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Season 11 Live Chat Thread


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OMG! These women are soooo freaking dumb!  But they're all BIG DILLS!!!  I really would like for a big old hairball to fall into them and shut the dumb shit up.

Christine, you are an IDIOT but you're a big DILL in the polyg game. Really?  And Janelle, you can't even get up from the couch during the day, and Sobbyn.... You are a nutjob.  It's like they're playing roles.

Oh wait.... They are!  I really hope the Kodouchecanoe makes them live in one BIG  HOUSE together and then we see them on a crime show. 

Edited by goofygirl
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5 minutes ago, Big a little bit said:

Meri is there for 2.5 weeks all alone.  Guess Kody hasn’t added her back to the rotation 

Just from their own words in past seasons, Kody hasn't been around to her house for several years, unless it was with other wives.


19 minutes ago, goofygirl said:

Shit. I totally FORGOT about her booming business!  So NOW I understand why she needs that bigass mega house.  Of COURSE she needs all that space because she's gonna have that AT HOME business that I'm SURE will be perfectly FINE with the City of Flag and the neighbors. Riiigghhtt....

And Sobbyn, please STOP with the weirdness involving the move.  This was YOUR FREAKING IDEA YOU DUMBASS!!!!

She is trying to make it look like she had nothing to do with it.  Despite the fact she let it slip in last season that her and Kody had talked about it months before the other sister wives were told.  The building of homes in Vegas was so that the kids would have a place to call home.   Unless I missed it I never heard Kody say that LV was just a temporary stop and that they would be moving on.  

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Just now, suev33 3 said:

They are waaaaay too materialistic....that compound kody wants to build??  Are you kidding me? "We all need our own kitchens"....omg.  ill shut up now🤐

I hate cooking and only do the bare minimum, but if you told me that I would have to share a kitchen with my actual sister (not sister wife - sister😀) I can pretty much guarantee that at some point there would be gunplay (or at least STRONG words.)  I HATE how much CRAP she has everywhere in her kitchen - I would go insane trying to live with that.

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3 minutes ago, TMI said:

sobbin robin is a martyr.

Meri does not want be in a polyg relationship...justt thought she did-

Janelle and christine  just wanted husbands....

kody is ready for some new material....

 he has lost all control of  his wives.


Kody wants to build a castle so that he can be  KING again...





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8 minutes ago, Suzy Rhapsody said:

Meri, sad: “Why is nobody reaching out?”


Because she runs hot and cold like a faucet.  Treats people like crap and then doesn't understand why no one wants to be around her.  Kody never nipped that in the bud, when she started treating Janelle like garbage.  He should have put a stop to it then.  She has been allowed to get away with this behavior because it was the easiest thing to do.  And because she gets her way continues to do it.  

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There are quiet moments while watching this show when I take a very good look at Kody and wonder how on EARTH he got not one, not two, not three, but four women to deem him acceptable as a “husband.”  I chalk it up to a total lack of self-esteem and critical thinking because it sounds a lot more polite than saying they’re all fucking nuts.

I also realize in those moments that he puts about 80% more effort into the grooming of all hairs above the neck than I do and still manages to look like a hot-ass mess. 

Edited by Suzy Rhapsody
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6 minutes ago, DaphneCat said:

I hate cooking and only do the bare minimum, but if you told me that I would have to share a kitchen with my actual sister (not sister wife - sister😀) I can pretty much guarantee that at some point there would be gunplay (or at least STRONG words.)  I HATE how much CRAP she has everywhere in her kitchen - I would go insane trying to live with that.

Well they shouldn't be polygs then.!!  Thats what its all about!! Getting along with all your sister wives!!  Ridiculous

Edited by suev33 3
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6 minutes ago, TMI said:

sobbin robin is a martyr.

Meri does not want be in a polyg relationship...justt thought she did-

Janelle and christine  just wanted husbands....

kody is ready for some new material....

 he has lost all control of  his wives.


Kody wants to build a castle so that he can be  KING again...




NEW MATERIAL?  Do you mean a new wife?🤣

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26 minutes ago, suev33 3 said:

I miss that other sister wives show, where they actually shared a household and kitchen together? ! Jeesh

Which show?  I know the Dargers shared one house and only had one kitchen and living room.  My five wives had condo style homes, but have since built one large house.  Polygamy USA only two of the families shared a kitchen.  I would like to see some updates on those families.  I know Michael Cawley's 2nd wife has some real issues.  I think she wandered off/ran away at least twice.

Just now, Pickleinthemiddle said:

Which show?  I know the Dargers shared one house and only had one kitchen and living room.  My five wives had condo style homes, but have since built one large house.  Polygamy USA only two of the families shared a kitchen.  I would like to see some updates on those families.  I know Michael Cawley's 2nd wife has some real issues.  I think she wandered off/ran away at least twice.

The one called Seeking Sister Wife....where the one husband died recently.  There were 3 couples?  The african american couple were on there??  I miss that show.   And i like your pickle!  Its dill, i hope😂

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13 minutes ago, suev33 3 said:

The one called Seeking Sister Wife....where the one husband died recently.  There were 3 couples?  The african american couple were on there??  I miss that show.   And i like your pickle!  Its dill, i hope😂

Okay.  I haven't had a chance to watch that one yet.  


Of course it's DILL!!!!!!  That is the best kind.  

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Boo Hoo, Meri, No one wants to come help decorate your house or chip in to help.  Maybe everyone recalls you never helping anyone in the past.  Remember when Christine had her mom come help, and Robyn had to depend on Mindy to babysit and watch the kids?  Meri was off in her other, too huge for one person house, talking to the catfish dude online. or how about when Meri bailed on helping Robyn with the jewelry business, to go back to school?  am I remembering that correctly?  did she even go back to school? 

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4 hours ago, OldButHappy said:

Poor Meri...I didn't see a wet bar.

She'll just have to make the best of living in a 8000 s.f. house.  By herself.

There is a small sink in her bedroom! 

I know I’m a lone voice here but I am always pulling for Meri. Kody treats her like shit and that predates the catfish. I’m glad she got her dream house. And I hope she never moves into Kody’s “castle” and has to watch her ex-husband gleefully carrying on with 3 other women. 

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14 minutes ago, Tabbygirl521 said:

I know I’m a lone voice here but I am always pulling for Meri. Kody treats her like shit and that predates the catfish. I’m glad she got her dream house. And I hope she never moves into Kody’s “castle” and has to watch her ex-husband gleefully carrying on with 3 other women. 

As offensive as Meri, is she has gotten the short end  of the stick all around. To her defense she is trying to make a life of her own however misguided it is, LulaNo is a $shit loss ...maybe the B&B will be her saving grace...at least she has an exit plan. None of the others are even thinking of the future. What really happens when the Kodoush dies??

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Meri pretty much rode the gravy train until the catfishing and before Robyn came along.  I think It's Janelle and Christine who got the short end.  They had all the kids, Janelle made  and spent a lot of her own money and Christine raised all the kids while the others worked.  it always killed me how Meri got equal financial shares when she only had one child under her roof.  Plus, she treated Janelle like a second class citizen in the early days. 

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17 hours ago, DaphneCat said:

I HATE how much CRAP she has everywhere in her kitchen - I would go insane trying to live with that.

I have a sister like that.  She also leaves dirty dishes everywhere.  But she did take care of our mother during her last 5 years, so whenever I visited, I did most of the cooking, but first had to clean the kitchen and put all the dishes in the dishwasher, so I'd have a clean slate when preparing the next meal.  I don't clean up immediately myself, but do put water in pans and dishes so that things like egg yolk are easier to scrub off.

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22 minutes ago, deirdra said:

I have a sister like that.  She also leaves dirty dishes everywhere.  But she did take care of our mother during her last 5 years, so whenever I visited, I did most of the cooking, but first had to clean the kitchen and put all the dishes in the dishwasher, so I'd have a clean slate when preparing the next meal.  I don't clean up immediately myself, but do put water in pans and dishes so that things like egg yolk are easier to scrub off.

It's not so much the dirty dishes, it's the two mugs of pens (about 3 of which actually work) the cutting board that never goes away, the stuff on one end of the table, and all the other things that don't actually LIVE anywhere.  There is no surface!

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18 hours ago, crimson23 said:

Boo Hoo, Meri, No one wants to come help decorate your house or chip in to help.  Maybe everyone recalls you never helping anyone in the past.  Remember when Christine had her mom come help, and Robyn had to depend on Mindy to babysit and watch the kids?  Meri was off in her other, too huge for one person house, talking to the catfish dude online. or how about when Meri bailed on helping Robyn with the jewelry business, to go back to school?  am I remembering that correctly?  did she even go back to school? 

Exactly plus good old Meri said she wasn't going to babysit or raise anyone elses kids after she had an empty nest and she was a rotten bitch to Janelle in the early years and she loved pissing on Christine when Christines relationship with Kody was struggling.... Meri had her marriage certificate boldly displayed above her bed where the others would see it and she basically told Christine to shut up and be nicer to Kody,.... that it was all Christines fault.  🙄

And now she expects these same ladies to try and help her reconnect with Kootie and welcome her with open arms and do whatever she wants.... hell no... she's always been a nasty person.

She made her bed and now she needs to fix it herself or leave if she doesn't like it.


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10 hours ago, Joan of Argh said:

Exactly plus good old Meri said she wasn't going to babysit or raise anyone elses kids after she had an empty nest and she was a rotten bitch to Janelle in the early years and she loved pissing on Christine when Christines relationship with Kody was struggling.... Meri had her marriage certificate boldly displayed above her bed where the others would see it and she basically told Christine to shut up and be nicer to Kody,.... that it was all Christines fault.  🙄

It really is fascinating to have watched the Downfall of Mean Meri over these past few seasons.  When she was HBIC, she wasn't having anything to do with those pesky bonus kids, nor cared a lick about what drama was going on in the lives of her sister wives.  That precious marriage certificate precluded her from having to care.  Enter the Dark Wife, who saw that certificate and raised her a pencil sketch of Kody replacing her children's bio dad, and thus began the Fall of the House of Meri.

The fact that these women have to live every single day finding ways to step on the heads of their sister wives in order to elevate themselves in the eyes of their "husband" is such a sick and depressing way to live, and Meri is a perfect example of how the mighty can fall, and fall hard.  This is why I will watch this show until the bitter end, because the pecking order has completely flipped from where they started (except for maybe Janelle, but she really doesn't count anyway).

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30 minutes ago, Kohola3 said:

She is such an airhead.  Kootie blares it to totally uninterested strangers as they walk down the street.  And every shopkeeper, innkeeper, and restaurant hostess they encounter in the loudest voice possible. Hesitate my ass.

It would be like Kim Kardashian saying I hesitate to tell people I'm insanely rich and married to Kayne.

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16 hours ago, Joan of Argh said:

Exactly plus good old Meri said she wasn't going to babysit or raise anyone elses kids after she had an empty nest.

It would have been fantastic if Robyn had that conversation from the show (a couple of years ago) loaded on her phone so that she could play it back to Meri while we watch.

Edited by deirdra
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I'm wondering if the others are gonna start being real with Meri.

This struggle between Meri and Kody has lit a fire under Janelle and she's not gonna take anymore of Meri's BS....  I think Kody is lighting the fire under all of them that Meri is fair game, no more coddling.

In the preview we see him giving Robyn shit for defending Meri and the vibe seems to be that they're all tired of her antics and they're not gonna tippy toe around her anymore.

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I certainly hope everyone gets real with Meri and Kody and each other.  We've endured 10 years of them making vague comments, sputtering, talking around a subject, but not clearly and boldly articulating the problems, even in their sessions with Nancy that accomplished nothing.  Passive-aggressive behaviours result whenever they assume or think they know what the other person is thinking.  Just ask them!  And tell them to be blunt!

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On 1/12/2020 at 7:56 PM, Galloway Cave said:

Oh dear. Nathan's eyes.

This is the guy looking at Kody's Versailles? My husband asked if it was because of inbreeding (I had educated him about Founders Effect, who needs college, I got this place!).  

 If I just listened to this show rather than watching, I woulda thought it was 2 preteen boys talking about a pie in the sky plyg palace that when they are grown up they will build.  I am always struck about how juvenile these people are.  And shall I say simple?  All that scene was missing was a single tear being wiped away by a hankie.

My work is big on sending us to classes.  I am taking one now that has us reading The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.  We will be creating our own personal mission statement/constitution (kill me now, thank god I am missing the graduation where we read this!).  The book has a section on creating the family mission statement.  I guffawed out loud!  THIS is where that other family got it and passed it to the Browns.  I recognized a lot of the jazz they were talking about.  Because the Browns are who they are, they haven't read the book which could be why they don't seem to keep their mission in mind.

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8 hours ago, Natalie68 said:

This is the guy looking at Kody's Versailles? My husband asked if it was because of inbreeding (I had educated him about Founders Effect, who needs college, I got this place!).  

 If I just listened to this show rather than watching, I woulda thought it was 2 preteen boys talking about a pie in the sky plyg palace that when they are grown up they will build.  I am always struck about how juvenile these people are.  And shall I say simple?  All that scene was missing was a single tear being wiped away by a hankie.

My work is big on sending us to classes.  I am taking one now that has us reading The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.  We will be creating our own personal mission statement/constitution (kill me now, thank god I am missing the graduation where we read this!).  The book has a section on creating the family mission statement.  I guffawed out loud!  THIS is where that other family got it and passed it to the Browns.  I recognized a lot of the jazz they were talking about.  Because the Browns are who they are, they haven't read the book which could be why they don't seem to keep their mission in mind.

Oh - the mission statement.  I had ALMOST forgotten about that.  Who the hell sits around coming up with a mission statement for your home life.  Is it enough to say my personal mission is to keep living?  To be fair, I have always hated mission statements.  Your mission should be obvious by your actions - you shouldn't have to spell it out.  I don't remember the Brown's mission statement but if it said ANYTHING about putting the interests of the family over their own personal interests, clearly they thought that merely putting the words on paper absolved them of any responsibility to actually work towards their goals.

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On 1/13/2020 at 9:03 PM, Joan of Argh said:

Meri had her marriage certificate boldly displayed above her bed where the others would see it

I never knew about that.  I don't even know where mine is. Who puts that on display?  With that thing hovering over the bed, might explain why Kody couldn't give her more kids.  yikes

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7 hours ago, deirdra said:

Didn't Christine or Janelle have the mission statement posted on the wall of her LV cult-de-sac house?

Pretty sure Christine did.  And I'm also sure that one or more of the kids asked, "what if we don't agree with the mission statement?"  If I recall, Kody did not take kindly to that question.


16 hours ago, Natalie68 said:

 If I just listened to this show rather than watching, I woulda thought it was 2 preteen boys talking about a pie in the sky plyg palace that when they are grown up they will build.  I am always struck about how juvenile these people are.

Ha - now that you say that, it did seem like two little boys who were talking about where they were going to build their awesome tree fort, LOL.  I still find it hilarious - but not surprising in any way - that Kody went ahead with getting the Barbie Dream House committed to paper when he knew full well that his women have zero intention of ever living under the same roof.  Just another example of how Kody Brown is a professional time-waster.  Why hang out and spend time with his kids when he can get in his convertible and make several trips to hang out with his buds and his architect and play "let's pretend?"

Edited by laurakaye
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