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S06.E16: Family Meeting

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I wish that the conversation about how Kate doesn’t assert herself with her brothers had been with PMJ rather than Toby. I get that the writers probably wanted to show that Kate and Toby are on good terms (and give the actor something to do) but we have been given so little of the K/P relationship. It would have been a chance to show that he sees things in her that maybe others don’t and given us more of a foundation to understand their relationship.

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57 minutes ago, Pallas said:

Kate's work in arts education, her mention of pin-the-tail-on-the-donkey this episode, that game's being schlepped by Beth to the new house, the chalk, Toby's being present because "she" wants him there, and Kate's imminent arrival: it's Kate who has something big planned for Rebecca's final hours. Maybe not "big" as an event, but big as in, a meaningful gesture. The kind Rebecca would appreciate, most of all. 

There was an offhand mention by Kevin of a perfect day when they all stayed home, watched movies, played pin the tail on the donkey. I assume they are going to recreate that day. 

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10 minutes ago, Seelouis said:

There was an offhand mention by Kevin of a perfect day when they all stayed home, watched movies, played pin the tail on the donkey. I assume they are going to recreate that day. 

The minute I heard Kevin telling Sophie about that day the pin-the-tail-on-the-donkey and the sidewalk chalk being brought to the cabin made sense. There's also a BTS picture of the funeral/celebration table which has Goodnight Moon and the Rebecca doll from her and Miguel's wedding.

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I forgot to say, I really loved Beth for sticking up to Kate when talking to Randall. That was so heartwarming. 

I really disliked the Beth, Sophie (and Philip) jokes about the family. I get that the producers probably wanted to lighten it up (and prob been reading too many comments in here) but it felt way out of place for SUCH a serious and sad issue. I would be miserable if my significant other talked about me like this about a serious issue. 

About Kate, I think it was a bit sad to see she could only find her worth in an all of the sudden amazing career. As someone else feeling like her throughout my life and a little lost and having family members be like how Kevin and Randall are to Kate it was sad to see it had to take a magical amazing career for her to stand up to them and for Toby to explain how amazing she is. What if you're not a career person? 

And for the millionth time - give a damn emmy to Mandy Moore already!! Amazing! 

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4 hours ago, nilyank said:

I don’t think they ever added Phillip to the group text for Pearson spouses. I don’t think he would understand their humor.

I hope they didn't drop Toby from the group!

3 hours ago, OlderThanDirt said:

When Rebecca wakes up calling for Miguel, the nurse comes in and calls her "Mrs. Pearson". 

Wow.  I didn't catch that.  Error?

3 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

Surprised Beth ever heard the word or knew it's meaning.

Hey, she lives in Philly.  

3 hours ago, Ohiopirate02 said:

Kate is the one who Rebecca chose to be her decision maker after Miguel.  It was always going to be Kate's decision. 

And yet, it wasn't.

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16 hours ago, gibasi said:

I wish this was the finale.  I don’t want to see Rebecca slowly dying over the next two episodes. I don’t need to see where all the minor characters end up, spouses, greatgrandchildren,etc.  

You can always make it your finale. Just don't Tune In next Tuesday or the following Tuesday and call it a day.

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9 minutes ago, Haleth said:

And yet, it wasn't.

Only because Kevin and Sophie with the help of Madison and Elijah provided the perfect solution.  Which really did explain why Madison and Elijah were in Pennsylvania to begin with.  


8 minutes ago, slasherboy said:

I guess I don't get it. Is she under qualified or overqualified?

There is a remote possibility that Kate is qualified to be on a committee working on the curriculum for the entire state of California, but we have never seen it.  

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I get Randall wanting Rebecca to live with them. The thought of her being with just a caretaker for most of the rest of her life was impossible for him to deal with. He would realize in time that it wouldn't be feasible for her to live with them but it's what he wanted for her.

Randall and Beth's marriage is the closest of any on this show to what I would want. Realistic with their ups and downs but such a beautiful, respectful, loving couple. I loved seeing them all come together to make the best possible outcome. I will miss this family, warts and all. 

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Very touching episode and certainly well acted, but, and I am sure that this is not a popular opinion, but Rebecca was a good, loving dependable mom-at least to me, she didn't do anything that other moms don't do....TV moms and real moms. She cleans up diaper blow outs, and handles late night or early morning wake-ups (actually, in my house, I got that job!), taught them to tie shoes and worried about them. All that being said, I think it was great that they showed us that the kids appreciated all these standard non-superhuman mom things, which I guess is what really matters.

By the way, I know this is TV and all, but that was a whole lot of important and life altering decisions for a bunch of people in like 8 hours time! 

Where are Franny and Nicky going to school-not in the Poconos, right? Likely New Jersey, which is not around the corner from Kevin.


I'm curious to see if they will stick with the Toby in the original flash forward who didn't think he would be welcome at vigil for Rebecca. He and Kate certainly seemed on great terms in this episode.

As mentioned, up thread, they showed more chemistry in that 45 second call then Kate and Phillip have ever shown us. Or maybe there is just more chemistry between the actors???

On a slightly different note, Kevin and Randall did not seem to be on good terms in the death bed flash forward, which made sense at the time we saw it, which I think was after Kevin and Randall went at each other on the front lawn/worst day of my life. However, that level of tension between the 2 looks totally out of place after this episode.


In the rush to end the series, we have been told things about the characters instead of getting to see them happen.  Kate working on getting her masters, Randall going farther in politics, and Kevin's new business all make sense based on what we have previously seen, but it would have been nice for the show to devote some time to these developments

That has been the real issue-they did too much telling and not enough showing.

Edited by AriAu
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5 minutes ago, AriAu said:

On a slightly different note, Kevin and Randall did not seem to be on good terms in the death bed flash forward, which made sense at the time we saw it, which I think was after Kevin and Randall went at each other on the front lawn/worst day of my life. However, that level of tension between the 2 looks totally out of place after this episode.

Same with Toby's hotel room phone call with Randall, alone and sans wedding ring, with the implication that Toby is depressed again. There's always the possibility that something happened between current-day and Rebecca's death, which I think we've narrowed down to two or three years?

As for Kevin/Randall, maybe there is resentment on Randall's side that popped up that Rebecca didn't spend her final years with him in Philly?

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39 minutes ago, peeayebee said:

I don't see the big deal about the nurse calling Rebecca Mrs Pearson. It's not a given that she would take Miguel's last name.

It seems likely to me that someone of Rebecca’s generation and upbringing probably did take Miguel’s last name. But with the Alzheimer’s, even though she was wondering where Miguel was, it’s possible she’s confused enough that she only answers to Mrs. Pearson.

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11 minutes ago, CarpeFelis said:

It seems likely to me that someone of Rebecca’s generation and upbringing probably did take Miguel’s last name. But with the Alzheimer’s, even though she was wondering where Miguel was, it’s possible she’s confused enough that she only answers to Mrs. Pearson.

That's what I was thinking. Maybe they called her Mrs. Rivas and she said, "who's that?"

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22 minutes ago, AriAu said:

Where are Franny and Nicky going to school-not in the Poconos, right? Likely New Jersey, which is not around the corner from Kevin.

My impression was that Madison and Elijah were going to move into one of the cottages that are part of the compound.  Elijah can work remote and he raved about the clean mountain air. His family in NJ are closer to him in the Poconos than when he was in LA, but I didn't get the impression that he needed to live in the same state. There are surely schools near the compound as the town nearby has great Chinese restaurants and even access to buses going to Boston (see Deja's runaway). As far as Kate and family visiting, Kevin might even have an airport built  for them, money being no object (actually that's not too far fetched. I know of a resort town in the mountains of Idaho where someone did just that.)

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18 hours ago, Blakeston said:

So Rebecca dealt with the kids when they were were crying at night. And Jack woke Rebecca up from desperately needed sleep when Kevin crapped the bed - instead of cleaning it up himself.

And in the opening segment, he was absolutely dead asleep the whole time Rebecca was up all night with THREE babies! Not so Saint Jack.

I read somewhere that people can kind of cope with twins, but with triplets, you absolutely need help. I know it's the whole show, but taking that third baby was, in my mind, a very questionable decision.

  • Love 18
7 hours ago, Good Queen Jane said:

Okay, Show, I give up. You win.

Up to last night I kept thinking of the many ways that the show is unrealistic. The successful careers, the good relationships with exes, the perfect children, recovery from trauma/addiction, even distance between places are things I have often criticized as being a fairy tale and not real life. But last night I realized I want a fairy tale. I want good people having good things happen to them. Realism is full of COVID, inflation, war in Europe, lost jobs, messy divorces, and damaged children. So I'm good with forgetting realism. Give me a happy ending, Show (with just a little bit of snark). I want it. I NEED it.

I remember watching tv shows with my father and pointing out some discrepancy or how it was unrealistic, and my father would say "it's only a tv show"  so that's my mantra when watching shows like this.

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19 hours ago, 3 is enough said:

I am confused.  Didn’t Kate have an associate’s degree?  She had time for a four year undergrad degree AND a master’s ?  How much time has passed?

She’s a Pearson. She applied for a bachelor’s , was denied admission, barged into the room and made a speech, and they said “oh you misunderstood! We denied your application because you’re too far advanced! We want to give you a masters’ degree just for applying to our program. Will you accept?” And she agreed, at which point the governor of California called her to personally ask her to oversee the education of all special needs individuals in the state.

5 minutes ago, deaja said:

She’s a Pearson. She applied for a bachelor’s , was denied admission, barged into the room and made a speech, and they said “oh you misunderstood! We denied your application because you’re too far advanced! We want to give you a masters’ degree just for applying to our program. Will you accept?” And she agreed, at which point the governor of California called her to personally ask her to oversee the education of all special needs individuals in the state.

And if that didn’t work, she’d tell everyone that her brothers are also known as The Manny and a soon-to-be Senator (if Randall wasn’t already elected at that point)! 

Edited by PRgal
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I just find it so bizarre how rushed so much of this season has been. Its been six seasons, the show could have kept going for another season or two at least, they knew that this was the endgame, the show chose to end now, why does it feel like the frantic scrabble you get when a show's been suddenly cancelled, especially with Kate's divorce, marriage, and career, she totally changed her life in about three episodes. 

I know that this show has never nailed pacing (how much time can we spend watching Randall's bio mom sell veggies or Deja engage in awkward teen flirting) but come on, I feel like Kate's getting cliff notes. 

Edited by tennisgurl
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4 minutes ago, tennisgurl said:

I just find it so bizarre how rushed so much of this season has been. Its been six seasons, the show could have kept going for another season or two at least, they knew that this was the endgame, the show chose to end now, why does it feel like the frantic scrabble you get when a show's been suddenly cancelled, especially with Kate's divorce, marriage, and career, she totally changed her like in about three episodes. 

I know that this show has never nailed pacing (how much time can we spend watching Randall's bio mom sell veggies or Deja engage in awkward teen flirting) but come on, I feel like Kate's getting cliff notes. 

Kate has always gotten the short end of the stick, and now that the show finally has an interesting direction for the character to go, it gets rushed.  I feel a bit cheated because her storyline is really good a not the cookie-cutter stories the character had for the first 5 seasons.  We didn't need an episode devoted to her abortion and facing down her abusive ex-boyfriend.  We needed to see Kate doing the research on raising Jack, and Kate working in the classroom, and Kate going back to school while being a part-time single mom, etc.  

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6 minutes ago, Ohiopirate02 said:

Kate has always gotten the short end of the stick, and now that the show finally has an interesting direction for the character to go, it gets rushed.  I feel a bit cheated because her storyline is really good a not the cookie-cutter stories the character had for the first 5 seasons.  We didn't need an episode devoted to her abortion and facing down her abusive ex-boyfriend.  We needed to see Kate doing the research on raising Jack, and Kate working in the classroom, and Kate going back to school while being a part-time single mom, etc.  

Yes, it would have been a very inspiring storyline.

Our country is so ageist that most characters on TV have it all by 25 or 30 at the latest.

It would be so cool to see someone really blossom and come into their own in their 40s.

It shows that we can always evolve no matter what our age.

I actually think they gave some of the more interesting plot points to teen Kate.

Adult Kate almost seems like a secondary character in her own story.

  • Love 14
9 hours ago, Laurie4H said:

I am just so sick of Kate’s quiet frown face.  
And I might be in the minority but I am not a fan of Beths quirky, clever dialogue. I mean who says capiche?  

I'm usually a huge Beth fan, but I hated her telling them what to do like for some reason she thinks she's in charge of 2 grown adults that aren't her husband. 

22 minutes ago, tennisgurl said:

I just find it so bizarre how rushed so much of this season has been. Its been six seasons, the show could have kept going for another season or two at least, they knew that this was the endgame, the show chose to end now, why does it feel like the frantic scrabble you get when a show's been suddenly cancelled, especially with Kate's divorce, marriage, and career, she totally changed her life in about three episodes. 

I know that this show has never nailed pacing (how much time can we spend watching Randall's bio mom sell veggies or Deja engage in awkward teen flirting) but come on, I feel like Kate's getting cliff notes. 

The sudden reveal of Kate's massive accomplishments makes me even more annoyed we spent so much time on Deja's teen angst instead of on Kate's story

Loved when Madison said Kevin was the only reason they stayed in California...ouch BFF Kate!  Plus their kids are cousins, that could have been another reason.

And FINALLY Kevin speaks up about Randall and Rebecca's "frankly inappropriate" (not sure of the exact words he used) relationship😂.  I was not a fan of her telling him secrets to keep from his siblings,  even if it was just the tooth fairy.

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43 minutes ago, tennisgurl said:

I just find it so bizarre how rushed so much of this season has been. Its been six seasons, the show could have kept going for another season or two at least, they knew that this was the endgame, the show chose to end now, why does it feel like the frantic scrabble you get when a show's been suddenly cancelled, especially with Kate's divorce, marriage, and career, she totally changed her life in about three episodes. 

I know that this show has never nailed pacing (how much time can we spend watching Randall's bio mom sell veggies or Deja engage in awkward teen flirting) but come on, I feel like Kate's getting cliff notes. 

They hit it out of the park with Miguel but should have showed a few of the scenes cut out of them happy/traveling etc when young. You could have done it in one minute.

My beef was why they wasted 2 long episodes on Kate's wedding when she was barely in it and Kevin never for a millasecond was marrying anyone but Sophie. There was a hundred ways to bring her in but they chose a silly non-mystery. Same with Deja/Malik, we knew she was coming back, two episodes on it?

My love of the show knows Kate could have married and Kevin meeting Sophie in one episode and then the following could have had them showing Kevin/Sophies wedding a bit ahead in time for a minute and maybe Rebecca having a flashback of hers and Miguel. IDK, anything but that speech of Randall's and lots of talkig without saying anything.

Even yesterday was an odd episode had it's moments for Rebecca and showing the past/present, but if they made the "fighting" 10 minutes, first 2 sets of commercials and the rest could have been highlighting others. We all knew she stayed.

Well, next will be more even I'm sure but with so many people saying goodbye and so many commercials, I just don't know how they will do it. Some TIU magic.


Edited by debraran
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6 hours ago, bichonblitz said:
9 hours ago, Laurie4H said:

I mean who says capiche?  

Italians. Often. Surprised Beth ever heard the word or knew it's meaning

Really? I’ve known that word for decades and I’m not remotely Italian. It’s a pretty well-known word.

I loved Beth and Sophie doing their in-law riffing. The struggle is real. Some families are just so insular and close-ranked, even with those they’re chosen, that the in-laws have to have their private jokes.

6 hours ago, tennisgurl said:

Show of hands, who totally saw Randall trying to take over taking care of Rebecca coming? Oh look, its literally everyone. Randall both has a very high opinion of himself and a very low opinion of his siblings

But this is common among siblings - the eldest (especially if it’s a girl, sorry) thinks they know all. In the Big Three, I’d say that Randall has the role of the eldest.

3 hours ago, peeayebee said:


I don't see the big deal about the nurse calling Rebecca Mrs Pearson. It's not a given that she would take Miguel's last name.


Yeah, I can see her keeping her Pearson name. If my hub died and I remarried, I’d keep my current married name since that’s who I am, that’s how I’m known. But I can also see that in her dementia, Rebecca didn’t recognize herself as anyone but Mrs. Pearson.

I really like how Kevin, the one who was consistently self-centred and thoughtless for many years, has grown and changed so much.

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1 hour ago, buckboard said:

I didn't see it as relief.  I thought he was po'd that Kevin's plan won out.

Also, Kevin and Kate both talked with their spouses about how to deal with their mother before presenting their ideas to the others, but Randall announced his decision and THEN told Beth that he had decided to bring Rebecca to live with them.  Typical Randall.

so ok--where is the cabin? does this mean Kate will be the only one of the big 3 living away from Rebecca??


2 hours ago, Beezella said:

And in the opening segment, he was absolutely dead asleep the whole time Rebecca was up all night with THREE babies! Not so Saint Jack.

I read somewhere that people can kind of cope with twins, but with triplets, you absolutely need help. I know it's the whole show, but taking that third baby was, in my mind, a very questionable decision.

I think the fact that they lost Kyle had a lot to do with it.

As someone who earned four degrees, the last one culminating in a doctorate, my brain absolutely could not comprehend Kate's matriculation and advancement.  I just let it slide when it was first spoken so I could focus on the following dialog.  But, when I went back to try to figure out the dynamics of all that education, and required job experience to qualify for a state-level position , I couldn't stay focused.  My mind quickly diverted to other endeavors not remotely Pearson-related.

I know this may not seem like a big deal, but holy cow, this may be the most unrealistic utterance of the entire series.  (And that's saying a lot.)

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11 hours ago, Ohiopirate02 said:

I had no idea which 80s primetime soap Rebecca was watching, thank you.  That scene did crack me up with Rebecca filling baby Kate in on what was happening.  It also reminds me of a picture my dad snapped of my mom and I when I was a few months older than Kate.  In it, I am on my mom's lap similar to Kate and Rebecca and she is reading a paperback novelization of Dallas.  I looked as engrossed as my mom with the words on the page.

Initially I was only listening to that scene and thought it was "Dynasty".  Remember the TIU episode where Jack recorded over the Dynasty wedding massacre that Rebecca had set to record?  The Big Three made them repeat their wedding vows (which was ridiculous). When Rebecca referred to Gary and Val the lightbulb came on that this was Knot's Landing (which I never watched).

Edited by CdrJanny
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10 hours ago, Laurie4H said:

My dad was diagnosed about 5 years ago with dementia.  He is 78 now and hasn’t changed much.  Still has his own routine, has normal conversations etc....the only noticeable changes are anxiety and getting angry easily.  

I am just so sick of Kate’s quiet frown face.  
And I might be in the minority but I am not a fan of Beths quirky, clever dialogue. I mean who says capiche?  

I do, but I'm old and came of age during The Godfather saga. 😄

1 hour ago, nlkm9 said:

so ok--where is the cabin? does this mean Kate will be the only one of the big 3 living away from Rebecca??


I think the fact that they lost Kyle had a lot to do with it.

The cabin is someplace in the Poconos, which is about 100 miles from Philly and 220 or so from DC; so a reasonable drive for Randall and family.

As for Elijah and Madison, I got the impression that they were planning to move someplace in the Poconos or even to the old cabin.  We didn't hear where Elijah's family was from in NJ, but if they were in Alpine, where Randall and Beth used to reside, they'd be about 120 miles away.

So, Kate would be the only one who would need to fly to see Rebecca and probably wouldn't be able to swing a quick weekend visit too often.

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5 hours ago, virginia blue said:

I wish that the conversation about how Kate doesn’t assert herself with her brothers had been with PMJ rather than Toby. I get that the writers probably wanted to show that Kate and Toby are on good terms (and give the actor something to do) but we have been given so little of the K/P relationship. It would have been a chance to show that he sees things in her that maybe others don’t and given us more of a foundation to understand their relationship.

I don't think PMJ has been around long enough to know the dynamics.  Did Kevin ever live with Kate and PMJ?

4 hours ago, AriAu said:

On a slightly different note, Kevin and Randall did not seem to be on good terms in the death bed flash forward, which made sense at the time we saw it, which I think was after Kevin and Randall went at each other on the front lawn/worst day of my life. However, that level of tension between the 2 looks totally out of place after this episode.


4 hours ago, LexieLily said:

Same with Toby's hotel room phone call with Randall, alone and sans wedding ring, with the implication that Toby is depressed again. There's always the possibility that something happened between current-day and Rebecca's death, which I think we've narrowed down to two or three years?

I think there might have been a different plot planned, but COVID put a wrench in it.  

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13 hours ago, Rootbeer said:

When that was said, my first thought was, "I wonder how big a campaign contribution Kevin had to make to buy that job for her?"  Because that is way more likely than that sour Kate, who didn't even have a bachelor's degree in education just a few years earlier, now, not only has a Master's, but is considered qualified to actually develop an entire educational program for California students.  I try to imagine her sitting in a committee meeting, as all these things are done by committee and pouting and whining and complaining when the other members don't do things her way.  I guess they're right when they say public education is failing these days.  I will concede it is possible that Randall called in a favor with one of his senator friends to get her the job; he got a California rep's lazy brother in law hooked up with some political lackey job back in PA in exchange for a gig for his unqualified sister in CA.

Also, Kate had far more romantic chemistry with Toby in their 2 minute phone call than she has had in all of the scenes she's had with Philip put together over 2 seasons.  Explain to me again why their divorce was inevitable while Philip is her soulmate.

Why I laughed at all of the comments regarding Kate's "accomplishments" because I just remember the scene of her talking in the car in her waitress uniform. She really didn't do anything until Kevin made her his assistant. 


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As soon as I saw the robotic cat , I said , "Oh no, the Pearsons never had a cat, so one of them is going to get Rebecca a Lee Middleton "Someone to Care For" memory care baby doll. The ending scene of the episode will be Rebecca in her room rocking the baby and calling it "Kyle". All three of them will be out in the hall peering in , hugging each other, and weeping." Remember, we've been instructed to cry into beach towels and perhaps vomit.

That didn't happen. So the episode didn't completely suck.

I detest PMJ....he's like the Cousin Oliver of this show.

Kate's rise to educator, state level, was ridiculous. She couldn't make it through a cocktail party 2 episodes ago.

Sorry, but Rebecca didn't do any mothering out of the ordinary. Stands to reason that Jack would be the one sleeping since he had to get up for work.

Madison and Eliot..WTF? Really? Always hanging around with nothing better to do? I keep feeling like the goofy Eliot character was brought in for Kate, and the stupid Brit with the toothpicky, hook-nosed, blind and dead wife was for Madison.

I think the original idea was for Kate and Tobey to be separated and then get back together during Rebecca's deathbed scene.

Still feel there was no "master plan" for this show.... just spaghetti thrown around every week.....








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