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S04.E03: Unhinged

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Ugh Kate with the monologue to the neighbor.  I knew right away it was a mobility issue for him.  You’re not the only one with problems!

and she has no right to be mad at Toby for what he said.

ive always loved kid Kevin.  Love how he looks at the others to see if they’re laughing at arsenio, too.

i didn’t get what was funny about Kevin’s AA speech?  Was nice to see Nicky smile though.

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8 minutes ago, ams1001 said:

I never watched Psych but just looked him up and he was King Richard in Galavant!

Much love for Galavant and Timothy was amazing in it.  So glad he's doing better.

This episode was...odd.  At least we knew that Kevin has always been there when Randall has his freakouts like in season 1.  But there was something about it I didn't like and I can't figure out what. 

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4 minutes ago, BuckeyeLou said:

Toby did look sharp in that suit(meeting with the clients).  Has Chris Sullivan lost weight in real life?  

I think they had padding on him at the beginning?   I’m not a Toby fan but I like how he deftly dealt with the table issue

1 minute ago, tomsmom said:

Ok how about....

Toby: I have a bad back and need to sit at a table.

Instead of the lobster bisque bullshit.


Ha, true.  And what Kate said just made it more awkward.  Even though she was trying to be lighthearted.

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The young sibling bonding was soooo good. 

The initial scenes with Nicky and the first doctor were so touching. I think the storyline between Miguel and Jack existed when Nicky is on the show to show that Jack found a new brother. Miguel came to Jack’s rescue when Jack is normally portrayed as the hero.

Edited by memememe76
  • Love 24
8 minutes ago, tennisgurl said:

The stuff with Arsenio was another kind of follow up with last week and Randall feeling like he isnt "black" enough, even stumbling when he excitedly meets his new black teacher and doesent get the reference to Arsenio. 

It was really awesome to see how this episode connected to The Pool scenes last episode, not just with the callback that they literally make with the Kid Three talking about what happened at The Pool, but with Kevin's character progression (unless I am forgetting a previous moment, this should mark the first time that Kevin ended up really being there for Randall for selfless reasons, and by coincidence, it's during his first panic attack!) and it was just a really nice thing to see. 

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So...why is the unhinged door a FIRE hazzard?  I agree that it's dagerous.  It may be a tripping hazzard or a fall-over-and-smash-you-on-the head hazzard, but how does the door become more flammable when it's off the hinges?  Just wondering.  

I really liked this episode, especially young Kevin riding his bike to school to help young Randall and Kate walking with cranky stroke guy.  All of the sibling bonding this episode was great.

Edited by LavenderSunset
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12 minutes ago, LavenderSunset said:

So...why is the unhinged door a FIRE hazzard?  I agree that it's dagerous.  It may be a tripping hazzard or a fall-over-and-smash-you-on-the head hazzard, but how does the door become more flammable when it's off the hinges?  Just wondering.  

I don't know that it's a hazard in itself, but being able to close it may slow the spread of a fire. Also if the door is just sitting there leaning against the wall it could fall and obstruct an evacuation route. So not necessarily a "hazard" but a violation of the fire code, most likely.

Edited by ams1001
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59 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

As for Cassidy...I have decided that I'd much rather see her in a plot with Nicky, rather than Kevin. Seeing her and Nicky laughing at Kevin was hilarious and I realize that I don't actually want Cassidy to be Kevin's baby mama. I don't like Cassidy enough, at the moment. She's alright, but kind of bland. 

Both Kevins got some really fantastic character progression. And that Kid Three bonding moment was awesome. That has to be the first time we've seen the three of the kids really connect. I attribute a lot of that to Kevin's realization last episode and how that is changing him into the Kevin we know and love today. 

I was surprised that there even was a possibility that Cassidy could connect with Kevin because I assumed she was brought into the show to connect with Nicky. 

That young Kevin is just adorable and his acting is spot on. The way he handled the signing of that paper was remarkable. 

  • Love 15

It was nice to see most of the characters being so reasonable. Kate of seasons 1 and 2 would have thrown a fit over Toby's deception, but she handled this fairly calmly, with a decent amount of self-awareness.

And young Kevin making an effort to help Randall is huge. It's a shame things will go downhill between them not long from now in high school, to the point where Kevin will flat-out ignore one of Randall's anxiety attacks. But that's adolescence for you.

My only objections are that 1) Cassidy seemed overly rude, and I'm not buying that Kevin would be so entranced by her, and 2) I don't buy for a second that Randall would believe that the school would make an exception to its obvious dress code because Air Jordans are cool.

  • Love 19

I see everybody here ready to pat young Kevin on the back for finally trying to be a decent brother but don't forget that up until that point he had pretty much always been a jerk to Randall and will continue to be until they're adults.

I feel bad for young Randall he is really struggling with his identity. Feeling like you don't know who you are or where you fit has to be scary.

I'm not interested in Kevin and this Cassie or the uncle for that matter.

There is going to be a lot of drama over Deja and that boy I can see it coming. But I like that he was honest with her about the baby and Deja and Tess being sisterly. 

Oh and i've never liked Kate at all so...

Edited by mommalib
  • Love 8

I was getting mad at Kate for her reaction to Toby’s weight loss, but am happy where it ended; with her, the neighbor, baby Jack and Audio(still an awesome name) going for a walk.

Really liked Kevin, Nicky and Cassidy cracking up. Hartley and Morrison have a charm in their lighter moments that came through in that scene.

Loved the sibling scenes. Always love some Big Three moments and enjoyed Deja and Tess talking.

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I know Kate has a lot going on, but when her neighbor first confronted her about the car on the sidewalk, he had his cane, so it wasn't hard to figure out why he was upset. To me it was another example of Kate being all about herself and her problems.

The scene at the restaurant was so contrived. I'm in the tech industry, and would find it extremely unprofessional if a sales executive brought their spouse to a work dinner. Sales dinners are meant to woo clients, so you bring along someone like a solutions consultant or account manager to show the client that they will be in good hands after they sign the deal. And you can't tell me that Kate's self-pitying presence is so charming that it makes people buy database solutions.

When Kevin was going on and on about turning down movies and "jowl city", I was wondering if it's acceptable to mock someone in an AA meeting. Then Cassidy and Nicky started laughing and the meeting leader admonished them, so I guess it's not acceptable.

The kid Big Three story was centered around Randall and Kevin, but there was a throwaway moment when Kate hopped on the scale after doing the workout video with Rebecca, and her face crumpled, that broke my heart. It's such a kid thing to think that if you do something to lose weight you will see instant results.

  • Love 16
3 hours ago, Unraveled said:

Apparently, he had been wearing a fat suit. I assume this is his natural body, or at least closer to what he looked like in the beginning.

Watch the first episode of stranger things. He plays a chef that befriends eleven (the mysterious main character). That's his normal body. He's really more tall and stocky than he's ever been fat. Which is why I was confused when I first started watching this.

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It’s always nice when the Pearsons have to realize that other people in the world have real problems. I was ready to roll my eyes out of my head when Kate started going off about her bad day on the neighbor (my husband is losing weight and getting healthier!).   I was incredibly relieved when he shut her down and made her realize it could be a lot worse.  Their “meanest gang in the neighborhood” walk was nice, I hope we see a lot more of the neighbor. 

Kevin is the only character on this show who consistently shows growth.  He’s still a jackass sometimes but they make it a point to show him making steps to change and do better by people.  Some episodes are better at showing that than others but Kate and Randall are consistently themselves and don’t make any real attempts to better themselves for the poor souls around them. 

Edited by Spencer Hastings
  • Love 22

Timothy Omundson! He seems to be doing well! YAY!

4 hours ago, ErinV said:

Ugh Kate with the monologue to the neighbor.  I knew right away it was a mobility issue for him.  You’re not the only one with problems!

and she has no right to be mad at Toby for what he said.

ive always loved kid Kevin.  Love how he looks at the others to see if they’re laughing at arsenio, too.

i didn’t get what was funny about Kevin’s AA speech?  Was nice to see Nicky smile though.

I found it entertaining that Kevin's biggest worry wasn't his sobriety, but whether or not in 11 years he'll just be stuck doing AARP commercials - when other people there probably have to worry about making enough to pay their rent, or fulfilling requirements to see their kids, etc.

  • Love 23
20 minutes ago, bros402 said:

Timothy Omundson! He seems to be doing well! YAY!

I found it entertaining that Kevin's biggest worry wasn't his sobriety, but whether or not in 11 years he'll just be stuck doing AARP commercials - when other people there probably have to worry about making enough to pay their rent, or fulfilling requirements to see their kids, etc.

Yep.  Cassidy has real person concerns.  Even her marriage broke up she lived in a household where an unexpected $1200 expense put a serious strain on her finances.  Compared to that a rich Hollywood actor worrying that in a decade he’ll be put out to pasture and why stay sober must sound pretty funny.

  • Love 12

Jesus, Kevin, if you don't want a role in the next Spike Jonze movie, I will take it.

Having said that, while his kvetching in his AA share was annoyingly lacking in self-awareness in that very particularly obnoxious Pearson way, it is pretty verboten to laugh at/mock, essentially, someone's share openly while that person is sharing in most 12-step meetings.  I mean, just because Kevin's problems seem privileged and specious to you, Cassidy, that doesn't mean they're not real for him and deserve your open derision.  What a dickhead.  And I don't buy that Kevin, or anyone, would find her anything other than cruel after that.  Thanks for making me hate your desired coupling right from the get-go, show.

God, Cassidy sucks, y'all.

Loved all of the sibling scenes, loved the bro scenes, hated all of the goddamn speechifying.

Bernice, hon, you and your uppity ass also suck.


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Am I the only one who thinks the show has gone downhill this season?  Three episodes and I have had no emotional reaction to any of them.  I could care less about the new characters that the writers wasted the premiere to introduce and now, two of them have no current story lines.  Speaking of which ... haven’t we all see the alcoholic army vet with PTSD and the teenaged baby daddy before?  Like everywhere on TV, movies, etc?  They couldn’t have come up with something more original?  The pacing is so slow and the scenes seem disjointed.  For a series that started with such a novel concept, WTF is going on with all the cliches?  I’m wondering if they got a new show runner or head writer or ... something?  This show, which was my favorite, is rapidly jumping the shark for me ... disappointing!

  • Love 8

I liked a lot of this episode. Nicky and therapist at the start were really good, I like that he put Jack's picture on his fridge too.

I'm glad Randall didn't fire Jae Won, I also thought it was fun that his "proposal" he wanted to talk about was a marriage one, I wasn't expecting that. As for the open door policy for one day a week I don't think there is anything wrong with that, though with some provisos, firstly Randall taking note of these issues is good, but he shouldn't be making any promises about actually being able to change anything, because Bernice is right that he will need support else where to make some changes. Secondly they should really be having a time limit, say 15 mins with maybe flexibility to stretch to 20, but that last guy he was in there for over 40 mins, that's too much, even if he hadn't drinks arranged, he could have been having family time.

The sibling bonding was all really good, I liked Kevin coming to Randall's aid and Tess and Deja's talk. As for Kate I thought she handled Toby's news a lot better than she would have in earlier seasons, she was just a bit thrown and had to take some time to herself, nothing wrong with that. I like the friendship she is developing with neighbour too.

  • Love 18
1 hour ago, ChattyCathyLA said:

Am I the only one who thinks the show has gone downhill this season?  Three episodes and I have had no emotional reaction to any of them.  I could care less about the new characters that the writers wasted the premiere to introduce and now, two of them have no current story lines.  Speaking of which ... haven’t we all see the alcoholic army vet with PTSD and the teenaged baby daddy before?  Like everywhere on TV, movies, etc?  They couldn’t have come up with something more original?  The pacing is so slow and the scenes seem disjointed.  For a series that started with such a novel concept, WTF is going on with all the cliches?  I’m wondering if they got a new show runner or head writer or ... something?  This show, which was my favorite, is rapidly jumping the shark for me ... disappointing!

I'm hoping the teenage dad will take a more interesting turn. I can't help seeing in my mind his grandfather rubbing his arm in the car and Malik making fun of his "age" thinking it was muscle ache. I'm thinking heart since it's a TV drama and he wont have a union job or probably a job with benefits for being out.  So that brings the seeing bills and needing a "quick buck" I hope not, but gives him an excuse for doing something stupid.

I'm curious to see where they go with Cassie. Is it really her just helping Nicky and Kevin gets close to her? I would have liked more of a cousin angle. But she has to help one of them to the the stranger who changes you, so time will tell.

Love the interactions with younger kids and the note forging. : )  First panic attack of many to come sadly.  I also wish Rebecca caught Kate on the scale. Maybe she could have educated many that no DVD or program works for everyone and even adults believe the 6 pack ab commercials in 3 wks although they don't know your weight or genes. Yes, it starts young but many adults run to the scale too after a workout to see miracles or water loss.

I also hope the walking will slowly show Kate losing weight and taking care of herself. I'm also so glad Toby reminded Kate and viewers about his heart attack (and depression) and this is not just a good thing but maybe will save his life.

Edited by debraran
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