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S14.E07: This is My Decision Day

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1 hour ago, Yeah No said:

Exactly!  I live in the Hartford, CT area and go to Boston often.  My husband is in Boston for work on a regular basis.  We are originally from NYC and we know how Boston mirrors it when it comes to cost of living and housing prices (although NYC is even worse of course).  It's no wonder the apartments these people have are more humble and that most of them have roommates to afford them.  When we have watched MAFS in the Southern states we have marveled on how these young people can afford nice looking houses all by themselves with no roommates.  You'd have to come from some real money to be able to afford that in most big Northeastern cities.

Yes.  Lindsey obviously didn't want a roommate so chose a tiny apartment she could afford by herself.  I do like her apartment with the fireplace though.  That ugly box building that the apartments are in are being put up everywhere in and around Boston.  I'd rather live in Lindsey's place although without the cats because I have nightmares about cats. lol. Off topic, my grandson just called and said he was accepted to the University of Hartford while I was replying to your post!  Small world.

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13 hours ago, JenE4 said:

Jasmina is just looking to fight with him, as she consistently does. 

I agree. Michael is certainly not Mr. Personality, but it annoyed me how Jasmina was portraying him as this aggressive person. True, we didn't get to see or hear off camera conversations, but when Jasmina was explaining to Pastor Cal what was going on, she was raising her voice quite a bit and it seemed like she was yelling herself. I once thought she was very pretty, but she has a perma scowl on her face all the time. I think she's just not attracted to Michael, and like Alyssa, is hanging on to the one tidbit Michael's sisters told her about him, to distance herself and not give him a chance.

Michael was pretty dense though, about not sharing he has 2 female roommates. As others have said, he probably said he never lived with a woman as meaning a love interest/partner. I get it and he's probably being truthful, but J is not buying it.


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54 minutes ago, Maccagirl said:

I used to work in Cambridge, sister city to Boston.  Boston is indeed expensive.  The listing you showed is for Mattapan, which is about 1/2 drive from Boston.  Every city has it's cheaper neighboring areas, so this is not really an accurate example.  Here are two other neighboring areas, closer to Boston.  Brookline and Dorchester.  https://www.trulia.com/p/ma/brookline/356-clyde-st-brookline-ma-02467--2002121194



Mattapan and Dorchester are part of Boston.  I live in Dorchester and have been a Bostonian all my life.  Brookline is a town next to Boston.  Athelwold St is in a high crime area of Dorchester that is trying to gentrify.  Longtime residents are being pushed out for a new transient population or empty nesters from the suburbs.  I do think Lindsey's apartment is either in the South End or Back Bay in one of the historic brick buildings. 

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Not intending to get into politics, but the fact Alyssa thought defunding the police meant there'd be no police at all shows what a stupid airhead she truly is. Pastor Cal didn't buy for a minute her attempts to paint herself as a victim, and I got the impression her mother didn't either. The whole 'allergic to dogs' story was bullshit. Chris deserves so much better than her.

Jasmina and Michael are, I am sure of it, Energy Vampires (like Colin Robinson, WWDITS). They are joyless and nitpicking. I thought Jasmina made a mountain out of a molehill re the female roommates scenario. Michael probably spends so little time there that I doubt he even knows their names. He talks to her like he's her tutor.

Olajuwon can go eff himself. Cooking together is fun, but if he expects dinner on the table every night, he's in for a shock.

Noi needs to grow up a bit. Steve will be fine financially, he's resourceful and intelligent and has skills that lend themselves to contract or consultancy work. Insisting on three children is idiotic.

Lindsay is exhausting. Mark is already exhausted.

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I would love for the show to just take a minute to veer off the "married" part of the show to show us a little of Chris' life post-Apocallyssa, because you know there's nowhere for him to go but UP, and we're all here for it. 
I don't remember seeing so much of their apartments during the segments where the experts do the home visits, but it was definitely interesting to see in this episode!  Steve's pride over all the special effects his party lights could do cracked me up.  Dude, that is one step up from dorm-room.   And Mark's quotes on the walls were - puzzling.  Did he take the "P" off of "POLISH", or did the show???  Olajuwan was definitely beaming at showing off his home, but yeah, it was in need of some serious updating!  I would have to say perhaps his mama did most of the decorating?  Lindsey's place looked cool and comfy. albeit a bit over-cluttered for many. 

Sadly, the previews give us pessimistic vibes for all the couples, including the favored love-birds Steve and Noi. 

I wonder if Pastor Cal's eyeballs were sore from all the eye-rolling after his visit with Allysa and Chris. 

Edited by suzeecat
additional thought
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31 minutes ago, ECM1231 said:

but she has a perma scowl on her face all the time.

People liked it when I said Jasmina was a "rigid downer", but perma scowl gets my vote.  I'm going to use that one again!

22 minutes ago, suzeecat said:

I would love for the show to just take a minute to veer off the "married" part of the show to show us a little of Chris' life post-Apocallyssa, because you know there's nowhere for him to go but UP, and we're all here for it. 

"Apocallyssa", that's genius, LOL!

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14 hours ago, Straycat80 said:

I love all these cats. The one with the Pom Pom tail is cute. 
Worried about Michael and Jasmina now. I can feel the tension between them

I was very surprised that Pastor Cal called Michael condescending and completely overlooked how J spoke to Michael like he was one of her 5 year old students, "Now Michael, we are not about to go there" (paraphrasing). These so-called experts are over paid actors at best.

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I must commend Chris for not even giving Pastor Cal a chance to try and "PaigeandChris" him and encourage him to stay with Ms. I'm-a-fucking-nice-person and instead announced that it was his decision day.  You go, Chris.  

So of course Alyssa turns on the fake tears because SHE'S WORKED SO HARD at this.  Yeah, girl.  You've worked hard at demeaning, emasculating and torturing Chris in the seven days you've been around him (I won't say know him because she never gave him a chance.)   So  now you wanted to slow things down and whatever else bullshit you said because you both have big dogs and you have a dog allergy?  Excuse me but I distinctly remember Alyssa saying that she rescued dogs.  So you can rescue dogs with your "dog allergy" but Chris' dog is a different story?  Girl, please, just admit you have a Chris allergy.  

And suuuuuure, you had fun paddle boarding with him.  Wasn't that the same activity you told production you wanted to do because then you wouldn't have to really talk or spend actual time with him?  And tennis?  Wasn't that the activity where you indicated that Chris had "aggressive" hand gestures and told production that you hated him?  But right, we're supposed to believe that you now want to try to get to know him and work through things?  Girl, bye.  

Muscular men of Boston, be forewarned that Alyssa is on the loose and she's got 10 wedding dresses!  

I wish Chris the best.  He demonstrated incredible restraint and courtesy in the face of being matched with a whiny toddler who is a fucking nice person.  When he meets the right person, he'll be a great husband.  

Boy, O sure was hyper about showing Katina his "crib."  I'm sorry, O, but that kitchen is nobody's style unless you're one of the Golden Girls.  

Pastor Cal, why are you pushing Katina and O to get it popping?  Why not respect their decision to wait?   

That said, following this week's episode I think Katina and O are the couple most likely to make it.  (And this opinion, of course, is always subject to change.)  

Noi certainly came across as inflexible this episode.  Don't get me wrong -- I'm with her on the LED disco lights.  Those are okay for Steve's gym area but throughout the house?  Um, no.  But he was absolutely correct on future children.  She wants three and only three and she won't budge because her image of a perfect marriage and perfect family equals three kids (shouldn't this has been something to probe further, "experts," before you got her married?)  Noi, honey, when if you can't physically have three?  What if you can only have two or one or none?  What if you have a child that has special needs or requires more attention and money?  

I'm not forgetting you, Steve.  I have zero problems with freelance work -- but when you have a wife and possibly children in the future, you do need to work.  I get that fulltime work can play havoc with your creativity -- but so can a family.  Let's be real.  If your creative ventures is that important to you, maybe marriage wasn't the best choice.  Just saying.   And regarding Noi's dog, I get you don't want him sleeping in the bed with you.  I am an animal person and have no issue with that but I understand not everyone is an animal person.  Work on eventually getting the dog to sleep in his own bed and get a pooper scooper, for heaven's sake.

Michael and Jasmina are both a hot mess.  I don't necessarily think it's a death sign when one person (Jasmina, in this case) chooses to spend one night in her own apartment before moving into the shared apartment.  The problem is when someone has no intentions of moving in (look at you Zach, looking at you, Alyssa) at all.  Michael flat out lied about living with a female (or females, since he apparently has two female roommates).  Unacceptable, Michael.  And according to Jasmina, when the cameras are off, Michael talks down to her and in a very aggressive way (Alyssa wants to know what his hand gestures look like though).  Honestly, that surprises me, given that Michael was raised in a house full of women and is very close with his sisters.  

In any event, Jasmina and Michael have zero joy.  She looks miserable with him and he looks as though he doesn't know how to act around her.  They won't make it.

Lindsey and Mark.  Oh boy.  I will give Lindsey credit for helping Mark with his bedbug (ewww) situation.  That whole situation seems sketchy to me.  Did he have bedbugs when he left for the honeymoon?  Or did the bedbugs turn up as mysteriously as the no-cats clause in his lease?  Seems to me that the landlady is either miffed to be losing her tenant/son to Lindsey or there was something else going on between Mark and the landlady and she was pissed about Mark doing MAFS and so decided to punish him while he was on his honeymoon by evicting him.  Whatever, it doesn't add up.  

I personally saw nothing wrong with Lindsey's apartment and given that Mark has just come from a bedbug-infested joint, he definitely shouldn't have been criticizing about anything.  I know that Lindsey said that Mark's personality did a dramatic change when the cameras were off.  I'm not sure about this one because Mark does have a lot going on -- he just married a stranger, got evicted from his home, is moving in with Lindsey, his grandmother is apparently very frail and he has a pre-existing situation with his mother.  That's a lot for anyone.  So is that why Mark is acting out or is acting out what Mark does whenever he's under stress?    And Lindsey herself is A LOT so maybe she should sit this one out.  

I think Lindsey and Mark could potentially make it but they both blow hot and cold and go zero to 60 in no time, so I don't know.     

  • Love 21
2 minutes ago, psychoticstate said:

I must commend Chris for not even giving Pastor Cal a chance to try and "PaigeandChris" him and encourage him to stay with Ms. I'm-a-fucking-nice-person and instead announced that it was his decision day.  You go, Chris.  

That's why I thought (and posted upthread) that the show/experts were on board with Chris' decision to divorce her right then and may have encouraged him to do it behind the scenes.  Otherwise for sure Cal would have encouraged him to stay.

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12 hours ago, Kira53 said:

Why does Jasmina always seem to be yelling when she’s complaining that Michael yells?

There seems to be a problem with what they are saying and what we are seeing. Chris has NEVER been aggressive or rude, or whatever Alyssa seems to feel. Jasmine is finding things to complain about - I am glad that she said he does this when the cameras are not rolling. It does give more credibility to her statements.

I think there is some new vocabulary that these women, especially Alyssa, are using to excuse their behavior. "Triggering," "feeling safe," etc. I think she uses that as a way to not have to be challenged about her outlandish behavior. So, now she says she has never been comfortable sharing a bed???? Even Cal had a hard time with that one. This time the producers have hired the most unlikeable group EVER. And I thought last season was the worst.

Re: Noi - she is just way too immature to be married at this point. Her refusal to even think about changing her stance on 3 children was ridiculous. As Pastor Cal and others here have mentioned, she may not be able to have kids, and she is so stuck in fantasy land that it will be hard for Steve to have a real life.

Re: Michael and Jas, I think Michael is the type to not tell the "whole truth" unless she had actually asked him, "Have you ever had a female roommate? More than one?" and then he would answer. But, because those questions were never asked, he didn't offer. They have no chance. They are both too quick to find fault in the other. Plus, they are both so solemn and , yes, boring. She was turned off at the wedding, just like Alyssa is using what she learned as her excuse to have checked out.

I still don't like anything about Olajuwon and I don't think Katina will stay with him. She didn't own up to her honest feelings when they were talking to Cal. He is too much for her and she is not interested in playing his games and tests.

Edited by Retired at last
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14 minutes ago, psychoticstate said:

Work on eventually getting the dog to sleep in his own bed

The challenge is that Noi isn’t trying to hear that. Steve suggested it (he so obviously wants nothing to do with that dog) and Noi shot him down, saying the dog likes to be near her. I’d bet she’s trained the dog to be up under her all the time - she had it on her lap when Pastor Cal was there. I am wholly with him and I was with Erik about Virginia’s cats - neither was saying to get rid of the animals, they just don’t want them in bed with them. (And I think Erik was allergic, which made Virginia’s lack of compromise even worse.) Noi’s rigidity on the issue is a bad look.

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17 minutes ago, psychoticstate said:

I think Lindsey and Mark could potentially make it but they both blow hot and cold and go zero to 60 in no time, so I don't know.     

I think Mark is a pretty laid back guy for the most part so he's pretending to be ok with having Lindsay as a wife, but I doubt he'll ever be happy or in love with her. It would be the type of marriage where you accept it , but really desire more. If they say yes on decision day, I say they're done by the reunion.

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3 hours ago, Jax7917 said:

I also think when Chris got home from the honeymoon, he realized he didn't even want the apartment to live in by himself. He'd probably be more comfortable in his own home and being around his friends/back in his normal routine made him realize he just wants to move on from this situation as soon as possible.

Don’t forget that he has a dog. You know, the one that the poor, dog rescuer Alyssa is allergic to.

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4 hours ago, Gator Stud said:

guess my views are completely distorted living in LA. We are in the market and we need to come up with $800K as a down payment. In Houston that would be the price of the house with 5 bedrooms.  In Pearland (Hi Jose!) you could get 3 houses for that down payment.  My buddy had a place in Commonwealth and that was still sort of expensive.  I would kill for $760/sf. Caucasian Sex tried living in Santa Barbara to do their weed thing, but I think they are not back on the East coast.  You have to pay for your freedom.

Man! Makes me glad I live a small city [about 135,000 population] in the South! My house is a little under 3000 sq ft and when I bought it almost 10 years ago, i think prices were around $100/sq foot or a touch over.  Now, probably closer to $180/200 per sq foot but still not bad.  And is close to all the good stuff downtown, not the outskirts. And decent sized yards too. 

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So many thoughts after making it through that episode:


She thinks incredibly highly of herself (physically and otherwise) It never occurred to her that she wouldn't be matched with her (perceived) equal, so she was not prepared to not be physically attracted to her match. To be clear, I think she has every right to not feel a physical attraction, but she lost me when she looked for every excuse down to the dog eating her homework to not spend a single moment alone with her 'husband'. I don't believe her tears were fake-- she was likely genuinely shocked that it was Chris that officially ended it.


Kudos to him for not dragging it out. Likely the most mature act I've seen on this crapfest.


Unlikely many here, I don't dislike her. Her actions on the honeymoon with O were reprehensible, but I chalk a lot of it up to drunkenness combined with an intense mix of insane wedding emotions. I think she is mature (for this show) and is trying to be a supportive partner for Mark. Yes- she is A LOT, but she's not a bad person.* Also, I loved her apartment. It showed a real warmth and humanity rarely seen on these shows.

*she's not a bad person- I reserve the right to rescind this statement if she does something awful.


Oh boy- where to start? He reminds me of so many guys I've known in the past who come on hot and fast, then start with the almost gaslighting level of slamming on the breaks when their partner starts to reciprocate those emotions. I DO NOT TRUST HIM. He always seems like he's up to something. I'll be happy tp be proven wrong, but I don't trust anything about the roommate/landlord/bestfriend situation. Are they three separate people or one and the same? He seems to live like a toddler, and I believe he is under employed. In terms of stability, Lindsey is the catch in this relationship. 


I don't dislike her, but she seems to want to be drama-free so I have no clue why she opted to be on this show. I believe her that Michael acts differently off camera. 


Nope. Not a fan. Strongly disliked the way he spoke to her about 'interrupting him' which she didn't, and if she had, so what? Oh that's right- when a man is speaking, you must remain quiet. I agree with Jasmina- it doesn't matter that he has female roommates, but why fib about it (even if through omission)? 


Don't really care enough about the other people/characters/storylines at this point to comment.

Edited by rlc
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There were just so many snarkable shenanigans this episode, I need to return to unload about Olajuwan's antics telling Katina how wonderful life is going to be now that she will be serving up ALL the meals, like it's a given that's what people do when they get married.  I will spare you my blathering about how Katina might have other ideas (although she seemed to want to humor O at this point in time), but OH! MY! GOD! What the ever-loving B.S. is THAT all about?!?!? 

And, can we please start a fund to produce PSAs about how women and men have different perceptions about the meaning of intercourse (at least the first time with that partner)???  To women (for the most part, yes, I am generalizing) it means a CONNECTION, it means the man CARES about her, LIKES her, and it means so much more about a promise of tomorrow.  To men, IT FEELS GOOD.  That's it.  Tomorrow is another day, life goes on, with or without last nights' hookup.  The sooner both sexes figure this out, the smoother relationships will progress. 

Edited by suzeecat
  • Love 10
25 minutes ago, Auntie Anxiety said:

It’s not called Taxachusetts for nothing! I live very close to the border and do almost all of my shopping in tax-free New Hamsphire.

Actually, CT taxes are higher than Massachusetts when everything is factored in, and that's why a lot of people around me drive the 20 miles over the border into MA to buy gas and and alcohol.  I wish I could drive up to tax free NH!

Here's the list of states with higher taxes than MA, which includes CT at #5 and NY state at the top with Hawaii.  Massachusets is all the way down at #21!

Edited by Yeah No
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22 hours ago, athousandclowns said:

Oh and I’m a very nice person and I’ve given 100%. 

Let's not forget: I tried. I really tried hard. I wanted this to work.

I kept yelling at my TV for Chris to stop her and tell her that she NEVER tried. Maybe he did but they edited that part out. Anyway, Pastor Cal didn't want to hear any of her bullshit. That was the fastest goodbye on MAFS history yet!

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1 hour ago, psychoticstate said:

Noi, honey, when if you can't physically have three?  What if you can only have two or one or none?  What if you have a child that has special needs or requires more attention and money?  

my thought was: What if she has 2 children, then gets pregnant with twins?!🤯🤯


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I feel like Lindsay - for the right person - really is a catch.  Hear me out:  I believe she is the type to be all in for someone (to the point of over, but again - right person).  She truly is a ride or die type gal.  I think that there is nothing she won't do for someone - to the point of running them over - but for the right guy, I do really like her.  She may or may not need to tone down the booze a bit, but she seems like a decent soul, and is exceptionally self-aware...   I have a little bit of hope for her and Mark and as was said earlier - they could be a Elizabeth and Jamie type couple.

Alyssa,  oh you dear, delusional, messy, nasty, bitter little pill.  I have about 0 hope this young lady will ever grow up.   Maybe if she got some therapy - she needs to take a cold,  hard look at herself and try to figure out why she is such a miserable cur.  I do not believe for a split second that Chris was anything but a gentleman to her, and I have to think she has some pretty serious past damage that is completely clouding her judgment.  (Either that or she is just a nasty brat).  I think she seriously missed out on a very decent, kind man.  Get help little girl.  You are very obviously very unhappy in your own skin.

Chris - be well, sir.  You handled this hot mess with more dignity, class, and grace than anyone on this show since it began.   You will make someone very happy and will come out of this so much better.  

Does anyone know - are they done filming and  is he stuck with the fine for quitting early?  If so we should start a GoFundMe.   It would be worth every penny.

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I've been thinking about Mark and Lindsey. It's not just that Lindsey is "a lot," which she is -- outgoing, talkative, fun-loving but maybe a little impulsive, says what she's thinking at all time. But I think she also has this controlling/domineering energy that Mark is really struggling with. It's great that she's action-oriented and I think it comes from a good place of truly wanting to help (especially given her career). But I think it just overwhelms him. He clearly needed time to process everything with his apartment and his stuff and she was just in SUCH a hurry to toss things and make decisions and telling him they could just replace things because she didn't like them...it came off as really pushy and I think that's why Mark keeps saying he wants to pull back or withdraw.

I agree with Stella Rosa, Lindsey is ride or die and she's all in and she loves big. Mark probably needs that and she could be good for him ...if she can figure out how to adapt her style for Mark, just as ne needs to adapt his style for her. It's selfish to just say, in the immortal words of Jonathan Larson's RENT, "Take me or leave me!" Like, girl...if you can dial it down to 6 or 7 and he can dial it up to meet you, that can work too. 

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5 hours ago, brilliantbreakfast said:

I was highly attuned to how I felt while Alyssa was doing her farewell whine and eye-dab, and it was rage. Why I felt SO angry is something to discuss with my therapist (LOL) but I am highly sensitive to gaslighting, and man, this bitch works in gaslighting the way Rembrandt worked with oil paint and light.  I would have liked to see Pastor Cal call her out on her bullshit more emphatically, but I agree with the others that for production, the goal was to just get rid of her as quickly as possible.

Chris dodged a bullet here. He's SO lucky she never spent a night with him, or even more than a few minutes with him in a room, because this is the kind of woman who would cry rape just to feed into her narrative. And I am a "trust women" kinda gal -- but not this one.

Does she not realize that Pastor Cal has seen every bit of video that was taken on that honeymoon and had long since gotten wise to her? I'm guessing that production had already decided to jettison her to spare Chris from going through any more of this, and his "decision" was a production decision -- hence Cal's refusal to engage them on how to resolve things. He won't have to pay a penny. They're lucky if HE doesn't sue THEM. It's unethical to cast for drama (which seems to be the case here), but to recruit a psycho narcissistic gaslighter like Alyssa is beyond the pale.

I don't much care about the rest of them, except that Mark seems to be a decent guy with a lot of baggage, both emotional and logistical, that he needs to work out. And for a flawlessly beautiful woman, Jasmina is a profoundly unhappy person.

I completely agree with EVERY. SINGLE. WORD of this post.

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2 hours ago, essexjan said:

Noi needs to grow up a bit. Steve will be fine financially, he's resourceful and intelligent and has skills that lend themselves to contract or consultancy work. Insisting on three children is idiotic.

Yes, she does. I think the problem here is that these two have very different ideas of how they want to live their lives. Noi wants structure because she never had it growing up. She needs 3 kids, (no exceptions) and a husband that works a 9 to 5, brings home the exact amount of money every two weeks and earns plenty of it so she can stay home with the kids. Steve wants a more free lifestyle doing consulting work which affords him to move around when he wants. He probably can make enough money consulting and there are women out there that would be fine with this more adventurous life. Just not Noi. 

Another failure of a match. 

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1 hour ago, Auntie Anxiety said:

Don’t forget that he has a dog. You know, the one that the poor, dog rescuer Alyssa is allergic to.

Yeah but on the honeymoon he said he was going to stay in the apartment but I guess once he got home he was like screw this, I want a divorce instead.

I wish the experts intervened on the honeymoon and Chris said he wanted a divorce while they were there and then the producers would have made them go home since they called it quits .

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6 hours ago, Gator Stud said:

I watched Geege and then Adults Adopting Adults.  They were horrible. The 2nd one was really about men convincing their wives to adopt 2nd sister wives.  But the men were like 50 and the women being adopted were early 20s with large breasts. Really creepy, and I have a high tolerance level.  No wonder it got cancelled.  Also Alyssa will probably only get really desperate men to date her.  No hot men for Alyssa.  No rich men for Alyssa.  The best she could get now is maybe...........Chris!  Maybe O would sleep with her in a threesome, but it would one and done.

I was shocked to learn that people who had seen Alyssa’s social media noted that her past boyfriends were fairly good looking with six pack abs. How?!? She’s not even cute. She has no chin! 

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3 hours ago, Racj82 said:

I hate to make it a race thing but there is a stigma with the angry black man that Jasmina really needs to stop painting Mike into if it's not true. Removing race from it, just in terms of gender, it can may him look like an abuser of some sort. We didn't see it all so we can't know for sure. I just hope she keeps this in mind.

I thought about this too. I was surprised when he didn't say that actually. Calling a Black man angry can lead to some serious consequences that just don't happen when you call a white man angry. 

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6 hours ago, JenE4 said:

Mark has mentioned the roommate. Even at the wedding he told Lindsey that he has 3 cats—but one of them is his roommates’s. Every time they talked about these 5 damn cats they were going to have he slipped in about one belonging to his roommate—so I kept wondering why he was counting that one. I guess either the roommate ditched it on him, or they just thought it would be more dramatic to keep the roommate’s cat, too? 

I thought he said the roommate moved out and left the cat behind?

6 hours ago, Gator Stud said:

He probably will have braces, Invisalign, or veneers.  And he probably will work out.  That is all he really needed to do.  Alyssa could not see the big picture. 

This episode it looked to me like he has been using teeth whiteners since the honeymoon!

14 minutes ago, Jax7917 said:

Yeah but on the honeymoon he said he was going to stay in the apartment but I guess once he got home he was like screw this, I want a divorce instead.

I think he was planning to live there because that's what he signed up to do.  Alyssa really gave her game away when she talked about them each living there for half of the show - if you're trying to string everyone along and act like you're in then you have to pretend you both might live there together one day, dummy!  I think he was pretty done with her but gave her that chance to move in and get to know him after all; once that wasn't happening he cut his losses.

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18 hours ago, candall said:

Okay, I'm now officially done with all the nonsense of people probing into exactly what Alyssa needs to participate in her marriage with Chris.  SHE DESPISES HIM.  She would let him die before she would let him be her husband.  Stop pretending like this has any chance at all of working out.

the only one pretending is Alyssa herself (and maybe the "experts"), who everytime she is given an out, she says she is there for all the right reasons and is definitely putting forth the effort, which is an absolute crock😠.  We all know what her answer would have been. SHE needed to be the one to ask for the divorce on the honeymoon and quit pretending and wasting everyone's time, especially Chris!! Thankfully, Chris at least got it and did what should have been done on the day after they married.  Now, she can at least look like the "good person" she seems to think that she is and blame him, as  usual.

Edited by Marley GMA
  • Love 3
3 hours ago, essexjan said:

Jasmina and Michael are, I am sure of it, Energy Vampires

Bwah ha ha!!!!!!!! You win! Boy these two are so dreary to watch together! Nothing happening there AT ALL. And when she said "Now. Michael." in her best teacher voice I was scared. She is COLD.

Noi is ridiculous. Very rigid in her thinking and unwilling to compromise. "Can the dog be next to the bed?" "No. In the bed." "I want three children." "You won't consider any other number?" "No." Hey girl, it's not just what you want here! And freaking out about Steve being unemployed - it didn't look like he's living in a cardboard box on the street - his apartment looked fine (led lights notwithstanding - those have to go!). They need to have an in depth conversation about finances before she completely freaks out. He might be totally fine - many people are self employed and support themselves just fine.

Olaj can get out of here with his expectations for hot cooked meal every night. I cannot believe she hasn't gone off on him about it because I sure would. I hate cooking. I do it sometimes, but it isn't a passion of mine and I sure as shit don't do it nightly. She seems the same, so why is she letting him say this over and over? When he said he can't keep eating peanut butter on bread, I would have been like, "Let me stop you right there. Feel free to keep doing that because I am sure not making you breakfast every day!"

And I don't believe for one minute they haven't had sex. He looked like the cat that ate the canary and she was giving him death glares to keep it together in front of PC. I think there is an understanding to keep it private and he almost spilled the beans.....

I felt so bad for MTS. He was sharing his feelings and Lindsey called it bullshit. Okay then. And then she wonders why he's closed off. She steamrolls him! PC nailed it when he said Mark is afraid to talk. He doesn't have the bandwidth in his life to navigate walking on eggshells with her constantly, and her "help" is so overwhelming it's exhausting. I think they do have a natural rapport that could be successful if she just took it down a notch or 20.

And finally.....

While it was satisfying to see Chris get the final word and give this nutjob the boot, it was not satisfying to see her not get called on the carpet for her awful behavior. He did not stand up for himself when she once again called him "disrespectful". She was not confronted one time for her own disrespectful behavior. I hope she reads every post on social media and see how the world views this "good person". Bye bitch. I hope Chris finds someone nice.


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11 minutes ago, princelina said:
6 hours ago, Gator Stud said:

He probably will have braces, Invisalign, or veneers.  And he probably will work out.  That is all he really needed to do.  Alyssa could not see the big picture. 

This episode it looked to me like he has been using teeth whiteners since the honeymoon!

I can understand the need for some improvement, however why do women always feel the need to change their man for the better? 

I’m not dissing anyone’s opinion. I have wanted to change things about guys I have been with be it their wardrobe, facial hair (unkempt) or manners. I just wonder why we feel the need. 

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2 minutes ago, Mindthinkr said:

I can understand the need for some improvement, however why do women always feel the need to change their man for the better? 

I’m not dissing anyone’s opinion. I have wanted to change things about guys I have been with be it their wardrobe, facial hair (unkempt) or manners. I just wonder why we feel the need. 

Because we are all self-centered and think we know best 😄. And think that our mate is a reflection on us and we don't want to be embarrassed.  I married a clean-shaven guy with a military-type haircut; since the pandemic I have a bearded, long-haired hippie in my house and I'm not a fan.   Mr P has been informed that he can enjoy it until he loses a little more hair and then it's done - I'm not doing the bald guy with a ponytail 😖.   He's also not allowed to wear t-shirts with the sleeves cut off unless we are going to the pool.  He doesn't understand why but is easygoing enough to go along with it 😄. In Chris' case I think the main reason for a change is not just because Alyssa said no snaggleteeth, but then the camera lingered on his teeth as if to show us that they were indeed what she hated.  That was hurtful and mean of the producers, and if I were him I'd be wanting to fix it right away!

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14 hours ago, princelina said:

Loved, loved, loved Alyssa showing up, lips freshly plumped and eyelashes refreshed, spray tan perfect, only to find out it's her last day on camera!!🤣😂🤣


I will bet money she has 100% more makeup, different hair,  fake eyelashes and a dress that reveals it all along with the ACE necklace at the reunion show!

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Muscular men of Boston, be forewarned that Alyssa is on the loose and she's got 10 wedding dresses!  

Any guy in the area with an eagle tattoo should be terrified.

Olajuwon’s curtains were a gift from someone who knows he loves coffee. He’s very comfortable in his house and can’t imagine why his wife wouldn’t be—especially the kitchen in which she’ll be spending so much time. Katina’s comments are in line with normal, so either he 180s or she’s out. But maybe this is the test she’s quietly giving him? And he’s flunking. 

  • LOL 7
1 hour ago, Jax7917 said:

Yeah but on the honeymoon he said he was going to stay in the apartment but I guess once he got home he was like screw this, I want a divorce instead.

I am guessing that the producers did not give him that option. I think it was obvious to all parties that this was not going to work. I am glad they let Chris end it, though, to get back a little of his dignity that she took.

17 hours ago, CSunshine76 said:

Wait. Alyssa, the dog rescuer is….hold on now, ALLERGIC TO DOGS?

Does this bitch think anyone believes the lies coming out of her mouth? She is delusional!! 

I so wish I could be a fly on the wall where she is watching this back on tv like the rest of us😁

Edited by Marley GMA
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Well, that was awesome. Thank you, Chris, for shutting this farce down. What was up with Alyssa's denim cut-off overalls? That's how she dresses for a meeting with Chris and Pastor Cal? She looked so childish without a hint of style or self-awareness about how utterly foolish she looked. I stopped counting how many times she said "like" after I reached 19 in under two minutes. And just for good times she left with the tag line for her experience "I'm a really Fu**#$ing good person." Dream on.

Now that she's mercifully out of the way and not taking up any more space I thought the other couples are starting to show some real glimpses into where their relationships are headed. K & O and S & N are the couples that seem to feel comfortable around each other. I think the 2 vs 3 kids drama is made a bigger deal for the show's narrative as is the other supposed conflict "my wife has to make home cooked meals everyday or else."

Mark and Lindsay do not respect each other and don't seem to even like each other. Michael and Jazmina do not like each other at all. They are biding their time, paying their dues until the 8 weeks are up. They never laugh with each other or seem to have any fun at all. We'll see, but it seems right now that two couples will say yes on decision day and two will not. A lot can happen from now until that point but that's what my gut is telling me after last night's episode.

Edited by Matty
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I think Alyssa was expecting her performance presentation to be the things she said during the conventional camera filming. I'd bet she had no idea they would use her conversational tantrums with production. She's probably going all Rumplestiltskin on seeing what has been broadcast.

I'd really like to see Chris meeting with his buddies and giving them a play by play. 

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4 hours ago, essexjan said:

Not intending to get into politics, but the fact Alyssa thought defunding the police meant there'd be no police at all shows what a stupid airhead she truly is. Pastor Cal didn't buy for a minute her attempts to paint herself as a victim, and I got the impression her mother didn't either. The whole 'allergic to dogs' story was bullshit. Chris deserves so much better than her.

Jasmina and Michael are, I am sure of it, Energy Vampires (like Colin Robinson, WWDITS). They are joyless and nitpicking. I thought Jasmina made a mountain out of a molehill re the female roommates scenario. Michael probably spends so little time there that I doubt he even knows their names. He talks to her like he's her tutor.

Olajuwon can go eff himself. Cooking together is fun, but if he expects dinner on the table every night, he's in for a shock.

Noi needs to grow up a bit. Steve will be fine financially, he's resourceful and intelligent and has skills that lend themselves to contract or consultancy work. Insisting on three children is idiotic.

Lindsay is exhausting. Mark is already exhausted.

not having 3 children is a deal breaker for her???? Is she kidding me.  Grow up girl.

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