Lady Calypso September 4, 2019 Share September 4, 2019 Quote Power of Veto Link to comment
PaperTree September 5, 2019 Share September 5, 2019 Team Staten Island wins. ugh. Finally. Blockhead gets the edit he deserves. Toxic masculinity on full display, while he whines that it's on full display. On CBS!!! Poor Watermelonbaby. He treated Holly really bad. The internet will never forget this. Holly should drop him like a hot rock. She appears sadly "misted" by him, or just desperate, idk. Of course he cheerfully trashes the house because he is big mister alpha male asshole with something to prove. Slouching to the finish line of a terrible season. 12 Link to comment
Callaphera September 5, 2019 Share September 5, 2019 (edited) It's time for America's Vote! What's worse? Tommy's "Who? Me? I'm so shocked!" facial expressions when he wins the Veto or Taylor Swift's "Who? Me? I'm so shocked!" facial expressions when she wins an award. TERMS AND CONDITIONS: VOTING OPEN TO RESIDENTS OF THE UNITED STATES THAT HATE CHRISTIE; (EXCLUDING PUERTO RICO, THE U.S. VIRGIN ISLANDS, AND OTHER COMMONWEALTHS, TERRITORIES AND POSSESSIONS OF THE UNITED STATES BUT INCLUDING WILY CANADIANS WITH VPN SUBSCRIPTIONS); 18 YEARS OR OLDER OR WITH PERMISSION FROM PARENTS OR GUARDIAN. DATA CHARGES MAY APPLY TO PARTICIPATE IN THE PROGRAM. Edited September 5, 2019 by Callaphera 20 2 Link to comment
JD5166 September 5, 2019 Share September 5, 2019 We get the ups and downs on “The 74 Day Love Affair” but no drama surrounding the decision to put Cliff up? 🤮those two are DIS GUS TING! I hope she burns that pink sweat suit upon leaving the house.... 2 Link to comment
willco September 5, 2019 Share September 5, 2019 So Tommy takes Christie off the block & Jackson still can't put it together that they are a couple also ! How do you not see it ? Wow. So a player who was never going to win or really make any difference in the game is going to be out at the 1st evict. Let's pray to all the universe gods that either Tommy or Christie is the 2nd one out. Now that would be the universe showing it really loves us, the viewing audience ! (Of course, that will never happen because the universe sucks !!!) 5 5 Link to comment
Dewey Decimate September 5, 2019 Share September 5, 2019 Jackson kissing the picture of his mama after his stoic, manly rejection of weepy Holly? HELLO, Normal Bates!! For a hot second I thought there might be a hope of Holly turning against the dark side - and would rank her #1 for the season if she were to take out Jackson in the DE - but then she went back to suckle at the fruity teat of douchebro asshole par excellence. Sigh. "Prove me wrong, kids, prove me wrong!" 5 4 Link to comment
Alice Mudgarden September 5, 2019 Share September 5, 2019 8 minutes ago, Dewey Decimate said: HELLO, Normal Bates!! lol what a fantastic typo. 2 5 Link to comment
mojoween September 5, 2019 Share September 5, 2019 Ok so is Jackson 24 or is Holly? Because while the Jackson we all know and loathe was on full display, Holly was just as bad. That confrontation in the living room made me cringe and I’m 2000 miles and three days away from it. 4 8 Link to comment
Cutty September 5, 2019 Share September 5, 2019 (edited) I basically cringed the entire hour. Also, lol at Jessica. She actually hid the veto in her bed. In. Her. Own. Bed. Edited September 5, 2019 by Cutty 15 7 Link to comment
North of Eden September 5, 2019 Share September 5, 2019 I think this is the first time I've posted in maybe 3 episodes....I just stopped caring because I just can't with a group that lacks such self-awareness that they don't realize that Tommy is cake walking to the half a million by pulling a Kay-Cee style do almost nothing to the end and then start winning things. His final run-up to the end started tonight by winning the Power of Veto. It will soon be all downhill for him and the rest of the dullards will be left bewildered come finale night. Even the good people are annoying now. Jess trying to suddenly start playing the game when its September...are you serious?! Her game has ranged from poor to nonexistent all season and she's surprised when Jackson puts her he did in the first episode?! And Nicole with that annoying phrase "Build a resume". News flash...its too late! As far as the fight goes...if I cared about Holly I would say why are you groveling at the feet of this loser. The despicable Jackson from early in the game came back with a flourish tonight...the REAL Jackson and not the plucky underdog. But I don't care about Holly because her feelings for Jackson were revealed to be suspiciously shallow weeks ago as some may remember she was immediately ready to throw him under the bus and jump ship on him when he blabbed to Jack and set that whole bruhaha into motion. I think I am only watching out of habit now...I don't like Tommy and I don't like that he will win but there is no one to root for at this point. 9 Link to comment
stcroix September 5, 2019 Share September 5, 2019 I wanted to slap Holly when up in the HOH room she couldn't get a full sentence out but kept sticking her face down in that pullover and snuffle-gasp crying. Ugh. Just keep lying to Jackson, tell him you're soooo sorry, he's right and you're wrong, whatever he wants to hear and get on with your game. You've been his (ahem!) 'lover' for all these weeks, don't let your ticket to the finale loose now! Then dump his a@@ the second you see an opening. I don't want her to win, but I hate the game she's played where she's felt like she had to glom on to a man to get her this far. I mean, nothing we haven't seen in seasons past.... Really disgusting cast this season and really boring. 4 Link to comment
Writing Wrongs September 5, 2019 Share September 5, 2019 "I WILL NOT BE IGNORED." Holly, ugh. It's a little late to be crying over attaching yourself to a showmance from practically the moment you walked through the door. 7 Link to comment
Cutty September 5, 2019 Share September 5, 2019 (edited) Was Holly actually shedding real tears or was she just making crying sounds and covering her face with her shirt? Because I didn't see any tears. To be fair, all the plastic surgery she's had has likely stripped her eyes the ability to produce liquid. I still can't believe Jessica had 70 whatever days to think about where to hide the veto and she ended up just tucking it into her bed. LMAO. What an absolute buffoon. And I had to laugh at Jackson saying about going to the end with two pairs that he hopes they take shots at each other. Yeah, let's take shots at each other and not target the couple who has dominated comps the last month and a half. Edited September 5, 2019 by Cutty 1 6 Link to comment
alegtostandon September 5, 2019 Share September 5, 2019 2 hours ago, willco said: So Tommy takes Christie off the block & Jackson still can't put it together that they are a couple also ! How do you not see it ? Wow. I think he knows they're 'together', Jackson said a bit earlier that he & Holly are working against 2 teams, Cliff & Nichol and Tommy & Christie. Jessica is a wild card, which is why her needs her gone. Uggggg, I was really hoping this was the end of Jackson & Holly. The way she was crying and apologizing, as he coldly held the door open for her to leave, turned my stomach. She is going to watch this & cringe, she was an embarrassment to herself. And now Jackson has her where he wants her... with him holding all of the control cards. Did Nichol just realize that she is playing Big Brother? 2 Link to comment
Blissfool September 5, 2019 Share September 5, 2019 2 hours ago, JD5166 said: We get the ups and downs on “The 74 Day Love Affair” but no drama surrounding the decision to put Cliff up? On sundays episode, they showed Cliff volunteer to go on the block if the veto was used. 1 2 Link to comment
Wandering Snark September 5, 2019 Share September 5, 2019 My Lard but these people are boring. This felt like one of the longest hours of teevee in quite some time. Nothing like blow by blow detail on a fight between two people you don't care about to make time ZIP by!! Ugh. And that they HAD to put that much detail into it shows how boring everyone else must be as they can't find any other kind of footage. This felt like a bad Sunday episode where they are obviously stretching for content. Do they have a disaster relief crew that comes in and puts the house back together after these savages rip it all apart? Jackson was a total ass but then there is always plenty of blame for needless trashing to go around. 5 Link to comment
UncleChuck September 5, 2019 Share September 5, 2019 Jackson is such a piece of work!!! When Holly called him a pompous jackass (or whatever...since most of it was garbled or bleeped) he should have just ignored it. Without his over-the-top reactions, maybe about 20 people might have seen it play out on the live feeds, and 6 or 7 might have even taken notice or posted a comment. But by carrying on as if her disrespect of him was the worst thing EVER! he guaranteed that TPTB would take the footage and edit their fight to fill about a third of tonight's broadcast. Mister "I will not be disrespected by a woman on national tv!!!!!" just made sure that his misogyny would forever be a part of Big Brother legend. 3 8 Link to comment
Tdoc72 September 5, 2019 Share September 5, 2019 (edited) 12 minutes ago, UncleChuck said: Jackson is such a piece of work!!! When Holly called him a pompous jackass (or whatever...since most of it was garbled or bleeped) he should have just ignored it. Without his over-the-top reactions, maybe about 20 people might have seen it play out on the live feeds, and 6 or 7 might have even taken notice or posted a comment. But by carrying on as if her disrespect of him was the worst thing EVER! he guaranteed that TPTB would take the footage and edit their fight to fill about a third of tonight's broadcast. Mister "I will not be disrespected by a woman on national tv!!!!!" just made sure that his misogyny would forever be a part of Big Brother legend. And now it was on CBS!! She called him a fucking asshole. (To me, she wasn’t wrong. I can’t stand him.) It seems like she thought he was still mad about the little spat they had the night before (where she said he was condescending and bossy. Again she was right. He does talk to people like that.). So in the morning she handed him the coffee, he tersely said thanks (to be fair it could’ve been b/c he just got up and hadn’t had his coffee yet or maybe he was still mad). She, I guess, didn’t hear him and thought he was completely ignoring her and called him on it and then the whole rest of the fight happened. I hope she watches w/open eyes after BB. She looked pathetic. I personally would’ve cozied up to Jess, Tommy and Christie and gone from there. He doesn’t want to take her to final 2 anyway. Edited September 5, 2019 by Tdoc72 4 Link to comment
A-Lo September 5, 2019 Share September 5, 2019 I've tuned in relatively late...can I even say that when I started watching in late August?...and have a question. Forgive me if this has already been discussed ad nauseum but is Jackson's name Michie, as he's captioned on the show or is it Jackson, which is what you all are calling him here? Link to comment
Michichick September 5, 2019 Share September 5, 2019 35 minutes ago, A-Lo said: I've tuned in relatively late...can I even say that when I started watching in late August?...and have a question. Forgive me if this has already been discussed ad nauseum but is Jackson's name Michie, as he's captioned on the show or is it Jackson, which is what you all are calling him here? His first name is Jackson and his last name is Michie. Link to comment
laurakaye September 5, 2019 Share September 5, 2019 8 hours ago, Sarah Heart said: I hate when they turn the house upside down, I don't find furniture tossing, amusing It's possible that I haven't been paying close attention for the past 20 seasons, but other than mattress flipping, I can't remember a houseguest flipping furniture like Jackson did last night. If it wasn't bolted down, he flipped it. What drives me nuts is the random tossing of cereal and cracker boxes all over the floor. If you're not going to look in or shake the boxes, what's the point of knocking them all over the floor? At least the ants enjoyed it. Oh, Holly....for all your talk of empowerment, you following Jackson all over the house was so cringe-worthingly pathetic. And Jackson inviting her to the HOH room for a talk, only to not let her get a word in edgewise, was so gross. If she didn't want a showmance, she shouldn't have gotten into one - especially with a guy who had already hooked up with someone else. I hate everyone right now. Congrats, Tommy, on winning BB21. 3 Link to comment
Samwise979 September 5, 2019 Share September 5, 2019 I wonder if Jackson's response to the whole thing would still have been "whatever happens with us personally, we have to stick together in this game" if he wasn't HOH and therefore able to play in the DE. I have a feeling if he didn't have to rely on Holly for his safety next week he would have cut her off like he did his original alliance. Link to comment
Nashville September 5, 2019 Share September 5, 2019 22 minutes ago, laurakaye said: It's possible that I haven't been paying close attention for the past 20 seasons, but other than mattress flipping, I can't remember a houseguest flipping furniture like Jackson did last night. If it wasn't bolted down, he flipped it. In truth? I thought this season’s rendition of Hide and Go Veto was a good bit tamer than what we’ve gotten used to the past couple of years. At least they weren’t wading through milk. And I’m pretty sure the furniture relocation (not just the beds) has always been a part of it. 8 Link to comment
seacliffsal September 5, 2019 Share September 5, 2019 What cracks me up about the hiding the "life preservers" is that people are looking in cereal and other food boxes that are much too small to be a viable hiding place. It's like the pouring out the milk in other seasons-really, you think the laws of physics are suspended during this competition to the point that the large square object can fit into a milk carton? I don't understand the delight some people have in pouring out all of the food/drinks just for 'fun' instead of using the time to, I don't know, actually find the veto objects. 3 6 Link to comment
Melina22 September 5, 2019 Share September 5, 2019 50 minutes ago, icemiser69 said: Most people wouldn't fair too well if their lives were on full display 24/7 over a three month period. Totally agree. Watching parts of their fight, I could see why Taran said watching it made him uncomfortable. It was one of the rare times I felt we were watching something private, and I also felt uncomfortable. Neither one of them came off especially well, but let's face it... most of us would come off badly if all our private fights were televised. What a nightmarish thought! And the way Holly kept hiding her face in her hands and her clothes made me feel really bad. She was desperate to escape from the cameras so she could cry and vent her emotions, but there was no escape. Literally. I think it will take months outside of the house before the hamsters start to feel normal again. If ever. 8 Link to comment
xKHANx September 5, 2019 Share September 5, 2019 13 hours ago, Callaphera said: It's time for America's Vote! What's worse? Tommy's "Who? Me? I'm so shocked!" facial expressions when he wins the Veto or Taylor Swift's "Who? Me? I'm so shocked!" facial expressions when she wins an award. TERMS AND CONDITIONS: VOTING OPEN TO RESIDENTS OF THE UNITED STATES THAT HATE CHRISTIE; (EXCLUDING PUERTO RICO, THE U.S. VIRGIN ISLANDS, AND OTHER COMMONWEALTHS, TERRITORIES AND POSSESSIONS OF THE UNITED STATES BUT INCLUDING WILY CANADIANS WITH VPN SUBSCRIPTIONS); 18 YEARS OR OLDER OR WITH PERMISSION FROM PARENTS OR GUARDIAN. DATA CHARGES MAY APPLY TO PARTICIPATE IN THE PROGRAM. Hehe... you said Virgin! 3 Link to comment
tinkerbell September 5, 2019 Share September 5, 2019 3 hours ago, A-Lo said: I've tuned in relatively late...can I even say that when I started watching in late August?...and have a question. Forgive me if this has already been discussed ad nauseum but is Jackson's name Michie, as he's captioned on the show or is it Jackson, which is what you all are calling him here? When the season started, the two "alpha males" were Jack (now eliminated) and Jackson. After a few weeks, the show decided that this was confusing, so they tried to have everyone call Jackson by his last name, "Michie" but the opening credits still had him as Jackson. People on this forum, and I assume most watchers, struggle with learning and remembering who is who, and resist the producers trying to change the names once we've learned them. 2 Link to comment
RedheadZombie September 5, 2019 Share September 5, 2019 11 hours ago, alegtostandon said: I think he knows they're 'together', Jackson said a bit earlier that he & Holly are working against 2 teams, Cliff & Nichol and Tommy & Christie. Jessica is a wild card, which is why her needs her gone. Uggggg, I was really hoping this was the end of Jackson & Holly. The way she was crying and apologizing, as he coldly held the door open for her to leave, turned my stomach. She is going to watch this & cringe, she was an embarrassment to herself. And now Jackson has her where he wants her... with him holding all of the control cards. Did Nichol just realize that she is playing Big Brother? I don’t like Jackson and think he treats Holly like shit, but she was just standing in front of the door and wailing. I would have opened that door, too. Good Lord pull yourself together. There are two bathrooms and one shower you can hide in and do that type of thing. Holly was being performative. 3 Link to comment
watch2much September 5, 2019 Share September 5, 2019 how I wish Holly would win the next competition and turn on's so embarrassing to watch her kowtow to him. he was being a jerk to her, she called him a name....big deal, Jackson. if other people you've been involved with have done it, then maybe you need to get some insight into your own behavior. the kissing his mother's photo was precious..... and eating all that watermelon????? there's a screw loose there....a normal person would be sick to death of it by now. maybe he'd be a good candidate for Survivor--contestants complain they are so sick of coconuts after being on it....probably wouldn't bother him to eat the same thing everyday 1 Link to comment
RedheadZombie September 5, 2019 Share September 5, 2019 2 hours ago, Nashville said: In truth? I thought this season’s rendition of Hide and Go Veto was a good bit tamer than what we’ve gotten used to the past couple of years. At least they weren’t wading through milk. And I’m pretty sure the furniture relocation (not just the beds) has always been a part of it. I agree. Isn’t the garbage usually upended all over the floor? 2 Link to comment
RedheadZombie September 5, 2019 Share September 5, 2019 1 hour ago, tinkerbell said: When the season started, the two "alpha males" were Jack (now eliminated) and Jackson. After a few weeks, the show decided that this was confusing, so they tried to have everyone call Jackson by his last name, "Michie" but the opening credits still had him as Jackson. People on this forum, and I assume most watchers, struggle with learning and remembering who is who, and resist the producers trying to change the names once we've learned them. I remember it as Jack proclaiming that HE is the only Jack in the house and Jackson will now be called Michie. 2 2 1 Link to comment
Nashville September 5, 2019 Share September 5, 2019 1 minute ago, RedheadZombie said: I agree. Isn’t the garbage usually upended all over the floor? Yup - and almost every bit of food in the refrigerator ACTUALLY STAYED IN THE REFRIGERATOR. The fridge doors were left standing open, but the contents didn’t end up on the floor like in years past. 1 Link to comment
RedheadZombie September 5, 2019 Share September 5, 2019 1 hour ago, watch2much said: how I wish Holly would win the next competition and turn on's so embarrassing to watch her kowtow to him. he was being a jerk to her, she called him a name....big deal, Jackson. if other people you've been involved with have done it, then maybe you need to get some insight into your own behavior. the kissing his mother's photo was precious..... and eating all that watermelon????? there's a screw loose there....a normal person would be sick to death of it by now. maybe he'd be a good candidate for Survivor--contestants complain they are so sick of coconuts after being on it....probably wouldn't bother him to eat the same thing everyday I think it’s been established that Jackson has a history of disordered eating. 1 Link to comment
iMonrey September 5, 2019 Share September 5, 2019 "I'm sorry you're upset." OMG. Douchebag assholery 101. And the show has been trying SO HARD to redeem Jackson for the past month or so. Just to show his true colors like this. But I guess they couldn't resist since they're all about the Showmance. Good God, Holly, have a little self-respect. She's pathetic, and he's an asshole. Neither came off well. Quote I just stopped caring because I just can't with a group that lacks such self-awareness that they don't realize that Tommy is cake walking to the half a million by pulling a Kay-Cee style do almost nothing to the end and then start winning things. His final run-up to the end started tonight by winning the Power of Veto. Oh, I still think Jackson will win. Tommy's Veto win was pretty much luck. If the competition depended on finding the life preservers, Jackson would have won. He's going to dominate the comps and skate his way to the F2. Even if Jackson somehow wound up on the block in the next week or two, he'd probably still stay because these idiots don't want to vote him out. They want to keep a "bigger target" in the house. Even when there's only five or six of them left. Because they're all idiots. 3 Link to comment
HurricaneVal September 5, 2019 Share September 5, 2019 4 minutes ago, iMonrey said: She's pathetic, and he's an asshole. Neither came off well. I have never cringed so much watching a TV show as I did last night watching them. I wanted to slap both of them for exactly the reasons you stated. I was embarrassed for both of them, and I don't even like either of them! 4 Link to comment
Wandering Snark September 5, 2019 Share September 5, 2019 5 hours ago, laurakaye said: What drives me nuts is the random tossing of cereal and cracker boxes all over the floor. If you're not going to look in or shake the boxes, what's the point of knocking them all over the floor? 4 hours ago, seacliffsal said: I don't understand the delight some people have in pouring out all of the food/drinks just for 'fun' instead of using the time to, I don't know, actually find the veto objects. There was nothing about finding the veto in the cereal Jackson even said he wasn't trying to win he just "couldn't wait to trash the house" that's all this comp has come to be is see how much we can overturn the house. It's a stupid comp imho. 20 minutes ago, HurricaneVal said: I have never cringed so much watching a TV show as I did last night watching them. If I had any feelings for the two I'd probably agree, but this was nowhere close to the infamous Johnathan on The Amazing Race that still holds the title, I still remember that one with anger; and I mostly push any reality show info out of my brain once the season concludes... the worst part was she's breaking down because you just know she's been living with this monster for years and is emotionally beaten down (and it questions if she's been physically abused as well). Anyhow, this barely registered for me comparatively. 2 Link to comment
A-Lo September 5, 2019 Share September 5, 2019 4 hours ago, tinkerbell said: When the season started, the two "alpha males" were Jack (now eliminated) and Jackson. After a few weeks, the show decided that this was confusing, so they tried to have everyone call Jackson by his last name, "Michie" but the opening credits still had him as Jackson. People on this forum, and I assume most watchers, struggle with learning and remembering who is who, and resist the producers trying to change the names once we've learned them. Thanks, Tinkerbell! Link to comment
watch2much September 5, 2019 Share September 5, 2019 oh, Jackson, you were doing so well on rehabilitating yourself. then you reminded us of the boyfriend from hell we all know so well. closed up, condescending, controlling. 3 Link to comment
mikewho September 5, 2019 Share September 5, 2019 1 hour ago, iMonrey said: "I'm sorry you're upset." OMG. Douchebag assholery 101. And the show has been trying SO HARD to redeem Jackson for the past month or so. Just to show his true colors like this. But I guess they couldn't resist since they're all about the Showmance. Good God, Holly, have a little self-respect. She's pathetic, and he's an asshole. Neither came off well. Jackson is an absolute Prick. And that's a word I don't often use. He's a Prick and a manipulator. He makes her cry (I don't believe for a second that she was faking it), walks out of room having done 99% of the talking, says 'I'm done with this conversation' then cozies up to her again. I don't think she's pathetic. I think he's playing her like a fiddle, she wants to believe in it, and he knows how to 'work' her feelings and tell her what she needs to hear to get back in her good graces. 3 Link to comment
Hellohappylife September 5, 2019 Share September 5, 2019 (edited) My 26 year old self cringed watching that Holly and Jackson fiasco, while She’s sitting there with the weak and sad little girl look on her face. You’re only playing the role that guys like Jackson love to prey on. No matter what you will always be the one who is “wrong” because his ego won’t accept anything else. He’s 24,move on. He probably just used this as a easy way to end things since the game is almost over and in his mind he will have girls lining up at mommy’s house for a chance with Mr.Lego hoping cliff is just a pawn,Jessica just annoys me. Nicole doesn’t win anything, but she’s actually way more likable,seems like a sweetheart,and for this season that’s enough. Edited September 5, 2019 by Hellohappylife 2 Link to comment
jtafoya5 September 5, 2019 Share September 5, 2019 The only thing I could focus on in this entire episode was Holly’s horrid hair hygiene 🤢 it’s SO greasy and looks like it stinks. It was making my skin crawl. 4 Link to comment
iMonrey September 5, 2019 Share September 5, 2019 Quote If I had any feelings for the two I'd probably agree, but this was nowhere close to the infamous Johnathan on The Amazing Race that still holds the title, LOL on the reminder. But whereas Jonathan was outwardly abusive, Jackson is one of those passive-aggressive types that are in some ways even more insidious. It's hard to side with someone who's visibly and physically abusive, but with Jackson there are probably people who side with him because they don't see what he's doing as clearly. Quote I don't think she's pathetic. I think he's playing her like a fiddle, she wants to believe in it, and he knows how to 'work' her feelings and tell her what she needs to hear to get back in her good graces. What would you call her then, maybe "vulnerable?" I would argue that takes agency away from her. She recognizes that Jackson is condescending and bossy. He drives her to tears and yet she still keeps going to him instead of walking away. Personally I see that as pathetic. 2 Link to comment
HurricaneVal September 5, 2019 Share September 5, 2019 1 hour ago, Wandering Snark said: If I had any feelings for the two I'd probably agree, but this was nowhere close to the infamous Johnathan on The Amazing Race that still holds the title, I still remember that one with anger; and I mostly push any reality show info out of my brain once the season concludes... the worst part was she's breaking down because you just know she's been living with this monster for years and is emotionally beaten down (and it questions if she's been physically abused as well). Anyhow, this barely registered for me comparatively. OMG. Johnathan was so, so, so awful. But at least his awfulness was restricted to just short glimpses thanks to the Amazing editors. That was one loooooooong ass segment last night on the whole Jackson/Holly thing that was so very awkward to watch. I always wondered what happened to Johnathan and...Victoria was it? Link to comment
Rachel RSL September 5, 2019 Share September 5, 2019 I interviewed Jonathan for many many moons ago and he was actually very nice and very personable. That being said, I wouldn't want to marry the guy. I know they had a daughter together but eventually got divorced. I agree that Holly was pathetic in last night's episode but I'm thinking maybe, at this point, she's got some sort of Stockholm Syndrome and, once she gets out in the real world, she'll remember that there are guys out there who aren't.....well, who aren't Jackson. 3 Link to comment
watch2much September 6, 2019 Share September 6, 2019 some signs of an emotional abuser. sound familiar? Lectures: The abusive person may give lectures about the other person's behavior, in a way to make it clear that the other person is inferior Walkouts: Abusive people may leave a situation rather than resolve it Trivializing: If the other person wishes to talk about their issues or problems, the abusive person may criticize them for even having the issue or tell them that they are making a big deal out of nothing. Playing the victim Public displays: Abusive people may openly pick fights in public, only to blame the other person if they become angry. Public displays: Abusive people may openly pick fights in public, only to blame the other person if they become angry. 1 1 Link to comment
Stats Queen September 12, 2019 Share September 12, 2019 On 9/5/2019 at 7:43 PM, watch2much said: some signs of an emotional abuser. sound familiar? Lectures: The abusive person may give lectures about the other person's behavior, in a way to make it clear that the other person is inferior Walkouts: Abusive people may leave a situation rather than resolve it Trivializing: If the other person wishes to talk about their issues or problems, the abusive person may criticize them for even having the issue or tell them that they are making a big deal out of nothing. Playing the victim Public displays: Abusive people may openly pick fights in public, only to blame the other person if they become angry. Public displays: Abusive people may openly pick fights in public, only to blame the other person if they become angry. Yes all of this, I was married to an abusive man - they are genius manipulators (I have been happily remarried for almost 25 years) - I learned from that experience Link to comment
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