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2019 Auditions, Finals, and Training Camp Spoilers

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7 hours ago, kalibean said:

@ShellyB - I think what @DCC fan in KY was asking was how many All Stars have been used at one time as a sub for a particular performance.  IE, have more than two ever been used in a pre-game performance?  The total number of All-Stars seems consistent, but sometimes none are needed for a game, sometimes two, maybe more?  Yikes, that would be a tough day for injuries on the regular squad!  

Yes that's exactly it! You tagged the wrong DCCFanInKy though :-).  I was asking what the record was for number of allstars filling in for a single performance was.  I agree, it could get quite hairy the more of the regular squad that was out!

Edited by DCCFanInKy
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32 minutes ago, Blue hues said:

So is this the official reveal of the photo?  I thought only the TPTB were the only ones to introduce the pic?  Or do the Kalinas play by their own rules?

Those are some strong genetics at work.  Or they all go to the same cosmetic dentist.

On the Gina pic: DCC please listen.  If these girls get any skinnier, we are going to start a telethon to feed them.  Like "bring a canned item to feed a cheerleader or they may start dropping dead on the fifty yard line.  And it's not Veruca's turns taking them out!"  Every year in America, a DCC dies from hunger...

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3 hours ago, Bellisima08 said:

OK, K&J when you can count the ribs of the cheerleaders, they are TOO THIN. This is crossing into scary territory.

I couldn’t help but notice that’s Gina overly edits her photos and makes herself appear even thinner than she actually is. 

Notice the difference between these two

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5 minutes ago, one2three said:

I couldn’t help but notice that’s Gina overly edits her photos and makes herself appear even thinner than she actually is. 

Notice the difference between these two

I know someone who does do that !! Her pictures she posts look way different then what she looks like in person 

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Just now, Holly85 said:

I know someone who does do that !! Her pictures she posts look way different then what she looks like in person 

EXcept you can still count Gina's ribs on the side of her body.  I'm not saying that it's not edited a bit but the top picture's text is helping obscure the ribs you can still count.

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14 minutes ago, one2three said:

I couldn’t help but notice that’s Gina overly edits her photos and makes herself appear even thinner than she actually is. 

Notice the difference between these two

Gee, the fact that she edits a photo where she is incredibly skinny to make herself appear even skinnier is so sad.  Please DCC, help these women with body image and STOP focusing so much on weight!!!

Also- can they please fix ALL the shorts? Anyone else get annoyed now that we are always seeing the tops of the tights poking out above the belt buckle? Would an extra inch up top be that bad??? 

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2 minutes ago, omgtv said:

Gee, the fact that she edits a photo where she is incredibly skinny to make herself appear even skinnier is so sad.  Please DCC, help these women with body image and STOP focusing so much on weight!!!

Also- can they please fix ALL the shorts? Anyone else get annoyed now that we are always seeing the tops of the tights poking out above the belt buckle? Would an extra inch up top be that bad??? 

The shorts are starting to look like striperwear, especially on some of the girls who are "fat" enough to actually have a butt.  During a fitting on PlutoTV,  they held the measuring scale up and there were just under 4 inches of material on someone.  4 inches.  I agree the tights sticking out are tacky.

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41 minutes ago, one2three said:

I couldn’t help but notice that’s Gina overly edits her photos and makes herself appear even thinner than she actually is. 

Notice the difference between these two

Yikes she just got knocked down so many pegs in my book.. Cant respect someone who changes the way their body is shaped, especially when they have young girls looking up to them. Not ok. Bye Gina. 

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It sounds like Gina has body dysmorphia and likely an eating disorder. Someone who loves her needs to get her help. EDs are not a joke. People die from them every day. Gina is not at fault for this either. She needs love and support at this time.

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1 hour ago, one2three said:

I couldn’t help but notice that’s Gina overly edits her photos and makes herself appear even thinner than she actually is. 

Notice the difference between these two

Is it possible the one posted by the DCC is the one edited to make Gina appear less skeletal?  

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9 minutes ago, KatieC said:

Is it possible the one posted by the DCC is the one edited to make Gina appear less skeletal?  

Over the summer, they posted a photo of Daphne on Facebook when they were on the calendar shoot. She honestly looked like a starvation victim. You could tell the photo had not been retouched.Comments went wild on it (about how scary thin she was) and within a half hour, the photo disappeared and was replaced with another one of her that had definitely been fixed up to make her look less skeletal. Pretty sure something of that sort is taking place here with Gina as well.

I had issues with eating or rather not eating when I was in college. I managed to move on from that, but still have horrible body dysmorphia. What I see in a mirror is not what the truth really is. I have to rely upon my scale, fit of my clothes and others to give me the true picture of what my body looks like.

With the amount of young girls they have in their cheerleader camps, etc. TPTB need to think about what kind of role models they are putting in front of these girls IMO. Slender is one thing, skeletal is another.

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3 minutes ago, Agent Gully said:

Over the summer, they posted a photo of Daphne on Facebook when they were on the calendar shoot. She honestly looked like a starvation victim. You could tell the photo had not been retouched.Comments went wild on it (about how scary thin she was) and within a half hour, the photo disappeared and was replaced with another one of her that had definitely been fixed up to make her look less skeletal. Pretty sure something of that sort is taking place here with Gina as well.

I had issues with eating or rather not eating when I was in college. I managed to move on from that, but still have horrible body dysmorphia. What I see in a mirror is not what the truth really is. I have to rely upon my scale, fit of my clothes and others to give me the true picture of what my body looks like.

With the amount of young girls they have in their cheerleader camps, etc. TPTB need to think about what kind of role models they are putting in front of these girls IMO. Slender is one thing, skeletal is another.

It’s so sad to see her that skinny !! Especially when there are ladies on the team that have a fuller figure like Lexie 

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1 hour ago, one2three said:

I couldn’t help but notice that’s Gina overly edits her photos and makes herself appear even thinner than she actually is. 

Notice the difference between these two

I didn't even realize those were the same picture. You are so right, one is completely altered. Look how different her face looks too


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I just watched last week's episode and i can tell that Lauren and Bret has so much class and they are very mature women, i hope to see them both next year.

1- I already hater Cheryl, no one called out our girl Jalyn 😠

2- How in the world did Kat and Meredith made team (alternates BS, they have their cameos, squad photo, etc...)

3-Christina looked good in Charm's choreo, she killed it

4-I find Charm as a nice Judy, i didnt find her arrogant or anything negative, she just knows what she is doing.

PS: do we still hate VK ??

Edited by MadisonWu
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36 minutes ago, MadisonWu said:

1- I already hater Cheryl, no one called out our girl Jalyn 😠

PS: do we still hate VK ??

People always tell me I look like Cheryl Burke (I don’t see it, but whatevs) so by default I always liked her.... but now NO!  Jalyn is one of the best dancers they have!

And good question!?  Do we hate VK?  Haha She’s growing on me so my hate is just a mild dislike these days 😂😂😂

Can MTT buy the rights to some of their signature songs already?  Lol Watching some of the old seasons, and the music is AWFUL!  I hope this year we can actual see Thunder actually danced to Thunderstruck  🙏🏽🤗

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Wow 😞 Gina's edited photo is sad, she must not be able to see that she is totally gorgeous without face tune!! She is already thin and then pinching her waist in even more just looks disastrous. She is one of my favorites and if she really does have this disordered thinking and body dysmorphia, I hope she is able to get help.

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Ok now that someone has pointed it out, it's become so obvious! I can't believe I didn't notice it before. It's very sad. Her waist in this photo looks very deformed. Especially with Daphne in the background..

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8 hours ago, one2three said:

I couldn’t help but notice that’s Gina overly edits her photos and makes herself appear even thinner than she actually is. 

Notice the difference between these two

No, Gina did not edit that photo; the top photo posted by the DCC is clearly the edited one, to make her look better.

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Just now, PrincessLeia said:

I hope it is because it means she’s not as scary skinny as I thought. 

Not that I'm any expert, but if you look at the way her waist curves looks like it's drawn in, almost cartoonish.


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On 9/8/2019 at 3:52 PM, DCCFanInKy said:

Which group is this? Don't think I've seen this routine/heard this song before...

Lisa's hispanic ?(if this has been covered I haven't seen it) ^^^

What have they done to Hannah's hair? Looks orange!

DCCFanInKY this is the song you asked about.  I believe I first saw it when they performed last year at Oxnard.

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14 hours ago, TB12 said:

I'm mature enough to say Veruca looks great in this pic, that being said... i'll never believe she earned those boots nor will i believe she'll maintain her weight or dance to what the DCC standards used to be. You could've put so many other girls from tryouts in the uniform, blown out their hair and put them on the field and they would've looked better and 1000% outperformed her...  


Sorry but Victoria has been killing in training camp so far this season and staying out of camera shot comments - like her so much better this year.  As for show group and a veteran not making it back on ....  its not the first time its happened  If you are out danced and dont bring your A game to an audition ... that is just bad circumstance..... Amanda Victoria and Lisa are powerhouse dancers and it shows.   

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25 minutes ago, Fwcowboysfan said:

Lol. Victoria is not better than Jalyn. She just has better connections.  

There were retired Veterans (Kashara/Kelli) that left spots to take on show group ... it was Jalyn's spot to lose to a rookie or another vet ... I am waiting to see this weeks show to see how it came about she did not make it on beside the hear say on the board.

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11 hours ago, one2three said:

I couldn’t help but notice that’s Gina overly edits her photos and makes herself appear even thinner than she actually is. 

Notice the difference between these two

Maybe its the Mom in me, but now I'm even more concerned with her. If she feels the need to edit that much to look even more skinny, its borderline body image issues. I'm no Doc, but just the first thing that come into my head.

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1 hour ago, Fwcowboysfan said:

Lol. Victoria is not better than Jalyn. She just has better connections.  

Exactly we can all agree to disagree where Veruca is concerned... 

14 hours ago, heckkitty said:

I’m gonna go with very bad wig. 

I hope that shit is secure on her head can you imagine if it came off during the kickline!!!

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13 hours ago, Blue hues said:

So is this the official reveal of the photo?  I thought only the TPTB were the only ones to introduce the pic?  Or do the Kalinas play by their own rules?

The Kalinas make the rules obvs...

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10 hours ago, NMDD43 said:

I didn't even realize those were the same picture. You are so right, one is completely altered. Look how different her face looks too


I can't get past the sharpie looking eyebrows can we please make microblading go away...

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39 minutes ago, cheeseslices said:

Maybe its the Mom in me, but now I'm even more concerned with her. If she feels the need to edit that much to look even more skinny, its borderline body image issues. I'm no Doc, but just the first thing that come into my head.

Ugh, stop photo shopping yourself! 

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13 hours ago, Blue hues said:

Whomever is in the bottom picture, has a case of underboob!  If the girls aren’t dealing with overflowing cups, now there’s overflow underneath?  Just waiting fo a wardrobe malfunction!  Has that ever happened?  When and to whom?  I can’t even imagine J and K’ reaction!

Years ago Andrea Ulmer (who used to do some of their choreography) had a wardrobe malfunction in New York.  Her zipper was down during a performance.  She said businessmen had these looks on their faces while staring at that area.  She looked down and was so embarrassed.   I didn't even know they had zippers on the front of the shorts until then.  I knew that back in the 70s, they had zippers in the back, though.

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51 minutes ago, Weeklydcc said:

Years ago Andrea Ulmer (who used to do some of their choreography) had a wardrobe malfunction in New York.  Her zipper was down during a performance.  She said businessmen had these looks on their faces while staring at that area.  She looked down and was so embarrassed.   I didn't even know they had zippers on the front of the shorts until then.  I knew that back in the 70s, they had zippers in the back, though.

Well if there is a zipper in the front, it is like what?  1/2 inch long???????

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4 hours ago, PhillyFan said:

No, Gina did not edit that photo; the top photo posted by the DCC is clearly the edited one, to make her look better.

Yeah that’s what I think too. Most “amateur’ photoshoppers trying to make themselves thinner are too obvious as they end up distorting the image.

3 hours ago, lah715 said:

Sorry but Victoria has been killing in training camp so far this season and staying out of camera shot comments - like her so much better this year.  As for show group and a veteran not making it back on ....  its not the first time its happened  If you are out danced and dont bring your A game to an audition ... that is just bad circumstance..... Amanda Victoria and Lisa are powerhouse dancers and it shows.   

I think we’ve established that a vet ‘losing’ her SG spot has happened only once in the history of the show at least? Doesn’t seem too common.

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5 minutes ago, dreamcatcher said:

Yeah that’s what I think too. Most “amateur’ photoshoppers trying to make themselves thinner are too obvious as they end up distorting the image.

I think we’ve established that a vet ‘losing’ her SG spot has happened only once in the history of the show at least? Doesn’t seem too common.

Okay thanks ... I will have look that up myself 🙂

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13 hours ago, one2three said:

I couldn’t help but notice that’s Gina overly edits her photos and makes herself appear even thinner than she actually is. 

Notice the difference between these two

Where are her eye balls?  It looks like she doesn't have eyes.  I barely wear any eye shadow so I can't wrap my head around wearing so much make up that your eye sockets appear hollow.  

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7 minutes ago, dreamcatcher said:

Yeah that’s what I think too. Most “amateur’ photoshoppers trying to make themselves thinner are too obvious as they end up distorting the image.

I think we’ve established that a vet ‘losing’ her SG spot has happened only once in the history of the show at least? Doesn’t seem too common.

One other note ... Kashara / Kelli  / Kahlyn retired ... there were other spots to be taken and not just a simple VK against Jalyn.   I myself would like know the ranking ... we will see this week what happened ... I see (which is a rare view on this board LOL)  that VK reeled in her outbursts this season and is working hard.  Also  Cassie was not on show group her rookie year (I think) ... looks like she barely made the team ... .. just another observation that all is not nepotism  🙂 

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35 minutes ago, lah715 said:

One other note ... Kashara / Kelli  / Kahlyn retired ... there were other spots to be taken and not just a simple VK against Jalyn.   I myself would like know the ranking ... we will see this week what happened ... I see (which is a rare view on this board LOL)  that VK reeled in her outbursts this season and is working hard.  Also  Cassie was not on show group her rookie year (I think) ... looks like she barely made the team ... .. just another observation that all is not nepotism  🙂 

If it’s true that VK got Jalyn into trouble, then yes she is directly related to this. Otherwise, yes I agree it’s not like Jalyn lost out specifically to VK. However, the 2 other rookies and the vets who got into sg for the first time are all deserving. VK will never outdance someone like Jalyn considering that her technique is a mess and she can hardly dance in her own space.

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For whoever was missing the Makeovers 

16 minutes ago, dreamcatcher said:

If it’s true that VK got Jalyn into trouble, then yes she is directly related to this.

I find it hard to believe that Kelli approves of "tattling".  JMO....

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9 minutes ago, DCCFanInKy said:

For whoever was missing the Makeovers 

I find it hard to believe that Kelli approves of "tattling".  JMO....

Tattling is actually required based on both inside info we’ve gotten in the past and the whole jenna/holly thing. Even if it wasn’t ‘approved’, well I guess lying isn’t approved either but they seem to accept it if it comes from vk...

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3 minutes ago, dreamcatcher said:

Tattling is actually required based on both inside info we’ve gotten in the past and the whole jenna/holly thing. Even if it wasn’t ‘approved’, well I guess lying isn’t approved either but they seem to accept it if it comes from vk...

Pretty sad that tattling and lying are "approved" from such a "World Class" organization.

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12 minutes ago, DCCFanInKy said:

For whoever was missing the Makeovers 

I find it hard to believe that Kelli approves of "tattling".  JMO....

I have no doubt that Kelly approves of tattling -- its the way she is kept informed of what goes on with the team -- The rumor was the Cassie excelled at it.

Couple of examples Minchew and Gina getting called out for being plastic and having RBF.

Having said that -- if the girls aren't supposed to approach the K/J directly whatever is going on is probably filtered through the group leaders.

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