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S08.E11: Handle with Care

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Amber feels she’s at a breaking point with Andrew. Cheyenne takes a trip to wine country with Matt and Ryder to test out if he can handle parenting Ryder. As Mackenzie tries to prepare for a fitness competition, Josh goes missing.

Airs August 12, 2019

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I feel so sorry for Brandon and Teresa.  I’m sure they don’t regret adopting Carly, but they couldn’t have had any idea that the show would become what it has.  If Tyler and Catelynn were smart (and didn’t have their heads so far up their selfish asses), they would quit the show and stop sounding off on social media.  They don’t even see that MTV has spent the last 10 years preying on them and their tragic history.  Still, it’s hard to feel sorry for them.  If I were Carly’s parents, I would have closed the adoption years and years ago.   I’m sure they’re worried about the backlash if they do, but keeping it open only encourages Tyler and Catelynn to continue to misbehave and act out.  Unfortunately, there are no easy answers.

(Also, anyone else searching the background of Amber’s scenes for stray machetes?  👀)

Edited by Suzy Rhapsody
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"We are taking Nova to lunch to explain Carly coming to visit.  We are not sure if she remembers Carly".

Didn't they just have a birthday cake for Carly in absentia last week ?

Ryder needs a nap. And I think we've seen the last of Matt now that Cheyenne said she just wants another baby, doesn't matter who the father is.

Edited by Chris Knight
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Jesus, Mackenzie, if you're the one financially supporting the household and he's never around to do his part with the kids then kick his ass out of the house.  What does he bring to the table?  Looks like nothing.

I'm baffled (except not really because I know they're dumb) that Tyler and Catelynn don't seem to understand that the thing they keep doing is the thing that's keeping them from having a relationship with Carly.  Although at this point I actually do wonder whether Brandon and Teresa have scaled things back because Carly doesn't want to be exposed to Tyler and Catelynn's intensity over her.

I do not understand Taylor's thought process at all.  Why, at the point when the two younger kids are 7/8, would you want to go back to the infants and diapers stage?  No thanks.  But Maci really needs to advocate for herself if she doesn't want to give birth to another baby.  She can't leave it to the doctor to try to convince Taylor for her.

Cheyenne is boring as hell.

Is this season going to address Amber's new DV charges?

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Maci is really gonna drag this vasectomy shit out, isn't she? 

Hey, Baltierras, if you're not sure how much Nova understands about Carly; how about asking her? Or attempting to explain more. I just don't get it. 

Then Brandon and Teresa actually consent to a visit and Cate is whining because she doesn't want to go to the zoo. They're traveling across country for you, how about letting them do what they want? Selfish pig. 

Cheyenne bringing Ryder to WINE COUNTRY is one of the dumbest things I've seen on these shows. She did nothing to try and keep the child entertained and clearly never disciplines her. Way to scare off your man. 

Oh, and did anyone notice Matt's face at lunch, when he realized he's just a potential sperm donor? Priceless. 

Josh is a gigantic douche. He's clearly up to no good. Who chooses to help a friend do yard work over helping his wife? And how do her lame videos pay enough to support them all? So many questions. 

So Leah is learning to use the mower and poor James; his parents can't even bother to get off the couch to do bubbles with him. BUBBLES. Those are typically an outdoor thing!

Amber is clearly over Andrew. They're fighting about the word "dainty" and how low planes are flying. She just has such a horrible personality; she can't keep anyone in her life. 

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What’s the timeline at the moment? Any mention of what month they’re in? It was June 29th when Catelynn’s father posted about visiting Carly. Of course he could have delayed posting. I was wondering how close to Amber’s arrest they are.

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2 hours ago, Chris Knight said:

"We are taking Nova to lunch to explain Carly coming to visit.  We are not sure if she remembers Carly".

Is Nova not the most empathetic four-year-old on the planet?

”I don’t remember Carly, but I…remember her”

”I love you”

“Thanks Mom!!”

that broke my heart.  At that age, when I told boy-child that, I’d get a big eye-roll and “ewwwww!  I knowwwwwwww!!!”

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38 minutes ago, Mischievious said:

Best part of the episode was when Amber exclaimed “My favorite couch!” at her doctor’s office as she sat down. Maybe it was sofa. I can’t remember because I was dying of laughter. Also? She is so trolling us. 

And laying the groundwork for her defense to her dv charges.  It’s a very productive day in amberland!

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Why does Mac want to hang on to Josh so bad?  He's on the road all the time, and he's not even home when he's home, she's already doing it by herself.  She stands to gain more than she loses by unloading him.  The money she spends on his truck, insurance, and rodeo entry fees alone would probably pay for whatever child care she needs.  And she wouldn't have to hunt the babysitter down for hours and play stupid games in order to get to work.  Subtract major stress points for that alone.  He's not even earning enough rodeo-ing to make the next entry fee?  Sounds like without her he'd either have to get better at riding bulls real quick like, or get a real job. 

She doesn't get a pass and I don't care for her at all.  I know it's because she cannot trust him, but she is one harpy, naggy wife.  She has allowed herself to become that by trying to force him to be something he's obviously not, that's her fault.  IT DOESN'T WORK, DEAR. WHY HAVEN'T YOU NOTICED?  I wouldn't let anybody turn me into that person.  That person has no peace.  Most importantly, whatever she decides to do, she needs to shut the hell up about him when the kids are around.  She's bitching to these little kids about their dad.  Zero tolerance for that, no matter how correct she might be. 

One last thought, she really should hurry and get rid of him fast before that major injury occurs and she's stuck with 1/2, or all, of his med bills and winds up taking care of him out of guilt.  He likes to find girls in bars to mess around with, let him try to hit up girls in bars to change his colostomy bag and cut his toenails.  I would have a massive sense of urgency to legally separate myself from whatever happens to him in the not too distant future.  That's what selfish, arrogant, asshole spouses get. 

Edited by eskimo
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WTF was Amber talking about?  "I want people to think I'm dainty."  Does she mean like when she did a bunch of drugs & was a size 2 for a minute?  If that's it, she needs to embrace her true body type and move on.  And if she means dainty of "spirit", maybe shut your foghorn mouth?

poor Andrew, he gets in trouble whenever he opens his mouth.  and last night she was yelling at baby James.  she is a garbage person.

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6 hours ago, eskimo said:

One last thought, she really should hurry and get rid of him fast before that major injury occurs and she's stuck with 1/2, or all, of his med bills and winds up taking care of him out of guilt. 

The douche is already brain dead.

14 minutes ago, teapot said:

poor Andrew, he gets in trouble whenever he opens his mouth.  and last night she was yelling at baby James.  she is a garbage person.

What kind of a sick fuck falls in love with Amber at MBC? And then impregnates the piece of garbage?

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37 minutes ago, teapot said:

WTF was Amber talking about?  "I want people to think I'm dainty."  Does she mean like when she did a bunch of drugs & was a size 2 for a minute?  If that's it, she needs to embrace her true body type and move on.  And if she means dainty of "spirit", maybe shut your foghorn mouth?

poor Andrew, he gets in trouble whenever he opens his mouth.  and last night she was yelling at baby James.  she is a garbage person.

and the dogs.  

It is curious that they don't show her therapist reinforcing coping mechanisms for her (take a walk, breathing exercises) anything except her eventual "blowing a gasket" or whatever they called it.  

Edited by SuzWhat
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MTV certainly seems to be trying their damndest to put a spin on Amber's impending arrest. As in, "Look, Amber doesn't WANT to have to yell at James/Andrew/the dogs! She WANTS to be happy, but her mental illness gets in the way." And I'm sure that's true to an extent, and I don't want to ever discount someone's battle with mental health, Amber included. But I'm mighty uncomfortable with the insinuation that Amber's meanness and violence is something she and everyone around her has to suffer through because it's out of her control. Amber has consistently been all talk and no follow-up when it comes to bettering herself, and now that she's close to the point of hurting her boyfriend and her baby, it's time to accept personal culpability of the damage she's caused. This is her life, her actions, and mental illness or not, she is not simply a passive participant here.

In other news, LOL at Mackenzie and Ryan basically shrugging at the possibility of having more kids and claiming that "accidents do happen." Assuming this was filmed in June, then Mackenzie was already pregnant, so that whole conversation was fake. Also, when you're two married adults and know exactly how babies are made and prevented, you can't really claim any pregnancy is accidental. You know that each time you have sex there's a chance, however small, that it'll result in a baby, let's not pretend otherwise.

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2 hours ago, luvbadtv said:

Tyler said the zoo is not an activity for a baby.  What world does he live in?  He said they just wanted to lay around on a blanket.  Sounds like Nova doesn't get to go anywhere fun because C&T haven't even figured out how to put a baby in a stroller and walk around a zoo.

Did anyone tell Cate they have food she could walk around with ?   Yes I’m awful

and going to hell

1 hour ago, SuzWhat said:

and the dogs.  

It is curious that they don't show her therapist reinforcing coping mechanisms for her (take a walk, breathing exercises) anything except her eventual "blowing a gasket" or whatever they called it.  

Maybe they follow dr sad panda ?

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Ok...enough, enough.  I am so sick and tired of the way men react to the word VASECTOMY!  The same old shit every time. Taylor saying "getting clipped like a dog", "balls cut off", "my manhood". 

So much wrong here it pisses me off..besides that how in the world do we have people pushing 30 who dont know the differences in tubal vs. Vasectomy  

How about saying taylor, because you are a man you are stepping up and doing this in office local anesthesia procedure so my wife that has already gone through 4 pregnancies and 3 deliveries won't have to continue to put possibly harmful hormones/chemicals into her body anymore.  Besides your procedure is reversible. The little MTV graphic of the scissors did not help. I'm pretty sure when this show ends and that TTM money won't pay for that mansion and your golf fees, the idea of more children won't sound so good anymore.  You were so quick to jump back on the maci getting another implant ship it was disgusting. Now she will go in an office have a local and have that inserted...but u have no problem with that. What a pussy.

Did anyone else see Amber light up at the thought of not living in Indiana anymore...b4 realizing she was on camera and should probably add how she cant leave Leah.  I dont know Amber which is less hurtful..my mom sees me 3 times over the summer cause she lives in CA, or my mom lives across town and only saw me 3 times.

Tyler realize that brandon and Theresa had no say in the fact that their friends and now at age 10 Carlys friends, teachers, classmates,etc..have watched your trainwreck and all it comes out to her the way Leah said it was happening to her....but they did not ask for this and have had no say or control and did not sign up for it unlike you. Their life has been invaded.  If I were them I would be keeping copies of this show and if carly ever becomes an ungrateful brat I would show her how she could have been raised 

Edited by Poohbear617
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14 hours ago, ghoulina said:

Hey, Baltierras, if you're not sure how much Nova understands about Carly; how about asking her? Or attempting to explain more. I just don't get it. 

Then Brandon and Teresa actually consent to a visit and Cate is whining because she doesn't want to go to the zoo. They're traveling across country for you, how about letting them do what they want? Selfish pig. 

Tyler and Cate are just so ridiculous. Poor little Nova. She knows, already, that Carly is the important one. Not her. Never her. Its either Carly or her baby sister. She's so sweet and just wants someone to love her. The only time her self centered parents ever talk to her at all its either to tell her they're leaving her, or about the Amazing, Magic Carly.

Brandon and Theresa deserve a goddamn medal for volunteering to spend a day not only with boring, self righteous, egotistical and stupid Tyler and Cate, but their families too. Tyler yapping about having "the right to feel my authentic emotions" had me rolling. Dude. And the two of them constantly referring to B&T as Carly's "adoptive parents". DUDE. STOP IT. Their attitude enrages me.

10 hours ago, eskimo said:

One last thought, she really should hurry and get rid of him fast before that major injury occurs and she's stuck with 1/2, or all, of his med bills and winds up taking care of him out of guilt.  He likes to find girls in bars to mess around with, let him try to hit up girls in bars to change his colostomy bag and cut his toenails.  I would have a massive sense of urgency to legally separate myself from whatever happens to him in the not too distant future.  That's what selfish, arrogant, asshole spouses get. 

Right? You think she's bitter now? Wait till she has to turn him over and wipe his ass.

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Ahhhh.....Look Tyler and Cate talking about Carly’s parents in front of the cameras.....AGAIN???

Why are Carly’s parents threatened???

All we have seen throughout the years is horrible parenting, mental illness which borders child abandonment......and, Yea! 

Despite already being millionaires.  Y’all never got degrees or jobs!  

Also, all immediate family is addicted to drugs.   

Soooooo.....fuckin’ threatened! 😭

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6 hours ago, luvbadtv said:

Tyler said the zoo is not an activity for a baby.  What world does he live in?  He said they just wanted to lay around on a blanket.  Sounds like Nova doesn't get to go anywhere fun because C&T haven't even figured out how to put a baby in a stroller and walk around a zoo.

I know. I thought that was so ridiculous. My sister joined us (my kids are older) at the zoo during spring break and her baby was ONE WEEK OLD. She would pop into a cave and nurse him. She was a pro! Cate and Tyler are just lazy losers. 

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Catelynn and Tyler, maybe pop Vaeda in her stroller, head to the zoo and be glad of the visit. I selfishly wish these visits were filmed..! 

I like Tyler’s mom. She seems really solid amidst all of the dysfunction. 

Notice how Catelynn is eating salads every time they eat out on camera now.

looks like Amber’s arrest is going to be aired in the finale 

Cheyenne is going to frighten this guy away with her crazy rushed marriage and more kids talk, I cringe for her. Reminds me of Farrah pushing Simon for pretty much the same things. Way to turn a guy off of you !

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14 hours ago, Brooklynista said:

Ryder is absolutely adorable and she has never heard the word NO.

I have a grandson the same age as Ryder and it is a challenging age...terrible twos and all...BUT Ryder seems to be allowed to do whatever she wants. Running around unattended in restaurants, climbing on a glass table in Cory's house, grabbing a telephone and pulling the cord and throwing the phone...the list goes on and on...all Cheyenne does is say "Ryder!" Going to a winery for wine tastings with a two year old was the stupidest thing I've ever seen. And the way Cheyenne is fixated on having another baby by the time she's 22 is just bizarre. I don't think she cares if it's Matt or anyone else...Matt has to see that Cheyenne is more concerned about getting pregnant than getting to know him better and working on their new relationship. If he continues to be with her than he's in it for the fame and money this show will bring him...he seemed overwhelmed by Ryder's behavior and Cheyenne's obsession with having another baby.

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I just want to say that while I feel for Brandon and Teresa, they are somewhat culpable here.  They went into an open adoption with kids.  Two kids who they knew didn't have the best lives growing up and would probably experience some issues later on down the line.  How could they not have known Cate and Tyler would become a little intense when it comes to Carly?  I mean, they do have to knock it off with social media but Tyler wasn't wrong.  They are allowed to have emotions surrounding her adoption and they are allowed to express those emotions.  Sure, social media isn't the place for that but it's what they know having grown up in an age when social media is where you get your therapy.  I guess I just feel bad that neither of them have ever had a stable adult in their lives to show them how to deal with trauma in a healthy way so they are left to stumble through it on their own.  

Amber...I just can't with her.  She gives people with mental health issues a bad name because of her insistence that when she's having a bad day the rest of the world needs to take heed.  Rather than reacting to Andrew's attempts to make her laugh or attempt to see the intention behind what he was doing, she immediately gets insulting and rude.  I can't deal with people like her.  Sweets, we all have shit going on in our lives but the difference here is I don't expect the people around me to alter their behavior because I might lose my shit if they don't.  She is the epitome of a person who has no interest in making herself better because then she might actually have to take responsibility for her life.  It's much easier to sit on a couch and scream "I'M HAVING A BAD DAY DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND!?!??!" then it is to get up and participate in life.  This way no one expects anything out of her because she's a trainwreck.  And she likes it that way.  Not even her daughter bothers anymore.  She's exhausting.

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6 hours ago, Linny said:

MTV certainly seems to be trying their damndest to put a spin on Amber's impending arrest. As in, "Look, Amber doesn't WANT to have to yell at James/Andrew/the dogs! She WANTS to be happy, but her mental illness gets in the way." And I'm sure that's true to an extent, and I don't want to ever discount someone's battle with mental health, Amber included. But I'm mighty uncomfortable with the insinuation that Amber's meanness and violence is something she and everyone around her has to suffer through because it's out of her control. Amber has consistently been all talk and no follow-up when it comes to bettering herself, and now that she's close to the point of hurting her boyfriend and her baby, it's time to accept personal culpability of the damage she's caused. This is her life, her actions, and mental illness or not, she is not simply a passive participant here.

And this is why I will not watch this show anymore. Her mental illness does not give her the right to treat all her partners like shit. She talks all this shit about bettering herself and sending love when she is full of anger and hate. She has more problems than being bipolar. She needs to stop fucking around with her meds and go to a real therapist and stop having babies with people she just met. And if she truly wants to be a boss ass bitch then she needs to stand on her own two feet and do her own shit instead of meeting men to take care of everything for her. This bitch can't even pay her taxes or fix herself something to eat.

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55 minutes ago, outofbounds said:

Amber...I just can't with her.  She gives people with mental health issues a bad name because of her insistence that when she's having a bad day the rest of the world needs to take heed.  Rather than reacting to Andrew's attempts to make her laugh or attempt to see the intention behind what he was doing, she immediately gets insulting and rude.  I can't deal with people like her.  Sweets, we all have shit going on in our lives but the difference here is I don't expect the people around me to alter their behavior because I might lose my shit if they don't.  She is the epitome of a person who has no interest in making herself better because then she might actually have to take responsibility for her life.  It's much easier to sit on a couch and scream "I'M HAVING A BAD DAY DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND!?!??!" then it is to get up and participate in life.  This way no one expects anything out of her because she's a trainwreck.  And she likes it that way.  Not even her daughter bothers anymore.  She's exhausting.

Everyone has bad days but with Amber that is her go to excuse to treat people like shit. And every day is a bad day for her because she never does anything to better herself.

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14 minutes ago, toodywoody said:

Everyone has bad days but with Amber that is her go to excuse to treat people like shit. And every day is a bad day for her because she never does anything to better herself.

BINGO!!!! She could have a better life if she did something with it...like go back to school and focus on something that would give her some kind of training that could lead to a career or a job. Just sitting on a couch or lounging all day in the bed is a recipe for depression and anxiety. And she's been doing this all of her adult life! No goals, no plans no nothing. Or how about going to the gym and getting those endorphins pumping...that would help with her mental health and well being...even walking around the block would be better than what she does now. Take a class at a local community college in something that interests her. ANYTHING would be an improvement! What happened to her house flipping business and plus size clothing line?

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The sign outside Amber’s psychiatrist indicates that he (Dr. Stachler) is a child & adolescent psychiatrist.


I do wonder how business has been for him as a result of his association with Amber. 

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18 hours ago, ghoulina said:

So Leah is learning to use the mower and poor James; his parents can't even bother to get off the couch to do bubbles with him. BUBBLES. Those are typically an outdoor thing!

I cannot believe they were blowing bubbles in the house!  Oh my god step outside people!  They take laziness to a whole other level.

9 hours ago, luvbadtv said:

Tyler said the zoo is not an activity for a baby.  What world does he live in?  He said they just wanted to lay around on a blanket.  Sounds like Nova doesn't get to go anywhere fun because C&T haven't even figured out how to put a baby in a stroller and walk around a zoo.

The zoo is the BEST place to bring a baby!  I loved walking around with my kids when they were babies, they loved every second of it.  What do they DO with Velveeta and Novaring?  Do they stay in the house 24/7 because they like to lay in blankets??  Jesus I feel so sorry for those kids!

8 hours ago, teapot said:

WTF was Amber talking about?  "I want people to think I'm dainty."  Does she mean like when she did a bunch of drugs & was a size 2 for a minute?  If that's it, she needs to embrace her true body type and move on.  And if she means dainty of "spirit", maybe shut your foghorn mouth?

poor Andrew, he gets in trouble whenever he opens his mouth.  and last night she was yelling at baby James.  she is a garbage person.

Amber is the OPPOSITE of dainty, in any way, shape or form.

She does not understand babies/toddlers - she was YELLING at little James for playing with a cup!  That is what they do!  I remember when she screamed at Leah for climbing up on a table when she was little - like Leah had any clue that she wasn't supposed to do that.  She got screamed at and then tossed into her crib and forgotten.  Amber is SO FUCKING DISGUSTING.

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3 minutes ago, MargeGunderson said:

I think that if Cate and Tyler didn't have the continuing story line and money from MTV, they wouldn't care nearly as much about Carly. They wallow in it for ratings and relevancy. 


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9 hours ago, teapot said:

WTF was Amber talking about?  "I want people to think I'm dainty."  Does she mean like when she did a bunch of drugs & was a size 2 for a minute?  If that's it, she needs to embrace her true body type and move on.  And if she means dainty of "spirit", maybe shut your foghorn mouth?

poor Andrew, he gets in trouble whenever he opens his mouth.  and last night she was yelling at baby James.  she is a garbage person.

Amber should get a tubal ligation and not have unsupervised visits with either of her kids. She has some serious mental health issues and/or personality disorder that prevent her from being normal. And Andrew is just straight up weird. Always saying inappropriate things at the wrong time or just being goofy and dumb. He would get on my nerves too. That dyed black beard is just ridiculous.

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15 minutes ago, kicksave said:

I'm sorry but Tyler and Cate have crossed a lot of boundaries and should not discuss their "emotional feelings" about Carly, Brandon and Teresa on camera if those "feelings" are negative and resentful. 

Why not?  They are allowed to have those feelings.  The problem isn't that they have them it's that they expect there are no consequences for them, which in this instance the consequences are Brandon and Teresa limiting contact.   I just view it as sort of a power move.  "If you don't act this way then we won't allow you to see your daughter."  I don't necessarily consider that the best decision for Carly either.  B&T knew these kids were going through a rough time when they adopted her.  Is limiting their contact with Carly really for her benefit or are they just pissed C&T aren't behaving how they would like?  Which is more selfish?  B&T are wholeheartedly allowed to let them know they aren't happy with the discussions about them on camera or social media.  That's fine.  No issues there.  But I think holding Carly over their heads as a punishment when that happens is also a little selfish and immature.  If you have that much of an issue with what is going on with C&T online or on the show then close the adoption.  I don't agree with ignoring text messages (a personal pet peeve of mine) or saying they can see her and then changing their minds later and nixing it.  It's cruel.  Closing the adoption would result in an eruption from C&T for sure, but at least then there's no question.

Carly is young and I understand their concern with allowing her contact with C&T while they're on camera, but much like Chelsea is stuck between a rock and a hard place when it comes to Adam and Gary is when it comes to Amber, is it right to make the decision for her?  Leah and Aubree are seeing the problems with their parents, I don't necessarily see that as a bad thing.  At least then they can't look at Gary and Chelsea and accuse them of getting in the way in the future.  

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I actually do agree about the zoo trip. It’s like going on a first date to the movies. You stare at the movie and have no interaction with the person you’re supposed to be getting to know. I’d rather picnic and talk with Carly after two years than stroll distractedly through animal exhibits. 

C&T pretend to care so much, but never send Carly anything during the year. That’s what Cate wanted all along. Pictures, letters, sending presents. Now they whine when it’s convenient, but finally got called out on ignoring Carly all year long. I would have closed that adoption the minute the show got picked up as a series. And now Cate’s creepy dad is visiting too??  I always feel like there’s some secret about him we just don’t know yet.

My mind is still swirling over “dainty”. I think she means she wants to be seen as a delicate, sweet, coquette type girl. Why the hell would you want that? Go somewhere in between that and hosebeast. 

Andrew is icky but he’s not stupid. He’s playing charming fun guy to the camera, making Amber look more volatile and insane. 

I don’t care anything about the others — just our two OG hot messes. 

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3 hours ago, EmeraldGirl said:

I actually do agree about the zoo trip. It’s like going on a first date to the movies. You stare at the movie and have no interaction with the person you’re supposed to be getting to know. I’d rather picnic and talk with Carly after two years than stroll distractedly through animal exhibits. 

C&T pretend to care so much, but never send Carly anything during the year. That’s what Cate wanted all along. Pictures, letters, sending presents. Now they whine when it’s convenient, but finally got called out on ignoring Carly all year long. I would have closed that adoption the minute the show got picked up as a series. And now Cate’s creepy dad is visiting too??  I always feel like there’s some secret about him we just don’t know yet.

My mind is still swirling over “dainty”. I think she means she wants to be seen as a delicate, sweet, coquette type girl. Why the hell would you want that? Go somewhere in between that and hosebeast. 

Andrew is icky but he’s not stupid. He’s playing charming fun guy to the camera, making Amber look more volatile and insane. 

I don’t care anything about the others — just our two OG hot messes. 

At least at a zoo the girls can interact while enjoying the animals...better that than the awkwardness of lying around on a blanket. Of course Care and Tyler would prefer the blanket idea to actually doing something that requires walking.

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19 hours ago, luvbadtv said:

Tyler said the zoo is not an activity for a baby.  What world does he live in?  He said they just wanted to lay around on a blanket.  Sounds like Nova doesn't get to go anywhere fun because C&T haven't even figured out how to put a baby in a stroller and walk around a zoo.

I can just picture them rolling out the Carly blanket right there in front of B&T. 

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10 hours ago, heatherchandler said:

Amber is the OPPOSITE of dainty, in any way, shape or form.

She does not understand babies/toddlers - she was YELLING at little James for playing with a cup!  That is what they do!  I remember when she screamed at Leah for climbing up on a table when she was little - like Leah had any clue that she wasn't supposed to do that.  She got screamed at and then tossed into her crib and forgotten.  Amber is SO FUCKING DISGUSTING.

She also doesn't appear to understand dogs.  She walks over and yells and bangs on the glass when the dogs are obviously trying to get her attention.  They're at the window for a reason...it's either dinner time or they're used to coming inside at a certain hour.  Maybe if she hauled her butt off the couch and took them for walks a couple of times a day she'd actually feel better, both mentally and physically.   

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