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S06.E04: A Hairy Situation

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This episode should have been titled, "Melissa is Full of Shit". She was really on a roll this night. First she gets all pious and asks how Jim can sleep at night after making the stance he did against her in-laws. FTR, I think Jim is a big douche, liar, arrogant asshat, etc. etc. But.....how do the Giudices sleep at night would be the more appropriate question. After they've ripped off so many people and put their daughters at risk for being without a home, without parents, etc. 


Then she acts like the damage to her car is just a "little scratch" when the cost to fix that thing was equivalent to how much I paid for my last car!


Next we have her acting all flabbergasted that the costume party ended in violence. How long have you been on this show, honey? Jersey is known for getting physical and your husband is one of the top offenders!!!


Finally, she was on WWHL insinuating that a lot of Amber's antics this season were for attention/ratings....which I am likely to agree with. But she goes on to say she could have come on the show "positive" instead of bringing the "negative". And I just had to laugh. And laugh. And laugh. Her very first episode of this show included her and Joe Go being incredibly nasty to his sister and starting a huge brawl at their son's freaking christening! Pot meet kettle. 


She did confirm, however, that Nicole put hands on Amber first, which is how it looked to me. But, FTR, I don't really care. Amber looked like a bull ready to charge from the moment her name was brought up. So I don't really have any doubt she would have gone there if Nicole hadn't. Her and her trollish husband can stop acting so superior any time now. 



I thought Matt was super cute! And there was just something about him, he seemed very nice and genuine. I would definitely want to give that guy a chance. But if Dina says she's not ready, that should be respected. What I didn't get was the big deal about her meeting him in scrubs. She was kind of put off about it herself, and Andy even mentioned it on WWHL. I thought she looked nice. No, she didn't go the sexy route and have her breasts hanging out and her chuckie one move away from being exposed....is that the only way to get a guy's attention? I mean, it's not as if the scrubs were 5 sizes too big, she had her hair in a sloppy bun, and no make-up. She looked cute and put together and not like she was trying too hard. And Matt seemed really into her. I liked her non-obvious choice of costume. 


But Rosie? A sniper? If snipers were "first responders" we'd be in a world of trouble! 


I didn't really get the point of this party anyhow. Bobby said it was to raise awareness for first responders. Raise awareness for what exactly? That they exist? I mean, it seemed like the majority of the people there were his friends/co-workers and then the cast. Or was the intention to make the viewing audience aware? It just seemed really pointless, and more like Bravo said, "Oh you're a firefighter? Let's have a theme party and everyone can dress all sexy". 


Who was that obnoxious abrasive chick that came with Jim and Amber. No more of her, please. 

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When will the ho wives realize that these shows are TAPED. when they try to lie about what they say or dont say. The viewers are going to see the TRUTH. So annoying. Amber you did say Nicole wrecked a family.


I think Amber's going to play the semantics game and say, "I didn't say that. I said that OTHERS were saying that". As if perpetuating a rumor, about your FRIEND, is any better. 


My favorite parts of the episode was Dina laughing during the fight, Bobby's reaction to the clump of hair on his island countertop, and Juicy Joe sipping his drink during the arguments.


That hair on the counter would have been the most offensive thing from that night, if that were my home. 

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Then she acts like the damage to her car is just a "little scratch" when the cost to fix that thing was equivalent to how much I paid for my last car!


I absolutely believe this "accident" was staged so that the dealership could get screen time and therefore give the Gorgas a kickback on their leased Bentley. 


As for the first responders party, at least they don't try to fake it like it's a charitable cause. I remember when the Gorgas hosted a holiday party that was supposed to benefit a charity. Everyone was supposed to donate a toy. The party was OTT, but the pile of toys was pathetically small. Even if they just wanted to have a costume party to dress all sexy, they could have at least given a shout out to plug a charity. The only thing these people want to promote is themselves. I am, however,  getting a kick out of Amber needling Ms Sexy Life, asking when her album is coming out. That made me laugh. 

Edited by poeticlicensed
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I thought Matt was super cute! And there was just something about him, he seemed very nice and genuine.


I didn't really get the point of this party anyhow. Bobby said it was to raise awareness for first responders. Raise awareness for what exactly?

I thought Matt was like a big slobbering black lab puppy, myself. Too eager and too young.


I wasn't sure about how the party was raising awareness about first responders until I realized I never knew that snipers, nurses, and people in scrubs were first responders. I thought it was police, fire and rescue. Consider my awareness raised! (Rosie should look up what a sniper is, though.)


The stupid Amber/Melissa/twins argument put me over the edge with this show. Deleted from DVR, let me know how Juicy and Tre make out.

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Also, in case anyone is interested, I see that Melissa and Joe Gorga are going to be on WWHL tonight.


IMO, Melissa looked high.  Her eyes looked very strange.


Love how Joe Gorga had a ready explanation for why he said "We have money issues".  They always have some kind of lame cover-up story for the stupid shit they say.  Also, they don't "have time" to build their new house?  Bullshit.

Edited by BitchOnWheelz
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Isn't there some kind of reality tv rubric that a new cast member must be on the show at least X amount of times before engaging in a physical altercation with another cast member because prior to that time viewers have not attached to new cast members and will tune out or FF through any of the ensuing drama? And if two new cast members enter into a physical altercation before the required amount of episodes then viewer apathy toward said drama not only doubles, but triples, causing total viewer disengagement?


Noelle and Amber's violation of this reality tv standard have disqualified them from appearing on my tv for the remainder of this season. However, I am still committed to watching Juicy Joe's farewell tour, and Dinah, who I enjoy, so I imagine I will now be able to finish watching an entire episode in about eight minutes.  


And also, a sniper Rosie? Really? In the wake of Newtown what twisted adult thinks that is any kind of a joke anymore?  I guess the next fight on RHONJ someone will pull out a gun. It's about the only thing that hasn't been tried yet.


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Aside from all the other debauchery, who has a "first responders party"? Desperate for themes much? 



And Dina's potential date? Ya um ...any guy that spends more time on their hair than me... Not so much.

Edited by BostonBlonde
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To me, funniest part of the show was Jim saying that he's written 3 books, but they were not published because HE didn't think they were good enough.  Yeah Right.


LOL that Rosie has to introduce Kathy to people when Kathy was the HW.  I guess in her demoted role, Kathy is expected to show up at parties and stand in the back with a tray of cannolis.  Richie tweeted a picture of himself last night in fireman gear to "Bobby247" saying he was sorry he didn't make the party.  Again, yeah, right.  If Bravo wanted Richie there, he'd have been there because he never met a camera he didn't like.


Other than that, just alot of screeching.  Again.  One of those twins (Nicole, I think) has a voice that's like chalk on a blackboard.  


And I am starting to Rino might not be such a bad guy.

Edited by mwell345
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Lablover27...so funny, "the last supper" photo!


Jim said one of the reasons he did not want to be around Joe and Joe was because of the physical altercations that may happen, the other was because of the criminal activity that Joe Guidice is involved in, once again there is someone on a reality show that forgot that we all have the ability to Google.  To make things funnier, it was his wife in the boxing ring this time! My first thought about the hair pulling was extensions. 


Matt the fireman looked like the fireman Samantha (Sex and the City) hooked up with.


Dina really knows how to not look cheap, have to hand it to her, she looked better than the other girls. Her closet is amazing and I wish I had one like it, the shoe stories not so much.


Bobby has a huge house for being a bachelor, I wonder if he has an ex-wife and kids somewhere.


Kathy (she reminded me of Nurse Ratchet, lol), but no Ritchie?

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Oh Teresa, just when I think you can't be any dumber,  you  top yourself. SQUAT TEAM.  Honestly, honey, have you EVER watched the news or read a paper {other than looking for sales}?


Dina has more shoes in her closet than I have had in my entire life.  However, ask to see my jewelry collection, and that's another story.


The fight was lame.  And if Amber didn't know that was her hair, it was obviously extensions.  Don't like her, her husband, the twins or their mates.


That's all I got from this clusterfuck so far.


Rosie is doomed to ride the little bus for life, I see.

Edited by One More Time
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I don't like or dislike Amber one way or the other.  But Nicole?  Fuck her.  The way she handled that situation annoyed the shit out of me.  And her sister as well.  From the minute Melissa told them what Amber said in the clothing store both were gunning for her like she was Bin Laden or something.

If Amber and Nicole have been friends for so long, where's the respect for your friendship?  Yes, what Amber said was disgusting, untrue and ridiculous....but if you want me to take your side how about you invite her to your house for some tea and confront her about it one on one.  Not with your bitchy ass twin starting bullshit while everyone is standing there.  


Say what you will about Amber but at least she had the right idea about taking Melissa and Nicole out of the party to talk one one one about it.  Nicole kept shouting from the hilltops that she wanted an apology and for EVERYONE to hear that she never broke up a family.  Well, correct me if I'm wrong but 90% of that party hadn't heard that shit to begin with.  So what the hell do they care?  

Way to wreck an otherwise fun evening.


I will never get over this franchise and the need to confront people in inappropriate situations and places.  Rather than call someone to your house and asking them right there...NOPE....wait until we're all in a crowded restaurant and start screaming.


I take no sides.  All of them are morons.


And Melissa...sit the fuck down.  Amber was supposed to be your friend and you threw her under the bus for people you barely know.  Then you wanna clutch your pearls over how the violence started?  "I'm so sorry!  I had no idea this would happen!"  Are you kidding me, bitch?  You're the reason it started.  Keep your goddamn mouth shut next time.


Bobby telling Nicole to slow her roll in the preview of next episode was a fabulous thing.  He's also a tool for telling Joe and Joe what Jim said....but since I can't stand Nicole I loved hearing him put her in her place.

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I absolutely believe this "accident" was staged so that the dealership could get screen time and therefore give the Gorgas a kickback on their leased Bentley.

Totally agree with this.  It also gave the Gorgas a chance to make sure  the viewers are aware they have a Bentley - you know, in case we didn't notice.

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Couple things:  Bobby's house is huge, what kinda of cash are the firefighters making out there in Colt's Neck, NJ?


and Theresa's talking head  had me dying.  "don't judge people until you know them".  I know what the box of rocks was trying to say, but she couldn't seem to find the correct words.

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Amber's fugly weasel of a husband actually makes me like Juicy Joe and Joe Gorga. I can't even believe I just typed that. Gawd help me.
I love the way this wanna-be lawyer whined to his wife that he wanted to go to the first responder party dressed as a lawyer. Then he gets to the party and tells everyone he wanted to come as "an ambulance-chasing lawyer",  and he tells Juicy Joe, "being a blood-sucking attorney is the best way to go, trust me."
Juicy Joe had this loser Jim's number from the beginning. I love the way he dismissed what Jim said to him about being a "blood sucking attorney" and he told Joe Gorga that Jim's one of these guys who goes along and plays you and plays you. Then both Joes were actually smart enough to go upstairs and stay away from idiot Jim.
Really, I can't believe this Jim asshole is making both Joes actually look better. Who woulda thunk it?
I haven't been a fan of Rino either, but it was great the way he told Jim that he thinks he's a big shot but he's just a jerk-off. When Rino told Jim that Jim didn't want to hang out with them because he's an attorney, Jim said:

Just so you guys are aware, I'm not an attorney. Did I pass the bar? Absolutely. Do I practice law? No. 


I completely believe that Jim has always held himself as an attorney, which is why Rino thought he was one, and the only reason he said, "Just so you guys are aware, I'm not an attorney" is because he was on camera.
Then, his excuse for not wanting to be around them:

I work with the same fucking Attorney General that's prosecuting your brother-in-law you dumb fuck.You want me to be in Newark with the prosecutor's office? I prosecute mortgage fraud.


What a stupid lying asshole!
Then, in his talking head in WWHL, he says in his little geeky sweater vest:

I'm trained as an attorney. If I want to hurt you, I'm going to sue you. I'm going to leverage your house. I'm going to give you three years of hell in a courtroom. I'm going to bleed you dry financially and I'm going to humiliate you as I depose you for eight hours and make you my bitch.

Ha ha ha, the only person this moron is humiliating is himself. What an unbelievable FOOL!
Btw, his LinkedIn says he does have his law degree (J.D.) from Seton Hall. I'd love for someone to check and see if that's the truth.

His LinkedIn also says he has a Masters from Columbia, but fails to say in what. And he doesn't even mention his undergrad degree.
Most notably, despite saying he passed the bar exam, he is NOT a member of the NJ bar. I just checked, and he's never been admitted to the bar in NJ. He said in the kitchen scene, "Did I pass the bar? Absolutely". Well, I think it's a safe bet that he must have been talking about the NJ bar. Considering he went to Seton Hall in NJ and lives in NJ, that's the state bar exam he most likely would have taken. Unless maybe this d-bag took the bar exam in some other state just so he could say he's admitted somewhere. But, I tend to think that he's been posing as an attorney for years because he failed the bar exam repeatedly. That's if he even completed law school. 
This guy is the worst bullshitting weasel. I can't stand him, and I can't wait to see him taken down. 

Edited by LuckyBitch
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I thought Andy seemed a bit frosty with the Gorgas on WWHL. In the past when they've been on he fawned all over them and it was clear, at least to me, that in the Guidice vs Gorga feud of seasons past he was Team Gorga. Last night when Mel was defending how she didn't marry for money per Amber's comment she was talking about when she graduated college and Andy cut her off and asked what her graduating college had to do with the explanation. The way he said it was pretty bitchy. I get what he was doing - Mel was trying to slide in the fact she atttended college (I think the real story is she has an Associates, not a Bachelor's degree, and she was a teaching assistant, not a fully licenced teacher with her own classroom - more puffery as usual) and he called her on it but in the past he wouldn't have done that. He also asked her about her music "career". Mel said she wasn't giving HWNJ any of her music this year. Andy responded that she made it sound like a punishment. Mel responded back that this is because sometimes they showed her not hitting the notes, LOL - she's busy with her jewelry line. There was something else with Joe that I can't recall that was kind of snotty. It was just an odd vibe between the Gorgas and Andy considering how he used to be a big supporter. I wonder what happened behind the scenes.

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Oh, Melissa Gorga, busting up your car every three days is not cute or endearing, no matter how itty-bitty you (pretend to) think the "scratch" is. 

So annoying. Amber you did say Nicole wrecked a family.


Not that I saw. I mean, I don't know that I doubt she ever said it, but that is not exactly what she said on the show; she claimed that she heard it through the grapevine.


I dont think Melissa did anything wrong telling the twins what was said.


I do, at least in the confines of this narrative. She just met those twins (as far as said narrative goes) and is entirely willing and can't wait to tattle on her long-lost friend (without even waiting for the conversation to turn naturally toward the topic!). That is trashy as hell in my book. And then those twins just take Melissa's word without giving the benefit of the doubt to an existing friend.  


I thank the FSM that the Kims seem to be gone. They were a waste of skin.


My doctor's office is right across the street from Kim D's store. I always have an urge to go in there and just gawk.

Edited by TattleTeeny
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While I can understand why Jim would not want to hang out with Juicy based on his job, he was completely out of line at going after Joe Gorga the way he did. There was no reason to call him a "dumb f*#k" at the end of his sentence. Gorga had not done or said anything out of line towards him. I was completely surprised by Rino's defending of Gorga when they had just met. He was acting like Jim was going to pull out a knife & shank Gorga.


Amber is so attention thirsty & it's beyond obvious.. She was wrong to talk about her friends to a recently reunited Melissa. Melissa was wrong to blab what Amber told her to people she just met. Her explanation on WWHL, I get it. But, she could have told Amber "you said that on film you need to tell them what you said & not put me in the middle". No, instead she told the twins which makes her look like a gossip rather than a concerned friend.


Enough already with Tre's kids. Every single episode it's Tre & Joe showing us how important it is for her to be with her kids.


Dina, I thought she was going to bring it, so far she's been boring & sad to watch her talk about her ex so much. For me the most interesting part about her is her rescued animals.

Wish we could see more of Rosie, I love her & her interactions with Rino, Juicy & Gorga.

Edited by LoLo
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Couple things:  Bobby's house is huge, what kinda of cash are the firefighters making out there in Colt's Neck, NJ?


and Theresa's talking head  had me dying.  "don't judge people until you know them".  I know what the box of rocks was trying to say, but she couldn't seem to find the correct words.

Bobby Ciasulli is a volunteer, not a professional firefighter.  He (or his father) own a number of new car dealerships in NJ.  - Bob Ciasulli Auto Group.

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Didn't see this mentioned. When Rino kept telling Jim to take his hands out of his pockets, why was he doing that? Did he think he had a gun in his pocket?


Because real Italians can't talk without their hands so poor Rino was probably freaked out.

Edited by Box305
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Let me see if I have this right - part of the reason Amber's husband didn't want to go bowling with JoeGui and Joe Go (aside from the indictments) was because the twoJoe's get into physical fights yet we see his wife in a physical altercation at a party. Hypocrite much?


Loved that Rosie came to the party dressed as a sniper.


Loved that JoeGui couldn't be bothered to put on a costume. His rant in the limo cracked me up.


Don't give a crap about Dina's shoe collection. Care even less about the history of her shoes.


At least we didn't have to hear Amber talk of "The Cancer" tonight. I dislkie her more each week.


Amber's husband is a arrogant pussy. Hate him. Also a liar. Didn't the prosecuter's office put out a statement after last week's show that he has nothing to do with their office?


Seeing that clump of hair on a KITCHEN COUNTER literally made me gag. UGH! Hair around food makes me ill. Even if it is a clump of fake extensions.


Me, too!  So reminiscent of his rant in the bus in Italy about the cost of room service, which even eventually made bitchface Caroline giggle.



Let's hear it for watching this drivel makes us all feel better about ourselves! Then I remember I'm pathetic enough to be watching. Especially since still waiting for the DVR to be fixed and watched it live tonight with commercials. Still haven't seen last week's so at least one point for me (take that back as no On Demand - I've checked).

Is it wrong that Joe Giudice is still my favorite? Him sitting at the kitchen counter with his drink wanting no part of any of this was priceless. Amber's husband is a huge asshole. Even if anything he said is true (I doubt it) - why are you on this show? Oh yes, Famewhore rules.


Ugh, I despise the fact I'm even typing this, but I have fleeting feelings of sympathy for Joe.  And considering my black lump of coal where my heart should be, I loathe myself for feeling that.


I keep thinking back to something Caroline said a couple of seasons ago, intimating the Joe was doing a lot of things to keep Teresa and the girls in the lifestyle Teresa wanted and juxtaposing Joe's illegal actions with snippets of Joe being so happy at the simple things, like spending the holiday at the family cabin, telling Chris he couldn't tell Teresa no about her outrageous Christmas shopping, the way he acted bad-ass but wouldn't let them kill the live turkey for him and Teresa, and how he loves making his godawful homemade wine.


Don't get me wrong, I totally believe Joe (and Teresa) should be punished for their deeds....but I also think Joe might be "that guy," the one who was such a freaking moron that he would stop at nothing to make his wife happy and feel as if she were the best taken care of wife in the county.  


Personally, I get the feeling Joe would be happy sitting in that apartment above the pizza place, in his underwear scratching his balls, drinking homemade swill, eating homemade meatballs and marinara, and watching a football game.  


Not that I'm blaming Teresa for Joe's situation.  He didn't have to stoop to illegal acts, that's all on him, as far as I'm concerned.  


I think he took "happy wife, happy life" to the extreme and now he's got to pay (back) the piper. 


Okay, it's early on a Monday morning and I've only had 1 cup of coffee.  I reserve the right to go back to loathing him at any given moment.  

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Ambers husband? Just no.. So he's going to sue you, put you on the stand, make your life miserable...but he's not a lawyer?? Yeah, sure. Your a 3rd tier mortgage guy with tacky as hell local  commercials. You're on a reality tv show with your shrieking low class wife and your robo kids. Nobody made you go on tv with the Guidices you choose to and now you can't be around the criminals? Oh please. Your there to be famous---in your own head.

I actually, and for the first time, saw Theresa look mad at Milinia and her hell mouth. Tre looked tired and fed up.

Joe Guidice for the win. Forget about it......Love him

The "twins" make me miss Caroline Manzo--God I can't believe I just typed that....Even the Gorgas are better them those 2.

First Responders? Uh,o.k. There wonderful people but it's a pretty limiting costume party idea-Fireman-Nurse-Emt-Doc---That's it. Oh and sniper! How could I forget?

I'm liking Gino (Is that his name? The bald guy?) "Take your hands out of your pockets" Was that for respect? Or fear of a gun? Or a badge? Liking him.

Kathy who?

Oh and what kind of "friend" sets you up---without telling you???? Seriously give a girl a chance to get fixed up. Although I thought Diana looked great in her scrubs. Cute and NOT slutty. Ladies, take a lesson, that is how it's done.

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Didn't see this mentioned. When Rino kept telling Jim to take his hands out of his pockets, why was he doing that? Did he think he had a gun in his pocket?

I think he just found it smarmy and offensive. I've never been in situations where that's annoyed me, but I know for some people/families it's considered really punk ass and rude. Almost like a guy wearing a baseball cap in restaurants, etc

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I did some checking online with the Monmouth County Clerk. Jim Marchese bought his house while unmarried in February 2005. He purchased it new from a builder for $1,427,438.


His own company, Mortgage Now, gave him the loan - $999,999. But, it's an interest only loan for the first ten years. The rate started at 4.5% but changes every month. He lucked out that interest rates have been so low for so many years. According to the terms of his loan, the lowest the rate would be is 4.5% (maximum of 12%, but that's not an issue in these days of low interest rates). A quick online check tells me that his monthly payments for that McMansion would be around $3,750 for an interest only loan at 4.5%. Not bad, living in a $1.5 million McMansion for $3,750.


The shit's going to hit the fan in February of 2015 when he has to finally start paying principal and interest. He either has to start coming up with a bigger payment, or refinance, or sell. After ten years, he's made no payments on the principal balance so he still owes $999,999 on it. Also, if it was worth almost $1.5 million in February of 2005, that was just around the height of the real estate market. It might be worth significantly less now and he still owes almost a million on it. 


Hmm, perhaps they went on this show for the Bravo paycheck and all the offer$ it sometimes brings? Are we going to see another housewife lose a house because they were poseurs living beyond their means?



ETA:  They had the house listed for sale from March 2011 until July 2012:



Edited by LuckyBitch
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Lord help me, but the Guidices are the best thing about this season IMO.



Thank you, baby Jesus, for no Richie!


Yes!  Now if we can just get rid Of Jimmy the Weasel & Co.. He is sketchy and plays with the truth. If he is an "expert witness in mortgage fraud" I hope every opposing lawyer discredits him. I really dislike Amba "I HAD THE CANCER" I wish the twin had snatched her bald! I've never had a RH family other than the Curtains of RHoOC creep me out and dislike them so much.


After seeing this screeching cat fighting group of harpies I can understand why Rosie would rather hang with the guys.


I'm liking Rino.  When is his cookbook coming out?

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Isn't there some kind of reality tv rubric that a new cast member must be on the show at least X amount of times before engaging in a physical altercation with another cast member because prior to that time viewers have not attached to new cast members and will tune out or FF through any of the ensuing drama? And if two new cast members enter into a physical altercation before the required amount of episodes then viewer apathy toward said drama not only doubles, but triples, causing total viewer disengagement?

Yeah, like the Inverse Variation.

In an inverse variation, the values of the two variables change in an opposite manner - as one value increases, the other decreases.

The relationship between two variables, the players, in the product, The Real Housewives, is constant. When one variable increases the newbies violence, the other variable, the veterans violence, decreases in proportion so that the product is unchanged.

I'm sure Amber's husband would understand, him being a lawyer and all...

Edited by Lisin
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I normally don't read the links about the Housewives, just because I feel like its crossing a line.  HOWEVER, I am actually enjoying the dirt on the Expert Witness.  He is such a douche that I don't feel bad getting to know him and his morals.

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I did some checking online with the Monmouth County Clerk. Jim Marchese bought his house while unmarried in February 2005. He purchased it new from a builder for $1,427,438.


His own company, Mortgage Now, gave him the loan - $999,999. But, it's an interest only loan for the first ten years. The rate started at 4.5% but changes every month. He lucked out that interest rates have been so low for so many years. According to the terms of his loan, the lowest the rate would be is 4.5% (maximum of 12%, but that's not an issue in these days of low interest rates). A quick online check tells me that his monthly payments for that McMansion would be around $3,750 for an interest only loan at 4.5%. Not bad, living in a $1.5 million McMansion for $3,750.


The shit's going to hit the fan in February of 2015 when he has to finally start paying principal and interest. He either has to start coming up with a bigger payment, or refinance, or sell. After ten years, he's made no payments on the principal balance so he still owes $999,999 on it. Also, if it was worth almost $1.5 million in February of 2005, that was just around the height of the real estate market. It might be worth significantly less now and he still owes almost a million on it. 


Hmm, perhaps they went on this show for the Bravo paycheck and all the offer$ it sometimes brings? Are we going to see another housewife lose a house because they were poseurs living beyond their means?



ETA:  They had the house listed for sale from March 2011 until July 2012:



The posters on this site should work for the FBI.

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Juicy Joe had this loser Jim's number from the beginning. I love the way he dismissed what Jim said to him about being a "blood sucking attorney" and he told Joe Gorga that Jim's one of these guys who goes along and plays you and plays you. Then both Joes were actually smart enough to go upstairs and stay away from idiot Jim.


Really, I can't believe this Jim asshole is making both Joes actually look better. Who woulda thunk it?

. . . 


Most notably, despite saying he passed the bar exam, he is NOT a member of the NJ bar. I just checked, and he's never been admitted to the bar in NJ. He said in the kitchen scene, "Did I pass the bar? Absolutely". Well, I think it's a safe bet that he must have been talking about the NJ bar. Considering he went to Seton Hall in NJ and lives in NJ, that's the state bar exam he most likely would have taken. Unless maybe this d-bag took the bar exam in some other state just so he could say he's admitted somewhere. But, I tend to think that he's been posing as an attorney for years because he failed the bar exam repeatedly. That's if he even completed law school. 


This guy is the worst bullshitting weasel. I can't stand him, and I can't wait to see him taken down. 

If the Joes can out think you, you are an idiot.  He's really battling a brain trust there.  


I assume Jim passed the bar in a different state - the state of denial.   

My doctor's office is right across the street from Kim D's store. I always have an urge to go in there and just gawk.

I would only risk this if your doctor is an ophthalmologist and he can offer you some kind of protective covering to wear when you see Kim D.  I'm pretty sure that looking directly into her face causes blindness or insanity.  

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How does Bravo unerringly get so many sucky people on these shows? I can't think of one person I actually like on this show anymore. Their flaws outshine every possible positive.

This. Dina is my favorite,which isn't exactly a supreme compliment because I hate everyone else. At least she loves animals and I confess I coveted her closet just a little.

Can't stand Amber but quite frankly don't see the twins as much better. Even Rosie annoyed me last night. 


Really this show seems to have the trashiest, dumbest and most overall annoying castmembers of any franchise and, heaven  knows,  that is saying something. 

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I did some checking online with the Monmouth County Clerk. Jim Marchese bought his house while unmarried in February 2005. He purchased it new from a builder for $1,427,438.


His own company, Mortgage Now, gave him the loan - $999,999. But, it's an interest only loan for the first ten years. The rate started at 4.5% but changes every month. He lucked out that interest rates have been so low for so many years. According to the terms of his loan, the lowest the rate would be is 4.5% (maximum of 12%, but that's not an issue in these days of low interest rates). A quick online check tells me that his monthly payments for that McMansion would be around $3,750 for an interest only loan at 4.5%. Not bad, living in a $1.5 million McMansion for $3,750.


The shit's going to hit the fan in February of 2015 when he has to finally start paying principal and interest. He either has to start coming up with a bigger payment, or refinance, or sell. After ten years, he's made no payments on the principal balance so he still owes $999,999 on it. Also, if it was worth almost $1.5 million in February of 2005, that was just around the height of the real estate market. It might be worth significantly less now and he still owes almost a million on it. 


Hmm, perhaps they went on this show for the Bravo paycheck and all the offer$ it sometimes brings? Are we going to see another housewife lose a house because they were poseurs living beyond their means?



ETA:  They had the house listed for sale from March 2011 until July 2012:



So Jim and Amber have not been married 7-8 years?  It is a good thing she stayed in school and didn't marry for money because it sounds like Jim, the attorney, won't be giving her any.  Wow, after all these years he still hasn't even out her name on the deed. 


Thanks Lucky for all the info.

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I know he's a criminal but I've always loved Joe Guidice.  He is downright hilarious.  All these bozos are always putting on airs and he's always like, "whatever."  He was the highlight for me last night.

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I know he's a criminal but I've always loved Joe Guidice.  He is downright hilarious.  All these bozos are always putting on airs and he's always like, "whatever."  He was the highlight for me last night.


Yup, agreed.  Whenever I look back on the numerous seasons, the clips that have actually made me laugh (and not in a Beavis and Butthead, finger-pointing, snarky type of laugh) are courtesy of Joe Guidice.


Hell, I even giggled like a schoolgirl when he went on that rant last season or the season before where he was hurling insults at Teresa's relatives, Caroline, and Jacqueline because they had upset her.  I even laughed when he just laid on the couch Christmas morning and held up the video camera to record without even bothering to use a view finder or make sure that shit was in focus.  And I REALLY loved it when he told Teresa she was just going to take back the coat he bought her for Christmas and exchange it for something else.


I know he's done and said vile things as well on the show, but it speaks volumes to me that the most unintentional comical moments of this franchise have been brought to me courtesy of the same guy who has conversely also had me dropping my jaw at comments, such as "Here she comes, my bitch wife," and "she's such a cunt."  


And my golden highlight of ALL reality show moments was when his drunken gymnastics resulted in him breaking his front teeth.  I happened to see that little gem on the same night Jersey Shore gave us Mike knocking himself unconscious when he hurled himself head-first into a concrete wall.  Hard to forget that reality TV night.


I'm sure this will be the last season for Joe.  I can't imagine him not having to do time for his charges.  Without him around to provide the most crass comic relief on this franchise, I'm sure I'll be tuning out.  Everyone else on this franchise appears to have a Paul Bunyan-sized axe to grind and it's turned so dark that I'll probably mosey off to other Sunday night pastures when this show airs.  My lip is usually curled back so hard in disgust watching this franchise that I'm afraid the snarl will become a permanent fixture on my face.  

Edited by Persnickety1
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After seeing this screeching cat fighting group of harpies I can understand why Rosie would rather hang with the guys.


Rosie and Joe Guidice together = hands down some of the best NJ scenes ever. 

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Passing the bar exam is only the first step to getting admitted to practice. So it's posdible that he passed a bar exam. But there are other considerations before you are licensed.


I would love it if it came out that he couldn't be admitted because he failed the ethics interview (at least in NY we have one, not sure about in NJ).

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We laughed at Juicy Joe's rant in the limo.  


Ok, the fight was kinda fun but the party was so silly. First Responder Awareness.   What the heck is that.   Dina called it...an excuse for women to dress slutty. My 8 year goes to princess parties like that...in the basement, dressed up and eats a few snacks. There isn't any hair pulling though.  


Rino got really worked up about Jim's hands in the pockets.  Wow. 

I LOVED Juicy just sitting back, having some wine and not getting involved.  My, how things changed. 


Never been a huge fan of Dina but I liked her last night.  She brought some balance to the crazies.  She is a little sad and reflective but Im Ok with that.


Melissa totally set up that whole plot so she could get some airtime and stay relevant. 


Didn't care for the clip of the car dealership.  I found the car guy to be obnoxious. Not a Melssa fan but this was an ICY winter here in NJ as everyone can see because there is snow and ice on every single scene. Like no one has ever had an accident or skidded before.  It was just very condescending. I'm never going to have a Bentley but if I did, I wouldn't go there.  I didn't care for the guy talking to Melissa like she was a silly little girl. Joe Gorga did it but they are married so maybe that's how they roll.  Or who knows. But who is the car dealer guy to say boo! He is getting money.  Say something plesant...you're on camera! 

Edited by Marigold
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The highlight of the episode for me was the shot of Rosie scrambling to leave when the ladies started fighting. She booked it.

Dina in the background laughing her ass off is a close second for me personally.  Third would be the guy's face when the hair extension was presented to him on his kitchen counter.


"SHE WENT RIGHT FOR THE PHYSICAL" "I HAD THE CANCER" ...Amber is truly reality tv gold.  I have no doubt she was told by producers to kick everything up a notch, just like the twins.  Consider it: Dina never gets confrontational, Theresa has bigger problems and doesn't seem to give a damn about fighting with the other women, and Melissa is the NJ equivalent of Tamra Judge from OC.  The new women sitting down and calmly discussing the homewrecker accusations over a cup of tea does not make for Bravo-approved reality tv.  They want fighting, they want hair pulling.


Are all of Amber's kids biologically hers?  Someone please straighten this out.  If Jim has an ex somewhere I'd love to hear her story.  Also, let's email the Seton Hall Law alumni group and ask about ol' Jimmy.  This guy is such a pretentious, fronting twat.

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Melissa seems okay with playing a bubble-headed driver who just can't keep from crashing the car. The guy at the dealership was a jerk, but I don't think she minded.


Besides, the whole thing is made up.  I'm assuming they have collision insurance on the Bentley--don't you have to carry it unless you own the car outright?  So I call bullshit on them spending $100,000 in the last year on bodywork.  (Well, auto bodywork, anyway.)  The dealership guy said he's their best customer, which I can believe, but that money is bound to be coming from the insurance company, not from the Gorgas.  Hell, I bet he even waives their deductible, so they're probably not out a dime.  But Joe Go clearly made it sound like they are personally ponying up the cash, and I think that's simply untrue.

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Amber is step mother to the two oldest boys. They are Jim's boys from a previous marriage.  I read the divorce was trashy! 

The two youngest are biologically hers. (that's what I read, I wasn't at the delivery!)

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Reading how many people like Joe Giudice...it's sad that they'll probably put him away for longer and give Teresa a pass to raise the kids.  He'd probably do a better job of it. 


The Gorgas on WWHL- I agree Andy was a little frosty towards them.  I wonder if it's because nobody's really dealing Bravo the dirt on Teresa/Joe Giudice as they get closer to sentencing.  Plus Melissa seemed a little big for her britches with the whole "I'm not giving them music" comment.  It was a little arrogant- like anyone cares outside of this show; like she's giving anything else in this context now that she's cool with Teresa; and she called out editing with a comment about what they show/don't show.  Andy seems to get pissed when the HW's pull that crap, like they're somehow better than the show they're on.  

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Reading how many people like Joe Giudice...it's sad that they'll probably put him away for longer and give Teresa a pass to raise the kids.  He'd probably do a better job of it. 


The Gorgas on WWHL- I agree Andy was a little frosty towards them.  I wonder if it's because nobody's really dealing Bravo the dirt on Teresa/Joe Giudice as they get closer to sentencing.  Plus Melissa seemed a little big for her britches with the whole "I'm not giving them music" comment.  It was a little arrogant- like anyone cares outside of this show; like she's giving anything else in this context now that she's cool with Teresa; and she called out editing with a comment about what they show/don't show.  Andy seems to get pissed when the HW's pull that crap, like they're somehow better than the show they're on.  


I laughed when Melissa said something about how Bravo doesn't show when she hits her notes. She never hits her notes. Who is she fooling?

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