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Season 22 Live Feed Discussion

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2 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

Cody and Nicole: “We’re fooling everybody by pretending to hate each other. Nobody knows we’re working together!”

Janelle and Kaysar: “Cody and Nicole are totally working together.”

This is shaping up to be a great season.

That's because they're about as subtle as a second-grader at a table of cakes and cookies. 

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5 hours ago, HighQueenEB said:

 I'll give Cody a pass if he calls Keesha "Sheila" or National Book Lovers Day "National Women's Day" by mistake.

Now, that's silly.

No one gonna believe that Cody knows or accepts there's a holiday to recognize women.

Or books.

51 minutes ago, Ellee said:

On game ... I would have thought Cody would have encouraged people to play for safety.  It’s one and done and besides he’d have a reason to put the players up.

Kaysar and Janelle really had no choice. They had to play. 

Maybe a dumb question, but, if they really chose to play at the end of the hour as it appeared (and thus knew no one else was playing), why did they both have to play? Is the +1 also considered to have played, even if they were just randomly the +1? Or did they actually not know if anyone else had put their pass in? Cause, otherwise, I don't get why they wouldn't have just Kaysar play (obvs winning) and then having Janelle still available to play one of the next two weeks?

(And, I agree: Cody should have been encouraging ppl to play, both to lessen the chances of J/K's getting it, and to increase his odds of winning over one of the next two. At this point, they handed that safety to J/K (I'm glad, but dumb for everyone else), while making it so there are 13-14 of them still left to play in the next two. 

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I was super behind in reading posts, but as far as people being sick on slop, last season a group complained of bloody diarrhea, and then the next group that had slop were complaining about vomiting.

I don't know why they don't do something like quinoa. It tastes bland, it's boring, it has protein, and wouldn't cause the GI problems people have with slop. Of course, I think the entire slop part is stupid in the first place. It doesn't add anything to the show, they look the other way with cheating, it was obvious and egregious with Jackson and Josh, and it's stupid. Did I already say that? In case I didn't, IT'S STUPID.

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16 hours ago, kellog010 said:

Not much going on today so far that I've been able to see. Maybe if they open the backyard people will start scampering so they can entertain me.  

Also, everyone probably knows this already, but I've been using the BBviewer chrome extension and it's so cool. It has a PIP mode where I can pop out the feeds and it floats over whatever I'm doing on my computer and I can resize it. 

Is there a fee for this?

9 hours ago, Growsonwalls said:

Remember when she said that if Fessy backdoored Haleigh she'd quit smoking?


9 hours ago, Callaphera said:

Sam to Fessy, while chain smoking with her middle fingers up to try and block Production from using the footage: "I will quit. For you. If you cut your showmance. Do it right now. Do it, Fessy. Do it."

Aunt Sam truly was the gift that kept on giving.

I will never forget when someone made a meme of her making her nominations in full-on Handmaid's Tale garb nominating Oftyler (Kaitlyn) and Offaysal (Haleigh). It's one of the funniest things I've ever seen because the accuracy was eerie. 


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38 minutes ago, Luckylondon said:

Is there a fee for this?

You still have to have CBS all access but otherwise it's a free extension. 

I thought I read that least 2 people had to play for safety. The rules were also if you timed out you lose so it's still a risk. I think they made the right move. They have this week to try and make something happen.

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8 hours ago, HighQueenEB said:

To be fair...  There are five blondes (I use that word lightly since I'm pretty sure that all of that blonde is strictly from a bottle, as is Nicole A's auburn).  I've had a hard time telling them apart save for Nicole F because...  Well, that upper Midwest twang combined with her constant whining is unmistakable.  I'll give Cody a pass if he calls Keesha "Sheila" or National Book Lovers Day "National Women's Day" by mistake.

I am having the same problem.  A bunch of women with the same length same color hair, and then when they alternate being all made up with having no makeup,  I can't tell who is who.

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6 hours ago, choclatechip45 said:

Nicole F thinks Kaysar is working with Nicole A because he was taking care of her all day. Dani goes that's because he is a nice guy, I don't think that means anything. Nicole F goes, but I'll take care of you more than some other people. Of course you would Nicole F.

She's a nurse!

6 hours ago, choclatechip45 said:

Keesha seems pretty convinced that she has Da'vonne vote to stay.

Day and Keesha seemed close. Their hug went on for awhile and they looked really happy. I was really hoping they would be close but Day doesn't appear to be really trying to save her so I guess not.

Today is S'mores Day and Banana Split Day, just in case anyone needs a new nickname for Chirstmas

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The irony of Christmas going on and on about how her broken foot is that it wouldn't have made any difference one way or another. Each week Paul decreed who would win what while Christmas, Josh, Alex, Whistlenut, Mensa Raven and Matt genuflected. I also remember that whenever she heard any conflict erupting (usually in the kitchen) she would immediately wheel herself over on her scooter and inject herself into the disagreement while dispensing angry glares and threats. She totally bought into the concept of being one of Paul's jack-booted enforcers. Wonder if she and whiny Bad Nicole will compare notes on the tiny bearded one?

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Oh, also, Memphis is already up and after he went to the br he left the water running in the sink for like 5 minutes before he washed his hands, presumably because the water wasn't warm. The air conditioner is broke so they're all freezing, the water heater is apparently broke so they have to leave the water running to warm it up, the slop is making everyone sick. I mean, I know they didn't have a lot of time to prepare for this season but this is ridiculous.

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2 hours ago, Christina said:

I don't know why they don't do something like quinoa. It tastes bland, it's boring, it has protein, and wouldn't cause the GI problems people have with slop. Of course, I think the entire slop part is stupid in the first place. It doesn't add anything to the show,

Totally agree. Didn't they do PB & J in the early seasons? I totally agree it doesn't add a thing to the show. It's not dramatic, and most of the time it's never even mentioned. All the gastric issues are usually happening off camera (thankfully). Time for them to come up with something way more interesting for the Have Nots, something that will actually be entertaining for the audience, and not require long explanations of bathroom disasters. 

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2 minutes ago, Melina22 said:

Totally agree. Didn't they do PB & J in the early seasons? I totally agree it doesn't add a thing to the show. It's not dramatic, and most of the time it's never even mentioned. All the gastric issues are usually happening off camera (thankfully). Time for them to come up with something way more interesting for the Have Nots, something that will actually be entertaining for the audience, and not require long explanations of bathroom disasters. 

I'm wondering if they do it to force the HGs to lose weight.  If they see them sitting around eating and snacking all day, this might be their way of keeping the cast "beautiful" - not that I think that's right, but it's BB, so I wouldn't put it past them.

Is the backyard closed right now? Being stuck in the house with no outside access would drive me nuts. If I were an early riser like Memphis I'd be wanting to have my coffee outside with a little peace and quiet.

Agree that they need to drop the slop. All they're doing is torturing the HGs for no reason. It's not even part of the show anymore. I do miss the food comps though.

Edited by CrazyDog
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The idea has always been to build resentment between the people who are haves and have nots, with the idea that people get bitchier when they're hungry, aka hangry. PBJ started right with season 2 and then was eventually switched out because younger generations are seeing high amounts of peanut allergies. I was actually reading about slop and apparently it's oatmeal with whey soy protein addictives. They also have to allow sugar packets because someone in BB9 passed out from low blood sugar and had to be hospitalized. 

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9 hours ago, Callaphera said:

His divorce isn't recent and he was talking about his girlfriend earlier. 

I paid attention to that because I'm rooting for @Alice Mudgarden and Memphis to connect. Not just because she's my twinnie but because it will also put me in the fried pickle access zone. And no, that isn't a euphemism for dick. 

Okay, it might be. I am the evil twin.

I understand that Memphis is nice to look at, but if he's still that damaged from his divorce he is in no way ready or worthy to be feeding his fried pickle to any of the lovelies in this forum.

When most of the house guest were sleeping last night Kevin was still up campaigning separately to Day then Enzo. They both pledged their support to him then seemingly solidified it when they were talking alone to each other.

Enzo was limping and icing up his foot. I wonder how Christmas' foot will handle this.

Edited by keke23
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17 minutes ago, methodwriter85 said:

They also have to allow sugar packets because someone in BB9 passed out from low blood sugar and had to be hospitalized. 

The HNs are allowed to have a good bit of extras. Sugar, cinnamon, pickles, milk, chocolate milk, protein powder. I'm sure there's more but that's what I remember.

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Memphis -- still clad in his Frozen Tundra blanket -- was just complaining to someone (I think it might have been Kaysar, but I only heard his voice) about how cold it is in the house. 

Memphis said:  "If I wanted to be tortured, I'd move to Canada."

And the feeds instantly cut to stars.

Edited by TVFan17
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2 hours ago, Victim Noises said:


Aunt Sam truly was the gift that kept on giving.

I will never forget when someone made a meme of her making her nominations in full-on Handmaid's Tale garb nominating Oftyler (Kaitlyn) and Offaysal (Haleigh). It's one of the funniest things I've ever seen because the accuracy was eerie. 


Also remember her insisting there was some love connection between her and Brett? Omg Sam was a goldmine. 

And Omg I had forgotten this rant:


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6 hours ago, Josh371982 said:

Looks like we know who AG and Production are protecting. There's no way Bitchass Cody isn't a big threat 

Out of the three of them Tyler is by far a bigger threat than Cody. As someone said a couple days in this thread Tyler’s superhero power is that everyone likes him. The one thing that will be interesting about Cody is that he does a temper without Derrick keeping him in line does he go off? They did later mention putting up Nicole F and Cody.

Edited by choclatechip45
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I am not a huge Dani fan, but I am so glad she was giving Cody hell about his casual attitude about COVID-19.  And he has the nerve to say that he knows multiple people who have caught the virus, and yet he is still alarmingly unconcerned.  It is a miracle he got in the house and didn't test positive.  Please, HGs, someone kick his dumb ass out of the house as soon as he is no longer in power.


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11 minutes ago, TVFan17 said:

I am not a huge Dani fan, but I am so glad she was giving Cody hell about his casual attitude about COVID-19.  And he has the nerve to say that he knows multiple people who have caught the virus, and yet he is still alarmingly unconcerned.  It is a miracle he got in the house and didn't test positive.  Please, HGs, someone kick his dumb ass out of the house as soon as he is no longer in power.


The sad thing is that Cody finds this covidiot validation in Memphis who is complaining that covid ruined his restaurant business. The other HG's have been talking about how they get angry when they see people not wearing masks. 

But this is like real life -- I got defriended by two people when I told them that covid wasn't a hoax. It's like their own echo chamber.

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3 minutes ago, Growsonwalls said:

The sad thing is that Cody finds this covidiot validation in Memphis who is complaining that covid ruined his restaurant business.

Unless Memphis is saying he thinks it's bullshit too, this is a stretch for validation from Cody. Saying the virus is hurting your business =/= saying virus doesn't exist.

Not that Cody miscomprehending is something I can't see happening, because I've heard him have conversations before.

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1 minute ago, Alice Mudgarden said:

Unless Memphis is saying he thinks it's bullshit too, this is a stretch for validation from Cody. Saying the virus is hurting your business =/= saying virus doesn't exist.

Not that Cody miscomprehending is something I can't see happening, because I've heard him have conversations before.

He's not saying the virus doesn't exist, but Cody goes to him now for covid denying because everyone else slaps him down. While with Memphis he can at least hear what he wants to hear.

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Kaysar can talk all day, but I enjoy listening to him. This convo with Tyler (being in Dubai, family, etc.) seems genuine from Kaysar's side, but I can't tell what Tyler is thinking.  

That's amazing about Kaysar's dad being so ill, but surviving for years beyond what the doctors thought would be possible.

I could not listen to Nicole F in the kitchen for another minute.

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6 hours ago, Christina said:

I was super behind in reading posts, but as far as people being sick on slop, last season a group complained of bloody diarrhea, and then the next group that had slop were complaining about vomiting.

Ah, yes, how could I forget. The one time BB21's Sam didn't shout out loud but instead whispered: "I'm bleeding from my asshole." I didn't think he had that volume setting. 


3 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

The HNs are allowed to have a good bit of extras. Sugar, cinnamon, pickles, milk, chocolate milk, protein powder. I'm sure there's more but that's what I remember.

Salsa and soya sauce are on the list. I mean, if salsa is on the list, does it have to be jarred salsa? Can you not make your own with some tomatoes and... whatever else goes into salsa? 


3 hours ago, TVFan17 said:

Memphis said:  "If I wanted to be tortured, I'd move to Canada."

Gasp. It's a beautifully mild 21 degrees right now in my corner of Canada (that's apparently 70 to you Americans who have to use a different temperature measuring system). We don't break out the igloos and frozen tundras until November, at least. Just keep making fried pickles and keep your mouth shut, Memphis. 

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2 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

Day just figured out that the reason the shower is so cold is because they’ve been using the HN side and the HNs were using the regular side. The duck decals are wrong. Fucking hell Production is an utter mess.

I was watching the feeds earlier and thought that it was strange because the left side was always the have nots side and I was wondering why it was switched!  Dang if I noticed it on the feeds, why didn't they?! 

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Actually, modern day HIV treatments are so great that the immune system isn't as weak as it used to be - it's no longer Tom Hanks in A Philadelphia Story. It's not perfect, there's no cure, but it's a hell of a lot better than it used to be. Dick probably does have some immune deficiency but not as badly as you would think. 

Edited by Callaphera
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Just now, keke23 said:

Even though it's been furry animals for a few years now, does anyone still say fish when the feeds cut. I'm starting to realize how old and stuck in my ways I am becoming. 

I changed to STARS this season but I do find myself typing FISH first. I still think FISH in my head. It'll always be FISH to me. I'm just glad it isn't JEFFISH anymore. 

I have seen other social media places using STARFISH. I thought about using TIMMY'S THIRD GRADE ART PROJECT but that was a little long. 

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