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S23.E01: Season Premiere

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Well, I was annoyed with some but don't hate them yet. Except for Christian and Brent. 

I did like the way they picked teams. It ensured that it wasn't just a team of white pretty people, and the teams are mixed up enough with different strengths where I definitely predicted the strongest and weakest teams wrong. 

But this is Big Brother; by this time next week, I'll be actively rooting against at least half the house.

The house HAS received a major upgrade, so that's good. 

Welcome back, Big Brother 23. I skipped out on you last year besides week 1 because I have no interests in veterans. Newbies excite me, so I'm excited.

  • Love 23

The schoolyard pick-em could have gone very very wrong.

I love Azah and love that she wore three inch heels.

Oh Brent no.  We already had one and don’t need another one, especially one who feels the need to say how charming he is every other second.

There is no way in hades that Christian is 23.  No way.

Teams sucks.

I will absolutely not be watching Love Island, but from what I saw, Cinco might actually be worth tuning in for.

  • Love 2

I'm stunned. This is overall the smartest, least obnoxious group of houseguests I've ever seen on BB. Almost no annoying, shallow airheads. I thought Claire would stand out as smart, but probably not. 

I was laughing though. Here's Julie trying to hype the gambling aspect of this season to a bunch of careful, risk-averse people. I loved it when none of the four women put up their hands, and when Frenchie was like "Nope. I'm not doing that." 

Hannah is interesting. She looks like Jennifer Lawrence. I like that she wore a cute, comfortable top and jeans instead of what used to be obligatory for the women - skin tight, super short cocktail dresses with stilettos they could barely walk in. Actually a lot of the women looked comfortable. Nothing wrong with dressing up, but it was nice to see some variety. 

What did Julie do to her face? If I'd never seen her before, I'd think she looked fine, but I have seen her before, and she didn't look like that. 

I'm afraid to get my hopes up, but this could be an excellent season. 

  • Love 19

Frenchie's #BLM on his truck in the intro pic, holding the door open for Xavier, picking Derek F because he's like his best friend - is he trying too hard, or genuinely working to be anti-racist? I'm really hoping it's the latter, because I like him so far!


Like the pop-up DRs, actually wish they left them small in the corner the whole time. I don't need the full screen close-up unless it's an epic breakdown/freak out.

Love that the oddball team won the first comp, and glad they didn't risk it for two weeks.

Please, Xavier, make lots of allies so you can survive the rest of your team!

I will regret this sentiment soon enough, but actually think this season looks promising. 🤞

  • Love 15
2 minutes ago, Dewey Decimate said:

Frenchie's #BLM on his truck in the intro pic, holding the door open for Xavier, picking Derek F because he's like his best friend - is he trying too hard, or genuinely working to be anti-racist? I'm really hoping it's the latter, because I like him so far!


Like the pop-up DRs, actually wish they left them small in the corner the whole time. I don't need the full screen close-up unless it's an epic breakdown/freak out.

Love that the oddball team won the first comp, and glad they didn't risk it for two weeks.

Please, Xavier, make lots of allies so you can survive the rest of your team!

I will regret this sentiment soon enough, but actually think this season looks promising. 🤞

FWIW on his cast profile he says he's a proud member of the NAACP, so I'm really hopeful it's not all an act. Especially after last season. 😕

Edited by Edith bluth
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Cautiously optimistic. Casting seemed hugely improved, and I'm not as upset with the teams as I have been in the past. I believe I read it will be for four weeks. I like most of them right now, but I'm sure that will change. You'll have to forgive me for being totes suspish about who appeared in each pair on the wheel, but it's probably better than giving them free rein to screw it up themselves. 

If Julie is going to close each show with random platitudes, I'm going to change channels early after each episode.

  • Love 14

Okay, so much that I will forget something but here goes.

Where the heck is the bald chick? Did she get Covid at the last minute and get replaced by Queen Clair?

Just to prove you can't please everyone...could they not find one sexy asian female in the whole country? Not one?

Okay got that out of the way now for the good stuff. You don't have to be a rocket scientist to guess the jackpot choices weren't random like the Big Wheel on Price if Right. Expertly set up so that no one group would wind up being completly homogenous...well done. And as a bonus it also cut down on the possibility of a pack of Alpha Males "bro-ing it up" on one team.

Funny I thought the Jokers would be in trouble but they turned out to be winners. Frenchie probably should have (no pun intended) thrown the dice competition to save face at making the choice not to risk safety. Now he and his team will always wonder if he should have done it since he could have won it. Anyway its always a joy and a tradition to watch a BIG BROTHER twist flame out going all the way back to season one when they desperatly tried to bribe one of the ultra boring houseguests to leave with a suit case full of cash but got no takers.

I forget the girls name but I'll call her Kamela 2.0 (younger and way cuter) but I hope she goes far. Kind of like what I've seen of her. Whitney is easy on the eyes and Curly haired guy seems cool. The only one I don't care for is the Cody Califorie clone. Too cocksure but since I don't risk my life everyday going to work and he does stepping into a metal tube that can fall from the sky at any moment I'll give him respect. Please don't' be a tool.

Based only on a feeling I think Xavier and Alyssa are not two people who will get along. Both seem like they are "to cool for school".

Nerd Girl and Karate Girl couldn't possibly have a bigger target on their backs unless it was painted in bright neon pink. We all know anyone different are immediate targets and since ethnicity won't be a factor this year they look like cannon fodder though I could also see nerd girl being a professional pawn put up weekly and told "Don't worry...our real target is: fill in the blank"

Still no studio audience...maybe it will come back at some point.

Anyway...good start...no returning players, no competitions referencing them so I'm good! Be nice to see all the regular posters and newbies back on the board this summer!

Edited by North of Eden
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Julie to first group of HGs: “Go straight to the backyard!” (Followed by 5 minutes of slow walking, fist bumping, and gazing at their own faces on photo wall..)

Julie to 2nd group of HGs: “Go straight to the backyard! No dilly dallying!” (Dilly-dallying ensues.)

Julie to 3rd group of HGs: “Just go inside.” 

1 hour ago, mojoween said:

I love Azah and love that she wore three inch heels.

3 inches? Those were 6 inches at least. I’m guessing you’re not a guy. 😉

41 minutes ago, Ananayel said:

If Julie is going to close each show with random platitudes, I'm going to change channels early after each episode.

You must not have been watching last season. Julie’s pearls of wisdom are her reason for living, her gift to the world, her… way of punishing us for watching this shit.

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I was really hoping there would be some older people on.  When the oldest contestant is 40 (And she looks like she's in her early 30's) it just seems like we will never get another Remi, Cliff, Kent, Jack, Shelia or Jerry.  Every damn time I see Derek F., I am always going to think of Muhammad Ali shit talking his father.

Edited by BK1978
Because I forgot to add Jack to the list of older players. He was one of my favorites, how could I forget Jack?
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1 hour ago, Brian Cronin said:

It kills me that Xavier's pretending to be dumb kept him from being picked by Claire, who would be a perfect partner for him!

Nah.  As soon as Kyland said he was an app developer I knew Claire would pick him, regardless of what Xavier said.  

I really enjoyed the premiere.  Like so many in the live chat thread and this one I'm casting a major side-eye at the "random" nature of each team captain's two options in each round but I choose to overlook it because at least it gave us diverse teams that weren't the immediate, obvious "natural" groupings we usually wind up with, aka DudeBros & their SideHos, WannaBeButNeverPopulars and Nerds/Outcasts.  

Team Jokers - I like Frenchie and am going to disregard the fact that he named his baby after Robyn Kass.  But, I might hold it against him later in the season if he flames out.  I appreciated why he chose Derek F - sometimes, it's just about a feeling you have that you and someone else are going to connect on a personal level.  Great social game move.  Rounding out the rest of his team - I have no real opinion about Azah yet.  She doesn't grate and she's, easily, the most gorgeous woman in the cast this season.  "Queen" indeed, Frenchie.  Britni - nah, a double major in 4 years is totally doable and not that special (somewhat convoluted story but I was my senior seminar & senior paper classes/6 credits shy of a double major in 4 years, but 25 years later - not that big of a deal).  But, I totally would have picked her over Sarah Beth too, so I can't blame Frenchie for that.

Team Aces - Whitney is annoying and vapid.  I'm ashamed she's from my metro region.  I'm sure she lives in one of the fancy, McMansions that have sprung up in Happy Valley in the last twenty years.  So, of course Whitney chose Brent when given the choice - he said he flies with "the beautiful people" and that was all she needed to hear.  Derek X is definitely prettier than I expected.  So, apparently, Big Brother can find hot Asians to cast.  I like Hannah way more than I expected based on the pre-season bio and videos.  

Team Kings - Christian is a douche.  I want him gone stat.  Hopefully Frenchie targets him.  All Alyssa had to say was "swimsuit" and BB probably could have not bothered playing Tiffany's video.  She's vapid like Whitney and will probably last awhile, especially if she showmances up with Xavier.  No surprise that he chose Xavier over Derek F - dudebro Christian predictably gravitates to the fit and beautiful.  Xavier disappointed me tonight - NO TO SHOWMANCES and playing down his intelligence.  I mean, I get it, don't put an early target on your back, but I'm 100% expecting him to showmance it up with Alyssa and I'm already hating that.  LOL that Christian was left with Sarah Beth.  I sew and I should want to like you but you're too annoying for words and such a try-hard.  Maybe in twenty years she'll have the self-confidence and maturity to not be such a doofus.  Anyone from this team except Xavier can go this week and I'll throw a party.

Team Queens - I like Claire, which surprises me a little since her bio read almost too good to be true and I expected to be disappointed.  As I said above, as soon as Kyland said "app designer" I knew she'd pick him over Xavier.  He's also pretty and seems fairly down to earth so I don't hate him yet.  Tiffany - I know, I know, never root for the 40 yr old & plus houseguests but I like her a lot.  Mad respect for running her own mobile phlebotomy business - that takes some brains.  And I love that Claire picked her over a younger houseguest - I'm hoping that turns out to be good game instincts.  And then there is Travis.  LOL.  I'm 100% going to confuse him and Christian until one of them goes (hopefully Christian this week).  In case anyone was wondering, guys can be vapid too.  Travis and Whitney can be a vapid showmance together that we all love to hate.

LOL at Team Aces' pyramid falling just before Christian reached the buzzer and them then flaming out so spectacularly they wound up as Have-Nots.  Couldn't have asked for a better team to be Have-Nots.  That might help tear that team asunder fast.

Boo to Frenchie for not throwing that double or nothing dice contest at the end.  I get it though - he said, pre-season, that it goes against his nature to throw comps and that seemed to be the case there at the end.

All in all, good start to the season.  Now, to the Live Feeds!

Edited by HighQueenEB
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I am......... cautiously optimistic!

I only hate Christian and Brent so far.  That's the least number of hamsters I hate after the first episode, ever.  So already this season starts better than most.

It will take some time to sort them all out.  There is obvious cannon fodder (*cough*cough* costume girl), but some hope a strong mid-house alliance can dominate over the dude-bro/side-ho alliance.  I will say the casting seems to be more balanced than in past seasons.

I think production is hoping that Frenchie will be the new beloved Donny.  He does seem to be cut from that mold.

  • Love 5

All in all, a shockingly decent premiere considering the history of this show.  Liked how the teams ended up, with nobody a clear lopsided team, in terms of dominance, so far.  

Rooting for Claire so far.  Frenchie was WAY better than I anticipated.  I wouldn't have taken that gamble either.  There would have been no worse way to start the game than pissing off your entire team if you flopped at that dice game and ruined their week of safety.  I'm sure his team is happy enough just to skate by this week and not be the first, easy targets?  Plus, he is HoH for the first week now, so his entire team will be in a good spot to start making deals and alliances with the others.  A good start for him! 

Like most of you, only Sarah Beth, Brent, and to a lesser extent, Britini, rubbed me any kind of wrong way so far.  And I could still come around on them if they settle down a bit more once they've been in the house more than a minute.  I'm cautiously optimistic for the season now!

  • Love 4

Definitely a Frenchie fan. I just like the way he carries himself. Also (getting ready to get killed for this), I like Brent. The "I'm gonna stab people in the back while I smile at them" line really got me. I wanna see somebody play an absolutely vicious, cutthroat game, and he may be my best chance for that. 

Britini-For the love of everything, somebody get her to calm down. If you locked me in a house with her for the summer. I'd develop a drinking problem.

Sara Beth-It's like they tried to find somebody nerdier than Nicole, and they succeeded. I'll be shocked if she does anything of consequence in the game, as she strikes me as a hanger-on.

Derek F-Not really a fan and wouldn't have picked him for my team.

Azah-Good Lord! She's a knockout. Doesn't hurt that she looks a lot like my wife, just a bit taller.

Those were the people who jumped out to me last night. I'll probably re-watch the episode later and have some more thoughts.

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That dice game turned out to be harder than it looked, and under the pressure, Frenchie could very well have lost. That was the right choice for sure. Winning the first two comps he already has a target, no need to make it bigger by either angering all the other players if you win, or your team if you lose. 

Someone should start slipping some Stuart Smalley Daily Affirmations into Julie's teleprompter. 

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I liked the premiere, and I basically have no issue with any of the houseguests yet (yay for more poc!). They definitely gave the team leaders the options that they did in order to ensure diverse teams by race and gender, but I’m glad they did that. Another season like BB22 would’ve been disastrous. 

I definitely see Frenchie as a comp beast, and I also think Claire will be quite good. I don’t know about Xavier yet. It’s hard to know where he stands since he’s trying to portray himself as dumb, and I also get the feeling that he didn’t really try during the HOH.

If I had to guess Sarah Beth or Derek may be the first to go.


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I almost laughed out loud when Azah ended up with Frenchie.  She was standing there by her lonesome as the next picks were being made and she HAD to be wondering WTF she just signed up for.  THIS dude as my leader?  I have to team with HIM?  She was hating life, I am sure.

Then, in total irony, after her practically screaming she would go after the HoH, she is on the HoH team!  

She gonna bond like oil with water.  The joke(rs) was on her in a big way last night.

  • Love 1

I'm shocked. Shocked, I tell you. Did this show get a new casting director? Did Alison Grodner leave? This has to be the most diverse cast in the history of this show. More than two people of color? What? Just in terms of the cast I'm optimistic. No returning vets and very few model types. Wow. Something obviously going on behind the scenes. Maybe they're finally getting the message that their formula has grown stale.

The only thing I don't like is this teams shit. They've done that before and it really stymies the game. This isn't a team type of game. Hopefully it will end soon. 

  • Love 14
7 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

I'm shocked. Shocked, I tell you. Did this show get a new casting director? Did Alison Grodner leave? This has to be the most diverse cast in the history of this show. More than two people of color? What? Just in terms of the cast I'm optimistic. No returning vets and very few model types. Wow. Something obviously going on behind the scenes. Maybe they're finally getting the message that their formula has grown stale.

They DID get a new casting director! And also, since last season, CBS instituted a policy that at least 50% of their reality show casts will be BIPOC, to help diversify their participants and give more people a fair shot.  So expect to see a lot more diversity on your Big Brother and Survivor casts in the upcoming seasons! I agree, this cast seems like a welcome change from what we are used to.

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5 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

This has to be the most diverse cast in the history of this show. More than two people of color? What? Just in terms of the cast I'm optimistic

Last night reminded me way more of BBCan, which tends to be more diverse. It just makes the show a lot more interesting and entertaining, and makes targeting people by sex or race way less likely. 

For me, the advantage of small teams early on is that it helps me get to know people faster, as opposed to all of them playing in one huge amorphous group. That's just me. 

  • Love 11
15 hours ago, Callaphera said:

I love how the whole house seemed to take one look at Travis and went "lol no". Probably the first time it's ever happened to him. That was definitely my favourite part of the premiere.

THIS!  Maybe the Hawaiian girls think he's all that and a plate of conkfish but I did not find him good looking at...ALL!!  And as someone with a gap, his was distracting af.

Immediately disliked Brent, he gave a serious asshole vibe.

Gotta give a big North Philly rep for Derek, woot-woot!  He looks like a cute version of Smokin' Joe Frazier.  Love that he's a big boy but one piece of advice....if you're going to wear tight shorts for claude's sake wear some draws!   

Only ones I liked right off the bat were Azah, Tiffany, Derek, Derek X. (yummy!), Xavier (yummy!), Kyland (love the hair!), Frenchie and Sarah Beth (though it ain't cute dressing up like a 12 year old, she's too pretty for that.)


4 hours ago, JayDub1987 said:

Britini-For the love of everything, somebody get her to calm down. If you locked me in a house with her for the summer. I'd develop a drinking problem.

Gotdamn, her yelling makes me want her to be the first to go!

Edited by Yogisbooboo64
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10 hours ago, HurricaneVal said:

I think production is hoping that Frenchie will be the new beloved Donny.  He does seem to be cut from that mold.

God, I knew this would come up!

UO, but I couldn't stand Donny!  Like Sam Bledsoe, he was okay but got cocky as soon as he became HOH and that left a bad taste in my mouth.

Why all the Christian hate?  Outside of having lovely hair, has he done anything shitty yet?

Edited by Yogisbooboo64
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I rewound it and still couldn't hear--did Britini say she was diagnosed with autism, or something else?  

Asking Frenchie to roll the dice for fun and then saying "see, you would have won" is like Jeff Probst annoyingly asking at the reunion, "If X had taken Y to the final instead of Z, would you still have voted for Y?"  You can't replicate the conditions or "what if."  Julie wanted to fill time, I suppose, but I'd rather have seen more of the meet and greet after (at the very end, Tiffany had stepped way back and seemed to be just observing the seething blob huddle of hugs and introductions.  Interesting).  

I'd have liked to see if Christie (the person who had a positive COVID test) and Derek F bonded over being from Philly, but I think overall I'll enjoy watching Claire more.  I'm from Philly and happy to have at least one fellow denizen to root for (nothing about him bugs me so far as long as he doesn't snap his fingers as much as he did in his intro video, LOL). 

I really liked the puzzles with the plexi--just wish I could have seen them closer.   

I love the beach/ocean and hence the decor, but I don't gamble and have no connection or interest in casinos and so forth, so I hope it leans more toward the beach part.

  • Love 3

My only problem with the first episode is how rushed it was.  They immediately ran outside and had their competitions, one after another.  I like when everyone enters the house, picks out their beds, and sit around the sofas, introducing themselves.  That gives us a chance to see who rubs people the wrong way as it happens!  Let the dislike begin BEFORE the competitions start! haha

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41 minutes ago, tinkerbell said:

The intro videos made me laugh.   "People will think I'm dumb because  ('m young,I have curly hair, I am blond, I am cute, I am a farmer, etc.)  and I'll let them think that.  But I'm really very smart!  

Yes, and they always think their real occupation is so impressive the others will be dumbstruck with awe around them, so they make up some other occupation that they consider lesser, thereby insulting thousands of viewers and revealing themselves as conceited snobs.


1 hour ago, Blissfool said:

I thought he was very cocky in his video.

 I thought they were all very cocky in their videos. 


2 hours ago, Matteo said:

And also, since last season, CBS instituted a policy that at least 50% of their reality show casts will be BIPOC, to help diversify their participants and give more people a fair shot.  So expect to see a lot more diversity on your Big Brother and Survivor casts in the upcoming seasons! I agree, this cast seems like a welcome change from what we are used to.

With America being 73% white, it doesn't seem like the show is giving those people a particularly fair shot, but it's TV so I guess they'll do whatever brings the viewers, and I guess that's also the reason for zero old people in what they're calling "the most diverse cast ever."

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I think production is hoping that Frenchie will be the new beloved Donny.  He does seem to be cut from that mold.

He seems a lot smarter than Donny, so far.


UO, but I couldn't stand Donny!  Like Sam Bledsoe, he was okay but got cocky as soon as he became HOH and that left a bad taste in my mouth.

I wasn't a fan either. The corn-pone act got old real fast. 

"Britini" strikes me as an ultra pretentious way of spelling the name. I'll reserve judgment until I know if her parents chose that spelling or if she did.


  • Useful 1
21 hours ago, North of Eden said:

Please don't' be a tool.

I'm from Rhode Island as is Brent. There are thousands and thousands of Brents here. In some neighborhoods everyone's a Brent. Anyway there's a pretty high possibility he's a tool.

Also there's a fairly high percentage probability that one of his relatives was my dentist back in 1993.

Oh yeah, Julie's face, what's that about? Maybe that's not Julie but an imposter. Maybe it's a twist.

They 100% thought Frenchie would take the bet and then they needed to fill 45 seconds. So Julie chose to torture Frenchie with the "Oh let's just see what would  have happened" BS. I desperately wanted Frenchie to say "No, Julie, I don't want to do that. I made my decision  and it doesn't matter what might have happened."

Edited by zibnchy
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