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The View: Week of 6/21/2021

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Monday, June 21 – Drew Barrymore (“Drew” magazine); “View Your Deal” with hottest items at affordable prices

Tuesday, June 22 – The Political View with Rep. Val Demings (D-Fla.); once homeless track-stars, the Sheppard sisters, make a return visit to “The View”(“Sisters on Track”)

Wednesday, June 23 – Day of Hot Topics

Thursday, June 24 – Leslie Odom Jr.

Friday, June 25 – Sinéad O’Connor (“Rememberings”); Margaret Cho (“Good on Paper”)

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Ecchhh!  Drew Barrymore ?  Thanks, but no thanks.

She'll be promoting "Drew Magazine" ?  She thinks she's Oprah now ? 

The last self-indulgent talk show host to try to imitate Oprah with her own magazine was Rosie when she took over 'McCall's'. And we all know how that turned out before the magazine ink had a chance to dry. 

Please, EPs...book some INTERESTING guests for a change !

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Drew is a sweet person, but I'm surprised she's coming out with a magazine. I loved magazines when I was younger, but with so much stuff being online, I only buy them if I'm traveling now. Anyone else still have subscriptions? 

I've also noticed the price of magazines has gone way up from when I'd grab one at Barnes or wherever. Paperback books are around the same, but lots of magazines cost several bucks or more. 

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Does Drew still have a talk show?  Is the magazine an additional venture or a replacement?

Love, love Val Demings. It is my greatest hope that she will be successful in her Senate bid.

Love, love Leslie Odom Jr. He could sing the phone book and I’d listen for hours. 

Edited by Haleth
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Meg, “grace” and “compassion” are not in your vocabulary. (As evidenced by your abortion = murder stance.)

People will quickly get over cave syndrome once they start to get out more. I spent the weekend in Chicago and it was almost back to normal. Crowds everywhere, few masks being warn. It was ok. 

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Drew Barrymore cast herself as one of the Angels when she produced Charlie’s Angels. She may not be as big of an asshole as MeAgain, but her sense of self importance is just as large.  I’ve only ever liked her one movie- and it wasn’t ET

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11 minutes ago, 2JEWELL said:

Drew Barrymore cast herself as one of the Angels when she produced Charlie’s Angels. She may not be as big of an asshole as MeAgain, but her sense of self importance is just as large.  I’ve only ever liked her one movie- and it wasn’t ET

She's an actress. Why wouldn't she cast herself? 

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I feel you, Whoopie.  Sciatica isn't fun.

If anyone ever wants time to stand still and The Rachel Ray Show isn't on, watch Drew's show because OMG it's boring.

Edited by Axie
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I’ve always thought Drew Barrymore seemed really sweet? I think of her more for her comedy films, although I always loved Ever After with her and Anjelica Huston. I’m surprised to see she's controversial. Oh, well. I don’t watch her show though. It’s nothing against her, I’ve just never been determined enough to keep up with fluff shows, even when I like the host (same way with Kelly, Ellen, Queen Latifah, The Real, etc.). Those types of shows I only see when I happen to catch them at random rather than seek them out like I do with this show for Joy.

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58 minutes ago, Picture It. Sicily said:

She's an actress. Why wouldn't she cast herself? 

It wasn’t the action of casting herself,  it was the project she chose that bugged me.

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1 hour ago, 2JEWELL said:

Drew Barrymore cast herself as one of the Angels when she produced Charlie’s Angels. She may not be as big of an asshole as MeAgain, but her sense of self importance is just as large.  I’ve only ever liked her one movie- and it wasn’t ET

It’s not an uncommon tactic. Katharine Hepburn famously procured the rights to, The Philadelphia Story, in order to play the starring role. She had been declared box office poison, and her move revitalized her career. 

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The ladies except Me-again were awesome in talking about abortion rights President Biden and the importance of the separation of church and state.  The Catholic church is just something else, I would think with everything going on in the world, they would have other things to worry about and like Joy said they are just using culture wars in order to maintain their power. 

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9 minutes ago, ifionlyknew said:

So Meghan says as a pro lifer she fights for the rights of the unborn. 

What got me is that she also said fighting for the rights of the unborn is as old as the Catholic church itself......  I don't think St. Peter had much to say about the unborn....  But she seems to forget a what he (and Jesus) says about how to treat the poor and those with less privilege.     

What I hate about this current format with MM involved is that everyone just states their spiel and there is very little direct interaction.  Like they could have all taped their spiels separately last week and we wouldn't tell the difference.   I realize it's because MM does not know how to discuss anything without attacking or feeling attacked.    


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7 minutes ago, bannana said:

The second really nails it…especially the various tweets that pull no punches.  Loved the one that pointed out if, should they get to the pearly gates, she and Ben will have to answer for the fact that they seem to support white supremacists(I guess ben gets funding from one).   Also, I’m curious as one article said she can’t give a sermon in her church so what religion does she follow?  Haven’t ever heard what church she attends.  

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11 minutes ago, bannana said:

Good articles, but I’m extremely disappointed that Jezebel used the term, “Pro-abortion”.  

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1 minute ago, Rainyhawk said:

 Haven’t ever heard what church she attends.  

As far as I can tell she doesn't attend any. I have never once heard  her say she goes to church. One doesn't have to attend church to be religious but Meghan hasn't even said what denomination she considers herself to be part of.

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Also loved Whoopie response at the end of the abortion discussion pointing out how these same people don’t seem to care about the kids that are born who live in poverty or have no parents, are in foster care, etc.  They only care about the fetus and, once it’s born, it’s not so important any more.  That needs to be said every time these conversations occur.  

just googled her religion and found this…she’s supposedly now very faith oriented??  It says he’s Anglican which is basically the Church of England..didn’t think Americans belonged to that particular church here but would instead identify as Episcopalians. If so, Episcopalians are some of the most progressive church goers, so that just doesn’t jibe. 

Edited by Rainyhawk
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13 minutes ago, bannana said:

I found MeAgain's comments really quite offensive today, and I know that is not saying much based on her record of offending. 

What bothered me is that she spouted religious views as if they were the law or something. Who is she to say Biden is going to have reconcile his views/actions with his "creator".  Is she now some kind of religious zealot? Cause that doesn't jibe with her shootin', drinkin', cursin', gamblling bad-ass persona. 

MeAgain knows that Whoopi has had an abortion so every time she says it is murder she is accusing Whoopi of murder. She's lucky that Whoopi was probably on some pretty strong drugs for her pain; otherwise I think we would have seen Whoopi react a lot more strongly.

It was also quite offensive to say that Biden "claims" to be a devout Catholic. The implication is that he is not. Her contempt for Joe Biden is the most baffling thing. She didn't have this kind of contempt for the previous President who personally attacked her family.

She is disgusting and I wanted to reach into the television set and slap her hard.   Who is she to judge someone else's faith in God. MeAgain's hatred of Joe Biden given her history with him has left me confused and I don't understand it at all.. I doubt even MeAgain can articulate her reasons for hating him so much. 

Edited by Pearson80
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40 minutes ago, ifionlyknew said:

As far as I can tell she doesn't attend any. I have never once heard  her say she goes to church. One doesn't have to attend church to be religious but Meghan hasn't even said what denomination she considers herself to be part of.

I know she's said she went to Catholic School, but I've never heard her come out and say she was Catholic, or any other denomination. Perhaps she feels she's an expert on Catholicism since she attended their school? Who knows...

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It's not so much what Meghan says, but how she says it. At least the other four ladies gave their viewpoints in a calm way. Even if one doesn't agree with everything they say, at least they are respectful of others. 

Whoopi, I think you meant to say "a total 180", not 360. Joy, I think you mean "fully vaxxed", not "double vaxxed".

I'm glad they brought up "cave syndrome". I have suffered from anxiety for as long as I can remember, so I was suffering from this syndrome way before the pandemic. It's nice to see this condition get mainstream attention.

Edited by catlover79
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1 hour ago, kitkat68 said:

Perhaps she feels she's an expert on Catholicism since she attended their school? Who knows...

That's the problem.  Meghan feels she is an expert on so many things because she has a tangential relationship with them.  It's as if I declared myself a wine expert because my mom's garden includes grapes.  The result is a shallow and ill-informed self-absorption that prevents her from speaking about these topics with sincerity or insight.  Meghan and Her Friends For Every Issue may judge Biden, but as so many people have said, he's President of the United (and Not Necessarily Religious) States.  It would be inappropriate and unconstitutional for Biden to impose his religious beliefs on others. 

I also love how the Bishops are so upset over something relatively tame.  It's not as if Biden was proposing new pro-choice laws or anything; they're mad at him for . . . not being as against it as they think he should be.

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2 hours ago, ifionlyknew said:

He beat her team. I really think it is that simple.

I agree. I was also thinking because her hubby strongly suggests she should.

1 hour ago, RealHousewife said:

It's really disgusting Meghan constantly accuses Whoopi of murder. 

And if Whoopi lays into MeAgain, I bet she’s the one who has to apologize. 

I wish someone could ask MeAgain to quote (without referencing) her favorite verse in the Bible. Because for her to be such an authority on who is more faithful, I’m willing to bet she’s barely read it. Has she studied it? Interpreted and debated the meanings behind the stories? No, because she doesn’t strike me as a person who possesses an iota of intellectual curiosity. 

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2 hours ago, kitkat68 said:

I know she's said she went to Catholic School, but I've never heard her come out and say she was Catholic, or any other denomination. Perhaps she feels she's an expert on Catholicism since she attended their school? Who knows...

Yes, she went to Catholic schools (which teaches Catholocism to their students). I believe she once said her mother was raised Catholic, and she followed her mother's religion. 

The Jo Biden hot topic was a complete non-issue, never mind non-hot topic. It was really a 'who cares' discussion. I DVR'd  the show, so I was lucky enough to FF through Drew Barrymore. But I got to enjoy VYD over and over and over again, thanks to my rewind button ! 

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5 hours ago, TheGreenKnight said:

I’ve always thought Drew Barrymore seemed really sweet? I think of her more for her comedy films, although I always loved Ever After with her and Anjelica Huston. I’m surprised to see she's controversial. 

I didn't know many folks disliked he either. I don't follow her closely, just thought she was known to be one of the nicest actresses. 

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7 hours ago, Axie said:

Meghan, ain't no way none of your millions of friends have ever had an abortion. Just saying.

Her supposed (in MM's mind) BFF Amber Tamblyn was even on the View discussing her abortion a couple of years ago.

MM's favourite things to do in LA were to party w/girlfriends, get wasted, and 'date' a variety of men. The common recipe for unplanned pregnancy.  Her rich friends would have D&C's in lieu of abortions.

Edited by deirdra
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4 hours ago, Picture It. Sicily said:

I don't want to hear what the catholic church has to say about any damn thing as long as we continue to uncover their mass graves at residential schools (Canada), Magdalene (slave labor) laundries and homes for unwed mothers (Ireland) filled with babies and children and keep hearing about priest being bounced from parish to parish to cover up their child rapes (Boston, Philly, everywhere else).


I find it hard to believe that Ms. McCain was Polly Pureheart during her single years.  I do think that once she became married she reinvented herself into the perfect political wife that her husband would adore.  I quickly muted her as she was honking about President Biden's faith as I find her judging opinions just another facet of her ignorance.

As for Drew, I caught a couple of segments of various shows and it appeared too juvenile to have a long run.  She falls out of her chair onto the floor over a comment a guest makes, fawns too much over her guests and sometimes her clothing or accessories are over the top.  More like a high school production than a grown woman hosting a talk show.  She is enjoyable in a movie just not an hour every day unscripted. JMHO


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8 hours ago, TheGreenKnight said:

I’ve always thought Drew Barrymore seemed really sweet? I think of her more for her comedy films, although I always loved Ever After with her and Anjelica Huston. I’m surprised to see she's controversial. Oh, well. I don’t watch her show though. It’s nothing against her, I’ve just never been determined enough to keep up with fluff shows, even when I like the host (same way with Kelly, Ellen, Queen Latifah, The Real, etc.). Those types of shows I only see when I happen to catch them at random rather than seek them out like I do with this show for Joy.

I don't dislike Drew Barrymore.  I just don't think she's as interesting as she thinks she is.

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Drew used to get on my nerves. She always acted so cutesy. But I read her show biz childhood was more horrible than she let on, but she won't talk about it. Now I feel kind of sorry for her. Her family was a mess.

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