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S08.E18: Tell All (Part 1)

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39 minutes ago, Back Atcha said:

If she wants to keep it, how else can it remain safe?  She doesn't know if Mike will grab it...if Mike's mother will appear in person and they'll BOTH throttle Natalie to get that VALUABLE family heirloom.  Take that ring, and run, Natalie.  You've earned it and more...simply with all the housecleaning.


37 minutes ago, Stuckathome said:

Hell yeah she did! That place (even if it was a spare property on his land used for filming) was a nasty mess when she landed. Kitty litter alone is enough to make me go back to the airport, lol. Ad that to his man funk odor and just general hovel status....girlfriend earned her rock

I am with you both!  I was commenting more on "OH MY GOSH HER RING IS OFF!!!"  Like we all know they fought all the darn time, and a ring makes no difference in their commitment.  I, too, want Natalie to sell it and get every penny out of it.

Edited to add:  Sell it and take a picture of the cash she earned and send a picture to Mike.  Take THAT!

Edited by Mrs. Hanson
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Rebecca, girl--no.  You don't really look better. Just more fake. Zied HAS to tell you that you look sexy.

I very much enjoy Yara and Julia and their dynamic.  I have gotten to know a good amount of russians and ukrainians and they are quite blunt for the most part. I like this. I could tell Yara was calling Julia out because that's really what she thought, and I don't think Julia was bothered by it.  I happen to agree with Julia about all the plastic surgery not being good for your body. Let's face it, Rebecca wasn't working out and eating well and just unable to change her body. Fillers and Botox are one thing but hers are terrible--her face is frozen and blank but her neck is still all jowly!

Andrew is a joke.

I don't believe one damn thing about Mike and Natalie. His mom is such a bitch. No one asks if there are any objections at a wedding anymore! And even if they do, that doesn't invalidate the marriage, you absolute dumdums. If I see another shrug and raised eyebrow/smirk from Mike I swear I'll beat him to death with Natalie's eyelashes.

Brandon's parents are lying liars and they are so, so creepy. So is Brandon for that matter...I hope Julia gets her green card and gets away from that horror show.  She is a smart girl so I hope she's playing the long game.

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6 minutes ago, glitterpussy said:

I don't believe one damn thing about Mike and Natalie. His mom is such a bitch. No one asks if there are any objections at a wedding anymore! And even if they do, that doesn't invalidate the marriage, you absolute dumdums. If I see another shrug and raised eyebrow/smirk from Mike I swear I'll beat him to death with Natalie's eyelashes.

Love your name, GP!  I called out his mother as interfering as soon as we were introduced to her.  I was "corrected."  I rest my case.   She's a GEM who raised another GEM.

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1 hour ago, Mrs. Hanson said:


Edited to add:  Sell it and take a picture of the cash she earned and send a picture to Mike.  Take THAT!

Send a pic to his mother too.  After her actions, she deserves to lose her "family heirloom" and have it rubbed in her face.

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So, I must be the only one that kind of loved that one of Natalie's false eyelashes was coming loose.  I am so over both Natalie and Mike, but especially over Natalie's "acts."  Is she going for the pouty, sexy, innocent, or confrontational look with Mike?  

I agree with many other posters in that I didn't think Rebecca looked better.  But I did wonder why she felt she should interject herself into so many of the interviews.  And wow, her response to Trish was unbelievable in terms of not interfering with people's decisions was amazing as she does nothing BUT dictate to Zied what he can/can't do, think/can't think, say/can't say.

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1 hour ago, glitterpussy said:

Rebecca, girl--no.  You don't really look better. Just more fake. Zied HAS to tell you that you look sexy.

I very much enjoy Yara and Julia and their dynamic.  I have gotten to know a good amount of russians and ukrainians and they are quite blunt for the most part. I like this. I could tell Yara was calling Julia out because that's really what she thought, and I don't think Julia was bothered by it.  I happen to agree with Julia about all the plastic surgery not being good for your body. Let's face it, Rebecca wasn't working out and eating well and just unable to change her body. Fillers and Botox are one thing but hers are terrible--her face is frozen and blank but her neck is still all jowly!

Andrew is a joke.

I don't believe one damn thing about Mike and Natalie. His mom is such a bitch. No one asks if there are any objections at a wedding anymore! And even if they do, that doesn't invalidate the marriage, you absolute dumdums. If I see another shrug and raised eyebrow/smirk from Mike I swear I'll beat him to death with Natalie's eyelashes.

Brandon's parents are lying liars and they are so, so creepy. So is Brandon for that matter...I hope Julia gets her green card and gets away from that horror show.  She is a smart girl so I hope she's playing the long game.

YES, this! I feel like Julia was saying "exercise and eat healthy, that will improve your appearance and general health". Rebecca's stuffing down fried chicken and getting botox and cool sculpting! She would do much better to at the very least do those things in tandem with improving her diet and getting some exercise. Rebecca is a joke, she looks like shit and her wardrobe choices are tragic. Look, I'm a fattie who used to be slim, I know its hard to lose weight as you get older but really? A tummy tuck? Cool sculpting? And that terrible botox? She looks like a ghoul. 

And yes, Brandon's whole family are creepy in the extreme and I hope Julia gets out as soon as she can. I am still convinced that Betty and Ron will soon have her locked in a closet, only letting her out occasionally for "punishment". Betty's whole "I thought I'd be gaining a daughter, not losing a son" schtick is puzzling. Did she really think that if her son moved out of the family home with his wife she'd be "losing" him? She is deeply weird. 

1 hour ago, Back Atcha said:

Love your name, GP!  I called out his mother as interfering as soon as we were introduced to her.  I was "corrected."  I rest my case.   She's a GEM who raised another GEM.

I knew Mike's mother was going to be a problem when she sang out "Mama's here!" as she arrived at Mike's place. Who does that? If your kid is over five years old, anyway?

Edited by Pepper Mostly
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18 hours ago, Adeejay said:

I can't help but wonder what Rebecca is going to do when Zied gets a job.  For her sake, I hope there won't be any attractive female under 35 within a 5 mile radius.  

Rebecca is likely to nag, guilt zied mercilessly for the crime of being around women his own age.  

When he takes off, she will conveniently blame him and say that she has been horribly used and abused ...until the next 27 year old comes along.  Rinse repeat.  

Being a martyr for love is Rebeccas well worn life path. 

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So I watched the whole thing (above comments were from preview only).  I loved the interactions between the couples on stage.  No one (except Nat in the beginning) threatened anyone else, but it was cool to see them all cross chatting.  I did think it was funny that Rebecca talked as a peer to Momma Mike.  Way to make yourself look older Rebecca!!!  

The two young couples were a lot of fun, Mike and Nat were as annoying as ever (have we ever seen a more petulant child than our girl Nat?) but Andrew?  Really?  Shave your scraggly ass face and get off of the stage!!!!  You don’t want to talk to anyone and no one wants to talk to you!  Hasn’t one of you stated that he gave you serial killer vibes?  Yeah I can see that.

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44 minutes ago, Opine said:

 Hasn’t one of you stated that he gave you serial killer vibes?  Yeah I can see that.

That was me a long time ago.  He is slovenly, bossy, overweight and wants a woman who will obey. Plus he has one of those mothers, like Mikes.

Plus he lives in nowhere-ville.

What did see in him in the first place?

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20 hours ago, Adeejay said:

I can't help but wonder what Rebecca is going to do when Zied gets a job.  For her sake, I hope there won't be any attractive female under 35 within a 5 mile radius. 

What got me was when Rebecca was asked if she'd have the same reaction if a woman who was older offered to bring a truck to help Zied, and she said no, because a woman who was older wouldn't do that.  Is that y'all's experience?  I've got more than a decade on Rebecca (so I'm definitely older than the vixen Rebecca was dealing with), and maybe I'm naive, but I would have offered to help in that situation without a second thought.


19 hours ago, endure said:

As far as the lie detector piece wtf was that even about...maybe Jovi slept with a stripper three years ago, they proved nothing relevant.

Plus, no real lie detector test would ask if he "slept with" someone, would it?  (As real as a lie detector test can get, considering their unreliability.)


7 hours ago, spunky said:

I was team Yara all the way when she was calling Julia out. Julia set herself up for all of Betty's craziness when she decided she hated the apartment based on a picture. She either hates working on the farm or she's doing it to help Brandon. She needs to pick a struggle,  which is what Yara was getting at.

I think it's both--she hates doing it, but does it anyway because otherwise Brandon would have to do it, which means he'd have less time to spend with her.  Or maybe she does it just to make his life easier.  At least we now know that she specifically isn't required to do it as a condition of living there--either she or Brandon is required to do it as a condition of living there, and it doesn't matter which one as long as it gets done.


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5 hours ago, Back Atcha said:

Perhaps that was and remains Brandon's attraction!

Yara needs her own show.  She's smart, quick-witted...and doesn't back down.

Dear Julia, come back to us when you're FIFTY...let's see how great you look after:

  • Minimal sexual activity with that BOY in your shared bedroom ON THE FARM
  • Taking Betty's orders on work, sex, and birth control
  • Having three ungrateful kids (but are they Brandon's?) who left as soon as they could drive
  • Decades of cleaning up after goats, pigs, dogs, and Betty ON THE FARM

Are you still the tiny fit little dancer who's giving the older generations lessons on health and fitness?

When Julia said they're ready for kids and pointed out that Jovi & Yara have a baby I said out loud "Jovi has a good job and his own place, Brandon doesn't." Yara will likely be a stay at home Mom. How can Brandon, who works full time, not afford a one bedroom apartment in Dinwiddie VA? This is not NYC or SF!

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6 hours ago, Scarlett45 said:




On superficial notes- I liked the dress Natalie wore, i thought the color was gorgeous and the shape was really flattering for being filmed sitting down. 


I think Julia's English is wonderful, also she just arrived, and I can understand messing up her tenses when she is emotional. I wouldn't mind Brandon helping her with some vocabulary privately, but from what we have seen both he and Jovi were total dicks over the women's English. When Julia said "drink medicine" Brandon made fun of her, and when Yara didn't know the word for "hanger" Jovi was a smart ass- thats not okay on a human level, and that's your woman. Maybe helping them with the word so they can improve, and not being judgy because Brandon and Jovi dont speak any other languages so they have no room to criticize. 


In Russian, a lot of people use the same word to drink to mean drinking something or taking medicine. Depends on the region. There’s a lot of random dialect things... like where my mom grew up, they would use “pesok “ for granulated sugar, but the literal translation is sand. The first time my dad came to my moms house and they asked if he wanted pesok in his tea, he thought they were crazy. 


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15 hours ago, greekmom said:

I wonder re: photo below, what is actually real and what is fed to stir the shit on stage.

Julia does have a point. Please just hear me out.  Rebecca or Zied said they want fast results and Zied commented that he likes pizza.  Fast results ok but they won't last.  I did make the same point about Grangela getting her surgery.  Unless you are willing to change your lifestyle and eating habits, surgery will only give you a temp fix.  In regards to the extra skin, depending how much you lose and how you lose it, you won't have saggy skin.  I lost 75 pounds in my 40s through diet and exercise and didn't have saggy skin issues as the weight loss was slow.  Sadly, I gained it all back (bad divorce and slipped back into old habits). Now in my late 40s it's harder to lose the weight but I am still trying. 

Rebecca knows that she won't be able to hold onto Zied unless she stays young.  Honey, all the plastic surgery in the world cannot change who you are at heart and she will lose him eventually. I have to say for a love rat, Zied is very endearing. 

Fatso Incel - I have no words. He was waiting to confront Amira. LOL - loved how the producers cocked blocked him.

Mike and Natalie. I do feel sorry for Natalie.  I know she's a bit nutty but Mike really treated her like shit from the moment she touched down in the States.  Mike's mom is a major bitch wanted Tamara to object to the wedding. Who goes out in the late hours and doesn't show up till early morning?  And he was in his car down the road. Seriously?!?!?  For all those hours. Yeah right. Either he was high with Uncle Beau and doesn't want to say, he was at a friend's house or getting some booty.  Honestly, if I had to guess, I bet he was at Beau's getting high.

That's all I have for 7:48 am.

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I am usually not a supporter of plastic surgery and other cosmetic procedures but hope people who do it are doing it for their own reasons, not to get or keep a guy/girl.  Honestly I bet if I were in a TV show I might be thinking I need a lot of help too lol.  Skin elasticity sure changes as we age, even though I haven't gained or lost a lot of weight, I do know even small amounts of weight loss are not great after say... 60!  I agree Natalie did not deserve the treatment Mike doled out the entire season and for the finale he pulls that crap, heartbreaking.  He doesn't deserve her

Edited by endure
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22 minutes ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

What got me was when Rebecca was asked if she'd have the same reaction if a woman who was older offered to bring a truck to help Zied, and she said no, because a woman who was older wouldn't do that.  Is that y'all's experience?  I've got more than a decade on Rebecca (so I'm definitely older than the vixen Rebecca was dealing with), and maybe I'm naive, but I would have offered to help in that situation without a second thought.


Plus, no real lie detector test would ask if he "slept with" someone, would it?  (As real as a lie detector test can get, considering their unreliability.)


I think it's both--she hates doing it, but does it anyway because otherwise Brandon would have to do it, which means he'd have less time to spend with her.  Or maybe she does it just to make his life easier.  At least we now know that she specifically isn't required to do it as a condition of living there--either she or Brandon is required to do it as a condition of living there, and it doesn't matter which one as long as it gets done.


They should do it together!  Sounds like a perfect compromise. I could actually watch a whole episode of Julia 🐓🐖🐐 doing farm chores lol

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1 hour ago, FurBabyMama said:

In Russian, a lot of people use the same word to drink to mean drinking something or taking medicine. Depends on the region. There’s a lot of random dialect things... like where my mom grew up, they would use “pesok “ for granulated sugar, but the literal translation is sand. The first time my dad came to my moms house and they asked if he wanted pesok in his tea, he thought they were crazy. 


I figured that was probably the case and that’s why she used the word “drink”. Literally “take” would mean to confiscate from someone/somewhere else. I can understand Julia perfectly. 

Brandon is such a man child though, I don’t think Julia will be happy with him in a few years, he’s not going to mature. 

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That Mike is such fascinating TV. Let’s see…Shake head. Shrug. Turn redder. Rinse, repeat. And creep your arm around a woman to whom you have said and did heinous things. as we were all reminded. I thought she held it together well in this episode, considering.

Sp Mullet Mom threw Mikey under the bus. Why would you broadcast what your child confided in you? My theory: loose lips sink ships--Tamara blabbed to someone (maybe Beau?) about what the Mom (or the Mikeasaurus) told her, and it got around town. So Mullet Mom could either lie and deny it, the way her son was doing (“It was 3 days before”…”you’d already left”…etc.) or own up to it. I think she would have done well to add, "Yes, I said it, because I was so worried. But I feel now it wasn't appropriate, and I apologize to them and Tamara." And about the confidences regarding M and his saying a few days before the wedding he's not marrying her and is shipping her out: "My son shared some confidences that are not appropriate for me to comment on tonight. We all know there have been a lot of ups and downs." 

I have no words about Jovi, who needs to grow up, fast. He looked better--maybe, as some have speculated, he cut back on the booze. Or he flew in from work, where he can’t drink. I didn’t like Yara’s top, which looked sloppy, but her hair and makeup were more flattering than before. I hope she appreciates Gwen, who has gone the extra mile and then some to be welcoming and helpful yet not too controlling. 

Julia was like an out-of-control terrier. Someone needs to take her aside--and it’s not going to be her husband, who's a Mini-Mike (strategy: avoidance). J. didn't have to comment on every point people made. B's parents know that by giving him a free ride in exchange for chores, he’ll never leave for somewhere else where he has to pay rent, do laundry, prepare food, etc. I wonder what he’s in debt to them for--e.g., legal bills they covered for him? In addition to his sending Julia money? That one night we saw them go out to a bar and play some pool, there were attractive, grown-a** men there, and I saw her notice.  

Why must Raybayka be so militant all the time? It must be exhausting. I didn't think she looked different--rather, same as in an earlier season or two and still in need of a good hair stylist. She gained quite a bit of weight before and during this season, and Zied was no slouch either...hot chicken and greasy sides. 

Edited by Tuneful
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13 hours ago, Stuckathome said:

Oh and in the previews..... 

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Amira says that Andrew is back on the dating app where they met already. And everyone chimes in with how cold that is.....which, I agree, if you truly loved someone and were plannign to marry them (not just casually dating), you would take some time before jumping back in. However....hw does she know? Was she on the app again too? Or, did a fan or friend find his profile and DM her a screenshot (like the women contacting Jess about Colt's DMs and dick pics"?? 


She on a popular TV show, chances are she was alerted by someone.

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10 hours ago, Cherrio said:

A real beauty to go along with her asshole behavior.  Your son is no prize, well maybe if you entered him into a livestock show for pigs.

the new "Pig Royalty" show? 

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9 hours ago, Scarlett45 said:
On 4/11/2021 at 10:24 PM, Chloe Dog said:

What's Tiffany's husband's name?  I've had poodles in the past - identical hair cut.   Except mine always came home with a little bow in her hair.


I think she was asking about Rebecca's daughter's husband, not Cold Shoulder Tiffany married to Ronald. Poodle Hair Proud Boy is Micah. 

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I'm about halfway through and I'm struck by how much Julia desperately want for she and Brandon to be Yara and Jovi.  

But Julia is trying way too hard to make it happen.  Brandon has a rat face and Julia is more screechy than charming and I don't find her very obviously practiced in the mirror zingers funny at all.  

The show isn't fun when the participants are practiced.  Yara is just authentic, in spite of all that plastic surgery.  And, while you can throw your rotten internet tomatoes at me, I still think Jovi fucks up, but listens and tries to change.  My cold, dead heart melted a little to hear Yara say that she loves Jovi more for loving their little daughter.  

I'm guessing that those of you who watch Pillow Talk may end up with Brandon and Julia because Julia is so very clearly auditioning for the job.  

Edited by RealReality
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On 4/11/2021 at 3:10 PM, StatisticalOutlier said:

No doubt, but I think he was gone until 4:00 in the morning.  I can see Natalie's mind racing to all sorts of places in the middle of the night.  Plus, he defended himself by saying he was only six miles away.  Fine.  But she didn't know that, so it doesn't matter.  And that also meant that a cell signal was no more than 6 miles away, so he could have called to check in when he realized he might need until almost dawn to do his thinking.

Andrew looks like he's auditioning for What We Do In the Shadows.

Exactly.  If he didn't want to be a shit why didn't he just tell her he was going into the woods to think?  

Also, can anyone tell me what Rebecca posted that upset Natalie?

If I read between the lines Rebecca's "we need to communicate more" means "Zied needs to pay more attention when I start nagging him about something inconsequential"  


I'd also like to mention how very, very rich it is for Mike and Rebecca to be the financial advisors of the group seeing as how they both ended up in terrible debt.  

Frankly, the person who SHOULD be giving financial advice is Tariq, who appears to own his condo and Jovi, who appears to have landed and retained a decent job that allows him to comfortably provide for he, Yara and a baby. 

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23 hours ago, endure said:

I never know what is real with this show so tend not to believe much.  I did think it was horrible the way they blindsided both Yara and Natalie....if they did that.  As far as the lie detector piece wtf was that even about...maybe Jovi slept with a stripper three years ago, they proved nothing relevant.

I have a soft spot for Jovi, so I kinda think this happened too.

He seems to have some sort of conscience and he doesn't seem to have a history of cheating on Yara that has come up.  

At the start of the season, I remember someone mentioning that Jovi slept with strippers or something along those lines.  

Edited by RealReality
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23 hours ago, RoxiP said:

Andrew is a douche bag.  Congratulations to Rebekah on losing weight and making herself feel better.  I like Yara the best out of this bunch.

In a season full of duds, I really think Andrew is the worst.  

I could tell from the minute he was on camera that he was hoping to get Amira one on one so that he could gaslight her and manipulate everyone else on stage.  I can't wait to see him get enraged when he is denied his opportunity.  He makes my skin crawl. 

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13 hours ago, TakeAPinotGrigio said:

I love that right after they showed Mother Brandon losing her head over her 27-yr-old son & his wife living on their own, they cut to live Father Brandon saying (yelling) something like, "They could move out any time they wanted."

I think Yara felt okay going after Julia bc they're already friends. Julia said they talk a lot online & have bonded & that pic posted above bears that out. I think Yara was calling out a friend -- a bit roughly, but it's Yara -- on her shit. Julia didn't seem to take it as hostile.

Love Gwen. Mike & his mom should marry each other.

I could have done without seeing Rebecca's obnoxious daughter & her xenophobe boyfriend with the assertive eyebrows.

What a waste of incel Andrew's beautiful, free-flowing locks if he really does leave. Imagine the time he spent washing the sweat out of his hair, brushing it lovingly, cooing to himself in the mirror about how irresistible he is. And to not stay after all that? What a tragic let-down. I'll bet his mom will have some things to say about how they treated her young prince!


You just know andrew spent hours with his sister's CHI flatiron trying to get that look down.  And went straight for the douchey three piece suit, JFC.  Would not be shocked in the least he he paired it with Crocs or Chucks so he could be "look at me" special.  So damn precious.  He, Tania and Syngin are birds of a feather.  


DEAD @ Incel Andrew, hot damn how did I miss that adjective, so perfect.  

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21 hours ago, Shauna said:

When I hear Julie not speaking correctly, I always wonder if, in private conversations, Brandon corrects her.   I know I would.   How else will she, or others, learn?  

I can almost guarantee that Julia thinks this is adorable and will not stop. 

And on some people, the mixups work.  Zied and Yara.  I just find Julia too much.  

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 I think Mike and Natalie knew about our nickname for the reunion- "The Tell Nothing," because they came in like a couple of (perturbed) clams inside a fishing net.  The good news is that the producers had some major surprises up their sleeves and judging by the previews, they're not done yet!  They've strung us along all season, so at least we are getting some good tea now.

I know this forum is full of love for Yara, but I'm not a fan, nor of Jovi, though I appreciate Gwen.  I just wanted to say that though it may have been hard to watch Yara seeing the stripper footage, if the producers hadn't done that, I'm sure many of us would have been outraged.  This reunion is finally "going there," which I can appreciate.  Also, Yara vigorously defending plastic surgery was to be expected.  She's had quite a bit done for her young age and I'm sure there is more to come before she emerges as a Kardashian klone.

Questions I have for the second part are:

What is happening with Tarik and Hazel?  Is the distance (physical and otherwise) due to Covid and her illness or is there more to the story?  I hope she is feeling better, she looked miserable.

Why is Amira afraid of Andrew?  I completely understand her having a lot of negative feelings about him:  disappointment, mistrust, anger, and on and on, but she is having literal panic attacks at the thought of him.  Can this be legit?  And if so, what happened?  

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Done!  A good first round. 

1. They had better not negotiate with Andrew.  Let that greasy fuck go and be gone.  

 It is EXTREMELY suspicious that he is soooo insistent on talking to Amira "face to face"  He is a creepy, manipulative fuck.  Not a doubt in my mind that he knows all about her anxiety and is ready to try to manipulate her into "admitting" that she was at fault for everything.  He did not blink an eye when the producers said that they wanted to respect Amira....because he doesn't care about respecting Amira.  That Andrew that they got a glimpse of when he didn't get his way.....THAT is Andrew.  There is no compromise, there are no equals, there is no humility.  There is ONLY what Andrew wants.

2. Sorrynotsorry, but I think Rebecca looks awful.  As someone else pointed out, that neck has not been touched.  I don't think her face looks that different and maybe I didn't see her weight before because to me, it doesn't look like she lost that much.  And that outfit was HORRIBLE for trying to showcase a weight loss.  Just awful.  

3. Julia, who is what, not even 25, has no room to condescendingly tell people to just "go to the gym"  Let me hear her talking that mess in 15 years.  HOWEVER as someone who is in the research phase right now, its pretty widely accepted that lipo and plastic surgery are not supposed to be a substitute for diet and exercise.  With lipo I think that the most they can remove is like 15 pounds, and they recommend that you be within like 8-10 pounds of your goal weight.  It makes me wonder what nonsense Rebecca has been putting in Zied's head.

4. Speaking of putting nonsense in Zied's head, he had better never get a job because he will assume that any woman who speaks to him wants to sleep with him.  And puhleeze Rebecca, please stop assigning your 15 year old behavioral standards to women far more mature than you.  An "older woman" can talk to men too, there is no "code of the mature lady"  JFC.  

5.  Prepare your rotten tomatoes....because......I'm definitely team Betty on the birth control and I'm not ready to hang Mike's mom by the toenails.  I think she had a good point.  

Re Betty/Birth Control - neither Brandon nor Julia are adults.  And Julia is more immature and infantile than Brandon by a country mile.  You can say all you want that they are "adults" and would "figure it out".  What I saw was Brandon and Julia say that they weren't planning to have kids for two years and then Julia screech like a two year old about "not drink medicine!"  and the two of them just refuse to use any birth control at all because condoms aren't fun and once upon a time Julia knew some girl who drank a pill or ate a hotdog or sat on a toilet or whateverthefuck and now she can't have babies.  Fine.  I once knew a dude who drove a Buick and drove it off an embankment....does that mean I should never drive a car or should I maybe do some research into other brands?

The two of them are absolute children, and that is why they are treated like absolute children.  Julia and Brandon with a baby would have been a giant clusterfuck, and you know who would have been raising that child?  Betty and Ron.  You know who would have suffered?  The child.  Not Julia, who is a moron and Brandon who is a rat faced idiot.  

I'm not for anyone on that stage shitting on Betty for trying to get her halfwit son and his idiot childbride on some birth control.  Let them spend 18 years raising their ill conceived grandchild because their son and his wife are too stupid and selfish to use birth control.

Mike/Mom - She went about it all kinds of wrong.  But lets never forget that Natalie did all the things Mike's mom said she did.  Of course she doesn't want her son to marry a woman who calls him stupid, ugly and fat and works double time to make him feel like shit.  NO ONE thinks these two should be married except Tamara and Natalie.  I cannot imagine what it would be like to see my child being constantly belittled and told he just isn't good enough for this wackadoo nutcase.  And, his mom probably also can see or has an idea of how desperate Natalie is to get pregnant, and then they are stuck for 18 years.  18 years of browbeating, nagging and being told he is awful.  

I think there is something wrong with Mike.  I don't think he is any great shakes.  They should be done with each other and she should fix her nose, find a rich man and make some babies.  They will both be miserable in Sequim.  

Mike's mom was wrong in how she went about things, but she is not wrong that nothing good can come of this marriage.  

And old hag Rebecca(notice how Shawn Robinson is older and is not called an old hag....Rebecca.....its not just a look, its an attitude) can all the way miss me with her outrage.  She is basically a child and her children have to intervene in her life.  It would be a cold day in hell before I'd let Rebecca tell me how to conduct my affairs.  

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On 4/12/2021 at 2:00 PM, seacliffsal said:

I am so over both Natalie and Mike, but especially over Natalie's "acts."

Agree. And I have zero sympathy for Natalie. Who stays with someone who treats you the way that load Mike did? She valued that ring more than her self esteem, and for that reason, she deserved what she got. Nobody was making her stay except her ego. I recall a phone conversation with  a friend of hers where she said something about being too embarrassed to come home without being married. She is responsible for herself. They did not have a Romeo Juliet relationship, more like a worse Married With Children. And demeaning herself about that damn ring. The many psycho personalities, worse being, Coy Natalie. The staring at each other in silence, the dopey shrugging, one syllable responses, her overacting to amp up the drama, Mikes neanderthal noises saying he's communicating, dead facial expressions, hope they enjoy the TLC money. They both looked immature, ignorant and manipulative. Never felt any attraction, chemistry, common interests from either of them. During the tell all, when she's silently gazing at him with that awful coquettish look on her face, while Mike sits there pretending to be one of the faces on Mt Rushmore is torture. Total coward for not being straight with her. No sympathy for either of them and whatever this performance was, gaslighting and overacting, total fail. Why are they coming back?

Edited by itsadryheat
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8 hours ago, magemaud said:

I think she was asking about Rebecca's daughter's husband, not Cold Shoulder Tiffany married to Ronald. Poodle Hair Proud Boy is Micah. 

Ah!!!! Yes. Micha. Thank you. 

@RealReality I saw nothing wrong with Betty’s stance on contraception. You cannot decry “I’m an adult” while you’re living like an adolescent. These two weren’t not hanging out there for a couple of weeks while their apartment was being renovated, they were financially dependent on Betty and Ron. If you want adult freedoms, those come with adult responsibilities. Now my Mom (in Betty’s position) wouldn’t have let Brandon bring Julia here while living under her roof. You want to be a “man” with a WIFE, you get your own roof, OR you become an equal adult contributing member of this household and split the expenses equitably. 

We need a long term contraceptive method for men, if we had one, Betty and Ron could’ve just required Brandon to use it while living under their roof (as he is their son). Plenty of parents have required their adult daughters (with or without kids) to use a long term contraceptive (like an IUD) as a condition of living under their roof as an adult. 

And a mature person wouldn’t want to place an additional burden on Betty and Ron with another mouth to feed with a pregnancy. 

Yara and Jovi choosing not to choose contraceptives is another thing- because for all of Jovi’s faults he was supporting himself 100% AND Yara (as a grown person who brings someone over on a k-1 should be able to do). 

Of course Mike’s Mom didnt want him to marry Natalie- I get that, but if I were her, since they did get married I would’ve kept my mouth shut. 

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Ok, Rebecca. I'm gonna need for you to shut up now. She's way to opinionated for a woman that is a mess herself. Botox, fillers and tummy tuck sure have given that old hag enough confidence to speak her mind about everybody else's relationships. Also, her daughter said her friend was not flirting with Zied but Rebecca would not stop with the jealousy. It really bugs me that everybody is saying how much Zied loves Rebecca. What has he done to show that? Play video games all day while he waits for his green card? Insist they get married before Ramadan even though Rebecca didn't want to? Eat pizza? I'm not buying it. Not one bit. 

I like Yara's nose job. She was funny saying her nose looked like a potato before. I saw a before pic and she is right! She looked beautiful at the Tell All with her understated makeup, glowing skin and natural hair with no extensions. It looks like her lips have settled down from the fillers, too. 

As for lip fillers I was shocked Natalie admitted her swollen lips were awful. She didn't admit to her boob job, though. 

Mike has alot of nerve saying Brandon needs to grow up when he runs to mommy every time he has a fight with Natalie. Why are they pretending to be together when they arrived separately? He has his around her the whole time but they don't talk. It was painful to see them eating on the lunch break while she's not saying a word and then gets up with her box of lunch and walks away.  Who are they kidding? 

Speaking of lunch, shout out to TLC!. Cardboard box of lunch in the makeshift cafeteria with folding tables and chairs. Swanky. They really went all out for these chucklefucks!  

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11 hours ago, magemaud said:

the new "Pig Royalty" show? 

I'm going to need a season 2 of this hot mess.  ASAP.  I can't find a thread for it on the forum, dammit.

11 hours ago, RealReality said:

I'm about halfway through and I'm struck by how much Julia desperately want for she and Brandon to be Yara and Jovi.  

IIRC, at some point Julia made a comment to Yara about the situation with Julia and Brandon wasn't any different than the situation with Yara and Jovi.

Um, yes, Julia...Jovi was self-supporting, had his own place and was financially able to take on a wife (and a child as it turned out).  

There is no comparison between the situations beyond the fact that you're both K1 brides.  

11 hours ago, RealReality said:

In a season full of duds, I really think Andrew is the worst.  

I could tell from the minute he was on camera that he was hoping to get Amira one on one so that he could gaslight her and manipulate everyone else on stage.  I can't wait to see him get enraged when he is denied his opportunity.  He makes my skin crawl. 

When he was going into his douche speech about how it wasn't fair and he wanted to have a conversation yada yada yada....

I could swear at one point near the end of that outburst that he almost used "confrontation" instead of "conversation" and caught it just in time and switched back to "conversation."  

11 hours ago, RealReality said:

You just know andrew spent hours with his sister's CHI flatiron trying to get that look down.  And went straight for the douchey three piece suit, JFC.  Would not be shocked in the least he he paired it with Crocs or Chucks so he could be "look at me" special.  So damn precious.  He, Tania and Syngin are birds of a feather.  

Nope, the dude had on loafers....


I shit you not.   I had to do a double take and then laughed like a hyena.  

Edited by Persnickety1
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15 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

Speaking of lunch, shout out to TLC!. Cardboard box of lunch in the makeshift cafeteria with folding tables and chairs. Swanky. They really went all out for these chucklefucks!  

I seem to recall at one of the Tell Nothings, they brought in pizza for all of them.  

Big spenders, those assclowns at TLC 😂

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8 hours ago, RealReality said:

  It makes me wonder what nonsense Rebecca has been putting in Zied's head.

4. Speaking of putting nonsense in Zied's head, he had better never get a job because he will assume that any woman who speaks to him wants to sleep with him.  And puhleeze Rebecca, please stop assigning your 15 year old behavioral standards to women far more mature than you.  An "older woman" can talk to men too, there is no "code of the mature lady"  JFC.  


I did agree with your points in this post, but just included this part because it made me remember something that I wanted to comment on for a long time and kept forgetting! 

To me, Zied seems like a completely different personality from what we saw last season. He seems darn near terrified of saying or doing the wrong thing. He reminds me of someone who has been brainwashed into following Rebecca's asinine ideas or else. I'm guessing he must constantly compliment Rebecca to stay on her good side.  He is so isolated from everyone and everything he loves and is totally dependent on Rebecca for everything. He needs to divorce her and go back home. Stockholm syndrome anyone?

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8 hours ago, itsadryheat said:

And I have zero sympathy for Natalie. Who stays with someone who treats you the way that load Mike did? She valued that ring more than her self esteem, and for that reason, she deserved what she got.

No sympathy here, either. We should remember the way Natalie also treated Mike:

I'm too beautiful for you. (Yes, she said that)

Your fat. You need to lose weight and eat healthy.

I'm smarter than you. What is your IQ?

I don't like that you drink. I don't drink.

I don't like your place, your town, your Uncle or your cat. 

Where is my rink? I want my rink back! When are you going to give my rink? 

They are both horrible people who were using each other. Mike for a little extra TLC money and Natalie for the green card. 

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Lots of good insight here today and I agree with lots of it!  So much more fulfilling than the show itself!  
Mike&Nat- thank God that Mother Mike was interviewed.  Otherwise we would just be listening to Natalie slur her words and Mike babble about being in his head, moving his eyebrows and shrugging.  WTF does that mean here?  Lots of people have said that mother Mike and her opinions don’t matter. But I think they do matter. For one thing, Shawn asked her and for another thing, she’s his mom. If she doesn’t speak up, who will? I don’t think he’s smart. I think Natalie hit the nail on the head when she said he was stupid, which she didn’t actually say. But the more I hear him speak, the more I find him annoying.  
Jovi&Yara- Something tells me that Jovi’s days and nights spent at the strip club are not over although maybe he won’t go upstairs for a lap dance, at least not with that same girl.  Good for Yara that she is so confident in her looks, I guess.  I wonder how she will feel in 20 years when no matter what you do, you just don’t look that great.  I hope she finds fulfillment some other way.  She almost fell out of that top when they jumped up to go on break.   I still like Mother Jovi a lot.   
Zied&Rebecca- Rebecca has her hands full with the entire female world versus Zied.  It’s not necessarily that anybody wants to steal Zied away from her, it’s just that they speak to him.  “Would you like that as a Happy Meal, young man?”  Kaboom!  I hope that the pair of them to more than procedures to improve themselves.  Otherwise, as WE all know, it won’t last.  Yikes, 20 yrs is a lot of years different.  When he is 50, she will be 70!
Andrew- what a waste.  He got up to leave so I say,  do NOT pay him for the Tell All.  
I don’t think I want to see Amira and her whiny ass voice.   
not interested in Tariq&Hazel either.  So I may FF thru them next week.   
PS, I swore that I would not sign up for discovery+. But then I saw a new show called “pig royalty” is on there. I actually have some very good friends whose sons showed pigs all through high school and their youngest son who is 16 now literally flies all over the country showing pigs for other people. They make a ton of money at it. And they all know who the competition is.
So, I signed up for discovery+ and now, I have access to all the additional shows. I broke my promise to myself. But now I swear that after six months I am canceling so that I don’t pay for it. Anyway what should I watch? I’m kind of dreading having to sift through it all so if you can help me that would be wonderful.

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1 hour ago, bichonblitz said:

As for lip fillers I was shocked Natalie admitted her swollen lips were awful. She didn't admit to her boob job

All this money for cosmetic enhancement, but can't drop a dime for an apartment or plane ticket to mommy. Natalie, do me a favor and hook up with Andrew.

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Rebecca just posted a video of Zied picking up his dream car. Appears that they bought a brand new Lexus convertible (SMH). Apparently I did life all wrong...busted my butt to get an education, pay my bills, etc.....I should have been working fast food and ho'ing myself out on reality tv.....then I could have a new car and lots of cosmetic surgeries to fix my flabby arms and wrinkly forehead. 

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4 minutes ago, Stuckathome said:

Rebecca just posted a video of Zied picking up his dream car. Appears that they bought a brand new Lexus convertible (SMH). Apparently I did life all wrong...busted my butt to get an education, pay my bills, etc.....I should have been working fast food and ho'ing myself out on reality tv.....then I could have a new car and lots of cosmetic surgeries to fix my flabby arms and wrinkly forehead. 

Yeah, I don't get it either.  She had to wear a second hand wedding dress (with a bustier on the outside of it), talked about her financial troubles enough to consider rooming with her daughter and boyfriend, talked about slaving away at the chicken place, etc...suddenly she has money for his and her cosmetic procedures and a new car.  No way TLC's money can cover all of those expenses, is Zied allowed to work now?  Will there be a repo situation with the car? Will they have to move out of their apartment?  So mawch questions.

Did she ever find her ring?

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33 minutes ago, Stuckathome said:

Rebecca just posted a video of Zied picking up his dream car. Appears that they bought a brand new Lexus convertible (SMH). Apparently I did life all wrong...busted my butt to get an education, pay my bills, etc.....I should have been working fast food and ho'ing myself out on reality tv.....then I could have a new car and lots of cosmetic surgeries to fix my flabby arms and wrinkly forehead. 

JFC.  I expect some of this from a wide eyed 20 something.  But Rebecca is 50, renting an apartment and working at a chicken joint.

Maybe they are getting paid for this somehow. But any money on a luxury car is a shitty idea.  They still have to pay to insure it.  Maintenence and upkeep.  He should have a way of getting around town.  A midsized, decent car would have been a logical choice.  


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16 minutes ago, RealReality said:

JFC.  I expect some of this from a wide eyed 20 something.  But Rebecca is 50, renting an apartment and working at a chicken joint.

Maybe they are getting paid for this somehow. But any money on a luxury car is a shitty idea.  They still have to pay to insure it.  Maintenence and upkeep.  He should have a way of getting around town.  A midsized, decent car would have been a logical choice.  


I think we will see a repo situation happen in the near future.

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11 hours ago, RealReality said:

Re Betty/Birth Control - neither Brandon nor Julia are adults.  And Julia is more immature and infantile than Brandon by a country mile.  You can say all you want that they are "adults" and would "figure it out".  What I saw was Brandon and Julia say that they weren't planning to have kids for two years and then Julia screech like a two year old about "not drink medicine!"  and the two of them just refuse to use any birth control at all because condoms aren't fun and once upon a time Julia knew some girl who drank a pill or ate a hotdog or sat on a toilet or whateverthefuck and now she can't have babies.  Fine.  I once knew a dude who drove a Buick and drove it off an embankment....does that mean I should never drive a car or should I maybe do some research into other brands?

The two of them are absolute children, and that is why they are treated like absolute children.  Julia and Brandon with a baby would have been a giant clusterfuck, and you know who would have been raising that child?  Betty and Ron.  You know who would have suffered?  The child.  Not Julia, who is a moron and Brandon who is a rat faced idiot.  

I'm not for anyone on that stage shitting on Betty for trying to get her halfwit son and his idiot childbride on some birth control.  Let them spend 18 years raising their ill conceived grandchild   grandchildren because their son and his wife are too stupid and selfish to use birth control.

Fixed it for you.  Bolding made me laugh out loud.  

Look, Brandon and Julia, you want to live with Mommy and Daddy and play house?  Let's get out your tax returns, see what you made and we will split the bills accordingly.  Looks like you make this much so you are responsible for 35% of the upkeep of the house.  Here is the mortgage, the cable/stream, gas, electric, garbage, etc, and it looks like your portion is $XXX a month.  You can pay on the 1st and the 15th if that is easier.  Don't like it?  Leave.   And I, too, will prepare myself for the rotten tomatoes but I told my kids, from the time they were, 9 or 10:  I AM NOT RAISING MY GRANDCHILDREN.  There is a reason I waited until I was 32, not going back to the well again, thanks.

Julia was really the bright spot until the tell all.  Lecturing, complaining, telling people to go to a gym and eat better.  If it were that easy many countries would not have an obesity problem.

12 hours ago, RealReality said:

Mike's mom was wrong in how she went about things, but she is not wrong that nothing good can come of this marriage. 

I agree!


19 hours ago, Pepper Mostly said:

I knew Mike's mother was going to be a problem when she sang out "Mama's here!" as she arrived at Mike's place. Who does that? If your kid is over five years old, anyway?

My college age sons and I joke about that:  I will (jokingly!) say Mommy is here!  and they look at me like, yeah no.  We laugh about it.  It is all in good fun.

Both Mike and Zied looked like they need to take the McDonald's app of their phones.  Those dollar a day meals are adding up, guys.

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1 hour ago, Baltimore Betty said:

No way TLC's money can cover all of those expenses,

Agree.....I can see the cosmetic procedures maybe being comped in exchange for mentioning the place on social media. But the car? She called out the dealership and thanked them, but seriously, watching this man child drive off in a new car with a big red bow on it was a bit too much for me. It wouldn't be shocking if it was like that SNL pre-Xmas skit where the Dad surprises the family with a new luxury car and when the wife is pissed off, he says, "it was only $4000" and she says, that was the down payment, he is shocked......he thought it was the total cost, lol. 

No matter how much $$ they are getting from TLC and associated deals, with spending habits like this, it won't last long. 

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On 4/12/2021 at 12:04 AM, CruiseDiva said:

The cosmetic procedures Rebecca described that she had were a surprise. Actually, I don't think her appearance was improved that much and those weren't cheap procedures. Also they aren't covered by medical insurance. She's supposed to be so broke... I wonder how she paid for them in addition to her princess wedding at the resort complete with a horse drawn carriage. Good for her losing weight, but she still has a very unattractive double chin and doesn't look younger. I had to laugh when Natalie admitted getting her lips done and that she was surprised that they turned out so big.

I often wonder how these working-class people on this show have the money for all these cosmetic surgeries. It's not like they get paid that much for being on this show. Rebecca manages a fast food restaurant, but can afford cosmetic surgeries? Big Angela is a hospice aide but SHE can afford all these cosmetic surgeries? Where are these people getting the money for this? Or are they just going into debt and paying on it forever?


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