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S08.E02: Training Days

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When new server Dayna starts dating Max, Scheana makes Dayna's life difficult; Stassi, Katie and Brittany are bothered by Kristen's ties to Carter; Jax un-invites Carter from the trip to Miami; Lala and James come to terms; Ariana opens up to Lisa.

Airs January 14, 2020.

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These chucklefucks put me right to sleep! Seriously.  I DID wake up to see Jax & Katy give Carter the WHAT-FOR about giving Kristin a break. ( I think) Anyhoo.... shark time. byeeee.

It was fun while it lasted.

Edited by goofygirl
can I type???
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This episode didn’t have a smoking gun moment, like neither Katie nor Lala mean-girled anyone, which is a miracle in and of itself, but everyone was so low-key awful that I can’t even organize my thoughts properly, so here is a mish-mash of all the ways I thought they sucked, (with a select few bright moments).  Scheana was The Biggest Loser by far.

They’re trying to get us to think Scheana is training three people at once?  I’ve never seen anything other than one on one outside of orientation.  It’s fake for drama, like so much else.  

I hate hazing.  It’s mean and pointless.

Aside from the hazing, Scheana was being a lightweight bully toward Dayna basically the whole episode.  “You do you, do him, whatever” is not an appropriate thing to say in the work place, especially to someone you’re training.  And then telling Dayna that she irks her, but she doesn’t know why, is such passsive-aggressive bullshit.   This is light years away from Lala showing up at Sur to talk to Katie, and, when pressed, Katie says she calls Lala a whore, cause she calls it like she sees it.  This is way worse.  I’m also not a big fan of Peter asking (yet another!) new waitress if she has a boyfriend, and that she might meet one tonight, whether he was talking about himself or someone else.  That can make someone so uncomfortable.  I was uncomfortable through the screen!

I can accept three new people on the cast—no more.  I’m not amused by this Danica chick.  Who shoves their boyfriend when they’re at work?  If he wants to have a threesome...dump him?

OMG, Scheana is such a man-repellant!  First Rob, then Adam, and now Max and Brett being disgusted by her at the same time and making sure the cameras are clear on the fact that they are backing up slowly and making sure she’s not in the vicinity of any sharp edges.  

Scheana looked so physically ugly to me when she made that jealous sneering face when she told Ariana and Danica that Dayna is taking the relationship with Max seriously...because Dayna said he was picking her up.  Kristen makes the same face.  It’s like the lifting of the upper lips to bare their teeth.  So ugly and scary!

Saying that telling a 27 year old man that you’re freezing your eggs is like yelling fire in a crowded movie theater is actually funny, and something Stassi probably wishes she said.  Dayna needs to take her comedy more seriously though.  She sucked at stand-up.  Pushing the envelope alone is not sufficient to be funny.  

Lala looks like she’s made of wax.  And she can shut the fuck up about this self-help bullshit for three damn seconds.  James hasn’t shown any growth, so what’s the point in forgiving him?  So he can keep doing the same things you object to?

Ariana groveling to Lisa was cringeworthy.  

Just last week I commended Jax on not falling into the cutesy shtick...and then he shows up with a picture of Schwartz on his t-shirt and I can’t decide what is worse, that or Beau’s chunky sweater at Stassi’s photo shoot.  Jax was so coked up in that scene with Carter.  What else is new?

I’m bored by Kristen and Carter.  

Sandoval is so sneering and serious and self-important.  I hate Schwartz and his beta energy so much, but whoever wrote last weak that Sandoval is worse than Schwartz might be right.  

Brittney was annoying me.  I don’t like when she slides into territory of being too pleased with herself, which has been happening a lot.  

Stassi and Katie weren’t horrendous she-witches.  That’s about all the good I’ve got to say.  

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I feel like I need to make a (slightly paraphased) new cross-stitch aphorism for my wall.

"Keep milking that cow because the cow is free."
- Jax Taylor, 2020

Edited by Callaphera
forgot what year it is. Already.
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James scene....yuk.

I actually liked what Jax said to Carter.  Don't judge.  I had a moment.  Go away Carter....in your BMW.

Dayna is growing on me a tad.  The other two guys who I continue to confuse...not so much.

Scheana training?  Yeah.  Ok.  

Charlie seemed ok so far.

What was the rest of the episode about?  I just tune out with so many of the scenes....wedding ring, used wedding gowns, Ariana wants her job back.  Snore.


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Scheana can say it's just a vibe, but she is 100% making Dayna do the grunt work because of Max. I mean, she bought the guy an Apple watch for Thanksgiving!! (Who buys Thanksgiving gifts???)

What I really can't figure out is how Ariana is okay with Dayna doing stand up. But she was actually not too bad. Thankfully Max didn't have to use the, "You did it!" line. (But I'm filing that away for later.)

Then there's Brett's 7 hour "I'm just not that into you" speech.... Which left Scheana confused - because he kissed her the first night they met. So he MUST have felt something. Well, yea, until he kissed you. 


Hmmmm...I just realized that even though I was resistant to the new people, they're really the only ones I have much to say about. 

I'm totally over the James-LaLa dysfunction. 

I'm over the Kristen-Carter dysfunction. But that is one manipulative motherfucker. "When I'm gone, who's gonna be there?" Not YOU, bitch! That's the point! 

It was nice to see Katie apologize and go over to help Kristin. But homegirl has to do right by HERSELF.  

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On ‎1‎/‎10‎/‎2020 at 12:21 PM, OnceSane said:

"Training Days".

When new server Dayna starts dating Max, Scheana makes Dayna's life difficult; Stassi, Katie and Brittany are bothered by Kristen's ties to Carter; Jax un-invites Carter from the trip to Miami; Lala and James come to terms; Ariana opens up to Lisa.

I must of zoned in and out while watching this b/c I really don't remember much. Scheana telling Dayna that she either likes people or hates them and that she hates her for some reason is such a lame passive-aggressive thing to say. Speaking of which, watching Arianna grovel to successful businesswoman Lisa Vanderbucks was pathetic, but I chuckled when she acted hurt by Arianna's accusations of implying FI-Tom is lazy. I have to give kudos to the editors for the time lapse sequence of Max trying to explain to Scheana that he's just not into her, with her staring stupidly at him muttering "Yeah..." every few minutes. We've seen that jeweler Jax and Brittany visited before, right? Is Dayna the friend of Kristen's from several seasons ago whose standup comedy routine was about her (and Kristen's?) loser boyfriends? I'm wonder if Arianna was taking notes; she's so serious about comedy, dontcha know?

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9 minutes ago, goofygirl said:

I've already admitted that I SLEPT through most of this episode but LibertarianSlut, WHO is DANICA???

She was just a lame bitch from one lunch scene with Ariana and Scheana.  They were having lunch at a Mexican restaurant in a booth, and when they met up with her they said that Danica was some type of manager at SUR who was on suspension because she shoved her boyfriend for suggesting a threesome.  I’m so sad I picked up her name, and this info.  It makes me want to examine my life.

I guess I picked it up because it combines two things I hate:  the double standard that no man can lay a finger on a woman, but a woman can shove a man and it’s “funny,” as well as the idea of a threesome as a “joke.”  Danica and her boyfriend (who they didn’t show, but give them two episodes and he’ll be a full-time cast member) seem like assholes.  

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OK, I'm thinking HOW SAD only 5-8 of us are even thinking about this dumbass show and at least half of us slept through most of it!  But hey, that's how it goes. I think it's waaay sad that Sheana already has some eggs frozen somewhere because she KNOWS deep down unless she works on herself, ain't NO MAN gonna want her even IF she gives him an apple watch for THANKSGIVING.... Jeebus!

That Kristin has bought her own home but yet still feels the need to have Carter around, even if he does NOTHING to contribute to the bills and makes her feel bad generally.

That Arianna, having big dreams of being a coffee table book writer and buying a house with FI Tom, is STILL  backtracking on her badass crap from last season and begging her job back from LVP because she's BORED.

That the new prince and princess of the valley are getting bigass rings for their wedding and the bridesmaids are getting  really nice aquamarine somethings to wear to the nuptials.

And finally. Lala 's face looking really waxy and fake but boy does she scream outloud about her blowjobs, like THAT'S the claim to fame.  Just SAD for Randall's kids.  They MUST be SO PROUD of their dad and new stepmom. Joy.

Thank you for the Danica explanation LibertarianSlut!

Edited by goofygirl
Thank you, I was confused!
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Jax, honey. I am no fan of Carter, but you have a short memory. Remember when you were living with Stassi and her daddy was footing all the bills and you lived rent free in her apartment? Yeah, so STFU about Carter. 

Were Sandoval and Schwartz even on this ep? What were Katie and Jax doing in Kristin's apt helping her pack? Two people from the cast randomly chosen by production to have a scene with Kristin. Sooo fake. The whole season (2 episodes in, lol) reeks of fake. 

I can't stand any of the newbies. Sorry but they are boring AF. 

I don't understand what Scheana's storyline is supposed to be this season but so far it's a big fail. Was she promoted at SUR or something? Why is she training staff? 

It's only just beginning, too. We have to live through Jax and Brit's bachelor and bachelorette parties and the wedding of the century. 

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I was just about to decide I was probably going to be out this season, but then I saw the scenes for next week and I’m interested. Two of the ‘cool’ kids going at each other (Stassi and Sandoval), better then anything we’ve seen so far.

I am not up for Kristen being cast as the villain and having them beat us over the head with this all season because she’s not breaking up properly. I get how Katie and Stassi could be tired of all talk and no action on Kristen’s part, but that doesn’t mean you dump the friendship. Stassi’s insistence that Kristen can’t be trusted because she can’t stay broken up? Crazy. And OMG she lied because she said they’re broken up but has taken him back. The utter BETRAYAL of Stassi. How does a Kristen dare? Breakups are messy and often take multiple tries before they stick. So this storyline has been turning me off.

But smug, narcissistic Stassi yelling at smug, narcissistic Sandoval? Count me in. This will work for me because the power dynamic is far more even between S&S. With Stassi going at Kristen it feels a lot more like watching Stassi punch down

Edited by Pop Tart
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The visor of the baseball cap Kristen is wearing is huge.

So Scheana watches this show and doesn’t learn ANYthing? She didn’t realize how pathetic she looked with Rob and that other guy? That “joke” about the offer with regard to her eggs, and then the nervous, self-conscious, forced laugh. Oh, Scheana. 

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44 minutes ago, goofygirl said:

That Arianna, having big dreams of being a coffee table book writer and buying a house with FI Tom, is STILL  backtracking on her badass crap from last season and begging her job back from LVP because she's BORED.

Just Ariana's penance for last season when Ariana pulled back the curtain and revealed that LVP is definitely shady and kind of an asshole.

Mean girl Scheana is not a good look. It's like they got Stassi in my Scheana. Stassi's mean girl shit can be amusing. Scheana's boy crazy desperation can be amusing. Scheana being a mean girl because of her boy crazy desperation isn't entertaining.

I cannot believe that Katie and Jax managed to not be odious. Katie had managed to say thanks, but no thanks to more of Carter back in the day when they were fuck buddies. Jax is rarely this sensitive with anyone, let alone Carter and Kristen. Seeing how incestuous this group is, Jax probably decided to take it relatively easy on Carter because Carter will likely end up with someone in their group.

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6 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

Were Sandoval and Schwartz even on this ep?

Yes, but I only remember b/c I was fascinated by the glass wall in front of clock gears behind them.

6 hours ago, Claire Voyant said:

Jax, Jax, Jax. 

You want to know why you would buy the cow when you're getting the milk for free?  For the same reason you don't buy the bull if it doesn't know how to service the cow.  ;)

I think you meant "is unable to service the cow".

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So Dayna is Ariana 2.0 I guess?  Snarky, blonde, serious about comedy.

8 hours ago, ghoulina said:

Then there's Brett's 7 hour "I'm just not that into you" speech.... Which left Scheana confused - because he kissed her the first night they met. So he MUST have felt something. Well, yea, until he kissed you. 

I’m not sure Scheana was listening, or if she ever does.  She was probably thinking about fake eyelashes and Botox and the camera getting her good side and ‘ohmygah is Brett still talking? He is so into me and we’re gonna be an awesome couple.’

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Way too much Scheana and new people.  And I'm not a fan of LVP so when she's on my screen I just want her to hurry up and say whatever it is she's got to say and get on with it.

Y'all can hate on Sandoval all you want but I love him and always will, which is why I will need Stassi to step the fuck down next episode. lol

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1 hour ago, metalchik said:

And I'm not a fan of LVP so when she's on my screen I just want her to hurry up and say whatever it is she's got to say and get on with it.

I had to FF when Arianna was going to kiss LVP's ring/ass. LVP is shady and she is an asshole.

I thought the way LVP left RHWOBH was lame and her retooled VPR is pretty lame...so far.

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7 hours ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

The visor of the baseball cap Kristen is wearing is huge.

So Scheana watches this show and doesn’t learn ANYthing? She didn’t realize how pathetic she looked with Rob and that other guy? That “joke” about the offer with regard to her eggs, and then the nervous, self-conscious, forced laugh. Oh, Scheana. 

That was probably a rhetorical question about Scheana watching the show because I sort of remember her saying, at a recent reunion show, that she only watches the scenes that she is in.  So she has absolutely no concept of how she is perceived by other people.

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I don't understand what Scheana's storyline is supposed to be this season but so far it's a big fail. Was she promoted at SUR or something? Why is she training staff? 

It's pretty standard for a long-time server to train someone new to do the same job. But yikes, she is incapable of being subtle about her jealousy. If you're gonna be a petty cliche, at least be clever about it.

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3 hours ago, metalchik said:


Y'all can hate on Sandoval all you want but I love him and always will, which is why I will need Stassi to step the fuck down next episode. lol

Sandoval has always been annoyed with Stassi, going back to when she would be mean to Kristen when she was dating him.  He never put up with Stassi's mean girl crap, and could not understand why everyone deferred to her.

I want Sandoval to TAKE Stassi DOWN! 

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11 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

Jax, honey. I am no fan of Carter, but you have a short memory. Remember when you were living with Stassi and her daddy was footing all the bills and you lived rent free in her apartment? Yeah, so STFU about Carter. 

Were Sandoval and Schwartz even on this ep? What were Katie and Jax doing in Kristin's apt helping her pack? Two people from the cast randomly chosen by production to have a scene with Kristin. Sooo fake. The whole season (2 episodes in, lol) reeks of fake. 

I can't stand any of the newbies. Sorry but they are boring AF. 

I don't understand what Scheana's storyline is supposed to be this season but so far it's a big fail. Was she promoted at SUR or something? Why is she training staff? 

It's only just beginning, too. We have to live through Jax and Brit's bachelor and bachelorette parties and the wedding of the century. 

I'm no Jax fan, but he did say that Stassi kicking him out was the best thing to happen to him.

Carter is such a douche. I think my squad would be angry with me, too, if I put up with that BS. 

Schaena is just embarrassing. It's a pity she doesn't have any friends to tell her to stop being so man mad and desperate and pathetic and gross.

I am a James Kennedy fan and quite enjoy his clever snark, so I appreciate Lala reaching out to him. I hope he gets his act together.

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11 hours ago, Pop Tart said:

I get how Katie and Stassi could be tired of all talk and no action on Kristen’s part, but that doesn’t mean you dump the friendship.

I can see where it might.  If this moaning and stuff has been going on for YEARS (which it has) and they see no change, the friendship does tend to wane.  Also, Katie and Stassi are both in decent relationships (not perfect, of course), and they just don't want to hear the whinging anymore.  

I understand this.  I really do.  It gets draining after a while and this has been going on for a LONG time.

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How long did everyone, including Kristen, have to put up withTequila Katie rabidly fighting with Schwartz every other day? I guess new, calm, happy, psychologically healthy Katie forgot about the mean years. I really hope she never has a child. 

Call me crazy but I love Stassi.  Yes she’s full of herself and not especially well rounded but she’s more accomplished than any of the other young women in this franchise.  I’m happy she’s happy with Beau. 

It’s so sweet Lala has forgiven James, especially bc vapid little Raquel is starting to look a lot like Lala. I hope Raquel gives as good a blow job. Maybe it could be her pageant talent?

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43 minutes ago, politichick said:

I'm no Jax fan, but he did say that Stassi kicking him out was the best thing to happen to him.

He said that but he didn't imply her dad was paying all the bills. Jax was an asshole long after he and Stassi were done. He was a lying, cheating, stealing mess until his dad died. 

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I was distracted by everyone’s eyebrows and hair this episode. One of the most distracting was Lala’s eyebrows which look like they’re trying to climb off her face and they make her eyes look small(er). Also, I’m biased against eyebrows that are identical twins instead of sisters. Also, she wears a lot of makeup for someone who seemingly is trying to go for the “no makeup” look. Layla I can see your bronzer and concealer even through my basic TV.

Brittany’s eyebrows looked extra angry during her boudoir photo shoot (🤮). 

This episode was so boring, even my cable service stopped recording it after 32 minutes.  

ETA: LVP herself could use some microblading magic, or some better microblading if she already had it done. 


Edited by MVFrostsMyPie
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6 hours ago, metalchik said:

Y'all can hate on Sandoval all you want but I love him and always will, which is why I will need Stassi to step the fuck down next episode. lol

I love him too! But I also love Stassi. I am not mentally prepared for what is to come.

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7 hours ago, metalchik said:

Y'all can hate on Sandoval all you want but I love him and always will, which is why I will need Stassi to step the fuck down next episode. lol

Agreed. Could do without Stassi over acting. Looks she's really going overboard but we don't know yet what exactly Sandoval did to provoke her reaction. Even so, I will always be on team anybody else when it comes to confrontations with Stassi. 

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I am starting to think one cannot overestimate Scheana's capacity for self-delusion in her "relationships" with men.  What was it one of them (Brett) said?  (Paraphrasing) "I kissed her and now she's acting like I got down on one knee."

Scheana's "I'm divorced but it doesn't define me" should instead be "I'm single and I'm desperate to get married again."  And honey, it SHOWS.   

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8 hours ago, Kiki777 said:

So Dayna is Ariana 2.0 I guess?  Snarky, blonde, serious about comedy.

I’m not sure Scheana was listening, or if she ever does.  She was probably thinking about fake eyelashes and Botox and the camera getting her good side and ‘ohmygah is Brett still talking? He is so into me and we’re gonna be an awesome couple.’

How about the other dude saying how he liked Dayna because they could have meaningful conversations, while with Scheana they talked about emojis 😄 😄😄 

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2 hours ago, MVFrostsMyPie said:

I was distracted by everyone’s eyebrows and hair this episode. One of the most distracting was Lala’s eyebrows which look like they’re trying to climb off her face and they make her eyes look small(er). Also, I’m biased against eyebrows that are identical twins instead of sisters. Also, she wears a lot of makeup for someone who seemingly is trying to go for the “no makeup” look. Layla I can see your bronzer and concealer even through my basic TV.


That is the BEST description of eyebrows ever!

Lala definitely needs help with her makeup.  Less is more.  She is trying really really hard and it literally shows.

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43 minutes ago, Carolina Girl said:

I am starting to think one cannot overestimate Scheana's capacity for self-delusion in her "relationships" with men.  What was it one of them (Brett) said?  (Paraphrasing) "I kissed her and now she's acting like I got down on one knee."

Scheana's "I'm divorced but it doesn't define me" should instead be "I'm single and I'm desperate to get married again."  And honey, it SHOWS.   

Exactly. Even if the editors don't actually hate her, how they could ignore this goldmine of low self-esteem? Somehow, at age 34, she is still under the delusion that sex equals love. Desperation seems to be both her favorite color and perfume. I think it's so sad she doesn't have one good friend that can convince her to get some therapy and discover why she chases men like a starving hyena, then clings for life when they try to get away. An APPLE WATCH, for THANKSGIVING, when she and Max were barely dating? She probably would have proposed to him at Jax and Brittany's wedding, just for the attention. Also, you'd think after how mean the original girls were to her when she first came to SUR, she would have a tiny bit of empathy for Dayna, especially since Dayna hasn't done anything wrong but date a guy who used to "whatever" with Scheana.

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On 1/15/2020 at 7:49 PM, biakbiak said:

I am going to have to yell at my boyfriend because he has never once in 15 years gotten me a Thanksgiving gift!

Haha, ikr???  It was like one of my Jewish friends saying "Where's my Yom Kippur gift, bitch?" to her cousin.

Edited by SarahPrtr
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On 1/15/2020 at 11:18 PM, Kiki777 said:

Sheana was probably thinking about fake eyelashes and Botox and the camera getting her good side and ‘ohmygah is Brett still talking? He is so into me and we’re gonna be an awesome couple.’

"... and have Madison Marie together!"


On 1/15/2020 at 11:27 PM, metalchik said:

Way too much Scheana and new people.  And I'm not a fan of LVP so when she's on my screen I just want her to hurry up and say whatever it is she's got to say and get on with it.

Yes! Me too!  I hate her passive-aggressive bullshit and pretending to give a shit about any of these people.  Her veneers are scaring me now...


19 hours ago, b2H said:

I can see where it might.  If this moaning and stuff has been going on for YEARS (which it has) and they see no change, the friendship does tend to wane.  Also, Katie and Stassi are both in decent relationships (not perfect, of course), and they just don't want to hear the whinging anymore.  

I understand this.  I really do.  It gets draining after a while and this has been going on for a LONG time.

In season 3 when FI and Schwartz were talking about the FI/Kristen break up, they said "I feel like it could have drawn out for 2-3 more years... and she could have gotten pregnant."

I don't think any of these people are capable of being alone.

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18 hours ago, MVFrostsMyPie said:

I was distracted by everyone’s eyebrows and hair this episode. One of the most distracting was Lala’s eyebrows which look like they’re trying to climb off her face and they make her eyes look small(er). Also, I’m biased against eyebrows that are identical twins instead of sisters. Also, she wears a lot of makeup for someone who seemingly is trying to go for the “no makeup” look. Layla I can see your bronzer and concealer even through my basic TV.

Brittany’s eyebrows looked extra angry during her boudoir photo shoot (🤮). 

This episode was so boring, even my cable service stopped recording it after 32 minutes.  

ETA: LVP herself could use some microblading magic, or some better microblading if she already had it done. 


After watching this episode, this was the first thing I wanted to post about, but I didn’t think anyone else would have noticed or agreed with me. Lala’s eyebrows frighten me. They are extremely aggressive. During the boudoir photo shoot scenes, Lala’s and Brittany’s eyebrows were upstaging everything else.

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My second-favorite moment of the episode was after the lead-up earlier of Brittany saying, “Can you believe that tomorrow is exactly one month to the wedding?!” And then a couple of days later, Jax says to Carter, “Go on a break for one month! You can’t talk to each other!” Haha! Smooth way to disinvite Carter from the wedding in addition to the bachelor party trip!

But my favorite moment of the show was the very last minute, where no one SAID anything, but their looks to each other said it all. Kristin gives Carter a “Can you believe these two?! Of course I love you, and we’ll be together forever!” We don’t see Carter’s face, but he obviously agrees and they go in for a loving, emotional embrace. Katie gives Jax a “See?! This is exactly what I’m talking about?! Can you believe this shit?!” And Jax gives a “So, much for all that! How do I break it to Britany that Carter’s coming to the wedding after all?” 

The pathetic Scheana stuff was pretty good, too. Especially when she “joked” that she’ll remain celebate—unless Brett wants to fertilize her eggs right now?!? Uh, no thanks! Then he has to give her a time-lapse explanation of why he doesn’t want to date her, and her voiceover is “He didn’t really mean it! He kissed me!” Oh, Scheana. She’d take anyone!! Then back to Max and the daggers toward Dayna. The cackling over how stupid Dayna is for thinking that Max thinks she’s special pissed me off. I hope Max and Dayna get married and have a baby named Madison Marie!

Edited by JenE4
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3 minutes ago, Jel said:

Everyone please!... ixnay on the Lala eyebrows talk --  they could break free of her face and come for all of us! So angry looking. So very angry.

Shite.  Now in addition to my car console hatchet, purse ulu, recliner machete, front door bat, and back door ball peen hammer, I'm gonna have to get some ginormous tweezers for personal protection.  

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Why is Lala acting like she is better than everyone? Jameson? Gimme a break Lala. She just rubs me the wrong way so far this year and I was a total Lala stan last year. It's over, she can leave any moment now and move on to RHOBH  She would be much better there.

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