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S04.E10: Cuts Both Ways

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If Lil Ed says “oh my God” one more time I will tear apart my couch.

maybe the monkeys think... Ed... is... a... monkey too... and it’s a power struggle for territory and the “queen”!

Hey, Ed, maybe Rose has bad breath because she doesn’t eat regularly.  She’s thin. Thinner than her sister.  Plus, she should have no alcohol if she’s got an ulcer!  Quit handing her cocktails!

Oh, Ash.  Well, Avery, sweetheart, only single people will be going to a seminar on dating... Maybe when he’s doing his one on one coaching sessions, he is wooing the woman and then saying now see this is what you should be looking for, somebody like me!  Women pay for that crap?? 
supposedly ash’s clients are successful young women who don’t have time to date, his words, so they are going to listen to a speech about how everything they are doing is wrong for a relationship to succeed?  
Let’s look at Ash for a second.  He’s divorced, plans to drag his young child away from the mother, went bankrupt, lives with his brother, has to shop for a girlfriend on the other side of the world.  So if the man, aka him, is supposed to be the hunter, provider, blah, blah, he’s striking out so far.  And did he say, “ please welcome my girlfriend, my soul mate, visiting from the US?  No.

i half expected Ash to rip that flimsy tshirt off and play iheart radio on his cell phone and spin around to get the gals to smile.

Tom is also a stalker, just like David.  
If Stephanie isn’t ready to come out to her parents, she wasn’t ready to journey to meet Erica.  To say she doesn’t want to admit her sexuality to  others, as she is deliberating the idea on TV, is insulting to Erica.  Move on, Erica, or just continue having fun with your friends.  That seems so much less melodramatic.

I finally dislike Varya.  I can’t stand Geoff.  She keeps saying he’s a good man and he has been truthful.  That’s a hard NO to both those statements.  How obvious is this?

so glad there are lots of 90 Day shows on right now  I start out groaning and not wanting to watch, but then Im hooked.  Thank you to all the casts for exposing your lives to us. Based on what is portrayed on the shows, I may not like some of you, but thank you anyway!


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5 minutes ago, Alonzo Mosely FBI said:

Man a lot to unpack for sure. 

Going above and beyond everything upthread has said,

Does Yolanda have the hubcap earrings in GOLD and SILVER?  That so IS an Airbnb, not one family picture or anything. PS I don't know how to do a reverse image search either. Good use of my Coronatine time.

Ash is having a psychological break at the end. His looks have gotten him far alone and the train stops here. 

Did I look up the Sheridan on Palawan Island? Oh yes I did.

I feel like Varya's hair isn't dyed her natural color I bet it is much lighter. I thought her brother was adorable.

Superficial comment but Varya is not attractive to me at all.  Neither is he but I think he could find a better looking girl in Russia.

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11 hours ago, Spike said:

Unless I am hallucinating from quarantine those TLC bastards cut the first scene — the green door reveal — from the first hour that was available on demand last week.  I’m reading the comment here about what a nice guy the tenant was and I’m blanking.  So I had to go back and watch the first hour that aired tonight and the scene was now there.  

You probably aren't hallucinating.  I read page 1 comments before skipping to Sunday comments, and at least one poster pined on p1 that there was no Green Door reveal.  😕

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I'm watching Angela and Mycull in their first season; I never thought I'd have praise for her, but she was always respectful to Mycull's mother.  I just watched Angela eat a snail from a dish prepared for her; I would not have been able to do that.

All that to say, who would have ever thought we'd be seeing a woman who makes Angela look good?  Not once has Lisa managed to completely cover her hair;  it's obviously correct to do so there, since all the local women seem to.  That ratty, rooty mess is nothing to flaunt, and I'm surprised Usman hasn't mentioned it.

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3 minutes ago, blubld43 said:

I'm watching Angela and Mycull in their first season; I never thought I'd have praise for her, but she was always respectful to Mycull's mother.  I just watched Angela eat a snail from a dish prepared for her; I would not have been able to do that.

Keep watching. Angela wasn’t able to do it, either! 😚 🐌 😚 

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That seminar was AMAZING*.  If I wasn't sure before, I'm sure now:  This is a man that doesn't have a psychological background, and isn't used to making persuasive arguments with words.  This is a man that makes "persuasive" arguments with his dick and sculpted body to women that are needing that service.

*Amazing = Unprepared, flailing, unprofessional, and sexist.  

This show just brings the hilarity. 

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I know it is mean but part of me was hoping that entire build up with Tom was him going out there to call her fat again and just leaving.

2 hours ago, Mrs. Hanson said:


Ash:  Oh wow - single most cringeworthy part, ever, and that is saying A LOT.  Did he not prepare?  Does he not have handouts?  Powerpoints?  Anything?  That was the most sexist BS I have ever heard - "Your grandmother stayed home and cooked and cleaned!"  Oy.  I mean, I almost felt bad for the guy but then thought, no, he brought it on himself.   No training, no schooling, just spouting off sexist platitudes....just no.  Loved the brunette the camera kept focusing on!

It kind of amazes me at how popular this kind of advice is, Like, gay couples exist, I assure you even though we are both dudes the dishes get done, the bathroom is clean and there is dinner every night.

It just astounds me at how pervasive these gender cliches about relationships are, it's actually incredibly popular and mainstream among Christian relationship counseling. Like, we know that gay couples exist and their relationships are fine, a lot of studies suggest that same-sex male relationships tend to actually be healthier than straight couples so obviously gay couples have found some way to manage meeting the physical, financial and emotional needs of running a home without some bullshit about gender roles.

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After that horrible performance, I'm thinking that Ash really is a gigolo, and uses his "relationship coaching" as a way to reel in women. It may be less transactional, as in a true male escort situation where they pay for sex, they might reward him with gifts and money and referrals but not a leave it on the nightstand way. There are also men, called walkers, who act as a true escorts for older ladies, so they don't have to go out alone. If what he has is a true business, then there should be a paper trail of accounts, invoices, tax filings, etc. I find it so interesting that his relationship coaching business seems to have a specific demographic, white single women in theer 20s and 30s. Perhaps he needs to expand to other demographics to ramp up his business. 

Wonder what he says to same sex couples?

Edited by poeticlicensed
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5 hours ago, jumper sage said:

I will venture to say that next week we will see her outside at midnight getting the shreds.

Bold: Avery is already paying for the date by flying over there and leaving her child.  Most couples now either split the bill or take turns.  My dad told my brother to always pull out a chair for a lady so you can get a good look at her ass.  He was an asshole.

I think it's like throwing salt over your shoulder or my Italian grandfather telling us that to change your luck you should jump up doing a 360 spin and spitting.  If the spit doesn't hit you, your luck will change. 😝

Ash - He could have at least do the actual talk on what gives you a platform for a good relationship.  In high school I took a class on marriage and family (1970s that is now called leaving home).  We had trips to the grocery store, budgeting, speakers on how to rent and read the agreement, how to get a mortgage and what % of your earnings should go to a monthly payment, a jeweler was brought in to talk about cut and clarity of diamonds.  He even said to NOT spend too much on the first ring but upgrade it on an anniversary.  The best advice we talked about was similarities in you and your partner.  Things like coming from the general neighborhood (wealthy vs working class), religion, upbringing theories for children/selves, interests, hobbies, ease of conversation etc.  You don't have to have every single thing on the list but a general idea of you and your partner.

Haha how many of us are tempted to jump up and do a 360 spin and spit? 🤣

I can never remember which shoulder to throw salt over.  So when I spill some, I throw some over each shoulder just in case. I grew up in a very superstitious Eastern European family, this stuff is real to me. 

Ash....ugh.  I am rewatching and can’t un-hear his dry mouth spit crackles and his vocal fry “uhhhh” when he is fumbling his presentation.  
I find Steph very pretty.  Too bad she’s not pretty on the inside. 
Where were Molly and her BFF on Pillow Talk?  I really missed them! 

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Ash's seminar reminded me of the time on "Newhart" when Michael briefly achieved fame as a self-help guru. "Did you try smiling?"

Ed and Stephanie need to become friends and bond over the fact that everything in the world scares them.

So now that Stephanie and Erika have taken boomerang lessons and have been in an underwater cage together while surrounded by marine life, including sharks, they're ready for love. All righty then.

Varya needs to forget Geoffrey and find a place closer to her mama. Sting once pondered in song if they Russians love their children too. Why, yes they do, Mr. Sumner. Yes, they do.

The jeweler's ring selection was quite blingy. I'm sure Baby Girl Lisa would be happy with just a plain old gold band with the words "I will pray for you" inscribed on the inside. 


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3 hours ago, Kyanight said:

Personally I think that entire seminar was TLC set-up.  This is Ash's chosen profession and he's been doing it for some time.  It seems highly unlikely he has to consult his phone.... stumble painfully through the introduction, rush out of the room only to come back to the room and fall flat on his face.  It was like watching a janitor try to give a talk to a room full of surgeons for the first time and failing miserably because he hasn't a clue what to do.  I find it hard to believe that "Slick Ash" with a patent saying for everything couldn't conduct a simple half hour seminar.

The only way I could see it being a set up if TLC sprung it on him -- like pretend they are going somewhere else and then delivers him to a classroom he didn't know he was going to teach.

But have we heard anything from Ash that strikes you as an intelligent person skilled in relationships counseling?  I've not heard one thing.  I think he's just a nice looking guy that preys on women who are lacking in love.  He tells them nice things and takes their money.  

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10 hours ago, RealReality said:

If I go to Australia I want to wrestle a crocodile and buy a giant knife and when some guy tries to mug me I want to pull it out and say "now THAT'S a knife"

My husband says “now THAT’S a knoife” EVERY time they bring us bread at Outback Steakhouse. 

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3 hours ago, Mrs. Hanson said:

That was the most sexist BS I have ever heard - "Your grandmother stayed home and cooked and cleaned!" 

It’s that BS some spew about how the 1950s were so great.  Yeah If you were a straight white male.  Many women were dissatisfied and their husbands and their doctors got them on pills to make them docile.

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7 minutes ago, Spike said:

It’s that BS some spew about how the 1950s were so great.  Yeah If you were a straight white male.  Many women were dissatisfied and their husbands and their doctors got them on pills to make them docile.

The good old days when women couldn't have a bank account in their own name or sign a contract

Edited by poeticlicensed
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2 hours ago, RealReality said:

LOL, what ash was trying to say, with as much mumbo jumbo as possible....was that women shouldn't criticize or question men.  He considers it nagging.  

Women's "feminine energy" should mean that they are quiet, stay home and don't ever confront a man on anything.  

Men just want to fish or something and women are out there blowing things way out of proportion because they are always on the rag. 

Wasn’t there some stupid book about men being from Mars and women being from Venus that was chock full of gender stereotypes and all the Oprah types swallowed whole?  And you can read a column about love languages in like two minutes.

2 hours ago, poeticlicensed said:

Darcy needs to understand that huge boobs (real or fake)  on a small frame make you look heavier, period. I'm not sure what gave her the idea that if she gave herself ginormous implants that go from waist to neck that men would think she is more attractive. She needs to have them removed. Her body would look so much more in proportion. Same with her face. The more more botox and fillers she injects in an effort to smooth lines, the wider her face looks. And the more extensions she adds, the more her forehead is pulled back. She has a 5 head, soon to be 6 if she doesn't so something about it. 

It looks like her car’s airbag deployed and she can’t figure out how to remove it.

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2 minutes ago, nutella fitzgerald said:

You do know Tom was a big old fat fatty when he first met Darcey, right?

Nothing to do with fat shaming, god knows I could lose a few pounds, I just like the idea of him making a trip out specifically just to insult Darcy and leaving.

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15 minutes ago, Spike said:

It’s that BS some spew about how the 1950s were so great.  Yeah If you were a straight white male.  Many women were dissatisfied and their husbands and their doctors got them on pills to make them docile.

Plus separate drinking fountains and polio were the rage!!

34 minutes ago, mmecorday said:

So now that Stephanie and Erika have taken boomerang lessons and have been in an underwater cage together while surrounded by marine life, including sharks, they're ready for love. All righty then.

And they managed to go a whole three hours without fighting.  Score!  Way to go, ladies! 


30 minutes ago, sasha206 said:

I think he's just a nice looking guy that preys on women who are lacking in love. 

Yep, and with those vulnerable ladies the one on one works but in a room of savvy ladies....nope....FIRE IN THE HOLE! Didn't he say "You need to figure out his love language?"  No, asshole, how about a man just communicates with me in a straightforward and healthy way??


38 minutes ago, John M said:

a lot of studies suggest that same-sex male relationships tend to actually be healthier than straight couples so obviously gay couples have found some way to manage meeting the physical, financial and emotional needs of running a home without some bullshit about gender roles.

That is really interesting!!  It is also of note that of my gay friends and relatives, all (except one) have been in really long relationships, like I am talking 25 - 30 years!

Edited by Mrs. Hanson
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13 minutes ago, Mrs. Hanson said:

That is really interesting!!  It is also of note that of my gay friends and relatives, all (except one, he is kinda a man whore but I believe if he were straight he would be a whore with females, lol) have been in really long relationships, like I am talking 25 - 30 years!

Yeah, turns out men are completely capable of meaningful conflict resolution, equitable division of household labor and taking care of their partner's emotional needs, crazy!

Edited by John M
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I can't get over what Darcy and Stacey have done to themselves: neither of them look as though they can speak without great effort.  And why does Darcy walk around inside her own house dressed like that, as if any minute Mr. Right could show up with a ring.  

They don't look sexy, or attractive, or younger, IMO. They look like human real doll versions of themselves.

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6 hours ago, jumper sage said:

I will venture to say that next week we will see her outside at midnight getting the shreds.

Wearing her Louboutin thigh high boots in the Middleton, CT, landfill! 

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13 minutes ago, John M said:

Yeah, turns out men are completely capable of meaningful conflict resolution, equitable division of household labor and taking care of their partner's emotional needs, crazy!

Love this!!

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1 hour ago, poeticlicensed said:

There are also men, called walkers, who act as a true escorts for older ladies, so they don't have to go out alone.

There’s a pretty good novel about a walker by Jonathan Ames.  I think there was a movie too but I haven’t seen it.


1 hour ago, mmecorday said:

Sting once pondered in song if they Russians love their children too.

The melody of that song is gorgeous.

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4 hours ago, poeticlicensed said:

But it's just fine by BabyGirlLisa for her to be completely in charge of Usman. I guess she can't see the hypocrisy. Did she flip Usman the bird when she walked away?

Yes, they blurred out her middle finger. I thought it was hilarious when she told Usman he was not going to order her around and treat her like a dog (and even demonstrated barking orders like "Rooster, git!"???) when that's exactly what she does to him! 

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Ash is a 7 who thinks he’s a 10.

24 minutes ago, John M said:

Yeah, turns out men are completely capable of meaningful conflict resolution, equitable division of household labor and taking care of their partner's emotional needs, crazy!

Gay stereotypes are just that too. I dress slovenly and my house is dusty.  

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20 minutes ago, blubld43 said:

I can't get over what Darcy and Stacey have done to themselves: neither of them look as though they can speak without great effort.  And why does Darcy walk around inside her own house dressed like that, as if any minute Mr. Right could show up with a ring.  

They don't look sexy, or attractive, or younger, IMO. They look like human real doll versions of themselves.

Their faces are going off in different directions with the surgery.  Stace is starting to channel Joan Rivers.

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3 hours ago, poeticlicensed said:

What Tom really wants is to be on the teevee.

I'm convinced Tom is going to appear on the Tell All, either in person or on the screen. Maybe Jesse, too. 

That reminds me, was the Tell All filmed already or will the pandemic prevent the American cast from filming together at the studio? 

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I am re-watching last night's episode, Usman telling Lisa he will be the one in charge in their marriage, I think that will be difficult for him to do considering the distance and the fact he does not have any income...Lisa will hold that fact over his head any time he tries to flex his "leadership muscles."

Also, Lisa is trying so hard with that faux accent of hers, most obvious when she was buying road side fruit.

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7 minutes ago, magemaud said:

I'm convinced Tom is going to appear on the Tell All, either in person or on the screen. Maybe Jesse, too. 

That reminds me, was the Tell All filmed already or will the pandemic prevent the American cast from filming together at the studio? 

I read it will all be remote like the Tiger King one.  Does anyone know how many regular episodes are left?

Just now, Baltimore Betty said:

Also, Lisa is trying so hard with that faux accent of hers, most obvious when she was buying road side fruit.

She made a face when she tried the pawpaw or whatever, but it wasn’t all that different than her resting face, so maybe it was just mild dislike.

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2 hours ago, Colfrmb said:

So if the man, aka him, is supposed to be the hunter, provider, blah, blah, he’s striking out so far.

plus he thinks giving a woman flowers is the ultimate panty remover. 

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12 hours ago, gavinmac said:




Ash can't even plagiarize a seminar competently.  


OMG, this is SO much better than what Ash was trying to say.  And this guy is a comedian, not even attempting to be a "relationship coach" whatever that is.

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3 minutes ago, Spike said:

Does anyone know how many regular episodes are left?

Most seasons run anywhere from 11-15 episodes. I'm thinking they're getting near the end, given that we got a preview of The Other Way last night.

Darcy and Tom are over, and everyone else, except David and Yolanda will be deciding whether they want to continue in the relationships. I envision lots of airport tears and thoughtful looks on the plane ride home, then talkimng heads still expressing doubts on the part of one or both of them. I doubt we will be seeing more than one or two cheesy engagement rings before the season ends. The only things left to resolve are convincing David and Yolanda that they were catfished, but based on their lack of awareness, that's never going to happen. 

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Has anyone else notice that flat affectation in their speech all of them have?  If Yolanda was my mother I would be a bit more emotive (is that a word?) with my pleas of trying to get her to see how Weeyumms does not exist, her two kids seem like they are bored to tears all the time.  Yolanda thinks a photo search will help her get in touch with Weeyumms?  

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3 hours ago, sasha206 said:

I did enjoy watching Avery's embarrassment.

Does Ash have any degrees?  Any training in counseling?  Of is he just someone relatively attractive that has managed to fool women that he is some sort of relationship coach and they fall in love with his bullshit and pay him just so they can talk to him?

That has to be an element of it because that whole comment about looking for "lucrative" women was weird to me.  

If you're selling a program and it's going to work than it shouldn't be out of the financial means of a normal woman.  But if you're looking for marks with an unlimited income who will pay you to talk to them and hand out with them.....it makes more sense to search out women with means to pay for that endlessly. 

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12 minutes ago, Baltimore Betty said:

Has anyone else notice that flat affectation in their speech all of them have?  If Yolanda was my mother I would be a bit more emotive (is that a word?) with my pleas of trying to get her to see how Weeyumms does not exist, her two kids seem like they are bored to tears all the time.  Yolanda thinks a photo search will help her get in touch with Weeyumms?  

It looks like they are reading off a teleprompter.

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I got the idea that Ash’s seminars were a new thing that he thought would be lucrative since he could “help” multiple women at once and it would be a nice feeder to his one on one coaching business.  

Unfortunately he crashed and burned soooooooo hard.  

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7 hours ago, cynicat said:

Seeing Ed scream like a little girl when that monkey stole the banana was totally worth the 3 hours of my life I gave up to watch this.

Sharp fuckery indeed.  I noticed when they were walking off the boat that his backpack was zipped up tight.  But when a monkey came up & stole his banana, it was open with the tops of the bright yellow bags dangling out of it.

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If these are "successful women who don't have time for dating" why are they attending seminars on DATING? 

Wouldn't they get better results if they just paid a matchmaker to choose a suitable partner for them and skip the dating scene altogether? Kind of like an arranged marriage...

Edited by magemaud
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6 minutes ago, RealReality said:

90 day fam - do any of you have a clip of the David/Lana meeting at the door?  I cannot find it even though I scrolled through the show on the TLC app.  

Many thanks in advance. 

When I watched it on the app last night it was the very first scene of the three hour episode.  Before the scene where Ed and Rose leave her family home.

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40 minutes ago, Baltimore Betty said:

Has anyone else notice that flat affectation in their speech all of them have?  If Yolanda was my mother I would be a bit more emotive (is that a word?) with my pleas of trying to get her to see how Weeyumms does not exist, her two kids seem like they are bored to tears all the time.  Yolanda thinks a photo search will help her get in touch with Weeyumms?  

I would be screaming and yelling at my mother if she was as dense as Yolanda seems to be.  In Yolanda’s defense, some people never seem to be able to move along with the technology of the times. My mother grew up during the time of rotary phones then push button phones and answering machines and I swear I can’t tell you how many time she broke her answering machines. She could break your cell phone magically and all you had to do was hand it to her and watch her talk to somebody and she would hand it back and there would be something wrong with it.  So it’s possible that Yolanda is really technically impaired.  But then she should not be allowed on dating sites and to sell stuff online.  So I think I just talked myself out of my own argument.  It just makes no sense that she is this naive... unless as we have all suspected WE are the ones being catfished here

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