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S08.E07: You So Bad Boy

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4 hours ago, maxmama said:

I like Julia, but I really cannot stand to watch Brandon.  He is intimidated by his parents, which of course is what they want, and their relentless scolding and harping as if they are scolding five-year olds has worn my last nerve.  Yeah, their house, their rules, I get it, but Brandon should be able to at least afford a semi-shabby studio where he and Julia could live.  And mama’s insinuations about sex and clouding up the hot tub give me the creeps.  

This.  We have a series of Human Trafficking PSAs that periodically run on TV.  Julia's situation reminds me of human trafficking.  She gets room and board (such as it is) for slopping the hogs, etc.  Does she get out?  Does she get an allowance?  She is a much better sport about it than I would be.  Her life at home must be pretty bad to be putting up with this.  

Her best hope is to have them get married, move out, and never look back.  

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5 hours ago, Christina said:

In the last episode thread I said that they would play the Andrew/Amira detention story out two minutes an episode until the end of the season and I wasn't far off. I'm psychic!!! Or just watch too much of this shitshow.

I have zero sympathy for Amira. It's all on her and she cannot blame Andrew. It was her plan, her decision to not meet the requirements to enter Mexico, he wasn't there when she did the entrance interview and was refused entry. He did what he was supposed to do. She sent him a message that she was on a flight home and had bad service, then got mad that he didn't follow up with her when he was probably waiting for her to contact him. That type of miscommunication could be corrected with counseling if they actually want to be together, but I think they both suck and only wanted to be on television and we are being played.

I wouldn't be surprised to find out she purposely ignored the requirements expecting to be returned home. She would still get to be on television to kick off her social media cuhreer, could play the victim of Andrew and Mexico, and not have to spend two weeks with Andrew. Win/win. She just didn't expect the next flight to not be immediately because covid caused less available flights. The rules required her to be returned on the same flight path to the same previous airport, and that was the next day.

Andrew sucks, too, and I'm not defending his Eeyoreing around the resort all whoa is me. I don't doubt he may have been concerned, but he said they expected she would just be sent home if something went wrong and came across as much more angry that he didn't know what was going on than that she was detained. I'm just not here for her not owning her own shit and playing victim. They are both coming across as acting and they are both bad at it. There is nothing sincere from these two and I'm having a real hard time believing they are a couple. Maybe we'll see them together and it will make sense, but right now, I'm firmly aboard the "we're being frauded" train with these two.

Brandon's mom's sexual hangups need therapy, Brandon needs to stand up for himself, those puppies need to come cuddle with me outside of those cages, and Julia needs to move to her own place and only let Brandon come over once a week until he matures. 

Rebecca needs to learn English and stop speaking to Zied in broken English. Also, give the man his gaming system so he has something to do.

Mike and Natalie have nothing in common and I have no idea why they are even trying. Natalie wants to change everything about him, he's been firm in that it is not going to happen, so they just keep making each other miserable. Maybe that's what they have in common.

Bolded: Yes, I agree. The thought crossed my mind last night that, possibly, they signed a contract for this season before the blowout in the Ukraine (Russia?) and had to follow through with this season. I think Mike was truly hurt by their last season ending and seems beyond caring that she is unhappy with EVERYTHING. And I also think he is purposely taunting her with the ring, the meat, the beer, the heat, etc., etc.

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How could Rebecca not afford a small truck to get at least a bed into the loft?  Or a friend with a truck?  I find this so producer driven.  And why oh why must she tell him she lived in the same building with her ex?  How would he ever find out?  Oh I know, her daughter and SIL will make sure he knows.  And how can he not know he must stay in US for a year before going back home?  If that is true that is.  I just don't get anyone making such a big life changing decision without at least knowing the requirements or impact on their current lives.  It's not like they don't have time to think about it and Oh, I don't know, research it.

Brandon's parents are getting scary.  I gave them a pass at first but after last night, not so much anymore.  Yes Brandon is shrugging off his duties on the farm and he has to know it would not go unnoticed by his parents.  He just has no spine.  He needs to tell Julia he must work on the farm and they just have to suck it up as it is not forever.  Its called being an adult and doing the right thing.  With that being said they need to focus on getting out of there as soon as possible or they will not make it.  They were so cute the night his parents were gone.  I would watch that before the constant lecturing by his folks.

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I still don’t understand why Julia is expected to do farm work... she didn’t ask to live there. She came to marry Brandon, not to be a farm hand. 

rebecca and Zied... why is Rebecca talking in such terrible English? And why is it if the love of your life is coming do you not even have a couch and a TV in the apartment? And of course he’s not going to be himself the first night, he had a long flight, then got interrogated by your child, and just wants to sleep.  And honestly, what’s the big deal that she lived there with her ex husband? I get wanting a fresh start but when my sister and her ex divorced, she kept the apartment. Her current husband didn’t really care she lived there with someone else before, though they did move as soon as possible mostly because they wanted more space. 

natalie and Mike... if you want him eating healthy, then have dinner ready. And it’s a lot to expect someone who’s menu consists of burgers, beers and fries to all of a sudden start eating everything healthy. Which is why you start by making small changes initially, or figure out how to make healthy version of foods he likes. 

amira, I must have missed it but why was she actually detained? It sounds like a terrible experience but did she not have the right visa or something to go? 

my husband and I missed the first 5 minutes because my son insisted that mommy and daddy both put him to bed, my husband was more upset about missing the first 5 minutes than I would have expected. 

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7 hours ago, Almost 3000 said:

Its a literal shit hole with none of the charm of a hobby farm.

If Brandon was even close to being an adult, he would leave the "farm" and when those two pass, sell it. The little Brandon sign on his bedroom door says everything. The deer in the headlights look and throwing Julia under the bus during the porch scene was telling. He is their indentured servant and his Criminal Minds parents aren't letting go. The hoarder house is disgusting, but I guess it will help to hide the evidence when Julia goes missing. At first I thought these three were TLC playing us, but watching Brandon's cricket reactions and throwing Julia under the bus while she was sitting next to him, under the menacing glare of Herr Papa, changed my mind. 

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Is Brandon an only child and how did Ma and Pa manage the morning chores before Julia arrived? It’s upsetting to  see dogs and puppies in cages. Adopt from a shelter, not a puppy mill.

Stick a fork in Mike, he’s done with Natalie. I doubt they’re even having sex.

The Rebecca and Zied situation is a set up, although I don’t think Zied is in on the joke. She’s had loads of time to get the flat ready for Baby.

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Agreed.  Why is Rebecca talking to Zied like he's 5?  Zied has been here less than 24 hours and already thinking of returning to Tunisia.  

Natalie is a straight up bitch.  I would love to meet a nice guy like Mike.  If I were Mike, I would hate having to go home and find Natalie there.  Also, she should have dinner waiting for him when he comes home.  And if he's so low class, why is she there and why does she want a ring from him?  I hate her.  

Brandon looks and acts like he's 15 years old.  His parents are jealous over his new relationship.  I can't imagine expecting him to get up at 4 a.m. and then work a full time job.  Also, his parents are breeding dogs, right?  No wonder I hate them.  

I don't like Andrew at all.  I think Amira is way out of his class.







  • Love 21
39 minutes ago, FurBabyMama said:

amira, I must have missed it but why was she actually detained? It sounds like a terrible experience but did she not have the right visa or something to go? 

I admit I did not watch the episode (Tampa Bay vs the Saints!) but could it be her ticket was one way?  Or was the plan so stupid that it was never going to fly?  Perhaps getting immigration advice off Reddit is not such a great idea, Andrew.  (It pains me that he has that name as my son has that name and I can assure you my son is NOT a tool.)  


45 minutes ago, seacliffsal said:

I am dumbfounded my Natalie and her crazy.  At least she realizes it was her actions that led to Mike's change towards her.  However, she is misreading how to repair the relationship.  She is trying to make herself the most desirable woman ever due to her high IQ and her healthy lifestyle.  None of that matters to Mike.  Especially as she continually criticizes him and his choices.  When I would get home from work, all I wanted was a moment or two to just unwind a bit. 

Being empty nesters, we don't make a dinner every night, we kind of wing it.  Having said that, I do NOT need anyone hammering away at me for my dietary or drinking choices.  I like Diet Coke.  Not the healthiest thing, but I like it.  I don't drink*, do drugs, smoke, etc so I do not want ANY guff or my Diet Coke, thanks.   As someone who had gastric bypass, all the nagging over food will do is send Mike to the McD's drive through a few times a day and hide the evidence.  "I love you, you are perfect, now change!  AND GIVE ME BACK MY RING YOU SLOVENLY FILTHY LOW IQ PIG!"

Maybe that is why, so far, I have a spot for Mike - in some ways (only some ways) he reminds me a little bit of my hubs:  Six foot seven, LOVES his ribeye, loves a beer or brandy, loves a pasta dish, but loves a salad daily as well, just a chill dude with zero interest in organized religion but hey I am not gonna stop you from going to church.

* = this show is making me question this choice, lol!!!



30 minutes ago, itsadryheat said:

If Brandon was even close to being an adult,

I think you answered your own question, my friend!!!

As a shelter volunteer and foster dog/cat mom, I can't with the breeding at the "farm."  Just no.  And yes I think his parents expect him to live there/buy the place and be there forever and if he wants to paint the living room someday he better get their permission first!!!

Edited by Mrs. Hanson
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10 minutes ago, linthia said:

I will never understand why anyone would enslave themselves to a bunch of goats, chickens, pigs and horses. Especially for a hobby farm? Here's a clue Brandon's parents: if you cannot handle your "farm" chores then sell the damn animals and get out from under the burden. How dare they demand Julia also become a slave to their hobby? If it so much fun to serve their animals then why are they complaining about it? They are looney tunes.

Agreed. I watch a wonderful show on Amazon Prime called "This Farming Life". Each season they follow half a dozen farm families in Scotland, Northern Ireland, and the north of England. There's one couple who retired and bought a croft on the west coast of Scotland. Wild, windy, hilly. Its just the two of them. They have some Highland cows, some sheep, some chickens. They do everything themselves without complaint. One farm is run entirely by a woman who's maybe 50, with her two daughters, on the Shetland islands--the husband died suddenly when the girls were teenagers, and they do all the work. One 60-ish woman in the far north who has something like 800 sheep! She's out on the hills on her ATV, with a few of her dogs, rounding them up in bad weather. Brandon's parents are pikers. If the farm is too much then they should downsize. Its clearly their dream, not Brandon's, anyway. And expecting Julia to be unpaid labor is way out of line. 

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1 hour ago, gaPeach said:

They were so cute the night his parents were gone.

Yes, they actually seem to like each other. I think they have a real shot at success IF Baby Boy can pry himself away from the 'rents.

I wonder if Yara's explanation for why she wears her ring on the right hand is true. I seems odd to me that you'd move the ring to your other hand when you get divorced- why on earth would you leave it on at all? Plus, you're 'engaged' to an American and you're in the US, so why follow Ukrainian customs?

I kind of like Mike, and suspect he could find girls in his part of the world who not only enjoy his wilderness lifestyle, but maybe even share his goofy 'spritual' notions. Choose better, Big Red.

Rebecca's lover/mommy vibe is icky, and I suspect Zied would agree. 

I agree that both Andrew and Amira are playing this for some kind of non-romantic reasons. She HAS to be some kind of influencer or aspiring actress, and he's just a big needy attention hog.


  • Love 5

Brandon needs to decide what the hell he wants (ideally alone, someplace well away from anybody).

Owning and maintaining a farm is a big deal. If that's what he really wants, then Julia is either going to have to get with the program in some way (shades of Green Acres; why yes, I AM old) or he needs to send her back home and find someone who can get with the program. E.g. they need to respect his parents' wishes not to have sex on the property (including the hot tub) and go have sex in other places (back of the car, other people's houses, etc.) like we used to do when I was a teenager.

If that's not what he wants, though...I've never had to take out a personal loan and at this point in my life I'm anti-debt (for better or worse) but couldn't he take out a loan and get himself a place of his own? Does he have a relationship with his other siblings? Can't they help? Either way, and once again, he needs to grow all the way up.

Natalie doesn't want a partner...she wants a dog. She's coming in there trying to change everything about Mike and then getting mad because he's not going along with the program? I might actually pay to hear what her ex has to say about her.

Assuming this is still a thing, is IQ measuring the same worldwide? If memory serves, I don't think 110 is especially high. (I was somewhere in the 140s in grade school...long before I grew up and discovered alcohol and video games...)

Loved how early in the show we see that the cat can't stand to be touched by Natalie and then at the end of the show we see the cat sitting placidly in Mike's lap.

MAKE IT MAKE SENSE...how is it that we have yet another American who didn't prepare for "the love of their life" moving in with them? Do they not have UHaul in Canton, GA? What about secondhand furniture stores? Jesus. Rebecca acts like a goddamn teenager. Where's the gaming system you bought for him? Oh wait...let me guess...the TV's in storage too. Okay.

I like the space, actually...those big windows bring in lots of great light. Zied: "It has nice walls." I cackled.

Andrew/Amira: Okay so...she was in the detention center for 3 days but 41 hours (36 plus 5) since Andrew'd heard from her? Did I miss something? I'm very much looking forward to seeing her dad next week. Hopefully he'll tell her what I'm telling her: Let that boy GO and find yourself a man who genuinely cares about you.

Jovi/Yara: Birth control isn't 100%, I totally get it. I'm guessing it's too late for the morning-after pill. I'm also guessing abortion is off the table -- though I wonder if she could even get one; how would that work, exactly? Anyway...I'm going to hell for this but I feel bad for this zygote already. I'm not seeing him/her turning these two into adults any time soon.

Tarik/Hazel: I guess anybody applying for the position of third wheel will have to accept that they will always be kept on the down-low. Hazel wants to get married in a church and she wants her parents to still like her. (rolling eyes) I didn't watch their previous season but...if Tarik is so hot for Thai women, to the point where he can speak some Thai, then why didn't he find one to marry?

Edited by ExMathMajor
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21 minutes ago, sempervivum said:

kind of like Mike, and suspect he could find girls in his part of the world who not only enjoy his wilderness lifestyle, but maybe even share his goofy 'spritual' notions. Choose better, Big Red.

There’s nothing wrong with Mike.  He travels 5 hours back n forth to work everyday and wants a beer when he gets home.  There are plenty of girls who would take him.  Natalie has the mentality of a spoiled child.  Not everyone has the means to go to college.  As my mother used to say “ the world needs Chiefs and Indians”.

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17 minutes ago, ExMathMajor said:

shades of Green Acres; why yes, I AM old)

We have an even center near us called "Green Acres Event Center" and yes every time I drive by it I belt the theme song out.  


10 minutes ago, Silver Bells said:

Not everyone has the means to go to college.

Yep - I have a friend whose son is getting his AA at a community college then heading to welding school.  He will probably make more then me starting out....and good for him!!


19 minutes ago, ExMathMajor said:

Assuming this is still a thing, is IQ measuring the same worldwide? If memory serves, I don't think 110 is especially high. (I was somewhere in the 140s in grade school...long before I grew up and discovered alcohol and video games...)

90 - 110 is average, 111 is getting into the superior range and your childhood IQ rarely changes unless you have had a brain injury or traumatic event.  So drink and game away my friend!!!

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29 minutes ago, ExMathMajor said:

MAKE IT MAKE SENSE...how is it that we have yet another American who didn't prepare for "the love of their life" moving in with them? Do they not have UHaul in Canton, GA? What about secondhand furniture stores? Jesus. Rebecca acts like a goddamn teenager. Where's the gaming system you bought for him? Oh wait...let me guess...the TV's in storage too. Okay.

I like the space, actually...those big windows bring in lots of great light. Zied: "It has nice walls." I cackled.

I'm sure the producers told her to leave it as it was, so that they could film the scene where Micah helps them move their furniture, with much drama ensuing, such as Tiffany spilling the beans about her ex living with her in the same apartment (horrors!)

32 minutes ago, ExMathMajor said:

Tarik/Hazel: I guess anybody applying for the position of third wheel will have to accept that they will always be kept on the down-low. Hazel wants to get married in a church and she wants her parents to still like her. (rolling eyes) I didn't watch their previous season but...if Tarik is so hot for Thai women, to the point where he can speak some Thai, then why didn't he find one to marry?

I was wondering why he didn't just choose Minty over Hazel.  Obviously I don't know Minty, but from what we saw of Hazel in their first season, she didn't seem that caring about him...

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3 minutes ago, SemiCharmedLife said:

I'm sure the producers told her to leave it as it was, so that they could film the scene where Micah helps them move their furniture, with much drama ensuing, such as Tiffany spilling the beans about her ex living with her in the same apartment (horrors!)

I was wondering why he didn't just choose Minty over Hazel.  Obviously I don't know Minty, but from what we saw of Hazel in their first season, she didn't seem that caring about him...

I seem to recall that he said Minty wasn’t interested in marriage. Or maybe it was another Thai woman, or both. Or just about any woman, I suppose.

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4 hours ago, Pepper Mostly said:

Their house, their rules? Julia is their guest. They are practically locking her in at night. Brandon has been forbidden to bring her a cup of tea in the morning! They've pretty much told her she needs to earn her keep (what consequences await if she doesn't toe the line, I hardly dare speculate). This is not "please don't smoke in the house" or "don't sit in Dad's chair" or "separate rooms until you're married". They scolded her for sleeping late (though they were still at the table, enjoying their breakfast), denied her a cup of tea, and ordered her to get outside and start slopping the hogs! Brandon's father is spitting with fury because Julia is there, using hot water and having the audacity to eat food. 

I noticed that from the beginning. Julia's room was filled with all kinds of stuff. It looked like they just moved a bunch of shit off the bed. There was no effort made to make the room attractive or comfortable. Then the live crickets in the kitchen finished me. I would have run screaming. That house must reek. 

I agree with all of your points.  The fact that they were still at the table when she arrived from "sleeping late" is beyond ridiculous.  I took one look at the bedroom they arranged for her and knew it was all producer shenanigans.  I think the parents and Brandon are in on the scripted plot, they can barely contain their smiles.

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6 minutes ago, SemiCharmedLife said:

I was wondering why he didn't just choose Minty over Hazel.  Obviously I don't know Minty, but from what we saw of Hazel in their first season, she didn't seem that caring about him...

I think he signed a contract that he could not get out of, hence he is with Hazel.  Plus he DID invest in that AWESOME "Tarzel" necklace!!!!

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1 hour ago, sempervivum said:

Yes, they actually seem to like each other. I think they have a real shot at success IF Baby Boy can pry himself away from the 'rents.

I wonder if Yara's explanation for why she wears her ring on the right hand is true. I seems odd to me that you'd move the ring to your other hand when you get divorced- why on earth would you leave it on at all? Plus, you're 'engaged' to an American and you're in the US, so why follow Ukrainian customs?

I kind of like Mike, and suspect he could find girls in his part of the world who not only enjoy his wilderness lifestyle, but maybe even share his goofy 'spritual' notions. Choose better, Big Red.

Rebecca's lover/mommy vibe is icky, and I suspect Zied would agree. 

I agree that both Andrew and Amira are playing this for some kind of non-romantic reasons. She HAS to be some kind of influencer or aspiring actress, and he's just a big needy attention hog.


In some countries I think the custom is to wear the wedding ring on the right hand. I have a friend from Greece who does. Possibly traditional in the Eastern Orthodox religion? Greece and Ukraine are both majority Orthodox.

Edited by Pepper Mostly
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47 minutes ago, Silver Bells said:

There’s nothing wrong with Mike.  He travels 5 hours back n forth to work everyday and wants a beer when he gets home.  There are plenty of girls who would take him.  Natalie has the mentality of a spoiled child.  Not everyone has the means to go to college.  As my mother used to say “ the world needs Chiefs and Indians”.

There another saying - "Thermometers have degrees, and you know where you can shove them!"

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37 minutes ago, SemiCharmedLife said:

I'm sure the producers told her to leave it as it was, so that they could film the scene where Micah helps them move their furniture, with much drama ensuing, such as Tiffany spilling the beans about her ex living with her in the same apartment (horrors!)

They’ll probably have Tiffany say something like “do you want the couch where you had it before?” But this is just the same apartment building, not the same unit, right? 

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2 hours ago, gaPeach said:

Brandon's parents are getting scary.  I gave them a pass at first but after last night, not so much anymore.  Yes Brandon is shrugging off his duties on the farm and he has to know it would not go unnoticed by his parents.  He just has no spine.  He needs to tell Julia he must work on the farm and they just have to suck it up as it is not forever.  Its called being an adult and doing the right thing.  With that being said they need to focus on getting out of there as soon as possible or they will not make it.  They were so cute the night his parents were gone.  I would watch that before the constant lecturing by his folks.


1 hour ago, Mrs. Hanson said:

I admit I did not watch the episode (Tampa Bay vs the Saints!) but could it be her ticket was one way?  Or was the plan so stupid that it was never going to fly?  Perhaps getting immigration advice off Reddit is not such a great idea, Andrew.  (It pains me that he has that name as my son has that name and I can assure you my son is NOT a tool.)  

I  watched  the first half of this today.  I watched bits and pieces last night,  because I, too, was watching the game.  Both teams I wanted to win yesterday lost,  (Saints and Browns) but since the Crimson Tide won the college championship I will survive.    My SIL is an Andrew, and he is just a wonderful man.

I was just about to post something similar about Ma and Pa Brandon.  At first I just thought Ma was a bossy control freak, but I am now getting a bit frightened of Pa.  He just seems mean.  I bet the parents have spent the last 27 years with Brandon playing good cop, bad cop.  No wonder he is such a mama's boy and willing to let Julia be a serf.  

I really want to go to Brandon's next class reunion since this seems to be advertised as bit as a big FU to the in crowd that bullied and/or ignored him.   I am sure they will be so impressed he has caught the eye of a go-go dancing Russian.   There will be lots of snickering behind his back at his being so weak and wimpy on the show.   Probably just like he was in school.  I am beginning to think that his mother prodded him into doing the show to prove he could get a pretty girl.  In addition, they get a constant infomercial about their farm.   I am not happy about seeing the cute puppies.  I bet all the remaining episodes with this family will have puppies front and center.    The puppy mill aspect of this really bothers me.

My fav character on this show is Mike's cat.  Julia is the only human I like. 

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39 minutes ago, Pepper Mostly said:

In some countries I think the custom is to wear the wedding ring on the right hand. I have a friend from Greece who does. Possibly traditional in the Eastern Orthodox religion? Greece and Ukraine are both majority Orthodox.

My paternal  grandfather was half Spanish and half Portuguese and wore his on his right hand.  My father continued the tradition, but he was also left handed so I think he liked having it on his non-dominant hand.  My paternal grandmother was English and wore hers on her left hand as did my mother.


3 hours ago, Pepper Mostly said:

And I think Papa Brandon is an abusive monster. Everyone is terrified of him. Betty's hectic grin and non stop chatter is just her way of trying to distract him so he doesn't start breaking the furniture. She's his accomplice and acolyte and thinks if she keeps him to a low simmer no one will get a broken jaw. I'd like to hear from his previous wives. I bet they have some tales to tell. 

yeah, he gets worse and worst each episode he is in. 

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6 hours ago, Alonzo Mosely FBI said:

Aside from everything ever said about Brandon & Julia....... Have you noticed the clutter and absolute filth of his parents home? Weird knick knacks, cages, faded yard sale wall art etc I cannot imagine what it must SMELL like. 


I noticed in the Next Time On footage Amira was in a hotel room with Dutch windmill wall art. I figured she was in Amsterdam. She never left the airport in MEX he should've flown there. Hate him. He speaks like he is on stage in a Renaissance fair.

I commented about the smell on a previous episode.  Someone else had commented that crickets in a bucket stink.  I think you're right about hoarding too.  They looked like they were freezing during their meeting on the porch.  I guess there's no room for four people to meet in the house.

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The scene with Natalie and Mike got more and more cringe-worthy as it progressed. She has no interest in learning why a "stir-fry" isn't unhealthy, just as she didn't care that "root beer" is non-alcoholic. She is a control freak and is so stupid (despite her "110 IQ") that she doesn't realize that you don't take a simple country guy who likes steak and beer and mold him into whatever her ideal is - and even if he were more the citified health nut she idolizes, I'm sure there would be something she would find fault with and pick apart. The whole "You're drunk; don't touch me; we don't respect each other" thing was ridiculous. His entire face is reading, "I don't give a flying f*% what she says." I'm surprised he isn't booking her a one-way flight to Ukraine and planning an exciting trip to the city- only to drop her at the curb at SEA-TAC and say, "see ya."  I hope that Sequim has a bunch of down-to-earth young women looking him up right now.

Brandon is a pansy-assed wimp who just gives a slack-jawed stare when Mommy and Daddy scold him. That father is scary, and I would love to know his history (I think Betty is wife #3? Hmm, wonder why...) When he asked Brandon "do you want all of this???" and Brandon just stared, that showed what their entire relationship is like. They hang over his head the fact that he will inherit "the farm"- which I view as a large lot with a rundown ranch house on it, a few outbuildings, a lot of worthless junk and a ball and chain when he wants to go anywhere. He (at the young age of 27) has resigned himself to the fact that it's his destiny to live in the sticks forever and wants Julia (who has been most cooperative and accepting) to accept it too. When he blamed her for keeping him from doing AM chores I was glaring at my TV.

I wasn't buying Amira's tears and faux-breakdown over detainment. It all seemed shady from the beginning and if he really tried to guilt her into it and she had reservations (about the plan and the relationship) then she should've listened to her instincts. She and Andrew are both idiots.

There wasn't much Tarik/Hazel this week but is anyone annoyed by his exaggerated pantomimes when he talks?  "That was YESTERDAY..." (flings his hands over to the right) "but NOW"... (dramatic pause) "this is TODAY" (flings his hands to the left). Hazel is all about picking a girlfriend to explore her sexuality.  And he's so helpful!  "Here, there are black women, brown women, Latina women...."


  • Love 12
55 minutes ago, KateHearts said:

The scene with Natalie and Mike got more and more cringe-worthy as it progressed. She has no interest in learning why a "stir-fry" isn't unhealthy, just as she didn't care that "root beer" is non-alcoholic. She is a control freak and is so stupid (despite her "110 IQ") that she doesn't realize that you don't take a simple country guy who likes steak and beer and mold him into whatever her ideal is - and even if he were more the citified health nut she idolizes, I'm sure there would be something she would find fault with and pick apart. The whole "You're drunk; don't touch me; we don't respect each other" thing was ridiculous. His entire face is reading, "I don't give a flying f*% what she says." I'm surprised he isn't booking her a one-way flight to Ukraine and planning an exciting trip to the city- only to drop her at the curb at SEA-TAC and say, "see ya."  I hope that Sequim has a bunch of down-to-earth young women looking him up right now.

I agree with ALL OF THIS, yet I cannot stand HIM more than I cannot stand her.  Mike has been in Squim long enough that all the down-to-earty young women know who he is.  Apparently HE is too good for them.

  • Useful 1
  • Love 4

Random observations whilst viewing this episode.  

*Hazel has even less personality than the potted plant behind her.  Please shove these 2 over to the Discovery+ shows.  Boring doesn't begin to describe them, but coma-inducing might come close.  I'm sure these 2 are counting on being huge hits on OnlyFans.  Ugh.  

*Freezing on the porch and requiring a blanket is somehow better than sitting at the dining table indoors to chastise Brandon and Julia?  Interesting.  

*Amira is going to irritate her eyes using that tissue to "dry" nonexistent tears.  The poorly acted dramatics between these two just make me cringe.  

*Andrew really needs to check out an antidandruff shampoo.  That big white flake on the top of his head was really distracting.  I wondered if he had even bothered showering whilst he was (supposedly) awaiting word from the dry-eyed Amira.

*Andrew's meal of a huge cheeseburger and fries reminded me of the scene with Flap in Terms of Endearment (his wife was in her hospital bed dying of cancer, wife's mother was trying to gag down some cottage cheese and fruit, and then Flap enters the cafeteria with a tray heaping with food).  

*Natalie, please take a seat on your IQ bullshit.  I was extremely advanced at about age 8 and pulled out for IQ testing.  My test results were a 157.  If you want to brag about your 110, which is high average, at least make sure it's worth bragging about.  Having an IQ of 110 does not mean you're not an idiot any more than my IQ of 157 means I always make good choices in life.  Ugh.

*Parents Brandon, Julia was up at 7:30 a.m. (it showed the clock) whilst you all were still enjoying your coffee and hadn't yet started the "chores," but by all means, tell her there's no time for her to make herself a cup of tea as Mother Brandon carries her mug of hot coffee outside.  

That's all I have for now, but I'm pretty sure I'll think of more later.  

Edited by Persnickety1
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  • Love 14
2 hours ago, sempervivum said:

I wonder if Yara's explanation for why she wears her ring on the right hand is true. I seems odd to me that you'd move the ring to your other hand when you get divorced- why on earth would you leave it on at all?

From an article on bridal etiquette. "But, you're also welcome to wear your wedding ring on the right-hand ring finger. In doing so, you'd be following the example of many central and northern European couples. The list includes Norway, Austria, Denmark, Poland, Belgium (some areas), Germany, Russia, Latvia, Greece, Bulgaria, and Ukraine."    It was common when I was growing up in the U.S. that divorced women often moved their wedding rings to their right hand, but I'm old.  Maybe they liked the ring.  Maybe they needed to "notify" the available men at work that they were no longer married.  Anyway, it was a custom.

2 hours ago, sempervivum said:

Plus, you're 'engaged' to an American and you're in the US, so why follow Ukrainian customs?

Because she's Ukrainian and hasn't been in the U.S. long enough to discuss things she doesn't care about?  Actually, it looks like she's wearing a "wedding set."

  • Love 8
7 minutes ago, Persnickety1 said:

*Parents Brandon, Julia was up at 7:30 a.m. (it showed the clock) whilst you all were still enjoying your coffee and hadn't yet started the "chores," but by all means, tell her there's no time for her to make herself a cup of tea as Mother Brandon carries her mug of hot coffee outside.  

JULIA!   Escape while you can.  Brandon love-love-loves you, and he's cute enough, but he's just a weak, sad waste of your time and energy.  Life with him will not be fun. His parents are SCARY (and the mother is as bad as the father). Get a dancing job at the nearest place that hires dancers (they won't care that you don't have a Green Card).  Holier than Thou Mom will have you on the next plane immediately.

  • Love 7

Tarik and Hazel: The Coronavirus is rearing its ugly head. Sorry, Hazel, that you can't be the real you in the Philippines. Is marrying Tarik a way to get out and be who you really are worth it? Being 5000 miles from home means your family won't know what you are doing? What does he get out of it? A wife who may want to be with him in some ways and you also have your real self wanting a girlfriend on the side? How do you expect it to work? What if your g/f wants you and not Tarik. It may not be easy to find someone who wants to be part of some arrangement. 

Yara and Jovi: The future mother-in-law and her sister have questions. Lots of them. Your petting your extensions was a bit odd. Of course you are going to get grilled about your real intentions about Jovi. Are you here because you genuinely love him and want to make a life with him or just get a Green Card and then head off for better climes in Los Angeles. They also had every right to be suspicious of your previous 'engagement' where you had a ring from some guy and then four months later met Jovi. Red flag. Six months from now you may meet someone else. Just saying. And she now thinks she might be preggers? Great timing. Her friend looks fresh from plastic surgery.

Andrew and Amira: Guess he couldn't figure out how to call the US Embassy to get advice on how to contact the French Embassy or whatever he needs to do to help Amira. No idea what really happened. She seemed to be in a nice hotel in Amsterdam. And then the fake tears started. Move to Lyon or Paris or somewhere in the EU, Amira. This dopey American dude is not worth it.

Rebecca and Zied: What an empty dump! When did you arrange to rent this apartment, Becky? Two weeks ago? You had over a year to get yourself settled in to some home or apartment or condo. What a disgrace to move the love of your life into an unfurnished home. Your furniture is in storage? Well, hire a truck for a day, maybe ask your daughter's boyfriend if he has a couple of male friends who can help him move your stuff in. Or hire a couple of dudes - movers, or even part-time staff at your chicken place. A couple of young strong guys (or even women who work out and do weights) can use a couple of extra bucks. Having a mattress on the floor screamed volumes. No thought for your fiance.  He tried to make the best of nothing and it was probably his expectation that you might have a habitable place to live. No couch, TV, even a kitchen table and a couple of chairs. Make him some breakfast and leave it in the fridge in case you do have to get to work. Give him the tour of the kitchen before he goes to sleep and let him know where he can find coffee, tea bags, a kettle, coffeemaker, sugar, food in the fridge, etc. And hoping for sexytime when your poor Zied hasn't slept in maybe two days.

Mike and Natalie: The ring hunt is on! Who cares about the stupid ring? You don't need a ring. Maybe a change in your attitude. Yes, you have nothing to do. You can probably take your phone or iPod and go for a walk. Not take apart the house looking for an engagement ring that is most likely in the locked safe. Mike is not a health nut and you have to accept that. He is not going to go vegetarian or vegan. He is who he is and you cannot change him. He has to want to change. Yes, you can make a salad once or twice a week as part of dinner, add some veggies, make a stir-fry (really, Nats, most stir-fries are relatively healthy as they only use a tiny bit of oil), look in to buying an air-fryer (which uses even less oil than a stir-fry), and make small changes. An occasional meatless meal or one with limited meat. He is going to want to come home and have a beer with dinner. It will take a number of beers for him to get 'drunk'. I doubt he was drunk. You just pick and pick and pick and nag and nag. Accept him for who he is or say it is over and go back to the Ukraine to find someone else. However, your biological clock is ticking and you want a baby - will that mean more control for you or will you give Mike a break. There is no respect between the two of you because at this point, neither of you respect or even seem to like each other. The 90 days is to plan the wedding and get the paperwork started and not do one last test-run to see if you can stand each other.

Brandon and Julia: I wonder how scripted this Green Acres meets the Amityville Horror show is.  At first, I thought his parents were a bit overprotective and cautious that their son fell for an exotic go-go dancer girl. She was a bit much and not really what they wanted for him. I do wonder why he fell for her too. Was it a rebellion against his parents? The parents should have an idea what the K1 visa is and that it does not involve making their son's fiance an indentured servant. Julia should be talking to the Immigration folks about how she is being treated. Brandon should put the foot down and stand up to his parents. I wonder if the parents are controlling and they run every aspect of Brandon's life and don't trust him to manage his own life. The hot tub thing was gross. Anything could have made the water 'cloudy'. The parents are way too interested in their son's love life. Brandon should have actually drained the hot tub after he and Julia used it. The father comes across as mean and angry. No idea if Brandon and his parents are in on a very bad joke, but if I was Julia, I would be asking when Brandon was moving out to his own place, what he expects of me, and if I don't like the answers, I'd be calling anyone in Russia to send me money for a plane ticket and a cab to the airport.


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