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Jeopardy! Season 39 (2022-2023)


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I admit, I judged Patti when she got Emerald City wrong. 
However, when FJ category was displayed, I was confident she knew the correct response. 

P.S. As a former bookseller for the big chain, how surprised was I to see Patti post in the Facebook booksellers’ group!  She was as genuine and nice as expected.  

Edited by HyeChaps
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36 minutes ago, Clanstarling said:

I almost ran Z, but Zdonk threw me. Surely they could come up with something better - Zekey? LOL.

According to a-z-animals.com: "Technically though, an individual is only classed as a Zonkey if it is sired from a male Zebra and female Donkey, as one that has a male Donkey and female Zebra parents are known as a Zedonk."

33 minutes ago, HyeChaps said:

P.S. As a former bookseller for the big chain, how surprised was I to see Patti post in the Facebook booksellers’ group!  She was as genuine and nice as expected.  

I'm in that group, too! Just went to look for her. :)

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7 minutes ago, ams1001 said:

According to a-z-animals.com: "Technically though, an individual is only classed as a Zonkey if it is sired from a male Zebra and female Donkey, as one that has a male Donkey and female Zebra parents are known as a Zedonk."

Thank you for the specifics, that's interesting. I still don't like Zedonk - sounds like a lyric in a honky tonk song.

Edited by Clanstarling
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I will never diss something a contestant has no control over.  But Jake could have chosen not to climb on the podium, grimace, etc.  I’m sure he is a fine person but this behavior was very off putting.  Years ago I remember a contestant who outright said he was autistic.  His actions were no different than someone without autism so IF Jake is on the spectrum, it is no excuse.

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I don't get why Jake bothers people so much. I honestly don't. I actually like that they are casting more variety of people. I used to have trouble even telling the players apart and now you get a wider variety of people competing. To me, it makes the game more engaging when it's not a blur of carbon copy automatons at the lecterns.

I found him animated and affable, but not disruptive or rude. He seemed to be competing hard, but still friendly. I think that's a great combination of qualities! You could feel that he knows it's just a game;  he's going to play hard and do his best, he wants to win, but at the same time he's happy and congratulatory for whoever wins, even if it isn't him. His smiles and clapping for others were as big as his excitement or disappointment for himself.

To me, that's good sportsmanship.

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18 hours ago, opus said:

Shoulda stayed with it. You’d have been happy.

I checked the archive late yesterday afternoon and saw that he lost so I watched last night.  Go, Patti!  Represent for booksellers and former booksellers (like me) everywhere!

I did pretty well.  Ran Literary Gems, Iraq, You "Break" and If Ancient Greek Deities Were Around Today.  Got all but 1 clue in Hodgepodge, Billiards, Mountains (would've run that one if I had been able to see the spelling of the mountain in question), Pardon Me and "Z" Category.

I got 3 stumpers: jet engine, Emerald City and breakout star.  FJ was an instaget since I love Jane Austen and knew that Pemberly was Mr. Darcy's estate.


17 hours ago, GreekGeek said:

When she was introduced, I thought she was the sort of sweet old lady the younger contestants usually run roughshod over. I'm glad I was wrong.

Never count out people who work in bookstores.

15 hours ago, 3 is enough said:

I think Ken said “ I rack” because the next category was  “You Break”. 

Yep, it was for the sake of the billiards pun.

13 hours ago, Scott said:

Our long national nightmare yadda yadda...

And Patti pretty much is the anti-Jake...so far, she seems like my ideal contestant.  I wish her a long, happy run.

The only way she could be better for me is if she was a cute guy.  But I definitely would be happy to see her go on a long run.

3 hours ago, 3 is enough said:

I feel bad that he and his family had to see the nasty comments about him.  Twitter was especially vicious.

They didn't have to see the comments.  Social media isn't a requirement.  That said, I'm really glad I didn't know Television Without Pity existed when I was on Jeopardy.  I would not have wanted to see what they said about me.

2 hours ago, Clanstarling said:

I almost ran Z, but Zdonk threw me. Surely they could come up with something better - Zekey? LOL.

That was the one I missed, too.  I said "zonkey" because I misunderstood the clue.  I like that better.

1 hour ago, Clanstarling said:

sounds like a lyric in a honky tonk song.

Honky tonk, zedonk a donk.

41 minutes ago, possibilities said:

I found him animated and affable, but not disruptive or rude.

I found his arm gestures and grimaces extremely annoying.  I might do fist pumps when I get a stumper, but I'm sitting on my couch, not on Jeopardy.  And that leaning/slouching all over the podium was rude and disrespectful, imo.  We all have different opinions.

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3 hours ago, ProudMary said:

If I may just say a few words about terminology: 

Autism is a very specific diagnosis and the use of the word should be avoided. Additionally, there is a movement away from "on the spectrum" to neurodivergent/neurodiversity.

I've never used autism unless I knew someone was diagnosed (like our grandson who, thankfully was diagnosed with mild autism). The term, "on the spectrum" is a heckuva lot simpler to say than neurodivergent/neurodiversity (a term probably only used in clinical settings).  And "on the spectrum" covers an incredibly wide variety of diagnosed individuals. 

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5 hours ago, PaulaO said:

I will never diss something a contestant has no control over.  But Jake could have chosen not to climb on the podium, grimace, etc.  I’m sure he is a fine person but this behavior was very off putting.  Years ago I remember a contestant who outright said he was autistic.  His actions were no different than someone without autism so IF Jake is on the spectrum, it is no excuse.

Then leave Jake alone. Some people diagnosed with autism behave in a way you'd have no idea anything was not quite right. There are many levels of autism. I have no idea if Jake is autistic but his behavior said he's somewhere on the spectrum. As someone just noted, some of the recent contestants have seemed different, not the usual/typical contestants we've seen over the years. Jeopardy's going to get a lot more intriguing.

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4 hours ago, ProudMary said:

If I may just say a few words about terminology: 

Autism is a very specific diagnosis and the use of the word should be avoided. Additionally, there is a movement away from "on the spectrum" to neurodivergent/neurodiversity.

I was one of the posters who used “on the spectrum” earlier (in my defense, with the caveat that I wasn’t sure if it was the appropriate term). I’m familiar with the term neurodivergent but I thought it covered a much wider range than we’re talking about here.

Maybe the solution is that I should stop with the armchair diagnoses. Again in my defense, I was just trying to defend a player who seemed to be getting piled on. Interested in your thoughts. Best to just keep my opinions to myself? 

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20 minutes ago, annzeepark914 said:

I've never used autism unless I knew someone was diagnosed (like our grandson who, thankfully was diagnosed with mild autism). The term, "on the spectrum" is a heckuva lot simpler to say than neurodivergent/neurodiversity (a term probably only used in clinical settings).  And "on the spectrum" covers an incredibly wide variety of diagnosed individuals. 

You're correct that autism is a term that should only be used when an actual diagnosis is in place. It certainly shouldn't be popping up here on the forums about any contestants. 😥

Neurodivergent IS being used much more frequently, with more positivity surrounding the term than "on the spectrum", which tends to ping negatively, and decidedly not just in clinical settings. 

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I work with people with disabilities, have for years and we should not be so quick to diagnose people over the television or even in person.  I will say this....even some people who are "on the spectrum" can be taught alternative behaviors in certain environments.   Additionally not all people with Autism struggle with social cues, not all have stems or tics....also many people who do NOT have Autism struggle with both for other reasons. 

My hope is that people stop looking to television and movies to inform yourself on what any disability looks like, and always remember that there are a variety of characteristics of any disability that some people never display. 

Whatever his reasons, I don't love that people on social media were exceptionally cruel if that is true ( I don't follow those spaces) but I am not mad that he is gone! 

If he is in this group hopefully he can appreciate that not everyone is everybody's cup of tea....but that should not dim his light. 

I also agree upthread that social media is not a requirement!  No one is forced to seek out and review negativity about themselves....but my question is why do people care what  strangers think about them if they do not affect your life?   And why do they always focus on the negative ones instead of the positive ones? 


Edited by catrice2
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Okay, I had to root for the Bookseller but I could listen to Matthew talk all day, so I am not upset.

Did pretty well in the first round; missed two in Play that Game and one each in everything else. In DJ I did less well…ran Word & Phrase Origins, missed one Supporting Character, two Rivers and Nobel Scientists (was hoping my uncle would show up there, but alas), three in Close to the End, and four in Pop Music. Got all the DDs but no TS (I could picture Encanto but the title escaped me). FJ also escaped me, though I felt dumb when it was revealed. But I suck at Mythology so I shouldn't be too surprised.

77% / 60% / 67%

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26 minutes ago, Browncoat said:

Instaguess FJ for me tonight.  Mythology is not my strong suit, but I focused on "ewe" and ran with it. 

I also focused on "ewe", but I was so focused on whether "a ewe" was correct or if it should have been "an ewe" that I didn't do much thinking about the actual question. I am terrible at mythology so I likely wouldn't have got it correct anyways.

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23 hours ago, annzeepark914 said:

Jeapardy fans create scorecards? How do you do this?

So here's what my scorecard looks like (after round one tonight):


There's conditional formatting on the cells: the default color is gray; if I get it right I put in a 1 and it turns blue; if I don't get it I put in a 0 and it turns white (makes it easier for me to see at the end; the black was just to fill in the dead space because it was easier on my eyes than white). Then the bottom section calculates the percentage for each round and overall ([sum of the numbers]/[count of cells with a number in them], so it doesn't include clues they didn't get to).

And then it fills in the current date and puts the scores in one line so I can copy and paste into the comment box. I also mark the DDs in the pink cells, but that doesn't affect the calculations; it's just so I can see if I got them at the end, because I won't remember. Also if I get a TS I'll just type it into the cell for that clue, and at the end I can put them into my comment before replacing it with a 1 in the cell. (It's just quicker so I don't lose track of the next clue picked.)

I go to https://www.j-archive.com/showrecentcategories.php to get just the categories for the latest game, so I can grab the categories without accidentally seeing any clues. 

And now you all know what a nerd I am. 🤓


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32 minutes ago, Prevailing Wind said:

Could you use an asterisk for the TS?

I type them out so I can list which ones I got when I write my comment here. Otherwise I would have to go check the archive (because I will not remember by the end of the round). My trackpad and arrow keys can be finicky, too (old laptop), so I try to stay up in the game grid. I tried typing them down below when I first built this but I found it was easier to miss the next clue picked and get lost that way.

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The Alan Shepard TS was a bummer.  (Even though Ken helped them out by emphasizing the "sub" in suborbital, I correctly predicted someone was going to say Glenn, but I thought with him ruled out one of the other two would get it.  I probably shouldn't have; the one most likely to know was Patti, and she's the one who guessed Glenn.)

I found the denouement clue over-valued by being in DJ.

I blew the game category entirely (I should have known the Monopoly clue, but didn't; the others I have zero familiarity with so were destined to be misses), so I did not have a great first round.  I only ran seven.  I got all but one in B (I had no idea what a coffin stand was called), but I missed two each in the others.

I only ran rivers and words in DJ, but I still had a pretty good round.  I got all but one in end and scientists, and only missed two in pop music, which was a pleasant surprise -- thankfully they mostly asked about older songs.  I don't know the Elton John duet, and could not figure out who the "free to" hint was pointing to; when it was Britney Spears, that was a V8 forehead smack moment.  I missed three in books.

I had no idea for FJ (no surprise there, given the category).  I'm sure I've heard of the golden fleece, but certainly not enough that it would stick in my mind so that "ewe" would trigger it.

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3 hours ago, catrice2 said:

I also agree upthread that social media is not a requirement!  No one is forced to seek out and review negativity about themselves....

I would agree if social media did not bleed into the news and overall popular awareness. There were several news stories this week (from actual news outlets, not just clickbait trash) about how much Jeopardy fans hated Jake. It would be nearly impossible for Jake/ his friends/ his family to avoid this backlash unless they dug a hole and buried themselves for several days. Nobody needs to seek out social media. I’m not on social media, and yet I always know the big topics. It’s just there.

I just think it’s a big shame that he should have this kind of exhilarating, once-in-a-lifetime experience dampened by such overwhelming negativity, when the worst thing he did was be a little overexcited. It’s fine to have opinions, but sometimes it’s better not to express them. 

FJ at my house:

Me (thinking out loud): “OK, so she became a sheep…”
Mr. Helens (excitedly): “Golden fleece!!”

I didn’t speak to him for an hour. Too harsh? Or not long enough?


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8 minutes ago, MerBearHou said:

Need help here — how can I rewatch today’s episode on demand?  I have never tried, but would like to.  I see old episodes are available on PlutoTV but I’d like more recent ones (like literally the one I just missed).  Thanks in advance for your help!

I've never watched On Demand. Youtube has today's game on line.

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1 hour ago, kathyk24 said:

I've never watched On Demand. Youtube has today's game on line.

Thank you so much!  Just watched today’s episode on YouTube and got to hear Matthew’s accent.  So he’s from Oregon, loves to perform Shakespeare plays with friends, never heard where the accent is from?  

Dear Patti with her purple sprig of hair to honor her little granddaughter.  And Ioved her story yesterday about the walk she organized to support booksellers.  Patti seems wonderful to know.  Wish she’d lasted a bit longer.

Delighted (and feel way behind on this) that I can find episodes on YouTube.  Game changer, for me, and potentially a huge time suck :)

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9 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

I would agree if social media did not bleed into the news and overall popular awareness.

This is very true.  Stories about Jeopardy show up in my Google newsfeed all the time:  Jeopardy fans are furious about...  Ken Jennings claps back at Jeopardy fans for...  Jeopardy fans can't stop talking about...  I don't look for any of it; it's just there.

The irony is that, on almost any other game show, Jake's behavior would be considered positively sedate.  Most game shows encourage whooping, cheering, fist pumps, and overall celebration from the contestants.  Jeopardy has, for a long time, had more a of reputation for contestants being calm and serious.  But, as @possibilities said above, that seems to be changing.  They appear to be casting for a wider variety of personality types now, and I suspect that it's deliberate.  Part of the "new management," probably, like the other changes that have occurred over the past few months.

When I was on Jeopardy, they actually told us, "Don't look at social media when your episode airs."

Edited by MrAtoz
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14 hours ago, Browncoat said:

Instaguess FJ for me tonight.  Mythology is not my strong suit, but I focused on "ewe" and ran with it.

I didn't know this particular myth (or for that matter, most of them), but I also focused on "ewe" and got it - and also said "ewww, she gave birth to a fleece?!"

12 hours ago, Bastet said:

The Alan Shepard TS was a bummer.  (Even though Ken helped them out by emphasizing the "sub" in suborbital, I correctly predicted someone was going to say Glenn, but I thought with him ruled out one of the other two would get it.  I probably shouldn't have; the one most likely to know was Patti, and she's the one who guessed Glenn.)

I guessed Glenn, despite seeing The Right Stuff so many times I can't count it, despite having read the book, and despite having watched the mediocre series the other year. In my defense, this is because my parents kept a handwriting (printing) assignment of mine from first grade about John Glenn's first flight. Because of that I've always felt a strong connection to Glenn in regards to the space program (and it didn't hurt that Ed Harris played him in the movie). So he always comes to mind first.

11 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

FJ at my house:

Me (thinking out loud): “OK, so she became a sheep…”
Mr. Helens (excitedly): “Golden fleece!!”

I didn’t speak to him for an hour. Too harsh? Or not long enough?

Somewhere in the middle. 😉 In our house we don't say anything except "I think I have it" (of course, I'm the one who usually forgets the rule and shouts it out, so I may be biased).

Other than finally getting an FJ this week, it was a pretty mediocre game for me.

Edited by Clanstarling
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1 hour ago, Prevailing Wind said:

No, the worst thing he did was sprawl all over the lectern. There was NO need for that, exuberant or not.

Medication side effects. Seriously.
Not that I am sure that's what was going on.
Just that it's another possibility, and there are often reasons for behaviors that we don't know.

Edited by shapeshifter
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3 hours ago, Clanstarling said:

In my defense, this is because my parents kept a handwriting (printing) assignment of mine from first grade about John Glenn's first flight.

We had to write a "book" (really long report that we bound) in fifth grade and I did mine on the Mercury 7.  Several years later, I met John Glenn while touring the Capitol.  I told him about the report, and he asked me to send him a copy.  Upon returning home, I marched right down to the copy shop, and sent one off to him.  I got a nice little note in response.

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18 hours ago, MerBearHou said:

Need help here — how can I rewatch today’s episode on demand?  I have never tried, but would like to.  I see old episodes are available on PlutoTV but I’d like more recent ones (like literally the one I just missed).  Thanks in advance for your help!


17 hours ago, MerBearHou said:

Delighted (and feel way behind on this) that I can find episodes on YouTube.  Game changer, for me, and potentially a huge time suck :)

I don't think the syndicated show is on demand; just the primetime tournaments. But yeah, google 'youtube jeopardy' and the date and you'll generally find 2-3 uploads on different channels. I don't know how long they tend to stay up, though. I once went to one of the channels I kept seeing pop up and it only had maybe the two or three most recent games on the videos page.

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I'm not going to be home tonight, so I just checked the archive.  Thankfully not being able to see/hear the photo/audio clues didn't make much difference.

I love that they have an Aaron Burr clue every so often so we can all say it like we have a mouth full of peanut butter.

The Working Girl TS was a bit of a bummer.  I like that movie and I love that song.

I had a very good first round; I ran roman numerals (that was a fun category), juice, and crimes and got all but one in 19th c. and cities.  I missed two in Michaels.

And I had a great DJ; I ran national parks and how dare you and got all but one in music and duels.  I missed two each in the others.

To top it off, FJ was an instaget, so this was a good way to end the J! week.

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February 3:

47% / 73% / 61%

Ugh. The first round had me saying TGIF. Missed one Crime, two Names and Juices, three Cities, and four in the others. I suck at Roman Numerals and sports (only one I knew was Michael Phelps). Did better in DJ - ran Astronomy and National Parks, missed one in First Off, How Dare You and Now, We Duel, two Plays and four in Water Music.

FJ was basically an instaget (took me few seconds since I think my brain was expecting a question about battles or something like that so I had to switch gears a bit). 

My only TS was Afghanistan, and almost Matthew Brady (I knew it was Matthew B- and the rest just wouldn't come to me).

Glad Matthew won; not ready for that accent to go away.

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Instaget FJ for me tonight.  I'm gobsmacked that Matthew missed it!  But I'm also glad he won.  I'm going to amend my earlier statement that he reminds me of John Cleese -- he specifically reminds me of John Cleese in Silverado.

I also got the TS of Afghanistan (also gobsmacked that that was a TS), and Working Girl.  

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I lived in Raleigh, NC for 22 years. I sure didn't pick up a southern accent. Please.

TS of Working Girl was sad but there were 3 guys on the stage so maybe that's why. My favorite part was the beautiful opening scene of the ferry crossing over to Manhattan & Tess's friend is saying, "Why are you taking (elocution? speech?) lessons? You don't tawk funny". 😁

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I got FJ tonight...Completely easy one. I also got Afghanistan. I SUCK at World Geography so to know THAT when none of the other contestants did? Yeah, that made me feel awesome..don't care if it was in the first round at the top of the board, it was something I KNEW in  category I normally suck at, so yeah, I'll take that win into the weekend, baby!!!!!

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9 hours ago, ams1001 said:


I don't think the syndicated show is on demand; just the primetime tournaments. But yeah, google 'youtube jeopardy' and the date and you'll generally find 2-3 uploads on different channels. I don't know how long they tend to stay up, though. I once went to one of the channels I kept seeing pop up and it only had maybe the two or three most recent games on the videos page.

They do tend to get taken down pretty quickly, and the quality varies, but I remain incredibly grateful for them - living outside the U.S., it's the only way I can watch! 

2 hours ago, Gemma Violet said:

So if the response is a question, you don't have to phrase it as a question?

'Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?' 


'What is Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?'

Yup! It simply has to be a question. I've even heard that someone once gave "Who?" as an accepted response (as in the English rock band), although that could be an urban legend.

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