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S21.E20: Live Eviction #6; Head of Household #7

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The audience is really excited about this episode.

While Jack is sitting there in his nomination chair, he looks like he has this long beard with his hair hanging over his shoulders.

Holly = Jack

Analyse = Jackson

Christie = Jackson

Nicole = Jack

Cliff = Jack (Yes!!!)

Nick = Jack

Tommy = Jack (ha)

Kat = Jack

And Jack is gone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Why did the audience cheer and clap for him?

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I  agree.  He said at least two or three times, "I appreciate you giving me the chance to talk about that."  If he'd been blindsided, I would have expected some stuttering. Still, I appreciate the fact that Julie Chen-Moonves asked about more than his bro/showmances.

What was up with Tommy's vote?

Edited by Thalia
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Jack during the Julie interview: 

Whatever, asshole. There's more than that. They could have sat there for an hour recounting all the shit you said and did to Kemi and they would still run out of time. 

Julie after the "gyp" comment in Jack's interview:

Is it just me or did "ZERO STARS!!!!!1" lose some weight? Lookin' good, Brett's Grandma Al the Alien!

Edited by Callaphera
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“I’d love some time to myself.”

”Well you’re going to get it in the jury house.”


One Jackhole down, one to go! For once, Julie Chen-Moonbeam called someone out on their crap. It was fun watching Jack slowly realize that America hates him. 

It’s sweet that Kat is giving her Hawaii trip to her parents but the shout outs are still beyond ridiculous. Christie gave a birthday shout out to Tommy who is right there in the house with her. Enough already!

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Well damn. Julie really dragged Jack in that eviction interview. I hate Jack but he handled that way better than, say, Aaryn, who blamed Texas.

But Jack's eviction speech was just about the douchiest thing I've ever heard out of his mouth, and that's saying a lot. The passive aggressive digs at each HG were so unnecessary although I did laugh at the comment about Christie's chewing. But Jess and the milk and cereal bowl? The size of Jackson's manhood? Kat checking herself out while talking to people? 

Jack: "I want some time to myself." 

Julie: "You're going to get that in the jury house." Heh.

But #jackevictionparty pretty quickly turned to a pity party when I saw that the universe was manifesting a Tommy or Christie win. And when Tommy won with all those fake tears ... gross.

Other thoughts:

- That was kinda cold of Tommy not to throw Jack a pity vote. 

- Christie: "I hope the universe will reward me for loyalty." Kinda gross that with a Tommy HoH she's going to think the universe actually manifested its approval of her. Ugh.

- The Son punishment of disembowling an alien was kind of creepy. 

- I guess it's going to be Cliff and Kat noms?

Edited by Growsonwalls
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Julie.  We are aware his name is Jackson. When Jack calls him that, a correction is not necessary because again, some more, his name is JACKSON.

Christie and Tommy as HOH sucks.  They suck.

Also Christie, Jackson might be an asshole, but just because YOU think someone should apologize, doesn’t mean they have to if they don’t feel like it.  

Jack’s interview had way too much extraneous shit in the clips they showed.  Just show his fuckface comments and move on with it.

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Oy.  An ugly week of Tommy HoH.  Is he going after Jackson/Holly? 

I think production told Jackhole this was all coming.  He was too well prepared. 

Bye Jack.  The shine has worn off your bedazzling greatness. 

Jackson acts like he's some paragon of virtue in his speech.  Um no.  We know who you are Blockhead.  Delusional is your best quality.

How did we get from a camping theme to space aliens???

The segment was surprisingly funny.  Writing "stupid" on Jack's stupid tattoo was hilarious.  Only 24 hrs.  pffft!

What a pity party.  It was fun watching the racist bullies whine and squirm.

Cliff must have been thinking:  "You're mouth is writing checks your ass can't cash."  Jack had zero power to be making offers to anybody.

No Nick, you're not funny.  Just rather strange.

Tommy rats out his beloved.  Who does he want to pin the hinky vote on?

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2 minutes ago, mojoween said:

Jack’s interview had way too much extraneous shit in the clips they showed.  Just show his fuckface comments and move on with it.

In one way, yes. But at the same time, it did show how Christie, Tommy, and Analyse (they were present in both clips) either deflected Jack's comments (Tommy: "SLOP pudding.") or just let them roll on by without saying, "Uh, dude? Kinda offensive." Sure, they weren't the ones that said those things but they did just sit idly by and had no problem with the comments which is just as bad. 

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When Julie got going I was screaming "Yeah, get 'em Julie!!"

8 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

Sure, they weren't the ones that said those things but they did just sit idly by and had no problem with the comments which is just as bad. 

Complicit racism is still racism and still ugly. I also saw a lot of laughing at/encouraging Jack in the scenes as well. They're all trash.

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Other questions I wish Julie had asked Jack:

Why did you insist on being the only Jack when your real name is John?

Does Analyse actually have tart parts?

Now that you're both out of the game, should Ovi be afraid because you can touch him?

**I actually loved that the "showmance" got zero questions.  I'm sure it will be brought up in the extended version, but at least it wasn't forced on anyone.

Concerning some feeds only stuff:


In retrospect, I realized they left out the worst of his racial comments - the use of the "N" word and walking like a gorilla while mocking David.  I would love to hear how he would defend either of those incidents with such stoicism. 

Ugh..Tomstie HOH.  Let the manifestation and holier than thou proclamations commence.

Edited by leocadia
realized I referenced stuff that happened on the feeds only
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9 minutes ago, callingallcars said:

So many palms slapping foreheads backstage at CBS when Julie said she wasn't going to "gyp" Jack out of his goodbye videos. I mean, the timing for that is truly unbelievable.

OMFG, my mouth dropped open. I honestly thought she'd come back from  the commercial break with an "apology". But no. There has got to be blowback for this and I agree, truly unbelievable timing. Oh Julie. I am so disappointed.

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4 minutes ago, Tdoc72 said:

Am I the only one who didn’t know that ‘gyp’ was considered racist?  I knew that it meant cheated or conned but never heard the gypsy part. 

A lot of the time it's spelled phonetically as "jipped" so people don't always know the root of it. 

Edited by Callaphera
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9 minutes ago, North of Eden said:

Watching the slimy six-some early in the episode tells me that  Tommy and Christie will pull Jackson and Holly back into their group with Nick as the 6th to exterminate the others. Just watch.

This is basically what I was thinking would happen, which is why I've been less than exuberant about the chances of the the 'underdogs' also add another 'number' to 'their side' with Kat who is closely working with Holly and you can see what was 8+1 is now just 6+1 really and they have the votes/odds/HoH in their favor.

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31 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

In one way, yes. But at the same time, it did show how Christie, Tommy, and Analyse (they were present in both clips) either deflected Jack's comments (Tommy: "SLOP pudding.") or just let them roll on by without saying, "Uh, dude? Kinda offensive." Sure, they weren't the ones that said those things but they did just sit idly by and had no problem with the comments which is just as bad. 

I mean, when Gina Marie said some heinous things about Elissa's child, even (IIRC) Andy was like "noooo no no no." And that's S15 we're talking about, here.

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1 hour ago, Lamb18 said:

Why did the audience cheer and clap for him?

Because they are told to before each show.  And sometimes they just use CBS/BB employees in those seats to ensure that everyone will comply especially if it is someone controversial leaving.

48 minutes ago, mojoween said:

Julie.  We are aware his name is Jackson. When Jack calls him that, a correction is not necessary because again, some more, his name is JACKSON.

I am proud of not just this forum but the entire internet for refusing to call this guy anyone BUT Jackson.  No BB, we are not calling this guy Mooshie or Mickey or Mikey or Mitchee or whatever you are trying to make happen.

17 minutes ago, Tdoc72 said:

Am I the only one who didn’t know that ‘gyp’ was considered racist?  I knew that it meant cheated or conned but never heard the gypsy part. 

It is spelled jip so no it is NOT racist.

13 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

A lot of the time, it's spelled phonetically as "jipped" so people don't always know the root of it. 

Exactly.  The root of the word has long ago been forgotten.  In fact I never even remotely considered linking it to gypsy which is now also suppose to be a banned word, sigh. 

Time to get upset at "real" racism in this country and not go fishing stuff up that isn't and no one even cares about and just gives racists ammo for claiming all this stuff is "just being PC" as opposed to you know, not being right.  Quit getting rid of half the English language for imaged slights that don't exist. 

Well a good episode except they left out the worst parts of Jack's behavior and he got off lightly really.  Also Tommy as HOH ended the show on a real downer.

Edited by green
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6 minutes ago, green said:

It is spelled jip so no it is NOT racist.

Exactly.  The root of the word has long ago been forgotten.  In fact I never even remotely considered linking it to gypsy which is now also suppose to be a banned word, sigh. 

Just because one is unaware of the root or spells it a different way does not change whether or not it's a slur. It's a derogatory term used to say someone is being swindled or cheated and is derived from the word "gypsy". 

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Either Jack is an extremely well spoken person or he had a heads up. Or he's had to defend his behaviour in the past and knows what to say. 

100% Jackson is going to go back to Tommy and Christie now that Tommy is HOH. The whole "you're dead to me" gets thrown out the window when the "dead" people get the power. I have a feeling Cliff is safe, Christie seems to really like him and with Holly working with Kat.... well...  goodbye Jessica or Nicole. Unless this road trip thing affects next week's nom's? Maybe Christie or Jackson will be the 3rd nominee. 

Christie won HOH once or twice? I had this thought then too, but really started thinking about it when Tommy won: do you think big brother would be sneaky and just strategically place a photo of Tommy, Christie and his aunt somewhere in the room. Not in an obvious place but just it's there to find if someone goes looking.... 

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That challenge was weird.  I can’t figure out what you were supposed to do.  Cliff looked like he was paddling (pushing at the floor) but  when he got near the end, he wasn’t doing anything. Christie didn’t paddle at all so she just coasted and beat Cliff’s time. Tommy coasted too, only paddling once. Nicole’s pretty light but went way slow. I thought it might be weight but 🤷🏻‍♀️.

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1 hour ago, Tdoc72 said:

Am I the only one who didn’t know that ‘gyp’ was considered racist?  I knew that it meant cheated or conned but never heard the gypsy part. 

No, I didn't either. Maybe it's because I'm older- I used to hear things people would say ( I'm talking 70's and 80's) that today would be considered horrible, but that's how it was then. But I didn't know-- in fact I missed Julie even saying it, so it must not even be on my radar. I will avoid ever saying it now, though, that I know it's considered offensive ( though I can't ever recall saying it anyway, my go-to word for being ripped off is probably considered in poor taste also. ) I guess I was more focused on how Jack was trying to spin the events from the house. I don't think it would have mattered to him what Julie said to him, a racist is a racist.

Edited by willco
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1 hour ago, Tdoc72 said:

That challenge was weird.  I can’t figure out what you were supposed to do.  Cliff looked like he was paddling (pushing at the floor) but  when he got near the end, he wasn’t doing anything. Christie didn’t paddle at all so she just coasted and beat Cliff’s time. Tommy coasted too, only paddling once. Nicole’s pretty light but went way slow. I thought it might be weight but 🤷🏻‍♀️.

The HGs were pretty much free-rolling straight from the starting point as soon as they pushed off, as the “kayaks” appeared to be mounted on flatbed furniture rollers with omnidirectional casters.  About the only real effect the paddle had was to slow the kayak down by either (a) steering the kayak into the edge of the track or (b) dragging the paddle on the course to provide a friction brake.

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Am I the only one who thought Jack had been given a heads up about being asked about Kemi?  he seemed, to me, to have prepared a response to Julie's questions.  And, about the rice pudding comment, he said something about how he had talked about this "earlier this evening".   I don't know, it seems like CBS wanted an explanation and denial, and prepped him for it .  

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1 hour ago, mertensia said:

why did Tommy vote to evict Jack?

They always do that not to upset "the house" when the losing side knows it doesn't have the votes. 

So that way if one of Cliff, Nicole or Kat had won HOH next he could then go to them and say he "respected" Jessica's HOH and their will last week and please don't put him on the block since he showed loyalty to them in that vote. 

So I'd say the real question is more like why did Christie and Anal Lice vote to keep Jack since they knew they didn't have the votes.

Yes it is silly because the outsiders know Tommy is still with Christie, Anal Lice and even the "late" (heh) Jack.  But that is what they always do in BB 9 times out of 10.

Edited by green
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4 hours ago, Callaphera said:

Unless they have a reality show on TLC. But then there's more dignity lost on TLC than on slippery wieners on Big Brother

Britney shout out!

3 hours ago, mertensia said:

Jack may have been prepped but he still looked very angry that those clips were being shown. He did not like CBS's proof of his racism.

Jack seems to get angry whenever things don't go his way.

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I was so startled when Julie said “gyp”, obviously she didn’t mean anything derogatory but that’s not the point.  I learned the origins years ago, and it is certainly a slur, which surprised me at the time. We are all still learning.  (And it is spelled gyp, not jip)

Just going to leave this here.  I don’t think it’s up to those of us not in that ethnic group to decide how they should feel:

“I encounter a lot of people who tell me that they never knew the word 'gypped' had anything to do with gypsies, or that it's offensive — especially when the word is heard not read," says University of Texas at Austin professor Ian Hancock, who was born in Britain to Romani parents. "My response to them is, That's okay. You didn't know but now you do. So stop using it. It may mean nothing to you, but when we hear it, it still hurts” 

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14 minutes ago, Rbonnie said:

 "You didn't know but now you do. So stop using it. It may mean nothing to you, but when we hear it, it still hurts” 

I am in this category - I didn't know, but now I do, and appreciate the info.  And I'm inclined to give Julie the benefit of the doubt and assume it's the same for her.

A Tommy HOH.   Now THAT is something I already knew was offensive. 😉 

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11 hours ago, Callaphera said:

Is it just me or did "ZERO STARS!!!!!1" lose some weight?

Y'know, I was thinking that very same thing.  I believe it is the same guy.

Yeah, the alien dude tormenting Aquadouche was cracking me up, he made AD seem...human.  But then 'Jack Fucking Matthews' came back and I cheered his eviction.

What a pussy reason to hate someone; I hope Kemi wins AFP just to see his face drop.

Oy, Tommy's the new HOH?  S'gonna be a cringe worthy week, folks.

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12 minutes ago, Vixenstud said:

Y'know, I was thinking that very same thing.  I believe it is the same guy.

Yeah, the alien dude tormenting Aquadouche was cracking me up, he made AD seem...human.  But then 'Jack Fucking Matthews' came back and I cheered his eviction.

What a pussy reason to hate someone; I hope Kemi wins AFP just to see his face drop.

Oy, Tommy's the new HOH?  S'gonna be a cringe worthy week, folks.

And it's on his birthday. DIS-gusting!

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I don't think that Jack was coached or prepped for Julie's exit interview questions. But I do think that 


due to certain DR visits, purportedly advising him of the inappropriateness of some of his remarks, he was not as caught off guard as he might have been. Because he wasn't caught totally off guard, he was able to maintain calm and give well thought out answers.  If you didn't know he had been warned about his behavior, giving him plenty of time to come up with excuses, coupled with the fact that they didn't really show much of his total ass behavior, you might just believe him.

Edited by greyflannel
Added spoiler tags for non episode info
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16 minutes ago, Gemma Violet said:

So since Tommy is the HOH, if he's one of the three picked for the Field Trip, will he not be included since he can't be put on the block?  Will they just go to the next person in line?

The flagged him as 'ineligible' on the online voting screen after his HOH win, so yes I believe they will just go to the next person in line.

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2 hours ago, Rbonnie said:

I was so startled when Julie said “gyp”, obviously she didn’t mean anything derogatory but that’s not the point.  I learned the origins years ago, and it is certainly a slur, which surprised me at the time. We are all still learning.  (And it is spelled gyp, not jip)

I remember the idea being floated years ago and discarded because the use of the word was considered too far removed from its origins; region is probably a factor here. BTW, it annoys me to hear "racist" misused. It no more applies in this case than if someone insulted Italians or Texans.

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That's the first time I can ever remember a production assistant being caught on camera during a live HoH comp. (After Cliff got out of the canoe, you could see a production assistant grabbing the boat and dragging it out of frame.)

I thought the whole idea of nominating Jack and Jackson was to make everyone think Jackson was the target, so that Jack would be blindsided. But seemingly everyone, including Jack, knew he was the one going home. What happened? Did Jess basically just tell everyone Jack was her real target?


Either Jack is an extremely well spoken person or he had a heads up. Or he's had to defend his behaviour in the past and knows what to say.

It hadn't occurred to me they might have tipped him off (until now). But I do think he's used to defending his offensive behavior. He's one of those "Hey, I'm just telling it like it is" kind of guys.

Speaking of which . . . Jackson was the bigger asshole during Jack's attempt to offer an olive branch. That just reinforced my opinion that Jackson should have been the one to go. Everyone was willing to come back together and own up to their role in the blowup except for Jackson who just wanted to lash out and tell everyone he was right. Gah, he's insufferable. The longer he lasts in the house the more nervous I get he'll win.

And now Tommy is HoH - and he's the one who said he wanted to get the 6-shooters back together and go after "the others." I knew this wouldn't last.

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4 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

That's the first time I can ever remember a production assistant being caught on camera during a live HoH comp. (After Cliff got out of the canoe, you could see a production assistant grabbing the boat and dragging it out of frame.)

I thought the whole idea of nominating Jack and Jackson was to make everyone think Jackson was the target, so that Jack would be blindsided. But seemingly everyone, including Jack, knew he was the one going home. What happened? Did Jess basically just tell everyone Jack was her real target?

It hadn't occurred to me they might have tipped him off (until now). But I do think he's used to defending his offensive behavior. He's one of those "Hey, I'm just telling it like it is" kind of guys.

Speaking of which . . . Jackson was the bigger asshole during Jack's attempt to offer an olive branch. That just reinforced my opinion that Jackson should have been the one to go. Everyone was willing to come back together and own up to their role in the blowup except for Jackson who just wanted to lash out and tell everyone he was right. Gah, he's insufferable. The longer he lasts in the house the more nervous I get he'll win.

And now Tommy is HoH - and he's the one who said he wanted to get the 6-shooters back together and go after "the others." I knew this wouldn't last.

There were 2 of them. Julie introduced them as River Guides at the beginning of the competition.

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