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S17.E17: Someone Saved My Life Tonight

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10 hours ago, FnkyChkn34 said:

I wonder if they filmed alternative endings, based on the renewal?  Had it not been renewed, maybe Amelia would have said yes.

The whole show was a nope.  

Meredith recovering to the point of being able to do a transplant surgery?  Great, that's fine.  

Delaying Maggie and Winston's wedding?  Whatever, I never really cared.

But breaking up Amelia and Link?  No.  Wrong choice.  And then letting Owen and Teddy get back together?  WTF.  Owen is a complete idiot to take her back.  Blech.

Gerlie was a nice patient to focus on at least.

And THANK YOU for the time jumps!!!  Finally.  Glad to see them all vaccinated and we can MOVE ON.

I too don't care about Maggie or Winston.  

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3 hours ago, dmc said:

Linc, who does this without a call to your wife.  Jo who asks someone to do this for without telling them to discuss it with their wife.  Stop ruining Linc's life with your mess. 

That was such a cheap way to write conflict into Linc's relationship to set up the proposal rejection. I wondered why Richard, who seems to interfere in a lot of relationships, didn't suggest to Linc that he should talk to Amelia.

One of the cats next door is called Luna. Speaking of pets, Linc reminds me of a Golden Retriever.

So Winston's Nana and Maggie's father would rather Winston and Maggie 'live in sin' than get married in a small wedding? Yeah, right.

5 hours ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

As for Linc showing up at Jo's new place, remember last week when Linc had his own place and he liked it there? I guess he got rid of it some time in the last eight months.

I assumed that he, Amelia and Scout moved out of Meredith's house when she got out of the hospital since Linc told the guys he was in such a hurry to move out of there. Then, when Amelia said no, he didn't want to stay with her at their place. Because unless she broke up with him that afternoon, there is no reason to show up at Jo's door asking to stay.

I thought that wad a clever way to have a reason to include Koracik next season.

Christina and Meredith competing over double lung transplants was excellent Grey's. Everyone clapping for The Sun is, sadly, typical Grey's.

Edited by statsgirl
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5 hours ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

I was disappointed that Maggie gave in to her dad and Winston's nana objection to their COVID wedding. As she pointed out, it wasn't safe to have a large wedding like they wanted. There is absolutely NOTHING wrong with being responsible and not wanting to have a superspreader COVID wedding. There is nothing wrong with having a small ceremony to make it legal now and then having a big party for everyone later. Hell, you can even have another ceremony before the big party so that all of your relatives can watch you say your vows. It's not much different from people who get married at city hall and then have a reception. They wanted to get married then and there so they should have. They could have easily gotten legally married in Mere's backyard and then had that beach wedding in April. But what do I know? I got married when I wanted to and didn't ask my parents or my in laws what they wanted at my wedding.

I definitely agree with this, overall. Not only just waiting until the wedding to voice this (uh, rude!), but also forcing their kids to change their wedding plans to suit THEIR needs and wants. And as someone who is very much into the idea of elopements and small SMALL weddings, I have zero issue with the two only having close family there. Screw having a large wedding, inviting people you probably don't even talk to anymore, just to please others! I say invite the people that truly matter and who truly care about you, rather than having people there just for numbers or because they're "family". 

However, as someone who has been adamant on how fast Winston/Maggie's relationship has been moving, I liked the overall idea of waiting a few more months and actually enjoying their engagement, rather than rushing into a wedding just because of COVID. 

  • Love 3
48 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

I assumed that he, Amelia and Scout moved out of Meredith's house when she got out of the hospital since Linc told the guys he was in such a hurry to move out of there. Then, when Amelia said no, he didn't want to stay with her at their place. Because unless she broke up with him that afternoon, there is no reason to show up at Jo's door asking to stay.

I assumed Amelia probably wouldn't have agreed to move out of Meredith's after she came home. That was why the guys kinda gave him the look. I thought Amelia probably agreed to move to start the foster process. Meredith has a decent house, but there are usually too many people in it. It might have been a problem for a home inspection.

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I thought it was ironic that Maggie and Winston's parents make this big show of objecting to the smaller wedding and saying they wanted it done right - in a church. Then the ultimate wedding ends up being . . . on the beach. With only a handful more guests than the first wedding. WTF.


I know some cats (and dogs) named Luna too. But it's still a lovely name, I think.

All the mean kids in school are going to call her Looney Luna.

Edited by iMonrey
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An episode or two ago, when Amelia was having some other breakdown and pondering something else (it's getting a bit old), Link texted her and asked if she got stuck at work?  She texted back yes, but she'd be home soon.  Pan out and she's sitting on Meredith's porch.  My conclusion from that was that they moved out when Meredith came home and the three of them live at Link's place.  If they did break up rather than just a rejected proposal, he probably let Amelia and Scout stay at their place and he's the one who left. 

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20 minutes ago, RedbirdNelly said:

I also noticed this was episode 2 in a row of Jo working in a "used to live in a car" reference. We had been almost free from car references this season; sad to see it come back. WE GET IT. YOU USED TO LIVE IN A CAR.

And now she can afford to live in a place where she could park that car in the living room!

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One thing that just occurred to me about postponing a wedding during a pandemic....in the course of 8 or 9 months, who knows who could have died, including the bride and groom since they work  in a hospital and no protocol is 100%.  Objecting and demanding it be postponed was selfish.  

Edited by DEL901
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Amelia never said a word to Linc about the second baby he wants, why would she talk to him about anything else?  Man, I do not like her, never have.  But yeah, Linc, you don't propose at someone else's wedding, you don't involve others, and most important of all, you should know the answer you're going to get.  ESPECIALLY if you involve others.  Although, only Zola seemed to realize what happened.

The wedding was nice.  I didn't see a church, as much as Winston's mom/grandma said they should be in a church.  They should have told their objectors that they would get married whenever they wanted, but both of them just kinda shrugged.  WTF?  And two different dresses?

I'm one of the few that like Owen but I don't like him with Teddy.  Because I just don't like her.  Now we get more of their obnoxious love.

So if there was already a couple willing to foster to adopt Luna, how did Linc get ahead of them?

And of course Jo and Linc are going to end up together.  Grey's just can't seem to let a male and female be friends.  Jackson/April is the biggest example of this.  They were so much better as friends.  I'd rather Jo be with McIrish.

I did like Jo selling her shares to Koracick.  the look on Bailey's face - "I offered you a letter of recommendation!" - was perfect.

Edited by madmax
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1 hour ago, madmax said:

The wedding was nice.  I didn't see a church, as much as Winston's mom/grandma said they should be in a church.  They should have told their objectors that they would get married whenever they wanted, but both of them just kinda shrugged.  WTF?  And two different dresses?

I'm one of the few that like Owen but I don't like him with Teddy.  Because I just don't like her.  Now we get more of their obnoxious love.

So if there was already a couple willing to foster to adopt Luna, how did Linc get ahead of them?

I have a friend who changed her wedding date because her sister told her to.  I don't understand the big deal - the relationship is what matters, not just one day for a party.  Get married however and whenever you want!  Or don't!  Who cares, it's 2021...  I didn't mind the 2 dresses though. Everyone had already seen the first one, so people who are in to that materialism would want a new one for the "surprise" factor again.

I like Owen.  Kinda.  Maybe not anymore.  Yes, he had issues with his relationship with Cristina, but they weren't 100% his fault. 

I wondered the same about Link.  Which is why I think they all just had to have thrown money at CPS.  

  • Love 2

It's been a long time since I commented on this series but I came to say that even though Maggie's look (dress & hair) was more romantic during the second wedding, I loved and preferred her look from the first wedding. I agree with everyone who stated that the parents were being selfish and that anything could have happened during the 8-9 months between events including one of the elderly dying.

I really like Bailey's & Meredith's relationship over the last 2 episodes.

I'm glad Koracik is not gone forever.

I'm sad about Amelia & Linc. 


  • Love 8

I don't hate Owen. I liked him with Amelia (until she said she didn't want a baby and he wigged out again). They were great with Leo and teen mom (I forget her name) and that they were co-parenting them. 

That being said, also, can Linc have more kids? Wasn't he pretty sure he couldn't even have kids when Amelia told him originally? Cart/Horse.  


  • Love 4

I really liked this episode.  Maybe it is just that I like Meredith (I know others don't, but I do) and she did something other than lay in a coma, sit on a log on the beach or sit in her back yard/house.  She was back to challenging the norms, I am so glad she didn't do Richard's speech, it sounds ridiculous every time he says it,  and like others have said above, I did love her relationship with Bailey.  The only thing I disliked was the clapping after the surgery. I don't think I would mind McWidow and Meredith together, as long as it happens slowly, where they hang out, even if it is in the hospital, and get to know each other.  Realistically, Cristina wouldn't have sent him if she didn't see characteristics that would appeal to Meredith.  

It was a nice surprise to see both Jackson and Koracick.  Hopefully, not only will we get Koracick guest starring next season, but maybe Jackson too?

I am glad Jo moved out of the loft or what ever it was.  To be a parent, she needed out of there.  It was so not a place for babies.  Did I imagine, or was her bed in the living area of the new place?  I am sure Jackson's old apartment had more than 1 room, surely, there would have been a bedroom for him and Harriet separately?  

Teddy and Owen are meh for me, if they can be happy, then we don't need to worry about them screwing up everyone else.  

Linc and Amelia, like most of you, I too, want them together.  Hopefully, they can reconcile and at least agree that they can be together without being married.  

Maggie has never been one of my favourite characters, I find her boring.  She and Winston getting married seemed like a filler for me, and a chance for the cast to party at the end of the season.  

  • Love 8

Two days after the finale aired, and I’m posting on page 2 of the comments. That pretty much says it all.

Owen and Teddi moved from angrily estranged to sickeningly shmoopy in a hot second. I don’t really know how that happened, and I don’t even care. They are so boring. And the way Owen Andy Bernarded Jim Halpert’s fireworks display was really rude.

I’m sure I am supposed to feel happy for Jo, but I just feel bad for the original adoptive parents. They were ready and waiting to welcome Luna home, but the foster system in its infinite wisdom decided a single doctor who is never at home and will likely pass off most parenting duties to a nanny is a better choice. What the hell? I would have been so angry and heartbroken if I were that couple. But it’s all good as long as Jo’s latest obsessive whim is fulfilled.

When Linc showed Jo the rings, she should have picked her favorite. That way he would know which one to give her when the time comes. And we all know it’s coming.

I was excited to see Koracick pop up with a potential future role until Jackson also popped in. I’m quite sure we’ve seen the last of Jackson, so I think Koracick’s cameo was also just a final farewell bonus. Hope I’m wrong.

So the two couch surfers will suddenly be able to afford Jo’s old place on their own? Doubtful. Unless Meredith’s new class of interns also moves in and it becomes the new show dorm room. 

The good thing about a lackluster season ender is feeling no urgency for the new season to begin. Here’s to a Covid-free next year, literally and narratively. Happy summer, everyone!

  • Love 15

So if Amelia and Maggie are both living with significant others, are the only ones left in merediths house her and her kids? Who is taking care of the kids? Meredith by herself? I assume they must have an unseen nanny of some sort, or Zola is picking up a lot of slack. It feels like there has always been at least one other adult there with her 

  • Love 3

That being said, also, can Linc have more kids? Wasn't he pretty sure he couldn't even have kids when Amelia told him originally? Cart/Horse.  

I could easily have missed it - did he reference having biological children? He could want to expand their family via surrogate, adoption, etc. if he being able to have more children is an issue.


I assume they must have an unseen nanny of some sort, or Zola is picking up a lot of slack. It feels like there has always been at least one other adult there with her

I think Meredith has made reference to a nanny in the past couple of seasons so I guess she hired another now that Amelia & Link aren't there caring for her kids. I know Maggie was there too but Maggie wasn't shown as being the primary caregivers like Amelia and Link were. Seasons back there were many times where they were all at the hospital and who knows about the kids. There were always jokes here about it.

  • Love 3
8 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

I’m sure I am supposed to feel happy for Jo, but I just feel bad for the original adoptive parents. They were ready and waiting to welcome Luna home, but the foster system in its infinite wisdom decided a single doctor who is never at home and will likely pass off most parenting duties to a nanny is a better choice. What the hell? I would have been so angry and heartbroken if I were that couple. But it’s all good as long as Jo’s latest obsessive whim is fulfilled.


That's a really good point.

  • Love 2
20 hours ago, statsgirl said:

I think the Teddy/Owen fanbase is named Krista.

And me too. I don't know why. I can't defend it. I've just always had a soft spot for them. When Owen was saying in his proposal that they make no sense to anyone other than themselves, I had to agree and I laughed at the line because it seemed like Owen was addressing Grey's viewers. I think the show's well aware they aren't popular. It might be that they think the characters won't ever have another popular pairing after their original ones in Owen/Cristina and Teddy/Henry, so why bother, the actors obviously like working together so just pair them and call it a day. No point in continuing to waste Amelia on Owen; she always had the potential for a popular pairing and it sounds like she demonstrated that with Link.

I quit Grey's after they fired Sarah Drew and Jessica Capshaw, but I did seek out the Teddy/Owen bits throughout this season as well as the Japril bottle episode. So I feel happy.

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21 hours ago, LittlePeas3 said:

I am glad Jo moved out of the loft or what ever it was.  To be a parent, she needed out of there.  It was so not a place for babies.  Did I imagine, or was her bed in the living area of the new place?  I am sure Jackson's old apartment had more than 1 room, surely, there would have been a bedroom for him and Harriet separately?  

Nope, you didn't imagine it, her bed was definitely right there in the middle.  I guess she doesn't have any other furniture (yet)?  But Jackson's place is huge and amazing.  It's a 2-story penthouse in a luxury high-rise.  It has a minimum of two bedrooms because Meredith and Deluca made out in a guest room during that party where Meredith then later set the place on fire, but I would assume that it had at least 3 or more.  I don't know how many shares Alex had or what they were worth, but Koracik paid *at least* 7 figures for them, clearly.    

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47 minutes ago, FnkyChkn34 said:

 I don't know how many shares Alex had or what they were worth, but Koracik paid *at least* 7 figures for them, clearly.    

The show picks and chooses when they want to bring up the hospital shares (or being on the board), but does anyone know what the current configuration is? Meredith had her shares and Lexie's (and now Derek's), Callie has Mark's, Arizona has her own, and Tom now has the shares that originally belonged to Cristina. (Cristina - Alex - Jo - Tom.) Jackson is on the board and has shares as the representative of the Foundation. I assume he still does because we didn't hear anything about him giving them up. We also didn't hear anything about Arizona or Callie passing on their shares to other people, I don't think. How many people are on The Board? Surely it's not only Meredith, Callie, Arizona, Jackson/The Foundation, and now Tom.

  • Love 3
4 hours ago, LexieLily said:

The show picks and chooses when they want to bring up the hospital shares (or being on the board), but does anyone know what the current configuration is? Meredith had her shares and Lexie's (and now Derek's), Callie has Mark's, Arizona has her own, and Tom now has the shares that originally belonged to Cristina. (Cristina - Alex - Jo - Tom.) Jackson is on the board and has shares as the representative of the Foundation. I assume he still does because we didn't hear anything about him giving them up. We also didn't hear anything about Arizona or Callie passing on their shares to other people, I don't think. How many people are on The Board? Surely it's not only Meredith, Callie, Arizona, Jackson/The Foundation, and now Tom.

Richard had shares too, he put in a couple of million, but not as much as the plane crash victims.  I don't think Lexie had shares, I would have thought her family got her payout, rather than Meredith.  

You would have thought that with shares being worth so much, they wouldn't just flippantly pass them on to someone else.  

  • Love 2
6 hours ago, LexieLily said:

The show picks and chooses when they want to bring up the hospital shares (or being on the board), but does anyone know what the current configuration is? Meredith had her shares and Lexie's (and now Derek's), Callie has Mark's, Arizona has her own, and Tom now has the shares that originally belonged to Cristina. (Cristina - Alex - Jo - Tom.) Jackson is on the board and has shares as the representative of the Foundation. I assume he still does because we didn't hear anything about him giving them up. We also didn't hear anything about Arizona or Callie passing on their shares to other people, I don't think. How many people are on The Board? Surely it's not only Meredith, Callie, Arizona, Jackson/The Foundation, and now Tom.

Alex was never on the board even though he had Cristina’s shares - him and Bailey had to fight it out for the vacant board seat, and the rest of the board voted for Bailey.

Alex was prepping for the presentation he had to give for the board seat and wanted Meredith’s help, but she was distracted with figuring out if Maggie really was her sister or not.

I’m not sure what happened to Bailey’s board seat when she became Chief though, I don’t think that was ever addressed.

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I usually enjoy this show, but this season kind of wore me out. COVID was bad enough living through it through the past year or so. I really didn't feel like it was at all enjoyable to relive it, nor did I think it was necessary.  Tons of stuff happens on this show that would never happen in a real hospital or with real doctors or real patients, so did we have to drag everything down with a COVID rehash? I found it exhausting.

  • Love 11
12 hours ago, LexieLily said:

The show picks and chooses when they want to bring up the hospital shares (or being on the board), but does anyone know what the current configuration is? Meredith had her shares and Lexie's (and now Derek's), Callie has Mark's, Arizona has her own, and Tom now has the shares that originally belonged to Cristina. (Cristina - Alex - Jo - Tom.) Jackson is on the board and has shares as the representative of the Foundation. I assume he still does because we didn't hear anything about him giving them up. We also didn't hear anything about Arizona or Callie passing on their shares to other people, I don't think. How many people are on The Board? Surely it's not only Meredith, Callie, Arizona, Jackson/The Foundation, and now Tom.

When Jackson left to run the Foundation, Bailey said "do realize what happened, that man just became our boss."  I think that originates from the plane crash and buyout - the money that the victims got was not enough to buy the hospital outright, so the Foundation invested and became the largest shareholder.  That's where Catherine/Jackson came in, I think.  As for the Board of Directors, that can be made up of anyone, not just shareholders, so I'm not entirely sure who it is anymore.  I think it's Meredith, Jackson, Richard, Catherine, and Bailey.  But I agree that there should be more...

I think that the current shareholders are Meredith, Koracik, Callie, Arizona, Richard, and the Foundation.  I may vaguely recall Jackson personally getting some of the Foundation's shares?  But I could easily be wrong, not sure why I think that.

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8 hours ago, FnkyChkn34 said:

I think that the current shareholders are Meredith, Koracik, Callie, Arizona, Richard, and the Foundation.  I may vaguely recall Jackson personally getting some of the Foundation's shares?  But I could easily be wrong, not sure why I think that.

Jackson didn't personally get some of the Foundation shares, he was/is just the Foundation's point person/representative in regards to Grey+Sloan. It's like him and Catherine tag team it - but since he's the future of the Catherine Fox Foundation, his mama may have passed the torch completely. Then there's Richard and the plane crash victims - Meredith (via herself and Derek), Arizona, and Callie (via Mark) who all have financial stake. We don't know what happened with Lexie's payout, but it could've been included in Grey+Sloan if it didn't go to her other sister/family. And now Tom, by way of Cristina-to-Alex-to-Jo. 

Bailey got Cristina's vacant seat at the table because they just had to have another person's opinion whenever they deliberated - and at that point in the show, post-season 10, it was rare if ever so what was the point? 

As far as we know, Callie and Arizona never gave up their shares yet they are never brought up again in regards to the hospital's goings-on, so they didn't have to have Cristina give hers away to have it end up in the hands of someone who wasn't even around when the crash happened. It would be much easier had they just had the Foundation buy out Cristina's shares - or at this point Jackson buy out the shares Jo inherited, especially since they kept in enough touch for him to sell his condo to her. Why not give him/the Foundation the shares while you're at it? 

It's stupid when they bring it up this late in the series when everyone directly involved is either gone, Meredith - who doesn't seem to care, or Richard - who has since married into the Fox Foundation family. 

Edited by funnygirl
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On 6/5/2021 at 4:16 AM, 30 Helens said:

I’m quite sure we’ve seen the last of Jackson, so I think Koracick’s cameo was also just a final farewell bonus. Hope I’m wrong.

Coming back to correct myself... I’ve since read that Jesse Williams might be open to a spin-off that would feature his character working in Boston. I assume April and Koracick would also be there (or at least be asked to participate). Could be interesting!

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I could easily have missed it - did he reference having biological children? He could want to expand their family via surrogate, adoption, etc. if he being able to have more children is an issue.

Which is fine, but I got the impression that he meant from him. There are certainly enough children around to fill that void, including Leo!!!  Amelia should be give a lot of props for not only taking care of her own infant, but also Zola, Bailey & Ellis and apparently various and sundry children and not working except for a few stints whereas Linc got to work much more (although not day to day somehow) so I can't blame her for not warming to the idea immediately as it comes out of Linc's mouth!!!  


  • Love 4
19 hours ago, funnygirl said:

Jackson didn't personally get some of the Foundation shares, he was/is just the Foundation's point person/representative in regards to Grey+Sloan. It's like him and Catherine tag team it - but since he's the future of the Catherine Fox Foundation, his mama may have passed the torch completely.



It's stupid when they bring it up this late in the series when everyone directly involved is either gone, Meredith - who doesn't seem to care, or Richard - who has since married into the Fox Foundation family. 

I know, but it's not his role through the Foundation that I'm thinking of; but like I said, I have no idea why I think that he bought some shares personally.  It was probably around the time that his grandfather's scandal was found out and he paid all of the women, so I'm probably just confusing that with gaining a share of ownership in the hospital.

Why is it stupid?  It's who currently owns the hospital.  I don't think it really matters if they are still around or not.

On 6/5/2021 at 10:37 AM, windsprints said:

I think Meredith has made reference to a nanny in the past couple of seasons so I guess she hired another now that Amelia & Link aren't there caring for her kids. I know Maggie was there too but Maggie wasn't shown as being the primary caregivers like Amelia and Link were. Seasons back there were many times where they were all at the hospital and who knows about the kids. There were always jokes here about it.

Like good television children everywhere -- they "disappear upstairs" until their existence is required for a scene. 

  • LOL 6
On 6/4/2021 at 1:09 AM, LexieLily said:

The only thing we know about Winston is that he is a doctor from Boston named Winston and that he/Maggie knew each other in med school. Literally. That's it.

What's funny is this is 100% true... and yet, I like them together way more than I've liked Maggie with anyone else. Weird.

  • Love 11

Show, I've stuck with you through thick and thin for seventeen seasons.

But nothing can convince me to endure The Amelia, Maggie & Jo Show.


Also, I wouldn't recognize Krista if I tripped over her.


Shonda Rhimes must rake in a bazillion dollars every year on this joint--meet the price point and bring back Calzona.



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She could always look into birth control, since none of these docs seem to know what it is, what with all these surprise pregnancies. 😄

It can fail, but yeah, you'd think! Keeps the story going. I can see Teddy not being prepared, but Owen should have been. And Amelia had slept with three guys about that time so it could have been any of them!! Glad it was Linc's!

At least they don't do a ton of SORAS-ing! All the kids seem to be age appropriate for the most part. 

I'm looking forward to more stories about the new interns from this season. We hardly knew ya except for a couple.

  • Love 1

Why do I get the feeling that Krista saw how much people liked Limelia together and how some people were hoping for Jomac over Mermac and stomped her feet in a tantrum because people were supposed to want the guy Cristina picked for Meredith with her? So in order to make sure Jomac didn't happen, she broke up Limelia so they could do a Jolink relationship and dash everybody's hopes for Jomac and she could shove Mermac together. Amelia is just collateral damage. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if she has a massive relapse again that made the one she had on PP look minuscule.

Call me cynical but that is just my belief. There was absolutely NO reason she had to kill off DeLuca and have Giacomo Gianniotti lose his job other than she wanted all competition for Mermac to be out of the way. Even if MerLuca wasn't a popular couple I'm sure a few people wanted them over her and Cormac especially since we were supposed to want her and Cormac because the fabulous and sought after Cristina sent him.

Edited by Amazee-Dayzee
  • Love 4
19 hours ago, Kristi800 said:

It can fail, but yeah, you'd think! Keeps the story going. I can see Teddy not being prepared, but Owen should have been. And Amelia had slept with three guys about that time so it could have been any of them!! Glad it was Linc's!


Oh, believe me, I know.  Rugrat #1 was the product of failed birth control.  But so many "failures?"  I don't think so...

  • Love 1

I think if my family stood up at my wedding with that nonsense, I would have told them to take a flying leap. How ridiculous. They could have said something as soon as they were told of the wedding. Idiot storyline worthy of 90 Days and Mike's odious mom, Trish. As someone said earlier, the "objection" thing was meant to give opportunity to people to notify the officiant that one of the celebrants was already married and not divorced. Not so that selfish idiots could have temper tantrums and stop ceremonies.

This must be some sort of dream sequence. Jo wanted Link to foster, and somewhere along the line they'll just transfer custody?? Fostering doesn't work like that. Foster parents have NO rights when it comes to placement of the child.

We fostered our son before adopting him, and during the foster period almost lost custody just because the birth mom moved to an adjoining county. No one even informed us about that, nor that the process of transferring his case had begun. We only found out when the caseworker called us, frustrated that she was nearly done with the paperwork when birth mom moved back into the county. We weren't even considered as potential adoptive parents until we had fostered him for more than a year. Jo's plan was complete craziness, as well as being fraudulent.

Edited by renatae
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  • Love 7
5 hours ago, renatae said:

I think if my family stood up at my wedding with that nonsense, I would have told them to take a flying leap. How ridiculous. They could have said something as soon as they were told of the wedding. Idiot storyline worthy of 90 Days and Mike's odious mom, Trish. As someone said earlier, the "objection" thing was meant to give opportunity to people to notify the officiant that one of the celebrants was already married and not divorced. Not so that selfish idiots could have temper tantrums and stop ceremonies.

This must be some sort of dream sequence. Jo wanted Link to foster, and somewhere along the line they'll just transfer custody?? Fostering doesn't work like that. Foster parents have NO rights when it comes to placement of the child.

We fostered our son before adopting him, and during the foster period almost lost custody just because the birth mom moved to an adjoining county. No one even informed us about that, nor that the process of transferring his case had begun. We only found out when the caseworker called us, frustrated that she was nearly done with the paperwork when birth mom moved back into the county. We weren't even considered as potential adoptive parents until we had fostered him for more than a year. Jo's plan was complete craziness, as well as being fraudulent.

...and apparently successful?

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