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S10.E08: Five Pregnancies and Counting

Sew Sumi
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4 hours ago, anyasmom said:

White or yellow might have been too see through and ruined the surprise.

Good point,  I guess that's why black was chosen.  But i would have gone with a dark green or mix of navy & magenta for the boy/girl thing.  I'm old & just don't like black for festive occasions.   

BTW,  Lauren's sister Lily sure loves the camera. She seems to make herself front & center for any taped occasion. 

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3 hours ago, queenanne said:

Let's not forget to credit her parents, as they made a conscious decision somewhere along the line that godliness was not the be-all and end-all of life and that we should also get along well with each other and strangers, which seems rare amongst the Gothardite parents.

Her parents are as crazy fundie as all the other fundies so I can't give them too much credit. I doubt Kendra or her parents would be so polite to an LGBTQ person. They also seem to distrust most of the medical establishment. I honestly have no idea how they would treat immigrants.  I could easily see her parents disowning a kid, who strayed from the fundie path. Have we seen Kendra interact with people who don't share her beliefs beyond a pants-wearing, job-holding woman?

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7 hours ago, Barb23 said:

That about sums it up for Jana.

Changing subjects - I wonder why  Lily or whoever was in charge of the reveal balloons chose black as the color. Did they get good deal on black ones?  Lauren is already scared that things may not go right with this pregnancy too so why pick dismal black balloons?  It was supposed to be a celebration.  White, yellow or even a mix of pink & blue would have been a better choice. 

I soooo agree!  I about hurled when they opened the door and all those black balloons walked out!  I thought for sure Lauren would start crying!!!  I almost did.

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1 hour ago, Sew Sumi said:

Next week is rehashing Ivy's birth and Mary's funeral. I imagine ratings will go up a tick or two. 😒

Gotta milk the dead grandma for ratings. As the Duggars say RIP Grandma Mary 😭😭💔💔🙏😶😶🎈🎈

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10 hours ago, SongbirdHollow said:

All this theme naming reminds me of dog breeders that have themed litters. And it’s not just for fun, it helps them keep track of the ages and relationship of the pups. 

Yes!  The Duggar offspring needs to stick with themed litters so we can keep them all straight, as their numbers multiply exponentially!  

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12 hours ago, alegtostandon said:

"I do not know everyone's name...I felt sorry for that oldest daughter who still lives at home.  While all of the other sisters and SIL's were trying on maternity clothes,  she was the designated seamstress.  Does she have any other role in life besides planning family fun nights and sewing?"

Sure she does!

Jana's probably the family cook, laundress, and grocery shopping guru.

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55 minutes ago, Nysha said:

I don't like Lauren, either, but I think that Josiah has shown himself to be just as self-centered and indifferent to his spouse as Lauren is to him. He doesn't get a pass just because he's trapped in a loveless marriage. He's an adult, no matter how much pressure was put on him, he wasn't forced to marry her. If this board recognized her whiny, needy ways before the wedding, I'm sure he knew what she was like. The easy Duggar life, where he really doesn't have to work for a living, and the chance to have all the sex he wanted were as much a factor in his decision to marry as not wanting to upset his family. 

Yeah, I agree. I think that applies to both of them. 

I realize that both probably felt under a lot of various kinds of pressure -- both from the outside and internally, from themselves -- to enter this marriage. And I wish they'd had the nerve to refuse, since they almost certainly realized quite early on that they didn't particularly like each other. But they didn't. 

So it seems to me that if you do enter -- or at least claim to enter -- a marriage partly out of a duty (to your family, to Jesus, to your cult, whatever) to marry and raise a bunch of children, then an implied part of that duty must be to do your very best to make the marriage work.

Are you really fulfilling your duty to Jesus if -- in the very first year of marriage! -- you act like a self-centered brat and are just not nice to this person you supposedly married to re-enact the model of Christ and his church? Even if that person is a pain in the ass themselves? Isn't it your duty to Jesus to act out of love and try to create harmony with that person?

Is a snipey, cold parental marriage in which one or both partners are always fixated on grabbing the spotlight the kind of marriage Jesus wants these children conceived in his name to be raised in? Seems unlikely. 

As in a lot of Duggar-related situations, I think Lauren and Josiah are stuck in a stupid middle ground between their cult traditions and more "normal" situations. 

They won't actually leave the situation or even openly try to hash or fight things out in hopes of getting through to something better -- which is what they might do if they lived in Normality World. But at the same time, they also won't make efforts to behave charitably and lovingly and give up their own egos a bit in hopes of making the marriage work in a Jesus-is-love kind of way, either. 

So they don't do anything except just act on whatever negative, self-centered feelings come naturally at the moment. And now they're stuck making things worse on a daily basis, most likely forever. 

No matter how many phony "marriage retreats" they attend on TeeVee.

Edited by Churchhoney
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1 hour ago, Nysha said:

I don't like Lauren, either, but I think that Josiah has shown himself to be just as self-centered and indifferent to his spouse as Lauren is to him. He doesn't get a pass just because he's trapped in a loveless marriage. He's an adult, no matter how much pressure was put on him, he wasn't forced to marry her. If this board recognized her whiny, needy ways before the wedding, I'm sure he knew what she was like. The easy Duggar life, where he really doesn't have to work for a living, and the chance to have all the sex he wanted were as much a factor in his decision to marry as not wanting to upset his family. 

I think Lauren is just what the doctor ordered for the Duggars.  I hope every adult who lives on the JB dole at the TTH compound and adjacent Duggar properties is annoyed by her constantly. I hope it irks King JB that viewers don't like her yet she takes so much attention away from other family members. 

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
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Josiah is likely just as much of a jerk in the relationship, we don't see it as much. The show (and their social media) revolves around the females in this clan. Which is definitely odd when they hold strict patriarchal beliefs. We all joke about Jessa locking Ben in the basement, but she is the one firmly in control with the Seewalds. Ben makes token appearances every once in a while and does his husbandly duties by getting Jessa knocked up as needed. How often does Josiah post on social media? It is almost exclusively Lauren now. 

The viewership isn't exactly interested in the balding sons (and the son-in-laws). They are more interested in the daughters and daughter-in-laws.

It would be easier to make jabs at 'Siah if he posted as freely as Dullard does. 

It is a very strange dynamic I must say. 

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3 hours ago, Fig Newton said:

Lauren. Ugh! I can not find even one little thing remotely likeable about her. She speaks, I gag. I really hope Siah puts a bag over her mouth when the have sex. I can not even (or want to ) imagine her breathy whispers of self love. Gross. Did anyone notice two times during the show (although the actual scene location I can not remember), Siah walked through the door and didn't even bother to hold it open for his lovely (🤮 🤧) bride? As a matter of fact, one time he downright nearly let it hit her. Go, Siah, Go. Show your real dislike of that woman. We will stand with you!

But, Kendra. Kendra has really grown on me. She's sweet and kind and attentive to her Garrett. But she needs to get out of Duggarville. I am secretly hoping Kendra and Ben have an affair. Is that so wrong?

Besides breeding for Jesus, what did their parents teach them?  Girls don't know how to work in their "chosen" field (homemaking) and the boys have zero manners and a questionable work ethic.  I guess after classes in Grifting for Jesus 101 and Charting Your Cycle for Babeez and Cash is King they didn't have time?

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On 12/5/2019 at 10:11 AM, libgirl2 said:

I had a recent hospital stay (no coma), there aren't that many choices! 

Ha!! Mr Twopper was in hospital and TCM showed one of the old bw movies about the Titanic.  It was around lunch time, and the very young food service person bringing his lunch remarked that every tv in the hospital was tuned to some old movie about a sinking ship.

I forgot to mention early that I have found most of this season depressing.  We know Mary dies and that Joy will lose her baby and that Lauren will continue to mourn the loss of Asa yet they show Mary from time to time and there is too much focus on Joy's pregnancy. 

Edited by Twopper
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I have a feeling that next week is the season finale. Abbie announces her pregnancy at the photoshoot, so unless they stretch it into July, I think they're done. With the funeral to cover, I don't think there will be time to cover a second tragedy.

Edited by Sew Sumi
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11 hours ago, Fig Newton said:

I am secretly hoping Kendra and Ben have an affair. Is that so wrong?

If anyone ventures into fan fiction with this scenario please tag me. I would love to read it.  Maybe we can have Kendra’s steamy yearning journals just like we had Sam’s plotting escape diary

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9 hours ago, nightmeri said:

If anyone ventures into fan fiction with this scenario please tag me. I would love to read it.  Maybe we can have Kendra’s steamy yearning journals just like we had Sam’s plotting escape diary

Nothing will ever top Sam’s diary. 

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12 hours ago, Twopper said:

Ha!! Mr Twopper was in hospital and TCM showed one of the old bw movies about the Titanic.  It was around lunch time, and the very young food service person bringing his lunch remarked that every tv in the hospital was watching some old movie about a sinking ship.

I forgot to mention early that I have found most of this season depressing.  We know Mary dies and that Joy will lose her baby and that Lauren will continue to mourn the loss of Asa yet they show Mary from time to time and there is too much focus on Joy's pregnancy. 

TCM! How lucky!

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22 hours ago, BetyBee said:

The Duggar children were not raised to have good manners, imo.

Manners are for the way other people are to treat them.

ETA:  This is exactly why Kendra stands out in that crowd.  It's not even as if she's putting them on because she knows she should -- it just flows right out of her naturally.  

Edited by Tikichick
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12 minutes ago, Tikichick said:

Manners are for the way other people are to treat them.

ETA:  This is exactly why Kendra stands out in that crowd.  It's not even as if she's putting them on because she knows she should -- it just flows right out of her naturally.  

You're right - for a group of people whose motto is "Jesus, Others, You", the Duggars (and in fact most Gothardite type fundies as a whole), are shockingly unconcerned with manners.  Does somebody tell them the Pilgrims dispensed with manners for "others", thinking they were stuffy things of Ye Olde England, maybe?  Because I've certainly seen it before, with fundie kids who never say "please" or "thank you" for anything, and/or sit around farting silently and ripely at the dinner table, as well as the "slamming the door in your face" gesture of Josiah (that one's a golden oldie fundied favorite, in my experience.  My best friend from high school married a deeply unpleasant person in many ways, who would hold doors for HER, only to let them slam in the face of myself, my mother, my BF's mother... it was really quite something to behold.  Once upon a time we all barged forward underneath his arm before he could shut the door in front of us, thanking him profusely - he looked legitimately shocked and outraged).  

Edited by queenanne
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7 minutes ago, queenanne said:

You're right - for a group of people whose motto is "Jesus, Others, You", the Duggars (and in fact most Gothardite type fundies as a whole), are shockingly unconcerned with manners.  Does somebody tell them the Pilgrims dispensed with manners for "others", thinking they were stuffy things of Ye Olde England, maybe?  Because I've certainly seen it before, with fundie kids who never say "please" or "thank you" for anything, and/or sit around farting silently and ripely at the dinner table, as well as the "slamming the door in your face" gesture of Josiah (that one's a golden oldie fundied favorite, in my experience.  My best friend from high school married a deeply unpleasant person in many ways, who would hold doors for HER, only to let them slam in the face of myself, my mother, my BF's mother... it was really quite something to behold.  Once upon a time we all barged forward underneath his arm before he could shut the door in front of us, thanking him profusely - he looked legitimately shocked and outraged).  

So many times watching this clan I'm struck by (and depressed and angered by) how they seem completely unaware of the basic core values of Christianity -- love one another, love others as I have loved you, etc.  I've never known anyone who felt that Jesus' teachings via the parables was shrouded in mystery.  Yet it's like this bunch who trumpet loudly about how much they study the scriptures have either never heard them or don't think they're worthwhile enough to put in action -- unless there's a way it will draw in TV cameras and donations. 

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On 12/4/2019 at 1:38 PM, Twopper said:

I never felt inadequate.  Only treasured and loved.

So glad to hear this -- it's what I hope for my granddaughter, born 18 months after her stillborn sister. She certainly is treasured and loved!

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On 12/4/2019 at 7:53 PM, Sew Sumi said:

Next week is rehashing Ivy's birth and Mary's funeral. I imagine ratings will go up a tick or two. 😒

18 hours ago, Sew Sumi said:

I have a feeling that next week is the season finale. Abbie announces her pregnancy at the photoshoot, so unless they stretch it into July, I think they're done. With the funeral to cover, I don't think there will be time to cover a second tragedy.

Next week isn't the funeral or the finale.  Not sure how they're going to cover it, in the next episode which is E9 - my guess (only a guess) is they'll do Jessa for most of the episode plus the clan meets Ivy then the last 5min or so will be phone calls and people being notified about Grandma Mary and a sort of "to be continued" ending.

The next episode airing Dec 17th is TWO HOURS and apparently covers some of the pregnant girls getting together plus another pregnancy announcement (we already know who that is) but the title is "Grandma Duggar Remembered" so I suspect at least the last hour if not more will be dedicated to that.

I can't find listings for episodes after that so it's either the finale for Season 10 or a break until after the new year but I suspect it's the finale.

Counting On Season 10 Episode 10

Edited by sigmaforce86
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2 hours ago, sigmaforce86 said:

Next week isn't the funeral or the finale.  Not sure how they're going to cover it, in the next episode which is E9 - my guess (only a guess) is they'll do Jessa for most of the episode plus the clan meets Ivy then the last 5min or so will be phone calls and people being notified about Grandma Mary and a sort of "to be continued" ending.

The next episode airing Dec 17th is TWO HOURS and apparently covers some of the pregnant girls getting together plus another pregnancy announcement (we already know who that is) but the title is "Grandma Duggar Remembered" so I suspect at least the last hour if not more will be dedicated to that.

I can't find listings for episodes after that so it's either the finale for Season 10 or a break until after the new year but I suspect it's the finale.

Counting On Season 10 Episode 10

You got a point. Even tho they did show flashes of Grandma's funeral in the coming attractions, there was also a clip of Jinger telling how she got the surprise call from Mechelle about Grandma. So we might get to see how the bad news traveled throughout the family. 

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4 hours ago, sigmaforce86 said:

Next week isn't the funeral or the finale.  Not sure how they're going to cover it, in the next episode which is E9 - my guess (only a guess) is they'll do Jessa for most of the episode plus the clan meets Ivy then the last 5min or so will be phone calls and people being notified about Grandma Mary and a sort of "to be continued" ending.

The next episode airing Dec 17th is TWO HOURS and apparently covers some of the pregnant girls getting together plus another pregnancy announcement (we already know who that is) but the title is "Grandma Duggar Remembered" so I suspect at least the last hour if not more will be dedicated to that.

I can't find listings for episodes after that so it's either the finale for Season 10 or a break until after the new year but I suspect it's the finale.

Counting On Season 10 Episode 10

yeah.. seeing Jessa leave her ranch home, after drinking a Castor Oil flavored smoothie,  to go over to the big hours and walk the stairs (not sure for how many reps), and then come back home to push out baby on the living room sofa, only to be whisked off {again} to the hospital....

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3 hours ago, mynextmistake said:

I’m working on a new entry. 😈

On 12/6/2019 at 6:56 AM, latetotheparty said:

Nothing will ever top Sam’s diary. 

5 minutes ago, kaleidoscope said:

These need to be published!!

Sam who ?

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On 12/4/2019 at 1:30 PM, sATL said:

Was Jill snubbed from the garden party?

I mean if they are letting Anna speak now, surely Jill can cut and hold flowers..

Because Derrick publicly criticized Jazz, the transgender teen from another TLC show, it violated their contract and they're no longer filmed for that reason. Anna never actually did anything wrong; they just don't want to offend their viewers by putting Josh on camera.

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4 hours ago, becca3891 said:

Because Derrick publicly criticized Jazz, the transgender teen from another TLC show, it violated their contract and they're no longer filmed for that reason. Anna never actually did anything wrong; they just don't want to offend their viewers by putting Josh on camera.

Who did the actual  criticizing- Derrick or Jill ?

Sad to say in a few years- TLC and some viewers will forget who said what about whom.

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On 12/4/2019 at 3:04 PM, Squirrely said:

I thought Kendra was vapid and annoying at first. She really changed my opinion on their honeymoon episode, with the way she was able to make friendly conversation with strangers, namely during their dinner up in the sky. I had judged her based on the non-stop giggling. Now she's sort of my pet fundie of the family.

I feel the exact same way about her.  She's just a pleasant and cheerful person, who actually listens when someone is speaking.  In these days of road rage and "me, me, me" (looking at you, Lauren) the world needs more people like her.

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On 12/4/2019 at 12:38 PM, Twopper said:

I am hoping that after a year or so of bonding with Bella, the anguish over Asa will diminish enough that they can fully focus on Bella and any other children they have.  

At one time I knew the name of the still born that preceded me.  I still remember the middle name, but only because it was a family surname, but I am not quite sure if I have the first name correct.  I never felt inadequate.  Only treasured and loved.

I think this is the first I have seen of Lauren's parents.  I was surprised at their large house.  I think Lauren is really high maintenance. 

Because I cannot listen to either Ma Dugger or Lauren, I watched this episode in 19 minutes.


As someone whose first born was a stillborn (by late stage termination, at 29 weeks, so the cause of death was not unknown, the condition however was a tragic surprise very late in the game), I'm going to say the anguish will never diminish.  My daughter is nearing 3, and my second son is 7 months.  I miss my first child every single day.  That doesn't mean my other children aren't being raised without 'full focus'.  


I don't think my daughter knows her brother's name yet, but his hospital hat is on the wall with the other two kid's, along with their going home outfit- a gift my first son was supposed to wear but was much too small to be put into when we had photos taken.  We have a birthday party for him each year, so eventually the living kids will remember that too. (My daughter still remembers his party this year, but just that we decorated cookies, she remembers the sugar, not the reason).  We also attend a family event put on by a community non-profit where they do a butterfly release to celebrate the 'angels' in families around the community.  I WANT my living kids to know about their brother.   My daughter's first name and middle name squished together spell my first son's name in it, and my daughter and younger son's name do too (though that wasn't intentional).  We honor him in many small ways. His name is also on my "mother's necklace" and he gets a stocking at Christmas (the gifts in it go to the children's hospital. We give him presents appropriate to the age he should be, and then donate them to a kid that age.) 


He is not forgotten just because he never took a breath. He was real, and I held him after delivering him, stroked his head and sang him songs, counted his fingers and toes, and held onto his hand. His labor was the hardest of the three, as was his pregnancy.  His nursery was in my house for more than a year before I finally opened the door and took it down. He was very very real.


So I don't expect Bella to feel second to Asa, but I honestly honor the fact that they want Asa to be remembered.  The naming theme makes sense to me, even if I find the family insufferable.  Bella isn't their first child, she's the second- so a B name makes sense.   My daughter isn't number 2 in importance (she isn't 1 either, she and my living son are firmly tied), but she is number 2 in birth order.  It's the same with Bella.  

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