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S05.E13: No Shows and Show Downs

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Monique invites the ladies to her podcast, but their lack of support leaves her feeling even more isolated. Juan asks Robyn’s parents for their blessing to remarry their daughter. Meanwhile, Gizelle and Jamal continue to struggle with their long-distance relationship. Wendy hosts the ladies for an evening of wine and politics, but Karen’s unwillingness to admit to Monique’s wrongdoing leaves a sour taste in Candiace’s mouth.

Airs October 25, 2020.

  • Useful 1

Lol at that messy person who asked about Monique and Candiace even after Monique specifically told her not to.

I hate to defend Karen because she bugs me but I don't think she said anything groundbreaking. If it were me, I'd press charges too lol. Monique must be even more ridiculous than I thought to think she can put her hands on people and not face consequences. 🙄

  • Love 19

Okay, so this is my first season of Potomac and I'm hoping that someone who has watched for a while can explain to me what the deal is with Gizelle and Jamal.  I get that they were married, he cheated on her with every woman who crossed his path before they divorced, and he has a bunch of other kids, so what I mean by my question is: after all that, what is the appeal of Jamal that she's dating him after having been divorced from him for a decade?  Because he's not some super great looking guy, that shady af business with putting a restaurant in their kids' names makes me think his finances are of the smoke and mirrors variety, he seems completely disinterested in her whenever they're on screen together, and their kids would clearly like to be left out of this reconciliation narrative, so what is Gizelle getting out of this relationship?  Has she just always been hung up on him?

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Juan is willing to spend $10,000 on an engagement ring for a woman who he’s already been married to?  And he and Robyn wonder why they have money problems.  Hmm.

Hahaha, Monique, after the “altercation” at first you “just wanted to run and hide”?  No, bitch, at first you wanted to run and “finish her off.”  Let’s keep the story straight.  Now that Monique did that, I have a bone to pick with everything she says and does.  It’s confusing to me, because I only became a Monique fan last season. Before that, I didn’t like her, then I really liked her, and now I can’t stand her.

If anyone would have told me at the beginning of the season that I would like Wendy more than Monique, I would have said they were crazy, but I guess we’re living in some crazy times.  

I would buy Karen and Ray’s storyline at face value if this was their second season.  It’s very odd for this to come up on her fifth season as a Z-list celebrity.  It feels very desperate, and I’m just sad we’re going to have to go through this whole charade again at the reunion.  Nothing about it seems organic.  I don’t like Ashley at all anymore, but her marriage drama feels so real and it’s something I would be so much more interested in watching play out, even if it’s been going on forever.  I want to see what kind of fucked up thing Michael will do next, and how Ashley will spin it in a way I don’t want to watch the Hugers mumble around a problem, or the Dixons dance around their tax lien.  

Ray probably feels emasculated that Karen had to bail him out financially, Karen is probably not letting him live it down, and Ray—rightly or wrongly—feels bad about it and it’s causing him not to pursue his wife, because he sees her as a creditor, not a lover.  That makes so much more sense than what they’re peddling.  I’m supposed to believe that’s less of a problem than Karen not making home cooked meals after the kids left (and the last kid left four years ago)? Yeah-mmm-kay, sure.  In vino veritas, Karen.  

Gizelle with Jamal is desperate and boring at the same time.  I never thought Gizelle could be boring, but here we are.  Why does Jamal speak like he’s reading lines from a Tyler Perry movie?  This is really the best she can do?

It’s funny that so many people seem to be willing to offer Monique support in the “altercation” online, but they don’t even support her enough to buy a ticket to support her podcast.  As many comparisons as I and other posters have made to Nene and Teresa, those women can at least fill a room anywhere they’re appearing live.  Good luck with that, Monique.  

At Monique’s event, Ashley’s hair looked greasy and just a hard no.  That’s not an ombré; that’s a woman who can’t be bothered to go down to the salon and get her roots touched up.  And the irony is that Ashley showed up to perpetuate the idea that “lazy moms” are a demographic to be avoided.  

Lol at Robyn, Gizelle and Wendy jumping all over Ashley for her contention that she is not taking Monique’s side “arbitrarily”; that Ashley is siding with Monique because last year Monique and Chris decided not to show receipts on Michael grabbing asses Monique because Monique has good character.  

Does Karen think that the louder she speaks, the more she gets her point across?  And she is defending Monique for an only slightly more valid reason than Ashley is—because “maybe” Monique “can’t” control her anger?  Yeah, that’s really someone I’d back.  Would Karen feel that way if Monique were a man?  Or a murderer?  Well, s/he can’t control the anger; what am I gonna do, blame them?  Where I come from, the answer to that is “hell yes.”  

  • Love 13
23 minutes ago, LibertarianSlut said:

Does Karen think that the louder she speaks, the more she gets her point across?  And she is defending Monique for an only slightly more valid reason than Ashley is—because “maybe” Monique “can’t” control her anger?  Yeah, that’s really someone I’d back.  Would Karen feel that way if Monique were a man?  Or a murderer?  Well, s/he can’t control the anger; what am I gonna do, blame them?  Where I come from, the answer to that is “hell yes.”  

Dear God, is it possible for this slapping and hair pulling fight to be more overblown? 

Edited by StillHere
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Hey now! Easy on the old Sutter Home wine there!  It's at least $7 here in Texas and hey! it's good to my little old country girl  taste buds!

Actually, I'm sooo TIRED of this fight business.  Can we wonder WTF Grizzell is doing with Jamal yet AGAIN???  Like, he's the only man in the WORLD this woman can find??  Seems like he wasn't QUITE a prince the first time they went around.  Did he change that much??

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28 minutes ago, Legalbeagle421 said:

I hate to defend Karen because she bugs me but I don't think she said anything groundbreaking. If it were me, I'd press charges too lol. Monique must be even more ridiculous than I thought to think she can put her hands on people and not face consequences. 

Then raggedy Ashley ran to tell Monique that Karen told Candiace to press charges.  Karen said if it happened to HER, she would've pressed charges.  She didn't say "Candiace, you need to go press charges."

Monique AND her social media fanbase seem to think she should be able to beat Candiace's ass and face zero consequences. 

28 minutes ago, Steph J said:

I get that they were married, he cheated on her with every woman who crossed his path before they divorced, and he has a bunch of other kids, so what I mean by my question is: after all that, what is the appeal of Jamal that she's dating him after having been divorced from him for a decade?

Tithes and offerings.

There's a thread on Lipstick Alley called "Being Delivered from Empowerment Temple" in the Pimp Slap forum that tells all about Jamal.

31 minutes ago, Steph J said:

Has she just always been hung up on him?

The person Gizelle really wanted to be with was Sherman but Monique decided to tell Sherman's business on national TV and bring Sherman's ex-wife around the group to get back at Gizelle and Sherman dumped Gizelle soon after that.


I'm glad Karen gave Candiace the read she needs.  Karen is not one to join the gang against another cast member.  She didn't gang up on Candiace earlier in the season and she's not going to gain up on Monique. Karen told Monique to her face she was wrong but Candiace wasn't at Karen's house to see that.  What Candiace & the Sorority Girls want Karen to do is join them in shunning Monique...that's what they feel is how you hold Monique accountable and Karen just doesn't feel that way.

Where Karen is going off track is making excuses claiming there's something medically wrong with Monique because she blacked out and she can't control her anger.  No, girl.  No.  If Monique truly blacked out, she would be so embarassed and concerned about her actions, not bragging and boasting about it on social media.  If medically she can't control her anger, why would any of the other Housewives want to be around somebody like that? No.

23 minutes ago, tabloidlover said:

I really need someone to explain how Sutter Home wine is at the table for Wine with Wendy.  I don’t pretend to make nearly what these women do, but I’ve got standards for crying out loud. And $4 Sutter Home ain’t it.

It was a round table, not a wine tasting.

Monique inviting Wendy & Robyn to her podcast showed how much of a lack of self awareness she has.  They told her straight up 2 weeks earlier they disapproved of her actions because she had no remorse and they didn't want to be around her.  She invited Wendy & Robyn to put on a show and they weren't interested in being a part of the audience.  Read the room.  Nothing the pastor said sunk into her head: Why is Monique constantly trying to put on a show for people who don't want to see it?

Of the 3 Sorority Girls, Robyn will be the first to crack first and film with Monique.


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27 minutes ago, StillHere said:

Dear God, is it possible for this slapping and hair pulling fight to be more overblown? 

I would say anything is possible now that we’ve had a storyline about Porsha and Marlo having a season-long argument about the size of Porsha’s doormat on RHOA 😉.

But it wasn’t just slapping and hair pulling—it was an attack wherein Candiace couldn’t defend herself.  It was the opposite of a fair fight.  I’ve posted in an earlier episode’s thread that if Candiace had been in a position to get an uppercut on Monique, it wouldn’t bother me as much.  Attacking someone with a table as her shield makes Monique a coward IMO.

The central premise behind Karen’s defense of Monique part of my post, though, isn’t about the “hair pull”/attack, it was about the fact that Karen seems to think it is a defense to violence to say that the offender perhaps “cannot” (as opposed to “will not”) control themselves.  That theoretical person (who isn’t Monique, as it has been pointed out numerous times that Monique seemed to be able to walk away from the umbrella altercation just fine) is a person I don’t want in my life, man or woman, committer of felony or misdemeanor.  That’s a person who would have to go to counseling if they were close to me, because I’d be in fear of my personal safety, and a person who would be gone if we were just show friends.  

My question is whether that is the line in the sand that Karen wants to draw—whether she’s really put thought into it—and whether she has a limiting principle, or whether she is just talking shit to keep Monique’s place open on the show for her own personal reasons.  Because if Karen really does think it’s an excuse to act out if one doesn’t demonstrate a willingness to control their behavior—aka “can’t control” their behavior—I think that makes her an enabler.  You get enough enablers together, you get enough people who are willing to look the other way, and the aggressor begins to justify their behavior and suddenly that’s what society adopts.  

I guess the “hair pull” can be more overblown if one were to compare it to “First They Came,” the poetic confessional about how the Nazis were able to gain power by looking the other way.  So there’s an example of Godwin’s Law coming into effect, as well as the conflict becoming more overblown.  

And I don’t really care if Karen wants to look the other way a little bit, especially after she told Candiace that she would go to the police too.  I think we’re all hypocrites sometimes.  I’d probably stand by my husband through anything too, right or wrong.  What bothers me is if Karen is sincere in the belief she espoused and the fact that Monique isn’t someone close enough to Karen to cloud her judgment.  

  • Love 4

Just as I was warming up to Wendy, it comes out that she has taken something I assume to be confidential about Karen and gossiped about her marriage troubles. 😔  I fully expect this from Ashley or Gizelle but not Wendy with 4 degrees, beautiful family and great career. I am crying into my Oregon Pinot as I type this. 

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It's funny how some people can sport any wig and rock it while others (Robyn) just look like they're dressing for Halloween.  For instance, Porsha Williams can wear short, long, curly or straight and still look like a million bucks.  I have yet to see Robyn look good in any hairstyle other than her own short hair.  Other styles just don't look good on her.  Or maybe she just needs to get with someone like Porsha and have them help her out.  Like Gizelle said, that wig Robyn had on at Wendy's event needs to go into the trash!!!

1 hour ago, LibertarianSlut said:

But it wasn’t just slapping and hair pulling—it was an attack wherein Candiace couldn’t defend herself.  It was the opposite of a fair fight.  I’ve posted in an earlier episode’s thread that if Candiace had been in a position to get an uppercut on Monique, it wouldn’t bother me as much.  Attacking someone with a table as her shield makes Monique a coward IMO.

I couldn't agree more! 

  • Love 10
2 hours ago, Steph J said:

Okay, so this is my first season of Potomac and I'm hoping that someone who has watched for a while can explain to me what the deal is with Gizelle and Jamal.  I get that they were married, he cheated on her with every woman who crossed his path before they divorced, and he has a bunch of other kids, so what I mean by my question is: after all that, what is the appeal of Jamal that she's dating him after having been divorced from him for a decade?  Because he's not some super great looking guy, that shady af business with putting a restaurant in their kids' names makes me think his finances are of the smoke and mirrors variety, he seems completely disinterested in her whenever they're on screen together, and their kids would clearly like to be left out of this reconciliation narrative, so what is Gizelle getting out of this relationship?  Has she just always been hung up on him?

To me that whole narrative is specifically so that Gizelle can have a storyline.  Gizelle seems to me to be too much her own person to seriously consider going back to that cheating moozy (male floozy).  At least I'm hoping that's the case.  If it isn't, she has to be the most gullible woman on earth. 

  • Love 10

Did “people like you call me Dr. Wendy” really say “why are black and brown boys being incarcerated instead of meditation?”


I mean, I fully agree that kids/young adults should be diverted from prison as much as possible, and there is massive racial injustice in the criminal courts. But if you brag about your degrees constantly, I will call you out when you say meditation instead of mediation.

Edited to add: Drivethroo informed me there is in fact a meditation program. I was wrong.

Edited by NYCFree
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3 minutes ago, NYCFree said:

Did “people like you call me Dr. Wendy” really say “why are black and brown boys being incarcerated instead of meditation?”

I heard there's a program in Baltimore City Public Schools called "Meditation" so why aren't kids being diverted to Meditation instead of immediate lockup?


37 minutes ago, swankie said:

Gizelle seems to me to be too much her own person to seriously consider going back to that cheating moozy (male floozy).  At least I'm hoping that's the case.  If it isn't, she has to be the most gullible woman on earth. 

I've heard that Gizelle had mental woes as a result of dealing with Jamal and his foolery so I can understand why her father isn't too keen on their reunion.  I think it's fine if Jamal and Gizelle want to date, hang out, whatever.  Just don't marry him, especially when the girls are still children. 

I can also understand why Robyn's parents are hesitant.

Most women know when their relationship is headed down the marriage road and know when a proposal is coming down the line.  They may not know the details, but most women know when it's heading in that direction.

Ray wants Karen to go back to being "Mrs. Ray Huger" and not "Karen Huger."  The problem is Karen doesn't want to go back to being just "Mrs. Ray Huger."  Ray is in love with "Mrs. Ray Huger," not "Karen Huger."

  • Love 11

Jamal and Gizelle are so weird together. The way he talks is so fake he just spouts bs. They have no chemistry it’s just odd. I guess she wants a guy with money but does he have money?

I used to like Monique too but she’s annoying me now. Last year she was going off about the fight on ig and all of a sudden now she’s all remorseful. I don’t buy it. She needs to give it up with the podcast too that event seemed embarrassing. Ashley saying Karen is the one who made it so Monique got charged? No sorry that’s Monique lol. The one who attacked someone. If Monique would’ve just been straight up and said she raged or whatever it would’ve been better all these excuses are getting old. She still doesn’t feel bad imo.

Seems like Ashley almost admitted Monique and Chris had some sort of footage of the butt grab lol.

Overall tho boring episode.

Edited by Marley
  • Love 12
5 hours ago, LibertarianSlut said:


Hahaha, Monique, after the “altercation” at first you “just wanted to run and hide”?  No, bitch, at first you wanted to run and “finish her off.”  Let’s keep the story straight.  Now that Monique did that, I have a bone to pick with everything she says and does.  It’s confusing to me, because I only became a Monique fan last season. Before that, I didn’t like her, then I really liked her, and now I can’t stand her.

If anyone would have told me at the beginning of the season that I would like Wendy more than Monique, I would have said they were crazy, but I guess we’re living in some crazy times.  

I would buy Karen and Ray’s storyline at face value if this was their second season.  It’s very odd for this to come up on her fifth season as a Z-list celebrity.  It feels very desperate, and I’m just sad we’re going to have to go through this whole charade again at the reunion.  Nothing about it seems organic.  I don’t like Ashley at all anymore, but her marriage drama feels so real and it’s something I would be so much more interested in watching play out, even if it’s been going on forever.  I want to see what kind of fucked up thing Michael will do next, and how Ashley will spin it in a way I don’t want to watch the Hugers mumble around a problem, or the Dixons dance around their tax lien.  

Ray probably feels emasculated that Karen had to bail him out financially, Karen is probably not letting him live it down, and Ray—rightly or wrongly—feels bad about it and it’s causing him not to pursue his wife, because he sees her as a creditor, not a lover.  That makes so much more sense than what they’re peddling.  I’m supposed to believe that’s less of a problem than Karen not making home cooked meals after the kids left (and the last kid left four years ago)? Yeah-mmm-kay, sure.  In vino veritas, Karen.  

Gizelle with Jamal is desperate and boring at the same time.  I never thought Gizelle could be boring, but here we are.  Why does Jamal speak like he’s reading lines from a Tyler Perry movie?  This is really the best she can do?

It’s funny that so many people seem to be willing to offer Monique support in the “altercation” online, but they don’t even support her enough to buy a ticket to support her podcast.  As many comparisons as I and other posters have made to Nene and Teresa, those women can at least fill a room anywhere they’re appearing live.  Good luck with that, Monique.  

At Monique’s event, Ashley’s hair looked greasy and just a hard no.  That’s not an ombré; that’s a woman who can’t be bothered to go down to the salon and get her roots touched up.  And the irony is that Ashley showed up to perpetuate the idea that “lazy moms” are a demographic to be avoided.  

Lol at Robyn, Gizelle and Wendy jumping all over Ashley for her contention that she is not taking Monique’s side “arbitrarily”; that Ashley is siding with Monique because last year Monique and Chris decided not to show receipts on Michael grabbing asses Monique because Monique has good character.  

Does Karen think that the louder she speaks, the more she gets her point across?  And she is defending Monique for an only slightly more valid reason than Ashley is—because “maybe” Monique “can’t” control her anger?  Yeah, that’s really someone I’d back.  Would Karen feel that way if Monique were a man?  Or a murderer?  Well, s/he can’t control the anger; what am I gonna do, blame them?  Where I come from, the answer to that is “hell yes.”  

Put a fork in me because I am dead and DONE after reading the bolded line.  I don't watch Tyler Perry movies, but even I know that Jamal Bryant (name and all) are straight out of Tyler Perry central casting as "darker toned no good black man cheating on, gaslighting and verbally abusing his wife"

I think its possible....POSSIBLE....that Gizelle is using Jamal for a storyline and its all a ruse.  I think her relationship with Sherman was real and it broke down because the man didn't want to be in the public eye....at all.  So, I HOPE for her sake that there is some man Gizelle is dating that she really likes but is hiding from the public.  I don't think Gizelle needs a man to be entertaining, the same way I never thought Kenya needed a man to be entertaining.  

If Gizelle is sincerely back with Jamal, than its pure desperation due, in large part, to people like Ray reminding her that she is going to end up an old lonely hag if she doesn't settle with whoever she can get.  And thats just sad, I know Ray meant well, but to me, its not the right message.  

I'm not sure what Karen is on about, but I'm very suspicious that she realizes her motives may not be pure because she is becoming so offended by what seems to be a reasonable objection.  I still think Karen is a hoot, but that shit about how Monique has a MEDICAL PROBLEM and she will wait for a MEDICAL REPORT?  Girl, what?  It flies in the face of the common sense Karen loves to much to assert that Monique has some sort of medical problem.  If she has such a medical problem, it surely would have reared its head when Robyn was taunting her and she had an umbrella to Robyn's throat?  

  • Love 11
4 hours ago, Rambunctiouscurls said:

Just as I was warming up to Wendy, it comes out that she has taken something I assume to be confidential about Karen and gossiped about her marriage troubles. 😔  I fully expect this from Ashley or Gizelle but not Wendy with 4 degrees, beautiful family and great career. I am crying into my Oregon Pinot as I type this. 

Its fair game, Karen has been weird with Wendy from the jump.  

Karen said that she and Wendy weren't even acquaintances, She shouldn't expect loyalty from someone she claims she barely knows.  

To me, if I were Karen I'd be far more hurt at my "friend" Ashley, who I just took to my hometown parade to celebrate an accomplishment, to suggest that I purposefully admitted to marital problems in an effort to be manipulative.  

I say it over and over, but Ashley is a snake and she is not the friend that Monique thinks she is.  Ashley is going to alienate Monique from Karen, who truly has her back and then Monique will be left alone with Ashley, who is a snake.  Once Monique is alienated from everyone but Ashley it will be hard for her to stay on the show or to get in good with the other women again.  So then Ashley will have gotten rid of Monique without any blood on her hands.  Monique will be gone, and the basement footage can never be held over Ashley's head.  Publicly Ashley will appear to be the only person supporting Monique, while she is stealth isolating her the entire time.  

Even Ashley's "defense" of Monique is so over the top that it seems more designed to inflame the other women and make them dig in their heels more than any true attempt to persuade them to give Monique another chance.  

3 hours ago, NYCFree said:

Did “people like you call me Dr. Wendy” really say “why are black and brown boys being incarcerated instead of meditation?”


I mean, I fully agree that kids/young adults should be diverted from prison as much as possible, and there is massive racial injustice in the criminal courts. But if you brag about your degrees constantly, I will call you out when you say meditation instead of mediation.

Edited to add: Drivethroo informed me there is in fact a meditation program. I was wrong.

LOL, I thought the exact same thing for like two minutes, then I was like "oh, meditation DOES kinda make sense too!"

2 hours ago, Marley said:

Jamal and Gizelle are so weird together. The way he talks is so fake he just spouts bs. They have no chemistry it’s just odd. I guess she wants a guy with money but does he have money?

I used to like Monique too but she’s annoying me now. Last year she was going off about the fight on ig and all of a sudden now she’s all remorseful. I don’t buy it. She needs to give it up with the podcast too that event seemed embarrassing. Ashley saying Karen is the one who made it so Monique got charge! No sorry that’s Monique lol. The one who attacked someone. If Monique would’ve just been straight up and said she raged or whatever it would’ve been better all these excuses are getting old. She still doesn’t feel bad imo.

Seems like Ashley almost admitted Monique and Chris had some sort of footage of the butt grab lol.

Overall tho boring episode.

I just cannot with Monique.  She claims she has "changed" but has 50 million reasons why she hasn't apologized yet to Candace.  How is that growth?  How have you shown remorse?  

And more importantly how are you going to DEMONSTRATE remorse by just saying it at a podcast?  Frankly, Monique never even said it at the podcast.  Why would you think you would show changed behavior by simply talking? 

A good way to demonstrate remorse and a change would have been if Monique had just apologized to Candace because she was wrong, EVEN IF her attorney told her that it would put her at a disadvantage.  That would be showing that Monique truly feels some degree of remorse and feels so bad that she is willing to disadvantage her own case to do the right thing and apologize for behavior that she now, allegedly feels remorse for.  

EVEN NOW, when like 10 people pay for tickets to her event, the only thing they wnat to talk about is Candace and Monique won't even respond.  She could have made even a lukewarm statement to the crowd saying something about how "violence is never an acceptable response" or some such nonsense, but not even that?  Like how was any of that live podcast supposed to show personal growth, a lesson learned or a changed attitude?

Seems more like Monique just wanted the girls to brush it all under the rug and show up for her event.  

  • Love 14

It’s a shame how some of them turned on Monique. She had Candiace shrieking at her, BEGGING Monique  to drag her and now Candiace is crying victim and the others are going along with it.  Candiace tried to incite Ashley last year in a similar manner and even grabbed a knife and Chris had to hold her back. I don’t buy her poor stressed out act. She’s just embarrassed.

Edited by Chatty Cake
  • Love 21
6 hours ago, Marley said:

I guess she wants a guy with money but does he have money?

I am very sus of Jamal’s financial situation, but the man does for some reason have a ton of power.  Giz being back with him secures her queen bee status.  I also think in her mind getting him back with her makes her the “winner” above all the other baby mamas.  It’s a fucked up way to go about things, but that’s our Giz.  

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Monique inviting Wendy & Robyn to her podcast showed how much of a lack of self awareness she has.  They told her straight up 2 weeks earlier they disapproved of her actions because she had no remorse and they didn't want to be around her.  She invited Wendy & Robyn to put on a show and they weren't interested in being a part of the audience.  Read the room.  Nothing the pastor said sunk into her head: Why is Monique constantly trying to put on a show for people who don't want to see it?

Of the 3 Sorority Girls, Robyn will be the first to crack first and film with Monique.

Yes, I noticed that as well. She's still trying to impress women who don't care for her. I get that she has to have someone to film with, but girl, no. 

Ashley's hair always looks best to me when it's in its natural, curly state. Whenever it's straightened, it looks limp. Her hair looked really thin at the podcast event. 

I want to like Wendy, but she makes it hard. Her interjections weren't necessary during Karen/Candiace's conversation. Mind your business, sis. 

You know, rings are personal, we all have our tastes, but I thought the blinged-out ring the jeweler showed Juan was tacky AF. I'm not crazy about large stones that look like it'll swallow your finger or get stuck in your hair, so it was a no for me. Besides, if Gizelle is a fan, you know it's time to question the taste level. 

Robyn's wig, lawd have mercy. The color was all wrong. I didn't hate the length, but the color was way too dark for her skin tone. 

I'm still tired of hearing about this fight. So, I'll say something else. Candiace's skin looks great. I know she's wearing makeup, but she must be working with a clean slate underneath all the Fenty, because I stay admiring her skin in her talking heads. So, props to her skincare regimen/makeup artist. 

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1 hour ago, geauxaway said:

I am very sus of Jamal’s financial situation, but the man does for some reason have a ton of power.  Giz being back with him secures her queen bee status.  I also think in her mind getting him back with her makes her the “winner” above all the other baby mamas.  It’s a fucked up way to go about things, but that’s our Giz.  

imo it secures her status as PITIFUL FOOL - Giz is delusional.

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9 hours ago, Marley said:

She needs to give it up with the podcast too that event seemed embarrassing.

The problem with the podcast (besides the offensive branding) is Monique wants instant results without putting in the work.  It's actually a personality pattern of hers.

Most people who listen to podcasts, they aren't trying to pay.  You start trying to charge, they will just move on to the next (free) podcast.  So many podcasters have premium episodes of their podcasts which you have to pay for.  Only the most loyal diehard listeners of your podcast are going to pay for the premium content.   If you have 500 subscribers to your podcast, but only 25 premium (paying) subscribers, the 25 premium subscribers are going to be the ones most likely to pay to see your live show.  And that's only if they live in the area of your show...a listener in Texas is not going to pay for transportation, room and board to come to Maryland to see Monique in a live show unless they have other things to do in the area.

Monique thinks because she's "Monique from 'Real Housewives of Potomac'" the tickets to her podcast would sell out and she found out quickly only 20 people have her back like that.   She thinks because she's "Monique" everyone is supposed to be impressed and they're not.  This is what the pastor was trying to tell her.


1 hour ago, Sheenieb said:

You know, rings are personal, we all have our tastes, but I thought the blinged-out ring the jeweler showed Juan was tacky AF.

I think that's the ring Robyn ended up getting.

I thought Wendy misspoke about meditation vs. mediation too but found out there actually is a "meditation" program in Baltimore schools.

4 hours ago, Chatty Cake said:

It’s a shame how some of them turned on Monique. She had Candiace shrieking at her, BEGGING Monique  to drag her and now Candiace is crying victim and the others are going along with it.  Candiace tried to incite Ashley last year in a similar manner and even grabbed a knife and Chris had to hold her back. I don’t buy her poor stressed out act. She’s just embarrassed.

So you admit Monique is a dog who responds to commands and stimuli?  Monique has no free will and trained to attack with trigger words? Because that's the only way Monique's attack on Candiace for saying "you gon' drag me?" makes sense.  Again, the only reason to physically fight somebody for saying "you gone drag me?" is because you don't want to look like a punk in front of everyone else.

As far as Ashley is concerned, Candiace was in HER house and had told Ashley to leave her house twice before shaking the butter knife at her.  In some states, Candiace could've shot Ashley dead and gotten off scot free because after she told Ashley to leave and Ashley kept coming back in, Ashley became a trespasser/intruder on Candiace's property.  Doesn't matter if Dorothy actually owns the property, Candiace had a legal right to be on the premises and Ashley didn't.

But I'm glad the Ashley/Butter Knife incident has been brought up, because by the "Monique was provoked" logic, Candiace would've been right to stab Ashley with the butter knife because Ashley was in Candiace's face and Ashley was provoking Candiace, right?

  • Love 15
12 hours ago, tabloidlover said:

I really need someone to explain how Sutter Home wine is at the table for Wine with Wendy.  I don’t pretend to make nearly what these women do, but I’ve got standards for crying out loud. And $4 Sutter Home ain’t it.

She could have gone to Trader Joe's and picked up some very tasty inexpensive wine. I get the feeling that her contract was not renewed at Hopkins, which is why she keeps saying she keeps saying she doesn't want to teach anymore. Also does anyone here think MSNBC will come calling? They have several black women commentators who have a lot more gravitas than Dr. Wendy. I watch MSNBC a lot because I work on the Hill and have to and have never seen her on any show.

Jamal and Gizelle are so fake. It's sad that she's so desperate for a storyline that she would degrade herself with this dog like that. I didn't sense one iota of affection between them. Pretty convinced they're perpetrating a fraud.

Karen's "medical problem" excuse for Monique was pretty pathetic, but she did tell Monique she fucked up and those women need to get off of her back. I definitely think Monique was abso-fucking-lutely wrong as hell, but I still can't stand Candace and those shoes she had on were weird. In fact, all of those women need a major wardrobe overhaul because while among the most naturally attractive of the housewives franchise, their taste in clothes is the pits, with the exception of Monique most of the time.


  • Love 13
13 hours ago, LibertarianSlut said:

Juan is willing to spend $10,000 on an engagement ring for a woman who he’s already been married to?  And he and Robyn wonder why they have money problems.  Hmm.

Gizelle with Jamal is desperate and boring at the same time.  I never thought Gizelle could be boring, but here we are.  Why does Jamal speak like he’s reading lines from a Tyler Perry movie?  This is really the best she can do?


Jamal as a Tyler Perry villain! So perfect. If this were a movie, Gizelle would catch him cheating again, maybe on their second honeymoon, and find her strength to leave him on some island and return to fixing up her fixer-upper. She would admit to her daughters that being alone and having self-respect is better than chasing an ex-husband who's already proved numerous times that he's a "cheater, cheater, pumpkin eater".

Juan and Robyn seem like the kind of people who are not good with finances and will always have money troubles. They need to get a trustworthy financial advisor, take her/his advice, and stick to a plan. 

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51 minutes ago, nexxie said:

Thought bubble: “This crazy ass woman is going to bankrupt me.”

Same should be said for Juan.  He’s not only marrying Robin but also her tax debt.  She needs to get that shit straightened out once and for all!  She making money off these hats, girl better be keeping good books and paying ahead quarterly if need be!  Good grief.

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That podcast was just weird.

The business model of a podcast might be a paid subscription like Sirius Radio but frankly there is so much competition that it's hard to imagine who would pay to hear a podcast.

What Monique was attempting was to make money by staging her own "event" which is why she needed housewives to show up since the people paying would be paying to meet and hear the housewives. 

I think most of these women make money by being paid to be at an event or even just to show up at a particular place - I don't know if there is a business model in which housewives make money by staging their own event. I wonder what the economics of Wine With Wendy were as she didn't seem to mention who picked up the tab for the venue and food/drink.

But Monique is delusional in terms of a podcast or her website being a major source of income. How much money can there be In branded hats and t-shirts. Why would anyone want to pay a premium for her merchandise. I am not sure what the charge is for Robyn's hats but I guess there is more of a niche market for cute baseball hats. Years ago I had a Pucci style baseball hat and I would wear it for shade (literally) when I was taking a water aerobics class and couldn't wear sunglasses.

Edited by amarante
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18 minutes ago, politichick said:

She could have gone to Trader Joe's and picked up some very tasty inexpensive wine. I get the feeling that her contract was not renewed at Hopkins, which is why she keeps saying she keeps saying she doesn't want to teach anymore. Also does anyone here think MSNBC will come calling? They have several black women commentators who have a lot more gravitas than Dr. Wendy. I watch MSNBC a lot because I work on the Hill and have to and have never seen her on any show.

Jamal and Gizelle are so fake. It's sad that she's so desperate for a storyline that she would degrade herself with this dog like that. I didn't sense one iota of affection between them. Pretty convinced they're perpetrating a fraud.

Karen's "medical problem" excuse for Monique was pretty pathetic, but she did tell Monique she fucked up and those women need to get off of her back. I definitely think Monique was abso-fucking-lutely wrong as hell, but I still can't stand Candace and those shoes she had on were weird. In fact, all of those women need a major wardrobe overhaul because while among the most naturally attractive of the housewives franchise, their taste in clothes is the pits, with the exception of Monique most of the time.


I totally agree that Gizelle and Jamal seem so fake and a desperate ploy for a story line. And the worst and most unforgivable part is that they are involving their innocent daughters. I don't like any of Gizelle's scenes with Jamal and FF through all of them.

Wendy's talk does seem to be doing some pre-damage control. If she doesn't have Hopkins and doesn't have a political commentator gig, then she won't have a lot to build herself up as a women's empowerment speaker, nor as a character on this show. 

I'm ready for Monique, Gizelle, and Wendy to be replaced. Some say Gizelle brings the fun snark but I seem to have missed it this season.

Edited by RedHawk
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25 minutes ago, amarante said:

The business model of a podcast might be a paid subscription like Sirius Radio but frankly there is so much competition that it's hard to imagine who would pay to hear a podcast.

What Monique was attempting was to make money by staging her own "event" which is why she needed housewives to show up since the people paying would be paying to meet and hear the housewives. 

I think most of these women make money by being paid to be at an event or even just to show up at a particular place - I don't know if there is a business model in which housewives make money by staging their own event. I wonder what the economics of Wine With Wendy were as she didn't seem to mention who picked up the tab for the venue and food/drink.

But Monique is delusional in terms of a podcast or her website being a major source of income. How much money can there be In beaded hats and t-shirts. Why would anyone want to pay a premium for her merchandise. I am not sure what the charge is for Robyn's hats but I guess there is more of a niche market for cute baseball hats. Years ago I had a Pucci style baseball hat and I would wear it for shade (literally) when I was taking a water aerobics class and couldn't wear sunglasses.

There are people who will pay for a podcast but they are diehard fans and supporters of the podcast and you really only get that by grindind and building support.  It takes a while to cultivate and build up a very loyal listener base that will pay for the podcast. Monique thinks because she is "Monique" she will instantly be on the level of "The Read" and the podcasters behind "The Read" were grinding on YouTube for years before jumping into podcasts, live show and now a TV show.

People think Twitter followers and social media fans = ticket sales and it doesn't.  Monique has all sorts of "fans" high fiving her for beating up Candiace but only 20 of them loved her enough to buy a ticket.  How dreadful.  She needs to read up on the Baltimore Comic Con disaster of 2018 to find out how social media fans does not equal paying customers.  And she should've been plugging her podcast on her little media tours but it was more important to feel good about beating up Candiace instead of handling her business.  Which is why she has no business.

Wine With Wendy seemed to be in conjunction with some other group (voting group?) so the group probably picked up the tab.

I think Robyn's hats are lined with satin, and if you have African textured hair the satin won't frizz up or dry out your hair while wearing the hat.

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13 hours ago, drivethroo said:

Then raggedy Ashley ran to tell Monique that Karen told Candiace to press charges.  Karen said if it happened to HER, she would've pressed charges.  She didn't say "Candiace, you need to go press charges."

Messy a$$ Ashley! I cannot dislike her anymore than I already do. Ugh! This is not her fight, but she’s right up in the middle of it. 

  • Love 4

NOT defending Monique's violent behavior in any way! 

Candiace (makes me think of Candi ass) bugs me in every way possible.   She thinks she is so cutesy cutesy.  Definitely not Miss Congeniality.  She has a mean mouth on her.  Even her husband has to tell her to shut up.   I still remember the rage on her face while wielding the knife at her table towards on of the other ladies.  She has no problem with nasty comments towards the other girls.  It's as if she is jealous of everything they have.  Her blatant disrespect towards her husband by always spending more than the budget allows is horrible.  The comment she made to Ashley about being bought off by Monique and then saying she won't be married much longer (don't remember the exact words) was just another way of showing her pettiness.  She is one to talk.  If she ever took that mouth off her momma's teet and actually grew up maybe she would be likeable.  But, she knows, if her hubby doesn't come up with the $ it takes to support her lifestyle that she can go whining to mommy and will get it.  I wonder how long her husband will put up with it.  (but maybe's he's hanging off the other one.)  I just find her and her mom snobbish and nouveau riche  boors)  She will never be satisfied.

  • Love 17
2 hours ago, drivethroo said:


So you admit Monique is a dog who responds to commands and stimuli?  Monique has no free will and trained to attack with trigger words? Because that's the only way Monique's attack on Candiace for saying "you gon' drag me?" makes sense.  Again, the only reason to physically fight somebody for saying "you gone drag me?" is because you don't want to look like a punk in front of everyone else.


LOL next time I get in an argument with someone I'm gonna see what crazy shit I can get them to do by command. 

"You gonna do the running man, do it, do the running man!"  "You gotta do the kid n' play for me?  Do it!  Do the kid n' play!"  "You gonna do the chicken walk and cluck!  Do it!  Cluck like a chicken bitch, I dare you to cluck like a chicken!"  "You gonna hug me!  Hug me!  Do it! I dare you!"  "You gonna wash my car!   Wash my car!  Right now!  I dare you bitch!  Wash it, and make sure to use the ArmorAll on the wheels!"

1 hour ago, politichick said:

  Candace and those shoes she had on were weird. 


Those shoes were so wrong!  Maybe she is getting paid to promote a shoe brand, but those shoes were a hard no.  What the hell would you even wear them with?  The feathers went all the way up to her calves!  Maybe if you're like 20 and going to the club and wearing something super duper short?  Candace is a beautiful girl (IMO) but those shoes were so wrong.  Like wrong in a distracting way.  She must be raiding Gizelle's closet. 

1 hour ago, drivethroo said:

There are people who will pay for a podcast but they are diehard fans and supporters of the podcast and you really only get that by grindind and building support.  It takes a while to cultivate and build up a very loyal listener base that will pay for the podcast. Monique thinks because she is "Monique" she will instantly be on the level of "The Read" and the podcasters behind "The Read" were grinding on YouTube for years before jumping into podcasts, live show and now a TV show.

People think Twitter followers and social media fans = ticket sales and it doesn't.  Monique has all sorts of "fans" high fiving her for beating up Candiace but only 20 of them loved her enough to buy a ticket.  How dreadful.  She needs to read up on the Baltimore Comic Con disaster of 2018 to find out how social media fans does not equal paying customers.  And she should've been plugging her podcast on her little media tours but it was more important to feel good about beating up Candiace instead of handling her business.  Which is why she has no business.

Wine With Wendy seemed to be in conjunction with some other group (voting group?) so the group probably picked up the tab.

I think Robyn's hats are lined with satin, and if you have African textured hair the satin won't frizz up or dry out your hair while wearing the hat.

Yes, thats the thing, the people who make money off podcasts and social media have to either have a lot of advertising money and sponsorships - and/or they have to have paid subscribers.  Much of the time, its both.  

Most successful podcasters I've heard of not only have a podcast, but they release bonus or additional content for paid subscribers, they have an active facebook members only group and they send members extra goodies.  And those subscriptions are like $5 a month.  

Do any large name advertisers really want to sponsor/support someone who physically attacked someone?  Is that a good look for their brand?  Probably not.  Especially when the show in question is targeted to a demographic of younger and middle aged moms who don't teach their children those values and don't subscribe to them.  

So, if you don't get a lot of advertising and sponsorship revenue....now you need a lot of paid subscriptions or its just you doing a free show.  But like you said, there are a million free podcasts out there on every topic under the sun.  People go in for the additional benefits, like bonus content, facebook group and chat and swag.  

As an aside, I'm a true crime podcast junkie.  One of the shows I just started listening to is "True Crime All The Time."  Its a very popular show and I think the guys who do it have a few iterations of the show, they have all the bells and whistles to attract memberships and they have advertisers.  One of the podcasters STILL retains a day job.  So even successful podcasters aren't always raking it in hand over fist.  

I also think there were more than 20 people in that room.  I suspect Monique ended up paying people to be there or just invited the "press" in to sit down for a free meal in addition to their daily rate to take pictures and pretend like anyone important cared.  

ETA:  If Robyn's caps are silk lined, that kinda changes the game and I'd totally buy one.  


Edited by RealReality
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15 minutes ago, Jeopardy15 said:

Messy a$$ Ashley! I cannot dislike her anymore than I already do. Ugh! This is not her fight, but she’s right up in the middle of it. 

Its smart.  Completely isolate Monique from everyone else and then inflame the rest of the cast to do the dirty work to get Monique fired.  The more I look at it, the more I think Ashley is setting Monique up.  

Once Monique is gone, so is the threat of that basement video.  

I bet you that Michael was doing way more in that basement than grabbing butts.  

  • Love 3
15 hours ago, TexasGal said:

Jamal just skeeves me out.  I can’t believe Gizelle is serious about getting back together with him.

This is a fake storyline. They agreed to play this game to keep the Bravo dollars coming.

13 hours ago, swankie said:

It's funny how some people can sport any wig and rock it while others (Robyn) just look like they're dressing for Halloween.  For instance, Porsha Williams can wear short, long, curly or straight and still look like a million bucks.  I have yet to see Robyn look good in any hairstyle other than her own short hair.  Other styles just don't look good on her.  Or maybe she just needs to get with someone like Porsha and have them help her out.  Like Gizelle said, that wig Robyn had on at Wendy's event needs to go into the trash!!!

I couldn't agree more! 

I have a big head and I think Robyn might too. I've tried on wigs , really expensive human hair ones and I look like a bobble head.

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16 hours ago, Bronzedog said:

I don't think I'm ever going to like Wendy nor do I watch this show to attend a political seminar.

I liked the politics because they were speaking the truth and politics will happen whether you want it to or not, especially if you are a black woman.

I didn't like Robyn's wig because Robyn doesn't look good with a lot of hair.  Come to think of it, most of them look like ass sporting those Rapunzel wigs.  Let's see some more natural looks, please.


The person Gizelle really wanted to be with was Sherman but Monique decided to tell Sherman's business on national TV and bring Sherman's ex-wife around the group to get back at Gizelle and Sherman dumped Gizelle soon after that.

Monique is trash for doing that.  Leave other people's relationships alone.  When people mess with others relationships there is usually something the matter with their own.  

Monique a "round the way girl?"  I thought a round the way girl was that, a GIRL.  

If Robyn's hats are satin lined, she will sell many hats.  All types of curly girls need hats like that, especially if you have 4C hair.  

Edited by Neurochick
  • Love 5
2 hours ago, politichick said:

Karen's "medical problem" excuse for Monique was pretty pathetic, but she did tell Monique she fucked up and those women need to get off of her back. I definitely think Monique was abso-fucking-lutely wrong as hell, but I still can't stand Candace and those shoes she had on were weird. In fact, all of those women need a major wardrobe overhaul because while among the most naturally attractive of the housewives franchise, their taste in clothes is the pits, with the exception of Monique most of the time.


I liked what Karen was saying (up until the "medical problem") She's been very clear about where she stands and she won't be forced into changing her mind. I also love how she told Candiace exactly what was up. The others just want her to hate Monique.

I'm all for empowering women, but all RH across the board need to stop saying that. Wendy is all about empowering and supporting, but she came for Ashley a few episodes ago with her "people like you" and now is trying to bully Karen into agreeing with the group. Pretty much all HW iterations have moments where they talk about "we need to lift each other up as women, not bring each other down" yet all they do is talk shit about each other and argue and start rumors. That's what a HW show is. It would be nice if they could just embrace it and stop with the faux female empowerment crap.

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I want one of those "Black Girls Vote" buttons.

I wish someone would say to Karen, "Karen, Dorinda on RHONYC said some awful things to everyone, especially Tinsley.  Her mouth was just as nasty as Candiace's.  Yet, none of the NYC housewives ever resorted to physical violence.  What do you think of that, Karen?"  

And Wendy was right about  Monique's "blacking out."  If Monique blacked out, why did she run around back outside to try to "finish Candiace off" and had to be held back?  And Karen wants to defend that behavior.  

Edited by Neurochick
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