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  1. If Danielle or Brittney win this, all will be forgiven in casting Nicole, Cody and Frankie back on another season together and then also adding in Josh. X made me chuckle when he tied up his hair. I said oh there is some personality. Taylor needs to learn how to not talk. The diary room is where you tell who your closest ally is and who you are trying to protect. You can't be so blatant with it in one on one convos my dear. If X would have gone home it would have been Taylor's fault. I wonder if Nicole, X, and Taylor will have a Michigan alliance at any point.
  2. I just finished binging today. Poor Craig was so bamboozled but I do not feel sorry for him. With the exception of Mark, whom I believe sussed out 3 of the 4 original traitors, the traitor women owned this game. They understood that there are multiple elements to the traitor's game. It's not only about getting rid of the faithful, you also have to position yourself by thinking ahead of your fellow traitors who are just as much oponents as they are allies.
  3. I finished watching and shed several tears. I realized what was holding me back for the first half of my viewing. I was trying to figure out who was who from the movie characters. Like I said in my earlier post I went in watching this blind so my expectation was that this was just a tv adaptation of the movie since it had the same name. Once I hit the last 3 episodes, I finally got into the groove of just following the current storylines and viewing this as something completely independent from the film as I think it was intended to be seen. Much more enjoyable that way.
  4. I think I'm almost done with the season. I still cannot figure out if I like it or not if that makes any sense. It's not what I thought I was getting into since it's called a league of their own. I agree with the poster above's statement that they could have based it on a different team. It just makes the movie I loved seem inauthentic now since it's like we're being told a completely different story now than the happy go luckiness of the movie. I'm sure this is closer to the reality of the time but I don't know it's just not the storylines I thought I was coming in for. That's partially my fault I guess because I only saw the title and decided to give it a view.
  5. I feel like this is the first time out of his mom's basement. This guy definitely missed the day they were passing out brains. And has he given any reasons for liking Alyssa beyond how hot and pretty she is? He acts like all she is is an object to him. It's nauseating to watch.
  6. Turner is performing. His whole okay...but Taylor reaction when he was in the HOH with Taylor is his true feelings. He's not really offended. Anything he says and does now is to save face and his game.
  7. Kyle's middle name should be failure to launch for more reasons than one. I can't stand his little childish voice. He acts like an entitled brat and in his own words he's not even good at sex. Oh and I almost forgot that his twerking looks awkward as hell. Those right there should be enough reasons to evict him if Turner cares enough to put him on the block. I can actually see Turner putting Monte up though to ensure he can get his way and have Taylor evicted.
  8. Turner don't give a quarter of a shit. Taylor and Monte might as well start packing.
  9. Today is my first feed watching day since Daniel and Nicole were still around. Because they are so aware of optics, does Michael and Brittany now think the "optics" will be that they are heroes? Cause all it looks like me is an effort to switch the shifting odds back in their favor.
  10. Have Taylor and Monte seemed to have any reaction at all? Every time I see Monte he is either alone, not talking, or both.
  11. I just started binging on Roku TV. This is awesome for me because I didn't really get into the show until season 4 in its original run. It is like seeing everyone as babies. I love me some Doc and watching I can see things in every episode that led to the unravel. I look at that smile of Jimmy as he goes back and forth with Kim and wonder if that's what got LeAnn Rhimes.
  12. I don't like how they broke up the first two episodes. I this is making me feel so flip floppy on some people on some people. At the end of the day my conclusion is that I feel bad for the tough life David has had since the show. However I feel like he still to this day needs to grow up and realize that his actions are his own responsibility and therefore the consequences are his to shoulder the blame for. Deep down I don't believe he fully understands that or thinks he was wrong to this day.
  13. Maybe we'll end on a cliffhanger.
  14. David's mental maturity is clearly stunted. Glen and Beth A looked like they were on a day pass from their nursing home when they were riding around looking for the house. Remembering how the guys treated Beth S gives me a soft spot for her. I wonder what her secret is. She's barely aged. I've seen Tami in some episodes of Basketball Wives and it looks like she is ready to bring some of that crazy to the Real World. I do have to commend her though on how she approached the whole situation with David and the blanket. He could have just stayed silent and let her take the responsibility because of her personal issues but that was too easy.
  15. Because its my personal opinion and I get sick of the fear of the almighty all girl alliances that never amount to anything on Survivor and Big Brother.
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