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S14.E03: All Aboard The Rumor Train

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Shannon looked so pretty during her dinner with Brawny.  It's a shame because on WWHL she looked like she'd had a lot if work done since then.  So much filler that her big brown eyes are now squished up.

Gina is full of shit and a fourth-wall breaker.  Excuse me, Emily, I need to scurry away and collect myself dramatically before I come back and tell you something I'd already told you off-camera.

Vicki is also full of shit.  She is such a liar that I doubt everything that comes out of her piggy mouth.  If she says the sky is blue I have to go to the window to see for myself.  

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A few people have already mentioned it but it still seems like many did not notice that it was TAMRA WHO SAID THE WORD TRAIN. Just another example of her being a complete faux friend asshole while someone else gets all the blame. 

Edited by snarts
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Emily wanting to perform a dance for her husband seems very familiar. Which housewife did the same thing - another HW coached her with the sexy moves... I think it was at a party on a yacht...? (Please tell me this happened and I'm not going insane!)

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QQQQ, Now you've put that in my head and I am furiously trying to remember this. I know Erica Jane coached Dorit how to sing or something for PK's birthday party. Was this it. I can't wee the yacht though.

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While I agree it is no body's business but Kelly's I have to think she kind of wanted it out there and this is why she told Shannon. Why would anyone with half a brain tell someone on this show something so personal and expect it not to come out? This is what they do. Get drunk. scream vulgarities, fight and act like fools all while sitting in public restaurants. None of them are capable of keeping a confidence. It is amazing to me that all of the children of these women are not in therapy for what they have heard their mothers say on national tv or they have not changed their names and assumed a new identify.

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5 minutes ago, 65mickey said:

While I agree it is no body's business but Kelly's I have to think she kind of wanted it out there and this is why she told Shannon. Why would anyone with half a brain tell someone on this show something so personal and expect it not to come out? 

I mean if you keep stuff to yourself you are a bad person ( think New York and Tins being screamed at for not sharing every detail of her life with the girls cause they are her "friends") and actually thinking some of these ladies are her friend and you tell your girlfriends that kinda stuff... Lesson learned that none of these ladies are really your friend and will use whatever they can has ammo to attack you.. I now see why Boring girl ( good god I forgot her name) on this show didn't tell any of the girls her husband cheated I mean look what they do they use whatever they can to attack I would have kept it quiet to 

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9 hours ago, LibertarianSlut said:

Gina, you're no good at hiding your drinking!  That's why you blew a .2 at 3:40 am!

3:40 am! Gina might be doing a little blow herself? nttawwt!

Edited by Mr. Minor
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Tamra is just as vile as Vicki for bringing up the train, but who cares?  If your daughter is going to be affected about what comes out on tv, don’t be on tv.  The thing that makes me continue to hate Vicki is that when she sees that Kelly doesn’t want to make up, instead of letting it go and giving it time, she alludes to more dirt.  You don’t want to be my friend so I’ll threaten you with what I know and Tamra is there to drive it home.  I wouldn’t trust any of them with any info.

I was lost with the whole Gina I can’t talk about it nonsense.  I thought she was going to bring up the alleged abuse, but an affair?  Duh.  This is not earth shattering or unexpected.

I don’t mind Bronwyn telling Vicki she’s not feeling her, but I don’t get the marketing scheme with her daughter and husband.  That was just weird.  What is she selling?  Dancewear?  Dance lifestyle?  I don’t get it.  Wasn’t it that same lifestyle that exasperated her OCD?  So the pressure to make her business successful isn’t going to cause additional stress?

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24 minutes ago, 65mickey said:

QQQQ, Now you've put that in my head and I am furiously trying to remember this. I know Erica Jane coached Dorit how to sing or something for PK's birthday party. Was this it. I can't wee the yacht though.

Yes, that's it!! Thank you. This was driving me nuts all night. 

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33 minutes ago, Keywestclubkid said:

Can I just ask who's business of the ladies is it IF KELLY did a 500 person gang bang?  I mean really? She's an adult woman who can make her own choices and last i heard having sex with anyone over the age of 18 when you chose to do so isn't Illegal.. and its not like shes the one running around advertising that she had it so it wouldn't effect her daughter unlike Vicki going on a national televised show and saying it .... what exactly are these women clutching their pearls about?  Vicki you covered for a man that lied about having cancer...who gave you the balls to think you could judge anyone? Sit down and didn't she do her own 3way wasn't that a whole stroyline on a ski trip? Who the fuck cares 

Then why should Kelly care? 

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And now this is pissing me off that I dont really even like Kelly but these Harpies are just so gross and vile that they have me defending her .... Scrap this cast and bring in people who are somewhat likable please 

6 minutes ago, Higgins said:

Then why should Kelly care? 

Because these women are using it to attack her .... IF they want to do that then i say KELLY bring out the big guns you know you got dirt on each and every one of them fair is fair let the tea be sipped and spilled if they want to go that low..... UGH 

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1 minute ago, Keywestclubkid said:

And now this is pissing me off that I dont really even like Kelly but these Harpies are just so gross and vile that they have me defending her .... Scrap this cast and bring in people who are somewhat likable please 

Because these women are using it to attack her .... IF they want to do that then i say KELLY bring out the big guns you know you got dirt on each and every one of them fair is fair let the tea be sipped and spilled if they want to go that low..... UGH 

Seems to me if true,  she chose to share it.

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Just now, Higgins said:

Seems to me if true,  she chose to share it.

Exactly! This is akin to "celebrities" who make sex tapes and then the tape just happens to get stolen and made public. Of course they are behind this. Gets their name out there and says look at me look at me I'm oh so important.  If this is true Kelly is either dumb as a box of rocks for believing that it would remain a secret or she thinks it makes her super hot and she wants it out there. Either way not good. 

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11 hours ago, SweetieDarling said:

The new.girl's husband is taking 7 kids skiing? And she's going to meet them at the end of the week? What?! 

I keep on saying "7" in the WTF way Julie Andrews does in The Sound of Music.

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8 hours ago, Mu Shu said:

Vicky is jealous. She couldn’t even get a toy caboose run on her, unless it was some super skeevy guy who closed his eyes and tried to focus on the new teefs he would get in return. 

Tamra is a crude heifer. Nothing to see here.

Emily now has a bald spot from Shane. I felt like she and that idiot Gina were amping the drama for purposes of keeping their oranges.

Vicki looks insane. Screaming blubbering baboons ass. Good for Brown stone for rubbing her juicy new orange in the feral hog’s face. She treated the woman like shit and then told her to be nice. God how I wish K Dudd would go off on her and drop her fat ass like a sack of shit. 

Brown stone.  I just can’t, Hahahahahaha.

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1 hour ago, QQQQ said:

Emily wanting to perform a dance for her husband seems very familiar. Which housewife did the same thing - another HW coached her with the sexy moves... I think it was at a party on a yacht...? (Please tell me this happened and I'm not going insane!)

It was Dorito who danced to "Fever" for PK on the rented party boat...she was coached by Erica Jane and Boy George.

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Personally I would find it repulsive to be a part of what they said Kelly did. But if all parties involved are single, consenting adults...whatever. I'd rather not hear about it. I do find it disturbing that Tamra and Vicki are dropping it out there like this. Vicki needs to be careful though, her having sex with Brooks is equally repulsive and didn't she cheat on Donn? She really doesn't have a moral high ground to stand on. 

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Just now, Mr. Minor said:

So Kelly sends Icki a pig emoji, all of a sudden Kelly is snorting coke off of some guys dick while pulling a train? Vicki is so repulsive!

Is there an emoji for that?

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55 minutes ago, Keywestclubkid said:

are we defending slut shaming? I mean really in this day and age to try to shame someone (and thats why they brought it up in whispers and hushed voices) was to shame her .... Everyone has sex Vicki herself has done 3 ways according to Laurie (and vicki had a melt down over that but its ok for her to do it to another housewife?) None of these women have the slightest moral compass anymore and now that Tamera is the anchor of the show its just gonna get worse .... I'm not saying Kelly is an angel but these women are no better and should really reflect before speaking 

If she is an unashamed sexually adventurous person who talks about it with others, she will be judged by many including her daughter and her daughter's peers and parents. If she doesn't care then why is she whining?

Edited by Higgins
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6 minutes ago, Higgins said:

If she is an unashamed sexually adventurous person who talks about it with others, she will be judged by many including her daughter and her daughter's peers and parents. If she doesn't care then why is she whining?

when sister Bertha better then you is sitting in judgement and clutching pearls when she has skeletons with cancer in her own 3way closest there is a problem ... when you have no leg to stand on but are trying to shame someone for an action you do/have done yourself there is a problem .... And Kelly hasn't heard this "new" rumor yet so that's not what she is "whining" about 

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6 minutes ago, Keywestclubkid said:

when sister Bertha better then you is sitting in judgement and clutching pearls when she has skeletons with cancer in her own 3way closest there is a problem ... when you have no leg to stand on but are trying to shame someone for an action you do/have done yourself there is a problem .... And Kelly hasn't heard this "new" rumor yet so that's not what she is "whining" about 

What is she whining about? Her poor daughter? Because as a mom, she is as much an embarrassment as all of the others.

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27 minutes ago, Higgins said:

What is she whining about? Her poor daughter? Because as a mom, she is as much an embarrassment as all of the others.

see that's the thing i also think Kelly is a horrible waste of a person but the fact that these ladies are trying to act like they arent just as bad is whats funny ..... the hypocrisy of this esp after Vicki had a melt down over the same kind of accusation is hilarious to me did she have a brain fart and forget that? 

Edited by Keywestclubkid
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11 hours ago, BluBrd47 said:

So I wasn’t clear was this dance Emily was going to do a private thing or something at a club? As much as I felt for Emily when she started crying and as much as a douche Shane is I could kind of see why he would find that awkward. It sounds kind of cheesy and contrived.

She mentioned being part of a group, I think. It almost sounded like a can-can dance, to be honest. LOL

But, yes, I will concede your point - I'm sure that would make a LOT of men uncomfortable. But it's all about how you handle it. A decent man could have said something like, "Honey, I would find it SO sexy if you danced for me, but I think doing it in public could be awkward and distracting.Why don't we do something fun at home? I'll make dinner and you can pick out a sexy outfit?" I'm sure Shane said something more like, "What? Don't be ridiculous! No one wants to see that!" 

He's just an ass. 

11 hours ago, Dance4Life said:

Shane is cheating!

There!  I said it! 🤗

With a woman? LOL. I rarely make guesses about people's sexuality. And I'm not sure I'm ready to say that Shane is gay. But he does not seem even remotely attracted to his wife, or any other woman he's come in contact with the show. He just doesn't seem like a sexual being at all. He's a weirdo. 

10 hours ago, LibertarianSlut said:

I don't want to defend Vicki, but I do think it's important that the record be straight that she did not start the thing with the train.  Tamra was the first one to bring up the train and Vicki went with it.  The way the conversation as it related to Kelly happened as I remember it was that they were all kind of trying to bait her to talk about Kelly, she balked a few times, then said she knew too much, Tamra said, "say it!," Vicki said no, and Tamra said something like, "oh you're not going to talk about the train?"  And then Vicki totally gave it life by saying we'll never, ever talk about the train!  But Tamra started this, and I don't want that to get lost in translation.  I want Tamra to get her comeuppance way too much.

You're 100% right. Tamra is simply smarter than Vicki; that's all. (And I realize that's not saying much.) She knows how to carefully steer conversations in the direction she wants them to go, but manipulates it in such a way that it appears like others are doing the shit-stirring. They're both vile. Vicki just isn't as clever. 

7 hours ago, CrinkleCutCat said:

Emily is upset about her little twerp not wanting her to dance for him in Vegas.... When Gina returns to the couch to spill the beans about Matt to Emily she said (with exaggerated affect) “You’re problems seem so stupid right now, that’s what I’m going to tell you” [giggle giggle to take the sting away]. Why are Emily’s problems with her ‘huzzbin’ stupid? I found that a really shitty thing to say to Emily, who seemed too shocked to reply....and then the conversation became all about Gina.

THANK YOU! I forgot to bring that up in my initial post, but it really bothered me. Emily's problems are not small. At all. Matt was dipping out with another girl. Who knows if Shane has anyone else in his life, but he's dipping out all the same. He's cold and insulting and Emily is clearly heartbroken over it (don't know why, girl you can do better!). 

I seem to remember Gina being sort of dismissive of Emily last season too, but I can't recall specifics. 

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12 hours ago, SweetieDarling said:

The new.girl's husband is taking 7 kids skiing? And she's going to meet them at the end of the week? What?! 

Don't worry, he will have an entourage of nannies along.  And, no doubt the older kids can fend for themselves. 

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9 hours ago, DivaLasVegas82 said:

A threesome and a train are two different things. A train is when several men have sex with one woman right after another. A gangbang would be when they have sex with one woman at the same time. A threesome is just that...sex with three people.

Color me educated because I had no clue as I watched last night.  But, if this is true about Kelly then I would believe the cocaine story as well.  Because, who would do something like this while straight?  SMH . . .

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2 hours ago, QQQQ said:

Emily wanting to perform a dance for her husband seems very familiar. Which housewife did the same thing - another HW coached her with the sexy moves... I think it was at a party on a yacht...? (Please tell me this happened and I'm not going insane!)

You're not insane. 

It was a repressed memory.  I think just about EVERYBODY blocked out the memory of Dorit singing and dancing for PK.

I know I wanted an extra dose of brain bleach that episode.

Little Boy Reaction GIF by Children's Miracle Network Hospitals
43 minutes ago, bosawks said:

Is there an emoji for that?

Please. No!  

Is there enough brain bleach in this world to block that vision out of my brain?

IF Kelly did engage in a "train" AND snorted cocaine off a penis and wanted to, whatever.  But I draw the line at an emoji.

no GIF
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1 hour ago, Higgins said:

Seems to me if true,  she chose to share it.

Not publicly. I know, I know; they're on a reality show. And she SHOULD be smarter than to tell any of these women anything. Unlike some of the franchises; there are few TRUE friendships in the OC. That being said, Kelly has always been the kind of person who speaks before she thinks. She likely let it slip one night while drinking. But just because you tell one (or two) person something in confidence, that doesn't mean you're okay with the whole world knowing. If it was that black and white, we'd all go to our graves bloated with the secrets of our lives. To announce something that was said off camera on national TV is just really shitty. 

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Remember when they were in Ireland on a bus  and Kelly was mad at Shannon for some reason. She screamed out your husband beats the crap out of you. Turns out Shannon told Vickie something about a fight that she had with David and the police were called.  Of course Vickie shared this with Kelly who found it necessary to to scream this out while filming. So no Miss Kelly doesn't need to think her secrets are safe with any of them.

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1 hour ago, Keywestclubkid said:

when sister Bertha better then you is sitting in judgement and clutching pearls when she has skeletons with cancer in her own 3way closest there is a problem ... when you have no leg to stand on but are trying to shame someone for an action you do/have done yourself there is a problem .... And Kelly hasn't heard this "new" rumor yet so that's not what she is "whining" about 

+10000000000 to everything you've said.  It's absolutely none of their business.   And for them to do this shows such complete disregard for a 12/13 year old girl and her feelings.  You'd think of all people, Tamara, Vicky, and Shannon would be most sensitive to that.  But nope.  Hypocrites.

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3 hours ago, snarts said:

A few people have already mentioned it but it still seems like many did not notice that it was TAMRA WHO SAID THE WORD TRAIN. Just another example of her being a complete faux friend asshole while someone else gets all the blame. 

I re-watched the reunion when they were gearing up for the new season and the train was actually mentioned then by Vicki.  Tamra was just bringing it back up. 

Edit: It just got lost in the cocaine accusation 

Edited by melkel14
Added more info
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2 hours ago, Keywestclubkid said:

And now this is pissing me off that I dont really even like Kelly but these Harpies are just so gross and vile that they have me defending her .... Scrap this cast and bring in people who are somewhat likable please 

Because these women are using it to attack her .... IF they want to do that then i say KELLY bring out the big guns you know you got dirt on each and every one of them fair is fair let the tea be sipped and spilled if they want to go that low..... UGH 

This has been Tamras MO from the start. She breaks people down, builds them up, and repeats the cycle over and over. The people she can’t break down get ran out. She constantly shifts alliances and uses her cult members to obliterate her latest target. I mean, Kelly has been an asshole from jump, but Tamra has been manipulating her like damn Charles Manson. If Tamra has continued down her trailer park past, I’m convinced she would have ended up being portrayed on one of those ID discovery shows. She’s an evil hag with a lot of power and cunning. 

Running the train. That’s when a bunch of guys has sex with one woman as part of an initiation. Outlaw bikers do that. Women joining or closely associated with the club are required to have sex with all the brothers in the clubhouse. The woman is pulling the train. 

Somehow I don’t see Kelly joining a gang and having sex with a bunch of scumbags. Wouldn’t be the first time these idiots malapropriated underground slang. 

Edited by Mu Shu
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8 hours ago, CrinkleCutCat said:

Emily is upset about her little twerp not wanting her to dance for him in Vegas.... When Gina returns to the couch to spill the beans about Matt to Emily she said (with exaggerated affect) “You’re problems seem so stupid right now, that’s what I’m going to tell you” [giggle giggle to take the sting away]. Why are Emily’s problems with her ‘huzzbin’ stupid? I found that a really shitty thing to say to Emily, who seemed too shocked to reply...

OMG, I had to rewind this part just to make sure I heard it right. Who says something like that to a good friend? Just because she is going through a hard time does not mean the problems other people have are "stupid".  I really don't have much sympathy for Gina either, especially after hearing her say that.

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15 minutes ago, mjstrick said:

+10000000000 to everything you've said.  It's absolutely none of their business.   And for them to do this shows such complete disregard for a 12/13 year old girl and her feelings.  You'd think of all people, Tamara, Vicky, and Shannon would be most sensitive to that.  But nope.  Hypocrites.

Kelly owes her daughter regard. She chose fame and fortune instead. Just like the rest.

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Just now, Higgins said:

Kelly owes her daughter regard. She chose fame and fortune instead. Just like the rest.

I agree with this as well.  But whoever stated above that these women should know better than to share certain things is absolutely right.  As a mom myself, I wouldn't do drugs or the other stuff either.  But slut shaming infuriates me.

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Tamra alienated her own daughter and now she puts her 65 year old mom in a senior citizen home. She is devoid of anything good and loving. 

I hesitate to comment on Bronwynn’s parenting, but she put it out there- why did they allow their troubled daughter to live in NY without them, and why did they “send her away” for treatment of “OCD” ?? Too much for the nannies to deal with?? If any of these bitches were truly concerned about their kids they would get out of reality television. 

Sorry, Gina, but the key to being a successful reality star is to show your reality- not speaking in code, hiding details, changing the story, etc......

Emily seems miserable. She has gained a ton of weight and I don’t think we’ve seen her smile at all yet. 

I liked sad Shannon better unfortunately. She seems vapid and phony now. 

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1 hour ago, ghoulina said:

Not publicly. I know, I know; they're on a reality show. And she SHOULD be smarter than to tell any of these women anything. Unlike some of the franchises; there are few TRUE friendships in the OC. That being said, Kelly has always been the kind of person who speaks before she thinks. She likely let it slip one night while drinking. But just because you tell one (or two) person something in confidence, that doesn't mean you're okay with the whole world knowing. If it was that black and white, we'd all go to our graves bloated with the secrets of our lives. To announce something that was said off camera on national TV is just really shitty. 

I 100% agree.

I even feel sorry for Kelly.  Even after catching the Ireland bus ride episode.  The one where she brought up what Vicki told her about David beating Shannon.

If you want to keep something private. Never tell a housewife!  She might not put you on public blast. But eventually she'll tell someone who will. ....

Happy Adult Swim GIF by HULU
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3 hours ago, 65mickey said:

While I agree it is no body's business but Kelly's I have to think she kind of wanted it out there and this is why she told Shannon. Why would anyone with half a brain tell someone on this show something so personal and expect it not to come out? 

Who said she told Shannon? Did I miss that? It was Tamra that said it and Vicki said that the three of them had discussed the rumor I don’t remember anyone saying Kelly said it.

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12 hours ago, BluBrd47 said:

So I wasn’t clear was this dance Emily was going to do a private thing or something at a club? As much as I felt for Emily when she started crying and as much as a douche Shane is I could kind of see why he would find that awkward. It sounds kind of cheesy and contrived.

I think it was something more public like for a performance at a club.

Have we EVER seen Shane go Hubba Hubba babe you look hot on the show? Have we EVER seen any PDA from Shane?

Does anyone remember that awkward elbow around the neck touch Shane offered Emily when she was sitting on the floor crying over the baby memento box?

As much as I think Shane is a Big Douche A Roo, I think Emily is passive aggressively painting him a certain way on Camera.

The in-law birthday dinner - I think he already told her beforehand he wasn't going to attend multiple times - but she chose to ask him again ON camera

This surprise she planned after he took the bar exam - a trip to Vegas for a man who doesn't drink and probably doesn't gamble how is it a shock to her that he wasn't game. A better present would have been a trip to Utah to visit his BFF from childhood.

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Since when did Shannon become good buddies with Vicki again?  I'm disappointed.

I know Braunwyn has lots of help, but I'm still liking her so far.  You can see she is blown away by the comments, etc. at the dinner with the women.  We have had some experience with OCD, so I'm interested in that story.  And I totally get her comments about just wanting your kids to be happy (or happy and productive, I always say), rather than them feeling they have to excel at everything.  There can be a lot of pressure on kids in high school these days.

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22 minutes ago, charming said:

I think I’m liking Emily. She asked all the right questions when talking with Gina and showed empathy and encouragement.

She needs to dump Shane and find some appreciation and happiness.

I agree, but that would sentence her to hard time-Living in a townhome and driving a Jetta. You know, living in a middle class community and driving a mid priced sedan is just above living in a bottomed out trailer that miraculously survived the last hurricane, but barely, and driving a 1988 Ford Taurus.

All this cocaine talk and sniffling cocaine off body parts is so ‘80’s. That’s Vicki’s time, not Kelly’s. If anything, K Dudd is probably chewing up a couple of adderalls for shits and giggles. The Ick is old and out of touch. Get your damn recreational drugs straight. 

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17 minutes ago, Juliegirlj said:

I hesitate to comment on Bronwynn’s parenting, but she put it out there- why did they allow their troubled daughter to live in NY without them, and why did they “send her away” for treatment of “OCD” ?? Too much for the nannies to deal with?? If any of these bitches were truly concerned about their kids they would get out of reality television. 

It sounded like the daughter developed an eating disorder and she was sent to a clinic.

There seemed to be a lot of pressure on her to be “perfect” and it caused other issues.

I was pleasantly surprised that Braunwyn and her husband acknowledged they made parenting mistakes and worked to change.

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