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S11.E08: Doubting Polygamy

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14 hours ago, mythoughtis said:


Quote 2 is exactly the reason his wife’s don’t respect and follow him blindly anymore.   His decisions seem to have always  been poor ones.  We’ve seen the photos and heard the stories from their early days - horrible housing conditions, Janelle bearing the money making responsibility while he and Meri vacationed.  Moving those kids around from state to state and back. When they finally come  into money with a show, he married a 4th wife and moved the family to Vegas and builds 4 large homes, and then does it all again a few years later. 

(But didn’t his wives just blindly follow his advice to pack up and move to Flagstaff even though it wasn't their choice. Kody has been crying the blues ever since because his grandiose plan is just not panning out the way he wanted it too.

Edited by endure
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If Kody really wanted the one big house he would just tell them that this is the way they are going to live.  He obviously is not the leader of the family.  There are five leaders.  I am sure following him blindly as the leader is old school polygamy as is beating a wife almost to death.  Beatings and befriending wife beaters should not be commonplace in any lifestyle.  

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3 hours ago, endure said:

But didn’t his wives just blindly follow his advice to pack up and move to Flagstaff even though it wasn't their choice. Kody has been crying the blues ever since because his grandiouse plan is just not panning out the way he wanted it too.

Yes, they did/ but they speak up more and drag their feet more.  On the early seasons  they’d just go for it 

Edited by mythoughtis
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So I'm rewatching the first part of this episode, which I skimmed through last night. All this showing the land is a great way to advertise how pretty it is -- for potential buyers. I believe this whole "storyline" with the one house is nothing more than that. By the time Kody and Robyn bought their mansion, they had decided to sell the Prairie Plague property imo. I read that it has gone up in value since they bought it, even though it is still just raw land.

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4 hours ago, islandgal140 said:

This was actually an interesting episode.

Kody doesn't get his way and this THIS makes him doubt his lifestyle. 

With all the proclamations of terrible news and hand wringing Robyn/Kody did, I thought they were gonna announce that someone had died. What a pair of dramatic bitches!

Can we get an update on Ysabel?

Yes!!  100% yes!  I just watched the episode and I thought she had cancer, or one of the kids had something terribly wrong with them.  I did NOT expect that it was just that her house was being sold.  Meri was interestingly tight-lipped when the director asked her about it.  Oy, these people! 


I, too, was wondering how things have changed with Ysabel's back and Janelle's weight training since the move. 

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1 hour ago, Teafortwo said:

So I'm rewatching the first part of this episode, which I skimmed through last night. All this showing the land is a great way to advertise how pretty it is -- for potential buyers. I believe this whole "storyline" with the one house is nothing more than that. By the time Kody and Robyn bought their mansion, they had decided to sell the Prairie Plague property imo. I read that it has gone up in value since they bought it, even though it is still just raw land.

I think you could be right...It makes sense that Robyn bought because they were selling the Coyote Pass property but the part that doesn't make sense to me is that the property went up in value that much plus they'd have real estate fees.

I guess I'm wondering if anyone knows the real estate situation in Flagstaff since they purchased the property.... Have property values skyrocketed since the Brown's bought?

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1 hour ago, Teafortwo said:

So I'm rewatching the first part of this episode, which I skimmed through last night. All this showing the land is a great way to advertise how pretty it is -- for potential buyers. I believe this whole "storyline" with the one house is nothing more than that. By the time Kody and Robyn bought their mansion, they had decided to sell the Prairie Plague property imo. I read that it has gone up in value since they bought it, even though it is still just raw land.

Let's hope they've learned that ultimately the value of real estate hinges on actually finding a motivated buyer. But yeah, I don't think they've ever been serious about actually building on the land.

Edited by DakotaJustice
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6 hours ago, smarty2020 said:

When did Maddie find out that Evie had a generic disorder?  I thought I read they found it during her ultrasound, but then we saw the ultrasound on this episode and there was no mention of her abnormalities.  

I wondered if it was because the Ultrasound was at one of those retail places that you go to just because you want to do so.  It wasn't her doctor's office, who likely would have read the US although the baby didn't even seem to be that far along, IMHO, so she probably wouldn't have had her office US yet. 

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2 hours ago, LucyEth said:

If Kody really wanted the one big house he would just tell them that this is the way they are going to live.  He obviously is not the leader of the family.  There are five leaders.  I am sure following him blindly as the leader is old school polygamy as is beating a wife almost to death.  Beatings and befriending wife beaters should not be commonplace in any lifestyle.  

If Kody actually had a fraction of the money they needed and had the legal approval to build the house, maybe he would be a bit more forceful, but he's miles and miles away from either. He can dream all he wants, but there's NO way he's getting the money scratched up, let alone the approval from the county or city or whoever would need to sign off. 

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So gross that when the women are together, they apparently have to repress their marital feelings for Kody into a sibling vibe. Jeez.

And yes, Kody, when “the wives” disagree with you, it’s because they didn’t think things through, or they blindly decided to support their sister-wife no matter how they feel, or they have brainwashed each other. The fact that they had actual REASONS is immaterial.

What a spoiled baby. Jaded. Bitter. Takes no pleasure in them anymore because they are less the mindless sheep. When he and Kyle took their stroll, I hope Kyle wasn’t suggesting any disciplinary methods. 

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6 hours ago, Pingaponga said:

And I'm confused about Coyote Pass again. They talked in this episode about having multiple lots, and building individual houses on each lot. How could they have ever thought they'd be allowed to build one ginormous house on the lots? There is no way that would ever be a simple permitting adjustment.


Yea...you are using too much logic. The first thing that pops in many peoples heads is the legalities of building that monster house, and it is much more complicated than the simple "oh...it's one house so it needs to only have one entrance..." that Kody seems to think viewers will believe.  In the real world there are more rules to building than The Great Almighty Kody has written it, so therefore it shall be done.

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7 minutes ago, Kyanight said:

But I wonder who would want to buy that huge plot of land since there are no utilities??  Not to mention the probable drainage/water issues. 

Oh I totally agree with you - the value depends ultimately on the price a buyer is willing to pay. I wonder how long the plots had been for sale before Kody and Ko bought them? I still think they used the equity in the Vegas houses to buy the land and consequently didn't clear much at all on the sale of those homes since they'd have to pay back the HELOCs. 

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29 minutes ago, DakotaJustice said:

Oh I totally agree with you - the value depends ultimately on the price a buyer is willing to pay. I wonder how long the plots had been for sale before Kody and Ko bought them? I still think they used the equity in the Vegas houses to buy the land and consequently didn't clear much at all on the sale of those homes since they'd have to pay back the HELOCs. 

I think Kody and his family is THE real estate market in Flagstaff. They seem to be the only ones renting, buying and moving.   Robyn's new house was available for over 3 months before they got it. Surprised Meri didn't find it to rent first. 

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15 hours ago, LotusFlower said:

There’s NO WAY Robyn will get the worst lot (the one in the trees, I assume).  Watch - she’ll end up getting the best lot - the largest, with the unobstructed mountain view, or I’ll buy you all a wet bar.  

You can't tell me that Kody and Sobbyn Brown didn't rehearse that tantrum/yell-fest several times before presenting it in front of the other wives.  Robyn chose the best location and told Kody that under no circumstances would another wife get "her" lot.  Kody worked through the night to come up with ways to sell his other wives on the lesser lots, thereby making sure that Robyn got the "best" lot by presenting it as the "worst."  Robyn applied extra eyeliner (for maximum eye booger retrieval), practiced her very best "concerned" face in the mirror, and off they went to Coyote Pass to present "The Kody and Robyn Show."  I don't ever buy anything this woman tries to sell.  Everything she does is for her own benefit, and Kody plays second fiddle to the Dark Witch of Flagstaff.  


10 hours ago, Tabbygirl521 said:

So gross that when the women are together, they apparently have to repress their marital feelings for Kody into a sibling vibe. Jeez. 

Oh, now hey - sign me right up for this lifestyle!  Having to treat my husband like my brother - complete with teasing, ganging up on him when the other wives are around, and waiting my turn for any shred of attention?  And then dropping everything when he decides to grace me with his presense and turn on the sexy times?  Gosh, what fun!  Doesn't sound like I'd need any therapy at all after a few years of that!

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I'm getting the feeling Flagstaff doesn't want the Browns there. This is the third wife to be booted from a rental, right? "Oh, we've decided to sell..." Yeah, right. I like Meri's first landlord - "The neighbors don't want you here. Please leave." Exactly, just say it like it is. And now we'll have to watch Robyn dry-cry for the next four episodes.

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1 minute ago, Teri313 said:

I'm getting the feeling Flagstaff doesn't want the Browns there. This is the third wife to be booted from a rental, right? "Oh, we've decided to sell..." Yeah, right. I like Meri's first landlord - "The neighbors don't want you here. Please leave." Exactly, just say it like it is. And now we'll have to watch Robyn dry-cry for the next four episodes.


And wiping constant eye boogers.

  • LOL 8
1 hour ago, Roslyn said:

Well. Has Kody found his footing to keep the show going with ramped up fake drama and "failings of his faith...". Are Kody and Robyn the new hopefuls to fill the shoes of Kate Gosselin?

Kate had a spin-off, Kate Plus Date.  Will this give the forsaken wives of Kody Brown ideas?

- Meri Seeks Marriage, Will Meri Get Her Groove Back?

- Jangle Learns to Mingle

- No Longer Pristine Christine Finds Monogamist Life Ain't So Bad After All

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I’m just now watching the second hour of this. Why on earth does Robyn think she needs to tell a landlord that they’re a plural family? She'll be living with her lawful husband (if anyone cares) and so what what her husband does off-site? Plenty of men have secret lives. Do they disclose to landlords? Phooey.

Kody, quit calling the women “my ladies” and also FUCK OFF, Buttercup.

Every week I pray for an uprising. 

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Of course, I would've divorced these jerks a long time ago, but this is really getting ridiculous.  All the trouble they went through to get the perfect set-up and wet bar in LV, only to uproot a few years later.  Then, once they're there Cody springs it on them the idea that they all live in one ginormous house, called "MY HOUSE" by Cody.  And Cody won't take no for an answer, and he pouts and doubts his "religion". 

There are kids everywhere, crawling out of the woodwork.  Yet, the wives don't want to face the fact that their husband dates other women.  Hell-oooo, your husband did a whole lot more than hold the door for her, and the evidence is running in and out of your house!  How stupid! 

I also wondered why the ultrasound tech didn't spot Maddie's babies' physical abnormalities, yet she could see the gender???

  • Love 6
18 hours ago, Claire Voyant said:

What's up with Robyn saying they are like sisters with one brother when they're all together?  Then comes Kody's talking head to say he's a "little" brother and if it weren't for his sheer stark, masculine confidence he would just wither

That really creeped me out.  Usually I am just annoyed with them, but I found those comments very creepy.   Well, I guess I do think he and Robyn are creepy.  The rest are annoying. 

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11 minutes ago, outtahere said:

I don't believe anyone except her doctor can tell them if there are any problems seen in the ultrasound.  That is not done by a tech/medical assistant even if they see it for themselves.

It seems that would be a diagnosis and that is done by a physician.

Correct. Rad Techs are not allowed to give that type of  result.

  • Love 7

The inclusion of Kyle in the show, which wasn't even necessary, irks me. To see Christine be at the front of the pack greeting him so cheerfully made me sick. Seasons back, when the Browns went on some RV trip, wasn't Christine the one who lost her shit about one of Kody's friends saying some slick shit about polgamy or one of his wives? It was to the point that I think she wanted him to leave.  To see her blithely greet a wife beater is disgusting. I remember because it was around the time Kody got literally splattered with shit taking care of the RV septic issue. Good times! 

Robyn has gotten witchier looking as the seasons have progressed. She looks like she belongs huddled over a bubbling cauldron in a hooded robe. 

18 hours ago, Claire Voyant said:

What's up with Robyn saying they are like sisters with one brother when they're all together?  Then comes Kody's talking head to say he's a "little" brother and if it weren't for his sheer stark, masculine confidence he would just wither.  🤮  

Proclaiming you are a manly man is a bit like saying you are classy ... if you have to say it, then you aren't.

15 hours ago, suzywallis said:

I, too, was wondering how things have changed with Ysabel's back and Janelle's weight training since the move. 

I think we can all pretty much see how Janelle's weight training is NOT going. 

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1 hour ago, Tabbygirl521 said:

I’m just now watching the second hour of this. Why on earth does Robyn think she needs to tell a landlord that they’re a plural family? She'll be living with her lawful husband (if anyone cares) and so what what her husband does off-site? Plenty of men have secret lives. Do they disclose to landlords? Phooey.

Kody, quit calling the women “my ladies” and also FUCK OFF, Buttercup.

Every week I pray for an uprising. 

Wait.  There were two episodes shown on Sunday night or was it one episode two hours long?  I kept falling asleep and lost reality.

Edited by tinderbox
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1 hour ago, suzeecat said:

Of course, I would've divorced these jerks a long time ago, but this is really getting ridiculous.  All the trouble they went through to get the perfect set-up and wet bar in LV, only to uproot a few years later.  Then, once they're there Cody springs it on them the idea that they all live in one ginormous house, called "MY HOUSE" by Cody.  And Cody won't take no for an answer, and he pouts and doubts his "religion". 

There are kids everywhere, crawling out of the woodwork.  Yet, the wives don't want to face the fact that their husband dates other women.  Hell-oooo, your husband did a whole lot more than hold the door for her, and the evidence is running in and out of your house!  How stupid! 

I also wondered why the ultrasound tech didn't spot Maddie's babies' physical abnormalities, yet she could see the gender???

Maybe it's like when I get my mammogram?  The tech that takes the images doesn't read them; a radiologist does.  I had an abdominal ultrasound for an intestinal issue and same thing...I had to wait for the doctor to tell me the result.

50 minutes ago, outtahere said:

I don't believe anyone except her doctor can tell them if there are any problems seen in the ultrasound.  That is not done by a tech/medical assistant even if they see it for themselves.

It seems that would be a diagnosis and that is done by a physician.

You answered before I read all the comments.  You explained it better, thank you.

  • Love 4
43 minutes ago, islandgal140 said:

The inclusion of Kyle in the show, which wasn't even necessary, irks me. To see Christine be at the front of the pack greeting him so cheerfully made me sick. Seasons back, when the Browns went on some RV trip, wasn't Christine the one who lost her shit about one of Kody's friends saying some slick shit about polgamy or one of his wives? It was to the point that I think she wanted him to leave.  To see her blithely greet a wife beater is disgusting. I remember because it was around the time Kody got literally splattered with shit taking care of the RV septic issue. Good times! 

Robyn has gotten witchier looking as the seasons have progressed. She looks like she belongs huddled over a bubbling cauldron in a hooded robe. 

Proclaiming you are a manly man is a bit like saying you are classy ... if you have to say it, then you aren't.

I think we can all pretty much see how Janelle's weight training is NOT going. 

I thought of Christine freaking out on that trip, too, when I heard her cheerful greeting to Kyle.  She DID freak about Kootie's friend Ken? I think was his name.  So to her, a polygamist abusive asshole is OK, but a monogamist commenting about leaving 3 wives at home is not?  Makes no sense to this COL.

  • Love 8
1 hour ago, outtahere said:

It seems that would be a diagnosis and that is done by a physician.

RadiologicL testing procedures are done by a Radiology Technologist.  The actual reading of the scan/X-ray/ultrasound is done by a Radiologist.  The results are reported to the patient's physician to be shared with the patient.

From what I've read (although it is second hand info for sure) is that the Brushes went to one of those "Keepsake" ultrasound places.  These are not affiliated with a medical institution - they exist just to give new parents a picture to share with friends and family.  And they are definitely NOT recommended by the medical community as there is no accountability for the upkeep of the machines.

25 minutes ago, smarty2020 said:

If you google it, it appears that Kody was going to be a character witness for Kyle in his trial had it actually gone to trial and Kyle not taken the plea deal.

Oh, puke.  Birds of a feather...

What was it that Christine exclaimed in horror?  "I didn't know men could be such bastards".  And you run to someone who beat the crap out of his wife like he's your best friend.  

These people.

Edited by Kohola3
  • Love 12
3 hours ago, Tabbygirl521 said:

I’m just now watching the second hour of this. Why on earth does Robyn think she needs to tell a landlord that they’re a plural family? She'll be living with her lawful husband (if anyone cares) and so what what her husband does off-site? Plenty of men have secret lives. Do they disclose to landlords? Phooey.

Kody, quit calling the women “my ladies” and also FUCK OFF, Buttercup.

Every week I pray for an uprising. 

In the real world, I'm sure they have to disclose that they're going to be filming their reality TV show there, which script-wise morphs into "I have to tell the landlord we're a plural family!" Even if it doesn't make any sense.

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23 hours ago, smarty2020 said:

In the preview for next weeks episode Kody is BEYOND PISSED that Robyn is given last choice of where her house will go on the lots at Coyote Pass.  Never mind that they each legally purchased a specific lot.  Apparently now they are re-choosing house sites and Robyn got last choice.  Of course Kody will be mad at this because he spends all his time at Robyn's house, so in essence HE is getting the worst location.  Clearly in his mind Meri should get the worst choice lot.  It is obvious he hates Meri.

Which is apparently in the trees with the Keebler elves trolls. 

It does seem to be the worse spot as they all seem to ooh and aww over the mountain views and that spot will have at least partially obstructed views as it backs into a forest. I suppose they can cut some trees down but the cost would seem astronomical given the amt of trees I saw and they have bigger things to worry about like utilities, but then again, when have the Browns ever made sound decisions?

I will say based on the snippet of Kody's meltdown I did agree with one thing he said - that Meri will hold the family hostage while she makes her decision. She did that with the whole fertility/baby thing and I can see her doing that now. 

  • Love 2
12 minutes ago, islandgal140 said:

Which is apparently in the trees with the Keebler elves trolls. 

It does seem to be the worse spot as they all seem to ooh and aww over the mountain views and that spot will have at least partially obstructed views as it backs into a forest. I suppose they can cut some trees down but the cost would seem astronomical given the amt of trees I saw and they have bigger things to worry about like utilities, but then again, when have the Browns ever made sound decisions?

I will say based on the snippet of Kody's meltdown I did agree with one thing he said - that Meri will hold the family hostage while she makes her decision. She did that with the whole fertility/baby thing and I can see her doing that now. 

I live in Maine, which is the land of logging, and up here you would just call a logging company and they would come in, clear the lot, pay you for the timber, and be on their way. I don't know if there is a timber market down there or how that would work, though. Just depending on the situation, they could actually make a little money on it.

Edited by Teri313
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