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S05.E16: The Adirondacks

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13 minutes ago, t7686 said:

Well I wasn’t expecting that! Poor Toby but I’m definitely intrigued. From the looks of it I think Madison and Kevin are together by this 5 year mark. Or I think Kevin is getting married to the British dude’s sister in this future timeline and Kate’s renewing vows or something. Either way, good episode. 

I think Madison was there as Kate's bff, not Kevin's wife/baby mama.



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The "queer teen gets a last-minute replacement for a formal outfit, and it reflects who she really is" plotline was done a million times better on the Netflix remake of One Day at a Time. It wouldn't surprise me if the This is Us writers were trying to recreate the magic of it.

It was a million times better because the outfit was truly changed in a way that reflected the girl's personality (and it looked amazing), and it was an event that was about her, and it didn't happen because she decided at last minute that she wanted it changed.

If you haven't watched One Day at a Time, I highly recommend it.

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 I wasn’t overly impressed because I predicted the wedding wouldn’t happen and it just took so long for her to see what everyone else thought. I do look forward to Kevin reconnecting with Sophie and finding out what happened to her in one day telling her that he finally earned earned Claires ring. I feel bad for Toby but that was in the stars for so long I didn’t find the twist that shocking except that it was with that teacher which was kind of corny.

  • Love 7

I really liked Kevin and Madison together so I was hoping Kevin would actually realize he loves her, but Madison is right that she deserves better than marrying someone who isn’t in love with her. In the flash forward they look to be on good terms, and I was trying to see if they had rings on, but I don’t think they do. Maybe they’re just good co-parents or maybe they do get back together but decide not to get married. I’m gonna be seriously salty if, after all this, Kevin ends up with Sophie despite establishing why their relationship didn’t work either. 

Ok, so Kate marries the British guy? I seriously did not see that coming. I figured Toby and Kate had split up based on the future scenes at the cabin, but damn, the writers got me with the twist of who she marries. 

Also, all the chaos and stress only served to remind me why I hate weddings in the first place lol.

I did love Randall and Rebecca’s conversation, and Tess and Beth’s too.

Don’t blame Rebecca for being pissed at Jack. I would be pissed if someone taped over my finale, too. Back in the 80s and 90s, if you didn’t tape something or watch it live, you were never gonna see it again. That’s grounds for divorce. ;)

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I can't feel too bad for Toby.  He never told Kate about the job in San Francisco until he got the offer.  He had time to tell Kate about it, but chose not to.  He then accepted the job before talking to her and drops the bomb on Kevin's wedding day.  Yes, he needs a fulltime job,  but dude needs to talk to his wife about it. 

This is not the first time he and Kate have not been on the same page.  They have patched over their issues, but not truly fixed them.  You can only patch things up so many times before the whole thing falls apart. 

  • Love 14
1 hour ago, mtlchick said:

Nicky puts on weight

And has a wife!  Who needs stockings!

59 minutes ago, CleoCaesar said:

Tess’s brattiness really shouldn’t have been indulged to that degree. Altering a bridesmaid’s dress ten minutes before the ceremony, seriously?

It seemed like the wedding coordinator got the girls' sizes and purchased the dresses without their input at all (I know, seems unlikely that they would fit so well-more likely the dresses would have been purchased in PA and brought to the wedding) and this was the first time Tess saw it.

I just realized that Tess would have seen (and tried on/had altered) her bridesmaid dress in California in the time between the bachelorette party and the wedding.

So, never mind Deja, what's Malik going to do about his baby?  Sometimes you have to make sacrifices when you have a child.

59 minutes ago, greekmom said:

It's nice how Malek got into all these Ivy League schools but how the hell is he going to pay for Harvard. I know there are scholarships but still... it's not like it will be a full ride.

It would almost definitely be a full ride, with extra money for books and incidentals.  Right now, Harvard is free if your family makes less than $65,000, and "for families who earn between $65,000 and $150,000, the expected contribution is between zero and ten percent of your annual income." https://college.harvard.edu/admissions/why-harvard/affordability#:~:text=If your family's income is,less than a public university.  The school would also take into account the expenses his parents have for his daughter, but even if Malik's parents made $80,000 per year and he had to borrow $8,000 per year to attend (which I doubt he would) it would probably be an excellent investment.

Many people don't realize that although the Ivy League schools don't have merit scholarships, for people of limited or even middle class means, some of them are  less expensive than state universities.   Here is Princeton's average aid:  https://admission.princeton.edu/cost-aid/how-princetons-aid-program-works and U Penn is similar. The trick, of course, it to obtain admission. 

Edited by ItCouldBeWorse
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5 minutes ago, BoogieBurns said:

Found a fan theory online: "Maybe it's a wedding where Kevin marries the British guy's sister (thus, brother in law) and Kate and Toby renew their vows"

I have no theories, but DAMN, Chrissy Metz looked amazing in the flash forward!

I'm sorry, but did I miss something ?   Who is the British guys sister ?  

I think Kevin will be married to Madison in the future.    At least I hope do.  They are good together.   

  • Love 9

I don’t have it on DVR. Can someone watch the last scene again and see if there could be any other possible interpretation other than Kate marrying the British guy?  Some are saying the Brit is a family friend or minister.....I know what it looked like to me....is the show  trying to mislead us?

Edited by SunnyBeBe
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1 minute ago, SunnyBeBe said:

I don’t have it on DVR. Can someone watch the last scene again and see if there could be any other possible interpretation other than Kate marrying the British guy?  Some are saying the Brit is a family friend or minister.....I know what it looked like to me....are they trying to mislead us?

Kevin calls the Brit his future brother-in-law and asks him if it okay for him to make jokes about him being British during his speech.   It felt pretty obvious that he is getting ready to marry Kate.

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I'll just echo that I did not see the twist with British guy coming.  Well played, show.  Well played. 

Since Beth doesn't want to be a lawyer and the dance studio fell through, maybe she should go to work as a seamstress.  That was some fast sewing!

Rebecca's not even trying to hide her favoritism any more.  I was hoping that when she kept pressing Randall for details about his birth mother, he would say "well it was dark when we went skinny dipping together, so I really didn't get a good look." 

Maybe Kate isn't in the ultimate flash forward because armed troops storm her second wedding and take her out. 

For a show that airs on NBC, they sure did reference alot of ABC programs. 

Continue to love Uncle Nicky.  But even he should know not to have something like chairs delivered to the wedding venue.  He had their address. 


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Tess acted like a total brat and Beth totally indulged her.  Being gay does not mean you can be a spoiled little bitch all the time.  But Beth also indulges Randall all the time so she is used to it.  

Isn’t Deja in 9th grade?  And her boyfriend is a senior with a kid?  No offense but how does he balance a kid, a full time girlfriend, an internship, multiple extra curriculars and awesome grades?  Just makes no sense and it’s the reason so many kids in real life they can easily get into Harvard.  

What happened to Rebecca having Alzheimer’s?  She mentioned it tonight but in the last couple episodes she’s been perfectly fine.  Alzheimer’s doesn’t go backwards, even with med and in the episode at the cabin it seemed as though she was on the decline.  

  • Love 14
Just now, ECM1231 said:

What the hell? Kate and Toby were all lovey dovey before the marriage, ready to make this long distance job situation work, and a mere 5 years later, they are divorced? And Kate's remarrying? Hmm. Come on now, not buying it. 

Maybe Toby went off his meds, had a nervous breakdown, and the marriage unraveled?

Perhaps the reality of Toby being away from home three days a week for an indefinite period took a much bigger toll on the couple than they initially expected.     


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2 minutes ago, ItCouldBeWorse said:

It would almost definitely be a full ride, with extra money for books and incidentals.  Right now, Harvard is free if your family makes less than $65,000, and "for families who earn between $65,000 and $150,000, the expected contribution is between zero and ten percent of your annual income." https://college.harvard.edu/admissions/why-harvard/affordability#:~:text=If your family's income is,less than a public university.  The school would also take into account the expenses his parents have for his daughter.

His parents’ income wouldn’t even be taken into account. He’d be considered independent since he has a kid himself. He’d get a lot in financial aid! Harvard can afford it!

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9 minutes ago, Ohiopirate02 said:


This is not the first time he and Kate have not been on the same page.  They have patched over their issues, but not truly fixed them.  You can only patch things up so many times before the whole thing falls apart. 

Tobey had his dad help him literally fix and patch that leak in the house a few weeks ago but was told to “keep an eye on it.” Then Tobey never told Kate…dammit show, you’re making me think about these metaphors! 

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1 minute ago, Katie111 said:

Tess acted like a total brat and Beth totally indulged her.  Being gay does not mean you can be a spoiled little bitch all the time.  But Beth also indulges Randall all the time so she is used to it.  

Isn’t Deja in 9th grade?  And her boyfriend is a senior with a kid?  No offense but how does he balance a kid, a full time girlfriend, an internship, multiple extra curriculars and awesome grades?  Just makes no sense and it’s the reason so many kids in real life they can easily get into Harvard.  

What happened to Rebecca having Alzheimer’s?  She mentioned it tonight but in the last couple episodes she’s been perfectly fine.  Alzheimer’s doesn’t go backwards, even with med and in the episode at the cabin it seemed as though she was on the decline.  

Deja started high school when they moved to Philadelphia in 2019 and is now in 10th grade. 

Rebecca had a bad day in the cabin because she mixed medications.  That is not her baseline.

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Tess is such a little asshole. Not everything is about you! 99.9% of bridesmaids don't particularly like the dresses they are asked to wear. It is what it is. And that she apologized to Beth only after she got her way… apology not accepted! 

Kevin and Madison not getting married is a relief. The pairing was forced from the start. Now they can stay co-parents and are free to find love with people they are truly compatible with (aka not each other). 

Edited by funnygirl
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9 minutes ago, ECM1231 said:

What the hell? Kate and Toby were all lovey dovey before the marriage, ready to make this long distance job situation work, and a mere 5 years later, they are divorced? And Kate's remarrying? Hmm. Come on now, not buying it. 

Maybe Toby went off his meds, had a nervous breakdown, and the marriage unraveled?

Maybe Toby dies? That was my first thought. Kate as widow, remarrying.

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Just now, stonehaven said:

Maybe Toby dies in 5 years????? Knowing this show, it can't be a divorce as the only one we've seen is Miguel's. So, I'm thinking Toby dies next season..They want us really going for the tissues next year.

No, Toby is alive in the 2030 flashforward.   He was shown sitting in a hotel room by himself not wearing a wedding ring.  He speaks to Randall on the phone and the discussion is about him showing up to Kevin's house.  Randall responds that she would want him there.  The she being Rebecca. 

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12 hours ago, ECM1231 said:

What the hell? Kate and Toby were all lovey dovey before the marriage, ready to make this long distance job situation work, and a mere 5 years later, they are divorced? And Kate's remarrying? Hmm. Come on now, not buying it. 

Maybe Toby went off his meds, had a nervous breakdown, and the marriage unraveled?

A lot can happen in five years. Long distance is hard on couples, let alone couples who have two young kids, one of whom has special needs. I can definitely see that straining them to the breaking point.

12 hours ago, ItCouldBeWorse said:

It would almost definitely be a full ride, with extra money for books and incidentals.  Right now, Harvard is free if your family makes less than $65,000, and "for families who earn between $65,000 and $150,000, the expected contribution is between zero and ten percent of your annual income." https://college.harvard.edu/admissions/why-harvard/affordability#:~:text=If your family's income is,less than a public university.  The school would also take into account the expenses his parents have for his daughter.

Yeah, Malik is an admission officer’s dream. A “diversity candidate” (eye roll) with grades, internships, and who had to overcome struggle? Sold. And we don’t know a ton about his parents’ finances but I’d guess they are at best in the $65-$150K bracket, so they’d get a lot of aid. Harvard has it to spare. My alma mater (another Ivy) has a similar financial aid structure - I think all of them do now, as well as other top-tier schools.

12 hours ago, stonehaven said:

Maybe Toby dies in 5 years????? Knowing this show, it can't be a divorce as the only one we've seen is Miguel's. So, I'm thinking Toby dies next season..They want us really going for the tissues next yea

They showed Toby at Rebecca’s deathbed in another finale, so we know he lives. I think Kate wasn’t in that scene and one of the Pearsons thanks Toby for coming. I assumed then that they were divorced and Toby was just paying respects to his former MIL/his kids’ grandmother. My divorced parents did the same.

Edited by Empress1
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Let's go back to this show's constant dismissal of geography for a minute.
Last week, for Madison's bachelorette party, Beth flew out to California with the girls who stayed at a hotel supposedly just before the wedding. After the party, Rebecca Ubered back to her L.A. area home and was on the phone with Miguel, who had flown to the PA cabin with Kevin, Nicky and Toby on the private jet Kevin rented for all of them.
So will someone please explain why this episode opens with Rebecca and Miguel at Randall's house in Philadelphia while Randall, Beth and the girls are heading for the airport?
I'm definitely confused.

  • Love 4

I will go back and look for a 3rd time, but I was looking for rings on Kevin and Madison in the 5 year flash forward. I couldn't see either of their hands!! BUT...I did notice a woman's toiletries and cosmetic bag on the sink while Kevin was practicing his "speech" and as he walked through the hotel room to leave through the door there was a woman's clothing in the closet and a flowered dress on the chair by the closet. I truly hope that Kevin and Madison are still together and he is truly in love with her.


Edited by HOTNTX53
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1 hour ago, ams1001 said:

And there was an article about Randall with a headline "Rising Star"...

In the New Yorker!

1 hour ago, KaveDweller said:

Madison's mother really sucked. If you can't stand being married to your awful husband, why not take your kid with you? But good for Madison for not marrying a guy who can't even say he loves her. I want Kevin to be happy, but Madison deserves that.

Agreed.  If she married him despite knowing that he didn't love her, she might spiral into an eating disorder again.

1 hour ago, DoubleUTeeEff said:

At least Toby talked to Kate before he turned down the job offer otherwise that could have been an O. Henry twist where they each give up their jobs for each other and are left totally jobless.

What I didn't understand was when Kate said to her boss that they both couldn't have full time jobs. 1st of all, many couples do work full time, even when one spouse  travels a lot, but 2nd of all, since when is Kate's job full time?  Isn't it distinctly part time?

59 minutes ago, BoogieBurns said:

I have no theories, but DAMN, Chrissy Metz looked amazing in the flash forward!

Kate's future wedding dress looked very pretty.  I liked Madison's current wedding dress, too, but I didn't understand the little bits of random blue (?) on the bodice.

1 hour ago, DoubleUTeeEff said:

I thought the bridesmaid dress would turn into a pants suit though.

As did I.

1 hour ago, Armchair Critic said:
1 hour ago, t7686 said:

Or I think Kevin is getting married to the British dude’s sister in this future timeline and Kate’s renewing vows or something.

WHOA another possible twist

Kate said this was the last time she was doing this, so actual bride seems much more likely, and:

58 minutes ago, ams1001 said:

Given that he was trying for a Princess Bride Priest impression I was thinking he's officiating.


Agreed.  I agreed with this before, but now I think he was preparing to toast Kate and Philip, since he asked for and received permission to make fun of him.

Edited by ItCouldBeWorse
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36 minutes ago, t7686 said:

Well I wasn’t expecting that! Poor Toby but I’m definitely intrigued. From the looks of it I think Madison and Kevin are together by this 5 year mark. Or I think Kevin is getting married to the British dude’s sister in this future timeline and Kate’s renewing vows or something. Either way, good episode. 

But if Kevin was going to marry the Brit’s sister, why would he be giving a speech?  That’s like best man, father of the bride,  or something like that. 

  • Love 7
1 minute ago, Runningwild said:

So that’s a thing now? People ask minors to be in their weddings and the kids/teens decide they don’t like the dress and change it? Ugh. We are in big trouble if these are the spoiled brats that will be running things. 

That's not what happened on One Day at a Time. I'm trying not to give too much away, but on that show the event was all about the girl in question (not a wedding), and she didn't request a replacement - it was done as a surprise for her.

I'll give the makeup people on This is Us a lot of credit for how Kevin looked in the flash-forward. When I watched the opening, I thought, "What did Justin Hartley do to his eyes?" They made him look like someone who'd had excessive plastic surgery - and Kevin is looks-obsessed enough to go there, particularly as he's reaching his mid-40s.

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7 minutes ago, ProudMary said:

Let's go back to this show's constant dismissal of geography for a minute.
Last week, for Madison's bachelorette party, Beth flew out to California with the girls who stayed at a hotel supposedly just before the wedding. After the party, Rebecca Ubered back to her L.A. area home and was on the phone with Miguel, who had flown to the PA cabin with Kevin, Nicky and Toby on the private jet Kevin rented for all of them.
So will someone please explain why this episode opens with Rebecca and Miguel at Randall's house in Philadelphia while Randall, Beth and the girls are heading for the airport?
I'm definitely confused.

I thought Randall and his family were at Rebecca and Miguel's house to visit before going to the place where the wedding was. Randall, Beth, and the girls just left earlier than Miguel and Rebecca.

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21 minutes ago, Jeddah said:

His parents’ income wouldn’t even be taken into account. He’d be considered independent since he has a kid himself. He’d get a lot in financial aid! Harvard can afford it!

I don't think that's accurate-his parents are the legal guardians of their granddaughter, not him, and they must be claiming Malik as a dependent on their income taxes.  I still don't think that he will have trouble getting great financial aid, though.

Edited by ItCouldBeWorse
9 minutes ago, KaveDweller said:

I thought Randall and his family were at Rebecca and Miguel's house to visit before going to the place where the wedding was. Randall, Beth, and the girls just left earlier than Miguel and Rebecca.

That's correct.

I just realized that Tess would have seen (and tried on/had altered) her bridesmaid dress in California in the time between the bachelorette party and the wedding.

Edited by ItCouldBeWorse
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4 minutes ago, MissT said:

Again...., who is the Brits sister????   I think Kevin is walking his sister down the  isle.  

No one (so far, at least). People are just speculating that the flash-forward might not be what it seems (which wouldn't surprise me) and the only other way the Brit could be Kevin's brother-in-law is Kevin marrying his sister (if he even has one).

Based on the clues we have, though, I'm still leaning toward Kate marries the Brit.

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11 minutes ago, HOTNTX53 said:

I will go back and look for a 3rd time, but I was looking for rings on Kevin and Madison in the 5 year flash forward. I couldn't see either of their hands!! BUT...I did notice a woman's toiletries and cosmetic bag on the sink while Kevin was practicing his "speech" and as he walked through the hotel room to leave through the door there was a woman's clothing in the closet and a flowered dress on the chair by the closet. I truly hope that Kevin and Madison are still together and is in love with her.

Maybe it really does all go back to Miguel's speech at the bachelor party and how Kevin and Madison weren't written in the stars (two single people that were barely acquainted magically and immediately falling in love and marrying after the birth of their unplanned one-night-stand babies), but written together (Madison breaks up with Kevin before the wedding but shortly after they begin to date, slowly, and get to know each other, and fall in love for real.)

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6 minutes ago, ItCouldBeWorse said:

I don't think that's accurate-his parents are the legal guardians of their granddaughter, not him, and they must be claiming Malik as a dependent on their income taxes.  I still don't think that he will have trouble getting great financial aid, though.

When did we find that out? I missed that. Why did they become her guardian?

13 minutes ago, KaveDweller said:

I thought Randall and his family were at Rebecca and Miguel's house to visit before going to the place where the wedding was. Randall, Beth, and the girls just left earlier than Miguel and Rebecca.

Thank you. I just went back and re-watched the scene. I was only paying attention to the staircase and thought it was Beth and Randall's house. On re-watch, the living room furnishings are all different.

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12 minutes ago, Jeddah said:

When did we find that out? I missed that. Why did they become her guardian?

Malik was about 15 when she was born? The baby's mother's family wanted to give her up for adoption, so his parents chose to be named guardians.  If I'm wrong, someone please correct me.

Edited by ItCouldBeWorse
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1 hour ago, ams1001 said:

But it was black! And the skirt was all asymmetrical! It's edgy! Or something.

I actually liked him in AMLT but that might just be in comparison to some of the other characters....

The wedding Kevin was practicing his Princess Bride priest voice for was Kate's, five years in the future (maybe he's officiating?) and she's marrying the British guy who didn't want to hire her and then won't let her quit because she's so super special. Apparently. And there was an article about Randall with a headline "Rising Star"...

Kevin and Madison seem pretty friendly in the future. I wonder if he does fall in love with her over time and they're together?

Thanks. Whew! Now, I see it more clearly. I knew it was the flash forward (obvi) but I did notice that Kevin & Madison were very friendly. Either they are great co-parents or they are back together in the future?! Maybe. See everyone in September......or later. 

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Well wow at the ending. In just 5 years, Kate's getting remarried, everyone seems really excited and happy about it too. Nobody seems to think it's not a good idea, considering how happy everyone was.  I guess Toby should have listened to Kevin's long distance doesn't work. 

Nicky's married. Kevin's also married? He's sharing a room with a woman for sure. I do actually hope it's Madison. She did say she told Kevin something a bunch of times in the morning.

I don't want to see back the whole Sophie plot take 4.

I liked Madison realizing her worth and felt back for her childhood.

There was some funny one-liners this episode. Kevin wanting inside air, Randall with the umbrella, Nicky and Miguel fighting over the altar. Rebecca calling the kids, children of the corn. LOL

I have a few bridesmaid dresses I only wore 1 time, who remakes your bridesmaid dress the morning of because it's not you? A bridesmaid dress isn't about you. Tess is just a brat and that shouldn't have been allowed, it should have been suck it up and wear it for a few hours then you can take it off. 

I was wondering how Adirondacks went with a wedding in LA. Chairs was not what I was thinking, hopefully Madison uses it in the future or I guess 'M' works for mom since Rebecca was in the other one. lol

Edited by Artsda
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