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Jeopardy! Season 36 (2019-2020)

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My DVR didn't record it even though it was showing as "new" in the guide. Before it aired, I even tried to redo my series recording in case I somehow deleted it over the past couple weeks. Only a single episode record worked. (I have Xfinity, in case that helps others.)

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11 hours ago, chessiegal said:

Verizon Fios user here - it recorded the new episode with no prompting from me.

Ancient Tivo for me - it recorded fine.

I had somewhat of a theme going - I almost ran Non-Fiction and Scandals , missing the easiest clue both times. Sheesh.

I could not come up with Articles of Confederation. I knew what they were (in a general, words didn't come to my mind), but could not remember the actual name of the document. At least I knew it wasn't the 2nd Amendment (2 does not equal 6)

So happy to have it back - even if just for a bit.

Edited by Clanstarling
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Noticed Alex didn’t shake hands with the contestants at the end of the show. I wonder if the shows on now were taped without an audience 

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1 hour ago, CVC said:

Noticed Alex didn’t shake hands with the contestants at the end of the show. I wonder if the shows on now were taped without an audience 

I did wonderi if that was canned applause.

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I thought FJ was so easy, stupid show, really dumbing it down for "regular" players after the brainiac GOAT series. I answered immediately and spent the rest of the time mentally abusing the show's writers for such a simple brainless FJ.

My answer was wrong.

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I almost went for Bill of Rights for FJ but settled on the Articles of Confederation in plenty of time.

The only two stumpers I remember getting were pomegranate and beluga.  Might've been others but I forget.

Damn, why did the contestant I dislike have to win???

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18 hours ago, Katy M said:

I never pay attention to the scores?  WAs it a runaway and she bet money?  Maybe she needed tons of money for something.

I got FJ right.  I got the TS of pomegranate, beluga, Aconcagua, and Bogota. I got the entire Scandals category wrong and the entire Andes category right, so those were a wash:)


She had exactly double what the guy in the middle had.  If she'd bet nothing, there would've been a tiebreaker question.

I should've gotten Aconcagua since I like reading about mountain climbing (not actually doing it, just reading about it) and that mountain comes up frequently in bits about the Seven Summits, but I totally blanked on it.  And apparently I couldn't find Peru on a map of South America because I answered Lima instead of Bogota.

18 hours ago, Browncoat said:

The only TS I got was God Save The Queen

I did get that one.  I ran that category, actually.

Surprisingly I did well in the Corporate Scandals category, except for Theranos - I tried to answer Thanos for that one even though I knew it was wrong.  Which, considering I missed Thanos in the earlier round, is pretty funny.

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I got FJ right.  I got the TS of Batwoman, William Golding, Rotterdam, Noah, fall in love, Cain, and Joshua.  I got the entire Biblical category right.

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As a figure skating fan, I was looking forward to seeing Jackie on the show.  He missed a few easy (in my view) ones, but hey, second place.

There were hardly any significant novels published in the early 18th century, so it wasn't too hard for me to guess Robinson Crusoe (often called the first English novel) and reason out Swiss Family Robinson from that.

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No idea for FJ tonight.  I only have a passing knowledge of Swiss Family Robinson, so I probably could have sat here all night and not come up with it.  

But I was able to get Batwoman, navy bean, Noah, Fall In Love, and Paper Moon.  I was a little surprised that the champ missed Noah.

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I hate beans other than edamame, so I wasn't sure about that category, but I wound up knowing all of them.  I was also quite wary of the TV 2020 category, but, even though I don't watch any of the shows, I managed to come up with three of them.  The other two were my only misses in the first round.

I thought my luck was going to hold in DJ, as I got the first two bible clues, but I missed the rest of that category.  I also missed two dinosaur clues, so not my best game, but not bad.  I somehow correctly guessed FJ, despite knowing almost nothing about either novel; the wording of the clue successfully led me to "family", so add in "adventure" and I got it.

Lots of TS tonight; Navy, Batwoman, trough & furlough, meat & threat, William Golding, and fall in love were all clues I was some degree of surprised to see go unanswered.

I typically don't even take notice of what contestants are wearing unless someone has donned something I really like, but Ben's tie/shirt combinations are not good, and I'm not thrilled at having to look at at least one more of them.

Edited by Bastet
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I came up with Robinson right away. Swiss Family Robinson followed immediately.

I also got Batwoman, Noah (seemed too easy to miss), fall in love, paper moon, and Cain.

Coincidentally, I read today that Ruby Rose left Batwoman, so they need to recast the lead.

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Same for me, as soon as he said "pastor, wife and kids" I thought "I don't remember if dude was a pastor but it's got to be Swiss Family Robinson because family+adventure novel" and then it took me an extra beat to think "oh yeah, Robinson Crusoe" which took away any doubt.

As soon as I saw the Batwoman clue I thought, not anymore. Wow, bad timing. But also, the clue literally said "not a girl" so when that guy said "Batgirl" I was like DUDE ARE YOU LISTENING.

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Out of the last 11 or so posts here only 1 has shown up in my email alert, and the 'go to this post' button is still not working.

FJ was an instaget for me. I also got all those old songs, showing my age I guess.

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9 minutes ago, dgpolo said:

Out of the last 11 or so posts here only 1 has shown up in my email alert, and the 'go to this post' button is still not working.

There's a thread about that issue in the Bugs section, and they want to hear from anyone still not getting emails, so you should post there.

19 minutes ago, theatremouse said:

But also, the clue literally said "not a girl" so when that guy said "Batgirl" I was like DUDE ARE YOU LISTENING.

That's the TS that surprised me most.  I've never seen a single movie or TV show in the Batman franchise, but I knew Bruce Wayne = Batman.  And "no mere girl" = SomethingWoman, so I figured Batwoman.  When he said Batgirl and still no one twigged the right answer, I was pretty surprised.

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12 hours ago, Browncoat said:

No idea for FJ tonight.  I only have a passing knowledge of Swiss Family Robinson, so I probably could have sat here all night and not come up with it.

I have no excuse for missing it - I read Robinson Crusoe, and the Swiss Family Robinson was one of my favorite books as a child (and I even loved going to the Swiss Robinson Tree House in Disneyland as an adult - though I think it doesn't exist anymore).

In my experience, lima beans and butter beans are two different beasts - though  I'm sure they're related. I had to choke down butter beans as a child. Blech! (don't much like lima beans either...except when I was pregnant. Wierd.)

I ran the writer's category - I was very pleased with myself. I don't often run a category. I blanked out too many times on easy questions, though.

Edited by Clanstarling
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My ts's were Batwoman, navy bean, Let's Fall in Love, Paper Moon (I ran that whole song category) and the missed DD of Noah.

The wording of the FJ clue threw me off - it said the surname wasn't mentioned in the text so I wrongly assumed it wasn't in the title. Lost in Space kept running through my head so I knew the answer had to be Swiss Family Robinson no matter what I thought the clue said.

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7 minutes ago, Trey said:

The wording of the FJ clue threw me off - it said the surname wasn't mentioned in the text so I wrongly assumed it wasn't in the title. Lost in Space kept running through my head so I knew the answer had to be Swiss Family Robinson no matter what I thought the clue said.

That's funny, because when I read the clue and then got the answer, I said to myself, "I always thought the family's name was Robinson," and therefore assumed the clue was telling me the family name was never meant to be Robinson, it was just that they were the Swiss Family Robinson because they were like Robinson Crusoe.  If you think about it, Robinson isn't exactly Swiss sounding.

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2 hours ago, Clanstarling said:

and I even loved going to the Swiss Robinson Tree House in Disneyland as an adult - though I think it doesn't exist anymore

I loved that too. I haven't been there in ages. Still, I hate thinking that that tree house is gone.


In my experience, lima beans and butter beans are two different beasts - though  I'm sure they're related. I had to choke down butter beans as a child. Blech! (don't much like lima beans either...

I thought they were different, too. I'm not a big fan of lima beans, but I've had them as a side with spaghetti (at the preschool where I volunteer), and they taste really good with pasta sauce.


1 hour ago, Trey said:

The wording of the FJ clue threw me off - it said the surname wasn't mentioned in the text so I wrongly assumed it wasn't in the title. Lost in Space kept running through my head so I knew the answer had to be Swiss Family Robinson no matter what I thought the clue said.

My BIL was rewatching the original Lost in Space, so that came to my mind, too.

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2 hours ago, Katy M said:

That's funny, because when I read the clue and then got the answer, I said to myself, "I always thought the family's name was Robinson," and therefore assumed the clue was telling me the family name was never meant to be Robinson, it was just that they were the Swiss Family Robinson because they were like Robinson Crusoe.  If you think about it, Robinson isn't exactly Swiss sounding.

That's exactly correct.  The original title of the novel in German is Der Schweizerische Robinson, which means "The Swiss Robinson."  The word "Family" was added when it was translated into English.  As you say, Robinson is not a Swiss name.

All that said, I didn't get it! 😞 

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3 hours ago, Clanstarling said:

I have no excuse for missing it - I read Robinson Crusoe, and the Swiss Family Robinson was one of my favorite books as a child (and I even loved going to the Swiss Robinson Tree House in Disneyland as an adult - though I think it doesn't exist anymore).

The treehouse still exists but was rethemed to Tarzan.

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20 hours ago, Katy M said:

got FJ right.  I got the TS of Batwoman, William Golding, Rotterdam, Noah, fall in love, Cain, and Joshua.  I got the entire Biblical category right.

So did I.  It took me a moment, because I never realized that the family surname isn't used in Swiss Family Robinson, but once I started to think about the date of the book it referenced, the title came to me.  I loved that book as a child.

17 hours ago, theatremouse said:

Same for me, as soon as he said "pastor, wife and kids" I thought "I don't remember if dude was a pastor but it's got to be Swiss Family Robinson because family+adventure novel" and then it took me an extra beat to think "oh yeah, Robinson Crusoe" which took away any doubt.

That helped me, too.

I didn't get Rotterdam, though I should have, and didn't do particularly well in the Bible category.  I did get William Golding,

navy bean (from the "Ahoy" in the clue) and Paper Moon.

And of course, the champ I didn't like won again.  Oh well, he bugs me for some reason, but he's not the worst ever, either.  I wanted Jackie to win, though.

7 hours ago, Clanstarling said:

In my experience, lima beans and butter beans are two different beasts - though  I'm sure they're related. I had to choke down butter beans as a child. Blech! (don't much like lima beans either...except when I was pregnant. Wierd.)

In mine as well.  I even said that to the tv.  I like lima beans and hate butter beans.  I think it's the texture of butter beans, like they're overripe limas  or something.


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11 minutes ago, proserpina65 said:

In mine as well.  I even said that to the tv.  I like lima beans and hate butter beans.  I think it's the texture of butter beans, like they're overripe limas  or something.

I always think of them as lima beans on steroids.

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Based on J!Archive, I'll tell you a story. When my mother was in school (around 1950, she was about 10), their class was asked to write a report about a folk hero. They were assigned their hero. My mom got "Paul Bunyan", but her friend got "Febold Feboldson"! Who had ever even heard of "Febold"??? And of course no Google, so she was stuck. My mother often mentions this story whenever folk heroes (especially Paul Bunyan) comes up. Shame we didn't see that clue (or all of J! except for FJ) today. Darn that Gov! I did have to laugh when the woman (who is she??) who reads the questions from reporters who submit online (and who determines when it's "the last question" (it's never the last question)) who said today "This will be the last question today, since I just got an email from someone who watches these updates and said 'it's running too long'" Must be a J! viewer!!!

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An instaget FJ for me today, despite knowing no French.  

I almost had All Quiet On The Western Front (I was about one word ahead of Alex), but just could not come up with Pecos Bill, although I should have known that one.  I did get Egypt, Panama, mosquito, and foxy.

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11 hours ago, Clanstarling said:

In my experience, lima beans and butter beans are two different beasts

Same here. Limas are green and flat, bigger. Butter beans are cream colored and shaped like a smaller kidney bean, or navy bean. I disliked limas intensely as a kid, but they are just fine now.

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3 hours ago, helpmerhonda said:

I need the state of Illinois to change the time of its daily Covid briefings.

I'm in Illinois, and the briefings are shown here on COZI tv, affiliated with NBC Ch. 6. COZI is Ch. 6.3 while Jeopardy is aired on the main NBC Ch. 6. So we lucked out here, but Little House is preempted daily. Jeopardy might be carried by a network other than NBC where you live.

As soon as I saw the FJ category, I said I bet my entire bank account. Any BW tv show and I'm in, and today was no exception. Lucy being pregnant was a huge deal, as was her being married to a Latin/non-white guy. They still had to keep separate twin beds, although even filming in a bedroom was mind-shattering in that day.

Now I want some BW tv western categories so I can ace those too.

Meanwhile, I got all the TSs today as well.

(Good for me.)

Edited by saber5055
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I was enjoying Ben's games, primarily because my mom's father and mother are from the Cadillac area and I know it fairly well but I didn't think he'd have a long run.  I did like how much he was enjoying his time there.

It greatly amuses me however that he was defeated by Nathan from South Portland since my dad's mother and sisters lived in Old Orchard Beach during my childhood and my aunts returned there for the last decades of their lives so I have spent a lot of time in South Portland.  

Finally thanks to W & M connections, I also spent a lot of time in the DC area so tonight was a contestants' geographic trifecta for me.

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Man- I was only half paying attention tonight but my kid is doing a virtual school project on someone famous from history and we just finished up all his research today. His famous person was Wayne Gretzky so I got that one right.
I stopped paying attention after that for a bit because I was busy looking up mid century modern fabrics to use for a duvet cover when final Jeopardy popped up. When I announced my second pregnancy in 2011 I used the phrase “enceinte” because I am a huge Lucy fan! Good night for me!

Edited by Mountainair
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1 hour ago, illdoc said:

My mom got "Paul Bunyan", but her friend got "Febold Feboldson"! Who had ever even heard of "Febold"???

I never have heard of Febold. I guess I gotta google.

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Heads up for 6abc/Philly/S. Jersey peeps. Jeopardy will not air at its regular time tomorrow due to a Philadelphia Covid telethon. It's scheduled to air at 1:07am.

Last night, I got navy beans, fall in love, and paper moon. No clue for FJ.

Today, I got Egypt, Spalding Gray, and foxy. FJ was an instaget. 


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13 hours ago, Clanstarling said:

 (don't much like lima beans either...except when I was pregnant. Wierd.)

They're a good source of lots of vitamins and minerals, including folate. It seems like your body wanted that nutrition!

10 hours ago, peeayebee said:

I'm not a big fan of lima beans, but I've had them as a side with spaghetti (at the preschool where I volunteer), and they taste really good with pasta sauce.

Hmmm, I may have to try that!

We had an audience shot today, but it was just other players and staff, I think.

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Ben remains either color blind or unable to see his own reflection, so I'm not sad this is the last of his tie/shirt combinations I'll see.

I lost track of time doing yard work (that is not a sentence you're likely to ever hear me say again; generally, I am painfully aware of every minute of yard work - as are my back and thighs the next day) and didn't get back in and washed up until the first commercial break, but thankfully I could check the archive during the second one and get caught up.

Panama, foxy, and All Quiet on the Western Front mildly surprised me as TS, but no real eye raisers.  Good game.

For them and for me -- I only missed two.  So close to my elusive perfect game!

Running the first round was ruled out early on, as I didn't know the Yellowjacket clue.  But I got the rest.  I almost also missed cardinal, because - and, by all means laugh; I did - I initially guessed "bishop" (knowing nothing about any church's hierarchy, and thus guessing something that sounded Catholic and higher up) before realizing, duh, red is right there in the clue, so it's cardinal, and switching just before the contestant answered.

In DJ, I knew (or at least correctly guessed) everything but Bradley Cooper.

FJ was an instaget; I don't like the show, but it's hard to avoid knowing the basics about it, and I've read numerous times about the word "pregnant" being verboten. 

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If you know anything about I Love Lucy, FJ was probably easy. I'm not surprised that Rachel didn't get it. Kids these days.

Others I got were Egypt, mosquito, All Quiet on the Western Front, Spaulding Gray, zebu, and Pecos Bill. Coincidentally, today my sister and I were looking at an animal video online, and she wondered what the big cow-like animal was. I told her it was a zebu.

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15 minutes ago, peeayebee said:

Coincidentally, today my sister and I were looking at an animal video online, and she wondered what the big cow-like animal was. I told her it was a zebu.

Having spent way too much time on top of a horse at rodeos and on cow/calf operations, that photo was a Brahman which, it turns out, is a strain of Zebu. I admit I had a difficult time trying to fit Brahma into a four-letter, high-scoring Scrabble word.

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1 hour ago, dcalley said:

We had an audience shot today, but it was just other players and staff, I think.

I went back and looked at my recording because we missed the beginning fussing around with supper, and my Wednesday recording showed absolutely no audience shots. And Alex did not shake hands with anyone at the end.

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4 hours ago, saber5055 said:
8 hours ago, helpmerhonda said:

I need the state of Illinois to change the time of its daily Covid briefings.

I'm in Illinois, and the briefings are shown here on COZI tv, affiliated with NBC Ch. 6. COZI is Ch. 6.3 while Jeopardy is aired on the main NBC Ch. 6. So we lucked out here, but Little House is preempted daily. Jeopardy might be carried by a network other than NBC where you live.

I agree, missed everything but FJ (which I got) then had to read the archive. I'm even worse keeping track of the answers I get when I read them than when I'm watching.

Jeopardy is not on Cozi or NBC here in a far western suburb of Chicago, both when we had cable and now that we have YouTubeTV Jeopardy is on the local ABC station. At 3:30 pm.

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2 hours ago, chessiegal said:

I went back and looked at my recording because we missed the beginning fussing around with supper, and my Wednesday recording showed absolutely no audience shots. And Alex did not shake hands with anyone at the end.

It wasn't at the beginning; it was at the first break in play. There's a screen shot here (under the spoiler tag), and I think I recognize Jackie and Tiffany from Tuesday's game.

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10 hours ago, dcalley said:

They're a good source of lots of vitamins and minerals, including folate. It seems like your body wanted that nutrition!

Probably. With my second one, I couldn't get enough banana peppers for about two weeks. At least my body didn't entice me to eat really strange things.

A good week so far, I swept two categories  - the end is in the beginning and it was all yellow. I got the AntMan clue not because I'm that familiar with it, but because I'm WAY too familiar with yellow jackets. Category sweeping is not common for me, so I'm pleased with myself.

FJ was instant - saw this episode in reruns many times, it's one of my favorites.

Edited by Clanstarling
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11 hours ago, saber5055 said:

Having spent way too much time on top of a horse at rodeos and on cow/calf operations, that photo was a Brahman which, it turns out, is a strain of Zebu. I admit I had a difficult time trying to fit Brahma into a four-letter, high-scoring Scrabble word.

I forgot about Brahmans. I need to google and compare photos.

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11 hours ago, saber5055 said:

Having spent way too much time on top of a horse at rodeos and on cow/calf operations, that photo was a Brahman which, it turns out, is a strain of Zebu. I admit I had a difficult time trying to fit Brahma into a four-letter, high-scoring Scrabble word.

My first instinct was Brahman too. I did not know about zebus. Horses and rodeos though, good memories.

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The yellow category reminded me of one of my favorite tv quotes of all time, uttered by a vaguely Germanic male model on Psych: it was yellow und boring.

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1 hour ago, peeayebee said:

I forgot about Brahmans. I need to google and compare photos.

They are identical. It's just that one is a good four-letter Scrabble word, the other is not.

I was not surprised to see the audience shot. When I was in the audience, a large portion of it was made up of contestants waiting to get on and contestants who stuck around after being defeated, plus their family members. I give props to the show for trying to appear normal as long as possible.

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16 hours ago, saber5055 said:

Same here. Limas are green and flat, bigger. Butter beans are cream colored and shaped like a smaller kidney bean, or navy bean. I disliked limas intensely as a kid, but they are just fine now.

Lima beans are baby butter beans.

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4 minutes ago, SoMuchTV said:

Am I the only one who thinks finger and singer don’t exactly rhyme?

You are not.  I don't pronounce them the same, either.

I'm glad middle woman wrote "top brass" -- that's what I wrote, and wondered if they'd accept that, or if they only wanted "brass".

I also got pled and shred, King Arthur, Scotland, and Newcastle.  I was really surprised no one guessed King Arthur -- every time he introduces himself in Monty Python and the Holy Grail, it's as Arthur, King of the Britons.

I kind of laughed at the H&R Block clue -- I'll bet Ken didn't miss it this time!

But I was a little sad at the yearbook clue -- did the class of 2020 get yearbooks?  I hope they did.

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