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2019 Auditions, Finals, and Training Camp Spoilers

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So in watching the episode there were a few things that struck me. First I was really surprised that they didn't show the presentation of the Barbies at the training camp meeting. I know it must have been filmed because at one point they were sitting and there were no Barbies and then there was a cut to Kelli talking and when they cut back to the girls, I could see some of them holding the doll boxes. I was looking forward to seeing what their reasoning was or what they said about VK as they gave it to her.

That personality test was something else. I really think they should have made everyone do it there in the meeting right away. The girls getting to do it in a less-official setting gave them a chance to relax & figure out the best (and maybe not the truest) answer to give. I mean we saw with VK how she was clearly not going with what her real response would be, but rather the answer she figured they wanted to hear.

The scoring thing was interesting to see although it really highlighted how some of the girls made it in by the skin of their teeth. Cough...Kat & Christina...cough! And it showed that all of the judges drank the VK kool-aid because most of them know her history and saw her fall out of her turn at the auditions so logically there should have been at least a maybe or two in there, not yes all around.

In watching the practice I felt so bad for Gina Marie because she was just so out of her depth and you could see it in her eyes. Plus she looked so young next to a lot of the others I actually thought she was going to be cut the 2nd night when they called her into the office.

I actually thought this episode was a little underwhelming. The dancing just kind of blended all together & the guest choreographer wasn't that impressive. Maybe it was just because it was the first episode after the excitement of auditions. Oh well. Onward & hopefully upward!

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27 minutes ago, Bellisima08 said:

The scoring thing was interesting to see although it really highlighted how some of the girls made it in by the skin of their teeth. 

I rewatched the episode and it confirms for me that Kelli prides herself on “fixing” the girls not already in the top 36 so she can pat herself on the back that she “made” them into top 36.  Maybe it’s ego on her part, or perhaps she thinks it makes good television.  But it seems she focuses on the struggling girls, and she nudges and provides feedback every step of the way, and “oh look - she made it!” All the while several other girls who have been strong from the start (but maybe never top of the class) never hear a peep, and then end up cut the last days of training camp.  She does this every season.  

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7 hours ago, PrincessLeia said:

So I’ve watched the most recent episode again and I can’t believe Christina made this team. She should’ve been cut along with Gabby and that other girl from UCLA should’ve gone to TC. How in the world does Christina make this team but Julia Fife doesn’t? That’s some bullshit right there. I’m not a Christina hater.... she’s just not very good. 

I don’t understand either..how do you go from being ranked 27 out of 45 girls and then get cut?  

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12 minutes ago, klh25 said:

I don’t understand either..how do you go from being ranked 27 out of 45 girls and then get cut?   

I can think of lots of reasons that don't have anything to do with being an amazing performer. Can't learn/retain choreo fast enough. Had a bad attitude. Did something to turn people off. Turned up late for something.  Bad rumors caught up with you. I'm not saying Julia is any of those, I'm talking in general. It's easy to put on your best face during auditions, but true colors come out during the weeks of training camp.

Edited by sleepyjean
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5 hours ago, BeverlyHills said:

I feel bad for Kristen and I’m shocked they allowed her cameo to look like this!  Look at the tones of her thighs vs calves. It makes no sense unless the pic she posted is just odd lighting?  Looks like her tights are two different shades.  


Weird lighting aside, I don't like her cameo or bad reenactment. Her figure is not up to par.

2 hours ago, sleepyjean said:

I have this one too! I'm in uniform, lined up with everyone to take the field, thinking "I wasn't at rehearsal, what am I going to do?" When I'm stressed I get that one, and the one where I have a big college exam I didn't study for.

The crazy thing is they are (a tiny bit) bigger now then they were. During the Cassie years the shorts were ridiculous. Look at Brooke and Ally!


Haha! I love that we have similar dreams!

Ally's shorts are barely longer than her fist 😮

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@ShellyB do you know why they stopped taking a group photo of the show group each year? Would love to see those again, even if the girls are in uniform and not in the variety show costumes.

And can you tell us if they did photos of each group in uniform this year, like they've done in the past? I would love to see those on social media or the dc website.

Edited by sleepyjean
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2 hours ago, PunchPowerPop said:

Savannah looking 🔥 and gettin it! I agree that some of the sideline vids are a little lackluster but I give them more of a break for that...it would be hard to dance excitedly for hours and hours straight. TS is a different story...like get your act together when you're actually center stage. 


I had to watch this, because I think Savannah's dancing is actually the worst on the team. I was so excited to see her be in sync.

I was sorely disappointed because you can only see her. She looked great, but was she chasing the choreo, as usual?

I was equally shocked at her perfect score at auditions.  Do no judges go to the games? Does peformance throughout the season not matter?

Every single video I've seen of her with the squad (and there have been multiple), she has been noticeably off. WTF? How was she not cut? Much less a perfect score.

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I just have a few questions/ comments about this year's squad.

1.) Everyone that received a Barbie in this year's TC made the team. Does anyone know how often that happen's? Or even the last time it happened?  How long has it been since these Barbie's have been given out?

2.) A lot of people have commented that Vic was moved to Group 4, but I didn't see anyone comment that Jaylyn was moved to Group 3. I remember Tess posting something earlier this year that she was kidnapping VK, I wonder if that had anything to do with VK now being in her Group. Tess also commented that she knew Victoria would end up in her group. 

They also moved Savannah to Group 2, from Group 1.  Where is Rachel A? Is she injured? Did she even perform with any Group? Is she someone that is just their in case another person get's injured, she can fill in? Just curious.

3.) Some people have commented about the Group Photo's.  Last year they did not post any of the squad photo's until after the last episode of DCC MTT. I also believe that's when the website was updated with all the new cameo pictures.

4.) Kristin's cameo pic only has the lighting on her legs, due to the lighting that was inside the room.  I thought it was strange at first too, but after looking at some of the other pictures, it's how the light's are in the room, not from any camera's.

5.) Savannah look's pretty strong this year, but Christina looks lost. Also, Judy and Kelli have always been very strict on how the lines look during TS and I always wondered why. After seeing this year's video of TS, I know why- the lines look awful!

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So I just re-watched the 2nd Thunderstruck video....I hate to pick on her because she seems so loved by her students and her teammates but Amy even standing BEHIND Maddie, Lexie and Tess and NEXT to Gina is OFF. Like noticibly off in counts. This is the third time  now that this h as happened...I know she's the senior most vet, I know she also is responsible for teaching choreo but...how can they make her point  if she's noticibly messing up EVERY performance? 

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7 minutes ago, whosadcc said:

Where is Rachel A? Is she injured? Did she even perform with any Group? Is she someone that is just their in case another person get's injured, she can fill in? Just curious.

I'm assuming she's injured or something. Shelly said there was a reason why they took 37, so maybe she has something that will keep her from performing during football season. She was at meet the team (but didn't see her performing) since she posted a picture of getting treats from VK.

Did she perform with Queen? She didn't perform in CA, even though she's a member of SG.

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19 minutes ago, whosadcc said:

How long has it been since these Barbie's have been given out?

They have been giving them out every year since season 8 - at least, that's when I first saw the video of it.

19 minutes ago, whosadcc said:

2.) A lot of people have commented that Vic was moved to Group 4, but I didn't see anyone comment that Jaylyn was moved to Group 3. I remember Tess posting something earlier this year that she was kidnapping VK, I wonder if that had anything to do with VK now being in her Group. Tess also commented that she knew Victoria would end up in her group.  

They also moved Savannah to Group 2, from Group 1.  Where is Rachel A? Is she injured? Did she even perform with any Group? Is she someone that is just their in case another person get's injured, she can fill in? Just curious.

At one time, group 1 had 11 girls and the other groups had 9 or 10, but that was before they did the final cuts.   So they had to move girls around to even out the groups.   And this whole Rachel thing is just weird.  Shelly said we would find out why they have 37.  We might find out more at Thursday night's game or earlier when they post IG stories of practice.

24 minutes ago, whosadcc said:

4.) Kristin's cameo pic only has the lighting on her legs, due to the lighting that was inside the room.  I thought it was strange at first too, but after looking at some of the other pictures, it's how the light's are in the room, not from any camera's.

It's like when Miranda was standing next to the spotlights they had set up for Melissa R's Entertainment Tonight interview - some thought she had blonde highlights.  And Lisa's hair and top were a weird color cause of the lights.

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Also take this for what you will...according to that video, Amy is point for a grand total of: 20 seconds of a ten minute dance. Meanwhile Maddie is point for over a minute. Which really begs the question, why is Amy there at all? 20 seconds!

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2 hours ago, hypeman said:

I had to watch this, because I think Savannah's dancing is actually the worst on the team. I was so excited to see her be in sync.

I was sorely disappointed because you can only see her. She looked great, but was she chasing the choreo, as usual?

I was equally shocked at her perfect score at auditions.  Do no judges go to the games? Does peformance throughout the season not matter?

Every single video I've seen of her with the squad (and there have been multiple), she has been noticeably off. WTF? How was she not cut? Much less a perfect score.

She's looking awesome!

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5 hours ago, klh25 said:

Julia is gorgeous...Charlotte needs an eye test.  

I liked Julia also...I started following her on IG after she was cut & told her to come back & reaudition...like the other 1000 DMs she received...but she wrote me back & was very nice about it

Lisa blocked me....HaHa...OMG...TOTALLY KIDDING...Lisa DID NOT block me


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A couple of comments and a question....

Kudos to Christina for a lovely kick! (I have to throw in some positive to combat the negative, lol!)

Savannah brings definite sex appeal to the team, even if not the strongest dancer. Plenty of fellows out there appreciate a sexy strawberry blonde. (Heck, my hubby married one, lol!)

Question: Have we determined that Rachel A. was not in TS in either the Meet the Team or pre-season game? Do we know if she is injured, or ....?


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Super early in the season I know. But now that the show is starting to get into training camp I can honestly say I really like

  • Lily
  • Kristin
  • Chandi
  • Kelcey (who I feel is going to be the underappreciated one. We do get one every year that wows us at award season, ya know 😉 )
  • Meredith
  • Amanda's cat

Still don't know what to make of Amanda, Taylor P (who I don't think I've heard talk once???), the "brand new" Victoria, Lisa or Kat (I know there are some who find her annoying, but I'm waiting to see more from her).

But anyways, wasn't that so nice of Jayln to give Kelcey and Shaina the keys to a dance studio? What a wonderful teammate and great ambassador for the organization. I'm sure she'll be repaid in full by K&J (hint, wink *rolls eyes*) UGH... 🙄 #showgroupgate

Edited by Lona
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2 minutes ago, Agent Gully said:

A couple of comments and a question....

Kudos to Christina for a lovely kick! (I have to throw in some positive to combat the negative, lol!)

Savannah brings definite sex appeal to the team, even if not the strongest dancer. Plenty of fellows out there appreciate a sexy strawberry blonde. (Heck, my hubby married one, lol!)

Question: Have we determined that Rachel A. was not in TS in either the Meet the Team or pre-season game? Do we know if she is injured, or ....?


Yessss! I am all for throwing in some positive!!! Good for you!

Christina also has a lovely clip from her Insta story from the game, and she looks adorable! (Sorry, I wasn't able to copy it) It looks as though she was featured several times on the big screen. Good for her!!

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2 hours ago, PrincessLeia said:

Meredith Madden is my new favorite rookie, I’ve decided. Simply because she’s so pretty. I get lost in her eyes. And her voice makes me want to take a Xanax and feel happy. 😂😂😂😂😂😂

She's soooo pretty!

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27 minutes ago, Lona said:

Super early in the season I know. But now that the show is starting to get into training camp I can honestly say I really like

  • Lily
  • Kristin
  • Chandi
  • Kelcey (who I feel is going to be the underappreciated one. We do get one every year that wows us at award season, ya know 😉 )
  • Meredith
  • Amanda's cat

Still don't know what to make of Amanda, Taylor P (who I don't think I've heard talk once???), the "brand new" Victoria, Lisa or Kat (I know there are some who find her annoying, but I'm waiting to see more from her).

But anyways, wasn't that so nice of Jayln to give Kelcey and Shania the keys to a dance studio? What a wonderful teammate and great ambassador for the organization. I'm sure she'll be repaid in full by K&J (hint, wink *rolls eyes*) UGH... 🙄 #showgroupgate

His name is Gatsby! 😀

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3 hours ago, DCCKnowItAll said:

First time posting, I usually just lurk lol I didn’t see anyone post this, but here is pregame from yesterday’s game 

I can just hear Judy screaming 'LINES'...lol

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26 minutes ago, Tootie said:

His name is Gatsby! 😀

Hah! I liked Amanda immediately for her warmth and bubbly personality and for being a good cat Mommy. And since my horse is named Gatsby, too, I think I like both of them even more. 🙂

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2 minutes ago, Leia1021 said:

Hah! I liked Amanda immediately for her warmth and bubbly personality and for being a good cat Mommy. And since my horse is named Gatsby, too, I think I like both of them even more. 🙂

Good to meet another horsewoman (or horseman!). I automatically like people who love their pets, so I like Amanda also!

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3 hours ago, YellowRose said:


Savannah also looks amazing here! And it's awesome to see Molly who looks amazing as well!! So awesome to see these two shine... and be featured!

Where did these two fall on that leader board? 

They were two out of 16 vets with perfect scores. Savannah being the fifth and Molly being the seventh.

Edited by CowboysFanatic
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On 8/24/2019 at 11:11 AM, sATL said:

how tall is VK?

I see the "NORTH" was shorted to "N" on Kat's locker . what they ran out of letters? Couldn't be space if she is still going by "Kat". 

Is there anyone from  MS or MA on the Team? Any pix of Brianna's locker nameplate?

It says "Briana  Tennessee"

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7 hours ago, DCCKnowItAll said:

First time posting, I usually just lurk lol I didn’t see anyone post this, but here is pregame from yesterday’s game 

Wow, this is pretty bad. Many people out of time, the lines are atrocious, , Lexie was slow on the entrance to the field, the women in the middle/back have way more energy than the ones up frontin TS. Kickline wasn't great either, looks like the start where Ashlee and Maddie are, the line was wobbly and so were their kicks. 

They need to majorly improve or there'll be about 10 people out there doing TS, rather than 37. Good job it's just pre-season! 

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2 hours ago, CowboysFanatic said:

They were two out of 16 vets with perfect scores. Savannah being the fifth and Molly being the seventh.

On 8/23/2019 at 3:29 PM, JerseyGirl said:

Screen shot of the top list:


I do not think the are ranked, but in order of their number that they had at audition's.  Here are the number's they had: 

Amy was #1

Heather was #5

Tess was #6 

Taylor J was #10

Savannah was #15

Lexie was # 16

Molly was #38

Rachel W. was #45

Ashlee was #46

Amber was #50

Caroline was #51

Bridget was #55

Madeline M was #56

Rachel A was #59

Gina was #75

Alanna was #76

Since VK is a rookie, I am going to assume that's why she is at the end.

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I know a lot of people on here have commented about the names with the states of where the girls are from and why they have it.  No, I'm not an insider. They may have wanted this for awhile, but may have found it more difficult as they had a few people from other countries.  Now that everyone on the team is from a US state, they may have decided to print the state names.  I'm assuming people that are on the tour's and the kid's camp's ask all the time where the girls are from.  It's a conversation starter!

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9 hours ago, DCCKnowItAll said:

First time posting, I usually just lurk lol I didn’t see anyone post this, but here is pregame from yesterday’s game 

Forgive me if I missed this on the boards, but did anyone figure who from the 37 is missing?  There are only 36 on the field.  And, interesting how the point changes from Amy to Maddie about 1/2 way through the routine.

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3 hours ago, CowboysFanatic said:

They were two out of 16 vets with perfect scores. Savannah being the fifth and Molly being the seventh.

I didn’t want to watch the episode or the clip as i’m avoiding the season and i know that’s not what your post about. But dear god, victoria literally said she has matured and improved and whatever? They’re trying extra hard this year aren’t they? 

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1 hour ago, whosadcc said:

I do not think the are ranked, but in order of their number that they had at audition's.  Here are the number's they had: 

Amy was #1

Heather was #5

Tess was #6 

Taylor J was #10

Savannah was #15

Lexie was # 16

Molly was #38

Rachel W. was #45

Ashlee was #46

Amber was #50

Caroline was #51

Bridget was #55

Madeline M was #56

Rachel A was #59

Gina was #75

Alanna was #76

Since VK is a rookie, I am going to assume that's why she is at the end.

Thanks for clarifying.

Well, what an honor to be in that top tier, perfect score group. I don't know much about how the judging goes- other than what I have learned from the show, but I am assuming that these scores come from the interviews, solo and field dancing, and a test?

I have seen many of these judges on the show for years. So, some of them have really gotten to know the girls for three, four, five years? They would probably notice if they return stronger or did not do as well as the year before. With these assumptions- these ladies are well-rounded- they can speak well, dance well, and if they do take a test and are making the high scores, they are also very intelligent young women. Seems to me they are the ones you want to represent the Cowboy brand. I am not understanding why some of them are not featured as much - through show group or leadership positions. But, maybe they are the ones that do more public appearances, they are more of an ambassador for the team. We just don't see that on the show.

Anyway, congrats to them!

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Pro Dance Cheer has some pics up from the game. The crappy jump split from up thread is there, and a version from a different angle that looks far better. That happened last year too; those side pictures tend to look like someone is about to break a leg. Maybe some kind of optical illusion. As per there usual, 50% of the pictures are Rachel W, because they’re in love with her. 

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