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Who, What, When, Where?!: Miscellaneous Celebrity News 2.0

Message added by OtterMommy,

Please do not post only non-descriptive links to celebrity news stories.  Some context should be provided for your fellow members. Context may be as simple as a link that describes the story, or a line or two of text. Thanks.

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13 minutes ago, biakbiak said:

Or you know 600k+ Americans dying in a pandemic.

Oh, so you buy into the FAKE NEWS that all those people died of a made-up "virus" and not just the regular old flu, plus those death numbers are fake too.  Next you're going to tell me that vaccines are safe.

Edited by ratgirlagogo
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23 minutes ago, ratgirlagogo said:

I think he's just naive in believing that any kind of cataclysm would unite people who hate each other. You'd think the cataclysmically disastrous U.S. weather of the last ten or so years would unite Americans around fighting climate change, but no.

Well said. I ain't mad at the Fonz, I'm just annoyed. Advice to the world: think first, tweet later.

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1 hour ago, Wiendish Fitch said:

Well said. I ain't mad at the Fonz, I'm just annoyed. Advice to the world: think first, tweet later.

Same. And even though the tweet was clumsily worded that doesn’t mean everyone had to go flying off the handle because of it. 

Edited by Spartan Girl
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1 hour ago, letter8358 said:

I read the article, and the longer article they're pulling it from, and this is the only quote, even in the longer piece:


"I was treated like a different species. It was horrible. It was probably more me and my insecurity, knowing that I wasn't fitting into the same size jeans, but it wasn't a time where actresses were any bigger than a size eight," Cave said.

I'm left wondering what happened?  I'm bigger, so I 100% empathize with her and know that it's not always something you can put your finger on.  It just seems a little "click bait-y" for them to throw that one line in there, knowing Potter will get them lots of eyes, and then that's all there is?

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5 hours ago, merylinkid said:

She is saying that she has no control and these things are forced on her.   By having her sign statements, they can show, no these were her idea.    The conservators are showing they ARE letting her make decisions, which she then later claims she wasn't allowed to make.   It's CYA.   If Britney says "they forced me to tour" and they say "No wait you ASKED us to set up a tour for you" it kinda shows they aren't making decisions without her input.   it's not that they are legally binding or she's not allowed to change her mind.   It's that she says one thing one day, the conservators act on it, then the next day she claims they are controlling her and not listening to her.  

this is not people with mental illness make bad decisions or change their minds.   It's people with mental illness HAVE MENTAL ILLNESS.   For some that requires a conservatorship (someone brought a Kanye several pages back, based on his behavior he should have one, but the Ks only wanted access to the Alist they didn't care about his mental health and he has no one else who cares about him as a human being to ask for one).   For others it might not.

Her having a court appointed lawyer is how it works.   This is only ONE of probably many cases her attorney handles.   If her conservatorship ends, he has others and will get more.   It's not llike the the Britney case is his sole source of income.   Also he is not making huge pots of money off this.   Court appointed has a set fee they can charge an hour.   He's not the one screwing her.   It's paying for her dad's crisis PR team that is.   The court should disallow anything that is not attorney/paralegal time.   Crisis PR team is not a necessity to the proper administration of her estate.

Having said all that, Ronan Farrow getting involved always makes me go "hmmmm something ain't right here."   So hopefully a full investigation will be done and it will proceed from there.   but they can't just drop the conservatorship because Ronan Farrow publlished an article calling it bullshit.   


If she is being forced to do things against her will she can be forced to sign things against her will. They prove nothing. It’s an attempt to CYA but it’s meaningless. 

I don’t like the Kardashian’s but Kanye doesn’t have a conservatorship because he doesn’t qualify for a conservatorship. That’s the problem with Britney’s. Plus, there is a snowballs chance in hell that this would happen to a man.

As for her count appointed attorney this is from the New York Times article:

“California requires that conservatees be given five days’ notice before a conservatorship takes effect, but this can be bypassed if a judge decides that they could suffer “immediate and substantial harm.” Goetz appointed a probate lawyer named Sam Ingham as Spears’s advocate, and then granted the conservators’ petition to waive the requirement to notify her that any of this was happening. Ingham remains in the role; Spears covers his annual salary of five hundred and twenty thousand dollars. (Her own living expenses in 2019 were $438,360.)”

Notifying that she was about to be under a conservatorship would apparently cause he her “immediate and substantial harm” sounds like she should have been immediately in inpatient care. She did not have a say at all before it happened, when she still was consider to be a legal adult, because she was apparently in such a bad place. Yet, within two weeks of the conservatorship being in place she was filming a guest spot on How I Met Your Mother. Meaning her conservator and her lawyer immediately turned their attention to her comeback. Those are the people who are supposed to be concerned with her mental well-being. 

Edited by Guest
2 hours ago, ratgirlagogo said:

I see this more as a problem using Twitter to express a complicated - well, no, not even that complicated an idea.  People seem shirty about the use of the word "cataclysmic" and I'd say he's more just expressing a basic idea about group dynamics - the idea that a group becomes united in the face of a common enemy and that if all the members of the group do not feel equally threatened by that enemy, they don't unite.

I think he's just naive in believing that any kind of cataclysm would unite people who hate each other. You'd think the cataclysmically disastrous U.S. weather of the last ten or so years would unite Americans around fighting climate change, but no.

He tweeted a clarification yesterday.


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2 hours ago, Kel Varnsen said:

I mean if he said I hope there is a terrible event coming soon to bring the US or the world together that would be one thing.

Yes. It's not like he said he hopes we are attacked by terrorists or we start another war.  And even if some horrible event happened any coming together would be short lived.  Unfortunately we live during a time when even the most benign thing can be used as a political weapon.

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10 hours ago, GaT said:

He says it's in the bible

Does the Bible say to be fruitful with many women? Nick has the money to support all those kids, but there's no way he can give them all the love and attention they deserve. What is he going to do on Christmas? Make a bunch of rounds like Santa Claus?

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10 hours ago, letter8358 said:

This is a weird one. Not because of the age difference, because I really don't care about that. But because of the fact she is like a huge rising star and I don't think I have seen Zach Braff in anything since Scrubs ended. The only thing I know he is involved in is the Scrubs podcast.

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1 hour ago, Kel Varnsen said:

This is a weird one. Not because of the age difference, because I really don't care about that. But because of the fact she is like a huge rising star and I don't think I have seen Zach Braff in anything since Scrubs ended. The only thing I know he is involved in is the Scrubs podcast.

He's been directing.

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9 hours ago, Jane Tuesday said:

I read the article, and the longer article they're pulling it from, and this is the only quote, even in the longer piece:

I'm left wondering what happened?  I'm bigger, so I 100% empathize with her and know that it's not always something you can put your finger on.  It just seems a little "click bait-y" for them to throw that one line in there, knowing Potter will get them lots of eyes, and then that's all there is?

The article also claims that her part in the Deathly Hallows films was much smaller than in The Half Blood Prince as though it was rewritten because she had gained weight.  However, having read all the books more than once or twice; I seem to recall that Lavender Brown was always a minor character and the storyline that involved her was quite a bit bigger in The Half Blood Prince than in The Deathly Hallows.  Maybe I've forgotten something, but I don't recall Lavender being prominent in the last book.

So, what they're saying here seems to be that the actress was very self conscious about gaining weight as a teen as though this was something out of the ordinary, and she played the role as it was adapted from the novels.  Not exactly newsworthy.

Edited by Rootbeer
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1 hour ago, Rootbeer said:

Jessica Springsteen doesn't just ride horses, she rides them better than 99+% of the rest of the people who ride them.  She's got the awards to prove it.  Not too many daughters of rich men can say that they made the Olympic team in any sport,  She also graduated from Duke, so she hasn't been sitting around being a rich guy's daughter.


All equestrians are the children of rich men but not all the children of rich men are equestrians.

*Yes, I know this a generalization that is probably inaccurate but this just reminded me of something you would see in a logic problem. 
Anyway, it is extremely impressive but it is also a sport that favors those with money. The equestrian circuit is filled with the children of billionaires and celebrities. Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Princess Caroline, Tom Selleck, Michael Bloomberg and others all have a kids who have competed at the top levels. 

Edited by Guest
47 minutes ago, Rootbeer said:

Jessica Springsteen doesn't just ride horses, she rides them better than 99+% of the rest of the people who ride them.  She's got the awards to prove it.  Not too many daughters of rich men can say that they made the Olympic team in any sport

Does she get the awards or does the horse get the awards? Seriously though I have always thought the equestrian stuff was the dumbest Olympic events. Not only is it pretty much rich people/countries only, but there are no other events that involve animals.  Like there is no Olympic version of the Westminster dog show.

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11 hours ago, GiuliettaMasina said:

If she is this ill, and one of the symptoms of her illness is that she struggles to maintain a consistent understanding of the choices she makes from day to day, then how is it in her best interest to be signing multi-year deals, where she is contractually obligated to be consistent across many areas from remembering what deal she signed, to remembering when precisely to step a foot left so she doesn't get burned by the pyro? If what they are saying is true, then they are revealing their own negligence as conservators. She does not need to work, all of these stressors and conflict could easily be avoided by just not having her tour/do residencies. 

Her conservators want it both ways--she can't pick her own kitchen cabinets or remember what she's agreed to from day to day, but somehow she's able to handle the pressures of being a pop star (which the public has repeatedly seen break down people who do not have debilitating mental illnesses). The math continues to not math for me. 

Right, it is so obvious she is being used as a cash cow.

Keep making money for us.  But don't have any independency or autonomy.

There is a very simple fact here.  There's no reason for her to continue to perform/work.  

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9 hours ago, aradia22 said:

I mean... kind of? But until Nick expresses some polygamist views in public, I think he's just being messy. 

Messy is a good description. In situations like this I always wonder what the kids think. His twins with Mariah are 10. That’s old enough to realize dad having 4 kids with three different women in a year is not normal. 

12 hours ago, Dani said:

All equestrians are the children of rich men but not all the children of rich men are equestrians.

*Yes, I know this a generalization that is probably inaccurate but this just reminded me of something you would see in a logic problem. 
Anyway, it is extremely impressive but it is also a sport that favors those with money. The equestrian circuit is filled with the children of billionaires and celebrities. Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Princess Caroline, Tom Selleck, Michael Bloomberg and others all have a kids who have competed at the top levels. 

To be fair, while all of those celeb kids were doing equestrian events, none of them was good enough to make the Olympics.  Princess Anne is another wealthy offspring who rode in the Olympics as is her daughter, Zara Tindall.

Horses that compete at the Olympic level aren't cheap, either.  A typical Olympic level horse starts at about $700,000 and it goes up from there.  Some of the horses cost more than $10 million.  That is why most riders don't own their horses outright, but are contracted by a syndicate that has come together to buy a horse for the purpose of competing at top level events.  

It is definitely a sport for the very wealthy at the top levels although there are quite a few middle class kids who ride in 4H events and such.

A few years back, Jessica was riding a horse purchased by a syndicate that cost several million bucks.  I don't think it is the horse she is taking to the Olympics.  Unlike most syndicates, this particular horse was purchased outright by a single individual and had won several world championships prior to the purchase.  I think everyone can guess who bought the horse and gave Jessica the opportunity to ride it.  It does pay to have a wealthy father when you need a million dollar horse.

Edited by Rootbeer
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10 hours ago, RealHousewife said:

I'm not religious myself, but I agree with him just being messy. It's terrible. I used to be a big Nick fan too. 

IIRC,when Mr. Cannon first started dating then getting engaged and married to Miss Carey, there was the insinuation that he was gay and  using her for a 'beard' due to him openly fawning over her during their courtship and early marriage (in contrast to her rather dictatorial and overwhelming 1st ex Mr. Mottolla) . I wonder how   those  snigglers are reacting to his attempting to become the New Millennial King of Siam/ Dr. Strangelove  Bomb Shelter Progenitor via four babies in one year.  Could there possibly be an issue of overcompensation  on his part?

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4 hours ago, Rootbeer said:

To be fair, while all of those celeb kids were doing equestrian events, none of them was good enough to make the Olympics.  Princess Anne is another wealthy offspring who rode in the Olympics as is her daughter, Zara Tindall.


None of them have made the Olympics, yet. It’s a sport where you can compete at the top levels for years. The oldest member of the US team is 50. Plus the kids of celebrities are competing against the kids of millionaires and billionaires creating a more level playing field in some ways. 

It’s a such a strange sport in many ways since you can be the best rider and never make the Olympics because you don’t have the right horse at the right time. 

Speaking, of celebrities and horse jumping. Kaley Cuoco has become very involved in the sport. She competes and now breeds horses. Her husband rides professionally. Her in-laws are the founders of Intuit so they definitely have the resources to compete. 

20 hours ago, Dani said:

All equestrians are the children of rich men but not all the children of rich men are equestrians.

*Yes, I know this a generalization that is probably inaccurate but this just reminded me of something you would see in a logic problem. 
Anyway, it is extremely impressive but it is also a sport that favors those with money. The equestrian circuit is filled with the children of billionaires and celebrities. Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Princess Caroline, Tom Selleck, Michael Bloomberg and others all have a kids who have competed at the top levels. 

If you look at the other three USET members - Laura Kraut, Kent Farrington, and McLain Ward -- they don't come from spectacularly wealthy backgrounds, at least not at the Gates/Jobs/Bloomberg level.  Kraut and Farrington seem to come from relatively modest beginnings, though they started riding at 3 and 8, respectively -- Kraut influenced by her mother, Farrington seeming to just like horses.  And Ward comes from a a horsey family, though again, not filthy rich. But perhaps the less said about that, the better.

Yet all we hear about is Jessica Springsteen, which is not her fault but still annoying.

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On 7/4/2021 at 10:54 PM, letter8358 said:

Henry Winkler.....WTF, man?

So disappointed with that tweet. I thought he was much better than that. 

Henry Winkler is 75 🙀(that makes me, well, not young). 
As far as I know, he’s led a fairly non-controversial life.

I personally don’t hold that tweet against him. The wording was wrong, but IMO I don’t think he was wishing bad things on anyone, but rather his concern that we seem to be so increasingly divided as a nation and is concerned about this divide growing wider.
Something to unify us based upon leveraging what we have in common versus focusing what divides us is how we get to a better place. 

Edited by Stats Queen
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55 minutes ago, Miss Anne Thrope said:

If you look at the other three USET members - Laura Kraut, Kent Farrington, and McLain Ward -- they don't come from spectacularly wealthy backgrounds, at least not at the Gates/Jobs/Bloomberg level.  Kraut and Farrington seem to come from relatively modest beginnings, though they started riding at 3 and 8, respectively -- Kraut influenced by her mother, Farrington seeming to just like horses.  And Ward comes from a a horsey family, though again, not filthy rich. But perhaps the less said about that, the better.


Yeah, it was just a joke because a line in the post I was responding to reminded me something you would see when studying critical thinking. 

Edited by Guest

Everyone is jumping ship because they know this conservatorship is going sideways at a rapid speed.

Is Britney going to be allowed to choose her new attorney?

By the way, it's gross that it is Britney's money that is paying for her father/father's lawyers to fight against her in court.

Edited by LexieLily
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5 minutes ago, LexieLily said:

Is Britney going to be allowed to choose her new attorney?

No, she still can’t enter contracts on her own. The court will appoint a new attorney for her but hopefully this time they will allow her some say. Ingram will continue to be her attorney until a replacement is appointed. 

Message added by OtterMommy,

Please do not post only non-descriptive links to celebrity news stories.  Some context should be provided for your fellow members. Context may be as simple as a link that describes the story, or a line or two of text. Thanks.

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