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Season 23 Live Feeds Discussion

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9 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

And those are all not great.

Yeah, it reminds me of, "Well, maybe Whitney just thinks that there were multiple shooters at Sandy Hook, not that it didn't happen period," in that, okay, but that's still ain't good. 😄

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2 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

Frenchie said he doesn't want to talk game anymore. 

So cue the game talk in 3, 2,1...he is exhausting.

1 hour ago, zorak said:

I really like Claire so I feel bad for saying this, but more than once I've seen her on the feeds from a distance and felt like she could be Tyler Crispin's female twin.  Only when she wears her hair in the bun though.

Claire bun.png

OK, maybe in this one pic, lol. I think she has a great face, and I love her hair and her casual vibe. 

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1 hour ago, zorak said:

I really like Claire so I feel bad for saying this, but more than once I've seen her on the feeds from a distance and felt like she could be Tyler Crispin's female twin.  Only when she wears her hair in the bun though.


Claire bun.png

Just MHO - but I think that’s less Claire looking like Tyler, and more Tyler frequently wearing his hair in a style more suited to Claire.

Edited by Nashville
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22 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

Brent suuuuuucks. I need him evicted next week.

Looks like the Big Brother Beach House will be getting a visit from Peetie the Sexual Harassment Panda 

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1 hour ago, zorak said:

Britini seems to think highly of herself.  She's talking to the camera and said there are some things the other houseguests don't know about her, because if they did, she wouldn't still be there.  She says she is out for blood.  She says she has every reason to put whoever she wants on the block.  

And it sounds like from what she's saying to Tiffany, she called them all honorary Froot Loop Dinguses during her veto ceremony speech.  She's not as funny as she thinks.

Yeah, so I know that Britini is neurodivergent and she doesn't always read social cues (like that clip of her busting in with her joke about Zach's speech and Xavier just shutting her down) and she doesn't modulate her reactions the same way as the other HGs but holy shit, this girl needs to take it down, like, eleven levels. I was going to make a joke about her crying harder at her nomination than GinaMarie mourning her wartime lover, Nick, and that's fine, I get it. Tears happen. Contrary to popular belief, even I cry once every 14 years when the Mercury is in Gatorade. But at this point? I want the house to flip and vote her out - not because I was Team Frenchie this week before any of this even happened but because I don't know if I can take her emotional whiplash and aggressive camera speeches and her proclaiming herself a comp beast while whining that they think she's a comp beast.

Normally I would love that delusion, I've been having a great time with Frenchie's, but there's something about Britini in this environment that just doesn't work and I don't think it's just feeding off of Frenchie's bitterness. There's just no charm to her now that she's in the house. Even Cool Girl Alyssa and Cool Girl: Sandy Hook Edition Whitney have moments where I forget about their unofficial titles and I enjoy them. Brent is super enjoyable until he starts talking about women and then you remember he's a giant flaming douchenozzle (and really, the fact that it was between him and Brett makes SO. MUCH. SENSE.). But Britini has never had that moment. Or any moment. She's just there until she's annoying and then she's back to being just there.

This is totally a feed watcher problem, too. Sure, Britini keeps repeating the same Zach jokes (the ROSES ARE RED, VIOLETS ARE BLUE speech and the FROOTLOOP DINGUS crap) (and also can we talk about which HG she has chosen to stan because she seems like a Zankie shipper and this is just adding fuel to the I Hate Her fire) but while we get to hear it every fucking time kill me now, the HGs are hearing it in small pockets or groups so it's less offensive to them. So they probably don't see it like the problem I do but holy fuck, you guys, I'd rather listen to Kyland and Derex and Frenchie try to have a conversation about mating habits of barnyard animals than Britini vowing vengeance but don't worry, Mom and Dad, I'm fiiiine. I'm just fine, I promise, I'm fiiiine. *sniff* it isn't faaaair, I'm just loooyal! COMP BEAST, BABY! KARATE!

Three paragraphs to say: I'm sorry, Sarah Beth, because I tagged you as my feeds killer before the season started it and although you're twee in a way that sets my teeth on edge, I actually really like you so far. Because Britini is officially my feeds killer and I don't feel bad about it at all.

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1 hour ago, peachmangosteen said:

Brent suuuuuucks. I need him evicted next week.

Brent is a weirdo. He is worse than Rodney on Survivor.

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1 hour ago, tinkerbell said:

Sexual harassment covers a broad range of behaviors. He could have been persistent in asking someone to hook up with him, or making comments about someone's body, or sending unwanted texts. 

Or maybe telling all his female coworkers that he could impregnate them just by looking at them.

27 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

But at this point? I want the house to flip and vote her out - not because I was Team Frenchie this week before any of this even happened but because I don't know if I can take her emotional whiplash and aggressive camera speeches and her proclaiming herself a comp beast while whining that they think she's a comp beast.

The good news: One of these train wrecks is leaving.

The good news: One of these train wrecks is staying to create more drama.

We win either way!

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2 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

Oh yea, Britini is unhinged. She has Raven energy but not to that extent. No one could ever be as Raven-y as Raven. But still, I have high hopes that she will provide many laughs lol.

I think Britini gives off strong Sam Bledsoe vibes. Remember when Sam seemed nice and friendly but then went on this weird rampage about all the hussies in the house and then just went batshit crazy and thought Tyler was in love with her?

Britini has the Sam energy -- very high self-regard and self-righteousness.

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36 minutes ago, Lady Whistleup said:

I think Britini gives off strong Sam Bledsoe vibes. Remember when Sam seemed nice and friendly but then went on this weird rampage about all the hussies in the house and then just went batshit crazy and thought Tyler was in love with her?

Britini has the Sam energy -- very high self-regard and self-righteousness.

I swear I read somewhere (here? Twitter?) that Britini had told someone in the house that she was saving herself for marriage.  If that's true, there could be some potential for the situation to turn into Aunt Sam 2:  Britini Boogaloo if any of these mofos start bumping uglies in the house.  Can anyone confirm that Britini said she is a virgin?

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1 minute ago, zorak said:

I swear I read somewhere (here? Twitter?) that Britini had told someone in the house that she was saving herself for marriage.  If that's true, there could be some potential for the situation to turn into Aunt Sam 2:  Britini Boogaloo if any of these mofos start bumping uglies in the house.  Can anyone confirm that Britini said she is a virgin?

Britini is a virgin. She got really upset when there was a lot of sex talk happening in the living room with the rest of the house and she left and had a conversation with Deref about it. She said she made herself a promise when she was, like, 12 that she would save herself for her husband. I remember because I had typed out a post about how I prefer test driving the car before committing to the ride and then I got sucked into one of their Mafia games and forgot about it.

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7 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

Britini is a virgin. She got really upset when there was a lot of sex talk happening in the living room with the rest of the house and she left and had a conversation with Deref about it. She said she made herself a promise when she was, like, 12 that she would save herself for her husband. I remember because I had typed out a post about how I prefer test driving the car before committing to the ride and then I got sucked into one of their Mafia games and forgot about it.

Britini is also one of those food judgmental people. When she got nominated she was crying and bless their clueless hearts but a few houseguests asked if they could bring her snacks. She rather rudely told all of them that she doesn't eat any carbs.

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7 minutes ago, Lady Whistleup said:

Britini is also one of those food judgmental people. When she got nominated she was crying and bless their clueless hearts but a few houseguests asked if they could bring her snacks. She rather rudely told all of them that she doesn't eat any carbs.

Britini does have some food restrictions, whether they're allergies or what. It took almost a week before they brought in dairy free ice cream for her and I constantly see her reading the backs of labels so I don't know if it's because of a medical reason or because it's part of a trendy diet fad but I kinda lean towards the first. It might be a fitness thing since she's suuuch a physical threat comp beast, I guess? But no one eats dairy free ice cream by choice. (Well, okay, I always forget the vegans. Sorry, vegans.)

Edited by Callaphera
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22 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

Britini does have some food restrictions, whether they're allergies or what. It took almost a week before they brought in dairy free ice cream for her and I constantly see her reading the backs of labels so I don't know if it's because of a medical reason or because it's part of a trendy diet fad but I kinda lean towards the first. It might be a fitness thing since she's suuuch a physical threat comp beast, I guess? But no one eats dairy free ice cream by choice. (Well, okay, I always forget the vegans. Sorry, vegans.)

Maybe it;s part of being on the spectrum but Brit doesn't really say in a nice way that she has food allergies. Instead she went on a rant about how she doesn't eat carbs and no one else should either. Like last year Kaysar had food restrictions too but he always said in a nice way that he couldn't eat their non-halal meat, not that he judged them for eating meat.

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20 minutes ago, Lady Whistleup said:

Maybe it;s part of being on the spectrum but Brit doesn't really say in a nice way that she has food allergies. Instead she went on a rant about how she doesn't eat carbs and no one else should either.

 It's not uncommon for some people on the spectrum have issues with food, whether it's extremely picky eating, food rituals, etc. Plus no doubt some also have medical reasons for restricted eating. (I know a lot of people swear by a keto diet for children with autism. I have no personal idea if this is helpful or not, I'm just reporting what I've been told.) But if they're on the spectrum, being tactful and diplomatic about it with others might be very difficult if not impossible for them. They might not even realize other people think they're rude, if they can't read the social cues. 

At the very least, I hope the houseguests were educated about how Britini interacts with people so they don't take it personally. 

How have the houseguests been handling her abrasive behaviour? 

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43 minutes ago, Lady Whistleup said:

Maybe it;s part of being on the spectrum but Brit doesn't really say in a nice way that she has food allergies. Instead she went on a rant about how she doesn't eat carbs and no one else should either. Like last year Kaysar had food restrictions too but he always said in a nice way that he couldn't eat their non-halal meat, not that he judged them for eating meat.

She doesn’t eat carbs? Okay, I’m just going to Isle #3. Moving along. 

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Britini has said she has IBS and has sensitivities to dairy and gluten. I'm the same. I still eat dairy all the time though and gluten sometimes lol. But yea, I don't think they're allergies or related to her autism. I believe it's IBS related.

A few of them seem to have some food hangups. Kyland (who is neurodivergent so it might be coming from that) can't eat cold meat or cooked vegetables. There were a bunch of others but I don't remember them all. Deref also can't eat cold meat. Christian says that if he has oreos then he'll eat the entire package in 1 sitting because then he can just go back to eating healthy the next day. I believe he said his parents didn't allow him to have any junk food so it's probably coming from that restriction.

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21 minutes ago, Melina22 said:


How have the houseguests been handling her abrasive behaviour? 

This is a fairly nice house so they're not mean to her. I do notice however that when she repeats Zach's eviction speech for the 1000x time or goes on a speech about how great she is, people tend to be very silent and not say much. 

I THINK an issue is that unlike Ky who has ADD and anxiety, and also a bit unlike Ian or Steve who were also on the spectrum, Britini just isn't that nice of a person. I think with the others you could take the awkwardness because there was a good soul underneath. But Britini IMO doesn't have that goodness.

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1 minute ago, Lady Whistleup said:

This is a fairly nice house ...

Yea, it's boring lol.

1 minute ago, Lady Whistleup said:

I THINK an issue is that unlike Ky who has ADD and anxiety, and also a bit unlike Ian or Steve who were also on the spectrum, Britini just isn't that nice of a person. I think with the others you could take the awkwardness because there was a good soul underneath. But Britini IMO doesn't have that goodness.

Britini is just kind of clueless and naïve but I don't get 'not a good soul' at all. Now Ian, that man does not have a good soul lol. And Steve was kind of an asshole imo.

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5 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

Britini is just kind of clueless and naïve but I don't get 'not a good soul' at all. Now Ian, that man does not have a good soul lol. And Steve was kind of an asshole imo.

She seems really smug and dismissive of people who are trying to make her feel better about being nominated. 

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Ian and Steve were totally like that too though. And like I'd say probably 90% of BB HGs are smug assholes a lot of the time.

That being said, I don't like Britini lol. She's being what I initially thought she would be pre-show after being pleasantly surprised by her the first week.

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I like Britni's friendship with Azah but I don't think they'd be interacting that much if they weren't on the same team. Britni does give me major Christmas vibes. I like that she acts like an adult. Ian would get on my nerves because everyone would treat him like he was 12 and he would act that age too. It would drive me crazy last year that he would never cook and hang out until someone would be like you can have some of my dish. They had a crock pot last year (not sure about this year) just toss some meat in lol. 

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1 minute ago, Lady Whistleup said:

So apparently the Nolan twins are making money from onlyfans?

Doing twincest porn by request is the scuttlebutt. I didn't delve deep enough to confirm that because all roads lead back to Evel Dick and I already showered tonight.

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Alyssa and Christian are having a convo with Britni and the substance doesn’t interest me so much as Alyssa and Christian being wrapped around each other like they’re a showmance. It seems incredibly dumb to me because they will immediately become a target once Frenchie is gone IMO because you’d have to be blind not to see how connected they are. Maybe Brent/Whitney give them a buffer but I think Brent has been at least attempting to put some space between them and could convince people they’re not a duo. Alyssa and Christian seem to have gone down the road really far. And I think it’s bad for Alyssa as I don’t think she’d be on anyone’s radar if she wasn’t a part of the most solid duo. 

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5 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:
5 hours ago, tinkerbell said:

Sexual harassment covers a broad range of behaviors. He could have been persistent in asking someone to hook up with him, or making comments about someone's body, or sending unwanted texts. 

And those are all not great.

Right, they are awful.

I was responding to a comment on the close quarters for a flight crew, and how hard it would be to do anything without everyone else knowing about it. I wasn't excusing him, just saying that harassment isn't always evident to co-workers.  The fact that he brought it up means he didn't take it seriously.  Its a shameful thing to get fired for harassment. 

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I will say that I admire Britini's ability to not read the room and just crash in like Kool-Aid Man to cockblock Alyssa and Christian's whatevermance. She just blithely plops herself down and starts chattering away whenever those two are alone for awhile. I'm beginning to wonder if Xavier is weaponizing her magical cockblock talent so that he can try to sway Alyssa over to his side dick.

ETA: Request for Britini's comic alter-ego to be The Cockblocker. Or whatever is network friendly at 8 pm.

Edited by Callaphera
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20 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

Doing twincest porn by request is the scuttlebutt. I didn't delve deep enough to confirm that because all roads lead back to Evel Dick and I already showered tonight.

That's depressing. I liked them. Well I didn't like Liz's grossmance with Austin but I liked Liz alone and I liked Julia. 

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6 minutes ago, tinkerbell said:

I was responding to a comment on the close quarters for a flight crew, and how hard it would be to do anything without everyone else knowing about it.

Oh no no no!  That wasn't what I meant at all...  I meant how awful for the victims to be trapped in a tube with this guy that is harassing them with no escape until landing.  I meant that at least in a smaller airplane, you could stay within sight of witnesses and gain some modicum of protection from that.  Long haul airplanes are where you would have to be careful not to be caught alone with a harasser, because there are places that could happen.

You're stuck with this guy hitting on you until the plane lands.  At least a flight attendant can walk away from an obnoxious passenger, but walking away from a lecherous co-worker as free to move about the cabin as you are isn't so easy.

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3 hours ago, Lady Whistleup said:

Remember when Sam seemed nice and friendly but then went on this weird rampage about all the hussies in the house

Ah yes, when Sam became the living embodiment of my favorite Simpsons quote of all time:



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I am rooting for Azah. She has a delightful sense of humor and more than once I have seen her cover her mouth and so cutely laugh in surprise at what is going on. She impressed me so that I go around modeling her behavior when something is funny in my real life. 

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1 minute ago, LoveLeigh said:

I am rooting for Azah. She has a delightful sense of humor and more than once I have seen her cover her mouth and so cutely laugh in surprise at what is going on. She impressed me so that I go around modeling her behavior when something is funny in my real life. 

I want Azah and Tiffany for final 2

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3 hours ago, zorak said:

I swear I read somewhere (here? Twitter?) that Britini had told someone in the house that she was saving herself for marriage.  If that's true, there could be some potential for the situation to turn into Aunt Sam 2:  Britini Boogaloo if any of these mofos start bumping uglies in the house.  Can anyone confirm that Britini said she is a virgin?


On 7/15/2021 at 12:30 AM, 30 Helens said:

Britini is telling Deref she’s a virgin. Saving it for marriage. He thinks that’s so cuuute.

ETA: To be clear, he was actually supportive. He said it must be hard being around this group. She said some of the games and story sharing make her uncomfortable because she can’t really participate.

You mean you don’t save all my posts in a digital scrapbook? I think I’m offended.

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2 minutes ago, 30 Helens said:

You mean you don’t save all my posts in a digital scrapbook? I think I’m offended.

Physical is obviously the way to go for a project like this. Glitter, cutesy tape, paper cutouts... the works.

2 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

Christian was supposed to be on Love Island and got pulled for Big Brother instead. That fits.

Nothing has ever made more sense, except maybe Brent losing out to Brett for a spot on BB20.

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32 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

I will say that I admire Britini's ability to not read the room and just crash in like Kool-Aid Man to cockblock Alyssa and Christian's whatevermance. She just blithely plops herself down and starts chattering away whenever those two are alone for awhile. I'm beginning to wonder if Xavier is weaponizing her magical cockblock talent so that he can try to sway Alyssa over to his side dick.

ETA: Request for Britini's comic alter-ego to be The Cockblocker. Or whatever is network friendly at 8 pm.

I endorse this. I am also seeing images of Britini’s cover with her as the Kool-Aid Man. But I don’t see why she can’t be both.

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I have nothing against Christian. I couldn’t really care less when he’s evicted. He’s one notch above brain dead for me. Like there is nothing going on in that head. And I actually kind of like Alyssa. But watching them together and him stroking her hair makes me want to vomit. 

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2 minutes ago, MV007 said:

I have nothing against Christian. I couldn’t really care less when he’s evicted. He’s one notch above brain dead for me. Like there is nothing going on in that head. And I actually kind of like Alyssa. But watching them together and him stroking her hair makes me want to vomit. 

It happens every summer. A young female HG is pretty, sassy, likable. Then she starts a showmance with a much less intelligent, likable HG. All the sparkle and vitality drain out of her as she spends her days lying in bed with her showmance. 

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1 minute ago, Lady Whistleup said:

It happens every summer. A young female HG is pretty, sassy, likable. Then she starts a showmance with a much less intelligent, likable HG. All the sparkle and vitality drain out of her as she spends her days lying in bed with her showmance. 

Eh, likable is now debatable. Alyssa has moments of snark but then she has moments where she goes on about how she doesn't get along with girls, she only gets along with boys, and now she's added a whole "and I don't think I'm attractive at all, I'm ugly tee hee TELL ME I'M PRETTY" layer to it in the past 24 hours.

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3 hours ago, Melina22 said:

 It's not uncommon for some people on the spectrum have issues with food, whether it's extremely picky eating, food rituals, etc. Plus no doubt some also have medical reasons for restricted eating. (I know a lot of people swear by a keto diet for children with autism. I have no personal idea if this is helpful or not, I'm just reporting what I've been told.) But if they're on the spectrum, being tactful and diplomatic about it with others might be very difficult if not impossible for them. They might not even realize other people think they're rude, if they can't read the social cues. 

At the very least, I hope the houseguests were educated about how Britini interacts with people so they don't take it personally. 

How have the houseguests been handling her abrasive behaviour? 

This isn't directed at you it is just your post sort of lends into the question I have.  Anyone who would like to answer this question please do.  Has Britini disclosed that she is autistic to the rest of the house? 

2 hours ago, Lady Whistleup said:

This is a fairly nice house so they're not mean to her. I do notice however that when she repeats Zach's eviction speech for the 1000x time or goes on a speech about how great she is, people tend to be very silent and not say much. 

I THINK an issue is that unlike Ky who has ADD and anxiety, and also a bit unlike Ian or Steve who were also on the spectrum, Britini just isn't that nice of a person. I think with the others you could take the awkwardness because there was a good soul underneath. But Britini IMO doesn't have that goodness.

My buddy worked with a guy who has Down Syndrome and they became friends.  Anyway, I would hang out with the guy who had Down Syndrome from time to time and quickly came to the realization that he was a total asshole.  It was not because he did not know any better, this dude was just an asshole.

The reason how I figured out that he was, was because he would be the nicest person ever to certain people.  But if for some reason he did not like you, which was the case with me and one of my other friend, he made a point of being an asshole to you.  I would go out of my way to be nice to the guy and nothing I said or did ever won him over.  So finally I said, "If he is hanging out with you, I don't want to come along."

I stereotyped him initially because any time previously that I had met someone with Down Syndrome, I found them to be the sweetest people I have ever met.  Well not this motherfucker, he was nasty and mean spirited to people he did not like.

My point is, I agree with you.  It could just be that Britini is not a nice person.

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3 hours ago, Callaphera said:

Christian was supposed to be on Love Island and got pulled for Big Brother instead. That fits.

 Seriously?  I find him difficult to look at.  

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