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S05.E08: Clap Back!

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I’m ok with this. I realized in the middle of this that I really, really wanted Jujubee to win this. I was pretty torn, I thought, between her & Shea. But there’s no denying Shea killed the challenge, & I couldn’t stop looking at her in the lip sync

best runway (non- finalists) - Mariah & Blair

best runway, finalists - Juju

Best lip sync look, & lip sync - Shea


Also, India did NOT come off well. I knew she was lying. I feel bad for Alexis; she probably should have been top four over Blair. 

Edited by heckkitty
  • Love 16

I am okay but not enthused with this. They at least made it feel less of a foregone conclusion than Chad, but I wanted a Juju win. I'm sad because I don't think she'll do this again, so I won't get to see her weekly on my teevee. Unless she gets her own show, like Trixie and Katya had on Vice, then I'll be happy.

Everyone looked gorgeous, but I need India to go all the way away.

  • Love 17

I guess Ru gave the crown to Shea because to do otherwise would have been very cruel.

 If Ru had eliminated one queen after the challenge, it would probably have been Juju, because she did look nervous, and did not sell it until just at the end.  I think Cracker did the best lip synch.  I did not like that Shea did that robot thing the whole time, and her gown was slipping, and I saw a man.  So, I would have said Cracker deserved the win, but... she didn't have PTSD or need therapy so ....

Are Kameron Michaels and Vangie a couple?

  • Love 4
1 minute ago, theatremouse said:

I found the final lipsync kind of underwhelming from all of them? But I'm not sure if a lot of that was the editing in that I couldn't really focus on any one...

Once again the powers that be chose a song that's a great song in its own right, but just doesn't make for a dramatic lip sync.

I was pulling for Jujubee (as were most fans I know), but I'm fine with Shea winning. Shea had some big things in her favor:

- She was the only contestant on this season who actually brought it when facing a lip sync "assassin" - and she did it twice. (And she was so much better than Juju and Cracker were in their battles that it was kind of ridiculous.)

- She was the best dressed overall, by far IMO. Her entrance look was terrific, and her "love the skin you're in" look is easily one of the best in the history of the show.

- She clearly was the best in the video, so in my book that makes her the winner of three challenges - as many as Cracker.

In the end, I don't think it was the right decision. But I consider this more like a "Bebe winning over Nina" victory (where I don't agree but I think the decision is defensible) than a "Trixie wins AS3" kind of travesty.

  • Love 7

Oh... alright... fine.

That was one disappointing final lipsync where no one really did anything memorable, and I doubt the Clapback song will go down as a Ru classic. 

Blair's gown was stunning.  JuJuBee's outfit was also great, and her makeup was perfection.  I was so so on Shea's pink gown until she showed the photo of her mom in her gown, and then I was really moved.

I wanted JuJuBee to win, but I also knew this was Shea's to lose from the moment the cast was announced. She's a worthy winner. She's talented, gracious, and would probably be really nice to the fans and do all the things on tour that a winner is expected to do. - though, thanks to Covid, she won't have many meet and greets etc, for some time.

India - is clinging to that lie like a parachute, but what else can she do, other than admit to helping shorten Alexis' time in the competition out of desperation. That would have made memorable tv if she did that, though.



Edited by 7-Zark-7
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India: “It was a conspiracy! They were discussing the vote, AFTER it happened! ...What do you mean, that’s not a conspiracy? Oh. Ok. ...Wait! Now I remember! What really happened was Alexis whispered something in my ear! Something...conspiratorial!!”  Shady, shady, shady. At least Derrick Barry was having fun.

I have been pulling for Juju, but as they were waiting for Ru’s decision, I realized I’d be happy with any of them winning. Even Cracker, who has really grown on me.  But since the queens had been making the weekly decision of who to send packing, I think it would have been more fitting to let them also vote for the winner. (I mean, if you’re going to have them play Survivor, why not go all the way!) I wonder who would have emerged victorious in that case? Probably still Shea.

In Untucked, it was nice to see everyone gather around the sofa and show their support for the four finalists who were seated there, waiting... um, that’s actually three finalists, Blair. You can stand up now. (Ah dew declare, poor baby was seriously have a tough time letting go of that crown.)

I haven’t seen the previous all star seasons, but are the finales always this low key? Seems strange that the regular seasons end with a big Spectacular Spectacular, but the all star season ends with... a normal episode? I expected more.


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I'm so glad we got a full runway with all the girls! Mariah was gorgeous, so was Blair, and even Derick looked great. India should have been censored, she walked off the set of some ugly, dated 90's porn film. Of the top 3 I loved Jujube's runway look, I was bored by Cracker's but I hated Shea's so, so much; I kept waiting for the reveal, when she tore off that shapeless bed sheet chopping her body in half and revealed something worthy of the finale!  Shea's lipsync dress was beautiful though.  I'm glad Alexis was redeemed; India clearly was the liar here, and I don't think she did herself any favours by appearing on All-Stars.

I saw the leaked winner days ago; I'm glad it wasn't Cracker, but I would have preferred Jujube or a joint win between Shea/Juju. I think it really sucks that queens from seasons two and three like Shangela, Manilla, Tattiana, (bring Tati back for AS6!( and Jujube get invited to all stars but no matter how well they do, the crown always goes to someone from more recent seasons. This year I really wish we got to see more of Mariah, I wanted her or Alexis in the top 3.  At least this episode eschewed the 'lipsync assasin' gimmick, which was a total bust. 

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52 minutes ago, 30 Helens said:

I haven’t seen the previous all star seasons, but are the finales always this low key? Seems strange that the regular seasons end with a big Spectacular Spectacular, but the all star season ends with... a normal episode? I expected more.

I've seen most of AS3 & AS4. From what I remember, it's usually more like a Survivor finale in that there's a big theater with fans and queens all decked out watching the filmed finale episode. Mostly I remember because of Monet having to lean over and clarify to Trinity that they both won, as it seemed to take the latter a couple minutes to comprehend that Ru declared a tie.  But even then, it seemed fairly clear the whole final competition was filmed like a normal episode and that they must have filmed a segment of each final queen winning so that it'd be a surprise for the actual finale night 'ru-veal.'  Thanks to covid, they just did this season finale as a normal episode without any huge pageantry. But at least it wasn't as distracting as the season 12 finale with everyone homebound!

You can see that Juju doesn't know a thing about dancing. Because if she did, she would know that lifting someone up is actually the easiest way to make someone who isn't a good dancer look impressive, and it is even easier if the one who are supposed to lift is basically falling on you from a higher position, the actually difficult part about any lift is the "way up" so to speak, because that one requires a lot of body control. Clapping your knees sounds easy, but it is actually the seemingly easy things like walking or clapping which are difficult to sell on a stage.

Good thing that they also did a runway with the queens who came back, because in the dance number they were wasted. One would think that they would use all the time they had with them to train them up for something truly amazing, but nope. Not that the song helped, I have already forgotten it. But the runway was amazing. Only thing was that Cracker held herself a little bit stiff due to the head piece.


Okay, Shea won...yeahwwwwwn…..sorry but of the top three she was my least choice. And frankly, her overall track record wasn't as good as Juju if yo go by who was the most in the top and the least in the bottom, and not as good as Cracker if you by overall wins. And add to this all the whining about her loosing in the finale, and it really comes off as if she got a pity win. What the hell should Jujubee say? Is there another queen which kept ending up in second place as often as she does? She is the true winner of the season.

And narratively, Shea winning was actually a bad choice…"Cracker finally got out of her head and succeeded" is a good story, "Jujubee developed so much she finally got the crown" is a good story, "Shea was always fierce but this time there was no-one fiercer than her" is not a good story, especially since everyone saw her coming as the designated winner. A good twist would have been her not winning again (and yes, I know it would be kind of cruel, I am speaking strictly on which narrative would have more satisfying for the audience). The drama is, after all, part of what the show is supposed to deliver and there is really zero suspense if All Stars continues to be a show to reward supposedly "robbed" queens.

Plus, I think that Juju had the best lip sync. Shea's strange robot thing did nothing for me. And I actually fear that the crown won't give Shea any peace, because Drag race fans are even more aggressive towards queens they felt took something away from their fav. And the fav this season was clearly Juju.

  • Love 9

My personal ranking of the final three queens based off of the AS season is: 1. Juju, 2. Cracker, 3. Shea

I enjoy all three of them, but Juju stole the show for me. Fierce and funny all the way through. I liked Shea a lot more during her original season, but I felt harboring all that bitterness from losing to Sasha made Shea come off as a sore loser and it's such a turn off. 

I'm just glad it wasn't a joint win! 

Edited by funnygirl
  • Love 14

My favorite part of this underwhelming episode (and season) was Blair learning everyone’s choreography from her seat, followed by JuJu’s talking head about Blair being ready to be the understudy.

My one request for this franchise moving forward is that India and her tired ass lying drag never, ever appears on my screen again.

Edited by rlc
  • Love 21

Shea did the best by far in the Clap Back challenge so I knew she would have to really fuck up the LSFYL to lose the crown. I didn't love her runway dress but the judges did so I knew that would be a vote in her favor.

I was really rooting for Juju but her performance in Clap Back was not great. I mean, it was really good considering how lost she was while learning the choreography, but dancing is not her strong suit. She must have worked really hard to get it to the level we saw. She had the moves memorized but she was clearly nervous and concentrating really hard. You could practically see "don't fuck this up" written all over her face. She did loosen up about halfway through, but it was a little too late by then. I loved her final runway look - just gorgeous! I liked her LSFYL the best because she didn't resort to any tricks or bits. She just did a good old fashioned lip sync and it totally worked for me.

Ha, I had to laugh when Juju said she had to do a lift while Cracker just got thigh slaps. Cracker definitely had the easiest choreography of the three finalists so she was able to learn it quickly and ham it up. I hated the pearls all over her runway dress, partly because white pearls on light pink is a bit too subtle for a runway look. The embellishment on the top of her dress looked a little crafty to me. Her LSFYL look was just awful. Seriously, it's the finale of All Stars and you choose to wear a plain leotard with cardboard stunt titties? And then said stunt titties just blew a load of glitter for half a second? LAME.

OMG I was laughing SO HARD when I saw the look of absolute glee on Derrick Barry's face during the airing of the grievances. Then he made me laugh even harder when he said he was living for all this drama that specifically did not involve HIM. HA!

India's non-apology to Alexis really sucked. A "miscommunication"? No, bitch, you straight up lied to cast aspersions on Alexis in a desperate last minute bid to get the other girls to vote her out. You can stuff your sorries in a sack!

I loved seeing sweet Ongina again and I LOVED that she wore the same little hat from S1.

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Nope, Jujube had the easiest one. I mean what I said above, those lifts are easy. There is a REASON why you see so many of them at dancing with stars, They look impressive and difficult, but mostly aren't, it's all a matter of trusting in the professional dancers.

I really don't like that the last decision is made this way. I always felt that the last task of any season should be the Queens themselves putting on a show, one which features their strength, because the one thing any queen HAS to be able to do is providing some entertainment. And in this case, I also wouldn't have minded if the other queens got the vote who did the best, just based on this one challenge. That would make the whole thing more interesting.

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When the judges "deliberated," there were so many straight-up lies that I could barely keep track of them.

No, this wasn't one of the most spectacular finales the show has ever had.

No, Todrick, I don't buy for a second that Jujubee "completely blew you away" in the Clap Back performance. She was fine, and that was it.

No, Cracker didn't bring beautiful looks "each and every week."

No, Shea's weird bridal outfit for the backyard barbeque was not "amazing."

And speaking of lies...I really, really wish India had the guts to just say, "Yeah, I made all that shit up to try to save my own ass." It would have made her iconic, in a way.

Derrick must have felt like she was living in a nightmare when India won the first episode, and she was eliminated. But things really turned around for her. In the end, Derrick came across as a likeable, amusing presence, and she was vindicated by India showing her true colors.

Edited by Blakeston
  • Love 9
6 hours ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

Her LSFYL look was just awful. Seriously, it's the finale of All Stars and you choose to wear a plain leotard with cardboard stunt titties? And then said stunt titties just blew a load of glitter for half a second? LAME.


LOL Cardboard Stunt Titties is my new band name. We do post-neo-retro-genderfuck-punk. But with some Dave Matthews covers thrown in for the Ramada Inn crowd...

Edited by Penman61
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14 hours ago, Sugarbeetle said:

The phrase you’re looking for, India, is “lie of omission.” 

Even that is giving her too much credit.  I really wanted Shea to call her out on specifically saying that they tried to get her to "pick your lipstick".  Unfortunately, Shea might not have remembered that exactly since she didn't have the benefit of seeing it replay about a dozen times like all of us.

I've always liked Airline more than Jujubee but, based on the runway and final lip synch, she should have been the winner, baby!  Plus, cat sanctuary!

That said,

Come on, August 21st!  I can't wait to see these drag queens actually do what they do best, perform.  I'm also excited to see more of Derrick, I've always liked her and was disappointed that we only got one episode of her in All Stars.

And who doesn't love a Kameron/Vangie angle?  Big and shy with small and feisty, a perfect combination.


  • Love 2
5 hours ago, Kroliosis said:

Do you think Shea only agreed to participate if she was guaranteed the crown?  


I was rooting for Jujubee. Ru is right, she sure knows how to win over an audience. Too bad she can't win a competition. If anyone should have PTSD or require therapy, it's Jujubee....always a bridesmaid, never a bride.

8 minutes ago, Sile said:

Come on, August 21st!  I can't wait to see these drag queens actually do what they do best, perform.  I'm also excited to see more of Derrick, I've always liked her and was disappointed that we only got one episode of her in All Stars.

If we are gonna believe that Shea came on this season only because she was guaranteed the crown, then I'm also gonna assume that Derrick Barry agreed to only one episode (for the India/Derrick drama), then went off to film that Las Vegas season.

  • Love 2

I could probably have been happy with any of the three winnings, although Cracker would've been my bottom preference.  I didn't think the conclusion was as foregone as many others do, but maybe I'm kidding myself.  Either way, Shea did well.  I hope she is not targeted for abuse on the Internet, as so often seems to happen with the black queens.

I don't remember them having done this kind of runway with the eliminated contestants in the past.  That was fun.  20 minutes of more of the boring draaaama, mostly India's, was not.  I lost interest like four times and clicked over to do something else, almost forgetting the window was still open in the end.  Meh.

Netflix, by the way, spoiled the result for UK viewers by featuring the coronation as their thumbnail for the episode.  Having had several finales spoiled for me as a west coast viewer by east coast fans, or on more than one occasion Drag Race's own Facebook page, I feel their pain.

Edited by 853fisher
  • Love 5
10 hours ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

India's non-apology to Alexis really sucked. A "miscommunication"? No, bitch, you straight up lied to cast aspersions on Alexis in a desperate last minute bid to get the other girls to vote her out. You can stuff your sorries in a sack!

Yep. India’s shenanigans directly resulted in everyone voting her out the next week. Alexis was screwed. You could tell the others were pissed and even embarrassed for falling for it. Derek was living for it because he was vindicated. India can take her tittles and sashay away from my screen. 

Part of the reason I’m so annoyed by this is that from the start, Shae has acted like she’s entitled to the crown. She made such a huge deal out of getting votes. India saw that and fed it. It really made the season tough to watch. 

I will always have a soft spot for Ongina. Her dress was gorgeous. 

I was pulling for JuJu like everyone else, it seems.

  • Love 5

I'm probably in the minority, but I don't think Alexis was voted out because of India's lie. I think she was voted out because she voted for Shea in week two.

When Alexis was up for elimination after the backyard ball, the other queens were the three front-runners plus Blair (who undoubtedly thought of herself as a front-runner.) If there's one thing All-Stars front-runners are afraid of, it's the Naomis who will vote to eliminate their biggest competition, rather than whoever has the worst track record.

Once Alexis voted for Shea, I think it solidified in everyone's mind that she was a cunning queen who didn't respect the "vote out the weakest competitor" philosophy. (Her general "fuck-you" attitude in seasons 3 and AS1 probably didn't help, either.) She painted a big target on her back.

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Shea felt like the preordained winner of AS 5 to me from the moment the cast was announced, because she was such a fan favorite. She would have had to have stuffed up badly to not win, I think.

I thought it was weird the way she went on all this season about the goddam rose petals and not winning her season. I was underwhelmed by the rose petal moment, and Sasha Velour and season 9 in general, but if anyone was robbed in that season, I thought it was Trinity Taylor or Valentina.

Anyway, Shea came third or fourth in her season. Jujubee came third in her season years ago, and third or fourth place in her previous season of All Stars. She's not weeping all over town about it! For the sake of simplicity, she came third twice as many times as Shea and didn't make out it was some great robbery that she didn't instead win, and must somehow be repayed this time around.

They were a pretty great final three, even so. Having Derrick and Alexis vindicated and seeing them all do such a stunning runway made this a better All Stars finale than usual. But I wish All Stars wasn't so scripted feeling, and also didn't have such stupid rules. (And that Jujubee had won more money and trips and stuff, and also got the crown!)


  • Love 10
16 hours ago, swanpride said:

Only thing was that Cracker held herself a little bit stiff due to the head piece.

Very, very stiffly. It looked like she was barely balancing it and it was going to tumble at any moment.

Beyond that discomfort, Cracker's story about that outfit infuriated me.  She is a Jew (as am I) whose ancestors lived in Russia.  So then come dressed as Tzietel, not the czarina.  (This same issue really bugged me about the Census, too.  There was a question on the Census about "origin."  Half my family wanted to write "Russian."  Hello, our "origins" were not Russian.)

  • Love 3

This season ended the way I expected and Shea rightfully won the crown.

The thing about Cracker is that she is an entertainer, not a competitor. All the lip syncs she did was painful looking and she was never vibing with the tempo of the songs. She was either a beat behind or doing too much! Plus she wanted to pull a stunt that deflated when presented on the main stage.  Was the cone titties supposed to shoot glitter out of them? Total Fail.  Her final LSFYL outfit also paled in comparison to Shea and Juju. 

All of the lip sync song choices outside of episode 1 were poor.  Usually I would buy the Ru song that is played at the finale, but "Clap Back" wasn't it. I didn't like that song at all.  I did buy the song that Shea did her pole dance to; I love Shea's music!  

On to the Vegas Revue!

  • Love 4
55 minutes ago, Just Carol said:

Very, very stiffly. It looked like she was barely balancing it and it was going to tumble at any moment.

Beyond that discomfort, Cracker's story about that outfit infuriated me.  She is a Jew (as am I) whose ancestors lived in Russia.  So then come dressed as Tzietel, not the czarina.  (This same issue really bugged me about the Census, too.  There was a question on the Census about "origin."  Half my family wanted to write "Russian."  Hello, our "origins" were not Russian.)

We said the same thing....


and on the census we wrote Ashkenazi Jewish, for the same reason.

  • Love 2

Was so happy to see all the queens return for the final runway. India looked like wet trash, but I thought Alexis, Derrick, and Blair looked gorgeous.

I don't begrudge Shea the win - she did a super job all the way through, and her Skin runway is imo the singular most iconic look of this season - but I was really rooting for Juju, who was equally deserving. Please, please, please, Juju, open a cat sanctuary with feline-friendly plants and I will be the first in line to Kickstart the hell out of it.


  • Love 5
6 hours ago, Sugarbeetle said:

Part of the reason I’m so annoyed by this is that from the start, Shae has acted like she’s entitled to the crown. She made such a huge deal out of getting votes. India saw that and fed it. It really made the season tough to watch

PTSD ? Seriously?


9 hours ago, Blissfool said:

If we are gonna believe that Shea came on this season only because she was guaranteed the crown, then I'm also gonna assume that Derrick Barry agreed to only one episode (for the India/Derrick drama), then went off to film that Las Vegas season.

I think this season was very planned out. 

  • Love 2

I actually liked the Clap Back song. It has some interesting rhythms. Most of Rupaul's songs are forgettable, but this one is okay. I also wish Juju had won. I think she is the WHOLE package, and when she talked about the cat sanctuary, my cold black heart melted just a bit. Shae appeared entitled and she has had too many fashion failures (that uglyass picnic bridal dress, ugh. And the last outfit (freak out) looked like it had been created from a pile of scraps from Joanne's Fabrics). I mean, I get that she won, but I don't have to like it. And I still love Miz Cracker. Not her year, but I think she is the funniest of the final three and that goes far with me. I seriously dislike India, am "meh" on Alexis. Her look is terribly dated. Blair, bless her heart, gorgeous drag but so not entertaining to watch. 

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Shea did a real disservice to herself by focusing so much attention on her trauma about the rose petals. She is a really good queen and could  have won on that merit alone. Now all she has done is make it seem like a pity win. Besides it's not like she was on the finale runway with dormant butterflies stuck to her stunt titties like happened to a queen who shall remain nameless the following season. Now THAT is worth PTSD over. 

Edited by Juneau Gal
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