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Future Co-Hosts Talk and Speculation: Musical Chairs

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Actually, LuckyBitch, it WAS a novel concept.   And it turned into a wonderful ground-breaking show, many years ago, a show called The View. 

I wish that show was still on, instead of the current crapfest  that goes under the same name. 

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Yes, you're right, @backformore . The original concept was based on women of different backgrounds, but they also focused on the different ages (20's, 30's, 40's, etc.). The panel originally consisted of two journalists (Meredith and Barbara), a lawyer (Star), a comic (Joy), and a "young one" (Debbie).


I was just taking that concept a step further and saying I would like to see a panel consisting of a journalist, a lawyer, a doctor, a financial person, and maybe an entertainer. Their input on a variety of topics would be interesting. Also, instead of inane segments like "What's Popping", or whatever they call it, and reality show garbage, they could actually have the various co-hosts contribute to informative subjects based on their area of expertise. I could think of so many truly informative segments that the different professionals could do. 


But, the problem is that TPTB decided years ago that their audience is plain old stupid and uninterested. That's highly insulting and makes me want to personally deliver a big "Fuck You" to Bill Geddie.

Edited by LuckyBitch
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If only they could lean back to aspiring to have a bright, engaged audience.  I'll stop hammering at the Barnard student who I think would be a perfect representative of what young feminism looks like.  I think in a this platform she'd be very informative on subjects from a point of view we never see on the recent crap-fest that has been the view.  More in the Lisa Ling vein. 

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I like that idea,  CuriousParker...and she won't need Barbara's education to figure out how to promote herself, her products, her husband, her sons, and all their fabulous enterprises.  Yep, I'll vote for Mrs. Dr. Phil.

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@Jaded, how about Dr Phil's wife, Robin? hee.



I like that idea,  CuriousParker...and she won't need Barbara's education to figure out how to promote herself, her products, her husband, her sons, and all their fabulous enterprises.  Yep, I'll vote for Mrs. Dr. Phil.

Dr. Phub wouldn't leave his perch where he can shill in house as much as he wants for Robbin' Robin, family and friends without limits and she wouldn't leave him alone long enough to do a show without her. I don't think anyone has to worry about Mrs. Phub McGraw ever taking a permanent seat on The View since Phub's show is renewed through the 16'-17' season. The View more likely then not will be gone by then unless they do a complete overhaul and find some hosts that really make people want to start watching again.

Edited by Jaded
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TMZ is reporting Rosie's deal is far along and an announcement could be made tomorrow.  I think ABC is making the right choice, and I'll start watching again.  I completely stopped watching this last year.

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Wow, I'm surprised Rosie would consider returning, but I hope that, if she does, it is with the requirement that Bill Geddie is not on the set each day or actively controlling program content.

I still think that to make the show interesting and set it apart from other "fluff content" talk shows (which it has devolved I to the past 2 or 3 years) one or two of the cohosts need a strong news or legal background AND the ability to discuss things civilly and factually.

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Then we can all watch as Dr. Phil sits in the audience to support her.



...and he can wear a new outfit every day (EVERY DAY!) while he waits for Robin to come out to the audience, take him by the hand, and lead him away...away...away!

Edited by Former Nun
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I think it's a good move for Rosie.  It seems like none of the syndicated talk shows are making it, and as bitchy as BW always is I think she made a good point to the press once that Rosie has alienated too many station owners in the midwest to be successful in syndication again.  Wendy Williams is killing it, but she evidently really hustles and plays nice to those markets.

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I'm excited about Rosie O'Donnell, if it's true. I'd start watching for her. I think Amy Sedaris would be good, Kathy Griffin, Carson Kressley, Sarah Silverman, Wanda Sykes, maybe the one married to James Carville, for the obligatory conservative. I don't want Ann Coulter. Why do I keep reading Sarah Palin might be cast?  I think her drug issues might make the schedule too gruelling but a right-wing Paula Abdul type might work, I guess.  Sarah has this glazed over look in her eyes and her speech is often manically garbled - Adderall?  Cocaine?

Edited by Morrigan
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I'd like the moderator to be Connie Chung. She doesn't take herself too seriously but has a news background and most important can moderate!


I think Ananda Lewis of MTV fame would make a great addition as well...and stay with me Kennedy (also of MTV fame). She's a republican too. I think the 20 something should be an open audition.

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I'm excited about Rosie O'Donnell, if it's true. I'd start watching for her. I think Amy Sedaris would be good, Kathy Griffin,



Say no more, Morrigan.  Kathy Griffin!  What a coup that would be!  What a fabulous idea, considering her Hasselbeck History.  She's making big bucks doing  concerts all around the country; I doubt if she'd want to tie herself down.  Barbara doesn't really like her, although she claims to "love" her.  What people and what show throw that "love" around more?  

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OMG Kathy would be delicious.  I wouldn't mind Roseanne either - you need somebody pretty far out there to bother tuning in, and a good quipper -- either of those would float my boat!  Why give the insipid celebrity guests an easy time?  I wouldn't mind Joan Rivers if she weren't approaching senility.

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Joan would derail every conversation or "hot" topic with stupid jokes....and the last thing I need to see is another woman in the beginning stages of senility for several more years.

Kathy Griffin is worth a lot and I can't see her leaving LA to NYC with her Mom.

Seems social media, certain celebrities, the network are throwing out possibilities left and right - mostly hopefuls and mostly trying to up the ratings for the next month and especially next season.

I also think BW has little influence these days and if the rumors are true about Rosie then BG will be banned from the building.

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Re: that Daily Mail article, I can always tell whether a story on Rosie is positive or negative just by noting how attractive or scary she looks in the accompanying photo.  She looks beautiful in this one!

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Just happened to check TMZ and a few minutes ago they posted a story that "the deal us done". Rosie is officially joining the show and it will be announced "in a few days". Wow, I'm surprised she is coming back but hopeful that topics and discussions will be elevated above the fluff and silly skits that were introduced this year. I wonder if this means Bill Geddie will no longer be an on-set daily presence?

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In the picture above, out of the 11 co-hosts, 7 were fired...(oops I mean, moved on to pursue other options), 3 left on their own, and Whoopi is still there.  That is a terrible track record.


I love Rosie, but still don't see how the two alphas will co-exist.  Rosie has the freaky ability to ingest information quickly and regurgitate it just as quickly as well as accurately, while Whoopi can't seem to articulate her points of view and resorts to shouting and saying poop to get her points across.  I would need to have Rosie as moderator.  She is hard to beat in a conversation.

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Sure to God, if this news about Rosie is true, it has to mean that pervy, sweaty Geddie is gone.  Do any of us think that she'd come back otherwise?  I sure as hell don't.  He was her main problem - what an asshole.

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If Rosie agreed to come back while Geddie still works there, what would be her motivation and/or reasoning? Rosie knows how triffling Geddie and the others are behind the scenes at the show. I hope she was savvy enough to make sure she got in writing that Geddie and his minions are not to be involved in any way, shape, or form with the show as long as she is in their employ. I don't trust Barbara to do right by Rosie either.


If I remember correctly, Rosie was the ONLY person in The View's history that NEVER wore an earpiece! She always spoke her mind and not some points on a blue card or have producers in her ear telling her what to say to their guests. I recall her confirming that she had it written in her contract when she was first hired by The View, that NO PRODUCERS or ANYONE was allowed to tell her what to say/how to say it/etc. in an earpiece or otherwise. She said she was fully capable of thinking and speaking for herself!


If Geddie is still there, he would aim to fill one of the spots with another Elisabeth-type of personality to set Rosie off. I hope she didn't sabotage herself by signing on with Geddie still on board. I would hate for things to blow up in her face a second time. Sometimes I think her passion/emotions gets in the way of her logic.


Also, I believe Barbara had a lot more to do with that fiasco with the Rosie/Elisabeth split screen than Barbara lets on.

Edited by Jiggle Billy
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In the picture above, out of the 11 co-hosts, 7 were fired...(oops I mean, moved on to pursue other options), 3 left on their own, and Whoopi is still there.  That is a terrible track record.

Was Rosie fired or did she quit? (I assume the 3 that moved on was Lisa, Meredith and Barbara)

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@stillbored, if I remember correctly Rosie's contract had a couple weeks left on it (she insisted on a single year contract) when Sweaty Geddie pulled the ambush/split screen stunt and she chose not to return for those remaining shows.  Totally her choice.  


As a huge Rosie fan, I can't imagine what is going on in her life that she would go back to this mess if Geddie continues as the main showrunner.  Maybe she needs the money?    In any case, she would be a big draw as she was seven years ago.   I mean her own show didn't take home a dozen plus Daytime Emmys for nothing - although that was over a decade ago.    But I'm not so sure she can be part of a team when the team sucks as bad as this one does.  We'll see.  Rosie still owes me for sucking me back into The Spew the year she was on it. 


I'd bet Babs actual involvement in the show these days is limited to cashing the checks.  She clearly didn't know the timing of Jenny and Sherri's firing when she taped the show just hours before the ax fell, lol.  I think she's out of the loop and Geddie has been running things for years. 


While Kathy Griffin would be awesome (I floved Life on the D List) I too can't see her leaving LA for NYC.  Not while her mom is still alive anyway.  

Edited by Cosmocrush
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Thanks CosmoCrush, I had thought she had quit as well.

I loved Rosie's first talk show but I never saw the one on OWN. There seemed to be a few years after her show finished that she appeared to have a personality change. She didn't seem as friendly as she did on her talk show (wasn't she dubbed the Queen of Nice).

I think she's mellowed out since then and even since she was co-host on the View. If she does become the new co-host, hopefully they'll stay away from war issues. I really can't stand it when the co hosts are yelling at each other.

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I kinda like it when the co-hosts yell at each other, haha, because then it brings a strange tension to every segment that I enjoy dissecting online.


I'm glad it's not my job to find a conservative voice for the show when conservatives are having such an identity crisis right now.  It would crack me up to see Josh Barro audition; he is a gay Republican (actually I don't know if he even calls himself a Republican anymore) who is on MSNBC a lot.  He comes across to me as intelligent, hateful, and fun (he tweets gay porn stars!).

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any other scoop?



Various posters from this site and the defunct TWOP will be invited as co-hosts in alphabetical order, according to screen name.  Those who are union members will receive scale; those who are not will receive fabulous salaries.

(wasn't she dubbed the Queen of Nice).



I think Rosie was dubbed the "Queen of Nice," but that may have been simple public relations.  Weren't there a lot of stories about how controlling she was and miserable to work for?  Her true (difficult) personality came out after that first show was over.  I think she's a troubled woman (troubled child) whose fame and wealth allowed her to treat people badly.   One of those people who's super-sensitive inside, but often a tyrant.   I'm not a fan...but I'm not against her in any way.  I'd enjoy seeing her for as long as she can control The View.

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Anyone know what Bonnie Hunt is up to these days?


Though they possibly have two middle age comediennes, I always found her delightful in her interactions with guests on her talk show.


(And please no Mario. He makes my ears bleed.)

Edited by buymywings
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So what do we know at this point?


Mario Cantone (supposedly asked)

Rosie O'Donnell (agreement under way)

Whoopi Goldberg (flying under the radar)


any other scoop?

I read a story that said Geddie will still be a part of the show but will not have day to day control.... ABC denied the report

Edited by RogerFromOhio
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Rosie lost it after Columbine, and she really went off on Tom Selleck, who was on her show to promote something, because of his NRA connection.  For those who didn't see that "interview", it was bad.


I guess that started her journey with a psychiatrist that put her on anti-depressants.  She's been through a hell of a lot since then - and especially her heart attack and her partner's illness.  All that stuff and natural aging had to have changed her.  At least to me, she seems more together than she's ever been.  

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Jesus Murphy, I had better get with the new program and get used to reading all of these multiple View threads because I am. So. Out. Of. The. Loop.  I've been following one or two but never ventured into this one.  So let me get this straight --- Rosie is coming back?!  For reals?  Or are you people just screwing with us.  I echo the posts above this one that question what in the hell would entice her to come back to this shit show?  Especially if Sweaty G (TM Cosmocrush) is still at the helm.  Whaaa?  And I agree with the poster above me who mentioned Rosie and Whoopi are both Alphas, so just how in the hell would this work?  But then maybe Whoopi really is trying to get off this piece of shit like I read in one of the other threads here.  Good Lord, I cannot keep up with all of this.  Mario Cantone?  And Rosie and Whoopi?  This is some crazy shit, people. 

Edited by Cementhead
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True, Rosie and Whoopi on the stage together wouldn't work.  Which of the Alpha would be the lead moderator?  I'm guessing both (although I do believe that all past and current co-hosts are alphas or they wouldn't be there).  But not at the same time.  They can both take the place of BW, ie. coming on when they damn please, but when the other isn't there, and both get a reduced work schedule.  At this point, isn't that what both would be looking for?  Personally, I'd like to see Whoopi-I'm-only-here-for-the-paycheck-and-I-make-that-clear replaced by Rosie, who is engaging and entertaining - she loves the camera and the camera loves her which can only translate into something fun, informative and entertaining for us.  The problem with the co-hosts they just fired is they were having fun.  I don't care if they're having fun - I care if I'M having fun.  Rosie would be fun, interesting, entertaining.  And she is intelligent - don't underestimate her intelligence, after all she did have the most successful talk show ever, and I understand she was in on all the production meetings.


I don't think Rosie "lost it" after Columbine.  She felt it, and she explained why she felt it happened.  And I happened to agree with her - it's the damn guns.  In her sadness over it, her point was that if the gunmen had had knives, there would have at least been some kind of fair defence, the victims would have had a chance at running away.  Get rid of the damn guns is all she was saying. 


She does have a sense of fairness.  Her Elisabeth story is not what people think it is.  And neither is the Tom Selleck interview.  She is honest and had the guts to ask him about his position in the NRA.  There was a current ad out, with his signature after it.  It read "I am the NRA", signed Tom Selleck - his signature.  He knew beforehand he was to be asked about it.  When famous celebrities put their name to something, they darn well better be prepared to discuss and defend it.  And he decided he would do neither.  He made it awkward - doing his "humble" head nod, deliberately looking uncomfortable with it, etc.  Well, I can totally see why that didn't sit well with her.  He's a nice man, but if it were my show, I would have shown him the door immediately. 


If Rosie feels this is time for her to be on The View, and they have made her the offer she feels is right for her, then I welcome it.  This show has been in the crapper for so long that if I have a chance of enjoying it again, I would give it a try after literally years of not watching.  They know and so many know that if anyone can bring ratings, she can. 

Edited by Dreamboat Annie
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TMZ is reporting that Rosie's deal to return bars any of the other Co-hosts from being reality TV "stars". HALLELIUIA!!!

From TMZ:

"Rosie O’Donnell has been offered a “one-year, seven-figure deal” to rejoin “The View,” sources said — and she’s demanding a say on her co-hosts and absolutely no reality stars. Just days after we reported that ABC was reaching out to her, insiders tell us the deal is not confirmed but is “absolutely in progress.”

We hear terms of her deal would include her appearing full-time on the show alongside Whoopi Goldberg, and O’Donnell will also get “approval over offers to other co-hosts.”

But according to a source, Rosie wants a stipulation that no other reality stars can be slotted as co-hosts, (so Bethenny Frankel’s agent should stop pitching). The deal would bring O’Donnell back after a rocky exit in 2007 after just one season."

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I think Rosie might bring out the best in Whoopi, like it did with Joy during Rosie's original run.  I really don't get the idea that Rosie and Whoopi are too alpha female to be on the same panel.  Whoopi is half asleep every show and can barely see the teleprompter; I think she would be happy to have another strong personality at the table if it meant even less work for her.


Didn't Rosie say a lot of nice things about NeNe Leakes during one point, and even toss out the idea of doing a show with her?

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  I don't think Whoopi should be back. She's probably got one year left on her deal. ABC should just pay her off and start with a clean slate.  Rosie has too much leverage now to allow anyone else to be moderator. She should make clear she wants Barbara's influence gone.

I don't think the two would be bad together but I just have the feeling Whoopi would act like she was demoted or something.


 I also find it odd that ABC would do a one year deal. What if the show's a minor hit? Rosie could ask for a huge raise next spring and if they didn't capitulate she could go somewhere else.

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  I don't think Whoopi should be back. She's probably got one year left on her deal. ABC should just pay her off and start with a clean slate.  Rosie has too much leverage now to allow anyone else to be moderator. She should make clear she wants Barbara's influence gone.

I don't think the two would be bad together but I just have the feeling Whoopi would act like she was demoted or something.


 I also find it odd that ABC would do a one year deal. What if the show's a minor hit? Rosie could ask for a huge raise next spring and if they didn't capitulate she could go somewhere else.

ABC may see this as a Hail Mary.  Get Rosie in to boost things for a year, slot in a new cast of co-hosts, and pray like crazy a few of them stick.  If they do, then losing Rosie won't kill the show.  If none of them stick, they're probably not in any worse a position than they were in that interim between the news of the two dumbshits leaving and Rosie getting hired.

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I think Whoopi would up her game if she had co-hosts she considers to be equals.  I actually think her and Rosie would get along fine.


If Rosie is coming back and she stipulates NO reality show co-hosts then there might be hope for this show yet.  Say what you will about her but she doesn't suffer fools lightly and I can totally understand her not wanting to sit at a table with a no-talent pretty girl who became famous for whatever.


So I'm guessing then there are two more seats that need filled.  One, probably a man, the other probably a conservative woman, probably blond.  I think we can rule out Palin.  Between Rosie and Whoopi I don't know which one would strangle her first.

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Bitsy tweeted last night that she would be commenting on Rosie/The View this morning. I switched over at the appointed time, and she was on the phone from her "staycation".

She said that the Rosie comeback has been in the works "for a long time", that Rosie produced the Barbara good bye show (where all the co hosts appeared), and that "Barbara's good bye was Rosie's hello".

Edited by texastornado
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Sarah Palin is not and never was a candidate for View co-host. 


If Rosie was given approval of future co-hosts, I doubt she'll approve the addition of a man to the panel because the nature of the show would change so much.


I suspect a new and conservative co-host will not be a Bitsy clone.  I'm hearing Abby Huntsman is in negotiations.  She would be good. 

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