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S20.E05: Seeing Red

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9 hours ago, 7-Zark-7 said:

Bishme's look stood out. It wasn't minimalist. And it didn't rely on draping. So why not put him in the top?

Kudos to Kara Saun for gathering everyone on the importance of not bringing negativity to the workroom. I however, am at home, so negative I shall be: Anna's dress is clear bottom level bullshit.

The judges took a puzzling route, but at least they got to the right choices for winner and loser of the episode. 

I wonder if they put Bishme in the middle because of that black fabric he used.  I know he said it was interfacing fabric, but no one else used another colour except thread and hardware. 

Edited by DEL901
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7 hours ago, 40Love said:

I'm with you! Korto and Kayne were awful. Anna's dress was ugly. But, she followed the brief and that was to stand out and design what you do best. Korto's design did not stand out in any way. None of the safe looks did either. That's not Anna's fault. What exactly did they expect her to do... throw herself on the ground and say "no, judges send me home. I don't deserve your votes"?

All the complainers are full of crap! But, Korto was the absolute worst. I'm not a fan of this version of her. When she's not whining, she's boasting about how great she is. Ugh! 🙄


exactly!!!  anna did her anna look and she expected to get sent home. 

the judges must just be listening to the producers to maintain drama to have judged her as one of the best and they have lost my respect. boo

was korto the one in the beginning when they were carrying the bolt of cloth off that said she was a queen and didn't carry things?  she's sour, arrogant and just not pleasant in any way.

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I so, so, so agree with everyone's comments about the bullying of Anna when it was the judges' decision.  And, I would bet a dollar (or more) that they will never say a word to the judges who were the ones that put Anna in the top.  It's like Judge Judy or The People's Court where a spurned lover takes it out on the new girlfriend/boyfriend (who owes them nothing) and not on the cheater herself/himself.  So, the designers take it out on Anna and not the judges.

However, I must be the only one to think this, but...Bishe's design seemed to be a 'repeat' of Viktor's blazer with the dinosaur heads on the shoulders.  It seemed to be the same outline and everything.  The cut-outs on the shoulders immediately reminded me of that.  Also, as others have mentioned, Korto was repeating a look from her final runway.

I get so tired of the inconsistency of the judging.  I know the producers have input (even though they always 'claim' the producers don't tell them anything) but at some point, the judges have to take a stand.  Too often, it's 'I could tell it was yours-so that's good' or 'I could tell it was yours-so that's bad.'  Consistency would be nice.

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Am I the only person who hates plaquette on skirts?  They just get bunched up between the legs and both look and feel awkward, and are annoying to wear because you're constantly plucking them out from between your thighs.

Oops, just watched again and I see it's actually trousers with slits, but the effect is the same so I'm leaving my comment!

Edited by Leeds
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2 minutes ago, Jordan Baker said:


What was the point of the shopping trip? I'm sure it was fun for the designers, but was it really just a commercial for the credit card?

OMG, I forgot about the completely unobtrusive product placement./s  That was so bad.  I wonder how much coaching the designers needed to act like OH WOW THIS IS TOTALLY NORMAL.  

I wonder what Rami's original idea would have looked like.  He had black tulle or something on the mannequin.  But he let Christian convince him to change ideas.  Boo.

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Anna's dress was poorly sewn on the back as well as being ugly. The ruffles she makes look really good, but the placement and the dress underneath just didn't work. It looked like a weird sack dress and the model couldn't even sell it. That being said, it did stand out. The judges see what the judges see.

I get thinking "WTF" when her dress was called on the top, especially since even Anna didn't think she'd be in the top, but the piling on was ridiculous. The challenge was to show your aesthetic. She did that... I guess... since I don't understand what her aesthetic is and didn't during her season either. Anyway... I think a lot of the contestants were very thrown by this challenge and couldn't show themselves without having control over the fabric.

Thank goodness Hester is gone. They can take their ugly hats, tacky wardrobe and holier than thou attitude with them. 

Rami should have slayed this challenge, but his dress was sad. 

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I liked the premise of this challenge.  Even though fabric choice is an aspect of the designers' talents, I wanted to see what each would do with the exact same fabric.  It was enlightening that the fabric alone became a stumbling block for some.  

I'm so glad Brittany won the challenge.  Her look was a reflection of her aesthetic (wow!  that backstory-- I had no idea.  I'm so glad she is doing so well.). She make that material pop with the top stitching and the details.  It looked modern and fresh and the model showed how fierce it was.

I didn't agree with many of the designers who were upset with Anna.  I am not a fan of Anna's and wouldn't care if she were eliminated, but I think she should be allowed to use her signature ruffling more than once.  In my opinion, this dress did not have the same silhouette or design elements (apart from the long, thin ruffle) as her design for the unconventional challenge.  I actually loved her previous ruffled dress and did not like this one at all.  I saw many differences between the two. I feel the designers who were so critical should have let the judges have their say and let it go.    I wonder if Anna is being annoying or rubbing them the wrong way in the work room.  I just don't understand their strong reaction.  And the crying over Hester?  I agree with Kara Saun that they need to put aside the negativity.  It will be interesting to see how this plays out.

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My running theory is the Sirano save will be used on Rami if necessary. I also noticed that he didn’t seem to be into Hester when giving his goodbye sendoff. 

I can’t remember which look it was but someone had a large oblong pill shaped pucker bulge right in the center of their butt when walking down the runway. I kept waiting for it to smooth out and it never did. 

I think Brit made the fabric stand out from the others the best with her decision to use white stitching. Also I could see it being altered for different size women. From JLo to Lizzo. 

I hated Bishme’s faces. How did this show his style? Agree that it was like the dinosaur sleeves from a previous week.

I hope Korto and Kayne crash and burn. I hope they stick around just by being in the middle and bottom. Then get auffed in a double elimination paired up with each other during the episode that determines the runway showcase final.




1. Yes on the fact that the blame should go to the judges and not Anna for that monstrosity being in the top.

 2. Hester, Hester, Hester—-you were one of my fave PR designers. Your aesthetic used to be so cool and cute. Now it’s just weird (except for the Royal collab competition, that was great). AND I can’t believe they booted Hester right before the 90s challenge. Oh to have seen Hester bring back their Riot Grrl meets Manic Pixie Dream Girl style! 

3. Korto used to be very quiet. Now she’s the entitled queen Bee Mean girl? I don’t find her quips as entertaining as the producers do.

4. it feels awkward having Rami being mentored by Christian. They were peers on their season. I understand it, but it still makes me a little uncomfortable. Nice to see him though. Glad they brought back a few old timers. 

5. You can really see that Kara hasn’t been doing her own sewing. Her Grace Jones outfit looked very poorly crafted. She seems sweet though. 

6. I loved the concept of this challenge. It’s brilliant. The fact that so many just draped the fabric was disappointing. I said to my husband at the beginning that someone should use the stitching as part of the design and felt very vindicated when Brittney won. How did no one else think to do that?? 

7. overall I’ve been loving this season. Especially the FAO Schwartz challenge. Victor’s fab toy coat is probably going to be the only design which stays with me from this season. 

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Can't speak for the complaining designers, but I thought the problem with Anna's dress was that it was just a basic mini dress with ruffle strips sparsely tacked on in a way that made the model look much bigger, rounder and jigglier than she was. I got the impression that she knew it was terrible and just didn't have the inspiration or time to come up with anything else. She seemed to be dithering about what to do practically up to the runway. That's why she was expecting to go home, and why she was completely shocked when she was put in the top. JMO!

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13 hours ago, CherryMalotte said:

how many times did Anna watch My Octopus Teacher? 

I definitely got octopus as well. Or maybe crepe paper.


4 hours ago, Whimsy said:

Also, Hester’s model looked like she tucked a pair of socks into her crotch

Or maybe some boy parts.

I surprised myself by really liking Brittany's "athleisure." I'm glad she won.

Fabio, how are we supposed to tell the difference between "intentionally" doing draping vs "just solving problems" with draping? His dress was a snooze fest IMHO. And not terribly flattering.

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The piling on of Anna was unnecessary and mean. I hated her dress and thought for sure she'd be on the bottom but all of the designers making mean comments about her and her dress have made ugly stuff before too and had the judges fawning over them. Fashion is subjective, like all art, and so you just never know what someone will respond to. I appreciated Kara being the adult in the room and telling them to stop with the negativity. 

Very happy to see Hester gone. Glad it wasn't Fabio or Rami. 

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11 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

Elaine defending Hester’s garment by saying it would look better in dim lighting is everything I hate about Elaine. She’s an imbecile. Also, Hester’s model looked like she tucked a pair of socks into her crotch. That was some crazy bad tailoring, Hester— don’t blame the fabric. 

Hester's model, DD Smith, is non-binary. After Googling them, I suspect that what looked like a pair of socks is actually, to use a phrase from RuPaul's Drag Race, a meaty tuck. Regardless, it did the already-unfortunate outfit no favors. 


Edited by janeyjay
Double post OOPS
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9 minutes ago, seacliffsal said:


For someone who claims wanting to be at the forefront of designing for non-binary customers, it seems like Hester doesn't really know how to do that as the crotch area on that outfit was poorly designed (like the rest of the outfitI

This!!!! Hester specifically initial tried to describe those pants as some groundbreaking design that catered to (for lack of better term) ‘meatiness’.  Something about laced up? I didn’t see that. I saw a poorly constructed garment that wasn’t flattering. I guess I am just not impressed with Hester’s designs nor skill. 

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Last week Korto had a gripe early in the episode about how 2 OG's were gone and is this going to be a pattern and how she didn't think the OG's  were being shown the proper respect etc. etc. etc. ...

and then I think it was at the end of that same ep she asked: 4 African American designers in the top, when has that ever happened?


I remember Korto from her season being  easy going and gracious toward her fellow designers and I certainly don't recall her griping about the judging. A favorite of mine I was happy to see on the All Star cast list!

Prajje in his season seemed to be ready to go off at the drop of a hat; always fixing for a fight. He sure wasn't the nicest s19 contestant. Now Prajje is light-hearted and silly; he giggled when he mused over Victor and Kayne's medieval fantasy costume. I couldn't even be mad. That, or he's weepy and emotional.

I think they switched personalities in the long run up to s20!

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I only caught the tail end of the episode from the runway on.  I thought most of the designs actually turned out pretty well.  No huge misses and a few interesting ones.  I like Rami but that was far from his best work.  I'm glad he wasn't eliminated and hope he can step it up.  Sure didn't care for the treatment of Anna.   She is already vulnerable and I can imagine a lot of tears in the next episode.

I have to comment about that sour lemon Miranda Priestly face and attitude Nina copped during the runway.  Ugh!  Very off putting.  Plus, what she and Elaine were wearing sure didn't look that great to me.


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2 hours ago, T Summer said:

I remember Korto from her season being  easy going and gracious toward her fellow designers and I certainly don't recall her griping about the judging. A favorite of mine I was happy to see on the All Star cast list!


Korto's season was filled with Kenley who brought constant drama, with Suede who referred to himself in the third person, and with Jerell who was hysterically funny.  It is not inconceivable that Korto was just as snarky then but it didn't get aired.

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19 hours ago, Aerobicidal said:

Rami’s look is designed for Chic Street, which is located in Funkytown, USA, the same premium outlet mall just outside of Bloomington, Indiana, where Kayne bought his hair.

Everything about Hester is so try-hard. They could be wearing acid washed overalls with one strap, six fanny packs, three scrunchies, a banana clip, a transparent cagoule, and the hamburger phone from Juno on the top of their head with jelly high heels while screaming inclusive buzzwords interspersed with “yassss!” and it would be more low-key and watchable. And I say that as someone who bought a giant paper fan that says “game over” for Pride and waved it at bigoted Christian counterprotestors (and I may also own one or more fanny packs).

Hey, now, leave my hometown outta this.

I love love love your description of Hester. The internet has been won for the day.

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  • I loved, loved, loved the challenge concept. Giving everyone basically the exact same materials to see what they can do with it should be an annual challenge. That being said, making it a one-day challenge is why you got so much drapery on the runway. 
  • I'm so glad Kara Saun has redeemed herself after that first runway dress which was yikes, cringe, and whatever else the kids are calling bad. Brittany's design was also worthy of the win. 
  • Look, I think Anna's garment was god-awful too, but having a "signature" whatever is hardly a crime. Her thing is ruffles. This dress and the one she designed a few challenges back were not the same in construction, fit, material, etc.
  • The three cattiest bitches in the cast back there feeding off each other's negativity with alcohol involved is not too surprising. Korto has alway been a sourpuss that looks out for herself. There's no generosity of spirit in her, at all. Plus her stirring the pot and then talking at the end about burning the day down like she didn't play a major role in the vibe is just too much.

           Hot Dog Man GIF

  • Oh, I can guaran-damn-tee you that if Anna, was anyone other than a petite, quiet Asian woman, Kayne wouldn't say shit. 
Edited by gorgy
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  • Yay!!! Hester is gone!
  • Kayne and Korto are a couple of ding-dongs.  They’re all repetitive, why signal out Anna?  I mean they acted like this woman kicked their puppy or something.  Plus Christian was running around telling everyone do what you’re  known for.  Anna is known for these ruffle ball weird dresses apparently.  
  • Rami and Kara were respectable and I’m glad they spoke.


I binge watched all the seasons and I know Kayne was on a long time ago and he said he got new hair but does his face look “odd” because he got some sort of plastic surgery or is it just weight gain, too much make up, and because  it’s years later?   (not sure odd is the right  descriptor to use, it’s more than just different though) I mean Kara and Rami got older and Rami put on a little weight but neither of them look “odd” to me.


ETA: Elaine is an idiot 🙄

Edited by Irate Panda
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2 hours ago, jabRI said:

and Nina was also a bit harsh, even for her.  If designers can only work with a fixed length of one fabric, then most are going to do draping.  As Fabio put it (he's THE BOMB!) he uses draping as a technique, others were using it to problem solve. 

This reminded me that during judging Fabio got emotional about the draping comments from the judges. Nina (not sure if Brandon chimed in) very clearly assured him that the draping comments were not directed at him. I think they picked up that he was using his draping in line with his aesthetic and were irritated that the others were using it as a get through the challenge look not that it showcased their style. 

Laurance(sp) is cool for me personality wise, I am interested in her yet I have no clue what she is about fashion wise. I hope she starts getting into the show by next week. 

One thing I have always disliked about the contestants is that they have terrible, terrible fashion sense when dressing themselves. 

Edited by stewedsquash
when you edit while typing and it becomes a blee a blah a bloo speak

If Rami has been sent home I think Christian would have owed him the save, after talking him out of what he was doing originally.

Had Kayne had confined himself to the imaginary phone call bit, it would have been OK, but to take part in snubbing Anna was too much. I do get the feeling, however, that Anna might be a little high maintenance, especially behind the scenes, and so Korto, Kayne and the others might be reacting to that in part. I guess we'll get a better sense of it next week! 

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12 hours ago, SemiCharmedLife said:

I'm so glad Brittany won the challenge.  Her look was a reflection of her aesthetic (wow!  that backstory-- I had no idea.  I'm so glad she is doing so well.).

I just went to rewatch to hear Brittany's backstory because I didn't catch it, and the latest episode available on demand (on my cable)  is Coronation Day :(

5 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

Back in the days of Michael Korea and Zach Posen, I really enjoyed the judging segments. Now I just endure them. I’m not thrilled with Brandon Maxwell, but Elaine is The. Worst. Pleeease someone make her go away.

Was there some sort of parting of ways I'm not up on? Any idea why Zac Posen doesn't appear as a guest judge now and again?

20 minutes ago, T Summer said:

I just went to rewatch to hear Brittany's backstory because I didn't catch it, and the latest episode available on demand (on my cable)  is Coronation Day :(

Brittany said she’d had a stroke on board an airplane and had to be taken off the plane at its destination. She must have worked hard, she appears to have made a complete recovery happily.

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1 minute ago, buttersister said:

Brittany said she’d had a stroke on board an airplane and had to be taken off the plane at its destination. She must have worked hard, she appears to have made a complete recovery happily.


thank you @buttersister

OMG! I was a little concerned by her weight loss, but I figured the likely explaination (unfortunately) was that she'd  watched herself on video with models on set and all   and decided to trim down. I think she looked just fine before, btw.


I had no idea,  I think I might have dozed off when that was discussed.

Yes, it's great she made a complete recovery!

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4 hours ago, T Summer said:

I just went to rewatch to hear Brittany's backstory because I didn't catch it, and the latest episode available on demand (on my cable)  is Coronation Day :(

Brittany was on a plane when she had a serious, debilitating stroke.  She used a Peloton stationary bike to help recover her mobility, which inspired her to start designing workout clothes. "Athleisure"?

I think she may have said she's now Peleton's chief designer, but at any rate, she discovered a field of design she loves and where she excels, so she credited the horrible circumstances of her stroke with leading her to her design path.

It was quite moving.  She became very emotional when she talked about having to be gurneyed off the plane.

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