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LSSC: Season Five Episode Talk

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Stephen and John are my everything right now. They are showing they feel much the same way I am feeling, and also the weirdness of connecting with people online - I'm setting up video chats with family who live hundreds of miles away and 12 blocks away - it's...surreal. And John talking about his team talking him through it...well. I'm usually in the 'team' role, but I GET IT!!!!

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I'm loving their conversation. I loved them exchanging stories about their worst experiences in front of crowds. Poor John, with that standup crowd. And the way he laughed when Stephen told him about trying to read Ulysses to that crowd in Ireland was adorable :D. 

I also loved their more serious discussion about the issue of sacrifice, and how people are (and aren't) responding to the whole concept. Now I've got my tax refund and the upcoming stimulus check coming in and whatnot, I'm definitely going to donate some money to some organizations benefiting all those who need help. 

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When I was watching yesterday's episode I got the monologue just fine then when Stephen said "and now an interview with John Oliver". It suddenly went to multi-colored bars (like the test one) and flashes of him still saying the last sentence.  I tried changing channels and all other channels were working just fine. So It was just CBS. Did anyone else have this problem? I ended up giving up after 5 minutes so maybe it fixed itself.

edit: Thank you youtube, the episode is on there in parts :).

Edited by blueray
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My dad listened to John Prine all the time and that duet warmed my heart.   Daniel Radcliffe is such a geek in all the right ways.    And I don't know why it made me giggle when Stephen asked his son if he'd done that lego and so Stephen's son asked if it was new so Stephen asked Daniel who asked his girlfriend.   The little game of telephone they had going was just so pure.

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That duet was lovely indeed :).

And Radcliffe seems like such a sweetheart. I love how he just rolled with all the technical difficulties. 

Also, I learned the backstory on that "Just Dropped in..." song, so thanks for that, Stephen!

Edited by Annber03
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About the duet: I loved how Stephen said "We'll probably do this for the internet, unless something terrible happens and we have to cheer up the world on the TV show." 

How did he know?

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A. Freaking. Men to Stephen's comments about how everyone should hold a job in the service industry at some point in order to learn how to be kind to others. I have been saying that for years, that if I ran the world, I would require everyone to do at least one year in a customer service job of some kind. 

I also appreciated Ryan's comments about how working in the service industry prepared him for working in Hollywood. I think that makes a lot of sense. 

I've really been enjoying the interviews this week. Lots of good, thoughtful conversations going on here. 


Ahahahahahahahaha, that is fantastic XD. 

Edited by Annber03
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Thank you, Stephen, for making me laugh about your dog delivering messages to your neighbors on their lawns in about 20 minutes.
My funny bone always seems to fall for the "Rule of 3" --in this case: 3 ham slices LOL

Ryan Reynolds, Daniel Radcliffe, John Oliver. . . clearly to appear on A Late Show you have to be one of the good guys.
Looks like tomorrow is Alicia Keys and Nancy Pelosi, who I expect will both "tell it like it is," and at least AK will be doing some awesome charity work (I don't think politicians currently in office can do that).

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Maybe it's because I too am on day 20 of self-quarantine and the oxygen is growing scarce in my home, but I was literally crying from laughing at Stephen's monologue. Cuomo's possible nipple piercings and the guy with the animal print thong facemask ("what's coronavirus?") were just what I needed.

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3 minutes ago, Dewey Decimate said:

Maybe it's because I too am on day 20 of self-quarantine and the oxygen is growing scarce in my home, but I was literally crying from laughing at Stephen's monologue. Cuomo's possible nipple piercings and the guy with the animal print thong facemask ("what's coronavirus?") were just what I needed.

This show is the first I'd heard of that story about Cuomo and the nipple piercings. On the one hand, agreed that Stephen's take on it was hilarious. On the other hand, that's information I could've probably gone the rest of my life without knowing :p.

I also laughed at Stephen's comment about Florida "suffering a raging case of being Florida". 

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Maybe isolation is getting to me, but I've actually enjoyed these shows more than the regular ones, and I enjoy those a lot. Usually I tune out after my favorite parts--the monologue and first desk bit--but this week I've watched to the end. I like the one-guest format and the set-up makes the interviews feel more intimate, which is weird considering they're not in the same room.

ETA: I already knew the origin of quarantine and I remember Eddie Shack well.


Edited by ABay
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I've been a Colbert fan since TDS and was a faithful viewer of TCR. While I occasionally watch LSSC, the format and the interviews don't really work for me as much so I watch it less. I am enjoying these at home shows much more. I feel like Stephen has found the groove without an audience. It feels more sincere and real in some ways even though he still has access to his writers. The interviews are more candid too; the Oliver and Radcliffe ones felt like he was just calling some friends. Overall, it is different vibe though which I really like.

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Alicia Keys has beautiful teeth! They match the rest of her - I think she's gorgeous. I didn't care for the song she performed though. I am wondering how crazy she is - putting her cell number out there to invite the public to call or text her! It looked like Stephen wrote it down, as did I, but I don't plan to actually use it.

When Stephen asked her how to meditate and she explained in detail, he did not look into it at all, more like he was stifling laughing. If he doesn't buy into it, don't go through the motions asking a guest to teach you how to do it...just move on to another subject. 

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I appreciate the effort of doing A Late Show. I like Stephen's more relaxed delivery and the references to his family, which is now his crew. And, of course, the appearances of his endearingly undisciplined dog! When the quarantine is over, Stephen should have Cesar Millan as a guest. I'd like to see him and that dog spend some quality time together!

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7 hours ago, Katmai said:

Alicia Keys has beautiful teeth! They match the rest of her - I think she's gorgeous. I didn't care for the song she performed though…

OTOH, I loved Alicia Keys‘ song —mostly because it was just so her and so relatable. Plus she always reminds me of my niece, LOL —inside and out. 


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I think these shows are working for Stephen partly because he started with people who would roll with it, and partly for the longer conversations. I love Stephen and I always watch his show, but I think he's a terrible interviewer. He doesn't let conversations flow naturally; he's always making awkward segues back to what's on his cards. He's not doing that this week, so that's great (with John Oliver, it helped that they're good friends and that John Oliver is John Oliver). 

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I love Stephen and I always watch his show, but I think he's a terrible interviewer. He doesn't let conversations flow naturally; he's always making awkward segues back to what's on his cards. He's not doing that this week, so that's great


These at-home episodes of the show the only ones in which I consistently bother to watch the interviews past the first couple minutes.  It's ironic that, with rare and lovely exceptions,  Stephen just can't seem to drop the schtick during interviews.  Back when Stephen was still doing TCR, I read or saw some interview somewhere in which he said that one of his frustrations on TCR was that he had to stay in character during the interviews even when he had really interesting guests that he just yearned to have a real conversation with.  Well Stephen, you are into Season Five of your new gig now.  You don't have to stay "in character" any more.  Just sayin' ...

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Same here with regard to the interviews but I think part of the problem is that on CBS he is obligated to have the usual talk show guests. On TCR there were a lot of interesting people you'd never see on the usual chat circuit and were presumably engaged in work Stephen was interested in. I mean, I'd never seen Stephen Sondheim on a talk show and certainly not a time when someone sang one of his own songs to him.

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4 hours ago, ABay said:

Same here with regard to the interviews but I think part of the problem is that on CBS he is obligated to have the usual talk show guests. On TCR there were a lot of interesting people you'd never see on the usual chat circuit and were presumably engaged in work Stephen was interested in. I mean, I'd never seen Stephen Sondheim on a talk show and certainly not a time when someone sang one of his own songs to him.

When Colbert first started on CBS, though, he had a different kind of roster of guests, at least on the evening's back end - he would have CEOs of tech companies (Elon Musk), more writers/thinkers, and quirky choices like the Night Vale podcast people. 

If any of you are old enough to remember, Johnny Carson had a similar setup in his day - writers like Mailer, Vidal, Capote and Updike would be frequent guests later on in the show.  Colbert has said Carson was one of his inspirations, and I guess he was trying to emulate that at first. So I presume at least at first he had more of a say in the guest list.  Then, after a year or so, along with all the other changes, the variety ceased.  I guess CBS put its foot down and ordered more mainstream and less niche guests.

(I've noticed by comparison that Seth Meyers has more of those kind of guests - theater actors and writers. Presumably since he's on later and has a smaller audience he has more leeway to be niche.)

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On 4/3/2020 at 1:02 PM, Katmai said:

Alicia Keys has beautiful teeth! They match the rest of her - I think she's gorgeous. I didn't care for the song she performed though.

It was a parody song of Flo Rida's "My House" with a social distancing twist (and I think the song's chorus is quite catchy, anyway). But that wasn't a "real song" of hers (well, it is now, but you know what I mean). I was actually surprised about it but thought it was funny once I realized what she was doing.

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I don't understand why Stephen can't do the Dylan parody. Dylan has no say in it--parody is explicitly Fair Use and CBS would probably prevail on the rest of the balancing test.

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28 minutes ago, ABay said:

I don't understand why Stephen can't do the Dylan parody. Dylan has no say in it--parody is explicitly Fair Use and CBS would probably prevail on the rest of the balancing test.

Maybe it's like Weird Al, who always got permission from the original artist. He could legally do it, but wants the okay.

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35 minutes ago, ABay said:

I don't understand why Stephen can't do the Dylan parody. Dylan has no say in it--parody is explicitly Fair Use and CBS would probably prevail on the rest of the balancing test.

The funniest thing is, that same interview aired on Conan's show, and the lyrics weren't censored. You can watch it here (Dylan part starts at 11:15 into the video). Kinda makes me wonder if there's more to that story. 

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I really enjoyed the interview with Bernie. Stephen did a good job asking him questions. I would elaborate more about how much I liked what Bernie said but I'm not sure how much politics are allowed to be discussion? I do think he will endorse Biden though by the convention.

Edited by blueray
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40 minutes ago, blueray said:

I really enjoyed the interview with Bernie. Stephen did a good job asking him questions. I would elaborate more about how much I liked what Bernie said but I'm not sure how much politics are allowed to be discussion? I do think he will endorse Biden though by the convention.

Well, I think SC used the phrase "full throated" at least 3 or 4 times and didn't get anything more than a poker face in response. Heh.


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On 4/2/2020 at 11:38 AM, ABay said:

Maybe isolation is getting to me, but I've actually enjoyed these shows more than the regular ones, and I enjoy those a lot. Usually I tune out after my favorite parts--the monologue and first desk bit--but this week I've watched to the end. I like the one-guest format and the set-up makes the interviews feel more intimate, which is weird considering they're not in the same room.

ETA: I already knew the origin of quarantine and I remember Eddie Shack well.


I've been thinking the same thing! At first I wasn't sure if I liked this format -- but I find my self watching the entire show to the end -- it's almost like entire episode of the monologue.

Plus the camera panning (at the end) over Jon Batiste and those amazingly long-fingered sexy hands playing the piano is the highlight!

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Going back to Tueday's combo interview with Conan, with all due respect to Seth Meyers, Stephen's story of his totally chance encounter with the man who had double dated with Stephen's parents at their senior prom is the kind of story we need right now. 

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33 minutes ago, Hooper said:

Going back to Tueday's combo interview with Conan, with all due respect to Seth Meyers, Stephen's story of his totally chance encounter with the man who had double dated with Stephen's parents at their senior prom is the kind of story we need right now. 

As great as that story is, my favorite is still Stephen's story about meeting his (now) wife for the first time. I love how he gets so into the story, like he's reliving it again. It's so cute. Here's the video of him telling that story (it's a Facebook video, because for some bizarre reason they never uploaded it to YouTube). 

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I love that story about how they met as well. It's so adorable :). 

And in a similar vein, it was sweet, during his tribute to John Prine last night, when he started talking about having a song of Prine's on a cassette tape when he and his wife were first dating, and how he learned the song on guitar so he could sing it to her over the phone. I mean...<3. 

On the note of Prine, Brandi Carlisle's performance last night got me all choked up. I honestly wasn't familiar with his work until the news that he'd fallen ill, but with the way people keep talking about him, and given what I've heard of his work thus far thanks to Stephen's show, I apparently need to remedy that.

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"Being willfully stupid is not part of the Christian tradition." 

Louder for the people in the back, Meacham. Thank you

Also, the questions he has about this administration are the exact same ones I've been constantly asking myself and others these last few years (I loved his comment about "weaponizing narcissism"), so if he ever were to write a book exploring that aspect of this presidency, I would absolutely read that. 


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I am enjoying all the talk shows without the audiences.  I know the applause is important to the hosts and guests,  but it often makes my head hurt.    And I Iike seeing people’s houses and pets.  

Question. Was that the tiger guy or someone playing him? If so, who? I watched only one episode of the TK which was enough for me.  I live in a small town and since the election have found out I live among mostly willfully stupid (right on John  Meacham!!!) redneck cracker hillbillies so I have more than my quota of that bullshit.

weaponized narcissism.........something to ponder 👺

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On 4/8/2020 at 5:39 PM, Raradra said:

The funniest thing is, that same interview aired on Conan's show, and the lyrics weren't censored. You can watch it here (Dylan part starts at 11:15 into the video). Kinda makes me wonder if there's more to that story. 

Just guessing here, but maybe the issue over at CBS is not so much that Dylan would really sue that but that CBS is afraid that Dylan would sue them?  For what it's worth, I seem to remember that Bob has freely allowed bootlegs of his music to be available online to his fans over the years so I wonder if he's really that concerned about a take-off like this.

I'd love to hear the whole satire!

I haven't yet seen both extended versions of the Stephen/Conan interview.  I'm pretty convinced that they actually like each other a lot but find it entertaining to pretend otherwise.

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46 minutes ago, Raradra said:

Tiger King guy was played by Thomas Lennon. 

That is hilarious because I've never seen an ep of TK and truly didn't know if it was really that scumbag guy. Watching real news, as depressing and frustrating as it can be, is one thing, but I refuse to voluntarily remind myself of the depths of human trash that ceaselessly lap against the shore of this world. (Whoa, that's a painfully twisted metaphor, apologies.) When the "TK" started singing, I said, damn, that sounds so much like Thomas Lennon, but Stephen wasn't cracking at all, so I wondered, is this really the guy? My mom, who watches TK, texted later and confirmed (so she thought) that it was really the TK, and now I'll have to blow her mind with this news.

A long way of saying, Thomas Lennon, you are awesome.

And speaking of awesome, a few eps ago when Stephen was wearing the black button-down shirt, looking tanned... holy moly. Mama like! Quarantine is somehow working for him. 

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4 hours ago, Lifesabeach said:

Question. Was that the tiger guy or someone playing him? If so, who? I watched only one episode of the TK which was enough for me.  I live in a small town and since the election have found out I live among mostly willfully stupid (right on John  Meacham!!!) redneck cracker hillbillies so I have more than my quota of that bullshit.

weaponized narcissism.........something to ponder 👺

I am fairly certain that was Thomas Lennon. I was getting ready for the day while I was watching this morning and wasn't paying complete attention, and wondered if that was the real guy as well (since I've never watched it. I thought it was weird he would be able to communicate if he was in fact in jail), but when the guy started to sing, I was like "that sounds exactly like Thomas Lennon", so that's my final answer.


When the "TK" started singing, I said, damn, that sounds so much like Thomas Lennon, but Stephen wasn't cracking at all, so I wondered, is this really the guy?

I didn't see your post until after I posted--but it's so funny that it's the singing that did it for me too. Up until then I was unsure then, bam, nope, that's Thomas Lennon!


Edit: My bad! I read your post and immediately commented and forgot to read other posts first so it seems this was asked and answered! But I'll leave it up anyway because I have weaponized narcissism (seriously, that guy was very interesting).

Edited by BookThief
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6 hours ago, Dewey Decimate said:


And speaking of awesome, a few eps ago when Stephen was wearing the black button-down shirt, looking tanned... holy moly. Mama like! Quarantine is somehow working for him. 

I think that Stephen's daughter is doing the best makeup job on him that I've ever seen.   Maybe she should pass along her tips to the folks at CBS - and yes, the black button down shirt look is great.    The off the cuff atmosphere has been fun in general.

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I have no doubt at all that CBS has a stricter censorship regimen than TBS. It's evident on pretty much any show you'd watch on either network.

I couldn't get through the episode Conan was on. I just found it painfully, unbearably tedious, so I gave up and deleted it before what apparently was the best and most interesting parts.


In answer to the question asked: no, I don't think Jon (Stewart) has been on these quarantine broadcasts. John Oliver has, and Jon Batiste has.


I agree the make up job is working really well. I am not sure what the difference is, but I'd have expected it to be worse, if for no other reason than the lighting is surely not as well done as is possible in the regular studio.


I didn't like when Stephen said he'd married the right girl. She's a woman, Stephen. And if bringing you a drink is what makes her great, it's kind of insulting. But I'm probably just cranky.

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6 hours ago, possibilities said:

I didn't like when Stephen said he'd married the right girl. She's a woman, Stephen. And if bringing you a drink is what makes her great, it's kind of insulting. But I'm probably just cranky.

That bit gave me pause too (even though we know he really loves his wife) so maybe she's at an age where being called "a girl" is a compliment? IDK. Hey, at least he's not calling her "Mother."
But, yeah, not his best moment and probably should have been edited out, but I still haven't recovered from the view of his tighty whities which I did Not need to see and which he said his wife didn't see. I guess this is why editors have jobs. Hey, Stephen, I'm sure your editor would be happy to work from home.
Or maybe someone else decided they wanted it unedited externally to keep the at-home vibe. IDK. People make lots of stupid choices.
As long as 80% of what I stay awake for or watch the next day seems good to me and gives me a smile or a laugh or a warm fuzzy feeling, I'll continue watching, including 


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On 4/10/2020 at 5:50 PM, Dewey Decimate said:

And speaking of awesome, a few eps ago when Stephen was wearing the black button-down shirt, looking tanned... holy moly. Mama like! Quarantine is somehow working for him. 

Last night's interview with Matthew McConaughy was so fun.  And Stephen looked so fine!!!!  Mama was really liking his look!!  

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