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S04.E18: Strangers: Part Two

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1 hour ago, gonzosgirrl said:

As an adopted child who was referred to as 'just a piece of paper' by a sibling during a fight, I know how that hurts. But if I had just told my brother the things Randall said, I woukd have absolutely deserved it. They were both wrong, but from my perspective,  and given the circumstances of the fight, Randall was the more hateful. 

Kevin lashed out with how he felt. Randall threw up his father, his family, and Kevin's entire character.  And right after congratulating him for his year of sobriett. Screw you, Randall.

I’m sorry that was said to you- but I agree with your analysis of the fight. 

Randall was 100% projecting outside in the yard and he started it. Kevin was right, this wasn’t about what was best for their MOTHER but what Randall wanted for his own selfish need to be the savior. I was a big Randall fan in the past but they’ve turned him into a jerk. I did kinda always think Kevin was an over grown man child so maybe that’s why it doesn’t hurt as much to see him behave badly. 

I know what it’s like to love and care for a parent “on your own” (although I am actually on my own which makes it easier, my sibling didn’t move away they are disabled and are incapable of caring for themselves), so I get how Randall feels “responsible” for Rebecca in the way the other two don’t, but nothing is excusing the way he has been behaving.  He’s being a bad son!!!!!

That being said I’m not surprised the boys make up. 

With everything going on I don’t think season 5 will start on time. 

  • Love 19

I definitely did not expect the twist with Kate and Toby adopting another baby. Though I noticed that neither Kate or Toby were there when their granddaughter was born. I thought the baby's name would be Rebecca since they were showing a montage of her, but Hope is nice too. Did they say Jack's sister's name at all?

Madison being pregnant isn't a shock, though it being twins certainly is. Maybe she and Kevin name their daughter after Rebecca. 

Kevin and Randall both said some terrible things to each other, and even though what Kevin said was extremely hurtful, he was lashing out because Randall just said their father died disappointed in him. Randall was also totally projecting when he said Kevin makes everything about himself. He's the one who bullied Rebecca into a trial she doesn't want and then lied about it to his siblings. Good for Beth for getting Rebecca and the kids out of the house before the big blow up. It seems like Kevin and Randall are at least ok being in the same room together in the flash forward, so presumably they reconcile at some point. They both owe each other apologies.

  • Love 18

So for Third Generation Pearsons we've got:

  • Deja (fifteen? sixteen?) - Randall                                                   
  • Tess (thirteen or fourteen?) - Randall                                         
  • Annie (nine or ten?) - Randall                                                       
  • Jack (one) - Kate                                                                           
  • Haley (unknown age gap between her and Jack) - Kate             
  • Baby Girl Twin (currently baking) - Kevin                                       
  • Baby Boy Twin (currently baking)- Kevin
Edited by LexieLily
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So the Big Fight is certainly the big moment of the episode and will be the most talked about part (that and maybe Madison being the baby mamma) but a lot else happened throughout the show. I think one of the more interesting things was that Rebecca and Randall were lying to everyone about Randall pressuring Rebecca into doing the drug trail, they made it sound like it was all Rebecca. Did Miguel know? Is he really cool with this, or is he not happy but doing what Rebecca wants?

Nice seeing Nikki, and he apparently finds himself a someone in the future! Get it Nikki! His talk with Kevin was also quite nice, although with all of the comments about Kevin being sober for a year, and the big fight and everything with Rebecca, I spent the episode really worried that Kevin would relapse. 

So Kate and Toby decide to adopt? I thought that the girl might be a future baby momma, but they fooled me! I dont know if now is the best time for them to adopt, with everything going on, but at least Toby and Kate are finally on the same page. I wish that Kate could be more involved in the stuff with Rebecca, its her mom too.

Beth was cracking me up the whole episode, desperately trying to make a break for it every time Rebecca's treatment got brought up. It will certainly be interesting what she has to say about the riff and Rebecca. Obviously she will side with Randall, but she isnt thrilled with what he is doing either when it comes to Rebecca, and they just got out of a pretty bad marital spat,* so there is a lot going on there. 

Will horse girl come back? All that time spent establishing her and her dad seems like a whole lot for being tied in with Madison's doctor when she is pregnant with Kevin's babies. Of course, they also gave a whole episode to the original crock pot owner and the fireman who found Randall, so maybe the doctor convincing Madison to tell Kevin about the pregnancy is his big thing? 

Kyle! Rebecca and Jack dealing with losing Kyle! Kyle is a subject that doesent come up very much, and I always find it to be a topic that I wanted them to explore more, so it was nice to see that he wasnt forgotten. Plus, Doctor Lemons shows up for more sage advice! 

Twins run in the family!

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I absolutely enjoyed this episode!! After watching last week's episode I called Madison being pregnant with Kevin's baby. Nice twist with the twins.

Looks like Rebecca lives for a very long time based on how old she looks on her death bed and how much older Kevin, Randall and Uncle Nicki looked as well.

We got to see the next generation of Pearsons!

Loved to see wedding rings on both Kevin and Uncle Nicki at the end.

Randall and Kevin went deep in the gutter on each other, but it's really been a lifetime in the making.

This would have been a really good series finale, but I am so happy that there are 2 seasons left.

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47 minutes ago, ShadowFacts said:

They showed us Cassidy and Sophie, why bother if they're not possibilities.

To keep us guessing. 

42 minutes ago, stonehaven said:

I also find it sad that Miguel seemed to support the St. Louis trial...

Miguel seems very "go along to get along."  I think he knows his opinion wouldn't count for much anyway. 

42 minutes ago, bybrandy said:

Maddison will end up with doctor horse daughter.

That would certainly be an interesting twist. 

30 minutes ago, Johnny Dollar said:

And I guess they finally killed off poor unappreciated Miquel.

With Rebecca's cognitive decline, I would seriously doubt that anyone in the Pearson family would even notice.  Whatever happened to the little "club" that Miguel, Beth, and Toby had? I don't think it was ever mentioned again. 

32 minutes ago, Johnny Dollar said:

Please don’t have future Nicky’s wedding ring mean he ends up marrying Rebecca.

I don't see how that would be possible.  In a short period of time, they would have to off Miguel, have Rebecca, who is already having cognitive difficulties, fall in love with the brother in law she barely knows and get married.  Just don't see that happening.  I liked the suggestion someone else made that Rebecca is thinking that Nicky is Jack at the end and he wears the ring to along with the charade. 

  • Love 16
1 hour ago, Lily H said:

I totally did not see it coming that unknown brunette would turn out to be Jack's adopted sister in the future. So, congratulations show, you got me again.

Randall is officially the worst character on TV. Total dick.

I thought Kevin was aged way too much in the last scene (Rebecca's deathbed). Judging from the look of his twins, 10 years or less has elapsed, but Kevin looks 20+ years older.

But maybe it is 20 years later and those aren’t his twins with madison??🙀


47 minutes ago, mommalib said:

When Kevin said that Randall was the worst thing that ever happened I know he meant that based off the way he treated Randall when they were growing up. I don't see them really coming back from the things they said and I don't know if they should. 

And this is why Kevin wins by a nose for worst low blow for me.   Kevin has treated Randall like he was unwanted their entire childhood.  We haven’t seen childhood Randall treat Kevin badly or as if he he was superior or more loved.  His issues/resentment with Kevin seem to have started with Jack’s death.

Both are really bad though. Neither deserved what was said to the other.   

  • Love 12

Maybe the reason Jack and his wife didn’t name their baby Rebecca is the others already named their kid Rebecca? Annie or Tess would have had a child sooner and had dibs. 

I am sad that with Kevin and Randall not talking that Tess, Annie and Déjà won’t interact with Kevin’s twins. 

Black don’t pack! Mandy Moore needs to win Emmys. 

Edited by memememe76
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There's so much to impact in this episode.

With regards to the Kevin/Randall fight, although we may subjectively pick which one was the worse in the argument, objectively I believe that the show was showing that they were both in the wrong and that, unfortunately, people say cruel things to the people they love out of anger and insecurity. Kevin is bitter because Randall has the things Kevin craves: their parents' attention and trust, a loving wife, and beautiful children. Randall is bitter because he feels unappreciated for being the dutiful son and watching after the family after Jack's death while Kevin is universally loved after he leaves it to do his own thing a la the prodigal son. They both say things for the sake of maximum damage, which is similar to the Jack/Rebecca fight in Season 1 about her singing, and the Randall/Beth fight about her dance studio/his political career last season. Sadly, fights can get as ugly as that one did in real life.

On slightly happier notes, as soon as Toby talked about having more kids, I knew that Hailey from the art museum was going to be Baby Jack's sister. I expected the baby to be named Rebecca too, but maybe Kevin named his own daughter Rebecca and they didn't want to overlap.

Speaking of Kevin's children, Madison being their mother wasn't a surprise. I liked how she was like "I know this isn't ideal, but these are my miracle babies and I'm having them. Whether you want to be involved is up to you." Sadly, it seems that Randall's words have convinced Kevin to make a deeper commitment to Madison than great father to the twins. I'm on the "Sophie is endgame" train, but what happens to Madison? Do they just break up? Does she die in childbirth? We don't even know if Kevin is married in the "Her" timeline.

I did not catch that Nicky was married in the future. I hope it's not Rebecca; I can't bear to see another husband play second fiddle to the memory of Jack. It could be Cassidy because I don't think that she showed up at his trailer for nothing. She may just be a friend of the family but, as Madison shows, friends either become family or disappear. My crack theory is that Cassidy's son marries Annie in the future.

As for why they focused on the doctor's horse-riding daughter, I came up with a couple of theories:

1. When Madison and Kevin break up, Madison marries her OB/GYN.

2. The daughter Sadie becomes Kevin's wife/girlfriend in the future when she's an adult.

3. Sadie becomes Tess's wife/girlfriend in the future.

4. Sadie becomes a teenage mother and gives birth to Lucy, Baby Jack's wife.

A lot of questions for the next season. We still have not seen Miguel, Annie, Deja, Kate, Back Jack, and now Hailey in the "Her" timeline, and only the latter two in the furthest timeline. Hopefully they will flesh their futures more.

Finally, between Jennifer Morrison, Adelaide Kane, Lucy, and a baby from a large family named Hope, this episode gave me serious Once Upon a Time flashbacks!

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Ouch. Some of that was hard to watch. Randall hit hard first (as he tends to do) but what Kevin said back was... wow. You don’t tell your adopted sibling that no matter how mad you are. What? Is he going to tell that to Kate and Toby’s new little adopted girl when he gets mad too? (Yay for “Reign”’s Adelaide Kane! Glad to see her getting such a presumably big role). In that vein, I wish they had flashbacks to such a big deal being made about Randall’s girls’ birthdays too but ANYWAY.


that said, I hope that Randall gets redeemed  next season. Maybe someone giving it back as hard as he gave it will shame him out of being such a self centered martyr. We’ll see. I love Kevin and Randall when they get along so I hope it doesn’t last too long. Kate needs more to do. The boys are needlessly still arguing about the fire and Jack’s death she should have some role to play.

I’m here for future Jack, Beth, Kyle, Nicky, twins, and Madison as the baby momma. Looking forward to next season! 

  • Love 11
1 hour ago, LexieLily said:

Are we supposed to spend the summer speculating who the man and daughter with the horse belong to? 

My theory is that something happens to horse OB dad and Kate and Toby wind up adopting the girl...nothing says they have to adopt a baby, right?  I know, horse girl is a redhead and future Jack!sister has dark hair, but there is such a thing as dye...


1 hour ago, bybrandy said:

Madison will end up with doctor horse daughter.

...that’s a good theory too.  

I thought that was a really fantastic finale.

  • Love 4

Madison’s doctor seems to be a Dr. K in training. His wife may be dead. I feel Madison will die in childbirth. Which makes me sad. I like Madison. I just wished Kevin treated her better. 

Cassady’s reaction to Kevin’s name was so strange. She was about to throw up.

I don’t want to participate in what was the worst game, but by saying that he wished Randall was never adopted, that means Kevin would never know Annie or Tess.

Edited by memememe76
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No, but to say the worst thing was when Randall was brought home was nasty and evil. 

And, to say what Randall said was very evil. Kevin was giving out his own thoughts, Randall was projecting someone else's. Not fair at all !   And unless you have had a sibling say something like that about a dead parent, and I have, you dont really know what nasty and evil is. 



Kevin lashed out with how he felt. He didnt include his parents or Kate. Randall threw up his father, his family, and Kevin's entire character (even throwing shade on his career)  And right after congratulating him for his year of sobriety (real sincere there brother). Screw you, Randall.


Thank you. You explained it much better than I did.

Edited by MsJamieDornan
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1 hour ago, BuckeyeLou said:

Dr. Major Dad

Hold. The. Phone. Somehow it took me this entire time to realize this is Major Dad. I watched that show! I loved that show! 


There's so much to unpack in this episode. 

  • I thought Older Jack's daughter would be Rebecca, but no, Hope. There's got to be something feeding that name. 
  • I wonder if Toby & Kate's adoptive daughter is called Rebecca. Her name wasn't mentioned (right?) and they flashed to her running when they mentioned "her name". That would make their kids Jack & Rebecca. Which honestly, would be cute. 
  • So we are obviously looking at a comparison of Older Jack and Kevin in this story. Older Jack is surprised by his girlfriend's pregnancy and while yeah, Madison isn't his girlfriend, Kevin is thrilled by the fact that she's pregnant. 
  • How weird will it be to see Older Madison make up next season? 
  • I love love that Madison is the mom. I love more that the show delivered the info. I have to give it to them - a lot of shows do bs hold out stuff (I'm looking at you HIMYM) but this show, while we don't know the whole story, doesn't leave the viewer completely devoid of info. 
  • I thought that close up of a ring was on Kevin's hand but with your comments, I may have been mistaken. 
  • So the redheaded girl is not a key person, right? I can't be the only one who thought for a split second that Madison's doctor was young Doctor K. 

Finally, and this is to be read as a Howler sent to Randall: 


I can't believe he would sit there an LIE to his siblings like that, then gaslight Kevin. I am all day Team Kevin. I know that Kevin's words were super harsh to Randall, but I honestly think he's been holding in a lot over the years and Randall pushed and pushed and pushed and got what he deserves. 


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3 minutes ago, HollyGoLitely333 said:

Hold. The. Phone. Somehow it took me this entire time to realize this is Major Dad. I watched that show! I loved that show! 


There's so much to unpack in this episode. 

  • I thought Older Jack's daughter would be Rebecca, but no, Hope. There's got to be something feeding that name. 
  • I wonder if Toby & Kate's adoptive daughter is called Rebecca. Her name wasn't mentioned (right?) and they flashed to her running when they mentioned "her name". That would make their kids Jack & Rebecca. Which honestly, would be cute. 
  • So we are obviously looking at a comparison of Older Jack and Kevin in this story. Older Jack is surprised by his girlfriend's pregnancy and while yeah, Madison isn't his girlfriend, Kevin is thrilled by the fact that she's pregnant. 
  • How weird will it be to see Older Madison make up next season? 
  • I love love that Madison is the mom. I love more that the show delivered the info. I have to give it to them - a lot of shows do bs hold out stuff (I'm looking at you HIMYM) but this show, while we don't know the whole story, doesn't leave the viewer completely devoid of info. 
  • I thought that close up of a ring was on Kevin's hand but with your comments, I may have been mistaken. 
  • So the redheaded girl is not a key person, right? I can't be the only one who thought for a split second that Madison's doctor was young Doctor K. 

Finally, and this is to be read as a Howler sent to Randall: 


I can't believe he would sit there an LIE to his siblings like that, then gaslight Kevin. I am all day Team Kevin. I know that Kevin's words were super harsh to Randall, but I honestly think he's been holding in a lot over the years and Randall pushed and pushed and pushed and got what he deserves. 


Yeah, Randall was lying up until the end. He couldn’t own what he had done and basically laid the blame on his mother who has Dementia/Alzheimer's. Good job, Randall you jacka**!

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4 minutes ago, Kdawg82 said:


1 hour ago, LexieLily said:

Are we supposed to spend the summer speculating who the man and daughter with the horse belong to? 

Am I wrong? I thought the man with the horse was Madison's OB/GYN


I think you're on track. The doctor and his daughter taming the horse was an allegory to represent Kevin's life. 

  • Love 15
33 minutes ago, Scarlett45 said:

No they don’t. Absent reproductive tech and random luck tendencies to hyper ovulate (which lead to fraternal multiples from having sex) run in the female line. 

Yes...this is true. I have fraternal twins.  Incidentally, like Kevin, I also seem to have aged 20 years in the past 7 years lmao

Hyper ovulation can be carried down genetically even from the father but only passed on to a female bc men don't ovulate obviously. 

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19 minutes ago, ScorpioSoul said:

Am I totally off because I see no one else has mentioned it, but when they showed Cassidy did it seem off how they showed off her walking, like she could be pregnant also? She would be further along than Madison. Was I just seeing something?

I actually thought the same thing. They were probably just playing us. But...

  • Love 6
6 minutes ago, Kdawg82 said:

Am I wrong? I thought the man with the horse was Madison's OB/GYN as he said to his daughter "I have to get to the office." Then they showed him in his office and putting on the White jacket. The moral of the story there (as I understood) was that the daughter taught a lesson about the horse...how it had been couped up and only wanted to run all this while. Then the OB tells Madison (Re: Kevin) "you need to just give him a chance to be himself," meaning, Kevin is like the horse. Be honest with him & allow him to choose his path in this. Similar also to Rebecca choosing her own path. 

If that's all it is that's cool. I just don't want them to come back. We've got too many people and connections and timelines to make sense of as it is!

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2 hours ago, tennisgurl said:

Time to play one of our favorite This is Us game:

"Who the hell are these people?" 

Indeed. It's not just that people get introduced out of the blue with no explanation. It's also that when they appear you can never know at what point in time those people are existing. Past, present, future...jump jump jump! This show has always depended on the mechanism of time jumping but after four seasons it's getting a bit tiresome for me. It starts to feel too gimmicky. Enough with the ahas!

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37 minutes ago, ScorpioSoul said:

Am I totally off because I see no one else has mentioned it, but when they showed Cassidy did it seem off how they showed off her walking, like she could be pregnant also? She would be further along than Madison. Was I just seeing something?

Honestly, I thought that too. I don't want to admit it because I don't like Cassidy and don't think Kevin could juggle two baby mommas. I also thought Beth looked pregnant in the dress she was wearing and wondered if the actress might be pregnant but I think it's just me.

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35 minutes ago, voiceover said:

Who the fuck does research for this show?? 

Hey TiU writers!   Obviously there was no one in the room from the Midwest.  So please keep this in mind for next season:

There is no such thing as "St Louis Barbecue".

No. Such. Thing.

You're welcome.

Of course there is. Ribs. 

St. Louis style barbecue ribs.

You’re welcome 😉

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It just dawned on me that the storyline around Rebecca mourning baby Kyle on the Big Three's first birthday informs the Kevin/Randalll battle at the end of the episode. Kevin basically says "I wish you were never born!" and Randall thinks he's doing a better job at being Rebecca's son than Rebecca's blood son has been doing. 

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