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If you want to make inferences to the state of the Bice-Thompson marriage by what Lizzy was wearing and her hairdo then it doesn't look good for The Bickersons....

Her gals are corralled in a confined place instead of flapping in the breeze, no titty waggling to and fro as she squirms in her chair...

Her hair is a more somber brunette..not the Flaming red of the show...

Her hair is in a tight bun...not her Freshly F*cked look...loose and a little messy like she just finished having sex.....

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Re: the preview- Iris looked way better in her natural hair. That pin straight extension looks like a costume on her and accentuates her facial features in a negative way. I thought she was stunning until I saw this 😧 Please go back. 

I liked Keith's braids. 

Agree to above posted comment: "Iris still doesn't get it." 

 Keith was articulate and so restrained. If it were me I'd have been reduced to full on commentary about how she reacted to sexual things like an 11 year old girl seeing a "pee wee" by accident. I mean, really. I've dealt with some thick individuals before but she takes the cake. I wish her the best. Nothing wrong with virgins but REALLY.

I remember some buzzfeed article a month ago revealing "shocking" things about women in the 60s. And one was, while expected to be "pure" and a virgin til marriage, women were not supposed to be prude. There was a Cosmo quiz back then to see if your daughter was "marriage material" to ensure she could "keep her husband happy." I guess now that sums it up. A lady in the streets but not between the sheets sorta thing. I think  Iris would've failed that cosmo quiz with flying colors. Too prude to be married at this time. 

  • Love 8
58 minutes ago, After7Only said:

Watched the 1st look with Iris and Keith, and while I've been team Keith all season, I felt a little more compassion for Iris after watching.  Keith basically said he didn't want to be with a virgin and didn't want to teach a woman how to have a sexual relationship.   Which is his prerogative, but it pretty much set the marriage up to fail from the start.   

He was kind of forced into that corner and was having trouble (understandably) expressing himself because she was putting so much angry pressure on him ON CAMERA.  But if you listen to him in other spots he was trying to explain to her that it was about much more than that, and much more than just the fact of her being a virgin, but of course every time he tried to discuss that she cut him off and shut him down.  What he was trying to say is that he didn't want to teach her how to have a sexual relationship because she was not emotionally ready to have one (aka emotionally mature enough).  I don't think it's a big stretch to say that her emotional maturity is so far behind Keith's that he'd be entering a very big minefield if he ever tried to assume that role.  Iris is just the kind of wacko that would make his life a living hell with all her hang ups no matter how much he tried to make her feel comfortable with it.   He'd be scared to death he might offend her in some way and have her accuse him of raping her or something like that!  I could see her having sex with him and then heaven forbid they should have a fight she would hold it against him that she gave up her virginity for him.  I think there's something clearly off about her that is now becoming more apparent in this preview and Keith was following his VERY good intuition in knowing it was best for him to stay away.

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Question, did Iris say she was brought up in purity culture? Or are people just speculating?

I just watched the preview and I saw it differently, so I want to add some more notes. A) I don’t think Iris seemed angry, more like frustrated. 

B)What I noticed is that Kevin Frazier appears to be on Iris’ side. I don’t know if that’s just the producers getting Kevin to guide the narrative, but when Iris told Keith she feels blindsided because he’s not forthcoming, Kevin backed her up on that. For instance, Iris said on decision day, Keith listed like 8 things that he felt made Iris “an incredible woman.” He then said, “but I don’t want you because you’re emotionally immature.” Keith said, “I didn’t say that” and Kevin said that Keith should acknowledge that that’s what it felt like she heard. Kevin said even the experts were blindsided, so it was understandable that Iris would be too. 

C)Kevin also asked Keith if he missed Iris and Keith emphatically said yes. That’s when Keith mentioned that they go out to eat together and still talk.

D)Iris said she has a lot of regrets and she wouldn’t have said some of the things during the experiment if she knew that Keith was taking them so hard. She cited the condom box thing as an example.

E)She reiterated that she had been hoping to sleep with Keith either during the 8 weeks or after the 8 weeks and she hadn’t planned on keeping her virginity.

F)She asked Keith to clarify what intimacy  means to him. He said things like lying together, having intimate conversations and physical touching. She listed examples of each time that they did those things and asked him, “Didn’t I do those things.” He answered, “Well you tried.”

G)Iris said she would only get back together with Keith if they could go to couples counseling. Kevin asked Keith if he would get back with Iris and that’s where the preview cuts out.

I think the relationship is dead as a doorknob, but Keith won’t just come right out and say it.  Also, he should stop dating her. It’s cruel.

Also also, shallow note, it looks like Keith has been eating his feelings. All those ladies hoping to slide into his DMs better do it before turkey and stuffing season or else there will be twice as much of him to love.

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6 hours ago, humbleopinion said:

As soon as the Cher haired "gf" opened her yap, jutted out her chin and started the non stop stream of bitterness...it was unmistakably Iris in full defense mode....

 Keith and Kevin could not get a word in edgewise....

 When asked pointed questions, Keith worked the  um...um..um very hard and got a sheen from the flop sweat on his forehead...

 Keith didn't want to be the person to shape her sexuality...to dictate to her desires and needs...

Iris is ...wut?

She couldn't wrap her head around that her reflective reactions to doggy style, to kiss his toe, to the other stupid sex games helped him determine that  it was going to be too much heavy lifting mentally and emotionally to get her to a place that he could feel  she owned her sexual intimacy...

 Iris would just not hear it....

Iris was talking so much and so fast, I didn’t know what the hell she was trying to say.  I don’t think she did either.  She just likes to blab continuously.  A complete turn off for men or women.

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On 9/12/2019 at 7:40 PM, humbleopinion said:

We're going to need a bigger Dumpster.....5 couples...ack!

Unfiltered +2 hour shows...how are we going to be able to stay awake?

If you tape the later episode (that comes on around midnight) it's shorter than the original. For starters you get a 30 second intro rather than a 4 minute one! 😄

  • Useful 2
1 hour ago, lids said:

Also also, shallow note, it looks like Keith has been eating his feelings. All those ladies hoping to slide into his DMs better do it before turkey and stuffing season or else there will be twice as much of him to love.

Was it because he wore a black loose tunic top over black slacks for the Reunion that you think he has lost his girlish figure....perhaps too many Olive Garden bread sticks at those dinner dates with Iris

9 hours ago, Yeah No said:

He is always the one being forced to justify himself as if he did something wrong while she never ever puts the focus on herself and wonders what she could do better.  Why didn't we see any scenes of the "experts" talking with Iris about what SHE could have done to make KEITH feel more comfortable about easing her into sex slowly?  Probably because she doesn't think she should have to do anything to make HIM feel comfortable, after all he's not even a real human being to her but just a fantasy object that always gets what he wants and shouldn't need to feel comfortable.  

But Iris was told by the experts what she had to do to ease Keith into having sex with her. That’s why Iris organized the sexy dance class. She bought those edible body oils. The new expert also told her to take a shower with Keith. If she did that, we don’t know.

I never saw them give Keith individual exercises. The onus was always on Iris. And Keith never really seemed that into the stuff anyway. Even during the dance class, the instructor made a comment that Keith needed to participate too because Iris was doing all the dancing.

4 minutes ago, humbleopinion said:

Was it because he wore a black loose tunic top over black slacks for the Reunion that you think he has lost his girlish figure....perhaps too many Olive Garden bread sticks at those dinner dates with Iris

It seemed like his face was bloated. But maybe I’m the only one who thinks he looked different. His tan was gorgeous though. Iris’ too. 

Iris and Keith are both exceptionally attractive people, but I liked both of their hair better during the season than on the reunion. Keith's braids aren't terrible but they put him ever-so-slightly into Xzibit territory for me, and Iris's extensions were wearing her just like Jamie's on Unfiltered.

That interview was hard to watch because I think they are both decent people who were hurt and disappointed by how their "marriage experiment" turned out. Keith made some mistakes, Iris made several, and they both failed to communicated effectively. Iris is her own worst enemy when she gets worked up and starts the stream of consciousness, and Keith just looked unhappy and shut down. I believe he really does care about her and wish that she could've been the right match for him mentally and emotionally, but that conversation confirmed that she's not. She thinks they could be a match but her trying to put conditions on a possible reconciliation was the wrong tack to take at that moment. Iris is a gorgeous and charming woman who also happens to be kind of an idiot when it comes to reading a room. 

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8 hours ago, Kdawg82 said:

Re: the preview- Iris looked way better in her natural hair. That pin straight extension looks like a costume on her and accentuates her facial features in a negative way. I thought she was stunning until I saw this 😧 Please go back. 

I liked Keith's braids. 

Agree to above posted comment: "Iris still doesn't get it." 

 Keith was articulate and so restrained. If it were me I'd have been reduced to full on commentary about how she reacted to sexual things like an 11 year old girl seeing a "pee wee" by accident. I mean, really. I've dealt with some thick individuals before but she takes the cake. I wish her the best. Nothing wrong with virgins but REALLY.

I remember some buzzfeed article a month ago revealing "shocking" things about women in the 60s. And one was, while expected to be "pure" and a virgin til marriage, women were not supposed to be prude. There was a Cosmo quiz back then to see if your daughter was "marriage material" to ensure she could "keep her husband happy." I guess now that sums it up. A lady in the streets but not between the sheets sorta thing. I think  Iris would've failed that cosmo quiz with flying colors. Too prude to be married at this time. 

It’s always been this double standard of being a proper lady in public and somehow swinging from a chandelier in the bedroom. It’s guys wanting to have their cake and eat it too.

I had a friend who was a virgin for a long time, not for any moral reasons but because health issues caused her to have a low sex drive she was always attracting religious types who praised her “self control”. She was always honest and said it’s not hard to stay away from ice cream if the sight of it makes you gag. She also was honest about probably not being all that satisfying in bed.

Talking about the sixties makes me think of Don Draper sleeping with anything in a skirt and then calling his wife a slut for wearing a slightly revealing bathing suit.

Edited by qtpye
  • Love 4
7 hours ago, Yeah No said:

He was kind of forced into that corner and was having trouble (understandably) expressing himself because she was putting so much angry pressure on him ON CAMERA.  But if you listen to him in other spots he was trying to explain to her that it was about much more than that, and much more than just the fact of her being a virgin, but of course every time he tried to discuss that she cut him off and shut him down.  What he was trying to say is that he didn't want to teach her how to have a sexual relationship because she was not emotionally ready to have one (aka emotionally mature enough).  I don't think it's a big stretch to say that her emotional maturity is so far behind Keith's that he'd be entering a very big minefield if he ever tried to assume that role.  Iris is just the kind of wacko that would make his life a living hell with all her hang ups no matter how much he tried to make her feel comfortable with it.   He'd be scared to death he might offend her in some way and have her accuse him of raping her or something like that!  I could see her having sex with him and then heaven forbid they should have a fight she would hold it against him that she gave up her virginity for him.  I think there's something clearly off about her that is now becoming more apparent in this preview and Keith was following his VERY good intuition in knowing it was best for him to stay away.

After watching the previews I'm wondering if Keith really did blindside Iris or if she just didn't want to hear what he was telling her. 

When he was explaining why he decided to get a divorce Iris kept on telling him he was wrong in various ways. He said it was about her maturity and she kept on bringing it back to her virginity. He tried to tell her they weren't building intimacy and she said they'd done several things to build intimacy. 

I think he wasn't that into her... and she thought its possible to develop a relationship/marriage in a "paint by numbers" kind of way.

Either way, this couple was not a good match. Iris is too rigid and Keith did not sign up to marry a virgin and all that entails. The show did them both a disservice. 

  • Love 21
1 hour ago, watchingtvaddict said:

After watching the previews I'm wondering if Keith really did blindside Iris or if she just didn't want to hear what he was telling her. 

When he was explaining why he decided to get a divorce Iris kept on telling him he was wrong in various ways. He said it was about her maturity and she kept on bringing it back to her virginity. He tried to tell her they weren't building intimacy and she said they'd done several things to build intimacy. 

I think he wasn't that into her... and she thought its possible to develop a relationship/marriage in a "paint by numbers" kind of way.

Either way, this couple was not a good match. Iris is too rigid and Keith did not sign up to marry a virgin and all that entails. The show did them both a disservice. 

I suspected Keith was just not that into her from the the start. The virginity was a crutch for both of them in some ways. Keith was in an impossible position but one of the reasons he did not want to be her first probably was he knew he was not attracted to her and that he was going to bounce fairly soon.

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The premise of this show is said to be marriage for people who have exhausted the other alternatives. When the producers/experts were looking for women for this show, they must have said, “How about a 27 year old virgin with a history of disastrous dates! And how about a haughty woman who hasn’t had a relationship in 10 years!”.   I think the show set them up to fail and only Greg‘s go with the flow nature saved the other marriage. No one else on this show has ever been assigned The Iris Factor so Keith may have been the one blindsided. Add to that the fact that they both work with children so the decision they made not to act like horn dogs was sensible, yet the show chose to push those boundaries as well with the sex games. 

I think Iris is lovely, more often than not, which he didn’t need to be hit over the head to see but certain unattractive parts of her personality became apparent from the beginning, from the condom inquisition to the bathroom sink rules, the sitting on the bed rules, the fridge rules, her getting annoyed when he told her the V issue was a concern and his questioning whether she wanted to be married to him or just married, for example.

Got the feeling that he couldn’t win for losing sometimes, and she shouldn’t have been publicly subjected to the counterproductive “touch boobs/favorite position” games.  The show didn’t make this easy for either of them, if success was presumably what they were shooting for, and his “teaching” assignment combined with her apparent issues made it worse. 

  • Love 15

Still not jumping on the Iris hate train.

But she's kind of an idiot for going on dates with a guy who dumped her on national TV. 

Keith never struck me, at any point, as a commitment-focused guy. He has 5 good years, at least, of hoeing around before settling down. 

Edited by moonxyz
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10 hours ago, lids said:

But Iris was told by the experts what she had to do to ease Keith into having sex with her. That’s why Iris organized the sexy dance class. She bought those edible body oils. The new expert also told her to take a shower with Keith. If she did that, we don’t know.

Did you watch that dance? nothing sexy about it, just awkward movements

  • Love 4
9 hours ago, JocelynCavanaugh said:

That interview was hard to watch because I think they are both decent people who were hurt and disappointed by how their "marriage experiment" turned out. Keith made some mistakes, Iris made several, and they both failed to communicated effectively. Iris is her own worst enemy when she gets worked up and starts the stream of consciousness, and Keith just looked unhappy and shut down. I believe he really does care about her and wish that she could've been the right match for him mentally and emotionally, but that conversation confirmed that she's not. She thinks they could be a match but her trying to put conditions on a possible reconciliation was the wrong tack to take at that moment. Iris is a gorgeous and charming woman who also happens to be kind of an idiot when it comes to reading a room. 

This exactly.  This conversation would definitely not encourage Keith to want to try again. It would only reinforce his desire to just stay friends at best.

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11 hours ago, lids said:

But Iris was told by the experts what she had to do to ease Keith into having sex with her. That’s why Iris organized the sexy dance class. She bought those edible body oils. The new expert also told her to take a shower with Keith. If she did that, we don’t know.

I never saw them give Keith individual exercises. The onus was always on Iris. And Keith never really seemed that into the stuff anyway. Even during the dance class, the instructor made a comment that Keith needed to participate too because Iris was doing all the dancing.

It seemed like his face was bloated. But maybe I’m the only one who thinks he looked different. His tan was gorgeous though. Iris’ too. 

I think by now, we all know these “ experts SUCK “.  They are not helpers, just props for the show.  Useless and waste of time.

  • Love 6

In the previews, I just got the impression that Iris wants to trip Keith up on semantics rather than focus on their core issue of incompatibility. I like Iris, but she’s high-strung. Keith would spend their entire relationship walking on eggshells so as not to offend. Iris should loosen up and try to have fun. She’s young and that window of carefree fun time is so limited in our lives. I honestly don’t think Keith would have been a terrible person to have sex with if it got to that point. 

And honestly, if Iris thought changing her look alone was going to lure Keith back, that will not do it. And attaching terms to if they can try again by telling Keith he needs to change won’t do it either.

Edited by trimthatfat
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1 hour ago, trimthatfat said:

I just got the impression that Iris wants to trip Keith up on semantics rather than focus on their core issue of incompatibility.

Excellent point.  Iris was more about “winning” than actually trying to understand Keith’s thoughts and feelings.  That never works in a friendship or marriage.

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The 'experts' saw a religious virgin who works with kids, & paired her with a guy who expressed some spirituality, who also works with kids, then walked away - done. The 'experts' suck, as usual.

Even if some other powers-that-be actually do the matches, which is likely, the 'experts' are still taking the fall along with any veneer of professionalism they might have had.

Perhaps asking before pairing someone with a virgin would work better, but then that would take common sense & not create as much tension & drama.

I think these two were paired just for that - awkward drama, which they achieved at the expense of the individuals involved.

Anyone who signs up for this needs to realize it is a show, & they will use them for show purposes.

Edited by gonecrackers
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humble opinion: "She explains that even after the experiment that they go to dinner, talk, hang out so it befuddles her that if they are continuing their relationship.... why couldn't they stay married?"

Because, Iris, your now-friend Keith wanted his freedom to pursue adult relationships with other women.

Edited by LennieBriscoe
  • Love 14
1 minute ago, humbleopinion said:

Because after dinner with you, Iris,  Keith is foot loose and fancy free to have sexy time, Fido style with a friend who grants him full benefits......

Have friends over. Mix a drink. No maximum set. Sit on the bed. Was your mitts in either sink. Share secrets. Play sexy games. The world is your oyster, Tony.  I mean Keith.  

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Drink Homestead lemonade out of the glass jug and put it back in the refridge without wiping the rim...

Eat all of the allotted of party food and dig into food bought for next week's lunches and dinners...

 Sit scandalously close to the  bed pillows with your outside clothes on....ignore the throw designated to cover the duvet with outside clothes on....

Keith and Matt out on the town will have so many drinks sent over from their newest fans....

Edited by humbleopinion
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2 hours ago, Koalagirl said:

On the preview there was a snippet of Deonna saying they’re expanding their family but it might just mean they’re getting a pal for Sandy. I had to rewind 3 times because it went by so quickly.

Well, he better be a good boy because you have to have sex, I think, if it’s a baby they want.

  • LOL 3
19 minutes ago, humbleopinion said:

Keith and Matt out on the town will have so many drinks sent over from their newest fans....

☹️ ...And drunken Matt will be sleeping at so many women's houses --without using protection-- hustling women as a big TV star and a pro basketball player, and making dozens of pathetic mini-Matts who won't even know their father's last name😬 Matt = 💩.  

😉 Keith, on the other hand, would be a great hubby and an amazing father, married to  someone besides Iris, and I wish him well in that quest!

  • Love 5

Given our seemingly unanimous disgust with the  "experts" every season, I propose we speculate on a new set of folks who might actually be able to match these people up while quickly weeding out the BS like Luke, Matt, and Restraining Order Ryan. 

I hereby nominate Keith and Iris' moms. And maybe Big Red Beth who has no problem asking hard questions and throwing coffee tables if necessary.

Your thoughts?

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3 hours ago, gonecrackers said:

I think these two were paired just for that - awkward drama, which they achieved at the expense of the individuals involved.

Exactly.  The producers just want drama because they think that is what is required to keep our attention. Guess that is true to some extent because people on here are complaining about Greg and Deonna being boring because they brought no drama.

53 minutes ago, DocTerv said:

Given our seemingly unanimous disgust with the  "experts" every season, I propose we speculate on a new set of folks who might actually be able to match these people up while quickly weeding out the BS like Luke, Matt, and Restraining Order Ryan. 

I hereby nominate Keith and Iris' moms. And maybe Big Red Beth who has no problem asking hard questions and throwing coffee tables if necessary.

Your thoughts?

I could go for the moms but Big Red Beth, no way.

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Just went to youtube and searched "married at first sight season 9 reunion".  The first 10 - 12 minutes were Iris/Keith.  She is really unhappy, and her anger got the best of her when pointing out things she had done that Keith had said were important.  One interesting thing she said was 'I wanted to have that experience [intercourse?] with my MAFS husband'.  Well apparently 8 weeks was not long enough to do what she had wanted to.

Additionally she had not read the posts about correct use of personal pronouns.  Maybe she makes her own grammar rules like sink use rules and drink limits.  She's good at making the rules, but not good at following them.

Edited by Liberty
  • Love 4

I feel as though I'm in the Twilight Zone or that I've been watching another show or something. Blindsided? The experts were blindsided by Keith and Iris not staying together? Iris was blindsided? Everyone was blindsided? What? Were people here blindsided? I sure as hell wasn't. You could see it coming a mile away.

Keith was a plant. He wasn't an unlucky in love, "can't find anyone so I'll apply for this show" type of guy. The show found him. Does anyone think the experts approached this target by saying, "You look sad and lonely, come on our show"? Or that he agreed to be on the show because he could not find a wife? There was something promised there. Anything else doesn't make sense.

They likely dangled the carrot of publicity and told him he'd have an easy time of it with no need to commit. Pairing him with a virgin, and a high strung, odd one at that, guaranteed that he would not get into a messy situation by getting intimate and walking later. In the overall scheme of things, he looks like a prince: he didn't attempt to take her virginity away and then bail on her. He came across as honorable in that regard and she didn't help matters with her inability to have an adult conversation. He had an easy 8 weeks on television and his looks made many female watchers swoon straight over to Google and check out his music. 

I didn't watch the final show. Once I heard that jellyfish Greg didn't toss Deonna to the curb, I lost interest. It makes me feel so bad for my friends, all around that age who are professionally employed, nice, stable women who are fun, friendly and just awesome people who struggle to find a decent guy and snippy, bitchy, condescending, my way only Deonna lands a guy like Greg. 

Edited by configdotsys
fixed an error
  • Love 8
3 hours ago, DocTerv said:

Given our seemingly unanimous disgust with the  "experts" every season, I propose we speculate on a new set of folks who might actually be able to match these people up while quickly weeding out the BS like Luke, Matt, and Restraining Order Ryan. 

I hereby nominate Keith and Iris' moms. And maybe Big Red Beth who has no problem asking hard questions and throwing coffee tables if necessary.

Your thoughts?

Thinking humble, config and ohwell could turn that program around in one day.  

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5 hours ago, humbleopinion said:

Drink Homestead lemonade out of the glass jug and put it back in the refridge without wiping the rim...

Eat all of the allotted of party food and dig into food bought for next week's lunches and dinners...

 Sit scandalously close to the  bed pillows with your outside clothes on....ignore the throw designated to cover the duvet with outside clothes on....

Keith and Matt out on the town will have so many drinks sent over from their newest fans....

I wouldn’t send Matt a drink but I might toss one at him...

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3 hours ago, configdotsys said:

I feel as though I'm in the Twilight Zone or that I've been watching another show or something. Blindsided? The experts were blindsided by Keith and Iris not staying together? Iris was blindsided? Everyone was blindsided? What? Were people here blindsided? I sure as hell wasn't. You could see it coming a mile away.

I think we all knew Keith wasn't into Iris (even the experts) but he is supposed to be a gentleman and dumping your spouse on television isn't nice. I'm sure production and the experts expected him to say "Yes" on decision day and quietly break up with Iris during the 2 month break or after a year or so... 

They're upset because he messed with their "success" stats. 

I've been thinking about Iris' reaction and I think she was blindsided because she doesn't know how to take "No, I'm not interested in you" as an answer. Especially as they look so great together. 

I don't know why Keith has to couch his rejection in compliments but after watching the preview I'm thinking Iris asks him if he agrees to certain things and he was maybe getting ahead of the game?

This couple was a mess, and I am glad Keith was smart enough to ask for divorce on Decision Day, but I'm sad Iris got hurt in the process. 

  • Love 7
9 hours ago, LennieBriscoe said:

humble opinion: "She explains that even after the experiment that they go to dinner, talk, hang out so it befuddles her that if they are continuing their relationship.... why couldn't they stay married?"

Because, Iris, your now-friend Keith wanted his freedom to pursue adult relationships with other women.

In Iris's defense (I know!), I don't think they should be hanging out. It's a mindfuck. It's clearly gotten her hopes up. I am firmly of the belief that the only way to get over a breakup is to cut off contact with the person (where possible - obviously if you have children with someone, you can't stop speaking to them) for some amount of time. Doesn't mean you can't be friends down the line, but I have never seen immediately downgrading a relationship to "just friends" or "just having no-strings-attached sex" work, especially if one person didn't want the breakup, as in this case. The breakup has to stick; you have to get clear on the fact that the person isn't "your person" anymore. IMO the best way to do that is to move forward without them. (Don't stalk them on social media, either. Block, delete, unfollow, at least for a while.) 

So I'm sure it's fucking with Iris that she and Keith hang out and they should stop doing that for a while so they can both move on.

  • Love 17
35 minutes ago, LennieBriscoe said:

Sure, Keith and Iris got a divorce,  but it wasn't really a break-up. 

There had been no romance. There had been no sex. 

In truth, Keith and Iris had never been more than friends. What they put asunder was simply the charade. 

I doubt Iris saw it that way; given the level of emotion she displayed, she definitely thinks of herself as dumped. None of her romantic relationships involved sex, so that's not a baseline for defining a romantic relationship for her. She makes a point in the preview to talk about the ways in which they were intimate ("you said lying down and just being with someone is intimate, didn't we do that?"). Actually, I think Iris seeing Keith romantically and Keith seeing Iris platonically is MORE of a reason for them to cut things off for a while so Iris can get over her romantic feelings. 

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