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S17.E11: The Worst Goodbye


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Sooooo let me get this straight. Meri can say that she wants nothing to do with Christine because she isn't a sister wife anymore and Kidney can say he never wants to see Christine again, but Christine saying she needs some space from these mfs, has her being the bad guy.

And Arimullet needs to just be a kid and stop the shit. It isn't cute and the greatest parents in the world should have shut that shit down instead of thinking everything she does is cute and holds the family together.  Oh yeah, that's right Kidney thinks she so cute and he is so proud of her. Why, exactly? He does know how has other kids right? I cannot believe the impatience he was showing this episode or the bs of trying to paint himself the good guy that was the last to know that the wife he treated like dog shit was leaving. Would he want someone to treat his precious fucking Arimullet like that? 

I think the girls and their resting bitch face has been trained to be like that all along. They also looked like they couldn't get out of their fast enough since they don't even know these people. It was like when you sre forced as a teen to go spend time with the family on holidays and you want nothing to do with them and can't wait to leave. That's exactly how the girls were acting towards Christine. Christine's family is like distant cousins to them. They have barely seen them in 3 years and who knows when before Covid. 

I think Kidney and Arimullet need their pacifiers and a nap. And if Kidney wanted a better relationship with Jenelle, maybe not yelling at her boys, being an asshole and just taking time to go see her would have helped. But he needed to be doing all this long before now. Saying goes, once people get used to you not being around, they learn they can and will live without you. Too little too late jerkoff. Only reason he is saying that now, is because he really is losing his fucking mind because he has no relationships with anyone but one of his wives. What did he think would happen? He honestly thought these women would just sit there and take nothing from him and be happy. What a gd jerk.

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53 minutes ago, ginger90 said:

I know this may seem out there, but perhaps Ariella heard so much from Kody and Robyn about Christine leaving, that she decided to ask Christine herself. It took until the last night there, which suggests she hadn’t seen Christine in quite a while.

The dating thing, just weird.

Robyn: Kody, a husband and wife need to keeping dating to keep a marriage fresh. If you would just start dating Christine you could woo her back. You two don't know how to communicate. You need to date her again and talk things out. Call her up and ask her if she's willing to work things out. Ask her out on a date.

Ari: Just date and you won't leave!

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11 hours ago, whydoievencare said:

Kody talks about how "brokenhearted" he is but he has so much rage too.  And actually, it's only the rage that I see.  I think he's just pissed off that the decision to split was Christine's only.  He had effectively distanced himself from her and her kids in reality.  Like constructive dismissal.  He keeps questioning why Christine couldn't just stay and then maybe the girls would have stayed, but of course can't understand why that wouldn't have been good for Christine.  The two older girls would have left for school anyway and she would have been there with Truly and a "husband" who didn't want to provide for her emotionally.  He accused Christine of not having relationships with her Sister Wives but that wasn't true.  She was close to Janelle, had as much of a relationship that anyone could have with "walls up" Meri and seemed to have a cordial relationship with Robyn. They have all been distanced from each other. I doubt Janelle is any closer to Robyn than Christine is.  Kody seems to think that he was just a stellar husband and has no awareness how much he has let Christine AND Janelle and their kids down.  At the final farewell, I thought Robyn's older girls were just such sullen little fucks - all down to their mother's attitude no doubt.  And trust Robyn to twist Christine's words to her - Christine said she just needed some time away - she did not say she never wanted to see her and her children again.   

THIS, + a hefty dose of Robyn, sums it up in a nutshell. He will never accept this. I keep going back to his rant on the front porch and everything he threw out at Christine, was everything he should have been doing/helping the other wives do.  And I think deep down he knows it. It's his failure and Christine choosing to leave, makes him face it, and he's dug in his heels about having been the perfect husband and father all along. 

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11 hours ago, Elizzikra said:

Maybe he just doesn't want to be part of the show anymore? I think it would be a hard pass for me too, especially if I (individually) were not being paid.

In the past, Dayton has been a bit of a loose cannon. He will make comments on what is going on, that aren't very helpful in supporting the story line. For example, when his sister had the dramatic anxiety meltdown and had to be carried off to her room by Kody, Dayton can be heard in the background saying something like, "It's not THAT bad" (exact quote escapes my memory at the moment). Perhaps they decided he should be somewhere else so as not spoil the Big Scene.

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11 hours ago, NotinKansasanymore said:

Anyone else think Kody was hoping Truly would have a meltdown and cry during the goodbye? He was totally instigating her with his smile comment, and when she didn’t react he just blew her off.

That's exactly what I said to my husband last night. He wanted her to exclaim, "Daddy, I don't want to go!" so he can show in front of everyone what a horrible (former) wife, mother and person Christine is. 🙄

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Christine: Truely, we're moving.

Truely: Cool.

Christine: Guess when tho. 

Truely: *shrug*


Truely: Oh. Whatev.

Christine: How are you. How do you feel.

Truely: Bro, I'm good.


Truely: Bruh. *wanders off*

Christine, she's fine, sis. Let her be.

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First, thanks to @laurakaye for that awesome recap of this mess.

Next, I get that the show is her bread and butter, but Christine springing that on Truley the way she did on camera to get a reaction was a lousy thing to do.  I'm glad Truley gave her nothing.  It came across to me as Truley realizing that it doesn't matter how she feels, the adults around her will do what they want, so she will just go along until she can get out.  I hope Christine is better at this stuff off camera or Truley won't want anything to do with her later on.

Now, that being said, Christine looked like mother of the year next to Kody.  Asking Truley where her smile was made me want to show him what a knife to the kidneys really feels like.  Of course, it was no surprise to me that he is one of those men who is always insisting women smile.  I hope someone kicks him in the nuts someday for that.  Beside, if he wanted smiles, maybe he should talk to his favorite wife and her sullen bratty daughters.  Robyn was lying her head off when she said they weren't angry, just devastated.  Those girls were just being jerks.  

As to Mykelti, I am not sure if this was her idea or the producers' idea.  Either way, I hope she realizes that she just caused her mother and little sister more hurt rather than helping.  She should learn a lesson from this.  I also wonder if she will see the drama on the porch from last week and change her mind about a relationship with Robyn.  I think if someone were that awful to my mother, I wouldn't want them around.

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It's kind of sad that Kody was saying that he wants 50/50 custody of Truley. Then in this episode Christine saying that Truley doesn't even want to spend the night there. After two hours she wants to go home. Shows she really doesn't have much of a relationship with her dad or even Robyn's kids.

As far as Kody saying Christine should stay in Flagstaff, what's the point? She doesn't have a long standing history with Flagstaff. She said that Aspyn and Mykelti were in Utah. She has other family I think in Utah. Her mom I believe?

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4 minutes ago, applewood said:

It's kind of sad that Kody was saying that he wants 50/50 custody of Truley. Then in this episode Christine saying that Truley doesn't even want to spend the night there. After two hours she wants to go home. Shows she really doesn't have much of a relationship with her dad or even Robyn's kids.

I suspect that a lot of this is because of the dysfunction at Robyn’s house. Truley and Sol are about the same age and always seemed to have a decent relationship. But Ari runs that house. And her parents have both admitted to her being a handful (kind way of saying she’s ooc). She’s also clearly Kody’s favorite “little sweetie” I could imagine that Truley might be annoyed with Ari’s antics and Kody’s favoritism. 

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2 hours ago, Cetacean said:

Isn't Areola in school? Do they allow pacifiers?

Robin prob encourages the Paci to reinforce that Ari is The Baby. 

2 hours ago, toodywoody said:

Sooooo let me get this straight. Meri can say that she wants nothing to do with Christine because she isn't a sister wife anymore and Kidney can say he never wants to see Christine again, but Christine saying she needs some space from these mfs, has her being the bad guy.

Yup. How these people are so delusionally self centered is that one thing that mystifies me. The arrogance and lack of self awareness, that some of them - kody and Meri are the worst - have baffles me. Meri wasn’t there bc she didn’t feel like going. She’s fine with Christine gone. Previous stuff was an act to try to please kody. A desperate, pitiful act. 
But how Meri and Robyn, and actually kody, seemed to absolutely relish for decades that they were better than or had more than the other two and were so blatant about depriving them of time, money, attention, etc., like Kody was some grand prize, is what gets my. Who on earth would think Christine or Janelle would have any desire to keep being doormats on national tv for a decade?
Congrats on winning the biggest turd in the toilet, Robyn. You deserve him.

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40 minutes ago, RazzleberryPie said:

Meri wasn’t there bc she didn’t feel like going. She’s fine with Christine gone. Previous stuff was an act to try to please kody. A desperate, pitiful act. 

Meri thought it would be weird to go and say goodbye to Christine, since she isn't interested in having a relationship with her.  However, Kody isn't interested in having a relationship with her either, but that’s not stopping her from being around him as much as possible and hanging on for dear life.  The hypocrisy!

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38 minutes ago, Kellyee said:

So we've had the Last Gathering, the Worst Goodbye, and a Knife to the Kidneys. Can TLC and the Browns milk this for any more drama? I feel bad for the kids. I don't feel badly for any of the 5 Brown adults

Yes. Yes they can. Because Christine STILL HASN'T LEFT!  I know, it boggles the mind. But we get one more week until, please God, that moving van takes off for Utah with Christine and Truely FINALLY escaping the crazy that is the Brown Fambly in AZ.  I hope we also get to hear Janelle react to the crappy things we've seen in clips coming from Kody. She's watched the whole thing play out with Christine. Please, lady, wake up and smell the coffee.

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1 hour ago, applewood said:

It's kind of sad that Kody was saying that he wants 50/50 custody of Truley. Then in this episode Christine saying that Truley doesn't even want to spend the night there. After two hours she wants to go home. Shows she really doesn't have much of a relationship with her dad or even Robyn's kids.

As far as Kody saying Christine should stay in Flagstaff, what's the point? She doesn't have a long standing history with Flagstaff. She said that Aspyn and Mykelti were in Utah. She has other family I think in Utah. Her mom I believe?

I think we're all pretty sure that a 'visit with dad' for Truley consists of Robyn hugging her, maaaybe, and then handing her a list of chores to do 'just like the other kids' while the 'other kids' are all playing. I would bet money that Robyn looks at any non-bio spawn has her personal nannies and housekeepers. She was close to Mykelti? Really? I'm pretty sure that Mykelti was very much helping Sobyn with child care while she was at her house. And the way Kotex interacted with Truley, it was pretty apparent that he rarely talks with her and he has no idea how to communicate with her either. It's a blessing that Christine has so much family near to her in Utah and that Truley will truly (pun intended) have an extended family that loves and welcomes her and wants to hang out with her. Unlike Sobyn and her satan spawn.

Also, it was so nice to see quick snippets of Savannah and Gwen, but I'm guessing neither of them want to be on the show much because they're in Flag but they're never shown. I think Savannah is still in high school yes? But what of Gwen? Is she in college in Flag or is she also moving with Christine? I also loved that Janelle's kids were helping Christine. I hope the whole lot drive to SLC with her to move her and Truley into their new home, and they all decide to move there too.

It was a lovely moment when Christine and Janelle were talking about their relationship - you could tell Janelle was genuinely worried about losing Christine in her life, and when Christine told her that she considers Janelle like her best friend, that's probably the second best thing to come from this clusterfuck, behind Christine kicking down the door and leaving.

And because it cannot be said enough, or too often - Fuck Kody and Fuck Robyn.

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3 hours ago, GeeGolly said:

Robyn: Kody, a husband and wife need to keeping dating to keep a marriage fresh. If you would just start dating Christine you could woo her back. You two don't know how to communicate. You need to date her again and talk things out. Call her up and ask her if she's willing to work things out. Ask her out on a date.

Ari: Just date and you won't leave!

and actually, that sounds quite reasonable of Robyn.  Would have been helpful 10 years ago, but whatever. 

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A few random observations:

-who remembers way back when, the episode where Meri chastises Mykelti for wearing something "too revealing," and making her go to her room and change? Did you catch a look at the shorts on Gwendlyn?

-body language 101: Robyn and her brood stand with icy stares and crossed arms while others are trying to say goodbye to Christine. Also, the minute they arrive, Kody threatens to leave because it's about to rain. At the end he says "we're outta here." His lame gestures to poor Truely were not lost on the audience. He barely hugged her and gave her a limp promise to "video chat."

-Robyn during the clips from last week's porch discussion to Christine: "well, you guys don't communicate; so I don't know how what you are saying is true." HOW DOES SHE GET OFF claiming to know the state of communication between another sister wife and Kody? Weren't we told over and over through this series that sister wives don't want to know or get involved in the others' relationships with "the man"? She is so full of shit.

Not to be superficial, but Janelle has the oddest body shape ever. She is like several tires stacked in the middle with tiny legs down below. That said, right now I like her best. 

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12 minutes ago, KateHearts said:

-who remembers way back when, the episode where Meri chastises Mykelti for wearing something "too revealing," and making her go to her room and change? Did you catch a look at the shorts on Gwendlyn?

I remember, but I'm not surprised though. Even in "mainstream/typical families" baby children "get away with" so much more than the first 1-2 kids did (if there is a big family or a large age gap). Parents tend to relax, and have fewer rules, there are also more kids to care for and more distractions. I have peers who weren't allowed to wear xyz thing, but their younger sibling 10+ years behind them got to do it with no issue (or vice versa). The family gave up more modest dressing after the moved to NV. The wives tended to be more modest but the rest of the kids wore whatever.

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Going to a more meta level, how will the younger kids feel when they are older and realize their parents chose to film the breakdown of their family for money? Christine is so revered now for deciding to leave Kody, but she is just as guilty for depending on reality tv money to finance her life.  The next ten years are going to be interesting as more reality tv kids get into their late teens and early 20's and get a chance to speak out about their experiences.  And now with social media, its even easier for them to speak out.

Edited by ChristmasJones
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7 minutes ago, gingerella said:

If Kotex is more volatile and 'worse off camera' as Gwen says he is, then Christine had to stay and do the break up on the show so she would be surrounded by the show's crew, etc. for her own safety. I think it's a brilliant move to be honest, and if you've never dealt with a narcissist it might seem weird, but I do think most of doing this all 'for the show' was more about it being the safest and most expeditious way to get the hell out of there.

I hadn't thought of that aspect, but I agree that she protected herself by making sure she had other witnesses and someone (Janelle) who supported her all the way. Kodex won't get away with saying - as we know he will - that he didn't say what she says he said when we all know he said it. Poor brokenhearted Kody.

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2 hours ago, altopower said:

Yes. Yes they can. Because Christine STILL HASN'T LEFT!  I know, it boggles the mind. But we get one more week until, please God, that moving van takes off for Utah with Christine and Truely FINALLY escaping the crazy that is the Brown Fambly in AZ

Maybe we'll get a great shot of Kody gnashing his teeth and rending his garments on the hood of Christine's car.

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1 hour ago, ChristmasJones said:

Going to a more meta level, how will the younger kids feel when they are older and realize their parents chose to film the breakdown of their family for money? Christine is so revered now for deciding to leave Kody, but she is just as guilty for depending on reality tv money to finance her life.  The next ten years are going to be interesting as more reality tv kids get into their late teens and early 20's and get a chance to speak out about their experiences.  And now with social media, its even easier for them to speak out.

I have been saying for a while that I think there will be more legislation around children participating in reality tv and monetized social media in about 5-7yrs when the first wave of kids become legal adults are are old enough to sue. (like the Gosselin sextuplets are now 18) We have Coogan Laws because Jackie Coogan SUED.

The perspective of the kids that grew up on camera (like Truely, Sol etc) is very different than Logan or Mykelti. The look on Truely's face surrounding all this is either she is numb to it, or holding things in as not to give anyone a reaction. I dont blame her for not wanting her most private thoughts and feelings out there. I don't know which is better for her. (just my opinion of course, neither are good).

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Thank you all for saying everything that I was thinking.  So many wonderful posts, and I got so many laughs amid all the sadness I felt watching fuckhead Kootie, Sobyn, and HER daughters be such fucking bitches!  I said HER daughters, just the way Kootie refers to HIS kids with Janelle and Christine, the asshole!  Great recap, @laurakaye, and again, my hat is off to all of you fellow hate watchers!

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Mykelti stating that Robyn was the first to be supportive of her relationship with Tony, was clearly a dig at the other four adults. When Leon came out to the family, Christine, Janelle and Robyn quickly leaped up and offered hugs, congratulations and reassurance, while Meri and Kody just sat there.  It’s easy to be supportive when it’s not your kid.  As the favored wife, Kody would never chastise Robyn for being “Liberal.”  He most likely admires her for being so “open and honest.”  In the meantime, Robyn keeps her kids on a very tight leash. I am willing to bet none of her daughters is going to dye her hair blue, wear “inappropriate” clothing, or want to marry a guy she has known for two months.

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Bless Gabriel.  He knows who his parents are.  Janelle and Christine.

WHY in heaven's name is an almost 6 year old child sucking a freaking pacifier?  I know I'm not the first one to say this.  

FUCK YOU, KOOTIE AND YOUR EVIL WITCH SOBYN!  Shit parents, all the way.  And SOBYN's daughters should be freaking ASHAMED of themselves.  Aerosol has no boundaries, and they think it's CUTE? or OK?  Oh. my. Gawd.

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17 hours ago, Claire Voyant said:

Someone take a 2x4 and lambast that peckerhead and his favored wife good and proper, puhleeeeeeeze.  I'd feel SO much better.  They're insufferable and just horrid, horrid excuses for human beings.   Polygamy.  What a sick, perverted and dysfunctional way to live. 


Standing ovation for you!!!

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Another thought:  so Truely is made to shovel snow when she visits?  Where were Sobyn's spawn?  Why were they not out there?  Gee, maybe that's why Truely hates it over there.  She's their Cinderella.  The evil stepmother and stepsisters, that sure fits them to a T.

Oh, and another thing:  why wasn't Day-Un out there scraping logs on Prairie Poop Pass, along with Garrison and Gabriel?  Earlier episode, but I just had to put that out there.  Disparate treatment is all kinds of FUCKED UP, Kootie and Sobyn!!!  😡

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1 hour ago, gingerella said:

As for chastising Christine for staying on the show, she is essentially in an abusive relationship with a narcissist and my best guess is her award winning therapist helped her through this by doing it on camera, where there would be evidence recorded. If Kotex is more volatile and 'worse off camera' as Gwen says he is, then Christine had to stay and do the break up on the show so she would be surrounded by the show's crew, etc. for her own safety. I think it's a brilliant move to be honest, and if you've never dealt with a narcissist it might seem weird, but I do think most of doing this all 'for the show' was more about it being the safest and most expeditious way to get the hell out of there.

ETA: She also got a spin off show out of this, her cooking show. And since she desperately needs income to support herself and Truley, she needed that badly to top off whatever she makes from this shit show, and I sincerely hope she keeps every penny for only her. Christine has been treated like a broodmare and a nanny for 15 years, she needed the security of the show's paycheck and spin off options, and I don't hold that against her one bit. She needed to do what she did to get out of this horrible situation. I only hope that Janelle is next.

I 100% agree that Christine doing it for the show was a way to record evidence and would not allow for Kody to twist Christine's words and gaslight her. Heck we have seen him deny multiple things that we have seen on camera on the show.

I got to the point where my before my ex left I thought I was going insane and thought about recording conversations. I actually began writing notes down in a notebook about important conversation. And when my ex finally left and would have visitation with the kids (which literally consisted of him taking them for food and then dropping them off)  they recorded their interactions on their phones because he always  denied any wrongdoing and invalidated everything they tried to say to him. They no longer see him and life is much more peaceful.

But I thought from the start, especially Kody and Christine's first conversation at the start of this season, Christine needed the recording to have a record of what was said. I wish I had her therapist back when I was going through a similar situation. 

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13 hours ago, gingerella said:

This episode was appalling. The level of blatant shot parenting by Kotex & Sobyn is horrid. The constant baiting K&R were doing with Mykelti and Tony was gross. Then the way K was trying to bait Truley into saying she was upset about moving? Disgusting. And then there's Robyn and her sullen children - the older girls must have RBF if they weren't 'mad',, could have fooled me. And don't get me started on Kotex saying how 'heartbroken' he was about Christine leaving then in the next breath he says how angry he is and he never over her and never wants to see her again. Does this fuckwit understand that his kids will see this? That all 12 kids who were raised by Christine will see hiw awful this emotionally abusive asshole is?!? 

I'm so glad we already know that Christine will be fine! But next week seems like Janelle is at her breaking point. Buying Christine's house might be a good idea for her security but the house has bad juju, and she's right, she needs her own house in her name only. Fuck Kody and fuck Robyn. They deserve their hellish monogamy.

And didn’t Kody just say they couldn’t afford to buy a house?  How can they suddenly buy Christine’s?

Edited by Just Wondering
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7 hours ago, laurakaye said:

The Worst Goodbye, Because Kody Was There.

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Season 17, Episode 11 – Christine and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good Very Bad Goodbye

Previously on Sister Wives – Kody performs the soliloquy from a play by the lesser known playwright Roger Shakespeare (Will's second cousin) entitled “Gaslighting,” and it goes a little something like this:

“All the SAC-rifices I MADE to LOVE you….WAYYYY-STED-DUH!”  Take a bow, Kody!  We can tell you must’ve practiced that in your full-length mirror for hours - even your hair was trembling!  Bravo!

Now, for the rest of this miserable and uncomfortable episode:

After witnessing Kody’s prior hissy fit, Janelle and Christine regroup to talk about him behind his back (if only they’d brought popcorn).  Janelle was shocked at Kody’s theatrics and even Christine admits that Kody seemed to have lost his damn mind.  Christine admits to Janelle that when Christine told Robyn to take a hike that she needed space, she didn’t necessarily mean to include Robyn’s kids (although who could blame her – have we ever seen Christine and Robyn’s kids interact on the show?  Probably because Meri steamrolls everyone out of her way with her linebacker shoulders to get to Sol and Ariabelliola before anyone else can).  Janelle and Christine admit that in the past, they’ve each gone to Kody with complaints about the other but at this point, they’ve become friends (bonding over a common enemy will do that).  Kody’s stupid face pops up for his first inane statement of the episode: he’s been begging Janelle for a closer relationship, he says.  What I think he meant is that he is begging Janelle to side with him in this separation mess.  If he was desperate for a closer relationship with Janelle, perhaps he wouldn’t have told her to throw her sons out of her house if she wanted him to come over for a few minutes of sexy time every other Tuesday.  Just a thought.  Jerk.

Meri’s crazy hair and XS pleather jacket suddenly erupt on the screen to remind everyone that she is indeed still on this show.  She blathers that Christine is no longer her sister wife because in order to have that relationship, she would still need to be married to Kody.  Umm?  Waiter?  Can I get a side of irony with some extra ironic sauce please?  What the hell?  Of the two women, which one is the proud owner of a divorce certificate?  If anyone is no longer a sister wife, Mere, I think you win that contest.  The fact that Meri managed to say that with a straight face is both impressive and unsettling – does she rilly think that she is still married to Kody?  I think she does, y’all.  I also think she’s made a voodoo doll of Kody from strands of his molting weave and sings to it every night. 

We move to the desolate wastelands of Coyote Pass, where Janelle and Kody are trying, for the 74th time, to level the RV.  These two, let me tell you – it’s like watching an Abbott and Costello skit – or maybe Beavis and Butthead.  Kody says that Janelle was sold a lemon of an RV because he can’t get it level and it’s supposed to be self-leveling and if he can’t figure it out then the stupid thing must be broken, and furthermore he hates it and he hates staying there.  Janelle is all, but I want to stay here and supervise the ground-breaking of my house on Coyote Pass and I cannot figure out if she’s serious at this point in time, or if this is her way of pushing Kody to admit that it’s never going to happen?  I don’t know what Janelle’s real end-game is here…I think she just really wanted an RV and used Coyote Pass and Kody’s lack of motivation to get it.  If so, good on her.  She’s playing the game, and she’s winning.

In a surprising turn of events, there’s a couple member of the extended Brown family who don’t loathe Robyn and her eyebrows – it’s the return of Mykelti and Tony!  I vividly recall when Mykelti first introduced Tony to the family and sitting through Robyn’s weird and creepy manner of flirting with Tony - which I guess translated into Robyn being one of the first to accept him into the family.  Mykelti and Tony meet up with Robyn, Kody and their spawn to chat.  Kody wants to know when Mykelti knew about the separation and Mykelti – who has become quite the family diplomat – assures Kody’s ego that he wasn’t the last to know.  Tony tries to settle his father-in-law by saying that while he may not have been the first to know, he certainly wasn’t the last.  So here’s Kody in a discussion with his grown daughter about the dissolution of her parents’ marriage and all Kody can focus on is who knew his marriage was over before he did…to which I would add - everyone who watches this show also knew, you moron, and we knew it somewhere between seasons 1 and 2, so get over yourself.

We see Christine and her kids, including Garrison, move boxes into the best thing to park itself in Christine’s driveway in years – a moving van.  Mykelti tells Christine that they need to have the family over to say goodbye the next day for the sake of closure, but Christine just wants to tear out of there like a day-old pair of LuLaRoe leggings.  Mykelti thinks it’s important that everyone depart on good terms, which – while a nice sentiment – is never going to happen with this lot.  I can’t decide if Mykelti is being sweetly naïve or just wants to stir some sh!t up.

Because now, we have the Goodbye Forever segment.  Kody pulls up with his real family to Christine’s house and demands that Ari hold his hand in the driveway.  Isn’t this child old enough to cross a lawn without Daddy guiding her?  Kody bitches like a petulant child that he thought there was going to be a party, but then mumbles, “guess not” like the ginormous brat that he is, and proceeds to scream through Christine’s kitchen window to get outside immediately to get this over with.  He then grumbles to no one in particular that he’s leaving in five minutes.  Hey, you douchecanoe – you do realize that although you loathe the sight of Christine, you’re also saying goodbye to Truely, right?  Speaking of Truely, her interaction with Kody couldn’t have been more awkward.  She barely acknowledges him and he doesn’t seem to know how to talk to her…but I’m sure that will all change once Kody gets that room in the east wing of the mansion all done up so Truely can stay with Kody every weekend.

Everyone else arrives, and we are once again jarred into remembering that Meri is on this show – she startles me so hard I almost drop my wine and says, “look – the rill reason I am not there?  You want the rill reason?  Like, rilly?  It’s because I was out of town at the B&B.  But even if I weren’t?  I wouldn’t be there since Christine told me that she doesn’t want a relationship with me, so why would I go?”  Here’s the thing, Meri – not only does no one care why you’re not there, no one even noticed.  So you can stop wasting our time with your carefully prepared excuses.  Girl, bye. 

Ari pipes up and delivers the line that Mommy rehearsed with her in the car ride over: “Why are you and my daddy breaking up?”  Ah, from the mouths of babes.  Christine tries to shut it down by saying that sometimes people fall out of love….but since Kody never loved Christine by his own admission, it just falls flat.  Nice try, Ari – go visit Mommy or Auntie Meri to brush up on your acting skills for next time.  And the fact that a 5-year old is encouraging a grown woman to "Date! Date!" is gross and inappropriate, and it definitely makes me wonder what conversations that child is privy to at Chateau Robyn.

It's like a segment from West Side Story up in here now – the Jets and the Sharks facing off, with Kody dancing weirdly in the middle, arms crossed, shifting his weight from side to side like he cannot wait to leave this terrible situation of his own making.  In a completely crappy move, he goes to hug Truely goodbye but tells his kids, “Only me!”  So, what – Kody gets to hug Truely and then he’s going to go quarantine for 14 days?  Sure, Jan.  So why the hell can’t anyone else hug Truely goodbye?  He is horrible.  HORRIBLE.  Aurora and Brianna mimic Robyn’s resting bitch face while they glare across the yard at Christine, who finally breaks down and is comforted by Janelle – which I’m sure made Kody’s blood literally boil.  It was a lovely finale to Christine’s miserable existence in Flagstaff, and now, she OUT.

Amazing recap!! Well done!

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Pardon the language, but why the fuck can King Sol and Princess Ari hang on Mykelti like howler monkeys, yet they have to stay 15 feet away from Truely?  Mykelti had done the big bad traveling!

Not a super fan of Aurora and Breanna, but I saw sadness alternating with anxiety on their faces. I’m sure they’ve digested that many in the family still see them as interlopers whose presence has destroyed their happy family. And what a mixed blessing that Kody is there constantly. I mean you get carried to your room when you’re having a panic attack, but Kody is there ALL THE TIME. 

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2 hours ago, gingerella said:

If Kotex is more volatile and 'worse off camera' as Gwen says he is, then Christine had to stay and do the break up on the show so she would be surrounded by the show's crew, etc. for her own safety. I

2 hours ago, gingerella said:

she needed the security of the show's paycheck and spin off options, and I don't hold that against her one bit.

I understand these positions but I am still the skeptic. This is a reality TV show and the majority of these interactions are encouraged by TLC. Most of what we see is planned "go over to Christine's to talk about xyz." "Have a family dinner to talk about xyz"  I think its fairly clear that Kody and Christine were split well before the show decided to inform us through storytelling. Ysabel and Gwen both report the emotional toll from the last few years. There is so much we don't see. I don't buy that this was done on camera for protection- as there had clearly been many, many interactions before TLC filmed what they filmed. And if Kody is truly dangerous, then why is Janelle suggesting Truely spend the summer with him. 

Yes, she needs the money and the show is certainly boosting her social media reach for her MLMs. But there are other ways to get money and there are certain lines that should have been drawn. Protecting Truely is one of those lines in my opinion. Exploiting family drama and divisiveness is questionable.

Lastly, I find it interesting that in a talking head Christine said "Mykelti supports me 100%, but she also supports Robyn 100%." She didn't say Kody. She said Robyn. Which I find very interesting. And Mykelti said to Robyn she won't judge Robyn on "outside sources." 

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