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S10.E08: Mind Your P's and BBQ's

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Watching this episode made me wonder is Garcelle has just picked Denise's side or if she's a little closer to Rinna's this is an acting job and will do and say whatever approach than I thought.

A few things I thought were interesting.

What kind of person throws shade while accepting an award for their charitable works?

The editors were sure on the ball to make it clear that Garcelle is almost never around the others and Kyle did inquire about and show interest in getting to know her.

And as soon as Kyle turned the table on Garcelle and asked her what she had learned about Kyle she just folded completely.

Also, am I remembering it wrong or wasn't Garcelle much more involved in the sex talk conversation than either Kyle or Teddi?  

Did Garcelle actually apologize to Denise at some point and I missed it?  She's on Denise's side about it but its like they forgot who said what.  Or maybe that was me.

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Does anyone NOT see Kyle being all about Kyle? My mom! My dad! My anxiety! My husband! My kids! My house! My sister! Ugh, she is insufferable. And I wish I didn’t have to say this, Dorit being almost kind, and seems to like Denise. Also, her fashion is really spot on....it’s time for me to say goodnight now, because....I freakin’ might not hate DoritAS MUCH as I thought. 

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15 minutes ago, chewycandy said:

It was in response to Aaron saying they should take a look at themselves in the mirror. 

Oh thanks, I'm usually doing something else while watching the show and miss stuff.  Still don't like Erika though!!!

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2 minutes ago, janiema said:

Every week I despise Kyle a little more.

And she wasn’t even that bad this episode. LOL LVP made her less obnoxious, she definitely backed the wrong horse(s).

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Call me simple, but I’m still confused how Denise saying that Aaron still has a “big dick“ at that same party that she didn’t want the talk of lesbianism and threesomes doesn’t square with me.  She has the right to do it—her house, her rules.  It just makes no sense to me.  That wasn’t last season.  That was not at a different place or time.  That was at the same damn party.  I guess I won’t get that part until it’s explained at the reunion.  

Dorit’s six million dollar house looked kinda crummy.  

It’s so early to make any judgments other than knee-jerk, but Sutton’s Michael reminds me a little of Camille’s David.  

Garcelle kind of won me over when she said she wouldn’t eat placenta.  It’s so fucking Teddi to want to eat the placenta “in pill form.”  🤮 I thought the twins—who are younger than Denise’s Sami and Lola—calling out their mom saying “shit” was a welcome contrast to all the controversy surrounding Denise’s barbecue.  I go hot and cold on Garcelle, but I think this overall was a good episode for her.  

Aaron sounds fucking crazy.  He really needs to not talk.  If Kyle “tricked” Aaron into sounding crazy at her dinner party, what the fuck motivated this bullshit healing talk this time?

Denise said she didn’t want to bring the kids around the group.  Then she flipped to needing a date night.  This is like saying that Sami talked to her about hearing threesome, but she didn’t want to get into what Sami said, because Sami was laughing.  It’s double talk.  She has every right to feel this way, but she said “fucking” when Eloise was right next to her at her own barbecue.  It’s behavior I can’t understand.  

I don’t think anyone really expected Denise to bring her teenagers.  If she didn’t bring Eloise to a kids’ barbecue, but didn’t want to cause a stir, she could have stuck to the polite excuse of a play date and not made any more of that.  

But Denise and Aaron came to a children’s party basically armed with verbal machine guns.  If they were going to do nothing else, they were going to make their fucking point.  And it was crude and disgusting and it undermined Denise’s entire argument.  

Aaron seemed really aggressive and it’s not a great look to be slurring about how to act in front of kids.  He is completely crazy.  And he said “fucking” too, which...makes him a hypocrite.  When he asked Kyle to define “passive-aggressive,” that was when I would have gotten up to leave the table or invited them to leave.  I echo every sentiment Erika had in her talking heads about Aaron.  I’m going with the idea that he’s a psycho who also has good drugs.

Denise was being a total hypocrite to say “fucking” in front of Phoenix and “shitting” when there were kids around too.  “I was not fucking mad.”  What kind of message is that sending?  “Fucking come on” and “there’s a fucking line” is ok to say within the earshot of kids?  She’s officially lost her damned mind.  Very classy with the “fuck it” in making your departure, Aaron too.  You really showed them!

Of course it’s Denise’s right not to bring her kids around a group.  But if she’s gonna announce it, she should be up to discuss it.  Last week I gave her accolades for being restrained, but I also said I thought she won the battle but was going to lose the war.  Now I feel like I’m being proven right.  

On the day I need “a hint” from Aaron, I will hang up my hat.  

The two of them and their fear of saying anything they didn’t already say because it’s “all on camera” while they are filming a reality show is fucking crazy.  

I really think Aaron thought he was going to walk in there and set everyone straight and knock their socks off with his logic and they were all going to be eating out of his hands when all was said and done.  I’m not sure his appearance had its intended effect.  That was horrifying.

I wish the Phypher-Richards would have left long before they did and stupid Kyle didn’t chase after them in her stupid robe.  They couldn’t have left fast enough for me.

If I can make a legal metaphor, the women drinking and talking too loud about lesbianism at Denise’s barbecue was negligence.  What Denise and Aaron did at Kyle’s was armed robbery.  Last week I said Denise was well played and this week I am abhorred at their behavior.  

Dorit’s outfit was perfection.  Edwin was the only smart one to stay away and play with the kids.  I’ve got nothing else positive to say about that barbecue.  As Peggy from RHOC would say, “Dis-gus-ting!”

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56 minutes ago, escape said:

Garcelle is under rated.  IMO, Best New HW.  Way better than over rated, Leah McSweeney.  Her confessionals are fun.  She can throw shade.  Her kids aren't obnoxious.  She has a real career outside HW.  And she is loyal to her friends, unlike Rinna, who will be the first to throw them under the bus for a storyline.

I was very impressed with the work that Garcelle was doing for the LA Mission. She deserved the award. Her boys are well behaved & she defended Denise from the other housewives.

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Aaron giving EMF Crystals to Kyle so she could sleep & avoid damage from 5G networks was hilarious. Kyle was polite & accepted the gift. Does Aaron take himself seriously ?

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4 minutes ago, bencr said:

She didn't bring her kids

I was thinking Denise's two teenagers were just too old to want to play on a bouncy castle or swings or be in a Princess tent - so why would she bring them?  And Eloise might find it a bit much to be with other kids she doesn't know? (Not that I know this.)  After all, the kids aren't being paid to put in appearances.  (Not directed at you Bencr - just an observation.)

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I’m sure Kyle’s pajamas were made by Guicci or some other designer.  Every piece of clothing she had on tonight from shoes to what she was wearing, she had to show them and name the designer .. Chanel, Vuitton, Prada or whoever the hell.  She is so pretentious and annoying.  What’s with Erika?  Ever since Chicago, she’s become one of them, and not in a good way.  They all have to get decked out to eat outside on the grass.  Denise is the Star of the bunch and wears dungarees and a t-shirt.  I love it.  She’s not a show off or snob.  Why did she even join this show?  Rinna with her phoney loud laugh ate one piece of something for the week.  Why is she constantly touching her hair when the camera comes near her?  I only like Denise, Garcelle and the new blonde.  Teddi is so boring.  I’m sure her Father got her on.  Oh, and Dorit .. the Chanel lady.  She must get the stuff for free for the advertising.  While picking a few things up today, I bought a shirt in LaWalmart.  $8.99.



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37 minutes ago, DivaLasVegas82 said:

Garcelle and Kyle seemed to be getting along at Kyle's BBQ. I don't think Kyle dislikes Garcelle. She just may not engage with her because she hasn't spent a lot of time with her. I think if the two of them spent some time alone together, they could actually get along just fine. 

imo Garcelle held a finger up to the wind and determined the wind was blowing against Kyle.

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49 minutes ago, PhilMarlowe2 said:

I think these women don't know how to let anything go, but I do understand their point that it's kind of disingenuous for Denise to be clutching her pearls when she has gone on national television talking about her sex life in very graphic terms. I'm sorry, her kids are going to know and hear about that. And for Denise to claim otherwise is nonsense. And Denise clearly has been more upset than she has let on. But, all that said, it is gross how the rest of the cast circles around her like sharks. Like, it's not that big of a deal?

I think it's possible that Denise's daughter Sami who is 15 would watch the show & hear about her mom's sex life with Aaron . She may also know about her dad's wild life.

I don't know how Denise would explain these details to her daughter.

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32 minutes ago, whydoievencare said:

I was thinking Denise's two teenagers were just too old to want to play on a bouncy castle or swings or be in a Princess tent - so why would she bring them?  And Eloise might find it a bit much to be with other kids she doesn't know? (Not that I know this.)  After all, the kids aren't being paid to put in appearances.  (Not directed at you Bencr - just an observation.)

I think that's plausible and, if it's true, then Denise could have just said so. This would have initiated a 3-episode fight over the age appropriateness of Kyle's party planning instead of a continuation of this endless feud about whether it's okay to engage in candid sex talk in front of children.

Edited by bencr
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So Denise F***ing Richards was upset at the talk of threesomes around her teenage daughters, but had no problem dropping multiple f bombs around the other howives' very young children. Because she swears around her own children, I guess it is OK to swear around other kids at someone else's house.  F'ing hypocrite. And it wasn't just Dorito's kid, there were other kids running back and forth right where they were sitting. Add in Psycho Aaron and his own verbal diarrhoea and the only good thing I can say about that pair is that they are a good match. I don't know why Kyle ran after them (other than it made them look bad), I would have locked the door after they left. I did think it was hilarious that Denise F***ing Richards kept telling PA to stop talking because the cameras were filming. Did she not know they were filming them at the table too? OMFG. 

I didn't know what Garcelle was trying to say about her oldest son - I assume that he went through some tough times and is now OK? I also assume that the charity she supports helps people who are down and out, so throwing food was not only tacky, but a bit brain dead to me. Her public put down in her acceptance speech was also tacky. 

Just so I have one positive thing to say, I loved the outfit Sutton wore to the BBQ. 

Edited by UsernameFatigue
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17 minutes ago, Keywestclubkid said:

#TeamDenise until the elephant is addressed  of why Erika can get away with “protecting” her adult husband from these hyenas (she fights in front of others husbands curses etc etc but it isn’t allowed around Tom)  but Denise is a slutty hypocrites these ladies have no leg to stand on 

I doubt Tom would agree to get involved with a fight with the other housewives. He has a reputation to protect . I remember that Erika was very upset when Andy brought up his financial issues on a reunion show a few years ago.

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8 minutes ago, Axie said:

The next time someone is talking to me and I wish they weren’t, when the time is right, I’m going to scream, “That’s mom shaming!!!”  Just so I can see them look confused, question my stability, and, get away from me as fast as they can.

I’m stealing this tactic - too funny!

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12 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

Kyle, that was not a BBQ. That was an outdoor dinner party with catered Mexican food. Looked delish but still not a BBQ. 

I didn't understand what Garcelle was saying about her oldest son. Did he pass away from drug abuse or is he alive and still doing drugs to the point of being disassociated from the family? Either way, it's a sad situation. 


I think Kyle said that it was originally supposed to be a BBQ as she has done before, but Mauricio decided to go to whatever event he went to, and since she doesn't BBQ she changed it to a catered event with no BBQ. 

I was wondering about Garcelle's oldest too as I had no idea what she was trying to say. So I googled and it looks like he is alive and well now, and just got married during the pandemic. 

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1 minute ago, mbaywife123 said:

Quick question.

Where was Kyles precious Portia during the non BBQ?

Good question. It's a bit strange to throw a family-themed party which no one in your whole large family feels any obligation to attend.

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25 minutes ago, RealHousewife said:

Oh my gosh, Khloe is the cutest dog I've seen on this show. 

Shhh!  River might hear you, that needy little camera whore... I’m surprised he wasn’t lurking around in tonight’s episode.

Speaking of camera whores, there was this one split second where I found Rinna amusing, when she ran away and went down the slide with a bunch of little kids.

I loved it when Aaron told them all to stop rehashing the same old argument- cut to blank staring from Kyle, because that’s all she knows how to do.

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29 minutes ago, ParadoxLost said:

Rinna clearly knows exactly what Denise's daughter thought about what she and her friends overheard at dinner and exactly what she said to Denise about it.  That is twice tht she brought it up and it is too exact this second time to be guessing.

The only question is how she knows....producers.... called Denise's kids herself... sent her kids to do it and report back....

Agreed. Rinna definitely knows something, but isn't saying it directly, likely because of how she found out what Sammie said. That said, it doesn't matter what Sammie said to Denise, it doesn't matter whether she laughed, was disgusted, was disturbed — Denise didn't want her daughter hearing those conversations in her home around her. 

I don't understand why they're beating this dead horse, they've beaten it into glue at this point. 

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 When Denise got to the party and Kyle asked her where her kids were I thought Denise's answer made perfect sense. Kyle then says but I got a bouncy house. I'm thinking wait aren't these girls teenagers? Would they really want to play with little kids in a bouncy house?  But then she had to tell everyone at dinner that she didn't want her girls around the other women. I guess to keep the fight going.  I felt sorry for Garcelle's sons. What were they supposed to do? Did Kyle not think about having something for the older kids? It just seemed so awkard for them to be sitting in the rocking chairs. The whole party thing was stupid. And what in the hell does Denise see in Aaron? He is a nut case. As Nene would say he needs to stay out of women business. 

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5 minutes ago, RealHousewife said:

Yup. I don't think anyone is saying Denise the epitome of prim and proper. She admits as much, but she's not an unapologetically disrespectful mean girl. Unlike her cast mates. 

The ladies are all dumb as fuck and trying to save face for being selfish and disregarding the value of other human beings in their earshot, because they only care about themselves and they got called out on it.

Regarding Aaron. I think the real reason the ladies didn't like listening to him is because they are competitive, and NO ONE else had their husband there, except Teddi, and Eddy stayed as far away as possible. I think that Aaron defending Denise brought to light that none of the other women had a man to defend her, and it brought out the worst in them.

I thought Aaron was right on to stick up for Denise. He was invited to the party. He has a right to say what he wants. His voice is as valuable as the others. None of the other women have a man that really gives a shit what people say to them or what happens in their lives. This really brought it to light that Teddi, Kyle, and Ericka's husbands were not there. I know that bothered them. They can try to ostracize Aaron, but I get it, and he loves Denise and was protecting her. I can't see Tom, Harry, or Maurico ever defending their wives if they were hurt.



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1 hour ago, DivaLasVegas82 said:

I wonder what damaging think that Denise thought Aaron was going to say that she told him not to talk on camera. Then he told her not to grab his hand or he would crush her. There's something off about their relationship IMO. I wonder why Aaron was even at the BBQ. None of the other husbands were present. 

I couldn’t catch what he said and thought I’d heard crush but wasn’t sure, so thanks for posting this.  Very weird that they were subtitling all their mumblings as they walked away but didn’t include that.

Aaron has clearly never watched the show if he really didn’t understand that half their job is to never let anything go.  And that by insisting they should he was just throwing more sparks into those embers.

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1 hour ago, whydoievencare said:

So, by resolution - does Rinna mean that Denise will finally admit that she's a hypocrite and the rest of the Housewives did nothing wrong and are just the best moms?  (I hate Rinna!)  For the record, I think that Denise is in the right and the rest of the women just can't admit they may have behaved inappropriately and didn't like being politely admonished to wait until the girls were gone - they've made this into something much bigger (of course) and their interpretation (now) seems to be that Denise is implying that they aren't the best mothers.  Which isn't at all what Denise was saying.

This.  Exactly.  I can’t believe they’re talking about it AGAIN.

Garcelle’s boys must have been bored at the BBQ, since we kept seeing them sitting on the porch playing with their phones.  I think they were a lot older than the other kids.

The show started right out with Rinna stirring up the shit with whomever she was riding in the car,.  (I can’t remember.). At the BBQ, she looked like she was sucking on a lemon.

I’m glad Garcelle spoke up for Denise.

I’ve been a Teddi fan(one of few here, I know!) but I was surprised at her tonight.  She went too far.


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Denise was told by Sutton that if she didn’t want her kids to hear that kind of talking then she shouldn’t bring them to their parties. I noticed that Sutton was quiet and trying to stay  out of it, so she knows that she said it,even if the other girls didn’t remember. Aaron didn’t express himself well, but I felt he was speaking for the audience. Just shut up and let it go.Does shaming one person every year really make you feel good about yourself?  I can’t remember,but I don’t think Denise was involved with all Bullying that Teddy suffered her first few seasons; shouldn’t she extend  the same courtesy to Denise instead of piling on with the other “ shamed mothers”.The common denominator for EVERY season of bullying is Lisa Rinna.  I think that she should be ashamed of herself and I wish her nothing but ill luck because she is truly a horrible human being, wife, daughter, mother and friend.  But I guess she’s good TV so Bravo and Andy will keep her around. She’s already gotten rid of Kim Richsrds, Brandy Granville, Yolanda Hadim, Lisa Vanderpump and now (possibly Denise). Sleep well,Rinna.

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13 minutes ago, HeddaGabler said:

Maybe the reason why Denise is so defensive about her kids and what they hear, and why it doesn't matter whether her daughter said it was funny or not is precisely because these bitches have already made it clear that her daughters aren't important enough to be sheltered. They talk about Denise's kids like they are damaged goods because of who their dad is, and because their Mom says fuck a lot. I would be frustrated and demand some boundaries if I were Denise too. They should shut up and back off. 

Aaron, bless is heart, is nuttier than a squirrel. He was trying to support his wife, which I can appreciate, but hoo boy! 

Teddi and her accusations of "mom shaming" are a bit desperate.

Aaron thinks the FDA is following him. He puts people in a machine that he thinks will rearrange their atoms orbits. He thinks this cures cancer. He can't explain what this is or why it works. He's on some good drugs for sure.

I think, given his body composition and rumored big dick, and being Hollywood guy, he's super alpha and he seems to have no shortage of testosterone. Denise seems to like it. My husband is also alpha and he's the same way. He isn't as dumb as Aaron though, thank god. And he'd be thrilled to be around such beautiful women.  I kind of want to defend Aaron, because well, I think he's hot as hell. I would totally go to him for some good dick, but I would never take any type of medical, social, personal, emotional, financial..... etc. advice from him. I might be interested in what vibrator he thinks might help me orgasm though. And if I had kids, I think he'd be a fun baby-sitter.

All said, he's a better husband than any other women's husbands. He's there, he supports her, and he cares about her children. I'm glad he was there. Why are no other husband there? It's so weird. Are they just too important and busy to be bothered? It's kind of shitty.

Edited by bravofan27
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