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Jeopardy! Season 37 (2020-2021)

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24 minutes ago, Bastet said:

but I do not know astrology well at all, so I was too slow to come up with most of them.

(Vince Vaughn stumped me just as he did the contestants; he once hit on me in a bar while incredibly drunk, but there was nothing in the clue to lead me to him)

I had the same issue with the zodiac rhymes. I only got Pisces Icees (I used to love cherry Icees) and Cancer Answer.

Took me a second but I somehow remembered VV was in Four Christmases (a movie I have not actually seen).

Also...wait, what?

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8 hours ago, SoMuchTV said:
9 hours ago, shapeshifter said:

...the TS of huraches...

Am I the only one who thought  Buzzy was channeling Alex with the pronunciation on this one? 

Is that why he said it like that? I had never heard or said it like that, but then Google pronounced huraches like Buzzy did, which sounded correct for Spanish, so I just thought I had been saying it wrong all this time --wrong in my head, that is; I can't recall ever having occasion to say "huraches" out loud.

I pulled up a YouTube of the song, but couldn't find them singing that verse with that word.
I always thought it was: her ah chees

Edited by shapeshifter
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i gave up rooting for any of them when they didn't know Sam Elliott -  i have had a massive crush on him since the 70's.  

Nighthawks was an Instaget.  Hopper was one of Father Grundoon's favorite artists and there is actually a print of the painting hanging in the building where I work now.  The owner of the building has a variety of artwork hanging around the place - mainly prints but some originals from a gallery on the ground floor.  It is nice viewing when I go for a walkabout. 

 Bastet - I think more details are required.  Please share with the group!

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3 hours ago, SoMuchTV said:

Okay, I think you’re burying the lede here. 

Re. drunk Vince Vaughn hitting on me, it's not particularly interesting a story, and I told it in the celebrity encounters thread a while back, but basically he was that level of drunk where you think if you're really deliberate you'll come off normal but you don't, so he was gross and I had no intention of giving up my prime seat to avoid his drunk ass, so I basically told him to fuck off and one of his friends guided him out and I  was able to enjoy the bar again.

I knew who he was, and would have found him reasonably attractive had he not been listing to one side, but without a photo in the clue, there wasn't enough there for me to recognize him.

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I didn’t think Buzzy was channelling Alex with his pronunciation of “huaraches”, I just thought he struggled with how to pronounce it.  He maybe should have practiced it — or maybe he thought the contestants would get it right and he wouldn’t have to say it.

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13 hours ago, Katy M said:

I said NIghtwatch, no that's not it.  Nightwatch, no that's not it.  What is it?  Night something.  I don't think that counts.

I got the missed clues of jettison and Vince Vaughan and missed the entire category of songs, and overall just did terribly.

In the same vein as my FJ answer, I said, Sam, Sam, Sam something.

I, on the other hand, got "hawk?" - with the twist that I was confused and thought they were going for the artist, and all I could connect to the painting (which is firmly in my mind) was Hawk.

Vince Vaughan never comes to mind unless his name is spoken. I've seen some of his films, even enjoyed them, but for some reason he is just not an actor I ever think of.

Came up with all the incorrect "Sam" celebrity names, but for the life of me couldn't get to Elliot. I love the guy, but my brain would just not fire (kind of like while writing this - I can't think of the other Sam celebrities).

11 hours ago, shapeshifter said:

Being a Boomer, the TS of huraches was easy even though I didn’t recall that line from "Surfin' U.S.A." 

But, hey, I hummed the tune! 🎶

I couldn't place the lyric right off, but I had a pair so I didn't need it. I did look up the lyrics though. The reference is in the first verse:


If everybody had an ocean
Across the U.S.A
Then everybody'd be surfin'
Like Californi-a
You'd see them wearing their baggies
Huarache sandals too
A bushy bushy blond hairdo
Surfin' U.S.A


Edited by Clanstarling
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1 hour ago, Clanstarling said:

Vince Vaughan never comes to mind unless his name is spoken. I've seen some of his films, even enjoyed them, but for some reason he is just not an actor I ever think of.

I saw a video over the weekend about the toxic tropes in the movie Wedding Crashers, so maybe my brain was primed to think of him.

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12 hours ago, SoMuchTV said:

Am I the only one who thought  Buzzy was channeling Alex with the pronunciation on this one? 


11 hours ago, shapeshifter said:

Is that why he said it like that? I had never heard or said it like that, but then Google pronounced huraches like Buzzy did, which sounded correct for Spanish, so I just thought I had been saying it wrong all this time --wrong in my head, that is; I can't recall ever having occasion to say "huraches" out loud.

I pulled up a YouTube of the song, but couldn't find them singing that verse with that word.
I always thought it was: her ah chees


4 hours ago, Browncoat said:

I didn’t think Buzzy was channelling Alex with his pronunciation of “huaraches”, I just thought he struggled with how to pronounce it.  He maybe should have practiced it — or maybe he thought the contestants would get it right and he wouldn’t have to say it.

Well, my bad, I withdraw my snark about Buzzy's pronunciation.  I don't remember it from the song, and I've only ever heard it pronounced with the first syllable like in "hurricane".  The internet has proved that wrong.  I wonder what else I've been pronouncing incorrectly...?  I hope they don't come for the ja-LAP-enos on my tor-TILL-a!

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Thanks to one of my favorite authors, Tony Hillerman, and my favorite painter, Ed(ward) Hopper for making yesterday's game mean something to me.

I have Edward Hopper stories that I will post in Small Talk if I find the energy to do so. Today ... tomorrow ... some day.

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4 hours ago, MrAtoz said:

I got Final Jeopardy easily, but I was amused when Buzzy called the artist "Ed Hopper," rather than Edward, like they were old pals.

That cracked me up, too.  I don't think I've ever heard anyone refer to him as "Ed Hopper".

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3 hours ago, SoMuchTV said:

Well, my bad, I withdraw my snark about Buzzy's pronunciation.  I don't remember it from the song, and I've only ever heard it pronounced with the first syllable like in "hurricane".  The internet has proved that wrong.  I wonder what else I've been pronouncing incorrectly...?

I don’t think you’re necessarily wrong, @SoMuchTV; Buzzy might have Googled the pronunciation to live up to Alex’s penchant for proper pronunciation. And I think a lot of us pronounced it wrong back then when Beijing was still Peking. 

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5 hours ago, MrAtoz said:

I got Final Jeopardy easily, but I was amused when Buzzy called the artist "Ed Hopper," rather than Edward, like they were old pals.

About Edward Hopper: I have seen the painting Nighthawks at the Chicago Art Institute many times throughout my life, as well as in books, and I know the name Edward Hopper, and yet, I still could not get Dennis Hopper out of my mind, and so would have just put “What is Hopper?” which would have been wrong, since it was the title of the work they were after, but I wasn’t looking at the category, and the clue didn’t make that clear.
I guess the clue writers try to be tricky? 
The DDs often seem to be trickier too.  
But in the Nighthawks instance, I guess not too many were fooled. 

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2 hours ago, shapeshifter said:

but I wasn’t looking at the category, and the clue didn’t make that clear.

If you ever get tripped up by all the information in a clue on your first read, unsure of what they're asking for (e.g. artist or work), the quickest thing to do is look for the word "this" -- whatever comes immediately after that is what they're looking for.  Identify that, then re-read all the information in the clue with that in mind.

So, in this case, it started with "The artist's wife".  Since it was not "this artist's wife" they're not looking for the artist.  Scan forward and you find "this 1942 painting" - bingo, they're looking for the name of a painting.  Now put together all the info the clue provides:  a painting, 1942, done by a male artist, depicting a non-fancy restaurant, lighting is important, and the wife may be significant, too.  If you don't have the HUGE gaps in art knowledge that I do, that'll get you to Nighthawks if you can remember the title after the visual springs to mind.

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Not too long ago, there was a clue where the correct response was "Starry Night".  I thought, that was so obvious!  Everyone would recognize that painting, even by the description they gave!  But I have never heard of "Nighthawks" and the painting, when I looked it up, didn't seem particularly familiar.  I guess my art history education is basically Swiss cheese.

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Veronica took a risk with a true daily double, and it paid off for her.  That's a big part of why she won.

Ryan got a difficult DD.  It's funny - just a few days ago I was reading an article that mentioned Sabin, one of the originators of the polio vaccine - AND I STILL COULDN'T GET IT.  Salk is the easy one.  Sabin is hard.

Anyway, now the finals will include (1) a teacher and (2) a librarian.  If Jason can come through tomorrow, we'll get two teachers in the finals.

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Attention, please! If you’re in Wichita, Kansas, it’s pronounced Are-Kan-sas, NOT Ar-kan-saw!!!!!

I lived in Wichita for a number of years, and the River Festival was always so much fun!

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Got home just in time to get my computer turned on and set up my scorecard, settled in on the couch....aaaand just before it should have come back from the first commercial, my cable went out.

"This channel is temporarily unavailable. It will be back as soon as possible. Thanks for your patience."


Then my cable box rebooted and when I turned it back on it said "Something went wrong. Please call customer service." Missing Jeopardy! aside, the last time this happened it was a whole infuriating thing.


Emotion Reaction GIF


I did just read The Midnight Library recently, though, so at least I got that one. Almost ran Medical Milestones but I said Jarvis instead of Jarvik, and also only missed one in fine arts. I think I would have gotten Heart if I could have seen the picture. I got at least one in every category, and at this point, I'm counting that as a win, because I suck at TOC games, apparently. Again I did better in DJ; my scores were J: 33% / DJ: 50% / No FJ; Total: 41%.

TSs I got were Cage the Elephant, Stone Temple Pilots, Polkas, and the missed DD of Salk & Sabin.

I was kinda rooting for Kevin but if we couldn't have him I'm glad Ryan lost Veronica won.

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I have a long term project of reading books by every Nobel Laureate, so had I been playing this particular game I’d have bet big going into final.  I’ve read Intruder in the Dust, so that was a pretty easy one.

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Heh, @ams1001, when I initially saw your GIF, I thought it was meant to represent Ryan tonight.  That's about how he was acting, the bloody sore loser baby, with his "applauding" at the end.  I am ecstatic that Veronica won.

Ahem.  I did not get FJ, though in hindsight, I should have done.  Oh well!  I did get Volkswagen, Anheuser-Busch, Stone Temple Pilots, and Salk and Sabin.  I am a microbiologist.  I'd have to hang up my microscope if I'd missed Salk and Sabin.



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Faulkner was a guess for me, but an educated guess.  I mean, Nobel prize winner, writing about the American South, mid-20th Century.  I couldn't think of anyone else it could be.

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Ryan was so annoying with his upset faces and loud sighs, and he lost his 'mojo" when he missed that Daily Double.  I am happy Veronica won, she was quite over-come with emotion at the end of the show. 

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21 minutes ago, BuckeyeLou said:

Ryan was so annoying with his upset faces and loud sighs, and he lost his 'mojo" when he missed that Daily Double.  I am happy Veronica won, she was quite over-come with emotion at the end of the show. 

I missed that but I was annoyed just reading the quotes of him in the J! archive.

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On 5/24/2021 at 7:59 PM, Browncoat said:

Almost instaget FJ today -- I first had to re-read the clue to determine whether they wanted the painting or the artist.  I could have given either one.

I also got the TS/missed DD of hogan, huarache, jettison, and Sam Elliott.  How dare they not know Sam Elliott and his fabulous moustache!  🙂

I got all of those except jettison, but I did get Vince Vaughn.  I can thank Tony Hillerman for my knowing hogan.

23 hours ago, Kimmmmmm said:

Apparently an unpopular opinion,  but I don't like Sam...didn't like him during his initial run and still don't.  Have a bad feeling he'll win, too.

That's okay, less competition for me. ;-)

23 hours ago, 853fisher said:

The footwear they name drop in “Surfin USA”?

I had no idea they were mentioned in that song, but my best friend used to wear huarache sandals all summer so it was an instaget for me because of the "Mexican sandal (or was it shoe?)" part of the clue.

22 hours ago, ams1001 said:

I realized after the game that this is the first time I wasn't aware of the fact that it was a guest host while I was watching. It just felt normal.

It kinda did.  Despite my initial trepidation when I heard he was going to be the TOC host, I am willing to admit that Buzzy has done a good job and I'd probably be okay if he got the permanet job.  Even though I'd rather have Brad or LeVar Burton.

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I'm thrilled with Veronica's win. I cheered at the screen! Plus, my guess of Faulkner for FJ turned out to be correct.

Salk and Sabin was an instaget for me, but it definitely helps to be a child of the '60s, who received one dose of each vaccine. Letting a sugar cube melt in your mouth was much more pleasant than an injection. Team Sabin.

Went 4/5 in Rock Bands, missing only the $200 Maroon5 clue as they don't pop into my head when I think of "Rock" Bands. 

I got "The Midnight Library" because I am on not just one, but two six-months' long e-book waiting lists for that book. It had better be excellent!

I said Busch, not the full Anheuser-Busch, as I thought they were looking for the family name. Hopefully I would have gotten a BMS on that one.


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For me, one of the acid tests of character is not only winning graciously but more importantly losing graciously.  I get that Ryan was upset (who wouldn't be) but his behavior was just not right.  I can't say I ever lost on national television but I did lose two local political races and did the right thing of going over on election night to congratulate my opponents (in one case through an odd set of circumstances I actually ended up being the one to tell her she had won and somehow being on a stage with her addressing her supporters - a very surreal moment).  Did it suck?  Yes for a moment but you put on your big kid pants and behave in a way to make your parents proud (crying comes later in private - which is why I can totally relate to your reaction @ams1001).  Sorry for the rant but this is a fundamental belief of mine.

For some reason Sabin is lodged somewhere in my brain but could I have pulled it out in game conditions?  Probably not.  I did go back and forth between Faulkner and Baldwin for FJ (thank you again W&M for a wide ranging modern American lit syllabus many years ago) trying to remember in both had won Nobel Prizes.  I did finally go with Faulkner because of the county reference in the clue - don't ask me to spell it but I do remember it. 


Edited by Grundoon59
Noble does not equal Nobel.
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1 hour ago, Roaster said:

Ryan got a difficult DD.  It's funny - just a few days ago I was reading an article that mentioned Sabin, one of the originators of the polio vaccine - AND I STILL COULDN'T GET IT.  Salk is the easy one.  Sabin is hard.

I was reading about it approximately two hours before watching Jeopardy....still didn't remember Sabin's name!

So glad Veronica won.

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Add me to those happy about Veronica’s victory and Ryan’s defeat. There was another contestant not too long ago who was just as pouty when he missed questions—a teacher, no less. I wonder if this is a sign of the times.

 I missed FJ. I thought of Richard Wright. For some reason I thought they were looking for a Black writer. I got The Last Hurrah and made a wild guess on Chess. I also knew Salk and Sabin, though I thought Sabin’s vaccine came out in the 60’s, not the 50’s. (Of course, he would have been working on it earlier.) I remember taking it on a sugar cube.

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21 hours ago, ams1001 said:

I had the same issue with the zodiac rhymes. I only got Pisces Icees (I used to love cherry Icees) and Cancer Answer.

Took me a second but I somehow remembered VV was in Four Christmases (a movie I have not actually seen).

I also got the Sagittarius one, although for the life of me, I can't remember what it was now.  And I also got Vince Vaughn due to Four Christmases despite never having seen it.  Must've seen the commercials for it a lot or something.

11 hours ago, Clanstarling said:

I couldn't place the lyric right off, but I had a pair so I didn't need it. I did look up the lyrics though. The reference is in the first verse:


If everybody had an ocean
Across the U.S.A
Then everybody'd be surfin'
Like Californi-a
You'd see them wearing their baggies
Huarache sandals too
A bushy bushy blond hairdo
Surfin' U.S.A

Now that I see it, I'm like, "Of course it's in there, d'uh".  Although I do believe the Beach Boys pronounced it "herachee" like I do.

9 hours ago, SoMuchTV said:

I hope they don't come for the ja-LAP-enos on my tor-TILL-a!

Or my fah-gee-tas.

1 hour ago, Roaster said:

Ryan got a difficult DD.  It's funny - just a few days ago I was reading an article that mentioned Sabin, one of the originators of the polio vaccine - AND I STILL COULDN'T GET IT.  Salk is the easy one.  Sabin is hard.

I didn't think it was hard at all.  I was pissed that he got such an easy daily double.  (Of course that could be because a patient with a polio-like illness due to exposure to her baby's Sabin vaccination was a plot point on an episode of All Saints I'd watched recently.  I was surprised they used the Sabin vaccine in Australia as recently as 1999, precisely because it isn't as safe as the Salk one.)  I was thrilled when he missed it because I think he's an ass.

1 hour ago, ams1001 said:

TSs I got were Cage the Elephant, Stone Temple Pilots, Polkas, and the missed DD of Salk & Sabin.

I got all of those, though I'll confess that the wrong answer helped me get the right one for Cage the Elephant.

49 minutes ago, Browncoat said:


I said Budweiser - any chance they'd have given me that one?  Probably not, since I don't think that was ever the name of the company.

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23 minutes ago, ProudMary said:

Went 4/5 in Rock Bands, missing only the $200 Maroon5 clue as they don't pop into my head when I think of "Rock" Bands. 

That's the one I missed as well.  I forgot they'd played the Superbowl halftime.

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I was annoyed they didn't allow Veronica as pronunciation of Palatine. I've heard it both ways. If she hadn't won, I'd have to write a sternly worded letter.

What a whiney little bitch Ryan is.

Was it yesterday someone Gabe an answer of Jones and wasn't asked to be more specific? I don't recall the question but it deserved a BMS.

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I got The Last Hurrah, chess, Volkswagon, cauliflower and the missed DD of Salk and Sabin. I should have guessed Faulkner as looking back  there was enough signs for me to go there, but I got stuck wondering who wrote The Confederacy of Dunces. I don’t even know if he was awarded a Nobel. 

Moonroof? Where I live they are called sun roofs. My friend swears that one of the guys answered a question, but didn’t phrase it in the form of a question. He was given credit for it. She thinks the judging has gotten wonky. Also the clue that Triple V didn’t get, which she swears is just another way of pronouncing the word palentine. Heck not only didn’t I know it, but obviously I can’t spell it either 😂

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Ryan probably doesn't care that viewers have a low opinion of him, because, as he informed us in the interviews, he gets a LOT of female attention.  He even had to change his Facebook status to indicate that he had a girlfriend, because the ladies love Ryan and wouldn't leave him alone.

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3 minutes ago, Roaster said:

Ryan probably doesn't care that viewers have a low opinion of him, because, as he informed us in the interviews, he gets a LOT of female attention.  He even had to change his Facebook status to indicate that he had a girlfriend, because the ladies love Ryan and wouldn't leave him alone.

🙄 🙄 🙄 🙄 🙄

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7 minutes ago, Roaster said:

Ryan probably doesn't care that viewers have a low opinion of him, because, as he informed us in the interviews, he gets a LOT of female attention.  He even had to change his Facebook status to indicate that he had a girlfriend, because the ladies love Ryan and wouldn't leave him alone.

Yeah, like I believe that story.  What an ass.

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4 minutes ago, Roaster said:

Ryan probably doesn't care that viewers have a low opinion of him, because, as he informed us in the interviews, he gets a LOT of female attention.  He even had to change his Facebook status to indicate that he had a girlfriend, because the ladies love Ryan and wouldn't leave him alone.


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1 hour ago, BuckeyeLou said:

I am happy Veronica won, she was quite over-come with emotion at the end of the show.

Yeah, she looked like she was going to pass out and/or throw up at several points, so I'm glad she held it together to get the win. I'm rooting for her!

I felt really bad that Kevin had such a bad start. It must be so frustrating to be in the red for so long, but he handled it like a champ.

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2 minutes ago, ABay said:

I was annoyed they didn't allow Veronica as pronunciation of Palatine. I've heard it both ways. If she hadn't won, I'd have to write a sternly worded letter.

Totally agree on Palatine. Veronica didn't add a syllable or a letter. Given the spelling, how would a book-learner know whether the last syllable should rhyme with Valentine or quarantine?

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