remarried when I was young and had more kids. I did every other weekend and certain holidays at my dad's. It was tough at times, but my parents were good at communicating and remaining civil and always putting me first. I can't imagine what it would be like to have your home fractured several times over. Three different daddies, none live in the home, all coming and going different times of the month. I'd need Stephen Hawking to come over and help me sort it all out. 



Side note - I flipping love that Jenelle outed Kail on Twitter before homegirl had officially announced it. That is soooo Jenelle. She'll tell Twitter before she tells her own mother. She tweets like it's a damn job. Also, her experience as a mother of 3 is non-existent and I hope someone on there called her out about that (before she apparently deleted the tweet). 

  • Love 16

Kail does not have that degree yet and I will believe she has one when I see it with my own eyes. And with baby 3 and no dad (and free babysitters via dad's family) around, I don't think it will be anytime soon that we see her post pics from graduation (I do hope she graduates but come on, Kail.....).

I used to think Maci was the biggest disappointment from TM/TM2, but you know what? It's Kail. (I never had any real expectations for the rest of them; Chelsea has surpassed my expectations). Kail, I can't even....

Thank goodness Isaac has Jo and Vee. I hope Javi matures some but I'm also thankful Lincoln has Javi & Javi's family.

Somewhere Suzi is laughing her butt off at this.....(Janet, too, except she's probably worried for Isaac).

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
  • Love 8

I am really curious what the father of #3's family thinks about all of this! That reasoning Kail gave for getting pregnant, if I were the baby daddy's sister/mother/cousin/aunt, I would seriously have to suppress the urge to slap him upside the head for being so reckless and for bringing that viper into our lives.

Edited by FlowerofCarnage
  • Love 13
2 minutes ago, FlowerofCarnage said:

I am really curious what the father of #3's family thinks about all of this! That reasoning Kail gave for getting pregnant, if I were the baby daddy's sister/mother/cousin/aunt, I would seriously have to suppress the urge to slap him upside the head for being so reckless and bring that viper into our lives.


Who, female or male, if they don't want a kid doesn't insist on a condom in 2017?! People are still this stupid? 

Guess so. 

  • Love 8

Dear TM/TM2 Girls,

Birth control is a thing.

Adoption is a thing (cough Jenelle cough).

Abortion is a thing.

Sterilization is a thing.

Having one or two kids (versus having a baby as a souvenir for every relationship or every time the show might get cancelled) is a thing (cough Jenelle cough Kail cough).

Having kids who all have the same dads or kids by only two different dads is a thing.


Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
  • Love 13
Just now, Jennifersdc said:

 My husband says he hopes she spends the next 15 years of her life in the car shuttling these kids among their Daddy's. 

She's an idiot...and I don't believe her "story" for a minute....

Did I miss something? Did she ever actually give a specific health reason or just a vague "as I get older" excuse? 

  • Love 1
2 hours ago, Tatum said:


Back to Kail. I don't think the guy with the chopped dreads is the father. Isn't he like a college kid? He's got nothing to offer Kail in terms of financial security or additional fame. I'm betting the father is well off, or connected within the entertainment industry, and desperate enough to keep this quiet that he will pay her off or help her in some way.


It's interesting that the father is out of the picture and not claiming Kail or the baby. If it were Chris, you'd think a young, dumb college kid would be tickled pink to land a 300k a year sugar mama and a gig on a popular TV show. It wouldn't surprise me if the father was a married man. Maybe he's military just like Javi and could get into trouble for having an affair. Either way, something shady is going on.

Edited by BitterApple
  • Love 5
10 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

It's interesting that the father is out of the picture and not claiming Kail or the baby. If it were Chris, you'd think a young, dumb college kid would be tickled pink to land a 300k a year sugar mama and a gig on a popular TV show. It wouldn't surprise me if the father was a married man. Maybe he's military just like Javi and could get into trouble for having an affair. Either way, something shady is going on.

Some comment that Kail posted on Twitter (unless this has been a carefully planned campaign from the start in order to get maximum drama and attention) makes me think this relationship fizzled out after she found out she was pregnant (which, by my calculations was probably late Oct or early Nov), and isn't she still dating Chris in real time?


I haven't watched the show this season- do we know who the guy was Kail was with in that episode where she fought with Javi and sent Isaac with Jo? Or was that Chris? I think Kail has confirmed on Twitter Chris is her boyfriend, right?

  • Love 1
12 hours ago, Vandy10 said:

I found the best photos on Twitter.


Also, people (fans) on Twitter are all, "EVERY BABY IS A BLESSING!" 

And I'm all, "Would you really feel blessed to be Kail's 3rd baby by a 3rd man?!" Or, more succinctly, "Would you feel blessed to have Kail as a mom?"

Kail looks really good in that pic on the left. Not only is she smiling, but that is the thinnest I have ever seen her. Cute shirt too.

1 minute ago, TresGatos said:

Her "Brand?" What is her "Brand" exactly, Trailer Park Haute? Haute Mess?

The "Sweatpants and domestic cars and ethnic hairstyles are trashy, but smacking your spouse around and using your kids as weapons against your exes is A-okay" brand.

  • Love 7
9 minutes ago, Tatum said:


I haven't watched the show this season- do we know who the guy was Kail was with in that episode where she fought with Javi and sent Isaac with Jo? Or was that Chris? I think Kail has confirmed on Twitter Chris is her boyfriend, right?

I'm not sure. I thought Chris was the guy with the dreads? Or is he the one who sent the flowers to "Cashout Kail"? I'm getting a migraine trying to make sense of the time line and the various dudes Kail cheated on Javi with. 

  • Love 2
49 minutes ago, FlowerofCarnage said:

I am really curious what the father of #3's family thinks about all of this! That reasoning Kail gave for getting pregnant, if I were the baby daddy's sister/mother/cousin/aunt, I would seriously have to suppress the urge to slap him upside the head for being so reckless and bring that viper into our lives.

Well, if baby daddy is the dreadlocks guy that not to long ago put that picture online with his scratched up hand and a handful of his dreads, with the tag line straight from his mama about he should've known better doesn't he watch tv, my guess is they are pretty pissed at him. Especially if it is true that just recently Kail was abusing him to and now the hosebeast is having the grandbaby. If I was his mom I'd be giving him a damn earful for this foolishness. Hopefully the new baby has an involved, loving paternal family so he or she has somewhere to go when Kail is vacationing or chasing dick.

  • Love 8

I thought Chris was the guy with the chopped dreads, sent her flowers, and was the guy that someone tweeted to suggesting he spell out PUTA on her bed in rose petals as it meant "beautiful" in spanish (oh, how I wish that would have happened).

The only thing I know about her current situation is someone posted a twitter exchange from a few weeks back where someone commented that all Kail wants to do is bone black guys, and Kail responds that she is just boning one black guy. I took that to mean Kail is in an exclusive relationship and I thought Chris was the boyfriend.

  • Love 2
Message added by OtterMommy

Please remember that it is against Primetimer policy to publish home addresses, links to home addresses, or other personal information of anyone--on or off the screen.

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