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S03.E13: Against All Odds/S03.E14: Tell All

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13 hours ago, Alonzo Mosely FBI said:

why is Jesse even THERE. 

Who knows?  Maybe he is dealing someone on the crew.

11 hours ago, Cammi said:

Omar was on a Muslim dating app and he said he was located in America. Cause lying liars lie. And Avery still thinks she is the exception to the rule, and that he loves her truly.  Definitely isn't using her for US entry... most definitely not. Not HER. Cause if he only wanted a Visa "he could've gotten just any girl". Shhhhh…. don't tell her that she IS "just any girl". That dose of reality won't hit for a while, not with her being a special snowflake and all.  


11 hours ago, BallisticNikki said:

I fell asleep right as Maria skyped in. Can someone summarize what she said? Did she claim to ever love him? Is it over? Did she admit it was a scam?

Basically she tried to keep the game going.  When everyone convinced, not that I am convinced, Caesar to get it that it was all a ruse.........Maria then said, "Ok, calm down now".  I bet that's all it took for the cash to keep rolling.

I had no idea that he bought a whip and packed it on a plane?  Holey Shit!  Now I have to take Maria's side.  Freak!

  • Love 3

Is it possible that Caesar did this show so that he would have money for Maria and that he hasn't actually sent her as much as he said. He said something like "Remeber, I have done all of this for you". Maybe he is acting and making her look like a scammer for the drama for the show and he is really waiting to collect his check so he can bring her to America........Just a theory. It would explain why their conversation was so confusing and contradictory.

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Is it possible that Caesar did this show so that he would have money for Maria and that he hasn't actually sent her as much as he said. He said something like "Remeber, I have done all of this for you". Maybe he is acting and making her look like a scammer for the drama for the show and he is really waiting to collect his check so he can bring her to America........Just a theory. It would explain why their conversation was so confusing and contradictory.

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1 hour ago, calpurnia99 said:

Tim was being an asshole but he only refused the shake because Avery did. If Avery had shaken his hand, Tim would have too. He took his cue from her: oh you didn't shake hands, I won't either.

I assumed Avery refused the handshake because of her Muslim faith. Now I have to rewatch to see if she shook hands with Caesar, Ben, or Tom 😖

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32 minutes ago, nutella fitzgerald said:

I assumed Avery refused the handshake because of her Muslim faith. Now I have to rewatch to see if she shook hands with Caesar, Ben, or Tom 😖

There was a point during one of Avery's onstage post-Angela meltdowns when Ben reached across the empty chair to offer his hand and she touched him. I only remember that because I was curious about the male touching myself. Not exactly definitive and the actual hand touch happened off frame but she reached out so I assume there was some sort of touch. 

  • Useful 3
8 hours ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

I agree about the Tim part.  That was ridiculous.

But as for Avery...did Jesse ask for her opinion of him?  If not, then why give it to him, especially when she doesn't even know him

I guess what bothered me about Avery & Tim giving Jessie the 3rd degree is, what business is it of theirs.  They kept questioning him as to why he was there.  Did they think he was driving past the TLC studio and thought,  "hmmmm, maybe I'll drop in and see what's going on.".  It was,  though,  a very civil conversation until Big Bulky Ang barged in, swinging her weight around.  Thank God she cleaned all of the garbage out of her "boob pockets" otherwise they would be flying. 

7 hours ago, pdlinda said:

I thought Darcy looked extremely dispirited and tired throughout the show.  I noted that her hair was borderline disheveled (dark roots right beneath the brassy blond), her gown didn't fit and she could barely walk in those Louboutins.  

I totally agree about Darcey.   Her dress did not fit her right,  and she could barely walk.  Why cannot she just wear a pair of jeans?  

7 hours ago, magemaud said:

Remember when she said something like, "I'm really not as bad as I come off"? 

Ang, you are actually worse. For some reason,  she thinks people actually cares what her uneducated mind is thinking.  

7 hours ago, magemaud said:

He supposedly sent her $ 400 worth of roses so that blew a 1000 credits right there. I seriously doubt if there were any real flowers involved, though, she probably just got a good chunk of change from them after Anastasia took their cut. 

I know nothing about dating apps, I wonder if when Caesar said he sent $40,000., if he actually meant 40,000 credits? 

Edited by alegtostandon
  • Love 8
On 10/28/2019 at 9:49 AM, BallisticNikki said:

How did he "scam" her? She didn't give him any money and he's clearly not looking for a green card.

Probably a better word would be "bamboozled." I think he was conning her and baiting her when he did things like telling her he would have proposed to her if they had gone to the tropical island instead of to Albania, when he took her to that church and was talking about proposals, and when he told her he had a gift for her, and it turned out to be that key.

He was pretty indifferent to her the whole trip, until the last 24 hours when he suddenly waxed romantic and all in love, then once the cameras were gone, he ghosts her, then tells her over the phone they should be friends only. Until tell all time, when he was only too happy to be on camera again. Famewhoring at her expense. I'd feel scammed.

  • Love 22
10 hours ago, sarkygal said:

Credits can be purchased in packages that range from 10 credits for $2.99 to 1000 credits for $399. 

I love your entire post and analysis of the Caesar?Maria transaction.

But..something is wrong with the costs presented.  10 for $2.99 done 100 times for 1000 credits is $299, less than the entire one time purchase of 1000.  Next in looking up the cost info, I couldn't get the pricing from the anastasiadate site, but a review site said 8 credits would cost $56 (and yes 1000 for $399).

  • Love 2
8 hours ago, magemaud said:

He supposedly sent her $ 400 worth of roses so that blew a 1000 credits right there. I seriously doubt if there were any real flowers involved, though, she probably just got a good chunk of change from them after Anastasia took their cut.

She did comment that she appreciated that he sent flowers.

5 hours ago, Mrs. Hanson said:

Ben wins an award for the line of the night:  "Angela came in like a wrecking ball."  Gotta love you, Steamrolled and spineless Ben.

What this show has taught me:  If I am ever single and on a dating app, here are my questions:

What is your credit score?  Are you employed?  Retired?

Describe to me your housing - townhome?  Apartment?  Single Family home?  Own or rent?  Other than children (we will get to that in a minute) do you have roommates?  Include any parents in that answer.

How many children do you have?  Ages please.  If they are under 18, what is the relationship like between you and their mother?  BE HONEST - I am cool with kids, I do NOT want momma drama.

How much debt, besides your mortgage if you have one, are you carrying? Can you meet your monthly bills?

Are you anything more than a social drinker? Do you use tobacco on a regular basis?  (I mean daily - I do not consider a cigar once a month to be regular - do you smoke cigarettes? Do you vape or chew tobacco?)

Do you own a car or have access to quality public transportation?

How many times have you been married? Do you have a circle of friends you are close with?  What are your hobbies and interests?  Do you like dogs?

Whew!  That may seem like a lot, but that only scratches the surface.

I am NOT trying to be political, but:  How do you lean politically?  Are you a supporter of #45?  What are your religious beliefs and how important are they to you?

You forgot "What is your favorite color?" .

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at some point early on Cesar indicated he was sending Maria 7 or 8 hundred dollars a month to "help her pay her bills." After he got back from Mexico and they had resumed communicating he read a text from her in which she mentioned she needed money because she had to pay her bills and the amount she tossed out was seven or eight hundred dollars.  Over a five year period that adds up to a number pretty close to 40 grand.  There's probably been lots of other gifts and extra expenses too.  And when she was asked how much money he'd given her, her smirk and comment "I don't know.  I am not accountant." says it all afaic.  She was wringing him for everything she could get.  I have zero sympathy for either of them but I don't think for a second they are "in cahoots" and running a scam together.  He isn't smart enough for that.  I think he went on the show because he felt it was a way to force her to finally keep a commitment to rendezvous.  

  • Love 17
4 hours ago, alegtostandon said:

Why cannot she just wear a pair of jeans? 

Oh she can, they are usually skin tight (think sausage casing), with ripped up slits in inappropriate places which pairs nicely with sky high knock off Loubitans...nothing about her says comfort, ever.

20 minutes ago, Zevious Zoquis said:

he felt it was a way to force her to finally keep a commitment to rendezvous.  

Wasn't this the first time they spoke live? Caesar said he has never face timed with Maria, only spoke on the phone or she pre recorded a video to send him a message?

  • Love 6
40 minutes ago, Baltimore Betty said:

Oh she can, they are usually skin tight (think sausage casing), with ripped up slits in inappropriate places which pairs nicely with sky high knock off Loubitans...nothing about her says comfort, ever.

Wasn't this the first time they spoke live? Caesar said he has never face timed with Maria, only spoke on the phone or she pre recorded a video to send him a message?

I have to admit as a woman over 40 I love jeggings  and very stretchy coudory pants....they aren't skin tight but pretty tight and super comfy 

  • Love 7
5 hours ago, renatae said:

Probably a better word would be "bamboozled." I think he was conning her and baiting her when he did things like telling her he would have proposed to her if they had gone to the tropical island instead of to Albania, when he took her to that church and was talking about proposals, and when he told her he had a gift for her, and it turned out to be that key.

He was pretty indifferent to her the whole trip, until the last 24 hours when he suddenly waxed romantic and all in love, then once the cameras were gone, he ghosts her, then tells her over the phone they should be friends only. Until tell all time, when he was only too happy to be on camera again. Famewhoring at her expense. I'd feel scammed.

I agree. Tom never wanted Darcy and it was telling how callous he was after Darcy returned home. I can buy that she kept reaching out to him and was frustrated that he was non-responsive. He went from chasing after her in an airport in a corny reenactment of some romcom, only to act like she was a complete nuisance a week later.

With Darcy, what you see is what you get.   She very clearly wears her heart on her sleeve and is honest that she likes a lot of attention and compliments from her partner. Tom needs to leave her alone because he knows he won’t ever want her in this way. What a coincidence that they are back together now that a reunion needs to be filmed.

Edited by trimthatfat
  • Love 13
38 minutes ago, sainte-chapelle said:

I have to admit as a woman over 40 I love jeggings  and very stretchy coudory pants....they aren't skin tight but pretty tight and super comfy 

I am wearing Loft stretch sateen skinny jeans, very comfy.

Darcy is afraid that if her boobs are not out she is not sexy, at her age (I am way older) she needs more than a fresh pair of oversized boobs hanging out of a too small shirt and too tight jeans.  

  • Love 10
13 hours ago, blubld43 said:

I keep meaning to say, I hope Darcy buys herself some decent extensions with the Tell All money. That ratty stuff on her head last night -and Stacey's too- looked like my old Chatty Cathy doll's hair after decades in the attic, wtf??? Matted, ratty, I can't believe they think that looks good.

And those dresses! Stacey was centimeters from double nip slips, and Darcey's dress was so heavily beaded I don't know how she was managing to sit down in it.  Not to mention the 6 inch heels on those S&M inspired shoes.

Good lawd. It must be exhausting to be them.

I kind of hope Darcy gets rid of a lot of the fake stuff (hair, eyelashes, etc) and goes a little more natural. Based on what I have seen in the show she seems the more pretty of her and Stacey and she should stop applying a markup armour. Maybe she can use some of the TLC money for therapy as she really does seem like a nice person and shouldn’t need to be so unhappy she keeps throwing herself at shitty men.

Tom really is a row-face guy. Through the phone Skyping he looked good but in person... it went away again. I had thought he must have just been using younger photos but the better looking Tom was back in the calls to Darcy,

  • Love 4

Still haven't watched this train wreck. Its THREE HOURS long? I could read war and peace faster…. But did anyone call out Maria as to why she sent dummy those "I love you, my husband" videos? Because she didn't seem to "love" him when they finally interviewed her. Why does no one ever ask these idiots the obvious questions?

And on Reddit, there are screen shots of Rebecca telling Zied in Tunisia she already filed for divorce, but then people are saying at the tell all, that Rebecca told Shaun that she filed "As soon as she got back home from Tunisia". So which is it? 

  • Love 3
11 hours ago, calpurnia99 said:

Angie was right, it was not her business.

I just don't understand the whole "it's not your business" thing.  They are on NATIONAL TV showing their asses.  It's EVERYONE'S business.  

Still I think Avery and Tim were just starting drama to get air time, but crazy Angela took it to another level. 

  • Love 12
10 minutes ago, Cammi said:

Maria as to why she sent dummy those "I love you, my husband"

Did we all notice when they were filming Maria, she sat on her bed and posed and said (in to her phone) "I love you," like she was just making a video to send to whom ever when she needed it.

As for calling some man "My husband" she feeds in to the whole ego thing of her mark and never has to use a name so she can use that clip for any of her marks.

I will now address all of you on this board as "My husband," you will feel so special you will be motivated to send me money.

I love you my husband(s).

2 minutes ago, Normades said:

I just don't understand the whole "it's not your business" thing.  They are on NATIONAL TV showing their asses.  It's EVERYONE'S business.  

Still I think Avery and Tim were just starting drama to get air time, but crazy Angela took it to another level. 

I think that every couple no matter how crazy and dysfunctional they are think that all the other couples are crazy.

Edited by Baltimore Betty
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So as I watched my beloved Astros lose last night, I decided to watch the Pillow Talk episode of the Tell All. It became clear to me why I don't think Darcey is some kind soul always saying nice things. I have 2 cousins who truly are nice. They say and do things to make others feel good and they do it because they believe it. Darcey reminds me of one of my sisters. She'll say nice things to your face because she wants to appear like a nice person, and then makes all sorts of terrible comments about the person. So I fully expect that in closed doors, Darcey watched the episode laughing her head off about the way Angie showed up looking for the shoot because you know she didn't think Ange looked sharp . My cousins also want to know about your life. My sister only cares about your life as it relates to hers. It's just stunning to me that in conversations of over 4 years she never asked Tom "so have you ever been married or engaged". It is such a normal thing to talk about with someone you are romantically interested in. But in Darcey world, Tom's life really didn't begin until she came into it. My sister moved to a new state a few years ago and became good friends with her next door neighbor. I was up visiting sister for 3 days. Neighbor and I had a chance to chat a few times. At dinner one night I mentioned something about neighbor having lived near me. Sister said she had no idea she had lived in the same area. I asked sister if she knew what neighbor had done professionally before she retired. Nope, had never even thought about it.  

Emma on the other hand is taking heat for being kind to Darcey when she was having the meltdown at the club. That was really the only time that she wasn't straight with Darcey about her true feelings about Tom's and Darcey's relationship. Emma wisely kept her mouth shut then because there is no reason to argue with a drukken hot mess. They just get worse.  Emma stepping away from her fun night of dancing to deal with Darcey, a person she didn't have responsibility for, shows true compassion.

  • Love 15
44 minutes ago, Cammi said:

Still haven't watched this train wreck. Its THREE HOURS long? I could read war and peace faster…. But did anyone call out Maria as to why she sent dummy those "I love you, my husband" videos? Because she didn't seem to "love" him when they finally interviewed her. Why does no one ever ask these idiots the obvious questions?

And on Reddit, there are screen shots of Rebecca telling Zied in Tunisia she already filed for divorce, but then people are saying at the tell all, that Rebecca told Shaun that she filed "As soon as she got back home from Tunisia". So which is it? 

Isn't it obvious why she sent him those videos?  Of course she didn't love him...

  • Love 1
10 minutes ago, ohcomeon said:

Emma on the other hand is taking heat for being kind to Darcey when she was having the meltdown at the club. That was really the only time that she wasn't straight with Darcey about her true feelings about Tom's and Darcey's relationship. Emma wisely kept her mouth shut then because there is no reason to argue with a drukken hot mess. They just get worse.  Emma stepping away from her fun night of dancing to deal with Darcey, a person she didn't have responsibility for, shows true compassion.

I didn't sense any sort of compassion from Emma at all.  I think she was just pretending to be on Darcy's side while trying to submarine the relationship by getting Darcy to force Tom to state his level of commitment.  And in a general sense I find Emma to be an overbearing shrew with a weird "interest" in her brother's relationships.  

  • Love 14
17 hours ago, mamadrama said:

As a proud redneck/hillbilly (though we prefer "white trash with money") I'd like to speak for all my people and say that we don't claim Grangela either. That kind of uncouth, loudmouthed bully belongs to a whole separate breed of people. She's not one of ours. 

My apologies and I truly meant no disrespect.  She and my neighbors are a breed of their own.

50 minutes ago, Normades said:

I just don't understand the whole "it's not your business" thing.  They are on NATIONAL TV showing their asses.  It's EVERYONE'S business.  

I believe when you get off a plane, meet with someone in person for the first time and either 1) have sex or 2) fully expect to have sex and are not shy about either scenario, you have lost all privacy.  Everything is now public domain.

52 minutes ago, Baltimore Betty said:

I love you my husband(s).

I love you soooo much!  You are mine!!!  All mine!!!!

1 hour ago, Cammi said:

And on Reddit, there are screen shots of Rebecca telling Zied in Tunisia she already filed for divorce, but then people are saying at the tell all, that Rebecca told Shaun that she filed "As soon as she got back home from Tunisia". So which is it? 

Not sure how it works on GA but she could have sent the summons and passing it off as the real deal.  But then again, Rebecca plays a bit fast and loose with the truth so who really knows.  In MN you can look up exactly when things were filed and when things were settled.....anyone want to give GA divorce records a crack?  We do know (I think) through her IG that filming wrapped in January and the Tell All was filmed in August.

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, fountain said:

I kind of hope Darcy gets rid of a lot of the fake stuff (hair, eyelashes, etc) and goes a little more natural. Based on what I have seen in the show she seems the more pretty of her and Stacey and she should stop applying a markup armour. Maybe she can use some of the TLC money for therapy as she really does seem like a nice person and shouldn’t need to be so unhappy she keeps throwing herself at shitty men.

Tom really is a row-face guy. Through the phone Skyping he looked good but in person... it went away again. I had thought he must have just been using younger photos but the better looking Tom was back in the calls to Darcy,

I truly don't think those sequined dresses look good on anyone.  They are appropriate if you are pointing at letters on a game show but that's about it.  

Darcy would look so much thinner with smaller breast implants. Also, a midriff top in your 40s?  Bold fashion choice that pretty much works for Madonna and Kelly Ripa.  

She should try shoulder length extensions.  She may wear the extensions for fullness.   But in my experience, human hair extensions do not naturally come in blonde, so they have to be chemically processed to make them that color.  Even natural, virgin human hair is going to have some damage from a harsh chemical process.  And even good hair (not Beyonce hair, but expensive hair) has a tendency to become problematic around the nape of the neck.  

Shoulder length extensions would allow Darcy to have full hair and it wouldnt engulf her and it would probably look more natural and just as glam. 

@ohcomeon - I see your point about Darcy.  The look on her face when big Ange was pretty much saying that she and Darcy have the same public bathroom grooming ritual made me think that she feels like she is better than Ange (and she is)

  • Love 6

Avery said on her IG that Angela and Skylar physically attacked her mom and TLC didn't show it.  If that is true, I hope Teri and Avery pressed charges and sue TLC.  That is not okay.  Sure Angela is drama trash that brings the views, but it is not right for TLC to keep her around when she is physically touching or harming other cast members in the studio.

  • Love 14
14 minutes ago, doyouevengohere said:

Avery said on her IG that Angela and Skylar physically attacked her mom and TLC didn't show it.  If that is true, I hope Teri and Avery pressed charges and sue TLC.  That is not okay.  Sure Angela is drama trash that brings the views, but it is not right for TLC to keep her around when she is physically touching or harming other cast members in the studio.

I believe this because I've never seen someone leave before they finished filming like Angela did.  Something must have happened to make them want her out of there.  I sort of liked Tom, even with his passive aggressive digs at Darcy, but he lost major points with me by hanging with Angela.  He just wanted to make sure he was where the cameras were.

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On 10/29/2019 at 4:26 PM, mayvenne said:

And my final trivial comment is- am I the only one who noticed --when Terri came back in to console Avery-----------Terri's calves? I could not figure out how out of proportion they could be. I mean I am talking bizarro. Did anyone else  see that? Otherwise she really slimmed down and looked very pretty. But those legs???

Same muscular calves back in Lebanon. Some ppl just have big calves, especially apple shapes.

On 10/29/2019 at 7:27 PM, OFDgal said:

I read somewhere that she was training for a marathon that she may have already run in.  

Well, the Nationwide Columbus Marathon & Half Marathon was Oct 20. So def could be. 15,000 runners. Huge event, drawing runner from around the world.

On 10/29/2019 at 7:27 PM, IllLitShips said:

Did anyone else catch Emma saying she didn't know which Silva twin was older or younger? Do you think she asked that, because Stacey's face looked old and droopy? Like she couldn't tell they were twins?

No, some twins continue to play out dominance roles or superiority/inferiority complexes their entire lives based upon which twin was delivered first/last.

On 10/29/2019 at 10:45 PM, Teri313 said:

But the best part was when Angela referred to herself as – get this – “elderly”! lol “I ain’t never seen a Muslim keep running their mouth to an elderly. Have you?" I remember Mykul getting his clock cleaned for calling her his elder.

Yep, I noticed! And I posted the same thing upthread. Hypocrite! LOL

On 10/30/2019 at 2:25 AM, alegtostandon said:

I totally agree about Darcey.   Her dress did not fit her right,  and she could barely walk.  Why cannot she just wear a pair of jeans?  

She has a pair of tight faded black jeans she wears a lot. She wore them over her body suit with flip flops on the flight to London to meet Tom and then took them off in the airport bathroom and changed into the thigh high boots after her bird bath. She actually looks good in jeans. When she travels, she always wears flats or slippers and changes into heels and sexier attire. The one exception was when she first flew to Amsterdam to meet Jesse; she wore the nude Louboutins and broke the heel off on the escalator. So I think she learned her lesson. Now even on the trains into NYC she wears flats.

On 10/30/2019 at 10:48 AM, doyouevengohere said:

Avery said on her IG that Angela and Skylar physically attacked her mom and TLC didn't show it.  If that is true, I hope Teri and Avery pressed charges and sue TLC.  That is not okay.  Sure Angela is drama trash that brings the views, but it is not right for TLC to keep her around when she is physically touching or harming other cast members in the studio.

That's 100% not ok. Makes me feel Angela isn't just a loud attn whore, stunting for ratings, but actually, a crazy, violent asshole w serious issues. Like there was no cause for things to go that far.

Edited by BallisticNikki
  • Love 9
1 hour ago, Zevious Zoquis said:

Isn't it obvious why she sent him those videos?  Of course she didn't love him...

But then why does the host seemingly NEVER ask these easy questions? Was Maria ever asked if she loved Caesar as she claimed? Still can't find enough time to watch this until the weekend, but it seems this was glossed over? 

7 minutes ago, Cammi said:

But then why does the host seemingly NEVER ask these easy questions? Was Maria ever asked if she loved Caesar as she claimed? Still can't find enough time to watch this until the weekend, but it seems this was glossed over? 

Based on comments Jay from a previous season made, these tell alls are like 12 hours long. A lot gets cut. And the host, hired by TLC, has to continue to assist viewers "to suspend their disbelief" bc TLC may want to bring couples back for future seasons and still keep it entertaining. 

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On 10/29/2019 at 6:41 AM, Takitaki said:

I actually think Dubai would be a nice place for Avery and Omar to live. It's definitely one of the least conservative on the surface, there's lots of shopping malls for Avery, western places to eat etc. English is spoken everywhere. Sure you can't run around drunk for example, but don't think they would want to anyway. Also it's one of the best connected airports, so Teri etc visiting would be easier/cheaper. There will also be an expat community where Avery could find others in a similar situation. I'm not sure what it takes to get a work visa, but lots of the shop assistants etc in dubai are russians/ukrainians etc, so I don't see why avery couldn't do one of those jobs.

I have a church member who's currently living in UAE and teaching in the local school system.  She's in her second year there, went on a teachers' program, and while her family is still in the Twin Cities area, she seems very happy there and is doing very well.  Avery could very easily manage this.

  • Love 2
18 minutes ago, Normades said:

I believe this because I've never seen someone leave before they finished filming like Angela did.  Something must have happened to make them want her out of there.  I sort of liked Tom, even with his passive aggressive digs at Darcy, but he lost major points with me by hanging with Angela.  He just wanted to make sure he was where the cameras were.

Someone on reddit posted how the coffee table on set was out of place before and after the fight.  Maybe she kicked the table at Teri or something.  I personally feel TLC knew Angela came to start something hence the security.  Last time she wanted to start something with Rachel; pity Pol wasn't there to hold her back by her boob.  TLC needs to end that trash's contract and NOT pay her for the tell-all since she had to be escorted out.

  • Love 16
Just now, Spike said:

She said she did but no longer does.

Sure, when the money stops and then the love stops. 

I have tried to explain this to my husband countless times, lol!

5 minutes ago, b2H said:

Avery could very easily manage this.

You really think so? Your friend has an education, had some inkling of what it would be like living there, I am sure she researched it, had a place to live arranged before she got there, planned for her life there...we are talking about Avery now, she is not a planner.

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28 minutes ago, BallisticNikki said:

No, some twins continue to play out dominance roles or superiority/inferiority complexes their entire lives based upon which twin was delivered first/last.

This is so true.  I'm currently dating a twin (they're fraternal and don't look alike at all) and I never realized that these dynamics play out throughout their lives.  Obviously he's not at the Darcy/Stacy level, but it is eye opening and interesting, and sometimes really frustrating.  And we're not talking about young guys, they're over 50.  Mine's not the dominant one, but he's a real sweetie. 

  • Love 1

Gah, gas lighting Jesse sucks so fucking hard.  I'm sure Darcy is a pill, but fuck off already. Take your Osh Gosh B'gosh vest with you.  

I giggle to think about how grossed out Jesse was by Angela.  Before anything even happened, he visibly cringed when she hugged him.  Not who he wanted at his defense, FOR SURE.  Angela is so freaking gross, my god.  Seeing as her entire life is a Jerry Springer show, someone should have thrown a chair at that shit-head.  She made my blood boil.  She's a huge (metaphorical and physical) bully.  

Aww shit, I just saw the clip with him and the old folks.  I cannot.  I am laughing so hard.  I love old people, I work with them myself, but they looked bored as shit.  Also, him at dinner with those "friends" (actors)....he really needs to work on their acting skills because they could barely control their eye-rolls.  

Edited by Bugfrey Von
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