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Episode Discussion II: The TFGH


Culture Check: How can we discuss a character's or actor's appearance without objectifying them? How can we express likes or dislikes and still respect an individual's humanity or be mindful that a character represents a person someone else might relate to or identify with?

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"There's no way he survived that long in the fire."  If only, Phyllis, if only!

This feels like an hour-long CarSaSon lovefest for their fans. Jarly fans get constant tongue baths and Sonny realizes who he is and attacks that horrible Nina for not telling him who he is. "Why did you do it?" BECAUSE YOU KEPT SAYING YOU DIDN'T WANT TO KNOW WHO YOU ARE. But they'll never blame Sonny.

That Sonny, he's so amazing! he got the beam off himself on his own and walked out of there when even the fire fighter way on a gurney need oxygen!

Of course Jason know that the bomb has been planted. I bet he had Spinelli transfer it to Novak and Buscemi's car. They will never get rid of Carly and Jason.

I love Jax's expression at Nina's hysterics over Sonny, he's really had it with her.

I've been to a few weddings in my day but never has the minister paused for more than 2 seconds asking if anyone has any objections to the marriage.

  • Love 12

The Journey Today

The Wedding Crap

Maxie looks at the phone, and is all Jax is knows him at the Wedding. Epiphany is all AHEMM.  Glays starts crying and steals Novak's kerchief. The 3 Families give "Whatever crap" looks . Maxie is like "If I married Peter this would have be an epic disaser, not like Carly and Jason this is great!"

Monica goes "I keep thinking Tracey will barge in and Keep Carly from marrying into this family." Me: Oh that would have been great. 

We have vows now. 
Come On Mob. Where's the pew pew pew? 

We now have rings.
Still no mob intervention

Now they are married. Way to go Mob. You suck. 

They kiss. I throw up a bit in my mouth a bit.

Gladys "i have to admit Carly looks pretty, if you like that sort of look" teehee.  Jason and Carly are splitting. 

Olivia goes "I thought this was wrong, because Sonny wasn't even dead a year."  

Monica remembers that Carly single-handely destroyed AJ's life. But time has passed. Ned: "YOU APPROVE?!" Monica "meh, I like weddings"

Spinelli is still lamenting about Ellie. shut your piehole, ass. You could have been with Ellie you chose mob. 

Millowtonin are having a moment. 

Maxie is ignoring the phone because 'she has a job to do." 

3 Families "They are married now. This makes them 2 as dangerous." then why did you have them get married?!

Jason takes Carly's hand and presses a kiss into it . (okay there show). and says I'll never leave you.  Carly said she looked up and Monica was smiling  at her. (GUH).  Jason is like "you know I understand this whole thing now." (dude you were married BEFORE. what an insult to Sam).

Michael and Joss thankfully stopped them from kissing. 

Bobbie thought someone would object. (AKA Jax).  and now smoke blowing up their butt.  Maxie is freaking out. but now they show up.  3 Families are like let's go. . Ms. Woo whispers something into Jason's ear. ominous music. 

Joss says the wedding is making her optimistic.  wow. Joss says well if we only get one great love, I already had Oscar so am I alone for the rest of my life? (so. sucks to be you, Cam).

Novak is ditching the wedding. Gladys is pouting. the other guy is "the reception is going to be a real blow out!"  

Carly, we're going to get our happy ending or die trying
me: please. die. don't try. 

Finally. Dianne finds out that Austin is challenging the will, and she's like. why didn't anyone contact me, I did ALL the will stuff. 

Non Wedding
Mike is calling for Carly. Nina is freaking out and the fire captain is pissed off at her. Phyllis is like "Mike's gone, we can accept it." 

Nina is like WHY are you on the Phone? to Jax, Jax is like "(because you stupid bitch)  I kinda need to tell Maxie that Peter is alive and on the run (because you didn't tell her)." Nina is like TO HELL WITH PETER, WE NEED TO SAVE MIKE.  Jax has no time for her now. 

Nina is like "screw it I'll save mike." Jax is like. um. so how? Nina "I don't know. soobbbb"

Nina is now sobbing "she can't lose him," and she falls down sobbing. Phyllis is holding her, and Jax is like we need to get you to the hospital to get checked out. 

Sonny now has super powers and is trying to get up. Let's ignore all the smoke inhalation. 

Phyllis just realized that the Tan-o is gone and she faints. 
Nina sees Sonny and goes to him and cries in his arms. (they are still near the fire y'all)

Nina is like My focus is on Mike! Jax gives her a look. Nina:  "Look i know who he is. Stop looking at me like i'm delusional". (but you are). Jax: "you realize i'm not going to keep your secret." 

Phyllis comes out and is giving Nina serious Bitch face but says Mike wants to see her. 

Nina goes runs in and goes "Mike, I'm so glad...."
"I'm not mike. I'm SONNY, and I remember everything, Nina." (I will say they missed an opportunity to go "I'm Michael. Corinthos. Junior.).  Lmao. Nina "Well the good news is, I don't have to lie anymore we can start from scratch!" 

Phyllis is sad that Mike is gone. And is not impressed with Nina that she knew all this time.

Sonny "you really believe that?"
Nina "What we feel for each other is real!"
Sonny "Why did you do it?"
Nina "you already know the answer if you have both memories"
Sonny " How am I supposed to know why you kept my idenity from me?"
Nina "you told me you loved me"
Sonny "I can't even deal with this, I need to go to my wife.
Nina: "I honestly love you!"
Sonny whisper "Don't. say. that."

Show ends with a bomb on Carly and Jason's car. 

Car goes boom. 
Show ends. 

(lame. so lame show. We had this with Sonny/Brenda's wedding). 
Today's Journey: well. if you can handle Jason/Carly kissing (twice), Sonny whispering and finger waving, Nina delusions, with a sprinkle of snark from Dianne, and Jax bitch faces - it was okay. I would have re-done this soo differently.

  • Love 4
1 minute ago, statsgirl said:

I've been to a few weddings in my day but never has the minister paused for more than 2 seconds asking if anyone has any objections to the marriage.

LOL. It's like the priest knew the marriage was a sham and was desperate for someone to do the dirty work for him.

I did not appreciate Jason and Carly lighting a candle to those who were no longer there. Those two were responsible for a decent number of those people, Show.

2 minutes ago, Daisy said:

Maxie is ignoring the phone because 'she has a job to do." 


  • Useful 1
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4 minutes ago, Daisy said:

Joss says the wedding is making her optimistic.  wow. Joss says well if we only get one great love, I already had Oscar so am I alone for the rest of my life? (so. sucks to be you, Cam).

Right, what the hell was that? That relationship is not long for the books.

The whole wedding was nauseating. The only way to salvage this fallout when Sonny comes back is if the entire town is split down the middle and one half starts hating the other half. Then maybe it would be mildly interesting.

Although, I didn't see them killing off the heads of the two of the Four Five Families, so I guess props to that. Ms. Wu is awesome and I kind of hope she planned the whole thing because I love her. Guess Gladys will have to find someone else to crush on.

  • Love 6
7 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

I did not appreciate Jason and Carly lighting a candle to those who were no longer there. Those two were responsible for a decent number of those people, Show.

right?  like come on. 


7 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:


I'm more curious of how Jax has Maxie's number? (and yah why not text/Leave a msg? like come on now.

2 minutes ago, tvgoddess said:

Right, what the hell was that? That relationship is not long for the books.


I would have paid good money for Cam to have heard that and dump her at the reception

Honestly. that end was so lame/and over done because like I said we saw this at Brenda's and Sonny's wedding (as you know somehow Brenda somehow got out, and Sam was thrown in there and went deaf for a while). and we know Carly and Jason are gonna be fine. I am not usually team shootout but that would have completely, and utterly fit this wedding. 

  • Love 6

OMG.  I was okay with this story IF it ended with a change of the status quo.  If they are doing this so that Sonny still loves Carly, isn't torn, and everyone blames Nina, then nah.   Then this was all a big waste.  I would find today's show almost unbelievable if I it weren't for the fact that I'm a long time GH viewer.   I guess this is about par for the course.  Damn, this is actually enough to make me take a big break, and I am not one who usually says that.  The last long break I took is when they had the fight with PP and had to write off Todd and McBain.  I was gone for over a year.  I feel that coming again.

  • Love 12

The fire scenes were really excellent cheese, IMO. Nina's hysterics, Phyllis's hilariously overwrought "we have to accept no one could survive the fire," Jax rolling his eyes, Sonny suddenly conscious and strong enough to wrest himself out from under the beam—Grade A Cheese!

I think CW and JG went superhammy on purpose and I applaud that choice. MB, of course, probably thought he was giving a master class in Dramatic! Acting!

Really, Ned and Olivia? The mob wedding you're at now reminds you of yours? And once again, Willow and Michael are eye-banging. Gross.

  • Love 9
16 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

I've been to a few weddings in my day but never has the minister paused for more than 2 seconds asking if anyone has any objections to the marriage.


I've never EVER been to a wedding where this was even asked.

Glad I didn't turn the tv on until 37 min in, just in time for the "I remember everything" and I must say that was the best acting I have seen from MB in YEARS (an all that means is that he didn't mumble or flub his line".

Poor Spheonix, Nina lied to him, his wife went ahead and married his best friend, he remembers he was a killer....

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What a bad episode!! The wedding took forever. I had to keep muting because I don’t care about Jarly or their “love” for each other!! I hate that every aspect of CarSaSon’s lives are played out. We see all the beats while other characters (like Liz) get shafted!! 

That said, Jarly do seem in sync. I don’t see how the show go back to CarSon and JaBritt if that’s the plan. Britt would be a fool IMO to get back together with Jason. And, SB, IMO, is making an effort and sparkling with LW. He seems invested in this relationship too. Again, I’m not invested in Jarly and don’t like their characters (individually or together), but they look good together and seem compatible. Honestly, with how horribly Jason treats his actual girlfriends/wives in favor of Carly and how often he puts CarSon above his girlfriends/wives and his own kids, Jason may as well stay with Carly! 

The only part I semi-enjoyed was Sonny yelling at Nina for a bit, but it seems we won’t get a real confrontation until Monday. Someone needs to yell at Nina. She’s completely delusional. 

Jax - ever heard of text messaging?!?! 

And Show can just stop with its lame drama - everyone KNOWS nothing bad will happen to Jarly!  Even if they were blown up (which I know they weren’t), we all know they wouldn't die . . . unfortunately. Jason is the best and knows everything, so, of course, he knew about the bomb!! 🙄

Edited by lala2
  • Love 8
8 minutes ago, Daisy said:

Honestly. that end was so lame/and over done because like I said we saw this at Brenda's and Sonny's wedding (as you know somehow Brenda somehow got out, and Sam was thrown in there and went deaf for a while)


oh ya, I was thinking the clink boom wedding, that was Jax and Brenda and Sonny and Lilly

anyways lots of car explosions at mob weddings in PC, maybe they should have known and rented a horse carriage

Edited by Blackie
Lilly not Lila
  • LOL 2
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Just now, Blackie said:


oh ya, I was thinking the clink boom wedding, that was Jax and Brenda and Sonny and Lila (?)

anyways lots of car explosions at mob weddings in PC, maybe they should have known and rented a horse carriage

yeah the first clink boom - was Jax/Brenda, sonny and Lila.  also. LOL 

@lala2 right? and the thing is. the show can't go back now. (I mean it can it rectcons itself on a daily basis.) but you've done it. you basically made Jason and Carly be all "we do love each other, this is a real marriage." honestly I'd be more impressed with Jason if he told Sonny, "no. i'm not going to step aside, I'm fighting for Carly" (you know fight for one thing for his miserable life). and Carly is like no i loved you but i want Jason. if this just ends up with jason doing his passive aggressive thing...

  • Love 4

So don’t throw barware at me but I thought everyone mostly looked good at the wedding, with the exceptions of Maxie (dress) and Diane (hair was a mess, though I loved her dress).  I think Joss looked absolutely darling.  Monica looked great in that color.  Loved both Trina’s and Willow’s dresses.  Willow’s hair was kind of frizzy.  (Were they short staffed hairstylists?  There were a few hair issues.) The bride, well, a bra wouldn’t have hurt. It wasn’t a home run but it wasn’t bad.  Best dressed:  Olivia.



Edited by mostlylurking
  • Love 4

You know... it would kind of be nice if Jason took a deep breath and was like, "fuck it, I didn't fight for Carly before, I never fought for anything and look where it got me.  I'm done just letting this happen" and went full on "I will fight fooorr uuuuu".  Just. Once.

I am not rooting for modern times Jarly, but damn Jason needs to just stop being so fucking passive.

  • Love 10
6 minutes ago, ouinason said:

You know... it would kind of be nice if Jason took a deep breath and was like, "fuck it, I didn't fight for Carly before, I never fought for anything and look where it got me.  I'm done just letting this happen" and went full on "I will fight fooorr uuuuu".  Just. Once.

I am not rooting for modern times Jarly, but damn Jason needs to just stop being so fucking passive.

Anything but a return to the status quo.   

  • Love 10
17 minutes ago, mostlylurking said:

So don’t throw barware at me but I thought everyone mostly looked good at the wedding, with the exceptions of Maxie (dress) and Diane (hair was a mess, though I loved her dress).  I think Joss looked absolutely darling.  Monica looked great in that color.  Loved both Trina’s and Willow’s dresses.  Willow’s hair was kind of frizzy.  (Were they short staffed hairstylists?  There were a few hair issues.) The bride, well, a bra wouldn’t have hurt. It wasn’t a home run but it wasn’t bad.  Best dressed:  Olivia.


lol i'll never throw barware at you. Ill admit i am more of a simple is better kind of person. i just thought for me, a lot of the dresses were too blingy (Piphs), or just... not what i'd expect at a wedding (Bobbies), Maxie's etc. Joss's colour was nice but the front was too busy for me (and i didn't like the earings, and I liked the back of the dress).  Willow's dress was fine for a wedding I think. Olivia's was nice (just tight). 

  • Love 2
20 minutes ago, Blackie said:
40 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

I've been to a few weddings in my day but never has the minister paused for more than 2 seconds asking if anyone has any objections to the marriage.

I've never EVER been to a wedding where this was even asked.

It's a standard part of the liturgy in a lot of Christian denominations, and it's also common for it to be omitted if the bride and groom want it out.

Bobbie, you dope, Jax's reasons for objecting to the marriage wouldn't stop things, and even if he'd been there, he wouldn't have said anything.

I loved the expressions of resignation on the mob bosses' faces. Right there with you, guys.

Yes, Olivia, the main problem with Carly and Jason getting married is that Sonny hasn't been dead for even a year. 

Pretty rude for Jason and Carly to temporarily ditch the receiving line. What a couple of assholes.

The cliffhanger should have been Sonny telling Nina he remembers everything, not some dumb explosion. Of course Carly and Jason survive. It's ridiculous we're supposed to spend a second thinking otherwise.

Poor Pip, she misses the best part of any wedding: the cake!

  • Love 6

Sonny has never been more lucid than when he was seeing all those flashbacks with Mike and was like “The fuck?!  I’m pretty sure that guy is a criminal and he sucks.”  Kind of like when Sam was poisoned by cat poop and threw Sonny in that well after shooting him.  Later they will say they were out of their minds but actually, it’s one of the only times they’ve seen things clearly.

  • Love 12
7 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

The cliffhanger should have been Sonny telling Nina he remembers everything, not some dumb explosion. Of course Carly and Jason survive. It's ridiculous we're supposed to spend a second thinking otherwise.

Now we're going to have to suffer another 8 months of Carly and Jason suffering amnesia, while befriending Joey Novak in a quaint bar in the mountains of Pine Hill or whatever. 

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7 minutes ago, bannana said:

Sonny being angry with Nina just doesn't really make sense. Yes, she should have told him the truth, but he obviously remembers all his time with her, and he said he loves her. At this point he should be completely torn.

My fave thing of the whole episode was Phyllis' anger at Nina, and Jax's exasperation at her.

lol but that's not sonny's way. 
I mean he clearly remembers everything so he can remember the times where Nina asked him would you wanna know: Him. no. (why? because NO ONE LOOKED FOR ME!)

I mean. he does have the right to be upset, because Nina was 10000 percent wrong, but i will say (in her (small, small) defense that she did ask, so her argument could be, I asked, you said no, i respected that. Flimsy as heck, but hey it's out there. 

Monday he's going to probably yell, and be all you are dead to me, and try to get out of Nixon Falls, to get to Carly.. Like i find it hilarious that Sonny's first thing is "I'm sonny, bitch, why did you lie." not "hey are you okay, before I blow your world up by letting you know i know the truth?"

  • Love 10

So if Jason knew that the two mobsters were going to go boom, why wasn't he the slightest bit worried about the other wedding guests who might have been lingering around outside? And he is just that much of an asshole that he really doesn't mind blowing people up at his own wedding? Even if Mrs. Wu orchestrated it, he went along with it.

  • Love 15
1 hour ago, Daisy said:

I would have paid good money for Cam to have heard that and dump her at the reception

Poor Cam, sitting in the church and saying how beautiful Joss is.

It's true that teenagers are self-centred but Joss takes it to new heights.  If Jason is Carly's soulmate, then what was all that mourning about Sonny that she did?

1 hour ago, dubbel zout said:

Pretty rude for Jason and Carly to temporarily ditch the receiving line. What a couple of assholes.

Always. When did they ever stop to consider anyone else? I'm just surprised Jason wanted time alone with Carlyt. Ah, young love!

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1 minute ago, bannana said:

So if Jason knew that the two mobsters were going to go boom, why wasn't he the slightest bit worried about the other wedding guests who might have been lingering around outside? And he is just that much of an asshole that he really doesn't mind blowing people up at his own wedding? Even if Mrs. Wu orchestrated it, he went along with it.

Bolded: yes. 

Mrs Woo betrayed me I thought she was going to be all awesome and take people out that I actually wanted taken out. screw you, Mrs. Woo. 

and I will say this is a good point. Gladys was Novak's date. so  what if Novak didn't be all "meh go with Brando, i'll see you there." Gladys goes boom too. (i mean for us, it's not that big of a loss, but it's the principle of the matter). What if Novak dropped his wallet, and say... Epiphany goes to the car and knocks to the window, while the car gets started? there are all of these what ifs, and Jason's like "meh."

this is why i never get why Jason gets excluded from this BS of "mob" Monica i can at least swallow my spit on this is her only kid and she has nothing else. but even then....


1 minute ago, statsgirl said:

Always. When did they ever stop to consider anyone else? I'm just surprised Jason wanted time alone with Carlyt. Ah, young love!

well remember - Michael and Willow ditched their son's birthday to have sex, and we know who raised Michael, so we shouldn't be surprised. This is what they do. 


2 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

Poor Cam, sitting in the church and saying how beautiful Joss is.

It's true that teenagers are self-centred but Joss takes it to new heights.  If Jason is Carly's soulmate, then what was all that mourning about Sonny that she did?

Right? like. you can't have it both ways here. 
 Like a simple line like "I am falling for Cam, but it's different than it was for Oscar." would have made more sense. but then girl please, you are 18. Oscar was not your soulmate. 

  • Love 7

I am legitimately interested in how they will write Jason's feelings for Carly when Sonny returns. Will Jason instantly cop to it being a MoC and get Diane working on an annulment (or whatever legality is necessary)? Will he apologize for marrying Carly in any capacity? Will he decide Carly is his one twu wuv and decide to go mano-a-mano with Sonny for the right to be Mr. Carly Corinthos Morgan? Will he heave a massive sigh of relief and tell Sonny, "Thank me, you're back! She's your handful again"? Will he do nothing and wait for Sonny and/or Carly to make a decision?

There are a number of ways this can go, and right now I can't tell what they're going to do.

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20 minutes ago, Daisy said:

I mean. he does have the right to be upset, because Nina was 10000 percent wrong, but i will say (in her (small, small) defense that she did ask, so her argument could be, I asked, you said no, i respected that. Flimsy as heck, but hey it's out there. 

It doesn't matter to him that she asked. In his mind, and frankly, even in mine, she shouldn't have asked but TOLD him who he was when she first saw that he was alive.

Now he's a gonnagoall because Nina "LIEDDDDDD!" his "WIIIIIIIIFE" married his so called Best FRRRRIENDDDDDDD" and he didn't get there in time to stop the wedding! And she also messed up his standing with the FIIIIIIIIIVE FFFFFAMILIEEEEEEEEEEES!"

In other words, typical, narcissistic Mooby.

  • LOL 2
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1 minute ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

Now he's a gonnagoall because Nina "LIEDDDDDD!" his "WIIIIIIIIFE" married his so called Best FRRRRIENDDDDDDD" and he didn't get there in time to stop the wedding!


Cue thrown barware.

I think we know now why moss didn't renew its contract.

  • LOL 18
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11 minutes ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

It doesn't matter to him that she asked. In his mind, and frankly, even in mine, she shouldn't have asked but TOLD him who he was when she first saw that he was alive.

Now he's a gonnagoall because Nina "LIEDDDDDD!" his "WIIIIIIIIFE" married his so called Best FRRRRIENDDDDDDD" and he didn't get there in time to stop the wedding! And she also messed up his standing with the FIIIIIIIIIVE FFFFFAMILIEEEEEEEEEEES!"

In other words, typical, narcissistic Mooby.

oh for sure. (i did say flimsy). and I bet that's what she's gonna cling too. All she had to say was "Oh you are sonny,"  Mike: "Cool, I don't care." Poof. It's on Sonny. But Sonny can never be wrong. 

but how you said it that's how it's gonna be.  which means it's the path that is 


18 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

The one that is the least interesting, of course.

this. exactly


17 minutes ago, Cheyanne11 said:


Cue thrown barware.

I think we know now why moss didn't renew its contract.

don't forget


Oh i can't wait for this "journey"
she says sarcastically. 

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Alas another missed opportunity. Even if they don’t want Jarly to go boom! They could have at least had the bomb in their limo and then for whatever reason they decide to get out of the car just before it blows up.  But nooooo, we can’t have nice things. Instead they telegraph for half the episode that Novak and Buscemi blew up instead. 

The NF fire department is even more inept than the PCPD. Not one firefighter put water on the fire? No one had masks? They all stood around talking and ‘strategizing’ rather than actually, you know, FIGHT the fire!

so will Sonny dye his hair before or after he gets back to Port Charles?

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35 minutes ago, Sake614 said:

The NF fire department is even more inept than the PCPD

You know, if show is going to tell us that the firefighters just couldn't go into the building to get Sonny, than they shouldn't have shown an arial shot that clearly showed a wide open path from Sonny to the door.  At least put a little bit of fire in the way to make it look like they really can't reach him.  I'd like to fanwank it that the firefighters hate Sonny as much as we do and didn't want to save him.  

Also why have a command center set up with a tent and a laptop.  It was one building and one guy and three entrances.  It's not rocket science.

Also, did anyone else notice, the paramedic who checked out Sonny at the scene, pulled out his little pen light and flashed it on Sonny's CLOSED eyelids.  Whatcha lookin for there, buddy?  His eye shadow?  Lice in his eyebrows?  Because you clearly weren't checking his pupils through his skin.  


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I don't understand why everyone beleives Jarly's limo is the one that blew up.  Am I the only one who knew from the get go (spoiler free) that the bomb was under the Novak/Buscema car and that Wu likely set it up.  Monday will open with Jarly arriving at the reception, while everyone claps and then SHOCKING we'll see that the other limo is the one that got all blowed up.  

2 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

There are a number of ways this can go, and right now I can't tell what they're going to do.

The least interesting way, which will be that Sonny will hate Nina and blame her despite being the one to insist multiple times that he didn't want to know.  

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Today sucked. The longest wedding day ever and of course they drag out the actual ceremony. 

Stupid, nauseating propping of Jason/Carly. 

Epiphany reminding me why I find her so annoying. 

Spinelli the annoying, sad sack. And the actor seriously needs Instant FIRMx. 

Nina highly delusional and pathetic.  I was hoping we’d get some nuance and a torn Sonny (unpopular opinion I know), but like I expected we’re probably closing in on the bitchslutwhore. 

And, OF COURSE, Jason knows what’s going on. My spec (and the whole audience’s I’m sure) is it’s not Carly/Jason going boom. Dammit. 

Edited by DanaMB
  • Love 9

Show likes to tease me that Carly and Jason (sorry, never calling them Jarly) were in an explosion.  Even if they were, they'd somehow emerge, without a smudge on them (unlike Nina and her panda nose).

Spinelli really has some cyber-balls with the constant policing of anyone who comes into the orbit of anyone he deems his.  Also, the fucking bemoaning of Ellie and how she wouldn't approve (with good cause) of the wedding?  Fuck off, Spinelli.

The show is killing itself trying to portray Carly and Jason as each other's one truth love--and at warp speed and while shitting on all their past relationships (save their mutual one with Sonny).  It's just so insulting.

Best dressed for me was Diane.  Very flattering and pretty gown.


  • Love 10
11 minutes ago, Cheyanne11 said:

The show is killing itself trying to portray Carly and Jason as each other's one truth love-

It felt very weird and icky seeing them all lovey dovey.  It was hard for my brain to wrap around the concept since they've been friends for so long to suddenly see him smiling at her and them kissing.  It was like watching siblings kiss,  just gross.  

  • Love 22
6 minutes ago, perkie1968 said:

It felt very weird and icky seeing them all lovey dovey.  It was hard for my brain to wrap around the concept since they've been friends for so long to suddenly see him smiling at her and them kissing.  It was like watching siblings kiss,  just gross.  

I had to turn away every time. 

  • Love 5

Culture Check: How can we discuss a character's or actor's appearance without objectifying them? How can we express likes or dislikes and still respect an individual's humanity or be mindful that a character represents a person someone else might relate to or identify with?

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