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Season 22 Live Feed Discussion

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19 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

David alone in the love room, sitting cross legged, one knee up, with a pillow against his lap. He appears naked behind the pillow and it’s disconcerting. Talking to the camera about the disappointment of his previous season. He understands why some people don’t think he’s all star material as a first evictee. He thought it was a set up at first. He recognizes he has made mistakes and is lucky to still be there. Trying to play an emotionally intelligent game. Trying to keep his power a secret. His dream is to win and leverage that into a meeting with LeBron, his idol and inspiration. Lots of talk about LeBron. He appreciates Dani and Tyler for their support. He appreciates CBS allowing 3 African-Americans in the house (maybe 4 if you count Kevin; he’s not sure). He hates what happened with Da’vonne and Bayleigh. It was hurtful to be called an Uncle Tom last time. He hopes history can still be made. He is very thankful to be there. 

He stands up and there are shorts, thank God. Also a roll of toilet paper, for some reason. Soliloquy over.

LeBron, David. 


I think you have to find a better idol than mister LeBron, "I stand up against all forms of oppression unless we're talking about China.  Because then that directly impacts my money and we cannot have that, so let's not get vocal about that and upset my Chinese overlords", James.

Edited by BK1978
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1 hour ago, Brian Cronin said:

It's obviously going to be a shitshow, but I think the show will turn on Christmas. Not as much as we want, but I think she will get a villain edit. If only to protect Tyler even more.

You know, like, "Here's your sacrificial villain. Don't attack Tyler!"

Maybe, but then why have all those shots of Christmas crying in tonight’s episode? I think we’re supposed to feel sympathy for poor Xmas, who had to make the noms as a strategic game move, but felt really, really sad about it because she is a Good Person. And let’s face it, the show has plenty of footage of Bayleigh going off on Xmas. Why complicate things by showing how Xmas provoked her and actually started the fight?

I think tonight’s edit made it pretty clear how the show views its characters: Christmas is the kindhearted soul who was caught between a rock and a hard place, Bayleigh is the Angry Black Woman who is the architect of her own demise, and Tyler is the noble Hero who  almost threw his game away for someone who was too petty and ungrateful to deserve it.

My only glimmer of hope for a more nuanced edit was the shot of Xmas barking “No!” at Bay when she slammed the veto box shut. (And how scary was her face at that moment...yikes.) That clearly showed a different side to our Brave Princess, but one I doubt the show will expand upon. 

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I can't agree that Bayleigh's getting the Angry Black Woman edit this season. I've actually posted a few times how mature and calm she's been this season. Even on tonight's show when she expressed not trusting Tyler and worrying he's playing them, she didn't appear angry. Hurt maybe. 

I do agree they're pushing the idea that Bayleigh shot herself in the foot with Tyler, which may or may not be true (I can't figure that one out yet) so that may be unfair but I don't think she's getting a villain edit at all, any more than Day is. Their partnership has been given a really positive edit. 

I'm expecting them to show her bicycle task tomorrow night which should be pretty endearing, and whether or not they show the fight I expect her to leave (assuming she leaves) on a high note. 

How does BB suck me in like this? No other show I watch has ever had me awake at 3:45 am posting on my phone, about the presentation and personality of a reality show person. I do not like when I get this way. Fortunately, thanks to Covid, I have absolutely nowhere to go tomorrow so I can sleep in 😁

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44 minutes ago, Alice Mudgarden said:

If I were Bayleigh, I would have said the name of Christmas' "untouchable" anyway.

Hell, I wouldnt have asked first. Just blurt that shit out because what do you have to lose, and screw Christmas with a peanut butter covered egg.

My thoughts exactly.  Why Bayleigh sought Christmas' approval is beyond me.  Maybe it was just her not trying to show anger, but I would say fuck it pull a Kaysar and blowup their game.  Might as well.

  • Love 7
31 minutes ago, Melina22 said:

I'm expecting them to show her bicycle task tomorrow night which should be pretty endearing, and whether or not they show the fight I expect her to leave (assuming she leaves) on a high note. 

I was just talking to a friend about this, but I feel like Bay asked if she could say who Xmas' number one is to plant the seed that she has info and if people want to know it they should keep her. If she gets ousted, I hope she goes out screaming, "Xmas is working with Tyler." If someone doesn't shout it over the fence first.

ETA: I'm sorry, just to clarify, I don't think that Bay exposing Xmas/Tyler would mean she's not leaving on a high note, I think she has every right to do that. I just meant that I hope she doesn't leave without saying something. Even if it's whispering to everyone as she gives her goodbye hugs.

Edited by grandmabegum
Clarifying what a high note is (not in the musical sense)
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Everyone is sitting around talking about Survivor. Kevin told them the winner got $2 mill on the last season. Now everybody is mad and feels like chumps for their measly $500k. They want a hidden immunity idol, because finding it would give them something to do.

Enzo is disappointed by all the married women in the house. Since he’s divorced this time, he was looking forward to having a showmance.  “Yo, man, I was going to name it and everything.”  Dani pointed out that he had a chance with Da’vonne and Nicole A. He said Day is too much like a sister, and Nicole was gone too soon.

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22 minutes ago, 30 Helens said:

Everyone is sitting around talking about Survivor. Kevin told them the winner got $2 mill on the last season. Now everybody is mad and feels like chumps for their measly $500k. They want a hidden immunity idol, because finding it would give them something to do.

Haha! In a fantasy world where COVID doesn't exist I would love if there was a tribe swap where BB went to the Survivor camp and the Survivors came to the BB House. Really, I just want to see the BB kids have to search for/earn their food rather than having a full stocked pantry, have to make their shelter, sleep in the cold rain without blankets and pillows sometimes, rather than sleep in warm beds (aside from the HN's which is like a couple of days) free from the elements. Man they wouldn't last a minute.

But really, I just want to see where Tony would set up his spy shack in the house.

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Speaking of rude awakenings -

I'm trying to find proof, but not having any luck. I'll probably screw up the names because I didn't recognize them, but it's being reported/rumored that Franzel has lost sponsorships from two businesses, BlanQuil and Chateau St. Michelle wines.

Edit: It helps if you spell the names correctly  


That tweet doesn't say she lost the sponsorship, though.

Edited by Christina
Added paragraph.
22 minutes ago, Christina said:

That tweet doesn't say she lost the sponsorship, though.

Just judging by the time stamps on the tweets I assume the first place is just waiting until business hours to have some sort of a meeting. I mean it's news, but not get people out of bed news.

I can't imagine how much Victor is losing his shit right now, seeing what's happening and not being able to tell Nicole to STFU. Maybe he'll call off the wedding and then Nicole's petty threat to Janelle will be even more meaningless.

Oh and nice investigating @Christina It gives me something to be entertained with as I'm up all night listening to helicopters and sirens.

Edited by grandmabegum
Giving Thanks (Not Thanksgiving)
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50 minutes ago, grandmabegum said:

Just judging by the time stamps on the tweets I assume the first place is just waiting until business hours to have some sort of a meeting. I mean it's news, but not get people out of bed news.

That's probably true. It's just annoying how people post things as fact, don't back it up with proof, then when you find something it doesn't say what they claim. The other company does say they cut ties with her though. The post I read said that she mentioned on the feeds that the wine company is providing the wine for her wedding, so it may not be as clear cut as that BlanQuil business to just wash their hands of her. I'm guessing there are contracts involving them providing the wine, which will need reviewed by the attorneys before they can say good riddance to bad rubbish.

It really surprises me that she completed nursing school and passed the boards to be an RN, not an easy task for most, and does such ignorant things like sneezing in her hand and reaching for the billiard board and pieces without washing them, or laughing and joking about someone's tics. It also drives me mad how much she cries and whines about things. She's pushing 30, about to be married, and has talked about them planning to start having kids, but cries over stupid shit. She's super annoying.

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Well hopefully they'll be more clarification in the morning. I imagine if they were providing the wine they were getting something in return so they probably need to weigh their pros and cons. I think it's clear cut, but I don't own a business.

And I guess, good for her (and her patients) that she's not a nurse anymore cause she'd probably come out of the house to find out she'd been let go. Though at these times, I really don't think they'd let anybody go. But general hygiene isn't hard stuff and nurses if nothing should be compassionate. I've dealt with nurses under terrible conditions with friends and family and they are almost always nice despite anything the patient does. Ian is not her patient, but she should get that he can't help it.

As for the kids, I feel like they would just be supporting members of the Nicole show. But who knows, maybe they'll help mature her? Hell I'm way past her age and won't have kids cause I know I'm not mature enough.



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1 hour ago, grandmabegum said:

And I guess, good for her (and her patients) that she's not a nurse anymore cause she'd probably come out of the house to find out she'd been let go. Though at these times, I really don't think they'd let anybody go. But general hygiene isn't hard stuff and nurses if nothing should be compassionate. I've dealt with nurses under terrible conditions with friends and family and they are almost always nice despite anything the patient does. Ian is not her patient, but she should get that he can't help it.

If Amanda from the Challenge wasn’t let go for her behavior on television, I don’t think Nicole would have been either—but the key words are “would have been,” because Nicole hasn’t gone back to nursing since winning BB18. I totally understand the influencer money, but it’s also crazy to me that she put so much time, effort, and presumably some money into training as a nurse only to completely give it up as soon as she was able to (and rumor has it she was actually serving for a while after she left nursing). I think she must have really not liked the reality of the job.

That wine company sponsors a bunch of reality people. Nicole surely can’t be too big of a loss. Unfortunately, all of this has seemingly had very little impact on Nicole’s following—she still has 640k—so she’s going to continue to do very well in influencing money even if specific brands cut ties with her. A really great way for feed watchers to “vote” here would be to unfollow her and to follow Bayleigh or Davonne instead. 

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1 hour ago, grandmabegum said:

And I guess, good for her (and her patients) that she's not a nurse anymore cause she'd probably come out of the house to find out she'd been let go. Though at these times, I really don't think they'd let anybody go. But general hygiene isn't hard stuff and nurses if nothing should be compassionate. I've dealt with nurses under terrible conditions with friends and family and they are almost always nice despite anything the patient does. Ian is not her patient, but she should get that he can't help it.

Yes, Nicole seems like she'd make a terrible nurse. She has no compassion for Ian's tics or quirks. Remember how on his last season he spent most of his time tailing Britney?  Remember how compassionate she was for him?  She protected him and became one of the few people he was truly comfortable around. My point in bringing this up is that I love Britney, but she is not exactly known for being the nicest, most compassionate BB houseguest either. Thats why her DRs are so good. But Nicole, when confronted with the EXACT same HG with the EXACT same affliction, was outclassed by miles by Britney. Yikes. 

16 minutes ago, Jillibean said:

If Amanda from the Challenge wasn’t let go for her behavior on television, I don’t think Nicole would have been either—but the key words are “would have been,” because Nicole hasn’t gone back to nursing since winning BB18. I totally understand the influencer money, but it’s also crazy to me that she put so much time, effort, and presumably some money into training as a nurse only to completely give it up as soon as she was able to (and rumor has it she was actually serving for a while after she left nursing). I think she must have really not liked the reality of the job.

Nicole has played 3 times now. While I recognize that I dont know her in real life I do think we've seen enough of her to question her motives in becoming a nurse and then quitting right away. I dont know if her motive was money, social status, or a chance to marry a doctor, but it sure as hell wasn't to help and care for sick people. She's far too selfish and lacking in compassion. 

Edited by me5671
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If Franzel is getting any freebies for The Grand Majestic Royal Wedding in Turks & Caicos, I hope they all drop her and make her pony up the cash.

These people are in for a severe rude awakening when they get out of the house.  It's going to be brutal.  But the fact that they've all played before and KNOW that everything they say and do is being filmed and broadcast, it's on them.  No excuses.  The post-show podcast apology tours are going to be interesting.

And I absolutely loved that Whinecole took the "unitard" punishment from Da'Vonne supposedly as a nice gesture but we know what she really wanted was something bright and sparkly that she could skip around in all day long, collect all the attention and compliments on how cute she looked, and try to outshine Janelle's Star costume.  Instead, she has to walk around in a literal box of slop.  It's perfect for her.

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9 hours ago, Growsonwalls said:

Memphis, Dani and Nicole are makin g fun of Ian for ... having a vocabulary?


And here I felt badly for Cody losing his grandfather, I expected he would either quit the game to be with his family, or at least stay in the BB house but be depressed, crying and laying in his bed wanting to be alone with his thoughts.  The fact that he is sitting around with the others and making fun of Ian would be so repulsive anyway, but even more shocking to me considering how I expected Cody to behave after his sad news.  Wow he’s as cold and awful as his brother, and to think I always liked him so much more than Paulie.

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21 minutes ago, Never Again said:

And here I felt badly for Cody losing his grandfather, I expected he would either quit the game to be with his family, or at least stay in the BB house but be depressed, crying and laying in his bed wanting to be alone with his thoughts.  The fact that he is sitting around with the others and making fun of Ian would be so repulsive anyway, but even more shocking to me considering how I expected Cody to behave after his sad news.  Wow he’s as cold and awful as his brother, and to think I always liked him so much more than Paulie.

I may not like Cody that much and don't like that he's joining in on the making fun of Ian, but just in terms of his response to his grandfather's death, I think everyone responds differently to death. Some grieve more openly than others. And Cody said that this was expected, right? That he knew that his grandfather was very sick. So he probably prepared for it. I can't say what he is feeling exactly but I wouldn't just automatically assume that he doesn't care that his grandfather died.

I was hoping the season would go more of the route of BB20, with far less personal attacks and bullying tactics. But nah, this is going the way of every other modern BB season since BB15. Gross. I feel SO BAD for people like Bayleigh, Da'Vonne and now Ian, who have to endure the cliquey white kids group who hate anyone not "perfect" like them. No empathy from Dani, Nicole or Memphis. None at all. This is why I've stopped watching entirely since week two and why I can barely read the updates in general.

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When they're all eventually booted and sent out to see Julie, will she drop the Aaryn treatment on them and let them know exactly how they're being perceived on the outside and ask them to explain themselves?  Or will she treat them like precious china so as not to upset their little all-star feelings?  Because I don't think it's a wise move to sweep their behavior under the rug.

Edited by laurakaye
  • Love 8
1 hour ago, Never Again said:

And here I felt badly for Cody losing his grandfather, I expected he would either quit the game to be with his family, or at least stay in the BB house but be depressed, crying and laying in his bed wanting to be alone with his thoughts.  The fact that he is sitting around with the others and making fun of Ian would be so repulsive anyway, but even more shocking to me considering how I expected Cody to behave after his sad news.  Wow he’s as cold and awful as his brother, and to think I always liked him so much more than Paulie.

To be somewhat fair to Cody, he actually has been seeming very down ever since he got the news. Before the Ian bash session began, he was lying silent in his bed and imo he looked very sad. He's still an absolute dick though lol.

7 minutes ago, laurakaye said:

When they're all eventually booted and sent out to see Julie, will she drop the Aaryn treatment on them and let them know exactly how they're being perceived on the outside and ask them to explain themselves?  Or will she treat them like precious china so as not to upset their little all-star feelings?

I don't think they will. They're not even showing any of this on the show. They're trying to give these people good edits because they're the ones that will make it to the end/win. Hell, they're trying to act like Memphis is the mastermind behind the alliance for fuck's sake!

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40 minutes ago, laurakaye said:

When they're all eventually booted and sent out to see Julie, will she drop the Aaryn treatment on them and let them know exactly how they're being perceived on the outside and ask them to explain themselves?  Or will she treat them like precious china so as not to upset their little all-star feelings?  Because I don't think it's a wise move to sweep their behavior under the rug.

I think the only way they would show this on the CBS show is if there is a lot of backlash from like, like with Aaryn. If they continue with the way they're talking and behaving and more news outlets print stories about it, I think Julie would have to address it.

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26 minutes ago, Alice Mudgarden said:

This season is so joyless and ugly.

Exactly. I don't need that. I can go outside or to the grocery store to see that.

I spent some time trying to imagine what Blanquil is. I finally decided it's a medicine to help you ignore bland people. So, like, we all need to stock up on some Blanquil if we're going to continue this season of BB.

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46 minutes ago, zibnchy said:

Exactly. I don't need that. I can go outside or to the grocery store to see that.I spent some time trying to imagine what Blanquil is. I finally decided it's a medicine to help you ignore bland people. So, like, we all need to stock up on some Blanquil if we're going to continue this season of BB.

Nicole's the perfect spokesperson for it, then.

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11 minutes ago, Lamb18 said:

Well Bumpus Mills, TN (Memphis) is up and in the kitchen, smiling, as he talks to Christmas. Corey is talking to Nicole in the HOH room. I have to keep the sound muted because I'm in a meeting right now.

Lamb you get me everytime and I always have a who is Corey moment. 

I'm just glad Xmas can't be HoH back to back. Thank glad this week is coming to an end. Watch Tyler win it again.

1 hour ago, peachmangosteen said:

They haven't shown the veto speeches in the past couple seasons. I don't know why they still have them do speeches if they're not gonna show them. I guess they wanna have the option in case they need to fill time or pad one of their fabricated stories lol.

Re Nicole losing sponsors:


Only took him 5 weeks and evicting everyone who could have helped him to realize it lol.


now kevin will have more reason to go pout that he wasn't included again.

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33 minutes ago, keke23 said:

Lamb you get me everytime and I always have a who is Corey moment. 

I'm just glad Xmas can't be HoH back to back. Thank glad this week is coming to an end. Watch Tyler win it again.

I think I only call him Corey when he's talking with Nicole.

By the way, CODY told Nicole that Dani made a final two with him. Shocked Nicole! Nicole has noticed that Dani only comes into the room if Cody is in the room, too. Cody denies this!!! with great shock in his voice! Nicole says Dani is very protective of Cody. Dani thinks that she is the reason Nicole and Cody are working together.

Edited by Lamb18
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4 hours ago, me5671 said:

Yes, Nicole seems like she'd make a terrible nurse. She has no compassion for Ian's tics or quirks. Remember how on his last season he spent most of his time tailing Britney?  Remember how compassionate she was for him?  She protected him and became one of the few people he was truly comfortable around. My point in bringing this up is that I love Britney, but she is not exactly known for being the nicest, most compassionate BB houseguest either. Thats why her DRs are so good. But Nicole, when confronted with the EXACT same HG with the EXACT same affliction, was outclassed by miles by Britney. Yikes. 

Britney has a brother who has autism though. So she was very sensitive and protective of Ian. But Jaysar were also very nice to Ian, and never made fun of him for his rocking or "quirks."

I think Steve Moses was also on the spectrum and the BB cast in that season just accepted him and his quirks. And Vanessa and the twins weren't exactly known as "nice" either.

But I think it's telling they're laughing that Ian has an extended vocabulary. That's classic "stupidity loves company" behavior.

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26 minutes ago, Growsonwalls said:

Britney has a brother who has autism though. So she was very sensitive and protective of Ian. But Jaysar were also very nice to Ian, and never made fun of him for his rocking or "quirks."

I think Steve Moses was also on the spectrum and the BB cast in that season just accepted him and his quirks. And Vanessa and the twins weren't exactly known as "nice" either.

But I think it's telling they're laughing that Ian has an extended vocabulary. That's classic "stupidity loves company" behavior.

I think Kaysar thought he was likely on the spectrum too. During a convo he had with Ian I think he said he's never been tested. But when talking about him and ian vs other people who may not understand certain behaviors he would group them together and say 'them'. 

  • Love 3
2 minutes ago, Dmarie019 said:

I think Kaysar thought he was likely on the spectrum too. During a convo he had with Ian I think he said he's never been tested. But when talking about him and ian vs other people who may not understand certain behaviors he would group them together and say 'them'. 

Kaysar self diagnosed himself just like Ian self diagnosed himself with ADHD on his original season. 

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27 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

Imagine being engaged and still being this dickmatzied lol. Dani is just as bad and she’s married! How embarrassing.

I'd say it's unbelievable, but it so fits this season, and too often, BB in general. 

38 minutes ago, Growsonwalls said:

But I think it's telling they're laughing that Ian has an extended vocabulary. That's classic "stupidity loves company" behavior.

Agreed, that was pretty hilarious. Mocking someone for being intelligent. Being offended that Kaysar and Ian liked talking to each other about things other than bidet water and Enzo's farts, or whatever else this group focuses on.

Disrespectful and tasteless, indeed.

Edited by CrazyDog
  • Love 12
58 minutes ago, Lamb18 said:

I think I only call him Corey when he's talking with Nicole.

By the way, CODY told Nicole that Dani made a final two with him. Shocked Nicole! Nicole has noticed that Dani only comes into the room if Cody is in the room, too. Cody denies this!!! with great shock in his voice! Nicole says Dani is very protective of Cody. Dani thinks that she is the reason Nicole and Cody are working together.

I am shocked that Dani could be that stupid. She actively knows ALL about the pre-gaming, but somehow thinks that SHE brought them together? It's beyond stupid. 

36 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

Imagine being engaged and still being this dickmatzied lol. Dani is just as bad and she’s married! How embarrassing.

I won't deny that Dani seems a bit dickmatized, but I think Nicole is just clearly noting that her and Cody's whole deal was that they would each go out and make as many Final Twos as possible, while knowing that they were always going to be true to each other in the end. So she's just a bit shocked that Dani made a Final Two with Cody. It's foolish to be all, "How could she betray me?" when she, herself, planned on betraying Dani later on, but that's just typical Big Brother hypocrisy (like Cody's "Why wouldn't Jayser trust me? I mean, I WAS going to nominate them, but it's an insult that they didn't trust me when I said I wouldn't."

  • Love 8
39 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

Imagine being engaged and still being this dickmatzied lol. Dani is just as bad and she’s married! How embarrassing.

God Nicole is a Piece of crap. Cody can have many F2 but Dani cant! What a fucking hypocrite does she here herself? If cody has Many F2 then HE SHOULDN'T BE TRUSTED EITHER!! 

  • Love 7
12 hours ago, Alice Mudgarden said:


If I were Bayleigh, I would have said the name of Christmas' "untouchable" anyway.

Hell, I wouldnt have asked first.


Seriously, this., I mean, what, did she think that Christmas would say “ok”?

Anyone have any insight into why Bayleigh asked, and why she obeyed “no”?


Edited because I should have read farther... someone pointed out (adroitly) that Bayleigh might be hinting to the rest of the cast that she has valuable info and could be worth keeping in the house.

Edited by Eyeland Baby
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