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S06.E23: Reunion Part 3

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I LOVED the moment when Sonja claimed she's able to forgive Vile Aviva because "she's a Christian", only to have the entire room bust out laughing. Her little side comment, "Oh, Very nice. Laughing at Christianity won't go over well in the Bible Belt". Well, first of all, they were laughing at yet another delusional Sonja bon mot. And secondly, I think accusing everyone south of the Mason-Dixon of marrying their cousins, is probably worse.

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I LOVED the moment when Sonja claimed she's able to forgive Vile Aviva because "she's a Christian", only to have the entire room bust out laughing. Her little side comment, "Oh, Very nice. Laughing at Christianity won't go over well in the Bible Belt". Well, first of all, they were laughing at yet another delusional Sonja bon mot. And secondly, I think accusing everyone south of the Mason-Dixon of marrying their cousins, is probably worse.

I wish someone would have asked her how the bible belt felt about her anal action out on the front lawn with the pirate in St. Bart's.  

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I didn't realize part three was airing at 8:00 and not 9:00 so I missed the entire thing. Oh well.

Me too. Why have the first two parts at 9 and then change the time for part 3? Shows little regard for the audience. Or what's left of it anyway.

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Ramoana referred to Heathers son Jax as disabled ...and then they cut to commercial . WTF?


Yeah, Ramona needs to practice these things in her head before she actually says them.  She used the word "handicapped" to describe Jax.  It went something like this:"because of Heather's great attitude towards her son, he doesn't even know he's handicapped."  Please correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm positive that's how Ramona said it.  She was trying to compliment Heather, but then stuck her foot in her mouth.  I figured Andy changed the subject quickly so that Ramona didn't make it any worse. 

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Some rambings, I have the right to change my opinion at any time...

Sorry, I've determined Aviva is a racist. She just won't give up the "ghetto" and now the "hood"? She can't claim that she doesn't understand the interpretion of those words. Gawd! I'm tired of Aviva's leg! Sonja seemed to carry herself better in this episode than previous ones. Ramona didn't know she called Aviva vile three seconds later...squirrel! Kristen is a non-entity. Heather would scare me-don't know why. LuAnn will be back. 

Carol needs to find her writer girl words and stand up for herself.

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I almost forgot, maybe because I block out Aviva for the most part- she needs to learn the difference between "attacked" and "insulted."


I'm all for a bit of hyperbole. I think it's an important part of the way many Americans speak, and it's fun to be dramatic.  But Ramona calmly called her "vile," and she replied with some BS about how she gets normal amounts of anger when people attack her like that.


In a weird way it makes me want to read her book.  Seems like it would be insanely over-the-top.

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OK, I actually applaud Ramona for trying to have a genuine moment with Aviva & asking her an important question we all want to know the answer to.  Why in the fuckety fuck does Aviva turn on everyone so drastically -- and in such a horrible way.  She's done it to everyone on the show.  Why?  I get why Aviva didn't answer her at first.  Cuz Moaner called her vile.  And that was a good excuse for Aviva to use, to avoid answering the question.  


But I thought Ramona re-phrased the question so it was kinder -- and Veevs still avoided answering the question.  I didn't catch why Aviva still refused to answer Ramona's question.  Did anyone else?


Well, I can answer that question.  Um, for one thing she's evil as fuck.  Dat's for sure.  I'm wondering if she may have some actual personality disorder where she will turn on anyone near her.  Scary, if that does exist.  Or is she a fraud who is perpetuating an act to stay on the show?  Maybe it's either of those or a combo of both.


Don't ya just luv, luv, luv Veevs' compliments?  Ah, saying "at least I'm not 50", when she actually thinks you're older?  Lovely thing to say Veevs, you charmless piece of shit.  And I really luved the look of pity on Heather's face when she asked Sonja if she really thought being compared to Anna Nicole Smith was flattering.  Sonja looked like even more of a loon trying to defend Aviva's insults as if they could be compliments.  Yeah, they're compliments on the same planet where Harry is a catch, Sonja has a yacht & Mario is a faithful husband.  


Sorry, Sonja -- you can say you're not deluded from now till forever -- but you really are, hun.  But if you're happy being deluded, Sonja, lotsa luck with it.


There was no need for Part 3.  I'm glad Kristen shouted the leg throwing was bullshit.  But they should all have screamed it was total bullshit  The prob is none of them really cared enough about Aviva & her bullshit.  And I suspect most viewers don't care.  Buh-bye Veevs.


Anyone catch Veevs said she meant to throw the x-rays?  So she didn't plan on throwing the leg, but she did mean to throw the x-rays?  Er, huh?  And why did Heather say so confidently she knew Aviva was gonna throw the leg?  How would she have known?  I don't get it, but I can't say I care.

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
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When someone is arguing with me most of the time I just let it go, maybe that is what Carole is doing.

As I have grown older I feel life is too short to go back and forth with someone, certainly someone who fights like Aviva. She will keep shifting the point of her argument to try to be right at any cost. Like her saying "at least I'm not 50 is a compliment."

It is just how many people argue their points nowadays, because God forbid someone actually admit they were wrong or that other people might not agree with them.

I know this show is all about petty arguments, and it is what Carole signed up for, but after a certain point you leave crazy alone.

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I LOVED the moment when Sonja claimed she's able to forgive Vile Aviva because "she's a Christian", only to have the entire room bust out laughing. Her little side comment, "Oh, Very nice. Laughing at Christianity won't go over well in the Bible Belt". Well, first of all, they were laughing at yet another delusional Sonja bon mot. And secondly, I think accusing everyone south of the Mason-Dixon of marrying their cousins, is probably worse.

Oh Lakewood... you do make me laugh out loud for real.

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Does Aviva have any friends IRL? She is so freaking patronizing. She just can't be nice for one second. And I second whoever saidn that she is a racist. She kept saying that Heather talks ghetto. What she means is that Heather talks like she is black. And it bothers her. Just own it Veevs.


 Veevs and Ramona seem to have a problem with Kristen. Could it be that Kristen is now the pretty blonde and makes them feel old? I loved how Veevs was all "you are offended by a prosthetic leg, how dare you". No Veevs Kristen was offended by the fact that you threw your leg. And telling someone you thought they were older is NOT a compliment. 


Here's hoping that Aviva is gone next season. I hope she takes Ramona and Sonja with her, but alas, I fear we are stuck with the two drunk aunts. 



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OK, I actually applaud Ramona for trying to have a genuine moment with Aviva & asking her an important question we all want to know the answer to.  Why in the fuckety fuck does Aviva turn on everyone so drastically -- and in such a horrible way.  She's done it to everyone on the show.  Why?...........Or is she a fraud who is perpetuating an act to stay on the show?


Fraud/Poser (to stay on the show) gets my vote.

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God help me, I love this franchise! I despise Aviva, but she makes me feel superior. I am a huge fan of Carole and Heather and I like the new LuAnn and Kristin. Ramona is full of jibber jabber as is Sonja, but jeez they make me laugh! I can't wait until their next season.

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Overall I thought it was pretty boring, which is weird, because I hadn't anticipated that. 


With regard to who will/will not be back, this is what I think:


  • Lu - she will be a full time gal if she wants to be.
  • Carole - she won't come back because she won't want to come back. If she is out, so is Heather. That makes me sad because I enjoyed watching two women on this - or any of the franchises - behave like actual friends. As a woman I appreciate this, and hate the fact that we see it too rarely. They might not be perfect, but IMO they are perfect in their friendship to each other. They both seem to understand and appreciate what the other needs from them. That is more than enough for me.
  • Ramona and Sonja - they will be back because they are bat shit crazy gals in real life, and are not afraid to be bat-shit crazy gals on TV. They also have no problem talking smack about the other one if necessary. This is Reality TV gold. 
  • Aviva - she will never darken our TV's again, at least not on this network
  • Kristen - don't know and don't really care. She is completely meh to me. I will say that she has done the best job I have ever seen of being the new girl. She wasn't afraid to let us see the dark underbelly of her life, would start and participate in the drama, and had the ability to self-reflect enough to more often than not get along with everyone. While she was clearly entrenched with the gals on the couch to the right of Andy, she was also able to co-exist with the gals on the other couch. I always pay attention to who each gal is filming with, especially at the end of the season. It was worth noting that even though she had issues with Ramona and Sonja, she was filming with them independent of the gals she was closer with at the end of the season. They all like her for the most part, but she might not be interesting enough to have a second season. 


The real question is, who will they add? The rumors about Beth and Jill coming back are interesting. If Adrienne can come back to the BH show, I believe anything is possible. 

Edited by motorcitymom65
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To paraphrase a comedian from the Bible Belt: if you forget to start watching the show again after the ads are finished, you might be over RHONY.

If you yawn bigger than Sonya while watching the faux melee, you might be over RHONY.

If your biggest question coming away from the conclusion of the reunion was "why did they have those three items on the coffee table that looked like a mattress," you might be over RHONY.

Although watching Carol gleefully anticipating the next dumb thing to come out of the other couches' mouths was a lot of fun, I admit.

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First impressions: Aviva is completely insane (duh), and someone seriously needs to punch Andy in his smug, amused, Aviva-loving face.


OH, and Ramona is a completely delusional, insane bitch. Or should I say "rooster"?

Edited by bref
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Some of the blogs are up.  This from AViva's:


"I am so honored to have worked with a group of women who have courage, strength, and tenacity. The Real Housewives of New York City are an amazing group of dynamic women who really can overcome anything once they have gotten through a season! I loved Ramona's wisdom and experience, Sonja's wit and humor, LuAnn's groundedness, Heather's strength, and Kristen's beauty (I could look at Kristen for hours...). Carole and I have had our differences this year, it's true, but I'm an optimist -- I try to find the good in everyone. With Carole, I'm afraid I've failed; I just can't find anything good there. Truly, there is no "there" there. But contrary to the old saying, one bad apple can't spoil the whole barrel. And I had a ball in that barrel. As life returns to normal, I'll miss it." 


Wow.  She is one mean bitch. 

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The best moment for me was Kristen getting out of her seat and introducing herself to Ramona and Ramona blowing her off. Kristen was only getting one act in her floor show.  The rest of the show-way too much Aviva.  When they repackage this season for syndication the Reunion could be condensed to 60-90 minutes.  I think Andy Cohen is losing touch with what keeps people's interest.  Again how stupid of Bravo to move the time for the last episode.


Maybe its me but I don't think that people who use the word Motherfucka are a protected class.  Probably the biggest waste of time at any reunion ever that discussion. 

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Overall I thought it was pretty boring, which is weird, because I hadn't anticipated that. 


With regard to who will/will not be back, this is what I think:


  • Lu - she will be a full time gal if she wants to be.
  • Carole - she won't come back because she won't want to come back. If she is out, so is Heather. That makes me sad because I enjoyed watching two women on this - or any of the franchises - behave like actual friends. As a woman I appreciate this, and hate the fact that we see it too rarely. They might not be perfect, but IMO they are perfect in their friendship to each other. They both seem to understand and appreciate what the other needs from them. That is more than enough for me.
  • Ramona and Sonja - they will be back because they are bat shit crazy gals in real life, and are not afraid to be bat-shit crazy gals on TV. They also have no problem talking smack about the other one if necessary. This is Reality TV gold. 
  • Aviva - she will never darken our TV's again, at least not on this network
  • Kristen - don't know and don't really care. She is completely meh to me. I will say that she has done the best job I have ever seen of being the new girl. She wasn't afraid to let us see the dark underbelly of her life, would start and participate in the drama, and had the ability to self-reflect enough to more often than not get along with everyone. While she was clearly entrenched with the gals on the couch to the right of Andy, she was also able to co-exist with the gals on the other couch. I always pay attention to who each gal is filming with, especially at the end of the season. It was worth noting that even though she had issues with Ramona and Sonja, she was filming with them independent of the gals she was closer with at the end of the season. They all like her for the most part, but she might not be interesting enough to have a second season. 


The real question is, who will they add? The rumors about Beth and Jill coming back are interesting. If Adrienne can come back to the BH show, I believe anything is possible. 

I agree with you on Lu, Ramona and Sonja.  I don't trust them (Bravo) on what they'll do with Aviva (I hope she's gone for good).  If Aviva is gone, I think Carole and Heather will be back.  Like you, I'm meh on Kristen.  Yeah, even though she did film with the other couch, she just doesn't add anything to the show.


Jill would love to come back but that would be a huge compromise by Andy and an opportunity for Jill to shove it in his face that "I told you so.  You need me on the show."  I don't know if he would ever do this.  I don't think Beth would ever come back.  I realize she may have tons of money but she wants celebrity but  I don't think she's at the point where she'd 'reduce' herself (in her mind) to coming back.

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With Carole, I'm afraid I've failed; I just can't find anything good there. Truly, there is no "there" there. But contrary to the old saying, one bad apple can't spoil the whole barrel. And I had a ball in that barrel. As life returns to normal, I'll miss it."

I still don't get Vile Aviva's anger toward Carole. Perhaps she's hoping a reconciliation could be her storyline for next season? But this blog definitely feels more like a farewell letter.

The best moment for me was Kristen getting out of her seat and introducing herself to Ramona and Ramona blowing her off. Kristen was only getting one act in her floor show.

I'll admit I laughed when Kristen got up for that bit and Ramona was all, "what's your last name? Eh, who cares?".

Edited by Lakewood27
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Some of the blogs are up.  This from AViva's:


"I am so honored to have worked with a group of women who have courage, strength, and tenacity. The Real Housewives of New York City are an amazing group of dynamic women who really can overcome anything once they have gotten through a season! I loved Ramona's wisdom and experience, Sonja's wit and humor, LuAnn's groundedness, Heather's strength, and Kristen's beauty (I could look at Kristen for hours...). Carole and I have had our differences this year, it's true, but I'm an optimist -- I try to find the good in everyone. With Carole, I'm afraid I've failed; I just can't find anything good there. Truly, there is no "there" there. But contrary to the old saying, one bad apple can't spoil the whole barrel. And I had a ball in that barrel. As life returns to normal, I'll miss it." 


Wow.  She is one mean bitch. 

It's like she's obsessed with Carole.  It's on the verge of being scary.  You'd of thought that maybe Reid (who maybe the only person who can reason with her) would be able to reason with her that she has gone over the edge with this and her other behavior (throwing your 'leg'???).  Or then again, maybe he's as whacko as she is.  To me, she's gone from being vile to pathetic.    As Carole said, she needs help.....serious help.

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The best moment for me was Kristen getting out of her seat and introducing herself to Ramona and Ramona blowing her off. Kristen was only getting one act in her floor show.  The rest of the show-way too much Aviva.  When they repackage this season for syndication the Reunion could be condensed to 60-90 minutes.  I think Andy Cohen is losing touch with what keeps people's interest.  Again how stupid of Bravo to move the time for the last episode.


Maybe its me but I don't think that people who use the word Motherfucka are a protected class.  Probably the biggest waste of time at any reunion ever that discussion. 

Maybe Bravo knew that part three wasn't all that exciting and moved it up so that they can pick up viewers for Below Deck  which I really enjoyed last season and am liking so far this season.


I agree that Andy is losing touch.  He thought the episode with George was hilarious.  Boy was he wrong.  I did think the MF segment was kind of funny. 

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It's like she's obsessed with Carole.  It's on the verge of being scary.  You'd of thought that maybe Reid (who maybe the only person who can reason with her) would be able to reason with her that she has gone over the edge with this and her other behavior (throwing your 'leg'???).  Or then again, maybe he's as whacko as she is.  To me, she's gone from being vile to pathetic.    As Carole said, she needs help.....serious help.

Oh, it's reaching the Single White Female stage to me (without the violent ending of course).  First she loves Carole and is enamored with her work. She said that her book "changed her life". She is eager to be her friend and seeks her approval. When she realizes she isn't getting whatever adoration she thinks she deserves, she goes from admiring her to wanting to destroy her. The book that she so loved is now something that Carole had no right to write. She can find nothing good to say about her because there is no "there" there. It is certainly scary IMO. 

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Here's the thing. Aviva just does not get to clutch her pearls about Heather calling her a motherfucker if she's also trying to explain away saying Shut the fuck up to Kristen. Either it's OK, or it's not. The difference is, Heather said it in a room full of adults, Aviva said it in a room full of kids. I could give a flying fuck (and interpret that how you will) about the various linguistics. Both women said a curse word, period. Aviva blew hers off, while trying to paint Heather as some convict, ghetto, hood person. No, Aviva, you can't have it both ways.

But Aviva summed herself up to me tonight when she trotted out the same lame, offensive quote not once, but twice. "it's not the hood, Heather, it's the Hamptons". Not once, folks, but twice. Aviva sucks at TV and needs to no longer be on my screen ever.

Edited by Katesus7
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I'm glad Heather fleshed out her commentary on Aviva's comment better than she did in her blog. The beating with her leg thing wasn't cool and was offensive in its own way. As one who has called Aviva racially suspicious I DID plan to comment on that last week, but was so late it seemed pointless.

Still, in the moment she did an admirable job of calling Aviva out on her shit and defending the residents of those areas.  But, bottom line, ladies, just stay away from using the phrase, period. Think of it as N-word minor. There's no winning with this one, no matter how down you think you are, and how many of your friends give you a hood pass. Just ... no. Treach tried to set y'all straight years ago, and if I might paraphrase his lyrical genius:  "If you're not from the ghetto, don't ever talk about the ghetto, 'cause you don't understand the ghetto, so stay the fuck out of (conversations about) the ghetto." BOOM! *mic drop*

Wuhh... warning points? Now, what now?? Dang! I go to my account to be all brave and come out of the ghosthead profile closet, post me a little picture up and there's a little warning point system under my name now? No bueno, man! I was all relaxed about my posting and shit, now I gotta be tense again like it's 1999. Where the rules, people? Where the rules??

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There was no need for Part 3.  I'm glad Kristen shouted the leg throwing was bullshit.  But they should all have screamed it was total bullshit  The prob is none of them really cared enough about Aviva & her bullshit.



Actually, everyone on that couch except for Lu said it and she could have too, but they just didn't show or caption her saying it. But yes, Heather and Carole were both shown saying it.



And why did Heather say so confidently she knew Aviva was gonna throw the leg?  How would she have known?  I don't get it, but I can't say I care.


On WWHL, she said that upon walking into the party, Aviva asked Harry if he would carry her home if necessary, so she knew something was up. I think she meant she was going to do something, rather than she knew exactly what it was. 'Cause, who could know? That ish was crazy! (BTW, Harry supposedly said "hell no." LOL.) Also the fact that she never called her fake or phony and that it was obvious Aviva was just waiting for a moment to do that, and seized on liar as a good a time as any.

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I loved Ramona's wisdom and experience, Sonja's wit and humor, LuAnn's groundedness, Heather's strength, and Kristen's beauty (I could look at Kristen for hours...). Carole and I have had our differences this year, it's true, but I'm an optimist -- I try to find the good in everyone. With Carole, I'm afraid I've failed; I just can't find anything good there. Truly, there is no "there" there. But contrary to the old saying, one bad apple can't spoil the whole barrel. And I had a ball in that barrel. As life returns to normal, I'll miss it."


OK then, I've never ever actually heard Aviva say such nice things about anyone on the show -- either on her Bravo blogs or the show.  When she has said nice things about Sonja or when she was trying to kiss up to Ramona, or when she was trying to get Carole as a friend last season, she always sounded so phony, fake & insincere.  So this blog just sounds like her usual bullshit -- just load of insincere crap.  Clearly, she doesn't know how to pay a compliment in a believable way -- or at all.  Saying mean, horrible shit -- that she's great at.  Good luck to ya, using that lovely skill, Veevs.


I've never understood the intensity of Veevs' rage at Carole.  But I have wondered why she's so insanely angry with Carole.  Here's my theory.  I think despite trying to develop a friendship with Carole, it never happened.  We don't really know why.  Maybe they didn't have much in common & fell out of touch cuz of that long break between seasons?  And Veevs might have been extremely jealous of the real & close friendship that developed between Heather & Carole.  


I have another theory.  I think Veevs was really upset with Carole for mentioning on camera about the ghostwriter.  I bet she didn't want that known.  I think Carole mentioned in the Buzzfeed interview this may have been a huge tactical error on her part & may have been what set Aviva off.  Could be or maybe Veevs had in mind to target her this season to attack, so she'd have something to do.


Her blog does sound like a final buh-bye.  Good.  So she's history, now who else?  Well, Alex McCord said the rumor is Sonja is the other one they're lookin' to boot.  The producers want Ramona by herself -- so while it's possible for Sonja to get friendship status, it's not likely.  I could see them adding 2 new cast members.  Will it be Jillzy & Beths?  Hmmmm, could be interesting.  Everyone else will probably be back.

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
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"Muthafucka" is now a word that is only used in the ghetto and/or by gang members and/or by people who have been in prison.  I believe Aviva to be a nasty, racist, elitist piece of work.




This woman living in the suburbs who has so far never done hard time was pretty shocked to hear that.  My vocabulary is mighty salty when I'm fired up, and if I had to be in the same room with that nasty, and yes, racist piece of shit Aviva, I would have surely called her a lot worse than a motherfucker.  As far as I'm concerned, anyone who manages not to involuntarily lunge at her and snap her neck like a twig just to get her to shut up has shown admirable restraint.

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Well, that was weird.  WEIRD.  WEIRED. WFIRED.  How about FIRE FIRE FIRE that one legged bitch.  I would have picked that long leg up like a bat and played T-Ball with Sonja's team.  "Pickles, you are OUT!"  Over her and her weird disgusting father.  Writer girl...Vivs, write about your WEIRD dysfunctional father. 


Apparently Viv isn't the only one who knows where the button is. 


Now, if only Ramona would take her crazy eyes out and slam them down next to the olives.


Last line of the season.  Vivs "I can't do bubbles."  STFU Mother fucker.


{With all due respect, I'm just being snarky}

Edited by Lablover27
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If I hear one more motherfucking motherfucker cast aspersions on the intelligence of a motherucking swearer ... I swear!

Get on with your Vassar self, Veevs, and lets do a intelligence throwdown, because we could outthink you drunk and with one brain tied behind our backs. You are ineffectual, at best and totally irrelevant. And did you just invoke the term "gang member"? Seriously?!?

(Anyone else have Elvis Presley's In The Ghetto playing in an endless mind soundtrack?) Just me? :-)

Sonja needs to have one of her interns consult Merriam Websters on the definition of delusional.

You're all motherfuckers. "That's actually a compliment", per Aviva Drescher.

Shut the fuck up, Ramoana.

And double shut the fuck up, Aviva.

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If I hear one more motherfucking motherfucker cast aspersions on the intelligence of a motherucking swearer ... I swear!

Get on with your Vassar self, Veevs, and lets do a intelligence throwdown, because we could outthink you drunk and with one brain tied behind our backs. You are ineffectual, at best and totally irrelevant. And did you just invoke the term "gang member"? Seriously?!?

(Anyone else have Elvis Presley's In The Ghetto playing in an endless mind soundtrack?) Just me? :-)

Sonja needs to have one of her interns consult Merriam Websters on the definition of delusional.

You're all motherfuckers. "That's actually a compliment", per Aviva Drescher.

Shut the fuck up, Ramoana.

And double shut the fuck up, Aviva.


It could be a compliment, depending on the circumstances and the people involved. I saw a documentary more than 20 years ago, chronicling the singer/ musician Sting. One of the Marsalis brothers was playing for him and during a break in rehearsal, Marsalis tells Sting, "Man, you a MUTHAfucka on that guitar!" And Sting was offended. After a pause, he says, "No, I'm not. What do you mean?" And so it was explained to him that it was actually a very high compliment.

Uh oh. Maybe I'm proving Saliva's point because Mr . Marsalis may look, to her, like he's from The Ghetto.

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Oh, it's reaching the Single White Female stage to me (without the violent ending of course).  First she loves Carole and is enamored with her work. She said that her book "changed her life". She is eager to be her friend and seeks her approval. When she realizes she isn't getting whatever adoration she thinks she deserves, she goes from admiring her to wanting to destroy her. The book that she so loved is now something that Carole had no right to write. She can find nothing good to say about her because there is no "there" there. It is certainly scary IMO. 


I've thought for a while that Aviva's behavior is approaching Single White Female level, but you skipped the part that truly crosses into  scary SWF territory.  Aviva didn't just go from admiring Carole to wanting to destroy her.  Aviva went from being an extreme Carole fan, to wanting to be Carole's friend, to wanting to become Carole (at least professionally speaking), to wanting to destroy Carole AND take over Carole's position as the respected writer in the group. 


What Aviva apparently admired the most about Carole was the latter's stature as respected writer with a well received memoir, as well as Carole's Kennedy connection.  After befriending Carole, Aviva started writing her own memoir, and signed up with not just any publisher, but with Carole's same publishing house. Once the book was finished, Aviva started putting down Carole's role as a writer so that she, Aviva, could take over as the one true writer in the group.  In the Aviva's revised history, Carole used a ghostwriter and thus is not a true writer.  Aviva was the one true writer who didn't use a ghost (yeah, right), but rather "hired a village" like real writers do in her bizarro mind.  And since Aviva cannot manufacture any connections of her own to royalty or to real high society, she takes any chance she can to belittle any connection between Carole, Lee Radziwill and the Kennedys.


Basically Aviva placed Carole on a pedestal, tried to duplicate Carole's publishing career, and now is busy pushing Carole off the pedestal so that Aviva can claim the it for herself.


It's bizarre and sick, and scary as hell if you ask me. 

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Actually, everyone on that couch except for Lu said it and she could have too, but they just didn't show or caption her saying it. But yes, Heather and Carole were both shown saying it.


Yes, you're right.  The difference in reactions was interesting.  Carole & Heather thought the leg throwing was sad, pathetic & desperate.  Kristen was honestly shocked by it cuz she forgot about Veevs wearing a prosthetic.  And I thought it was sorta cute that Lu thought it was funny then & still thought it was funny.  I didn't catch Sonja's & Ramona's reaction.  Sonja's would be predictably sympathetic to Veevs.  But what about Moaner?  What did she think of the leg toss?

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OK, I don't remember Moaner saying "Who gives a shit about Molly Sims?", they showed in flashback.  One of the better lines of the season.


This was the last ep of the season, yet they showed it at 8 & repeated it once at 1:30am.  What does that tell ya?  Ratings ain't gonna be great?  I realize the Andy replacement at Bravo has other shows to push, but why give up on this one?  Why the crappy promotion?  Guess they know the other shows are shitty & they gotta invest in those now, eh?  After OC ends, I'm takin' a vacay from Bravo.  Way too many shitty shows.

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Here's the thing. Aviva just does not get to clutch her pearls about Heather calling her a motherfucker if she's also trying to explain away saying Shut the fuck up to Kristen. Either it's OK, or it's not. The difference is, Heather said it in a room full of adults, Aviva said it in a room full of kids. I could give a flying fuck (and interpret that how you will) about the various linguistics. Both women said a curse word, period. Aviva blew hers off, while trying to paint Heather as some convict, ghetto, hood person. No, Aviva, you can't have it both ways.

But Aviva summed herself up to me tonight when she trotted out the same lame, offensive quote not once, but twice. "it's not the hood, Heather, it's the Hamptons". Not once, folks, but twice. Aviva sucks at TV and needs to no longer be on my screen ever.

And how many times did Aviva say "fucking shit" towards the end? She said it over and over.

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It could be a compliment, depending on the circumstances and the people involved. I saw a documentary more than 20 years ago, chronicling the singer/ musician Sting. One of the Marsalis brothers was playing for him and during a break in rehearsal, Marsalis tells Sting, "Man, you a MUTHAfucka on that guitar!" And Sting was offended. After a pause, he says, "No, I'm not. What do you mean?" And so it was explained to him that it was actually a very high compliment.

Uh oh. Maybe I'm proving Saliva's point because Mr . Marsalis may look, to her, like he's from The Ghetto.


Motherfucker is also a term of endearment in my lexicon, RubyWoo72, as is loopy fucking cunt (Deadwood).  It's like "aloha", eh!

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Wowza -- anyone catch this from Lu's Bravo blog-


When Ramona brought up Sonja's financial problems I was surprised. It's really considered inappropriate to talk about the money problems of others!  Like I said, "Karma's a bitch!" I hope Ramona is in a good financial place after the unfortunate split up of her and her husband! Can't even say his name. I've never been very fond of that man! NO big loss for Ramona! Ramona is a survivor and will do just fine!


Oh, Lu is comin' back full time -- no doubt about it!

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Veevs' Bravo blog sounds to me like one great big "fuck you" to Andy, the other producers, the production crew, the cast & Bravo-- and yes, even to us viewers.  Guess it's everyone on the list of those she's pissed off or who just can't stand her.  Ah, but that's Aviva -- a nasty horrible c*nt to the bitter end, eh?


This rot from Veevs really annoyed me-


Carole and I have had our differences this year, it's true, but I'm an optimist -- I try to find the good in everyone. With Carole, I'm afraid I've failed; I just can't find anything good there. Truly, there is no "there" there.


Wait a minute.  Veevs is an optimist????  Er, huh?  Since when, Aviva?  When has she ever tried to find the good in anyone?  What the what?  Why does she say Carole has no good in her?  What?  Oh, this woman is nuts.  Be gone, lunatic.

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
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"It's the Hamptons, not the hood" = we are civilized white women. I loath her. I wonder if she took the ghetto route because she got so much backlash after the white trash comments. I could see her thinking it's not racist if you look down on all poor people.

Edited by The Mighty Peanut
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The book is tragic and compelling because it is the story of a woman's life, and part of that story is that she and her best friend had an unspoken agreement that her friend would be there to help her navigate through her new life as a widow because her husband was weeks from death.  Her best friend died three weeks before her husband.  That her best friend was married to JFK Jr. was part of her life.  I read many memoirs put out by people who knew them after their sudden end, and Carole's is the only one that doesn't exploit them in any way.  They are in the book as it relates to her own story.  She gives away none of their secrets, violates none of their privacy.  As opposed to many of the others, including the one put out by John's assistant that details the fights he had with his wife.


This is it - exactly - I read the book when it first came out and found it very well-written, without exploitation.  The truth is, while Carole alludes to her Kennedy connections, I don't believe she exploits them at all.   She could have come on first season and talked about JFK Jr, etc. - and I bet Bravo would have loved it - but she didn't.

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Maybe we are all misunderstanding Aviva's ghetto remarks, and really, she meant them as a compliment!  Not to Heather, who let's remember she also called a "pit bull", but to all the ghetto people out there, who she was just trying to represent.  She understands the plight of the ghetto person, and how they do not appreciate white women walking around in the Hamptons using their trademarked lingo!

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So apparently Aviva's MO at the reunion is to claim every insult is a compliment. "At least I'm not 50!"? Compliment, because she thought you were OLDER. "She's on a downhill spiral like Anna Nicole Smith"? Compliment, because ANS was very pretty and accomplished. Dafuq? Aviva is on crack. 


Also, she can lose me with the whole debate about Heather's choice of language. Only people in the hood say "mother fucker"? I guess I'd better move then. I'm glad Heather called her out on her stereotyping, although it did not seem to get through. At. All. 


And Ramona's new gig is group counselor. She is the sage mother hen. Give me a break! I think Ramona really liked it when Andy focused on other trials the women were going through, because it took the focus off of her. And for good measure, she'd give some compassionate, ass-kissy speech to said person, in hopes to butter them up so they don't pile on with the Mario thing. Mmmmhmm. I got her number. 


And Sonja getting all offended when the girls laughed at her forgiveness spiel...I didn't think they were laughing at the idea of Christianity or forgiveness in general, but at the idea of Sonja being a Christian. When have we ever heard anything about that over the years? I can't recall. All I recall is abundance candles and psychics and a whole host of other new age practices. So her for her to suddenly blurt out that SHE can forgive because she's a Christian is pretty hilarious. And, as a Christian, I was not at all offended by the ladies tittering. 

Edited by ghoulina
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First off, I need to just clarify that I am, unbeknownst to me, a gang member/ghetto dweller because I use words like MFer so much that my construction worker hubby winces and tells me I am worse than his entire crew combined. ;) That said, it is SO typical Aviva that when Heather does it, she's hood but when Aviva uses just as profane language in a room filled WITH KIDS, it's not hood? (Not that the hood would ever want to claim Aviva). 

Veevs sure feels like a racist to me. I doubt she has any real world experience with "the ghetto"  so how would she know how anyone there talks, anyway? It's a shame that RHONY is an all-white cast (how is that even possible? doesn't seem natural that there is no one to feature but white women in NYC?) because it would be interesting to see how Veevs treated a person of color. (Not that this is reason to bring her back, Bravo! Please do not bring that bag of crazy back!!)

I will say that Kristin didn't bring a ton of excitement to the show but I still kind of like her and wouldn't mind her coming back. She won major points with me when she owned that her "crazy drunk aunts" comment was intended as an insult. It is SO refreshing that someone owned their shit on this show. She didn't try to spin it as anything but an insult (side-eye to you Veevs and that 50 comment).

I really hope they dump Sonja. She was so smug and nasty and really has an inflated opinion of herself and her financial status in life. And her "Christian forgiving ways" is just such utter BS that I just can't. I think she was just trying to antagonize the other couch in hopes of creating interest for her story for next season. Please dump her and then that leaves Moaner to have to stand on her own when the Karma Shit Storm rains down on her. All of her smugness for years about her wonderful marriage and the even more wonderful Mario, all of the crap she threw Lu's way when her marriage imploded, all of the BS she tried to spin this season..... yeah, I have a feeling that she is going to feel a tsunami of karma next season. For the record, I never believed her BS about Mario bc I learned long ago that if someone is talking about something incessantly, whether it be money, their sex life or their wonderful marriage, etc... that it's FAR from true. (You see my hubby, you realize he's a good guy... or you don't, either way, i don't care, I have nothing to prove.) I also think that Ramona took delight in other people's troubles, which is a disgusting personality trait. Whether it be Lu's marriage failure, her best buddy Sonja's financial troubles, fights among other women... Ramona seemed to downright enjoy it. Who does that to their friends or even associates? Weird. and Mean.
I love Carole and Heather. I think any idiot knows that Carole could have mined her history for all of it's worth for Bravo time and she DIDN'T. Ever. I think ONE TIME she uttered John's name, and that was talking of her trepidation about small planes, which is completely understandable. She is a great writer and has traveled the world as a journalist into war regions and whatnot. I find her interesting and impressive. Heather seems like a good friend and I love people that will stand up when they see a wrong and I feel like Heather is that person. I hope they come back as we don't see enough honest friendships on this show.  

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