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S10.E06: In Seasickness and in Health

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Anyone remember The Way We Were when Katie ( Barbara  Streisand‘s character ) asks Hubble (Robert Redford) “I’m not your style am I?” And he’s honest with her. And he tells her no. That’s Zack and Mindy. 

Edited by Cammi
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I'd have to dump Zach's cute...face simply because I couldn't stand one more day of his prattle, his blather, and his twaddle!

So 3/5 of the husbands have removed their rings in defiance of something or someone. Well, bless their hearts. 

Edited by LennieBriscoe
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52 minutes ago, Cammi said:

Ima just say it. Katie ain’t cute. Derrick is much more attractive.

I agree. I think Katie is plain, veering toward homely. The least attractive of the women by a large margin, IMO.

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So Zach isn't wearing his wedding ring because he "just isn't into putting on jewelry".  Good thing he didn't miss putting on his beaded bracelet on his left wrist.

And Mindy, you weren't wearing a wedding ring either when you asked Zach about not wearing his ring.

Edited by OnTime
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1 hour ago, LennieBriscoe said:

Of COURSE "if you are ....."  But  Mindy is assuming that Zach IS that "right person," so ipso facto her looks (she brought up this element) should be enough. Clearly, they are not, but she evinces supreme frustration at that, instead of recognizing Zach's God-given right not to find her attractive.

I think her issue is more that he expects her to come up with a solution to that problem!

58 minutes ago, Soup333 said:

RIP to all the fruit these people wasted during their breakfasts. 

Yeah the camera person seemed really concerned about that 😄 

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Haven't we all had men/boys who were interested in us and we weren't in them. And we had to tell them- look I'm not attracted to you, let's just be friends- yet they keep thinking there's a chance and just don't get it. That's Mindy with Zach. Why does she think he owes her any more explanation or why he's obligated to be attracted to her. Everyone has a type and she clearly isn't his. He definitely does not care for her pheromones given the numerous times he's asked if she's showered. 

Edited by Leilani
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Chinless baby seal! And pictures, too! 😅😅 I was trying so hard not to be mean, but, damn.

Zach is going overboard in his attempts to not lead Mindy on, or whatever he's doing. Still, Mindy should cut her losses now. He ain't it.

Edited by Rina99
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Was this show only an hour last season? Couldn’t they have bumped it to 90 minutes instead of going straight for two hours? Part of me wants to remind this show that it is no 90 Day Fiancé, but the rest of me realizes that might be intentional, since Pastor Cal is so vocal about their refusal to cast parents and impose this nonsense upon children.

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Ugh I still can’t warm to Meka, she of the constant thundercloud over her head.  Can she at least try??  
I get that what Michael supposedly said to her is awful.  But she’s SO negative.  Either cut your losses and run, or try.  Don’t punish. Ugh. 
ETA just got to her rules.  Ugh!!!  

Edited by Meowwww
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First of all, how And when was Taylor’s social media status relayed to Brandon? Did she mention it at the wedding? I don’t remember  

The Princess seems very paranoid. He accused the producer of trying to play him when he and Taylor were waiting for food. Also when he said something last week about Taylor filming him. I think he was wondering if she’d done it before. So perhaps he thinks she is going to post those videos/pics. But again, instead of just telling her it made him uncomfortable he just shut down.

The diva (small d) also seems very angry. I said this before during the reception episodes. There’s rage there. He was seething when Taylor took a picture of their drinks. That entire conversation was very passive aggressive. He admitted to taking lots of pics but basically called it a shallow, vain thing to do. 

Theres something seriously wrong with this guy. I feel for Taylor because she seems to want to soothe/placate him when he goes into these fits. Doesn’t she work with special needs kids? Or was that somebody else?? Too many damn people. 

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4 hours ago, Leilani said:

I hope Mindy finally understands Zach is just not that into her.

Zach thinks this is “Date at First Sight.” Married at First Sight presumes couples act like they are married, Zack.  I think he’s a celebrity-wannabe.  

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Brandon needs to be fired...giving the crew a hard time doing their job...what an ass.

Taylor is an enabler...should have left Brandon’s stuff in the room and make him miss the plane or his belongings...

Disappointed no one in the cast bought a Panama hat...the closest was Jessica’s Minnie Pearl hat with the price tag hanging off if it...

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5 hours ago, Kiss my mutt said:

Jamie seemed really uncomfortable with it just being guys on the panel. The guys are all supportive but Jamie is biting her tongue playing devil’s advocate. Is Jamie pregnant? I read she was but I don’t see a bump yet. 

I really like Jamie and Doug.  First marriage to last. Started off bad.  I just like them.  And her. 

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I know this is just a stupid reality show but these are real people with real emotions. And I hate that it's probably going to end badly for 3 of the 5 couples.

The vetting process sucks!  Brandon has anger issues, Zach is a narcissist and I don't get a good feeling about Michael but not sure what his deal is.

I long ago gave up the illusion that the Bachelor franchise was about finding true love and now just snark watch. But each MAFS season I have such high hopes only to have them dashed. Dating on the Bachelor is one thing, but THIS IS MARRIAGE.  I cringe each time the experts mention Divorce. No biggie. It makes me so sad.

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39 minutes ago, humbleopinion said:

Zach tried to sell to Mindy that his idea of building attraction for someone means he misses them when they aren’t around....so since they were forced to spend every moment together on their honeymoon, Zach hasn’t had a chance to be away from her to see if he misses her hence no attraction to her...

Convoluted bullshit jibber jabber...

I hate to admit it, but what Zach said made sense. He said if he misses someone when they are not around, that means he is attracted to that person. If he doesn’t, then he is not. But Zach being a pompous ass, has to use as many words as possible to try and come across as intelligent. 

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4 hours ago, LennieBriscoe said:

No to a canine in the newlywed bed. Sorry, Katie and Derek. 

No to a canine in my life ever. Just me talking though. This world where everyone on the planet seems to need a pet is something I will never understand. But, in the bed. Hell no.

I know some couples that sleep with their young kids and multiple pets in the bed. That's just insane to me whether I liked pets or not.

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3 hours ago, Empress1 said:

I agree. I think Katie is plain, veering toward homely. The least attractive of the women by a large margin, IMO.

I would honestly put Meka, Katie and Mindy at a three way tie for least attractive. I honestly hate to judge looks and it's what the spouses feel that matters but we get so many close ups of these people. I don't find any of those women attractive in the slightest.

This show has been 2 hours for a while now. It really doesn't need to be.

I actually see Brandon's side to the social media thing. I find Instagram and all that to be the dumbest shit ever. But, if you are into it you are into it. I just wouldn't want it to be a constant thing and that's a genuine fear. Like you can't have a moment without feeling the need to share it.

Brandon should not have signed up for the show. I like my privacy too. That's why I'm not on signing up for something like this.

I don't think Zach is as much of an ass as people want to make him out to be. Imagine having to answer whether you are into someone or not multiple times a day. How many ways can you say I don't know or just no without being an asshole. He's trying not to be. As Mindy's friends said, she needs constant validation. She can't just let things slide. 

Derrick and Katie are cute but so surface level. I don't really believe it honestly. 

I would have honestly just gave up on Meka before the honeymoon was over. She's just not my type of woman. All the rules and regulations. Not for me. 

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Pretty boring episode, with things going as one could predict.

Zach and Mindy dig themselves deeper into a hole, separate holes actually.

Michael started impressing as he shared his life's views, and otoh Meka does appear to be difficult/high-maintenance.

The awkward weirdos and Tall/short pair continue to do well, but real life is coming up!  There was some preview a week or two ago about the man's job taking him out of town a lot.  Who was it, Austin?

Finally Brandon, who I have never thought much of, comes unhinged.  Throwing FU's at his wife on the bus due to his own anxiety, sheesh!

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6 hours ago, LennieBriscoe said:

....wouldn't a dog in the bed put a cramp in one's style...

Could not fail to think of Season 4's Nick and how he and his dogs expressed their undying love for each other. 

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2 hours ago, Isle Of Why said:

If I were writing a sociology article, it'd be interesting to explore why some online commenters put much of the onus on the women when men aren't attracted to them: they should put on some makeup, wash and style their hair, shower after travel, wear cute lingerie, not nag, don't speak stridently or look unhappy, etc.....

Nagging, not showering, speaking stridently---the "onus" should be on anyone with those habits....

First, if you'll notice, it is MINDY who is lamenting and interrogating and dwelling on whether or not Zach is attracted to her,  if she needs breast implants, etc. Meanwhile, he more than once asks about her showering. Maybe Mindy could take a hint, if she's concerned?

MEKA isn't sure why Michael walked out. 

TAYLOR  wonders why Brandon gives her the Silent Treatment.

Moreover, if you'll recall, it was the BRIDES who, for the ceremony, had professionals apply make-up and do their hair in order to look attractive to their grooms.

IOW, we are made privy to the women themselves giving a tinker's dam about what their men are thinking, instead of just going, "Whatever, dude. Got along without ya before I met ya...."

I, for one, would make a poor "N" for your study, though, as I recently knocked Michael's beard.

That said, I now feel compelled to opine that Jessica could use some eye makeup, for she has squinty orbs. Luckily for her, Austin seems to be a new Ricky Bobby (and any sociological study of this show and this site would perforce include Ricky Bobby). Oh, and some Proactiv wouldn't hurt him, either.


Edited by LennieBriscoe
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7 hours ago, Soup333 said:

RIP to all the fruit these people wasted during their breakfasts. 

That was depressing to watch! They gobbled in all the greasy sausages but left all the good stuff. 

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Yeah, if it weren’t for Katie’s diabetes causing her concerns about starting a family I think she would wait a lot longer to get married.  She seems to enjoy the thrill of chasing new “fire” versus building a lasting relationship.

Edited by Booger666
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8 hours ago, OnTime said:

So Zach isn't wearing his wedding ring because he "just isn't into putting on jewelry".  Good thing he didn't miss putting on his beaded bracelet on his left wrist.

And Mindy, you weren't wearing a wedding ring either when you asked Zach about not wearing his ring.

Maybe he wanted a wooden ring to go with his wood beads and wood watch. 

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6 hours ago, ECM1231 said:

I know this is just a stupid reality show but these are real people with real emotions. And I hate that it's probably going to end badly for 3 of the 5 couples.

The vetting process sucks!  Brandon has anger issues, Zach is a narcissist and I don't get a good feeling about Michael but not sure what his deal is.

I long ago gave up the illusion that the Bachelor franchise was about finding true love and now just snark watch. But each MAFS season I have such high hopes only to have them dashed. Dating on the Bachelor is one thing, but THIS IS MARRIAGE.  I cringe each time the experts mention Divorce. No biggie. It makes me so sad.

It does make me a little sad unless the person is a total jerk.

4 hours ago, Isle Of Why said:

If I were writing a sociology article, it'd be interesting to explore why some online commenters put much of the onus on the women when men aren't attracted to them: they should put on some makeup, wash and style their hair, shower after travel, wear cute lingerie, not nag, don't speak stridently or look unhappy, etc.

I actually feel bad for them because there seems to very little you can do if a guy is not into you. I also feel bad for the guys whose wives are not physically attracted to them either but I guess that is a risk you take signing up for a this show.

2 hours ago, ElectricCityy said:

It's one thing to be pissed at production, but yelling "F*ck you" to your new wife? Brandon is a raging lunatic using panic attacks as an excuse for his behavior. Taylor should be demanding a divorce right now like that flight attendant a few seasons ago.

Also, I think Derek is putting his best foot forward and only thinks he is falling for Katie because he is naive and inexperienced. But trust you me, once she starts bringing up that ex he is going to snap out of it. 

See, I have felt that Brandon has been a little angry since the moment he saw Taylor. He is acting like a guy who had been bamboozled or misled in some way. I think he is honestly looking for any excuse he can find to get rid of her.

Even though she claims she is not an IG model, it is highly ironic to me that there have been men in this show who have been disappointed to have not been matched up with IG models and Brandon is not particularly happy with his wife and her bikini friendly body. 

1 hour ago, Liberty said:

At Katie & Derrick's final Panamanian dinner, did anyone think Katie was not interested in Derrick's conversations anymore?

In the beginning she was all moon eyed and smiling and quick to exclaim his virtues.  Now, after 6 long days, things are changing for her. 

I find Derrick so cute and his science conversation would make me swoon since I am a big nerd.

I would put Derrick in league with Ricky Bobby and Jaime as a man who is very physically attracted to his wife. It does seem like Katie is starting to feel a little smothered by him. 

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25 minutes ago, qtpye said:

I actually feel bad for them because there seems to very little you can do if a guy is not into you. I also feel bad for the guys whose wives are not physically attracted to them either but I guess that is a risk you take signing up for a this show.

Totally understand what you are saying.

There is a big problem with some (most?) participants not understanding what marriage is.  Most of our society sees marriage as a commitment longer than a wedding, a honeymoon, or even 8 weeks.  It's a commitment, not an convenience.  Zach is not doing his part to make the marriage successful.

So these people who on day 2 or 6 are abandoning their effort to have a successful marriage, should have signed up for 'Dating At First Sight'.  So it's a real problem for a couple who has two members with different ideas about the meaning of marriage.

Yes, it is too bad Zach is not into Mindy, his behavior would be totally acceptable outside of marriage.  The selection committee needs to do a better job.

ETA, it's really easier for Zach to write his wedding vows than live his wedding vows 

Edited by Liberty
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Camera Brandon is the real Brandon. A horrible, disgusting person. 

The way he spoke to her in the bus, the producers and so called “experts” should be putting a stop to the whole sham marriage immediately. 

When he walked into his room and said to the producer “so what do we do now?” Said to me that the only things they’re doing on camera are pretending and as soon as cameras are off they probably aren’t even associating or speaking to each other. 

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Brandon acts as if he just found out he was starring in the Truman Show and wants out.

I'm seriously starting to wonder what he knows at this point - or what he thinks he knows. How in the world did he know she had a "huge" social media following? When did this conversation take place? Does he suspect that Taylor was chosen by the producers to up the drama? This isn't a spoiler because I don't know that I'm just wondering about his behavior. 

Someone noted that the bus blowup happened on the day when they were on their way to the catamaran. They said everyone had their swimsuits on. I didn't go back and check but if this is true, then his seething rage during the dinner/drinks scene makes a little more sense. I thought he was going to blow his top. His jaw was clenched several times as if he was holding himself back. Taylor was being her laughing, joking self but there are times when she's talking directly to the camera and her eyes are dead. I don't believe a word she's saying. I find her at times to be inauthentic but I'm wondering if it's the stress of having to play nice and pretend there's a chance in hell things could work with him.

Edited by Soup333
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7 minutes ago, Soup333 said:

Brandon acts as if he just found out he was starring in the Truman Show and wanted out.

I'm seriously starting to wonder what he knows at this point - or what he thinks he knows. How in the world did he know she had a "huge" social media following? When did this conversation take place? Does he suspect that Taylor was chosen by the producers to up the drama? This isn't a spoiler because I don't know that I'm just wondering about his behavior. 

Someone noted that the bus blowup happened on the day when they were on their way to the catamaran. They said everyone had their swimsuits on. I didn't go back and check but if this is true, then his seething rage during the dinner/drinks scene makes a little more sense. I thought he was going to blow his top. His jaw was clenched several times as if he was holding himself back. Taylor was being her laughing, joking self but there are times when she's talking directly to the camera and her eyes are dead. I don't believe a word she's saying. I find her at times to be inauthentic but I'm wondering if it's the stress of having to play nice and pretend there's a chance in hell things could work with him.

Seriously, what is wrong with this guy? There have been many people on this show who have been unhappy with their husbands or wives but no one has turned into a seething ball of rage who abuses the production staff to this degree.


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1 hour ago, qtpye said:

... it is highly ironic to me that there have been men in this show who have been disappointed to have not been matched up with IG models and Brandon is not particularly happy with his wife and her bikini friendly body. 

People commented during the wedding episode about how awkward and put off Brandon was towards Taylor, and they weren't wrong. He appears to be quite resentful about what he sees as the shallow superficiality of pretty, popular women. It's almost verging on incel territory.

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11 hours ago, ShowFan said:

I totally feel for Katie wanting her few minutes alone in the shower and Derek jumping in. I feel like every time she starts talking about how much he is awesome, there is a BUT that they cut out of her speech

Austin is beyond adorable! He looks at Jessica like a puppy and is so sweet and handsome. I love both him and Derek

I am growing suspicious of Taylor. She is gorgeous, behaves really well and looks perfect from every angle. I don’t get why she is single and the IG following is not a coincidence. Clearly Brandon comes across as the jerk,  it I wonder what’s her deal

Zach is repulsive. I get that he isn’t attracted to Mindy but stop telling her that over and over. The whole dynamic is very annoying. 

About Katy & Derek.  Seems like he’s never had a girlfriend or sex before, and jumped in full force.  He’s loving everything about her and the whole process.  

Maybe everything is new to him?  Like a kid in a candy store.  Not that it’s a bad thing.

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10 hours ago, Leilani said:

Haven't we all had men/boys who were interested in us and we weren't in them. And we had to tell them- look I'm not attracted to you, let's just be friends- yet they keep thinking there's a chance and just don't get it. That's Mindy with Zach. Why does she think he owes her any more explanation or why he's obligated to be attracted to her. Everyone has a type and she clearly isn't his. He definitely does not care for her pheromones given the numerous times he's asked if she's showered. 

And that's my issue with her.  It's as if she's trying to publicly shame him for not being attracted to her.  At this point, I'm actually rooting for Zach to pack his shit and leave, instead of her leaving him. 

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