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S11.E01: Kicked Out

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7 minutes ago, Tatortot said:

I was thinking the very same thing when I saw her doing that.  And what even possessed her to do that herself.   I didn't see anyone rushing in to help her either.

Probably the same reasoning that caused them to swim in a sewage pond...

When it comes to health the Brown's are morons.

I mean come on in this day and age they are hanging a PVC pipe contraption on her to cure her scoliosis while her actual doctor said it wasn't helping.... And her tests showed further curvature.

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8 hours ago, 65mickey said:

I dont know what is more disturbing, Kody in his underwear or grown people playing  in this water. Do they have any idea what is in this ? Porbably not. 

There were two big pipes over the pond so likely its some kind of waste water dump. Ewwww

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8 minutes ago, Editrix said:

I feel sad for Gabe. First Jangle was adamant about not pulling him out of school in LV, then she does a complete 180 for no discernible reason, insisting he can’t stay to finish school. Then it turns out that Meri will be staying in LV anyway. No wonder he is livid. IMO Gabe is the one most likely to snap.

I'm hoping that Gabe will go rogue and spill the beans for $$$  😉

That 180 by Janelle will probably be followed by a 180 this season... Christine says she'll never live together again in a very stern tone but she'll waffle and make a full turn before long.

These women are saps and Kootie/Robyn run the show... Table scraps my ass. 🙄

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Terrific recap LWG.  You're gifted with words.  

8 minutes ago, Kohola3 said:

Standing ovation, LWG!  I can picture it without actually having to see or hear those moronic assholes.

You're a stronger woman than I am.  I still watch this shitshow, and I'm kind of ashamed of it.  The recap was better than anything I could have done, and many of our posters catch thingks that I miss.  

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I'm no expert, but, the pipes looked like culvert pipes to me. (I grew up in country near neighbors with ponds.)  They are to help provide way for water to flow under structures and to relieve drainage ditches.  I can't imagine anything other than rainwater out there, but, it still would be pretty dirty.  Even back in my childhood, nobody went swimming in a farm pond! lol  It's used to irrigate the crops, and I suppose the cows drank from it.  

Edited by SunnyBeBe
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45 minutes ago, LilWharveyGal said:

RECAP is in the spoiler box to avoid the dreaded wall o' text:

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Previouslies...Dear lord it's the Lehi house!  We're going all the way back to the beginning when a younger-looking Kody still kissed all four of his younger-looking wives.  The police chased them out of Utah and they adjusted to life in separate houses in LV.  Meri was catfished.  Robyn birthed babies.  Kody planned to leave LV.  This season we'll see the move to Flagstaff in every monotonous detail!  On with the show.

Wow, there are new opening credits!  Instead of the cardboard cutouts we now see current pictures of the wives superimposed over pics of the wives with Kody, including on their wedding days.  I'm telling you, the years have not been kind.

It's raining in Flagstaff as the Browns spill out of a moving truck,  Mindy has Areola on a leash.  Kody tells us that the family arrived last night and is split up all over the city.  All of the wives have a home to go to except Christine.  Janelle yells at someone to shut the truck because she doesn't want her boxes to get wet.  Good call, Janelle, nobody likes damp naugahyde.  Kody says that the desperate scramble they find themselves in is, "spooky."  He adds that this is probably the farthest the family has ever lived from each other.  On the couch, Meri, Robyn, and Janelle could not look more bored.  Oh wait, it's a flashback to Vegas and time for Robyn to pontificate on how bad it was getting and how they were worried about what the kids were exposed to, so I think she just perked up to room temperature.  Kody explains that the time was just right to get the kids out of Vegas and into a, "safe place."  Janelle tells us that they're all in rentals in Flagstaff and Christine is quick to add that they also bought land.  We revisit scenes of the Coyote Pass property, then back to the parade of Browns carrying boxes into Janelle's rental.  There's no pantry and she bemoans how small it is.  

Ok, kids, it's revisionist history time!  Kody and Janelle have been married for 25 years and have 6 children.  Meri and Kody were Janelle's novelty polygamist friends *coughinlawscough* that she could bring up as an icebreaker at parties.  Janelle grew up LDS but found Kody and Meri's faith appealing.  She decided to convert and marry, "the best guy I know," Kody.  *coughafterdivorcingMeri'sbrothercough*

The family goes upstairs to tour Janelle's rental.  Gabe has a huge room furnished with a toddler-sized table and chairs.  Kody declares that he doesn't have a single master bedroom as big as this room.  Oh poor baby, sit at your baby table and drink your baby bottle you big whiner.  Janelle tells us that Gabe's had a hard time with the move and we flashback to last season's uncomfortable discussions.  On the couch, Ysabel, Gabe, Briana, Gwen, and Aurora are asked for their feelings about the move.  Gabe dances around giving an outright negative answer while all five of them make not-very-happy faces.  Kody tells us that Gabe was the only kid to not visit Coyote Pass and that he refused to see Flagstaff, so Gabe's introduction to the place was the Brown's disorganized unpacking of Janelle's crap in a rainstorm.  Never a recipe for success.  Meri suggests that the crowd huddled under the shelter of Janelle's porch roof drive the truck to her house instead and dump the remainder of Janelle's items in Meri's garage.  Robyn tells us that living so far apart is a change for their, "culture."  Janelle and Meri think that their community and family structure are in jeopardy if they can't all come back together on Coyote Pass.

After commercials, the rain is totally gone and Meri unloads Sol from her SUV.  They're at Meri's blue rental house and their giant, obvious U-Haul hilariously has duct tape over the brand name.  Meri tells us that she's 15-20 minutes away from both Robyn and Janelle.  Kody repeats that this is the farthest they've ever been from each other.  He thinks that the only answer is to scramble to get new houses built, and Janelle worries what will happen if they can't pull it together.  Kody shoots her a WTF face and she says, "I'm sorry, I'm one of those people who thinks."  I'll give us all a second to pick ourselves up off the floor after that gem.  Back at Meri's, Ysabel asks if they can have sleepovers.  The family goes inside for a tour and for such an externally cute house I'm wondering why the living room is puke yellow.  We now flashback through the saga of Kody and Meri starting with their 1990 wedding.  Then Janelle came along in '93.  Meri was raised in a large plural family so polygamy was not abnormal to her.  Kody was raised LDS but believed in their doctrine that all plygs go to heaven.  Back in "real time," the Browns see Meri's guest room.  On the couch, Meri is asked if Mariah has a room.  Meri pouts and says Mariah will be a guest whenever she chooses to visit.  She informs us that Mariah lives in Chicago and dates Audrey.  Kody randomly adds that he's traditional and doesn't want his non-married children sharing rooms with their significant others.  

As the horde hoists Janelle's piano into Meri's garage, Christine muses on past moves and says it would be too heartbreaking to think about what they've left behind.  Robyn says she doesn't feel like she has the right to feel anything, then gives a deep sigh so long I can feel the breeze from here.  Janelle cleans her fingernails.  Meri examines her shooties.  "...Because we chose this," Robyn concludes.  The mastermind's chickens have come home to roost, eh?  She says the verdict's out on whether this was a wise idea.  The piano movers jump and high five while Mindy pulls Areola away from them in the background.  Kody defines success as living together and his children seeing this place as home.  Well on that note, Meri tells the couch dwellers that "last night" while she and Kody were finishing up some things the police arrived in response to a neighbor complaint.  Apparently there's no footage of this chilling incident, so the producers have added the effect of flashing red and blue lights to the daytime shot of the front of Meri's house.  Kody and Meri describe how they tried to talk to the neighbor, who kept Kody at arm's length and wouldn't shake Meri's hand.  Meri is worried because she has a year's lease, and says she will have to win over the neighbor.  Kody insists that this one, "bad apple," doesn't represent the entire community.  

We're now at Robyn's house where an obvious Penske rental truck (again with brand name taped-over) is being unloaded.  Robyn repeats that she's 15 minutes away from Janelle and that the gang is far away from each other, but that the ultimate goal is to build and come together on their land.  You'll all be intrigued to know that there are 3 fridge/freezers in Robyn's garage full of meat harvested from the Winn Brown ranch and the freezers aren't hooked up or something.  We're also treated to an accounting of how much milk, bread, eggs, and meat the family as a whole consumes.  Well, apparently the freezers were fine so in the immortal words of Queen:  Nothing really matters, anyone can see.  Though Christine takes this non-issue as an opportunity to point out that monogamists might only have one garage freezer, if that.  I'll see your three freezers and raise you one legal husband, Christine.

Upstairs at Robyn's, Sol's bed is being put in the master.  We now get the rundown on Robyn - she was raised in polygamy and wanted to live in the faith, but cookie monster/husband number one and she had a rough marriage so they split and she spent a couple years as a single mom.  Meri and Kody met Robyn at a friend's house and there was a connection, the Meri of Seasons Past tells us in flashback.  Robyn and Kody got married in 2010.  The rain is now dripping off the not-Penske truck while Aurora dances barefoot in the driveway.  Janelle is concerned about slipperiness.  Changing the subject, we now hear Kody talk about keeping the same wife rotation schedule even though they're in a new town.  Changing the subject again, Meri tells us that her neighbors approached the owner of her rental who is now second-guessing their arrangement.  Meri feels that the neighbors are, "bulling," (yes, you read that right) her and if they succeed in kicking her out they win.

After the break, in typical Brown fashion it's time to gather the family for an announcement:  the financing came through on Christine's house and she's getting her keys.  She and Kody could not find a suitable rental anywhere in Flagstaff so they had to buy.  The plan is now to move Christine into her new house and move Meri out of her old house.  That's right, the owner terminated the lease.  Meri's plan is to stay at a hotel for the night then go back to her wet bar in Vegas.  We now tour Christine's house.  It's only 3 bedrooms so the upstairs living room is going to be the master suite.  Kody tells us that this is something plygs do all the time.  Faaaaaascinating.  Time for the Christine story - she is polygamy royalty and Kody was introduced to Christine by Christine's sister just a few months after he married Meri.  Kody had a, "zing," and Christine's dad really wanted her to marry him.  But Kody couldn't be romantic with Christine in front of his other wives, so he masked his desire to say, "hubba hubba!" with disgust at her eating nachos.  Oops, was I supposed to forget that version of the story?  Carrying on, Kody points out the general direction of the Coyote Pass property.  Janelle wishes that they didn't have to scramble with Meri's stuff so they could go over to Coyote Pass.  More boxes are moved at Christine's house.  Christine devises a plan for Meri, Kody, and the boys to move Meri's crap which Kody shuts down with a no, because, "where we go one we go all."  This motto is ostensibly to make the wives feel united, but Kody admits that in this instance he didn't want to have to go do a lot of work with only a few people.  Robyn vehemently insists that the women weren't going to sit around.  Instead, "We get crap done!"  As they prepare to move Meri again, conversation turns to another run in with her nasty neighbors.

Meri's skin is not ready for its close-up, Mr. DeMille.  But she's telling us that although legally she had the right to stay in her rental she has chosen to leave.  As the moving trailer comes into the cul de sac, she voiceovers that she wants to get in and get out because she's rilly afraid the neighbors are going to cause another big dill.  By the way, she hates calling this the cul de sac because in Vegas the cul de sac meant something good, and Kody adds it was their, "safe space."  Wait...I thought it wasn't safe and Flagstaff had to be the new safe space?  Kody can't get into the driveway correctly and is worried that the neighbors will call the cops again because his truck is hanging into the street.  Robyn thinks this is bullcrap in the land of the free and the home of the brave.  In the next shot, Kody has successfully parked in the driveway but another SUV and trailer have parked in the cul de sac.  The family tote water and snacks into the kitchen.  Truely asks Meri why she has to leave and Meri informs her it's because of the neighbors.  With the glare off those puke yellow walls I'm infinitely relieved that we'll never have to see this place again.  On the couch, a riled up Christine says she doesn't want these people looking at her kids with hatred or fear.  What about pity?  Savanah asks if leaving gives the people who don't like their family power.  Meri responds that she sees Savanah's point but didn't want to live where there was funky energy.  The piano is re-loaded into a trailer.  Dayun notices that one of the neighbors is standing at his window watching.  Meri adds that the neighbors are filming, and a black screen informs us all that the neighbors didn't give their permission to be on camera.  This all feels very contrived so I will spare you the Browns' further dissection of these events, but as they leave a female Brown exclaims, "Sayonara, bitches!"  

Back in Vegas again, Meri tells us it's been a month since everyone else left.  She recaps the entire move to and from Flagstaff that we just saw.  She does inform us that she's already found another rental house that won't be available for a couple of months.  In the meantime she's thrilled to be staying in Vegas.  Meri says that it's been a rough couple of years, and she puts up walls or doesn't always express her fillings because she doesn't want to hurt her family.  They always ask her if she's coming along with them and she's tired of it.  Flashback to the move conversation last season when nobody knew if Meri planned to go to Flagstaff or not.  She tells the director that it's lonely in the cul de sac even though they never used to interact every day.  On the couch, Kody and the remaining wives think it's sad and disjointed that Meri's back in Vegas.  Back in Flagstaff, Kody cleans Robyn's gutters and Christine takes Truely to register for school.  In her serious whispery voice, Christine tells us that Truely has not been happy because she needs her own space, a routine, and the comforts of home.  At school, apparently Truely told the principal all about her four moms but neglected to mention her dad.  In Vegas again, Meri's still sitting amongst her racks of LLN when there's a thump outside.  Somebody is working on a wall outside and the director tells Meri, "it's trashed."  Through flashbacks, Meri explains that when they all lived in the cul de sac the Browns didn't want walls between their yards.  Now, in order to sell, the walls are being built and it's really disappointing to her.  I thought she liked putting walls up?  She clomps into the yard to survey the damage.  She doesn't know when the family will be back together and a team again.

Kody now tells us that it's been weeks since they've been in Flagstaff and they still haven't gathered as a family.  Whoa, did I hallucinate the big announcement segment?  At Robyn's rental, Kody calls all the wives to the conference table to discuss the fact that they're paying 5 mortgages and 3 rentals.  Apart from the money issue , the distance is really grating on Kody.  But the financial picture is, "bleak," according to Janelle, and Kody thinks they have to get the Vegas houses moving.  Janelle tells us that the holidays are coming and people won't be shopping for houses.  She says that Christmas might be homemade like in the old days.  Robyn tells us that she and Kody have always disagreed on how big to do Christmas because it's her favorite holiday, and she sums up her warm, family-oriented thoughts with a word that has to be bleeped.  She doesn't want Christmas to be, "dumbed down," for the kids who just had to leave Vegas.  Gwen and some of the little kids interrupt the conference.  Janelle takes this opportunity to tell us that Gabe is still melancholy and depressed.  Meri is happy to see her, "little buddy," Sol.  Kody asks about budgets.  Robyn tells us that she committed to hosting a family reunion before the move so she has to do it.  Janelle says something about the houses maybe not selling until spring, and Kody says that that cannot happen because it will break them.

After the break, Kody reiterates that the family has essentially 9 payments which is moronic even by plyg standards.  "Terrible planning!" he exclaims.  I refer him to his whiteboard planning presentation from last season.  If they could sell just 1 of the Vegas homes it would take the pressure off.  He switches gears to his disappointment at not having any adult kids nearby.  "Who was the, "We've gotta move!" guy?" Janelle retorts.  In interviews, all of the wives figuratively roll their eyes at Kody.  Kody thinks Flagstaff is heaven and wants all the kids to move there.  Christine says that she talks up Flagstaff to the adult kids all the time but they're not coming.  They wrap up the meeting by realizing that they're in a holding pattern until the Vegas homes sell.   

At Robyn's, Kody asks Truely to round everybody up because they're going to go look at Coyote Pass.  Janelle is anxious about Gabe finally seeing it.  Christine hopes that visiting the property will cement them all together.  Their caravan of shiny, fully functioning vehicles rolls up to Coyote Pass.  Kody points out the property line to Gabe.  Robyn thinks Gabe's mouth fell open when he saw the mountain view.  The family then walks over to the piece de resistance, the pond.  Gabe rolls up his pants like he's going to walk into the water.  Dayun throws a log in to test the depth.  Mindy's got charge of Areola again - who's minding the tanning beds in Vegas??  Gabe strips down to his underwear and runs into the water, which Kody informs us contains cow manure.  

"This is the payoff," says Janelle on the couch.  Whatever you say, sweetie.  When Kody sees how deep the water is, everyone loses what's left of their minds.  Kody starts talking about stripping down to his skivvies and how they might fall off.  The "triplets" are so competitive that Gwen jumps in after Gabe to much hooting and hollering from the rest of them.  The girls all go in fully clothed.  Dayun removes at least his shirt.  Then Kody does what he threatened to do and strips down.  TLC bizarrely pixellates his underwear, which hides nothing.  Maybe they were U-Haul branded, too.  Christine says this is one of Kody's best dad moments later.  Robyn turns on the faux tears to talk about Kody finally being on his own piece of land with his kids.  Christine recalls how Gwen told her that Gwen doesn't think the houses will be built before she graduates high school.  Janelle also doesn't think it'll happen anytime soon.  By the time they sell the Vegas houses and get through construction it could be 2 or 3 years.  Kody says that even if they fail they'll survive.  

Coming up this season.... there's snow at Christmas,  Axel is going to be a big brother,  Audrey and Mariah are engaged,  a sobbing Meri evacuates for wildfire, Maddie labors in a tub again  (DEAR GOD, WHY?!?!?), Kody and Meri see Therapist Nancy,  Kody's tired of Robyn getting the other wives' table scraps and Robyn feels disenfranchised by polygamy.

Happy New Year, folks!  Let's kill some brain cells together!


Oh my goodness you brought your A game... Too funny and so much better than the actual show!  Bravo!  

Loved so many things and burst out laughing at the part about "seeing Christine's 3 freezers and raising her one legal husband"  Lolol. 👏

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3 hours ago, Adeejay said:

 I wish Janelle would stop saying that “Meri and Kody were two of her secret polygamist friends.”  

I agree. They weren't polygamists then. They were a married couple, one husband, one wife. Polygamy was on their radar but that's it. Thinking about it doesn't make it so. They weren't polygamists until he married Janelle.

Also, their demand to be accepted overlooks the fact that they force other parents to have conversations with their kids before, in their judgement, it is appropriate to do so. 

They're a bunch of humble bragging revisionists who are infected with the shared delusion that they're special and superior. *barf*


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I think I heard one of the wives (Robyn?) say that Kody had been talking about moving for three years. If that is true, it's definitely about the Vegas houses and the payments due.  He wanted to keep them long enough to make some profit, and move on before the bills came due.  And I'm sure Robyn talked him into Flagstaff.  Heck, they even have a "friend" there who would store Meri's household crap. The other wives probably expected the move to be to other houses in Vegas so that the kids wouldn't suffer from so much upheaval, but Robyn and Kody had other plans.

And it's too bad Day-un didn't get the chance to live in the dorms.  He would have been fine.  

ETA:  Beautifully done recap, LilWharveyGal, Bravo!

Edited by riverblue22
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I couldn't quite figure out the "walls" situation in Vegas with Meri.

The producer said "they're trashing it" and when she walked outside it looked like a wall had been removed not built.... So what the heck.. Did they have walls but not in the right places or something and had to tear them down to put the new walls up?

This family, everything is so chaotic and ass backwards.


Edited by Joan of Argh
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3 hours ago, MakingBacon said:


Maybe the mud pond was created by TLC. What parent, other than a Brown, would allow their kids to play in a prairie dog virus pond? Even if you forget the potential for disease, who would let any of them back in the car? I would have driven off in my clean car alone. 

The same parents who are legally shacking up and whine to anyone that will listen about persecution.

The same mother (Christine) that encouraged her daughter to jump straight in to the Christmas tree a la Elf. And, being an asshole Brownie, she posted it.  It's in the Christine thread.

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Thanks everyone for watching so I don't have to!  Reading your recaps, the Browns are even more creepy and oddly more boring than ever!  

Not sure I'm grateful for the Kody underwear photo, but it does cement my opinion of him.  Which I'll keep to myself.  😄



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They chose not to have the developer build walls where originally intended so they'd have more space to run around. Mona told them before they put them up for sale that they'd have to build the walls to get anyone to buy the houses.  I believe Kody resisted to save money, but it just delayed sales until they removed that hand-print fambly tree and built the walls where they belong.

Edited by deirdra
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5 minutes ago, deirdra said:

They chose not to have the developer build walls where originally intended so they'd have more space to run around. Mona told them before they put them up for sale that they'd have to build the walls to get anyone to buy the houses.  I believe Kody resisted to save money, but it just delayed sales until they removed that hand-print fambly tree and built the walls where they belong.

So was that long skinny demolished area where the fambly tree handprints used to be?

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1 hour ago, xwordfanatik said:

This is awful of me, but I'll spill it here, because I know I'm among fellow snarkers.

I remember seeing a documentary about people in another country (can't remember which one) getting weird worms in their legs from contaminated water.  I won't be more graphic for the faint-hearted, but my mind went there when I saw Kootie jumping into that filth.

Pixelahttps://www.nytimes.com/2019/07/25/us/brain-eating-amoeba-death.htmlted crotch area, LOL!  I cannot believe Kootie's narcissism.  What an ass.

It's not that far fetched.  I regularly hear about a person, often children, who get this amoeba from fresh water lakes, which I would include ponds.)  They are dangerous if they go up your nose, as they attack the brain! They are very hostile to the body and kill a person within days.  This case was in my state. And came from a WATER PARK. 




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8 minutes ago, toodles said:

The same parents who are legally shacking up and whine to anyone that will listen about persecution.

Exactly the same dad who won't allow unmarried children to share a bedroom in his home... While he's sleeping with women he's not legally married to.


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15 minutes ago, Joan of Argh said:

So was that long skinny demolished area where the fambly tree handprints used to be?

Weren't the handprints on one of the back patios?  The long skinny line went across grass, and it looked to me like they were tearing out a line of sod in preparation for building the wall that would separate the yards.  

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6 minutes ago, LilWharveyGal said:

Weren't the handprints on one of the back patios?  The long skinny line went across grass, and it looked to me like they were tearing out a line of sod in preparation for building the wall that would separate the yards.  

ohhhh okay.. the skinny line was the sod removed 👍

I have such a hard time following their shit because it always seems stupid and doesn't make sense.

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So the neighbors filming Meri moving out  refused to be on camera. Convenient that for the first time the idiots in charge don’t just blur out their faces. Mighty convenient, indeed. I’m not buying any of it. <insert “Sure, Jan“ meme>

Oh god, and they’re still going with the triplet nonsense. 

Edited by DanaMB
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This was posted when the news first broke.

Ok, I didn't imagine this.  LOL.  I finished a big project today so I had some time to kill.  I thought I was imagining that the houses were first listed at $675k.  Several of the houses were taken off and on the market several times and I think that was what was messing with Zillow.

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2 hours ago, Editrix said:

I feel sad for Gabe. First Jangle was adamant about not pulling him out of school in LV, then she does a complete 180 for no discernible reason, insisting he can’t stay to finish school. Then it turns out that Meri will be staying in LV anyway. No wonder he is livid. IMO Gabe is the one most likely to snap.

And, if what someone upthread said is true, Paedon is also living somewhere else with Tony and Mykelti. So why was he allowed to when Gabe wasn't. I know they have different moms, and apparently Christine isn't as adamant about "having the privilege of raising [her] kids," but in this instance I think there should have been one standard applied to all.

And for that matter, isn't it interesting that "where they go one, they go all" . . . unless it's Meri? Then Kody's perfectly fine with her being 4 hours away. When it's his choice, mind you, not when it's hers.

FYI, for and cord cutters here who don't know and still haven't watched, you can see the first episode (or first half of what they showed last night) for free on TLC currently without a subscription. That's how I watched it. For the second half I'm having to get . . . creative. 🙂

Edited by Rhondinella
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4 minutes ago, Rhondinella said:

And, if what someone upthread said is true, Paedon is also living somewhere else with Tony and Mykelti. So why was he allowed to when Gabe wasn't.

Paedon is three years older than Gabriel.  He was already an adult and they couldn't tell him where to live.

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How many miles from Kody's family ranch to the NV homes?  Who transported that meat?  I'm just trying to figure out how long meat can stay safe to eat despite all that transporting.  It's not like they had trucks with refrigerators. on them.  And, it's an 8 hour drive to AZ, right?  Would the meat stay okay? 

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5 hours ago, xwordfanatik said:

I'm enjoying the comments.  I haven't read through them all yet, but I DVR'ed the episode and am still watching.  So many lies and half-truths, just like many of us suspected would happen.

Robyn's newly dyed hair looks terrible.  No highlights, just solid brown.  Poor thing must be getting grey.  Meri looks awful, no surprise there.  TLC doesn't filter the way she does her photos when she posts her crappy clothes.  

Oh great.  That pesticide, feces, and heavy metal contaminated water scene, with Kootie is his underwear.  Gawd, what a fucking showboat!  🤢 


I couldn’t believe they all jumped in the mud hole. It didn’t surprise me that Kody couldn’t just enjoy watching his kids playing, HE needed to be the center of attention. At that point I was kinda hoping for leeches in the water. 
Who was that strange lady standing with them on the banks? 

I just can’t figure their finances. they said they are paying on 9 properties per month. That’s way over $15,000 a month. Maybe close to 20k. Is Meri’s B&B at all profitable or a money pit?
And not one adult has a full time job with health benefits? How much do they pay in health insurance for 15-20 ppl? Wow! And yet they rent/buy huge nice homes. Pay for several kids to be in college. And the scene eating in the kitchen, they were getting food from restaurant catering dishes. After the pond frolic, one of them said they were all going out to eat. So there goes $300-$400. Do they economize at all? WTH?

5 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

I think the cast are directed to speak in the present tense when on the couch.  It's supposed to make it more enjoyable for the viewer to hear them speak that way, instead of the constant reminding that it all happened long ago.  Cause, they do the same thing with all the other reality based shows too.  And, I use the term REALITY very loosely. lol 

I do have some sympathy for Kody, though, he's caused a lot of these problems himself, but, the stress of providing for that many people.....I just don't get it.  So much outgoing and hardly any incoming.......?

Why didn’t they just stay in their homes in Las Vegas until the big commune house in AZ was done? then move & sell their LV homes. Seems so stupid to move To AZ as a transition. They pay rentals on big houses there, buy Christine a house and I’ve read now Robyn & Kody just paid a huge amt for a huge house in Flagstaff. why buy a home while you build a home? Doesn’t seem like they would build much equity for resale. 

Who is giving them mortgages on all these properties with no real jobs? Even if  20 ppl in the family made $20k per episode, which I doubt, they can’t sustain this lifestyle. 

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4 minutes ago, Absolom said:

Paedon is three years older than Gabriel.  He was already an adult and they couldn't tell him where to live.

Ah, yes, thank you. That makes more sense.

STOP MAKING THEIR DECISIONS MAKE SENSE! It's much less fun that way 🙂

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1 minute ago, MainSt said:

I couldn’t believe they all jumped in the mud hole. It didn’t surprise me that Kody couldn’t just enjoy watching his kids playing, HE needed to be the center of attention. At that point I was kinda hoping for leeches in the water. 
Who was that strange lady standing with them on the banks? 

I just can’t figure their finances. they said they are paying on 9 properties per month. That’s way over $15,000 a month. Maybe close to 20k. Is Meri’s B&B at all profitable or a money pit?
And not one adult has a full time job with health benefits? How much do they pay in health insurance for 15-20 ppl? Wow! And yet they rent/buy huge nice homes. Pay for several kids to be in college. And the scene eating in the kitchen, they were getting food from restaurant catering dishes. After the pond frolic, one of them said they were all going out to eat. So there goes $300-$400. Do they economize at all? WTH?

Why didn’t they just stay in their homes in Las Vegas until the big commune house in AZ was done? then move & sell their LV homes. Seems so stupid to move To AZ as a transition. They pay rentals on big houses there, buy Christine a house and I’ve read now Robyn & Kody just paid a huge amt for a huge house in Flagstaff. why buy a home while you build a home? Doesn’t seem like they would build much equity for resale. 

Who is giving them mortgages on all these properties with no real jobs? Even if  20 ppl in the family made $20k per episode, which I doubt, they can’t sustain this lifestyle. 

Good points. I don't get it either.  it makes me wonder if they have ever really had to struggle. The way they behave, it's like they don't know what truly doing without entails.  It's like they have a fairy God mother.....do they have benefactors who sponsor them? 

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2 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

Good points. I don't get it either.  it makes me wonder if they have ever really had to struggle.

My guess is that they are maxed out on every credit card in the universe, pay only the minimum monthly and have no health insurance at all.  

What remains a mystery to me is what fly-by-night finance company keeps loaning them money.  What reputable place does that kind of thing?

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It's amazing when you're filming a show how many people behind the scenes are involved. Camera people and all their cumbersome equipment, lighting equipment, production people, etc, etc. There must have been vans covering that cul de sac and TLC people all over the place. That is what was pissing off the neighbors. Who would want that shit all over their street? Hell, the neighbors probably couldn't even get to their own driveways. 

They all look so miserable. They are not even pretending anymore. Except Christine, of course. I was watching them on the couch, Meri was looking at the ceiling and in to space, and Robyn kept looking down. Every time Kody opened his mouth they looked like they wanted to haul off and punch him out. I think they hate him! 

A little superficial snark here: I think Robyn is just fat, not preggers. Her hair (besides bad dye job) was so greasy. Did she not know they would be filming couch scenes? Fix yourself up, for chrissakes. She seems so depressed.  Meri's face looked like an oil slick. I thought she was losing weight last year but looks like she gained it back. Christine still has the prettiest hair and Janelle looked ok for Janelle. 

Lastly, did we need a synopsis of how they all met and married Kody? Really, we know all of it already. Most of the 2 hrs. was just filler and rehashing of the huge Flagstaff screw up. 

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7 hours ago, Natalie68 said:

Sobbin had *7* bedrooms.  She and Kootie get 1, Dayton gets 1, Aurora gets 1, Breanna gets 1, Aureola gets 1, Master gets 1.  That leaves a spare.  Meri could have stuck her shit in a storage locker and slept in Sobbins guest room.  Unless it was set up as a new nursery.  I am convinced she is pregnant.  Need another tax benie.

Not sure if it was the same visit, but Mindy was at the pond with them. Maybe she moved with them after all?

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36 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

Lastly, did we need a synopsis of how they all met and married Kody? Really, we know all of it already. Most of the 2 hrs. was just filler and rehashing of the huge Flagstaff screw up. 

That plus the fact that there is absolutely NOTHING new to tell since they post on social media practically every day keeps me from watching one second of this dreck.  They are shysters to the nth degree and I don't want to add any numbers to their viewing audience stats!

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7 hours ago, Natalie68 said:

Sobbin had *7* bedrooms.  She and Kootie get 1, Dayton gets 1, Aurora gets 1, Breanna gets 1, Aureola gets 1, Master gets 1.  That leaves a spare.  Meri could have stuck her shit in a storage locker and slept in Sobbins guest room.  Unless it was set up as a new nursery.  I am convinced she is pregnant.  Need another tax benie.

What about Mindy? 


Edited by sioux21
Edited to add that I just saw the post two above mentioning Mindy as well. Was there news that she didn't make the move?
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2 hours ago, xls said:

There were two big pipes over the pond so likely its some kind of waste water dump. Ewwww

I explained this earlier when we first saw that horrible shot of Kodouche at the pond. Here in AZ we have sumps for rain/snow run off. They are required where surface run off will cause problems with roads and property.The sump on their property means they get a lot of surface flow there. Those pipes may be for overflow into another sump, or ends of leech field-type water collecting pipes. As far as the water, it is full of all types of fecal matter,  herbicides/pesticides, oils from roads and anything else that can be carried in water. Giardia is a serious disease resulting from cow shit. As someone mentioned upstream, there are parasites and bugs that spring up taking advantage of the water. There is no way in hell I would step foot in that thing.

I doubt it can be made into a safe pond because it is needed for run off. They would need to dig a new pond, line it and have some sort of filter on it.

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15 minutes ago, Galloway Cave said:

Giardia is a serious disease resulting from cow shit.

As well as pretty much any other mammal both domestic and wild.  No one in Michigan drinks directly from a stream because the deer carry it.

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Why does Meri’s face always look so sweaty and greasy?

And when did Robyn get a potty mouth?  Has she always been crude? In the earlier seasons she would preach about how modest and prim they all were. In this episode she swears and later proclaims “We.Get.Crap.Done.”  Man, she is really lookin haggard. She looks like she’s aged 20 years in the 8 years she’s been part of the family. 

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So many great comments, as always

I didn't think it was possible for the Browns to become even more boring and more redundant, but they proved me wrong.  Not only did they recap and repeat scenes from this very same episode - within 1-2 scenes - but their talking heads were repeatedly yelling and over-gesticulating over each other.  Robin's "We. Get. Crap. Done." while pounding her fists, and Christine's wild-and-crazy, off-her-meds, overexaggerated persona were unbearable.  So was the emphasis of "the triplets."  Weren't "the triplets" known as the pixies, before Gabe received more prominent storylines?

Thanks to Brown Revisionist History (and if we say it enough, it must be true), I'm left pondering,

  • Since when did Meri have or use a piano? 
  • Wasn't there some tearful goodbye or talking head with Mindy in Las Vegas, where she says that she wasn't moving with them?  Yet, she was at Prairie Dog Plague Pond and in the moving scenes.
  • Didn't Maddie and Caleb and Aspyn and Mitch drive a few trucks to Flagstaff on the same day of the big move?  Where were they in the house move-ins?  Also, didn't Mariah and Audrey tour Robyn's house in the first reveal?  Where were they?
  • If Meri required multiple bedrooms just for her never-to-be-mentioned LuLaNo inventory (they said online), why did she talk about a small apartment on Main Street Flagstaff, when they were complaining about her lack of enthusiasm last season?
  • What's the family meat discount for the whole cow, and why couldn't they suspend delivery for a month or delay it for 1-2 weeks during the move?  Also, wasn't the ranch sold when Wynn died?
  • Wasn't that play house kitchen or credenza behind the dining table during their finance meeting also in the same location (behind the dining table) in Robyn's Las Vegas house?  Is that decor?
Edited by Grifter Lives
My own repeating "repeatedly" in the same sentence & a mismatched noun & verb. I apologize!
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Silly me, watching this when I could have enriched my brain somehow this evening. The lot of them frolicking in a drainage pond as if it were Walden Pond in an Enchanted Wood was beyond stupid. And the ladies all saying what a wonderful Dad moment it was! Kody is the best dad ever!! Gabe the reluctant teenager has a miraculous change of heart and is now enamored with Flagstaff.  Such a neat wrapup. 

Christine was at her valium-numbed best tonight.  She gets super starry-eyed, gazing with such love at Kody on the couch.  He's the best man she could have ever chosen! And Robin has transformed from the sweet, youngest and skinniest wife to a bitter, angry shrew. "The land of the free? Pffft.  We come from a place that grows love."  Grrr.

All of the Vegas houses look like pigsties. They all acted as if they had to rush out when the homes were not sold or rented. So they rent a u-Haul (with giant blue tape strips covering the actual u-Haul name) and skedaddle out of Vegas, leaving filthy carpet and half of their crap behind.  A few weeks later they ponder returning and remember that they haven't even emptied their homes yet. And think "maybe we should stage them before listing them." No wonder no one has made an offer.

What's up with Meri's B&B? Seems she still has her inventory of LuLaRoe. Maybe that can help pay the mortgage on their- what- eight? - properties.  Kody seems a bit baffled that somehow they have acquired all of these properties and their associated debt burden. Math is hard.  But glad we got to hear how many loaves of bread and dozens of eggs they went through every week, although that was when they all lived together.  Apparently now that their houses are several miles apart, those totals are different somehow. 


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Who moves and leaves so much stuff behind? There was a sofa, lamps, garbage - and I'm sure I saw patio chairs and outdoor play stuff for the little kids. I know no one was about to move into the LV houses, but why do such a crappy job that you're going to have to go back and get the rest of your stuff and tidy everything up? It's not like they moved to a different part of the city and it would be a 20-minute drive to tidy up - they moved to a completely different state!

How old was Solomon when they moved? He must have been at least 5 if he was going to be going to school with Truely. Why did Kody say his mattress had to go into Robyn's bedroom? Wouldn't he be old enough to have his own bed in his own bedroom?

As much as I would not want to live next to any of them, that has more to do with the chaos they bring when they are all together. If Meri's neighbours really were upset that she was renting that house, my bet is that it's due to the fact that the whole damn family showed up to help move in her stuff and they probably filled up the cul de sac with all of their cars. And I would most definitely object to that.

I still can't get over the fact these idiots bought four plots of land, rented three properties and bought a house, BEFORE they sold ANY of their current houses.

Regarding their faith...are there any other differences besides their belief in plural marriage between their church and the LDS?

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Who the fuck leaves 4 houses that are heavily mortgaged buys a piece of land and rents 4 more houses before their Vegas houses sell? Oh I know, that financial wizard Kodouch Brown. The same man who gets all excited about a ditch filling up with filthy prairie dog disease and cow manure water. Sometimes I just find myself watching this with my jaw dropped. 

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1 hour ago, SunnyBeBe said:

How many miles from Kody's family ranch to the NV homes?  Who transported that meat?  I'm just trying to figure out how long meat can stay safe to eat despite all that transporting.  It's not like they had trucks with refrigerators. on them.  And, it's an 8 hour drive to AZ, right?  Would the meat stay okay? 

I've no idea about the distance between Kody's family home and Flagstaff, but as far as the meat, it would have been fine.  It's a 4 hour drive between Vegas and Flagstaff and as long as the meat was frozen when the freezers were unplugged, kept closed during the trip, and plugged back in asap, the meat probably didn't drop much in temperature at all.

That said, I can't imagine the logistics involved in moving 3+? freezers full of meat.  Did they move the freezers full?  I can't imagine trying to move the freezers with all that weight. SMH  But, I also can't imagine unpacking the freezers to move them because then the meat would definitely be in danger of thawing, not to mention the labor involved in unpacking and repacking the freezers.  Gawd, they make me crazy with their wasteful lifestyle - doing so much over and over rather than being thoughtful about their decisions and doing them only once and being successful rather than never getting ahead.  

Nothing they do is logcal, has much thought at all put into it, is often a complete waste of time, energy, money, and generally involves so much angst it just doesn't seem worth it in any regard.  I guess that's why they never get anywhere.  They're forever in turmoil and unrest.  I think it leads back to their choice of lifestyle and the dis-trust it breeds plus add in the instability/flighty-ness of Kody and it's a recipe for never moving ahead.

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21 hours ago, Joan of Argh said:

Great way to meet your neighbors and introduce yourself to Flagstaff.

Use your crappy TV show to accuse Flagstaff of being narrow minded nasty bigots who ran Meri out of town with pitchforks and torches.

Ya i wouldnt want them next to me either because the minute they need some drama you'll probably be in it... and it won't be pretty.


Kody and Meri bashing Flagstaff really pisses me off.  I live in AZ. It's a false narrative for ratings. 

I'm also pissed that TLC put that fat, pale belly on TV in my living room with no trigger warning. I'm still nauseated. My eyes are burning.

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2 minutes ago, Desert Rat said:

I'm also pissed that TLC put that fat, pale belly on TV in my living room with no trigger warning. I'm still nauseated. My eyes are burning.

My skin's still crawling from his asking Truely, "Did you tell them [at school] that your father's this hot, surfer/hippie dude?" or something to that effect.  Gross.  

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