peachmangosteen September 14, 2020 Share September 14, 2020 Quote Power of Veto competition and ceremony Airs Tuesday, September 15. Link to comment
HartofDixie September 16, 2020 Share September 16, 2020 14 Link to comment
Coco88 September 16, 2020 Share September 16, 2020 Lots of bad acting all around. David, who purpose for lying was for I don’t know what reason. But that was nothing compared to the fake crying of Nicole. If there was any real tears in there, it was strictly because her target gets so much bigger if Ian goes home. 8 Link to comment
mojoween September 16, 2020 Share September 16, 2020 Get fucked, Nicole. Of all the bad actors, you are the worst. We see you. Daniele sucks but I like her veto ceremony jeans. Tyler’s picture makes it clear that he should always wear his hair up and back. 6 Link to comment
Popular Post Melina22 September 16, 2020 Popular Post Share September 16, 2020 Well, that was fun and not boring, which is literally all I care about. What's best for MY game is to be entertained and tonight I was. The highlight for me, apart from Day actually using the miniature veto, was Tyler taking a breath to help him focus, thereby knocking down all his minibeers. That was hilarious. I enjoyed the veto comp because they've never done anything remotely like it before. 2 28 Link to comment
Ananayel September 16, 2020 Share September 16, 2020 That was a good comp. Me likey. Also, good for Day for figuring out Dani is only with her temporarily, as long as she does what Dani wants, and shaking things up. I would hate to see Ian go, but Nicole could whine her way into getting Tyler out - the best part will be that he has to go to jury, and not home to Angela. 8 Link to comment
willco September 16, 2020 Share September 16, 2020 (edited) 53 minutes ago, Coco88 said: Lots of bad acting all around. David, who purpose for lying was for I don’t know what reason. But that was nothing compared to the fake crying of Nicole. If there was any real tears in there, it was strictly because her target gets so much bigger if Ian goes home. Exactly ! She would have been much more believable, perhaps, if she hadn't made it clear that with Ian out, she's the only previous winner left in the game. I feel bad for Ian when he sees this season after it's done & . Spoiler I liked Nicole in her season because she seemed like an underdog to me, but she's aligned with a bunch of people who aren't real nice, so I hope they turn on her. She's got it comin'. Edited September 16, 2020 by willco remove spoiler 2 Link to comment
NYCFree September 16, 2020 Share September 16, 2020 Finally!! An episode of Big Brother that had someone not in the dominant alliance win a comp! Yay for Day choosing to make a decision that would benefit her, not Dani. Speaking of Dani—loved that she had to nominate a third of the house this week. 13 Link to comment
MBJ September 16, 2020 Share September 16, 2020 (edited) I LOVED THIS EPISODE 🙂 I LOVED THIS EPISODE 🙂 I LOVED THIS EPISODE 🙂 I LOVED THIS EPISODE 🙂 I LOVED THIS EPISODE 🙂 I LOVED THIS EPISODE 🙂 I LOVED THIS EPISODE 🙂 I loved Dani's badly dressed 1970s movie extra bellbottomed ass trying to threaten Da'Vonne and I loved Da'Vonne nOT GIVING A FUCK! I LOVED IT! I LOVED IT! I LOVED EVERY MINUTE OF IT! I loved Nicole crying because her ally was going home, after she gave not a fuck that Kaysar and Jenelle felt the same way about each other! hhahahahaha! Hahahahahha ! hahahahahahahahah! Why do the editors make Ian so invisible in this game? I loved this episode 🙂 I screamed. Edited September 16, 2020 by Ms Blue Jay 7 12 Link to comment
leocadia September 16, 2020 Share September 16, 2020 (edited) If Dani really wanted the "ultimate pawn" that would insure Tyler leaving, she should have put up Cody. Speaking of whom, I love love love seeing him (Cody) get so frustrated when things don't go his way. It's hilarious how shook he seemed, even when he's not remotely in danger. Actually the same is true for NicF. Part of what makes a good BB winner (and tv show) is seeing how people adapt when they're not served the game on a silver platter. I feel a little bad for Ian, but he had a chance to stick up for people that might have had his back and he chose NicF. So glad Day chose to play her own game instead of letting Dani talk her out of it. I really hope it starts a trend that turns this season around even though I know (and clearly she does as well) that she will likely be on the block next week. Of course, I think that was true even if she hadn't used the veto, so good for her! Edited September 16, 2020 by leocadia Clarification 10 Link to comment
Tuxcat September 16, 2020 Share September 16, 2020 Nicole is ridiculous. Either she is fake crying (likely) and way over the top with Ian love - or she is genuinely crying and way over the top with Ian love. Either way - not a good look or player for that matter. 5 Link to comment
MBJ September 16, 2020 Share September 16, 2020 1 hour ago, Melina22 said: The highlight for me, apart from Day actually using the miniature veto, was Tyler taking a breath to help him focus, thereby knocking down all his minibeers. That was hilarious. I enjoyed the veto comp because they've never done anything remotely like it before. "I blew it. Literally." 10 3 Link to comment
Ellee September 16, 2020 Share September 16, 2020 6 minutes ago, Tuxcat said: Nicole is ridiculous. Either she is fake crying (likely) and way over the top with Ian love - or she is genuinely crying and way over the top with Ian love. Either way - not a good look or player for that matter. I was thinking somewhat the same. Might be sponsor love. Not saying she doesn’t like Ian. 1 Link to comment
LakeGal September 16, 2020 Share September 16, 2020 Ian's temper was showing in the DR at the end. 5 Link to comment
Yogisbooboo64 September 16, 2020 Share September 16, 2020 5 minutes ago, LakeGal said: Ian's temper was showing in the DR at the end. Am I a sick fuck for LMAO at his rage? David was cracking me up tonight...only wished he had stopped at the fake tears instead of asking people if they saved him. Tyler literally blowing the mini cans made my night. 1 9 Link to comment
North of Eden September 16, 2020 Share September 16, 2020 (edited) Am I missing something. All that drama before and during the veto with Enzo having his solmen face about his boy being on the block but was Tyler ever REALLY in any danger. Surely he had the numbers to stay. It was telling how little anyone beyond Day cared about David and Kevin being on the block. Day was the only one to really comfort him after the nom and none of the others gave a lick about Kevin being up but were in pieces over Tyler and Ian going up. How are we supposed to understand Nicole's tears when the editors have shown maybe one scene of Ian and Nicole together all season? Its as if this special relationship was created out of whole cloth for the end of the episode. I don't think Day did any favors for her game. All it did was make people mad at her and get her back on people's radar. Its a safe bet as she predicted herself that she will be next to him a week from now. My dream scenario would have been Dani blowing up the game by putting Cody up and watching heads explode as they had to pick between who to vote to send home. Agree with the other posts about that new comp...very refreshing and actually pretty damn good. It's offcial...Memphis is a casting dud. It's clear he was only brought back because of the nostalgia factor of Dan (which I have none as I hate him) and his revenge storyline against Ian was a non-starter. Edited September 16, 2020 by North of Eden 2 2 Link to comment
Michichick September 16, 2020 Share September 16, 2020 1 hour ago, Ms Blue Jay said: I LOVED THIS EPISODE 🙂 I LOVED THIS EPISODE 🙂 I LOVED THIS EPISODE 🙂 I LOVED THIS EPISODE 🙂 I LOVED THIS EPISODE 🙂 I LOVED THIS EPISODE 🙂 I LOVED THIS EPISODE 🙂 I loved Dani's badly dressed 1970s movie extra bellbottomed ass trying to threaten Da'Vonne and I loved Da'Vonne nOT GIVING A FUCK! I LOVED IT! I LOVED IT! I LOVED EVERY MINUTE OF IT! I loved Nicole crying because her ally was going home, after she gave not a fuck that Kaysar and Jenelle felt the same way about each other! hhahahahaha! Hahahahahha ! hahahahahahahahah! Why do the editors make Ian so invisible in this game? I loved this episode 🙂 I screamed. I love how much you loved this episode! Your delight is delightful! I loved this episode, too. So nice to see Da’Vonne get a win. Too bad her veto was hilariously tiny and she couldn’t wear it around her neck like the regular size veto. 3 4 Link to comment
Primal Slayer September 16, 2020 Share September 16, 2020 It is so refreshing when something good actually happens in this season! Of course its a little to late but...ill take what I can get at this point! It was SOOOOOOOOOO nice to see Da'Vonne finally win a comp. I pray to the gods that she gets on a winning streak because I want her to do so good but she is just so bad at competitions lol. I REALLY want Tyler to get voted out and shake up the house for once so I pray that D and the other side of the house are working diligently on securing Ians votes. 6 Link to comment
Cotypubby September 16, 2020 Share September 16, 2020 Wow, an actual good episode where I did not know what would happen and the reigning alliance did not win! I actually like Tyler, but I hope he gets voted out to shake up the house and get some other people to do something finally. If Ian goes, nothing has really changed. 5 Link to comment
leocadia September 16, 2020 Share September 16, 2020 16 minutes ago, Cotypubby said: If Ian goes, nothing has really changed. This is why I don't understand why Cody and Enzo were so upset. So the boot order changes to Ian now and Kevin doesn't really change their game. I get NicF being upset because she'll be the only winner* left, and Christmas being upset because Tyler is her #1, but the rest are just being obnoxious because it didn't go exactly as they had scripted. I am embarrassed for them. *used only in the strictest literal sense, in no way do I consider NicF to be a winner in any other way 😉 1 3 Link to comment
Callaphera September 16, 2020 Share September 16, 2020 As the #2 Tyler hater on this board, watching that teeny tiny stack of teeny tiny cans go down in the gentle wave of Tyler's vegan meat replacement breath was amazing. It was art. It was more delicious than the faux chicken nuggets they pretend to like. Dani's dedication to messy and chaotic HoH reigns is appreciated. We still need to talk about the granny square shirt, though. And the lack of knees in all her pants. And the mountie hat. And those extensions. 1 11 4 Link to comment
vb68 September 16, 2020 Share September 16, 2020 (edited) Finally a good and fun episode. About damn time. Frazzled's fake tears in the DR at the end were absolutely delicious. Who does she think she's fooling? We see you, Nicole. That was genuinely hilarious in a not flattering way. I had been thinking that David was only good for modeling how to look without wearing a shirt, but he bought the funny tonight too. I still would love to see Cody sweat some. Dude just seems on a guide path to the end and has barely had to lift a finger. Edited September 16, 2020 by vb68 5 Link to comment
Hellohappylife September 16, 2020 Share September 16, 2020 (edited) This has to be the first episode all season That has kept my attention, i didn’t even catch myself looking at my phone instead of the tv. Day has always been a “whatever” player to me,never loved her or hated, But this week I have so much more respect for her, Watching her take Kevin off the block was a touching moment, she 100% knows it could be the reason why she leaves but did it anyways because it’s what SHE wanted, not everyone else, who didn’t win the damn comp, I know she wants him around for a Number, but her speech and body language seemed real and genuine. Also, Why is Dani so upset Day didn’t stick to the “deal?” When She made a more serious deal with Tyler a few days earlier and put him up anyways?!? fuck off dani. Her sense of entitlement is too strong. I hope she wins a Fashion makeover gift certificate or something soon, because she needs to stay out of Forever21 with those wannabe 70s outfits she’s trying so hard to pass off. She really thinks that if Tyler stays, she can make everyone believe it was all a trick, fake “game move” Like who is she trying to trick? She’s part of a huge alliance with Everyone except, Kevin and Ian? The two people left in the game who have no numbers to do much. Just like David believes no one knows it was him that had the power 😝😝 Edited September 16, 2020 by Hellohappylife 1 1 4 Link to comment
Halting Hex September 16, 2020 Share September 16, 2020 Don't get me wrong, I'm hardly an Ian fan, but I'll be depressed if he leaves on Thursday. (And not only because that means Tyler stays.) I was low-key rooting for him to pull out a dark-horse second win. HOWEVER…I still enjoyed the heck out of seeing Angry Ian in that final DR. Mask off, "friendly nerd"! Loved the authenticity. And I can only imagine how awesome it might be if Nicole decides to step out on a limb and join with Da'Vonne, Kevin, and David to force a tie, thinking that Dani will evict Tyler (she said he's her target, right?)…only for Dani to stay loyal to The Committee and boot Ian instead. If that happens, Dani should thank her lucky stars that the "Reload" power will let her play in back-to-back HoHs, because literally everyone in the house will hate her guts at that point. (Which is of course why, in that scenario, Dani should in fact dump Tyler. The "Committee" ship has sailed, girl; they're not trusting you at all after this. "I can't trust Dani…remember what she did to Tyler!" DRs would be thicker on the ground than apples after a windstorm. Far, far better for Dani to cut her losses and try and hide at the back of a "Winners and Outcasts Unite!" alliance, which would have the numbers by 6-4, anyhow. BUUUUUT…I don't think she's going to see it that way. Like everyone everywhere, she's "fighting the last war". She thinks what killed her in BB13 was turning on the veterans' alliance, so she wants to stay "loyal" this time, and she'll end up thinking she can talk the Committee into keeping faith with her, despite this week, I'd bet. I think she's really wrong, but we'll see.) Yes, it would have been a great move to put up Cody (since he specifically said he wasn't voting Tyler out), but she didn't have to go that far. She could have just looked at the Enzo/Ian choice, decided which of those two was more likely to vote out Tyler, and put up the other one. Yes, it would have hurt her game with Enzo, but all in all, a much easier road for her, IMO. I want to give big props (heh) to the Veto competition, which was original and clever. You go, Heath Luman! And I barked like a seal when Tyler blew his cans over. How tough is it to turn your head, dude? Angela must have been so upset she almost blinked or something. 2 2 Link to comment
alegtostandon September 16, 2020 Share September 16, 2020 (edited) I had no idea NicoleF and Ian ever even talked based on the game I've been watching. I loved Bay making her own decision and playing her game for herself, not Dani. I have a feeling Bay may have not even used it if Dani had not insisted that she did not use the veto. . no one tells Day what to do! Oh, David, nothing like overplaying your 'surprise'. First, I didn't realize it was a necessity to "cry" when being put on the block. Then, walking around asking who used the power on him. Did he really even ask Kevin if he did it? Edited September 16, 2020 by alegtostandon 4 Link to comment
Dewey Decimate September 16, 2020 Share September 16, 2020 This episode brought to you by White Privelege. White Privelege: It Only Sucks When It Happens to You! (tm) 1 9 Link to comment
amazingracefan September 16, 2020 Share September 16, 2020 8 hours ago, North of Eden said: Am I missing something. All that drama before and during the veto with Enzo having his solmen face about his boy being on the block but was Tyler ever REALLY in any danger. Surely he had the numbers to stay That there was so much debate over the replacement shows to me that Tyler is assumed safe. 1 Link to comment
Never Again September 16, 2020 Share September 16, 2020 13 hours ago, mojoween said: Tyler’s picture makes it clear that he should always wear his hair up and back. Or cut it 2 2 Link to comment
Nashville September 16, 2020 Share September 16, 2020 11 hours ago, North of Eden said: I don't think Day did any favors for her game. All it did was make people mad at her and get her back on people's radar. Its a safe bet as she predicted herself that she will be next to him a week from now. IMHO the damage done to Day’s game would measure somewhere in the neighborhood of 0.0%. When the hell was Day ever OFF their radar??? 12 hours ago, Ms Blue Jay said: I LOVED THIS EPISODE 🙂 I LOVED THIS EPISODE 🙂 I LOVED THIS EPISODE 🙂 I’m happy you’re so happy, so it’s somewhat contagious; like coronavirus, but better. 2 5 Link to comment
eskimo September 16, 2020 Share September 16, 2020 I got second-hand embarrassment when Dani was tying to manipulate Day by not-so-subtly threatening her. No way will Dani ever match wits with Day. It's like a valley girl trying to manipulate a professor. Lol I don't think it hurt Day's game any because they were never going to be loyal to her anyway. If Ian had won veto and taken Kevin off, Day would probably be up there right now. So she is no worse off than she was before, IMO. The only difference is that they will be more nasty when they crap-talk her behind her back and will pretend this is why she's being nommed. She would have been anyway. Day FTW! 6 Link to comment
amazingracefan September 16, 2020 Share September 16, 2020 23 minutes ago, icemiser69 said: I suppose this was the best episode of the season so far I'm not sure. It was thrilling for Kevin fans (however many there may be). And we knew David was coming off the block. It would be a shock if Tyler goes home based on what we've been shown. I think the blowup with Da'Vonne, Bayleigh and Christmas was more interesting. 1 Link to comment
iMonrey September 16, 2020 Share September 16, 2020 The veto comp actually made me twitchy. I would have had to hold up my stacking arm with my other arm to keep it steady. I wonder if they could do that. Also, good thing they were all right-handed. I wonder if any of them had been left-handed if they would have been given a set with the hole cut out on the other side. Quote David was cracking me up tonight...only wished he had stopped at the fake tears instead of asking people if they saved him. What he could have done was plant the seeds that Dani pulled him off. They already don't trust her. He's just not that clever though. Quote Tyler’s picture makes it clear that he should always wear his hair up and back. I think he looks even weirder that way. He's got an oddly shaped head, all wide at the top and narrow at the bottom. 1 Link to comment
Wandering Snark September 16, 2020 Share September 16, 2020 21 minutes ago, iMonrey said: I think he looks even weirder that way. He's got an oddly shaped head, all wide at the top and narrow at the bottom. What he needs to do is go to an actual stylist that could recommend something that would compliment his face and his almond-shaped head. Ya know, instead of going to Great Clips... 3 1 Link to comment
laurakaye September 16, 2020 Share September 16, 2020 (edited) 39 minutes ago, Wandering Snark said: What he needs to do is go to an actual stylist that could recommend something that would compliment his face and his almond-shaped head. Ya know, instead of going to Great Clips... I didn't mind his hair in season 20 - it was more devil-may-care surfer-bro than anything else. Now he's grown it longer and seems to be using product to get those spirals to hang just so - paired with what look like glasses circa 1974, he looks bizarre. Plus he seems to be so mentally checked out - I miss the joy he had playing in BB20. Do any of these people actually want to be there? Besides David? And does David even know where he is? Speaking of joy, mine is fading fast for this show. The veto segment with Nicole as mad-scientist pretending to shake as she turned on the shrinky-dink machine, coupled with the super fake reactions from the rest of the cast, was cringe-worthy. But good for Day for not caving. Maybe this season isn't completely lost just yet. Edited September 16, 2020 by laurakaye 3 4 Link to comment
Halting Hex September 16, 2020 Share September 16, 2020 15 hours ago, North of Eden said: was Tyler ever REALLY in any danger. Surely he had the numbers to stay. There are currently 11 HG, meaning there are eight votes in play. With the outcast PoC bloc of three seemingly having given up on kissing up around the edges of the "big alliance" (they may not know that Enzo's not in "The Committee" and Da'Vonne may think she's dealing with the remnants of the "Slick Six", not that there's an entirely different alliance actually running things, but Da'/Kevin/David know they're not in the majority right now), that should be three votes against Tyler, as I can't see David relying on "me and Tyler have a secret alliance" or Da'Vonne being all "I can't offend the alliance, I want to stay off their radar" after they've made aggressive moves. The three of them have been nominated a combined six times now (Kevin 3, David 2, Da'Vonne 1) and they've all had to sweat it out on Thursday nights; IMO if they get a chance to chop out Tyler, they'll take it. Against any other pawn, Ian would vote Tyler out. What, is he going to vote out Christmas or Enzo or Memphis to keep "in" with Cody? Even if Nicole lobbied him (and I don't think she would), the "I'm just doing what the HoH wants" off-ramp would seem the easy road to him, if he had a vote, I'm sure. And in a 4-4 tie, Dani would get a chance to vote out Tyler. Which she certainly would, because ditching Christmas/Enzo/Memphis (Dani's never nomming Nicole, who's her ideal F2) would be "going against the alliance" just as much as evicting Tyler, and Tyler's the one that Dani knows is coming for her. Instead, Dani decided she didn't want to offend anyone with her re-nom, but she still obviously has a chance to whack Tyler. It can't be too hard to for her to figure out that Nicole wants to protect Ian at all costs (since Ian only won in the first place because he was up against a past winner [and had a bitter jury helping him out]). Dani's dilemma is whether she wants to eliminate Tyler as a major threat who's definitely coming for her, now (she should remember how poorly her attempt to make peace with Jeff went in BB13 at a similar point), or whether she wants to try and keep good with Cody/Enzo/Yom Kippur and strengthen her position with Nicole by dumping the only player Nic is likely to prioritize over her. Tyler's odds may be no worse than 50/50…but that's at least cause for concern. But all JMO, O'course. Also, with Keisha/Nicole A/Janelle gone, Tyler's the only AFP winner left in the House, right? (Those who reached F2 were ineligible until BB 20, and Kevin lost out to Jeff in BB 11, Enzo to Brittney in BB12, Dani to Jordan in BB13, Nicole to Donny in BB16 and I can't remember who beat Da'Vonne in BB 17/18, but I'm pretty sure she hasn't won anything before this episode.) So perhaps Dani could spin her evicting Tyler as giving everyone else a better shot at that $25,000. (Cody did win it as the first juror in BB 19, but there were circumstances then.) May not be the deciding element on its own, but it might factor into any (hypothetical) decision on Dani's part. 2 Link to comment
Sir RaiderDuck OMS September 16, 2020 Share September 16, 2020 17 hours ago, Tuxcat said: Nicole is ridiculous. Either she is fake crying (likely) and way over the top with Ian love - or she is genuinely crying and way over the top with Ian love. Either way - not a good look or player for that matter. Maybe she feels bad about participating in Memphis and Cody's mocking of Ian a while back and is trying to compensate for it by being his biggest fan? 17 hours ago, North of Eden said: It's official...Memphis is a casting dud. It's clear he was only brought back because of the nostalgia factor of Dan (which I have none as I hate him) and his revenge storyline against Ian was a non-starter. I suspect Memphis tried to rally The Committee around the idea of sending Ian home early as "revenge" for Ian's defeat of Dan, only to discover the others didn't care. "You want us to gang up on Ian because he defeated your buddy once? Whatever, dude." 12 hours ago, Hellohappylife said: Just like David believes no one knows it was him that had the power 😝😝 Memphis cottoned on to it right away when he loudly wondered why David wasn't happier. Link to comment
Nashville September 16, 2020 Share September 16, 2020 4 hours ago, iMonrey said: The veto comp actually made me twitchy. I would have had to hold up my stacking arm with my other arm to keep it steady. I wonder if they could do that. Well.... that’s what I saw Day doing more than once, so - yeah. 😉 4 hours ago, iMonrey said: Also, good thing they were all right-handed. I wonder if any of them had been left-handed if they would have been given a set with the hole cut out on the other side. The lefty thingie was the first thing I noticed when they showed the comp setups - probably because I’m a lefty. 😄 No doubt it wouldn’t have been too difficult for the set constructors to swap the “walls” and put the ingress hole on the other side, though, should they have needed to accommodate a left-handed HG. 4 Link to comment
iMonrey September 16, 2020 Share September 16, 2020 Quote The lefty thingie was the first thing I noticed when they showed the comp setups - probably because I’m a lefty. Me too! It would have been a serious disadvantage to have to play right-handed if they did not accommodate a leftie for that comp. Although maybe not as difficult as trying to write or use a fork with your non-dominant hand, now that I think about it. 3 Link to comment
amazingracefan September 17, 2020 Share September 17, 2020 (edited) Tyler wanted to go on the block this week anyway, so his DR script at how annoyed/betrayed he suddenly feels doesn't really convince me at all. Surely the audience remember him saying he wouldn't hold it against Dani whatever? It would just make them even to him. 4 hours ago, Sir RaiderDuck OMS said: Maybe she feels bad about participating in Memphis and Cody's mocking of Ian a while back and is trying to compensate for it by being his biggest fan? I think most who know about that believe that's the case, she's worried about the audience response. Of course in an earlier episode Ian did say he was acting stupid on purpose as well, probably not the best way to get into an alliance with people. Edited September 17, 2020 by amazingracefan 2 Link to comment
Cherry Cola September 17, 2020 Share September 17, 2020 (edited) 14 hours ago, Dewey Decimate said: This episode brought to you by White Privelege. White Privelege: It Only Sucks When It Happens to You! (tm) Oh barf. 😒 Edited September 17, 2020 by Cherry Cola 2 Link to comment
springbarb September 17, 2020 Share September 17, 2020 Gee, I thought it was Day's strategy to not win comps, which is why she "threw" the HOH? Right? /rolls eyes/ I am glad she used the Veto, though. I did like everyone else knowing that David saved himself while David was patting himself on the back. Much as I don't like Cody, I appreciated him basically cracking up in David's face while David was doing his "Did you save me?" routine. I'm sure Nicole's upset only because Ian is the one ally she has in the house who doesn't have any other allies--Nicole is all Ian has. 4 Link to comment
Wandering Snark September 17, 2020 Share September 17, 2020 Are there any lefties in the house? Maybe they knew they didn't have to worry about Ned Flanders screwing up their challenge design. 1 Link to comment
30 Helens September 17, 2020 Share September 17, 2020 20 hours ago, vb68 said: I still would love to see Cody sweat some. Dude just seems on a guide path to the end and has barely had to lift a finger. I actually think Cody has been working pretty hard, manipulating and charming people into doing what he wants them to do, while making them think they’re acting with autonomy. It’s valid gameplay; it’s just not very interesting to watch, unfortunately. 20 hours ago, Halting Hex said: Dani should in fact dump Tyler. The "Committee" ship has sailed, girl; they're not trusting you at all after this. "I can't trust Dani…remember what she did to Tyler!" DRs would be thicker on the ground than apples after a windstorm. Far, far better for Dani to cut her losses and try and hide at the back of a "Winners and Outcasts Unite!" alliance, which would have the numbers by 6-4, anyhow. Nominating Tyler may prove to be Dani’s fatal mistake. She thought she had/ could muster the support of her full alliance, but when that turned out to be wrong, she had to backpedal. She could go to the other side, but they don’t trust her either. Kevin would backstab her first chance he got. I think her best chance is staying with the alliance she has. But now she’s made herself a target for Tyler and is about to lose someone who had no intention of ever coming after her— all because Cody manipulated her into putting Ian on the block. (See above.) If I gave a damn about Dani, I’d feel bad for her. 1 Link to comment
Nashville September 17, 2020 Share September 17, 2020 1 hour ago, Wandering Snark said: Are there any lefties in the house? Maybe they knew they didn't have to worry about Ned Flanders screwing up their challenge design. Don’t think so; there were only six HGs engaged in the comp anyway, so it would’ve been kind of surprising if there had been a lefty in the bunch. Left-handers only comprise about 10% of the general population. 1 Link to comment
tinkerbell September 17, 2020 Share September 17, 2020 (edited) 20 hours ago, laurakaye said: The veto segment with Nicole as mad-scientist pretending to shake as she turned on the shrinky-dink machine, coupled with the super fake reactions from the rest of the cast, was cringe-worthy. Yes, that was like something from a 1980s kids TV show. Like barney and friends. Edited September 17, 2020 by tinkerbell 3 Link to comment
sara416 September 17, 2020 Share September 17, 2020 2 hours ago, tinkerbell said: Yes, that was like something from a 1980s kids TV show. Like barney and friends. I actually thought it was kind of funny. I think they all knew they were acting badly and just hammed it up. I can appreciate that when they own the cheesiness and don't take themselves too seriously (like David and the "did you use it on me" BS). 2 3 Link to comment
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