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S05.E19: Deck the Halls with Drama

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14 minutes ago, Neurochick said:

I saw Ashley's face when the other women were having fun.  But that's Ashley's life and now that she's pregnant again it will be her life for a very long time.

I also thought it was interesting that Karen and Ray left and didn't even stay for the dance party.  I realized that I didn't even miss Karen this episode.  She wants to play the Grande Dame.  I think she said something to Ray about how they "can't deal with these people/we're better than this."  If Karen thinks she's better than the show, why keep her?

Not going to lie, I would have left, too. I've been to events where you see things are going south, and when that happens, I want to be far away. Of course, in this case, it had already happened.

I will say, I think that Monique said one thing to her therapist that was true - she's mad at Candiace for "taking away" the group from her, which is really her being angry about her potentially losing the show. I think that is why she has continued to talk trash about Candiace and imply that Candiace was the aggressor, etc. Because she feels like if she can make that story stick, she's less likely to be fired. Based on the way the episode ended, I think she likely is going to be fired but IMO, that's why she is still so angry. I'm not sure what set her off about Candiace beforehand but it's clear that now, she feels like the persona she built for the show is being taken from her. (Of course, she has only herself to blame for her behavior).

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3 minutes ago, eleanorofaquitaine said:

I will say, I think that Monique said one thing to her therapist that was true - she's mad at Candiace for "taking away" the group from her, which is really her being angry about her potentially losing the show. I think that is why she has continued to talk trash about Candiace and imply that Candiace was the aggressor, etc.

But the Truth is Candice didn't take anything away tho... Monique did that... she needs to understand that it was HER actions that caused the repercussions NOT Candice... NO ONE made Monique act the way she did but herself... she is still trying to shift the blame to someone else when she was in full control of her own actions and could have walked away at any point 

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Jesus Christ Ashley, what are you doing? Why have you decided to go ride or die for Michael Darby? I get her not liking Candace, I really do. I may like Candace myself, but I also think Candace pushed things too far with Ashley last season. Nothing to deserve being attacked but still. So you don’t want to be friends with Candace and you want to run around town pretending to be friends with Monique. Cool, whatever.  What are you doing having another baby with Michael? Why? I can’t stand Ashley and even I think she can do better. That man is just creepy and he has gone off the deep end this season. I don’t know what his particular issues are and I don’t want to speculate but I would not leave that man in charge of a pet let alone a baby. How on earth can you decide to have a second baby with him? I’m really at a loss as to what that marriage is about.

Karen is easier to figure out. She’s not going to pick a side until she sees how Bravo edits this storyline.

Robyn finally got engaged. Yay? I guess she got what she wants? She and Gizelle can celebrate getting the men back that treated them badly in the first place. 🤷‍♀️ 

I sort of like that Wendy has very little happy chill. When she’s excited, she’s EXCITED! 

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While I'm 100% on Candiace's side, something tells me Monique will be back next season. I do think production hates her and Ashley, but I think they'll want to bring them all the way down and it didn't happen this season, I even think they're capable of letting Candiace go before either one of them, at least for now. 

Candiace just wasn't clever and/or cold enough to really have the fans behind her, which is actually what I appreciate about her, I really do believe her when she says she loved Monique as a friend and she felt betrayed, the same with Karen, but her constant crying and whining was off-putting. 

Why not have a sit-down with Karen and show all of the social media action that was happening during that time and then calmly ask her what does she think about it? Does she not believe Monique is behind it all? Why not discuss with Gizelle how Monique is friends with all of these bloggers? Surely Gizelle would've been ecstatic and more than willing to participate. Lift that curtain girl!

Not gonna lie, still missing Katie and her crazy wigs, but all in all I do think Wendy deserves a second season. 

I don't know how to phrase this but Michael gives me killer psychopath vibes. Not going to say anything else. 





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Good for Karen getting her perfume on HSN.  That could be a big deal, but I would hope she has more products to add to her collection.  Gizelle could definitely sell her style of clothes on a shopping network.  Look at Rinna and what she sells.   Rinna's clothes are not cheap either.  You could find the same things at Walmart, but for half the price.  Some of those home shoppers will buy anything.

Michael Darby is just too disgusting to watch on this show.  Ashley doesn't like him either.  She doesn't even flinch when he cheats or acts like an ass.  Michael must have gave Juan some money or did something great for that man, because there just isn't any reason to be so nice to Michael.  I still think Michael is capable of going all Scott Peterson on his kids.  He's clearly nuts and look how easy he comes unhinged.  


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2 hours ago, eleanorofaquitaine said:

I will say, I think that Monique said one thing to her therapist that was true - she's mad at Candiace for "taking away" the group from her, which is really her being angry about her potentially losing the show. I think that is why she has continued to talk trash about Candiace and imply that Candiace was the aggressor, etc. Because she feels like if she can make that story stick, she's less likely to be fired. Based on the way the episode ended, I think she likely is going to be fired but IMO, that's why she is still so angry. I'm not sure what set her off about Candiace beforehand but it's clear that now, she feels like the persona she built for the show is being taken from her. (Of course, she has only herself to blame for her behavior).

Monique is so full of shit I'm surprised I can't smell her through my TV.

She said that her family lived in a white neighborhood and the white kids didn't want to play with her.

Then she said her family moved to a black neighborhood and the black kids didn't want to play with her.

What is the common denominator.....it's Monique.  That's what a good therapist would notice.

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22 minutes ago, Neurochick said:

Monique is so full of shit I'm surprised I can't smell her through my TV.

She said that her family lived in a white neighborhood and the white kids didn't want to play with her.

Then she said her family moved to a black neighborhood and the black kids didn't want to play with her.

What is the common denominator.....it's Monique.  That's what a good therapist would notice.

Monique will NEVER take responsibility for her actions it will ALWAYS be someone else fault

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3 hours ago, Keywestclubkid said:

But the Truth is Candice didn't take anything away tho... Monique did that... she needs to understand that it was HER actions that caused the repercussions NOT Candice... NO ONE made Monique act the way she did but herself... she is still trying to shift the blame to someone else when she was in full control of her own actions and could have walked away at any point 

Oh, I agree with that. That's why I put "taking away" in quotes. Candiace hasn't "taken away" anything from her, that was all because of Monique's actions. But I do think she was being honest that THAT is the thing she's most angry about. She just isn't willing to take responsibility for it, she keeps projecting it onto Candiace. 

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15 hours ago, laprin said:

Drunk Michael clearly does not recall he had a failed restaurant named Oz or that he is also bald. When he referred to Chris as a redneck, I immediately wondered what other stereotypical or,racially charged names he uses when the cameras are not rolling. He is a bitter, creepy old man who is not as respected as he used to be in the business community.

Robin needed a storyline so Juan obliged. Gizelle needed a storyline so Jamal obliged. Karen needed a storyline so Ray obliged.

Bring on the reunion so I can see Gizelle get a long-overdue dragging. 

Agree. Looks like Michael also has a drinking problem. 

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16 hours ago, laprin said:

Drunk Michael clearly does not recall he had a failed restaurant named Oz or that he is also bald.

Exactly. Michael tried to make serving emu on a platter look like a wise business decision. Please. Like others have said, Ashley sucks as a person, but she's still too good for Michael. I'm sure her embarrassment at the party was partially because of Michael's ranting and partially because Michael's Gollum-looking self seems to care more about Juan (his prrrrecccccccciooouuuussssss) than about Ashley. 

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Ashley staying with Michael is obvious. She wants the lifestyle he gives her and she acts as his beard as long as he keeps things on the down low. Which he doesn't seem to be doing anymore., but then she gets a trip out of it or another baby so she’s good with it. It’s disgusting she’s bringing 2 innocent children into this. Hopefully they don’t turn out like their father.

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3 hours ago, Neurochick said:

Monique is so full of shit I'm surprised I can't smell her through my TV.

She said that her family lived in a white neighborhood and the white kids didn't want to play with her.

Then she said her family moved to a black neighborhood and the black kids didn't want to play with her.

What is the common denominator.....it's Monique.  That's what a good therapist would notice.


I just watched the clip you're talking about. Ashley looked like she was going to laugh while listening to Monique's nonsense. Apparently, Monique related most with her pets growing up because they didn't judge her...um ok 🧐.


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15 hours ago, Vanderboom said:

Wendy was doing way too much during the proposal, but it was kind of endearing how dorkily thrilled she was to be part of this. She's  . . . a lot,  but her sense of humor is her saving grace (telling Eddie to stay out of the fight because he was wearing white). If she comes back for another season, I hope she doesn't take herself too seriously.

I've pretty much have been indifferent toward Juan Dixon, but this episode made me feel protective toward him, with Michael's fawning and then embittered behavior post-proposal. If Michael is truly Juan's friend, he wouldn't be going out of his way to ruin this night for him, even if he had reservations about Robyn. I'm glad Robyn and Juan got to dance and celebrate at their party.

Monique, Ashley, and Karen are all delusional, and I'm going to need Ashley and Karen to stop projecting their insecurities onto others. I can't believe they had me rooting for Gizelle this episode.


14 hours ago, malibu said:

But can we talk about Robyn's dancing?!?!  OMG, I wish we had seen more of the dance party than the gross Michael Darby scenes.  And I loved seeing Ashley jealously watching the other ladies having a grand old time while she had to go deal with her creeper husband.  I think she was stunned at not being the center of attention and I was LIVING for it!  Need more dance breaks please, Bravo!!!!


13 hours ago, Emmeline said:

I loved Robyn dancing and Juan was in the background loving it.  That seemed genuine and delightful.  I had to rewind.  


13 hours ago, eleanorofaquitaine said:

Not going to lie, I would have left, too. I've been to events where you see things are going south, and when that happens, I want to be far away. Of course, in this case, it had already happened.

I will say, I think that Monique said one thing to her therapist that was true - she's mad at Candiace for "taking away" the group from her, which is really her being angry about her potentially losing the show. I think that is why she has continued to talk trash about Candiace and imply that Candiace was the aggressor, etc. Because she feels like if she can make that story stick, she's less likely to be fired. Based on the way the episode ended, I think she likely is going to be fired but IMO, that's why she is still so angry. I'm not sure what set her off about Candiace beforehand but it's clear that now, she feels like the persona she built for the show is being taken from her. (Of course, she has only herself to blame for her behavior).

Robyn looked absolutely beautiful and I loved her dancing. I was noticing the skeevy gut who owned the venue (the one with the beard and man bun) totally checking her out...she even looked great in her before party casual outfit and what she wore to the event.

When I say that Robyn looked beautiful and I say that understanding that her dress is not particularly expensive. I actually think the material looked cheap but the cut and color suited her really nicely. This is the thing Gizelle does not understand...just because it is expensive/designer does not mean it will look good on you. I also thought it was clever of Robyn to wear red when everyone else was in white.

I think this is the first big even the Dixons have hosted on the show and they did a good job ( and it was big enough to be the finale). I liked the way they were so warm and generous with all of their guest until people started acting like fools.

The worst look was Ashley...everything from her hair to her chicken dress was a total NO.

Michael has a huge crush on Juan and that is why he was so angry at the proposal. Did anyone catch Ashley saying "If I grow a dick, then will you tell me?".

I remember in a past season when Ray was at Candiass's wedding reception and Michael rudely came up to him and asked him about his tax problems and financial situation in front of other guests in a humiliating manner. Michael is always trying to instigate and embarrass people but starts screaming about lawyers when you DARE bring up anything shady that he has done (and this man has done a LOT).

What if Ray had just come up to Michael at this party and said "Hey, Michael...still grabbing guy's asses?"

I know why Michael gets away with it...he is a rich white man and they get a lot of leeway in our society. I am guessing that Michael is not as flush as he wants us to think. 

6 hours ago, Marley said:

Ashley staying with Michael is obvious. She wants the lifestyle he gives her and she acts as his beard as long as he keeps things on the down low. Which he doesn't seem to be doing anymore., but then she gets a trip out of it or another baby so she’s good with it. It’s disgusting she’s bringing 2 innocent children into this. Hopefully they don’t turn out like their father.

My guess is when she admitted to doing threesomes with Michael...the part that she left out was that they mostly tried it with guys. I imagine Ashley would be bait to some dude (she was beautiful and charming) and then when they would go to the room, Michael would be waiting. He probably would just "watch" and then try to join in.

I think he is angry that now she is a mother...she no longer helps him get his freak on.


Edited by qtpye
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10 hours ago, malibu said:

And I loved seeing Ashley jealously watching the other ladies having a grand old time while she had to go deal with her creeper husband.  I think she was stunned at not being the center of attention and I was LIVING for it! 

She was probably hoping right along with Kickback Jack that Juan wouldn't propose to Robyn.  Robyn getting engaged destroys Ashley's narrative of poor, pathetic Robyn, waiting around for Juan who doesn't want her.  Robyn might be pathetic and Juan might not actually want Robyn but that's none of Ashley's business.

9 hours ago, Neurochick said:

I also thought it was interesting that Karen and Ray left and didn't even stay for the dance party.

Karen fulfilled her contractual obligation to be there and the women were grilling her on her set up, so Karen decided it was time to go.

9 hours ago, eleanorofaquitaine said:

Based on the way the episode ended, I think she likely is going to be fired but IMO, that's why she is still so angry

I actually don't think she is going to be fired. She might be demoted to a friend who only films with Karen and Ashley and that solves the problem of the rest of the cast not wanting to film with her.  If she is fired, it won't be because of the fight, it will be because of the aftermath.  Monique and her delusions are good TV and based on that Villain Echo Laugh they gave her at the end, the producers are going to have a good time exposing Monique and her crazy next season.

7 hours ago, FozzyBear said:

Karen is easier to figure out. She’s not going to pick a side until she sees how Bravo edits this storyline.

Karen chose Monique's side.  She made up her mind Candiace had to go at Wendy's political party.

6 hours ago, charliesan said:

I even think they're capable of letting Candiace go before either one of them, at least for now. 

Candiace is the most expendable of the cast, to be honest (even more than Wendy).  They get rid of Candiace, Monique will just turn her delusions on another cast member (good tv).  Ashley will still be messy (good tv); Crocodile Bob will still be creepy (good tv).  But of those 3, Candiace has the best future off the show: she's getting acting roles, singing gigs and going back to school for her Masters.  So she'll be alright.  Monique and Ashley won't.

6 hours ago, charliesan said:

Why not have a sit-down with Karen and show all of the social media action that was happening during that time and then calmly ask her what does she think about it?

Karen doesn't care.  Wendy and Robyn told Karen from the very beginning about Monique's social media shenanigans. ROBYN was a victim of Monique's social media shenanigans a season or so ago.  Karen was standing right beside Monique as Monique started flipping Candiace's hair and was trying to rip off her wig and Karen believes both of them were in there slinging mud.  Karen chose her side a long time ago; there's no use or sense in Candiace trying to change Karen's mind now.

4 hours ago, Vanderboom said:

I'm sure her embarrassment at the party was partially because of Michael's ranting

It was probably because she made herself look dumb coming for Chris Bassett for "attacking" Sydney Coral Reef and then realized he was drunk and belligerent and probably at fault all along.

2 hours ago, Legalbeagle421 said:

She said that her family lived in a white neighborhood and the white kids didn't want to play with her.

Then she said her family moved to a black neighborhood and the black kids didn't want to play with her.

What is the common denominator.....it's Monique.  That's what a good therapist would notice.

This can actually happen.  Did this happen to Monique? Perhaps.  Did this trigger Monique into beating up Candiace? Absolutely not.  But I'm sure there will be a new excuse for why she beat up Candiace next week.

Just thinking out loud...

Ashley wrote that character statement against Candiace as git back for Chris Bassett writing that witness statement against Michael for assaulting the cameraman.

Both Michael and Ashley tried to provoke Chris and Candiace into altercations to make them seem like violent people who need to be put off the show.  Candiace being fired from RHOP solves the problem of Candiace and Chris exposing Michael and his foolery.

Candiace realized the Darbys' game, which is why she is the one who calmed Chris down (usually its the other way around).

Monique is dumb and nothing but Pavlov's dog.  I wouldn't be surprised to learn that Ashley hyped her up before the barnyard to fight Candiace (which is why Monique can't really give us a reason why she fought Candiace...she just knows she wanted to fight Candiace).

Both Monique and Ashley worked Karen to get her on their side; when Karen seemed to be caving to the GEB/Candiace/Wendy by excluding Monique, Ashley had to get Karen in check by exposing her lie to the rest of the group.

Karen & Monique played themselves because Michael Darby is mad he was threatened with being held accountable for sexually assaulting young men.  Michael needs Candiace and Chris put off the show and Ashley is more than happy to help because Candiace is a threat to Ashley's financial lifestyle.

Candiace wasn't clever enough to realize the game then, but she knows now which will make Season 6 very interesting to watch, providing all the cast members come back (I think all 7 of them will).

Edited by drivethroo
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1 hour ago, drivethroo said:

This can actually happen.  Did this happen to Monique? Perhaps.  Did this trigger Monique into beating up Candiace? Absolutely not.  But I'm sure there will be a new excuse for why she beat up Candiace next week.

I disagree.  What I meant was that if no one wanted to play with Monique when she was young, maybe the issue was her and not the other kids. 

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If Ashley is doing trophy wife it feels like she is doing it all wrong.  Are we absolutely certain that Michael is as wealthy as he puts out?  She doesn't seem to have a live in nanny, she doesn't have a yoga instructor coming over to her house to train her, she doesn't have a personal chef, she may have had a "stylist" in her first season, but I assume thats real housewives code for "hanger on".  Her clothes never looked very high end and she had to wait until after she was married for however many years to get that Porsche.  They live in a very nice condo, but its a condo and its not a penthouse somewhere. 

Ashley was a Miss America winner and Michael is creepy, old and unattractive.  I don't mind transactional relationships, but she really got the shit end of this one because the gulf in their age and looks is so wide.  If you're going to trade on your youth and beauty for money and stability, the man should have more money if he is going to be as old and creepy as Michael.  

Edited by RealReality
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On 12/6/2020 at 9:39 PM, drivethroo said:


Chris Bassett is correct: Michael likes to roll up on the female cast members to intimidate them.  Chris Bassett is probably the only husband/partner on the show who pushes back on Michael's behavior.

I was a little confused when Chris said that.   Because in this case Michael did not say anything to the ladies.   Instead he rolled up on Chris to start some drama.  But maybe more happened than what they showed 🤷🏾‍♀️ 

Chris stays a bit too much in women’s business for my liking.   Say what you want about Juan, but he seems to stay out of the drama.   Even with Michael pushed Juan pretty hard while throwing his tantrum he remained calm and kept trying to calm Michael down.  


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54 minutes ago, RealReality said:

If Karen is doing trophy wife it feels like she is doing it all wrong.  Are we absolutely certain that Michael is as wealthy as he puts out?  She doesn't seem to have a live in nanny, she doesn't have a yoga instructor coming over to her house to train her, she doesn't have a personal chef, she may have had a "stylist" in her first season, but I assume thats real housewives code for "hanger on".  Her clothes never looked very high end and she had to wait until after she was married for however many years to get that Porsche.  They live in a very nice condo, but its a condo and its not a penthouse somewhere. 

They do live in a penthouse, they have a rooftop deck.  It was shown in Season 1.  Michael developed the building; that's why he has the penthouse.

The viewers don't know/think it's a penthouse because Michael probably restricts filming to that cramped living/dining area.  We've never even seen Ashley's kitchen.

I think Chris, Ray and Michael are all tight with their money because there's nothing about Monique, Karen (season 1) and Ashley that screams "rich man's wife."  Karen wasn't wearing "fashions" and driving mack daddy cars until she got a BRAVO check.  Season 1, she looked like an upper middle class man's wife.


17 minutes ago, After7Only said:

I was a little confused when Chris said that.   Because in this case Michael did not say anything to the ladies.   Instead he rolled up on Chris to start some drama.  But maybe more happened than what they showed 🤷🏾‍♀️ 

Michael has a history of trying to be intimidating to the ladies and Chris Bassett is the only husband who pushes back on that.  All the other husbands are part of the Get Along Gang.

For the situation at the party, Candiace was hollering at Karen.  Ashley wasn't a direct part of the situation so Michael had no business going over to Chris telling him to "control" Candiace, especially when they don't like each other.  I know Michael was hollering that Chris was going to jail but I'm pretty sure he said to Candiace that she was a criminal and she was going to jail too.  Any decent husband would push back on some man coming for his wife.

29 minutes ago, After7Only said:

Chris stays a bit too much in women’s business for my liking.

If you mean Chris Samuels, yes.  The only "women's business" Chris Bassett has been involved with (on screen) is the Michael sucking somebody's dick incident, which was a) being discussed in his house and b) he was a witness to this.  The only other thing Chris B was involved with was writing the witness statement against Michael for assaulting the cameraman, which is the real reason Michael & Ashley are trying to get Chris and Candiace off the show (IMO).

Chris Samuels sits on Monique's lives and claims he wants to turn into Bruce Jenner so he can smack the shit out of the ladies in the cast and previews of the reunion show him trying to run up on the ladies and Andy telling him to sit down.  That's the Chris that's too much in women's business.

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I don’t care for Chris Bassett and didn’t care for his red jacket but he was totally in the right for pushing back on Darby. He was minding his business, I notice the crew keeps Michael’s mic on so viewers can hear all his odd comments. We really don’t hear much from the other husbands during the events. 
I see Juan as being jokey and nice to Michael during filming because it’s part of his income. I don’t think Juan is a big fan of Michael. Does Michael think he has a shot at Juan? He’s such a creep, 

Notice how little Miss Victim Candiace, started screaming again. Was she trying to fight Michael that time or Ashley? You can’t be a victim and repeatedly offer to fight people.

I’m guessing the judge saw the footage as a consensual Real Housewives fight. I’m hoping Monique is back next season. 

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Despite his lack of funds, Chris Bassett has the privilege of rolling up on Michael in ways the other husbands simply do not. Imagine Michael threatening to call the police on Juan, Chris S., or even Ray (who lived through the Jim Crow era). Despite online social justice warrior-ing, memes, and catchphrases galore, race still informs these types of interactions. I appreciate the other husbands having sense enough to realize dealing with Michael would probably be a futile effort. He's not worth all they could lose dealing with his foolishness.

Here's to White Chris continuing to get Michael together whenever it's necessary. Take one for the team, bruh!

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8 hours ago, drivethroo said:

I think Chris, Ray and Michael are all tight with their money because there's nothing about Monique, Karen (season 1) and Ashley that screams "rich man's wife."  Karen wasn't wearing "fashions" and driving mack daddy cars until she got a BRAVO check.  Season 1, she looked like an upper middle class man's wife.

I don't know.  A lot of wealthy folk (especially older ones) don't spend their money on things like cars and clothes because the second you purchase them, they decrease in value.


51 minutes ago, eXiled said:

Despite his lack of funds, Chris Bassett has the privilege of rolling up on Michael in ways the other husbands simply do not. Imagine Michael threatening to call the police on Juan, Chris S., or even Ray (who lived through the Jim Crow era). Despite online social justice warrior-ing, memes, and catchphrases galore, race still informs these types of interactions. I appreciate the other husbands having sense enough to realize dealing with Michael would probably be a futile effort. He's not worth all they could lose dealing with his foolishness.

Thank you for mentioning this because this is a real and uncomfortable truth.  Michael could turn into "a Karen" very quickly and call the police on any black person who looks at him wrong and argue that the person "threatened" him.  Sad but true.

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20 minutes ago, Neurochick said:

I don't know.  A lot of wealthy folk (especially older ones) don't spend their money on things like cars and clothes because the second you purchase them, they decrease in value.



If that was Michael's MO, I would appreciate it, but he seems showy and maybe its in this regard that he is different from Ray.  Michael made it a point to "gift" Ashley that Boxster in front of everyone at the same birthday party where he had a cash bar.  So, Michael is fine with flashy cars, he just wants to make sure he is publicly getting credit for it.  His entire aura of wealth just screams "poser" to me.  You're rich enough to buy your wife a Boxster, but you can't spring for a hosted bar?  You're rich enough to buy a Porsche for your wife but she doesn't have a fully time nanny she doesn't have a yoga trainer coming to the house and she is either struggle cooking for picking up takeout?  

I know Karen wears designer stuff, because she had, I think, a Gucci or Chanel belt with her cammo outfit at the "press conference" but I wonder if a lot of the time she buys designer clothes but doesn't want the outsized logo everywhere.  My mom buys designer handbags, but she HAAAAAAATES large logos.  

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On 12/6/2020 at 10:31 PM, truthaboutluv said:

Okay so I'm no lawyer but I call bullshit on Candiace's claim for why the Court would throw out the case. This claim that because Monique and her people were throwing out bogus claims to tabloids and blogs, the judge decided it was just some reality show messiness makes no sense. I can't see a Court just dismissing a clear case of assault because one party is selling lies to tabloids. Nah, I'm sorry, I'm inclined to believe it's because they really didn't think it was an assault. 

So Gizelle's continuing this lie that she and Jamal are genuinely a thing huh. Okay then... 


Do we not believe our eyes?  Monique initiated contact, pulled Candiace across the table by her hair, hit her repeatedly in the head then threatened to kill her.  It was an assault.

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I grew up like Monique, that I was the only black girl at an all caucasian private Lutheran school. She's right when you go to an almost all black school. Sometimes the kids would say I talk white or talk proper. Monique was still so wrong to laugh at the end of the show about "dragging" Candiace. Not nice. I hope she doesn't come back next season. But the girl does look the best at the upcoming reunion imo,I hate to admit that lol. Gizelle seemed to be vicariously living through her best friend Robyn's engagement haha. I liked the dark brown hair on Ashley. But I don't like her hair off her face. Candiace sounded good while singing but everytime I can't help but laugh when she's singing haha. Gizelle must of been tipsy she and Kal were really clowning and dancing while Candiace was singing lol. Michael had such a bizarre reaction about Robyn and Juan's proposal. I wonder if ol' Mike took a xanax before arriving. I think at this point Ashley just wants Michael to play the part of the family man. Because I was surprised she made the comment if she grew a dick...when Chris and Michael had their altercation I'll admit I cracked up. That was hilarious to me haha.

Karen should dye or start wearing Gizelle's hair color. I think a nice red would be softer on Karen than the platinum blonde.

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56 minutes ago, Neurochick said:

I don't know.  A lot of wealthy folk (especially older ones) don't spend their money on things like cars and clothes because the second you purchase them, they decrease in value.


Thank you for mentioning this because this is a real and uncomfortable truth.  Michael could turn into "a Karen" very quickly and call the police on any black person who looks at him wrong and argue that the person "threatened" him.  Sad but true.

Michael is the type to start a fight with a black person, then scream trigger words (aggressive, angry, menacing, etc.) when they get a response. I'm so happy the husbands seems to know this.

I peeped Michael a while ago. I noticed he seems to only take issue with Ray and Chris B - the two men he's shown the least sexual attraction for, in my opinion. If you aren't a former athlete or perceived as manly in a stereotypical way, Michael doesn't seem to have time for you. Ray is a senior citizen who ain't about the shits. Chris B. also loses out because he has no cash or influence. Michael doesn't lust after him or respect him, therefore Michael has no time for Chris B.

Ray and Chris B. are lucky, though. Better antagonism than Michael's creepy flirting.

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Broke Chris's outfit looks like he's head waiter at some old dusty downtown Vegas restaurant

Ashley's bulky feathery dress makes her look short squat and shaped like a square

Schmuckles eyes are so red and glassy even at the beginning of the party. 

Wendy's got Karen's number. She is a true friend to no one but herself.

Enjoy your last singing moment on this show candy ass (I hope).

Juan proposed. Wendy might pee herself and schmuckle is on the verge of tears.

Schmuckles hoping for a great bachelor party in Vegas. Somehow I think the other guys aren't going to be interested in spending the evening grabbing ass at the thunder down under show

What's with giselle's big plastic necklace? The dollar store thanks her for her patronage and free advertisement.

Karen has way too much Botox and it's very aging. Some of the muscles need to be working so it doesn't look like your thin skin is melting right off your face.

That man touched me! And not in the way I dreamed! Arrest him for being straight and not putting up with my aggressive shit.

The misery on Ashley's face says it all. That big smile the next day in the Bahamas isn't fooling anyone.

Monique's maniacal laugh should send a shiver down candy asses spine. If she ever catches her in a dark alley, she'll wipe that 2 pounds of makeup off on the pavement.

Candy asses reasons for charges being dropped are ridiculous. Unless the stuff in the tabloids and blogs is also in the court documents, it has no pertinence. At least research your lies so they can be feasible. The viewers aren't idiots.

It's time to revamp this cast. I'm done with Ashley's twisted marriage, Karen's pretend marriage,  Robyn's wanna be marriage and Gizelle's never gonna be married. 


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15 hours ago, qtpye said:

I imagine Ashley would be bait to some dude (she was beautiful and charming) and then when they would go to the room, Michael would be waiting. He probably would just "watch" and then try to join in.

That's essentially the plot of Suddenly, Last Summer.  Liz Taylor played the Ashley part.


1 hour ago, Talented Tenth said:

Do we not believe our eyes?  Monique initiated contact, pulled Candiace across the table by her hair, hit her repeatedly in the head then threatened to kill her.  It was an assault.

And then after she was separated from the fracas by production, proceeded to chase after Candiace in the parking lot.  Girl's got issues. 

  • Love 7
2 hours ago, ErikaOnline said:

I grew up like Monique, that I was the only black girl at an all caucasian private Lutheran school. She's right when you go to an almost all black school. Sometimes the kids would say I talk white or talk proper. Monique was still so wrong to laugh at the end of the show about "dragging" Candiace. Not nice. I hope she doesn't come back next season. But the girl does look the best at the upcoming reunion imo,I hate to admit that lol. Gizelle seemed to be vicariously living through her best friend Robyn's engagement haha. I liked the dark brown hair on Ashley. But I don't like her hair off her face. Candiace sounded good while singing but everytime I can't help but laugh when she's singing haha. Gizelle must of been tipsy she and Kal were really clowning and dancing while Candiace was singing lol. Michael had such a bizarre reaction about Robyn and Juan's proposal. I wonder if ol' Mike took a xanax before arriving. I think at this point Ashley just wants Michael to play the part of the family man. Because I was surprised she made the comment if she grew a dick...when Chris and Michael had their altercation I'll admit I cracked up. That was hilarious to me haha.

Karen should dye or start wearing Gizelle's hair color. I think a nice red would be softer on Karen than the platinum blonde.

I went to majority white schools and have been around  groups of mostly black kids.   I would agree that the black kids can be a little harsher but I assume that its partially a defense mechanism to preemptively combat a perceived superiority  complex from the black kid with a more "privileged" background.  


But what I found growing up...for the most part is that if you're an okay kid, with good humor and you're willing to take some ribbing you'll find some friends in every group.  Yeah you're not going to be prom queen all the time but if you're generally okay you shouldn't be friendless. 


The only place this didn't work out for me was the first college I attended.  

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3 hours ago, eXiled said:

Despite his lack of funds, Chris Bassett has the privilege of rolling up on Michael in ways the other husbands simply do not. Imagine Michael threatening to call the police on Juan, Chris S., or even Ray (who lived through the Jim Crow era). Despite online social justice warrior-ing, memes, and catchphrases galore, race still informs these types of interactions. I appreciate the other husbands having sense enough to realize dealing with Michael would probably be a futile effort. He's not worth all they could lose dealing with his foolishness.

The other husbands don't have to guffaw and kiki with Michael.  There's not just 2 ways of dealing with Michael: rolling up on him or giggling it up. You don't have to yuk yuk it up with him.   You don't have to pal around with him.  You don't reward Michael for being disrespectful and rude to your wife by hee hawing it up with him.  You don't have to punch him out but you don't have to reward him with your presence, either.  

3 hours ago, Neurochick said:

I don't know.  A lot of wealthy folk (especially older ones) don't spend their money on things like cars and clothes because the second you purchase them, they decrease in value.

Let's be real: the reason Karen, Monique and Ashley are doing this show is they need the check so they can have their own spending money because their husbands aren't giving it up.

2 hours ago, Talented Tenth said:

Do we not believe our eyes?  Monique initiated contact, pulled Candiace across the table by her hair, hit her repeatedly in the head then threatened to kill her.  It was an assault.

Since we want to talk about race, if Monique had assaulted Ashley or Robyn (especially Robyn) like that, those charges probably would not have been thrown out.  Monique would've had a little community service going on.  So if we say the black husbands need to shuffle for Michael in order not to get sent to jail by him, then we need to accept the same for Monique: if she had assaulted a white/white-adjacent cast member like she did Candiace, she would've had some consequences and repercussions.

2 hours ago, eXiled said:

I peeped Michael a while ago. I noticed he seems to only take issue with Ray and Chris B - the two men he's shown the least sexual attraction for, in my opinion.

Ray and Chris B. are the ONLY husbands who pushed back on Michael's bullshit towards them/their wives.  That's why he doesn't like them.

4 minutes ago, RealReality said:

I went to majority white schools and have been around  groups of mostly black kids.   I would agree that the black kids can be a little harsher but I assume that its partially a defense mechanism to preemptively combat a perceived superiority  complex from the black kid with a more "privileged" background. 

I agree which is why I said earlier I do believe Monique when she says when she lived in the white area, the white kids didn't like her and then when they moved to the black area, the black kids didn't like her.  So this is all plausible.

However, the real reason people don't like Monique in present times is because she doesn't like them.  You've got to be a friend to have a friend and Monique isn't a friend to other women because she doesn't like other women.

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3 hours ago, ErikaOnline said:

I grew up like Monique, that I was the only black girl at an all caucasian private Lutheran school. She's right when you go to an almost all black school. Sometimes the kids would say I talk white or talk proper. Monique was still so wrong to laugh at the end of the show about "dragging" Candiace. Not nice. I hope she doesn't come back next season. But the girl does look the best at the upcoming reunion imo,I hate to admit that lol. Gizelle seemed to be vicariously living through her best friend Robyn's engagement haha. I liked the dark brown hair on Ashley. But I don't like her hair off her face. Candiace sounded good while singing but everytime I can't help but laugh when she's singing haha. Gizelle must of been tipsy she and Kal were really clowning and dancing while Candiace was singing lol. Michael had such a bizarre reaction about Robyn and Juan's proposal. I wonder if ol' Mike took a xanax before arriving. I think at this point Ashley just wants Michael to play the part of the family man. Because I was surprised she made the comment if she grew a dick...when Chris and Michael had their altercation I'll admit I cracked up. That was hilarious to me haha.

Karen should dye or start wearing Gizelle's hair color. I think a nice red would be softer on Karen than the platinum blonde.

I went to a mostly white private school in NYC in the 1960's-1970's.  You know what?  There were black and Hispanic kids in my school and we all hung out together.  I lived in a black neighborhood the whole time and guess what, no one ever thought I talked "white."  

I don't think the problem was the other kids, I think the problem was Monique.  If YOU are the common denominator, then  YOU might be the problem.  

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16 hours ago, After7Only said:

I was a little confused when Chris said that.   Because in this case Michael did not say anything to the ladies.   Instead he rolled up on Chris to start some drama.  But maybe more happened than what they showed 🤷🏾‍♀️ 

Chris stays a bit too much in women’s business for my liking.   Say what you want about Juan, but he seems to stay out of the drama.   Even with Michael pushed Juan pretty hard while throwing his tantrum he remained calm and kept trying to calm Michael down.  


Michael wanted to push Juan so that Juan would put Michael in a big old bear hug and just hang on.  

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My musings....

Karen is this season's MVP!  From her talking heads to getting a spot on HSN (take that, Gizzard!) to launching a wig line, she's been kicking ass and taking names....see, you don't always have to be young to be a badass.

Gizzard, you wish Rev. Leon Lonnie Tracfone would propose to your gaudy ass!  Talk about pretending to be Robyn when Juan asked her to remarry him.  And was it really necessary to lash out at Michael when he only asked where was your man?   Aren't you always up the other HW's asses whenever they get defensive to your unnecessary questions?

Robyn dear, the open bar was provided by BRAVO, not your broke ass!  I will say that her outfit was stunning at the engagement party.  I hope she doesn't go all Sophia next season with a 'I'se engaged now!' storyline.  And instead of y'all BUILDING a house how about BUYING one, which leaves you with taxes, maintenance, utilities, etc. to pay.  Don't be financially stupid ALL your life!!

Michael - what in the Alex Forrest happened to you?!  I felt bad for Ashley trying to calm him down (Her screaming "MICHAEL DARBY!" gave me the chills)

Wendy, please don't come back next season with your fake Shenehneh Jenkins looking ass.

Finally, Candiace...

How long are you going to play the victim?!  You sold wolf tickets, Monique bought them then mollywhopped that ass, move.the.fuck.on!!  And stop badgering Karen...she's more than explained herself to you, if you feel that betrayed by her then don't fuck with her!  This applies to the rest of the magpies, let this shit go already.  If this is so traumatic to you then maybe you shouldn't return next season.

Cain't wait for the reunion!!

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I'm here to confess that I don't think Candiace's song is that bad. And I liked Chris Bassett's festive red jacket. I also liked Robyn's outfit - I really think she is stunning and that dress was a nice holiday party dress.  I think that Robyn and Juan are really a couple, which I cannot say for Gizelle and Jamal.

22 hours ago, drivethroo said:

Monique is dumb and nothing but Pavlov's dog.  I wouldn't be surprised to learn that Ashley hyped her up before the barnyard to fight Candiace (which is why Monique can't really give us a reason why she fought Candiace...she just knows she wanted to fight Candiace).

I know you aren't excusing Monique but I just don't think that Ashley, as smart as she may be, in somehow the puppet master pulling the strings here.  I honestly think that Monique's issues with Candiace were mostly in Monique's head, but they were her issues. I don't think that they had anything to do with Ashley or Ashley hyping Monique up. I think that Monique heard the rumors that were circulating about her, but because she couldn't do anything about Charisse or Gizelle, she decided to target Candiace because she felt like Candiace was in the weakest position. And that's why the whole altercation happened, not because Ashley was whispering in her ear about Candiace. 

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2 hours ago, Yogisbooboo64 said:

How long are you going to play the victim?!  You sold wolf tickets, Monique bought them then mollywhopped that ass, move.the.fuck.on!!  And stop badgering Karen...she's more than explained herself to you, if you feel that betrayed by her then don't fuck with her!  This applies to the rest of the magpies, let this shit go already.  If this is so traumatic to you then maybe you shouldn't return next season.

Cain't wait for the reunion!!

Monique then deserves jail time for bragging about "mollywhopping" ass ....She wants to brag about it then she deserve the consequences of that action ... she shouldn't be running around crying but I'm a mother I shouldn't be held accountable .. I don't even really like Candace but Thanks to Monique I now find myself defending her

Edited by Keywestclubkid
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Has Monique made any effort to befriend mothers with children of similar ages as hers outside of the cast? I don't follow any of their personal lives aside from any social media tidbits that gets posted on forums.

Karen's children are young adults, Gizelle's girls are teens, I think that Robyn's sons and Wendy's sons are a bit older than Monique's eldest son, Candiace has no kids. That leaves Ashley but I believe that time will prove that tenuous alliance to be wholly transactional.

Ex-friend Charisse's kids are young adults. I don't know if her ex-friend Gigi has any kids, but it does not escape me that Gigi was also a former aspiring rapper and evidently a vindictive gossiper.

My speculation stems from the way that Monique has taken the rejection from this particular group very personally. To the point that she has violently lashed out, carried out an unrelenting smear campaign and is reaching back to not fitting in at school 20+ years ago to explain her feelings... There is a vast difference between not being popular, struggling to make friends, but fitting in where you can and being a social outcast which goes into the territory of social isolation, bullying, etc. I don't know where Monique wants the audience to believe her experience lands.

As co-workers, the cast have to maintain relationships with each other (even just as fake friends), but I doubt that their emotional and social support is drawn primarily from each other with the exception of actual friendships like Robyn & Gizelle. (This is also why I wish Candiace would just accept that Karen was never really her friend.)

Perhaps Monique should be seeking to make connections with women who can relate to her instead of women who are at different places in their lives and have very little in common with her. I wonder if she gets along with the parents of her children's classmates or does she not fit in with them either? Or is it that she does not see how any of those women would benefit her because they are too "regular" for her taste?

I suspect that Monique does not value relationships that don't directly benefit her in a superficial or tangible way and therefore does not pursue friendships that may enrich her life in a more fulfilling manner.

Frankly, if she wasn't stuck on her ambitions of fame, she would be more realistic about what could be best for her happiness. Depending on how she is trying to frame her story about not fitting in at school, it seems that she is starved for attention and has a strong desire to be celebrated for being rich & fabulous to make up for whatever she lacked in her childhood/adolescence.

That didn't fly with this group because none of that matters to them. No one cares about a rags-to-riches story if one doesn't come from rags themselves. Monique was reminded of that when Gizelle asked if she was homeless, when Charisse wouldn't allow herself to be used as a stepping stone for Monique's social climbing and when Candiace wasn't swiftly dispatched for being a nuisance to her.

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Personally I always assume all of these women on all these shows have their "real friendships" that are outside the cast of women that they essentially get paid to film with. Not saying that some of them don't have something resembling a genuine friendship when cameras aren't rolling, since we all know Karen and Gizelle go way back.

But I honestly doubt the group these women film with make up their circle of friends and loved ones and so I certainly wouldn't judge any of them and their character, feelings, motivations, etc. on that. Because I don't think we know their genuine friendships. When Monique had the party at her house in Season 2, the one where she kicked Gizelle out, there were plenty of people there that viewers obviously didn't know. Same with their Rainbow Party. 

Edited by truthaboutluv
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So after rewatching Monique/Robyn's umbrella fight in season 3(It was entertaining due to Robyn and Karen's facial expressions) I'm curious how Monique could restrain herself with Robyn (who was kind of daring her to hit her)...but with Candiace..she was ready to fight and keep on fighting.  Both involved attacks on Monique public image (and Monique was drinking/driving imho) so what is the one element that differs?

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4 minutes ago, JAYJAY1979 said:

So after rewatching Monique/Robyn's umbrella fight in season 3(It was entertaining due to Robyn and Karen's facial expressions) I'm curious how Monique could restrain herself with Robyn (who was kind of daring her to hit her)...but with Candiace..she was ready to fight and keep on fighting.  Both involved attacks on Monique public image (and Monique was drinking/driving imho) so what is the one element that differs?

IMO, I think a couple of things:

1. Robyn could equally drag Monique and Candiace is much smaller, and perhaps physically weaker.

2. Monique had a lot of pent up anger and rage due to many factors in her life and used Candiace as her scapegoat - blame everything wrong in my life on Candiace.

Monique has really done it this season as I keep siding with Candiace.

That being said, Candyass should learn to temper her words because her words can be mean and she knows how to push others buttons. I don’t think she was expecting physical push back, nor should that has happened. I really hope she is getting good therapy as her mom is toxic and Candiace may have learned some “unhealthy” ways of interacting with people from her mom.

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Do you all remember a few months before this season started, some “guest” posted about how great Monique was. Many of us were surprised because we didn’t think Guests could post things.

At that point in time, based on previous behaviors and words, I was 90% in Monique’s corner.

Well, the tables have totally flipped for me (without Teresa Guidice’s help)

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The episode finally uploaded to Amazon Prime.  All I can say is yowza, Monique is cuckoo banana nutcakes.  I wonder how her therapist feels getting played on national TV?  I still have no idea why Monique needed to defend herself against words with violence and how she thinks thats reasonable.  

LOL.  What the hell is wrong with Michael, and why is Juan entertaining any of this?  Michael is just gross, and Chris B all the way has his number.  You can tell production hates Michael and with good reason, he seems like a genuine douchebag.  

At the end of the day, what I heard from Candace makes sense in that you can decide that this was all for the show and wasn't a "real" assault.  To me that makes sense, because on a lot of these shows you really cannot sue or you are deeply discouraged from suing or pressing charges.  I mean, if you get food poisoning on fear factor, like you can't really sue anyone, and you probably couldn't do it even if they knew damn well that those rats they put in the blender to feed you were full of plague

@J80134 - total agree about Ashley's dress.  I get that she is trying to get back to pre-baby Ashley, but that dress wasn't doing it.  if Michael has money why doesn't she have a stylist of some sort or a personal shopper.  That was straight out of the "Great Gatsby" Fashion Nova collection

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