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S45.E16: Online Zoom Episode

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So glad to see Tom Hanks looking well.  I know he and his family posted written updates, but still good to be able to see it with your own eyes, you know?  

Did you notice when he was doing his monologue, the camera panned past a clock on his shelf, just like it pans past the Grand Central Station clock in the studio?

I wondered who did his camera work?  The camera quality was like professional grade.  Since he and his wife had it, did NBC send a cameraman to his house?  The logistics of the production were fascinating.

I’m glad that they did it. I laughed; I cried (Hal Wilner sounded like a great person).

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I thought the show started really strong, and then bounced around unevenly, but I was glad they did it and I do hope they do it again. I imagine they'll get better at it if they do, but it was already funny enough that I'd watch.

I loved RBG, and Aidy's visualizations.

Loved that Chris Martin put up the train station signs in his studio, like they have at the SNL studio. It was just whimsical enough.

There is too much death these days. But it can't be ignored, either. Both tributes (Che's grandma and Hal) were fitting. I'm glad Hanks has recovered.

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they get high marks for effort, and really there's been worse "live" shows. Agree that WU didn't need the laughter. I think the sports sketch was my favorite, a solid premise and performance.

Edited by MrWhyt
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The sports sketch and Mikey’s gaming sketch were both fun. Mikey must write any of the gaming sketches, there are quite a few of them now, and his reactions are the best.

Chris Martin is my hero, and he sounded fantastic. 

Glad to see Tom looking well.

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I enjoyed a lot of this.

It was like the quibi version of SNL.  Had this been a live show, many of the sketches would have been chucked or others would have been expanded, for better or worse, to fill a whole segment.  Only a few were probably very close to how they would have been on live TV (maybe the Zoom sketch and Master Class).

This format allowed the performers to have an idea but also the freedom to keep it short.  For instance, Pete's skits felt similarish but since they weren't too long, I didn't mind.  I actually loved his second $2000 bit because of its length.

Of the skits, I loved the Zoom skit. And the SkySports bit was perfect.  I actually wanted more of that.

The biggest misstep for me was adding the laughing people during Weekend Update.  Not only were they too loud, they laughed at the wrong times.  I think it would have been better if they just showed Che and Colin laughing at each other's jokes. 

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I meant to include two more things in my other post:

(1) I enjoyed RBG lifting Q-tips and batteries for strength training.  That was a cute gag.  That RBG documentary that aired a few years ago on CNN showed RBG working out with a trainer, so the sketch had some grounds in reality.

(2) I hope that all the posters here are doing okay (or as well as can be expected) during this time.  I’ve been legit concerned about you all, and it’s nice to see a lot of the familiar names posting about the ep.

Edited by Peace 47
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1 hour ago, Lantern7 said:

I liked KMcK as stripped-down RBG. I'm guessing Kate doesn't have a storage closet full of costumes and bodysuits. And is that the cat from Leslie Jones' UWS video?

Kate' cat Nino has a twitter account (maybe also IG but I'm not on that) https://twitter.com/NinoMcKinnon?ref_src=twsrc^google|twcamp^serp|twgr^author

42 minutes ago, MrWhyt said:

I think the sports sketch was my favorite, a solid premise and performance.

I wonder if they got the idea from a Scottish sportscaster who's done sports commentary on his two dogs; first one 

  and second one 


I agree with whoever said that the popcorn kernels were oddly compelling. And I guessed right! 

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Okay I’m gonna be shallow for a second, but Colin Jost with the beard...


Now on to the show. I actually enjoyed it for the most part. It was really cool seeing everyone’s home aesthetics. 

Edited by GoldenGirl90
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14 minutes ago, VCRTracking said:

I missed Cecily this episode but I did laugh during the opening credits where everybody else is humbly casual without makeup in their homes while she's looking like a movie star!



I wondered where she was.  Did her sketch get cut?  Her Zoom malfunction?

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2 hours ago, Mystery said:

I was baffled at her promo for Louis CK though. 


1 hour ago, Dev F said:

It's a recurring bit where Bailey yells something politically incorrect at the end of each appearance. ("The Joker director was right! Comedy is too woke!") Doesn't play quite the same when it's not over the audience applause.

Another time she shouted, "Superheroes can't be women. It doesn't even make sense."

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If it counts, this is Tom's tenth hosting gig. Too bad he didn't get any kind of a little celebration (probably not the best time...). Tom has only hosted every ten years since 1996, so it took a hell of a lot of twists of bizarre fate to see him back again. He's just the type of soothing voice I needed right now. 

Chris Martin also becomes one of the few musical guests to appear twice in a season. He's always a reliable presence on SNL - warm, likeable. 

Cecily and Bowen were missed (Cecily being shut out of an episode is very rare...), but I was most bummed for Melissa as she doesn't get much airtime. At least she's had some of her own content in the quarantine. I hope they may have some cut for time pieces with them they will put on Youtube. 

This episode confirmed for me that the cast has a lot of talent and charisma which is not well utilized by the rigid format of the current show. Being able to pull back benefited their work and the quality as a whole - I was so pleased to see Alex Moffat get his first real showcase, and Chloe Fineman too. Seeing different talent given a chance helped make everything feel fresher. And I don't think I've ever cared for Pete as much as I did tonight - he was very energetic and his songs were surprisingly good. 

I could have done without so much Kate and Aidy, although stripping back RBG made her more tolerable than usual, and Aidy's meditation was a pleasant surprise (usually these Anna Drezen pieces always have to veer toward depressing and ironic, while this one was more positive and heartfelt). I was a little thrown with the Powerpoint ladies being back because, well, it's a perfect sketch for these times, but they also debuted in Idris Elba's episode, so I wondered if this was some type of COVID shoutout. 

I liked having a cartoon back on SNL more than I loved the Teenage Mutant Middle-Aged Turtles, but there were some good moments (the scene with Kenan's turtle getting his cancer test results back hit home), and good voice work. Mikey Day has a lovely singing voice. This was probably Mikey's best episode all season. 

I'm not that into Bailey Gismert, I feel like we've seen this over and over from Heidi, but seeing her in her own setting rather than on Update was a nice change of pace. There were some funny moments.

I enjoyed the little bit of Beck and Kyle silliness. Fred wasn't needed, but he didn't get in the way. 

The tribute to Hal Willmer was beautiful, heartwarming, heartbreaking. I knew how many people from SNL loved him, based on all the tweets after his passing, but seeing so many of them, some of whom haven't been on SNL in years, like Molly Shannon, returning, clearly devastated but wanting to say goodbye, was extremely powerful. And was perfect use of this format. 

The only negative in this episode for me was the political material. I don't think SNL has ever known what to do about Bernie Sanders, but his goodbye was alright - Larry David seemed to be trying more than he has in a long while, and there were some genuinely biting lines (like the heart attack and Iraq War vote lines). Update was pretty ropey, with the background laughing feeling vaguely unsettling and some of the jokes just being lousy (I groaned out loud at the prison rape joke). The joke swap and Michael Che's tribute to his grandmother were the best way to close. 

I sort of hope that we get one more of these, but if this is the last episode of the season, then it was a good departure. They showed they can adapt, they showed the gifts their ensemble still has, and they truly did make me feel happier and more connected to a positive glimpse of the world for an hour and a half. I'm glad to know they cared enough to make the effort. It reminded me of how deep my emotional connection with SNL runs, moreso than how much I watch for the humor (or at times, lack thereof) and how much I need it in times like these. 

2 minutes ago, Mystery said:

I was wondering if maybe a few things got cut for the tribute for Hal Willner. It seems like they should have some material all ready to go if they do another of these. 

Bowen posted that they didn't know what would be in, so I imagine a number of pieces were cut. Here's one - Kyle bringing back Bruce Chandling. I thought this character was gone for good. It's sort of comforting to see him back in times of trouble, as broken and pathetic as ever.


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I love the little details like in SkySports, Alex using his kitchen utensil as a mike.

6 minutes ago, Pete Martell said:

Being able to pull back benefited their work and the quality as a whole - I was so pleased to see Alex Moffat get his first real showcase

I get what you mean, but still I think you have to count "I'm Eric!" as a showcase. People genuinely love that. He also has "Guy that just bought a boat."   I totally agree that he is underused and frequently gets shortchanged. Just saying it wasn't his first time out of the gate.

12 minutes ago, Pete Martell said:

I sort of hope that we get one more of these, but if this is the last episode of the season, then it was a good departure.

After this episode, I assume there will be a season finale in May, especially if Kate and others are leaving.

After Pete's negative comments a month or so ago directed to the show and cast/staff, it made me happy to see him more energized in his pieces and especially his emotional tribute to Hal Willner.  That was very welcome indeed.

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40 minutes ago, vb68 said:

I love the little details like in SkySports, Alex using his kitchen utensil as a mike.

I get what you mean, but still I think you have to count "I'm Eric!" as a showcase. People genuinely love that. He also has "Guy that just bought a boat."   I totally agree that he is underused and frequently gets shortchanged. Just saying it wasn't his first time out of the gate.

After this episode, I assume there will be a season finale in May, especially if Kate and others are leaving.

I see what you mean - I guess I count Update pieces as being different from major roles in sketches. I feel like he's never had those. 

Since this one mostly seemed to go over well or fairly well hopefully they'll try one more, especially since I'm not sure how many in this cast will be back next fall. 


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1 hour ago, Peace 47 said:

(1) I enjoyed RBG lifting Q-tips and batteries for strength training.  That was a cute gag.  That RBG documentary that aired a few years ago on CNN showed RBG working out with a trainer, so the sketch had some grounds in reality.

It probably was inspired by the story earlier this month that RBG was still working out with her personal trainer (with the approval of her doctors) even though the SCOTUS employee gym was shut down.

I'll admit RBG wears on me and it's not one of my favorite Kate MacKinnon characters.

Race-tinged Michael Che jokes are my favorite.  Always love the joke swaps.  Loved his little swipe at Bernie bros.

SkySports reminded me of the marble racing videos online.  Don't forget to read the ticker at the bottom of the page.

The pacing definitely felt like things could be tightened up on the first few sketches.

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Masterclass Quarantine Edition -- still just as expensive.

Trump: "I'll be honest, this virus, this covfefe-19 is really a dick."

Trump: "All the absentee ballots are covered in coronavirus.  Happy Easter everybody !"

I loved the scroll at the bottom of the screen during Alex's Sky Sport report:
-- Bathroom fan rattling noise goes unabated, further delaying mildew tourney
-- Stoner Uncle takes commanding lead of family Zoom call with a Brady Bunch joke 
-- Dwindling supplies of Oreos intensify milk dunking championship
-- Leaky faucet continues impressive barrage against last thread of sanity
-- Jane's sponge cake suffers staggering lack of margarine - Not to worry sweetheart, love you just the same
-- Netflix streaming marathons near conclusion as draft picks for new series approach
-- Dog achieves nirvana
-- Inconsolable anxiety volley sees Tisdale 3 panic episodes ahead, Jane catching up in third week of restless nights
-- Microwave clock falls behind oven clock once again
-- Ants make strong advances in balcony playoffs, oversight committee raises doping concerns

How Low Will You Go  -- so many broken vibrators.
Hayley: "Yeah, just so you know I'm looking for something serious. My brother got engaged over quarantine, and it lit a fire under my ass that could melt steel."
Townsen: "Oh, no, no, no, no can do baby. Townsen don't do commitment, Townsen like to play."
Hayley: "God, these last few months have been so ... hard ... for me."

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Unpopular opinion: I LOVED the laughter during WU. It sounded genuine to me and, agreed, I think it may have helped Michael Che, who as I said earlier, really seemed despondent. 


6 hours ago, VCRTracking said:

I missed Cecily this episode but I did laugh during the opening credits where everybody else is humbly casual without makeup in their homes while she's looking like a movie star!




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10 hours ago, SHD said:

“A voice like a wooden rollercoaster” cracked me up.

I think WU would’ve been fine without the Zoom audience for laughs.

I agree. Most of it wasn't necessary funny but still could be entertaining.  I found the laugh track distracting which sort of ruined it for me.

Some of the sketches were good. I liked the youtube movie viewer channel. As I watch way better quality ones but yes sometimes there are channels like that that get recommended to me lol.  I liked the gamer video too (mainly the reference too supermario). Larry David was basically playing himself. It was still entertaining. And I also thought Tom Hanks was great in his monologue. Of course he has a beautiful kitchen.

Didn't like: All the "rap" dance stuff not my thing. And I feel like the zoom conference call could have been better.  As usual they start off good and then get carried away. Like they could have done a "real" take and just had the older employees not be able to use it right but not result in them crying and being mental unstable.

Respect but didn't like: The ninja turtles short. I get so much work had to go into that and it was well made. But that song was too annoying and they kept playing it. I ended have to mute the sketch until it was over.

Edited by blueray
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7 hours ago, Pete Martell said:

Kyle bringing back Bruce Chandling

Oh god. I don’t know if I’ll ever get res...erection! out of my brain!

@ottoDbusdriver thank you for all the ticker transcription! I would be happy to see Sky Sports every week during quarantine.

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I think the reason my expectations for this were so low was because I thought it actually was going to be (in whole or in part) live, but they were smart to do everything beforehand. It makes the vague uncertainty they were promoting this with even more baffling, but whatever.

Agree that Pete looks more engaged doing this show from his mom's basement than he ever has in the studio.

The laughter was definitely unnecessary in WU. I've been getting used to the weird silences and pauses on the late night shows that are usually done in front of audience, but maybe they were trying to help Michael feel more comfortable.

Neither Cecily, Melissa, nor Bowen appeared in any sketches. I saw on Instagram that Cecily's out of the city, and it looked like she went somewhere pretty remote. Maybe her connection was bad/she didn't have the right equipment with her? But Melissa's been doing livestreams almost every day for the past month, even workshopping impressions with Chloe (who had a fantastic showcase last night). And leaving Bowen out is odd too, though I do like that he did the same wave he does in the regular intro--I look forward to that every episode, it's adorable.

Honestly? For what they had to work with, it was pretty great overall. I guess any chance of another studio episode before the season is over depends on how this all shakes out. If it's not safe for them to go back in until the fall, then there's nothing they can really do about it.

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I re-watched Tom Hanks's monologue, and I don't think that's his main kitchen.  Using Google, it's easy to find he has a large house as you would expect, and it wouldn't have been designed with a kitchen that small, especially with such little counter space for food prep.  

He implies in the monologue that he is at his own home, though.  His house has a pool house, so maybe it's been fixed up to be a guest cottage, and maybe that's where this was filmed.

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Based on the Weekend Update "audience" it sounds like Heidi either really loves WU or is one of the most supportive friends you can have.

Chloe is a star in waiting. Obviously a lot of her impression work is well done (she has more of a Dana Carvey approach to impressions, which is to find a hook and lean into it, compared to Melissa who goes for the spot-on impression) but I also get the sense she has some of the best sense for sketch comedy the show has seen since Taran.

We heard in her earlier days that Cecily was one of the best writer/performers on the show. I wonder if she lenses her talents more toward writing this week, especially with Update, with her having experience on that front and Che likely being down a bit.

I get the sense Pete is a great comedian that just hasn't adapted to the demands of SNL production.

Good Neighbor was perfectly Good Neighbor.

It's always jarring to me how much more serious "real" Kenan is than "performer" Kenan

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38 minutes ago, mikem said:

re-watched Tom Hanks's monologue, and I don't think that's his main kitchen.  Using Google, it's easy to find he has a large house as you would expect, and it wouldn't have been designed with a kitchen that small, especially with such little counter space for food prep.  

Ha! My first thought was that that was a surprisingly normal and modest kitchen for a movie star. My second thought was "How cool! Maybe they're actually quite down to earth." My third thought was, "Nah. I'll bet it's a backup kitchen." 😁😁

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9 hours ago, VCRTracking said:

I missed Cecily this episode but I did laugh during the opening credits where everybody else is humbly casual without makeup in their homes while she's looking like a movie star!

Wasn't she wearing nothing but a towel?  I thought that was a little ridiculous.

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11 hours ago, Trini said:

Didn't realize how much I missed Kenan until he showed up! Would have liked to see more of him.

That's the thing about Kenan. We have always had him, so any time he isn't around, we miss him. He can stay on the show forever if he wants!

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19 hours ago, opus said:

Out of curiosity, does this go in the books as an official Tom Hanks hosting appearance?

It definitely should.  He still looked rough around the edges - as expected.  But I am glad to see he's on the mend and was able to do the show.

Edited by Macbeth
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It definitely should count as an official hosting for Hanks, but I wish they would have worked him into the show just a little more.

I found it oddly entertaining to watch Ego Nwodim paint her face with dry erase markers (or whatever they were).  Goes along with watching the popcorn pop.  This show was kind of like watching a series of videos on YouTube.  Which is something I've been doing more of lately.

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10 hours ago, Pete Martell said:

Cecily and Bowen were missed (Cecily being shut out of an episode is very rare...), but I was most bummed for Melissa as she doesn't get much airtime. At least she's had some of her own content in the quarantine. I hope they may have some cut for time pieces with them they will put on Youtube. 

They should put together some full episodes of cut for time sketches. They could easily do at least a few. Or even the ones that didn't make it past dress rehearsal. We know they are all filmed.

9 hours ago, Pete Martell said:

Since this one mostly seemed to go over well or fairly well hopefully they'll try one more, especially since I'm not sure how many in this cast will be back next fall. 

I'm gonna be mad if this is truly the last season of Kenan and he doesn't get a final episode. Sure, every year we hear it's his last, but he always is still there come fall. 

1 hour ago, Red Bridey said:

I swear Pete has had veneers or dentures done because I have never noticed how. Chicklit-like his teeth were before.

He got new teeth a few years ago. I'd have to guess his started show signs of his drug use, but they were not that bad, at least that I noticed. But his new teeth just don't look right. He joked about getting new teeth in an update segment right after he got them. 

If they do another of these, Pete should do some bits with his mom. I love her and I have no doubts they could put together some funny stuff. Bet they could get Jon Hamm to remote some stuff in with them too!

Edited by Fostersmom
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2 hours ago, mikem said:

I re-watched Tom Hanks's monologue, and I don't think that's his main kitchen.  Using Google, it's easy to find he has a large house as you would expect, and it wouldn't have been designed with a kitchen that small, especially with such little counter space for food prep.  

He implies in the monologue that he is at his own home, though.  His house has a pool house, so maybe it's been fixed up to be a guest cottage, and maybe that's where this was filmed.

Maybe he has some other family in his "main" house.

Or perhaps it was a production decision.  If the room gets too big, it appears to mess with the audio.  I think I heard that a bit with Colin during Weekend Update.  The sound echoed a bit like he was in a bigger room or it had vaulted ceilings.

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I give them all a lot of credit for even trying this. I missed Cecily, Bowen and Melissa and if anything should be cut...and this is only my (apparently unpopular) opinion...it should be the Bailey character, forever! 

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2 hours ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

Wasn't she wearing nothing but a towel?  I thought that was a little ridiculous.

There was one very quick shot of her in the towel. Otherwise she was wearing a normal top. There was a longer bit where Alex was wrapped in a towel and with one on his head about to get into the shower. 

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28 minutes ago, Kimmmmmm said:

I give them all a lot of credit for even trying this. I missed Cecily, Bowen and Melissa and if anything should be cut...and this is only my (apparently unpopular) opinion...it should be the Bailey character, forever! 

Not unpopular with me. That character worked best as a one-and-done (for me), although I do think moving her off Update was an improvement. 

This is the first time I remember Heidi being used as a more central female cast member, thanks to Cecily's absence. Her work in the game show sketch is what I'd like to see more of from her.

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19 minutes ago, vb68 said:

If the ratings are any indication, this won't be the last one.

I wasn't expecting them to be that high considering how last-minute the episode was (I think we only heard about this on Wednesday). I hope that means we'll get another. 

1 hour ago, Fostersmom said:

They should put together some full episodes of cut for time sketches. They could easily do at least a few. Or even the ones that didn't make it past dress rehearsal. We know they are all filmed.

I'm gonna be mad if this is truly the last season of Kenan and he doesn't get a final episode. Sure, every year we hear it's his last, but he always is still there come fall. 

I think if his sitcom had come through faster he might have left this season, but its eventual airdate seemed up in the air even pre-pandemic. I feel like he's been slowly phasing himself out of the show, to let others shine, but is still a presence. I guess that's how he'll remain for now. Before the industry collapsed I assumed this would be the last season for Cecily, Kate, Aidy, Pete, and maybe Beck and Kyle. Now, I don't know, but I can't see all these people coming back - if NBC would even still have the budget for a cast this size. 

Since the only cut sketch they put on Youtube was one that had to air now, because of Easter, I wonder if they are saving up the other pieces for another episode. 

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1 hour ago, Pete Martell said:

Since the only cut sketch they put on Youtube was one that had to air now, because of Easter, I wonder if they are saving up the other pieces for another episode. 

Oops, I wasn't clear on what I meant. They have TONS of taped footage from how many seasons that have never made it to air. Sure, some of it's on YouTube now, but not everyone watches YouTube and SNL in particular is choosey on what they put on YouTube. They could piece together all sorts of SNL specials from cut for time pieces or things that never made it out of dress that they have taped. They could easily have a new show for the rest of the season and beyond if they used previously taped things and new shows from home like they did last night. They could have themes, certain hosts, years, cast members. Yeah, they only announced this was happening late last week, but who knows how long the cast was working on it. All last week? Two weeks? Three? People are already looking for new things to watch, see the popularity of Tiger King, with a lot of regular shows already out of episodes and no sports. 

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19 minutes ago, Fostersmom said:

Oops, I wasn't clear on what I meant. They have TONS of taped footage from how many seasons that have never made it to air. Sure, some of it's on YouTube now, but not everyone watches YouTube and SNL in particular is choosey on what they put on YouTube. They could piece together all sorts of SNL specials from cut for time pieces or things that never made it out of dress that they have taped. They could easily have a new show for the rest of the season and beyond if they used previously taped things and new shows from home like they did last night. They could have themes, certain hosts, years, cast members. Yeah, they only announced this was happening late last week, but who knows how long the cast was working on it. All last week? Two weeks? Three? People are already looking for new things to watch, see the popularity of Tiger King, with a lot of regular shows already out of episodes and no sports. 

I agree. They've never really done this, for some reason. A "best of" with some old unseen sketches would be a good idea for these next few months. They haven't done the "best of" specials in a long time but I wish they would consider it. 

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Pretty sure the WU laugh track was meant to portray desperation and dorkiness and not seriously serve as a laugh track.  Just added to the absurdity of it all.

I liked it a lot.  Despite what the virus is doing, I'm enjoying seeing famous people at home and dressed like normal people and how we're all dealing with the same shit.

I hope they do it again, and it was good to see some non-current cast members and even though it was sad, John Mulaney.


ETA:  I agree with those who think Pete shone in this episode.  Looks like he's gained some weight, which is good for him, and I think being so close to his Mother during all this is a definite positive.  And he's a really good rapper!

Beck can keep the facial hair, and I'm not usually a fan of whiskers, except on kittehs and puppers.  

I, too, noticed the strategically-placed guitar in Colin's living room.  

I think I'll watch again.

Edited by slasherboy
Does anybody really read the reasons? I do!
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Is there a reason Tom Hanks shaved his head? Or just doing his own home haircuts?

My favorite sketch was the SkySports. I didn't notice until the end that Alex was speaking into a spatula, and I totally missed the crawl at the bottom, so thanks for posting that here Otto. I was oddly fascinated with watching the four kernels of popcorn, as were others. I could watch a full hour of that.

I also got a laugh out of Alex saying at the end of the Zoom sketch that he would email that viral video of the hose washing. Great topper for that segment.

I got a kick out of imagining Kate making all of those RBG work-out posters.

I thought Pete looked good. I credit his film-editor mom!

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5 minutes ago, saber5055 said:

Is there a reason Tom Hanks shaved his head? Or just doing his own home haircuts?

I think he said it was movie-related, didn't he?

I know he was scheduled to play Col. Tom Parker in a movie, so I assumed it was for that.

Edited by vb68
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55 minutes ago, saber5055 said:

I got a kick out of imagining Kate making all of those RBG work-out posters.

Me too! I'm wondering if she made them herself or someone else.

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1 hour ago, slasherboy said:

I, too, noticed the strategically-placed guitar in Colin's living room.  

I noticed that, but I was more interested in looking at all that was behind Michael Che, including a personalized Sesame Street sign. Who knew?

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18 hours ago, vb68 said:

I really liked it for the most part. Was it perfect? Of course not. But like Hanks said in his own way, it never is.

I appreciate the effort everyone put into it. I agree Pete found his calling. He was the best he's ever been in sketches.

My biggest complaint was also the laugh track during Update.  I'm thinking that maybe it was used to get Che into it more though?  At least that was my impression.

Speaking of  Update, I know this is random, but I was transfixed on the guitar strategically placed on Colin's couch. I so wanted to dare him to play it. 

Where was Cecily?

The Hal Willner tribute made me cry. Full of genuine emotion and all the people who submitted video for it.

Good effort. I assume they will be back in May as they will want  a season finale.

Happy Easter one and all.

Where was Cecily?  She's pretty prominent in the show.  It's not if she gets into a show - but how many sketches.  I did miss her.

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