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S14.E02: Choreography Competition

Message added by Bort

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With the field narrowed down to 101 women, the pressure is on. They must conquer their nerves, master tough choreography, and learn the famous kickline.

Melissa Rycroft and Charm LaDonna are featured.

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Loving the extra time they gave the vets. Did Tasha announce a pregnancy? 

Kat’s kicks need lots of work, and I never saw her in the splits, either. That’s worrying. 

I’m so glad whoever it was decided to SIT ON Kelli’s mouth so she couldn’t sing Victoria’s praises every 30 seconds. Let the girl have a fighting chance at making it on her own, like the rest of the girls.

4 minutes ago, DCCFanInKy said:

OK can someone fill me in on what I missed in about the first 45 min of the episode?

The routine seemed to be very hard to pick up this year, because there were a LOT of mistakes. 

Sob stories this episode:

Chandi was adopted, and therefore downtrodden and bullied. 

Some other girl was diagnosed with....Dyslexia! Oh, noes!

Kat continues to shine, but the girl’s kicks are seriously bad.

Malena still really wants it, and still seems desperate.

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9 minutes ago, DCCFanInKy said:

OK can someone fill me in on what I missed in about the first 45 min of the episode?

Me too! At hotel, no CMT!  DH promised to call w passwords so I could try att uverse on my phone.  Frantically called him several times before start, I think he's asleep!  VH1 at hotel is not airing the show, must have just been premier.  Ugh!  

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Kristen looked pretty. 

VK looked good with what they showed. 

Kat can half a$$ the choreography and still grab my attention. Kicks were bad.

The vet portion was nice. I want to see more vets. Would love to see how the second years are doing. 

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It makes me so uncomfortable to watch when the girls wear tops that don't seem secure enough. Malena was escaping from hers learning the choreography. I don't want anyone to have to have another Holly moment

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4 minutes ago, pinkandsparkly13 said:

Ugh the show needs to hurry up and come back on again. Our electricity was out for a few hours earlier and I missed it! Just waiting for 10.

It should be on cmt.com soon and you should be able to sign into cmt.com through your cable provider and watch online.

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18 minutes ago, woodscommaelle said:

My cat is American. <— If these episodes had titles. 🤣

I do not like Kat. 

I hope that doesn't mean that, if she goes back to Japan, she will leave the cat here. 

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My two cents ...

I found Kat over the top and an attention seeker in that episode.  She seemed to be talking constantly to others on the field, and half the time what she was saying was of base.  She reminded me of Victoria last year, and that isn’t a compliment.  

I’m not a huge Kristin fan (my daughter and I call her Eeyore), and I thought she looked out of shape.  They talked about how soft she was, Kelli going so far as to say something about not bringing your A-game to tryouts and it becoming her and Judy’s problem for training camp.  I am shocked she made it to Finals.  

My star of the night was Chandi.  I found her super cute and genuine.  Yes, they saddled her with the typical poor-me talking head, but she has huge potential to me! 

And finally, to the editing genius who figured out that if you want us all to buy the “oh, isn’t Victoria so much more controlled and mature than last year” bull crap, show us only the start of her turn so we don’t see her fall out of it for the 8,727 time.  

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Eh, boring incoming rookies. Kat got in based on initial impressions, comeback girls aren’t exciting, and the sob stories are getting old. Malena still looks lost.

Bye retiring vets, I’ll miss most of you. 

Edited by dbell1
Even my iPad doesn’t like Kat
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Kristen may have done ok but she does look tired and softer than last year... no excuse for her to not come back harder and on fire this year.   I like her and I hope she pulls it out and makes the team... but if she doesn't... I can see her being a cut. 

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20 minutes ago, ClosetDCCFan said:

And finally, to the editing genius who figured out that if you want us all to buy the “oh, isn’t Victoria so much more controlled and mature than last year” bull crap, show us only the start of her turn so we don’t see her fall out of it for the 8,727 time.  

Truth!  Also, During ep1 every tweet had a clip featuring her.  It was so annoying.  Happy to see they featured other performers on Twitter this ep.

Edited by Mardo2044
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yeouch!! 😒  I just came home after work and straight here to get the scoop the scoop! I dont own a TV lol  Ill need to find the ep online.  Im so disappointed with what im seeing so far. It seems like as a whole a weak rookie class. I noticed that Kristen looked softer than last year a post she did months ago. Im glad it wasnt just me... I hope Kat isnt another Taylor( the one who made it to TC even with bad kicks and got cut because of it) This year is actually the best year for VK and others to come back and make the team. 

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Kat: beautiful but thirsty

Amanda: teeny little waist, geez

Malena: no

Kristin: gorgeous but I do see the softness now

Also, the girls are clearly exhausted and do not want to participate in Phil's dance party. Sorry, Phil.

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Damn, I was floored with how bad they were with the routine. 😮

Kristen should not have made it to finals. She gained weight. 👎 I see no growth from last year. 

Malena and Gina were not good either. Malena came back with the exact same issues. 

🤢 at the shit about VK. I so want to ignore her but she pops up all the damn time. 

I’m unimpressed with the kick line. It was like attack of the low kicks. I’m baffled 😕 about how some of these girls made it to finals.  

I loved 💕 the goodbyes from the vets retiring. Gonna miss those gals!! 

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I’m OK with Kat’s thirstiness, because at least she’s entertaining about it.

Had to laugh at Kelli giving the blanket statement about how Victoria has grown. Yeah, and Bobby Ewing is in the shower telling us last season was just a dream.

I saw one of my favorite auditioners from last year, Lacey. Hope she made it to finals. 

Oh, Gina Marie. Telling us several times in two episodes that you have trouble remembering choreography? Big red flag, girl. 

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My initial thoughts from the episode:

I'm not totally sold on Kat yet, especially if her kicks are that bad, but the team could really use her glam.  I agree with Marshall that I wouldn't change anything about her look!

As much as a lot of people here will hate this, I thought VK looked good in this episode.  She managed the pirouettes without falling lol 🤣

Chandi is soo cute and peppy.  So is Katy! Love them both.

I really think Alexandra and platinum blonde Madi both need to just move on.  They've spent way too many years auditioning and I don't really see it happening for them.  I was kind of relieved when Madi said she wouldn't be back next year.

Malena.. why take her to finals? Ugh

I really love Charm as a judge!

I also enjoyed the retiring vets goodbye segment.  So much of this show seems contrived and fake now, but that showed some real, true emotion and I appreciated their little speeches.  What was on Tasha's lip? It kind of looked like a cold sore bandaid with lipstick caked over it lol

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1 hour ago, woodscommaelle said:

My cat is American.

That response made me love Yuko even more! 

Kelli and Lacey’s speeches made me cry. But I have to say KeShara’s came off a little arrogant. “I gave everything I ever could give to you.” Really? 

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7 minutes ago, Peanutflutter33 said:

That response made me love Yuko even more! 

Kelli and Lacey’s speeches made me cry. But I have to say KeShara’s came off a little arrogant. “I gave everything I ever could give to you.” Really? 

I felt KaShara's remark was more along the lines of "emptied my bucket."

Heather said, in one of the post-season podcasts, that she was on the fence about retiring.  It was KaShara that helped her make the decision to re-audition.  KaShara asked her if she "felt like she had emptied her bucket and given her all to this organization." 

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Don't like Lisa's look at all from her talking head. She looks semi cute from far away while dancing.

Lily looked strong this episode dance wise. Did anyone catch her irritated looking face when Phil was calling up the dance party? 😂 probably just bad timing but I found it funny.

I think I like Meredith, but she needs more power in both her dancing and her talking!

Props to Julia for getting right back up like her fall never even happened.

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Random thoughts about this episode:

Chandi - I liked her dancing and personality, and of course she is lovely.

Lily - I see quite a bit of hurt and anger in her eyes. She has the "I'll show you" determination, but I don't see much happiness in her and that has given her a more hardened look (IMO)

Kristen - She looks soft, I would think that might have been something that she would have worked on since last year's audition.

Malena - I'm not upset with her and she does have a lot of wonderful qualities, but I am peeved with TPTB for taking her to finals. Her memory issues showed all throughout the auditions, so obviously that has not been fixed (nor would I think it could be). I just see her as taking away a spot that someone else could have had.

VK - A bit less coverage of her tonight as compared to last year, which is nice. 

Kat - she captures my attention when she dances and she is gorgeous. But her kicks? That may be a serious problem down the road!

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I really hated the tops that the veterans were wearing.  I don't know who thinks up these bizarre things with odd pieces of fabric here and there.  They looked like a bib on top of a torn t-shirt on top of a sports bra.  With "Cowboys" positioned over the girl's butt.

Edited by Quilt Fairy
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20 minutes ago, Agent Gully said:

VK - A bit less coverage of her tonight as compared to last year, which is nice

Yeah, but I've never seen that many judges jump into a discussion about someone.  The amount of coverage has lessened, but it seems they will make the most of what they do show.

22 minutes ago, Agent Gully said:

Lily - I see quite a bit of hurt and anger in her eyes. She has the "I'll show you" determination, but I don't see much happiness in her and that has given her a more hardened look (IMO)

Well, I hope she gets the chance to really show them:)

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1 hour ago, FutureDCC said:

Lily looked strong this episode dance wise. Did anyone catch her irritated looking face when Phil was calling up the dance party? 😂 probably just bad timing but I found it funny.

Yes, so funny! The camera keeps catching her making stink-face. There was another when she was sitting in the chairs before finalists were announced. 😂

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Finally just watched both episodes...

Boy is this year’s group of auditionees weak - weak in looks, weak in figures and weak in dance.  They really couldn’t even get any impressive shots of anyone to use for the footage to threaten the vets about all the good talent coming up - lol.   Couple shots of Chandi and that girl w/ the bent legged aerial is all the could come up with.  Haha!

My thoughts on some of the key candidates:

Chandi - she sure is cute and she’s a great dancer, but doesn’t have much sex appeal.   Her story about her parents divorce moved me a little more than the adopted thing - they bullied her cause she was adopted?  Really?  Who does that?    She’s very likable though and has a nice figure - even though she’s short she’s well proportioned and fit.  I like her.

Kat - beautiful face, but I think her hair is too long and her makeup is a little much.  She also doesn’t have the best technique in spite of a lot of energy, flexibility and performance in her dancing.   Her personality is kind of arrogant and loud, and I don’t find it as funny and entertaining as I did VK’s last year - seems less fun and more intimidating if that makes sense. I assume she’ll make it cause this class is so weak and she’s so pretty, but I’m really not a big fan.

Katy - she’s cute, but not sexy hot, and her stomach is really large and soft - short legs too - just doesn’t have a DCC figure IMO.   Great dance technique in her feet though - excellent turns.    I guess everyone who goes to UCLA is programmed to say UCLA every third word for something?  Lol.    I assume her knowing Daphne will help her.

The girl w/ the curly hair who had the little brother w/ Down syndrome who died, I forget her name - she really doesn’t have the DCC look IMO.  She seems nice though - okay dancer.

Meredith is gorgeous still.   If she can dance good enough I think she’s in.  Malena still beautiful as well - guess we’ll see if she can do the dances, but it doesn’t look promising so far.

Kristen’s facials seemed better this year, and she’s very pretty, but I agree she looked soft   Rooting for her cause she seems really sweet.

Lilly kind of bores me and I think she’s a little too skinny.

VK - she looks gorgeous and fit.  I just really like Victoria and thought how she was saying the “yay numbers 70-75” stuff was cute.  She seems so fun to be around to me.  And her dancing looked great too.

None of those Mavericks dancers had that great of looks or figures - some may dance okay, but there seemed to be something a little off about all of them and I can see why the DCC passed on them before (I’m assuming they’ve all tried out for DCC before, maybe not).

Edited by MyFavShows
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I’m starting to understand how Vic looks better this round (not counting her embarrassing fall in prelims).  This year’s rookies are so much weaker than last year’s.  The kick line doesn’t count since Vic had almost all of last season’s TC to learn it.  She has no excuse not to have it down.

I am also on the official “I hate the new Cassadee Pope opening song” train.  Thank Yahvo for DVR recordings.  I can fast forward past that heinous sound.

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4 hours ago, woodscommaelle said:

My cat is American. <— If these episodes had titles. 🤣

I do not like Kat. 

This. 100% agree. Not sure if it was editing or a real moment captured, but Cat's eye roll when another girl's name was called for finals came off as pretty rude. Yes we know you're anxious but graciousness and humility are part of being "World Class". JS

Yuko was just adorable in that veteran segment. 

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Well I hope the others who dont live in the US are having an easier time finding links to the episode than I am 😞  No luck so far.

If anyone can lend a hand with a link please feel free to DM me!

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3 hours ago, HarlowB said:

Well I hope the others who dont live in the US are having an easier time finding links to the episode than I am 😞  No luck so far.

If anyone can lend a hand with a link please feel free to DM me!

Me too please!  I can’t find the link either and iTunes, Amazon and CMT are not available here!

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9 hours ago, Lily80 said:

Also, if I have to hear one more stupid sob story about how a beautiful girl struggled with some minor issue over ten years ago, I will scream at this TV. I don't blame the girls. I blame the show makers.

They started this the year Chelsea made the team and it is just awful and cringeworthy. Please stop CMT! The intros were so much better when you just focused on the girl themselves and not some made up sob story. 

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10 hours ago, Dnst1973 said:

Kristen should not have made it to finals. She gained weight. 👎 I see no growth from last year. 

Love Kristen!!!  I do agree that she gained weight, but it makes her look more womanly.  Candidly, the two men in my life that watch with me thought it was a huge improvement!  OTOH, it ain't K&Js thing, so I am surprised she made it through to the next round.  I will humbly disagree on improvement, though.  Last year the number one comment was that she looked at the floor all the time.  Part of being a professional is to learn to take a note.  She did!  This year she is definitely looking at the judges a lot more!  Go, Kristen!!!!

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When I watch this, I have to remember that this is a SHOW, a reality show, not a documentary about making the team.  A reality show is like a scripted TV show with real people, it needs drama, that's what the producers are for, to encourage the women to be interesting for the show.

I think a lot of these women aren't there to make the team, they are there to be seen.  When you make the team, you're a unit, they dance in unison, like the Rockettes, you don't see them as individuals, you're not supposed to.  Besides, DCC is a part time job that demands full time work, and the pay isn't that great.

I'll use Kat as an example.  Kat has a look that is VERY popular right now (a light skinned/biracial type look, someone even called her "exotic").  If she doesn't make the team, she's been seen, maybe she'll have an Instagram page and have a million followers.  I'm almost 60, when I was young, you became famous because of something you could DO, today you can become famous because enough people like your look.

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9 hours ago, FutureDCC said:

Don't like Lisa's look at all from her talking head. She looks semi cute from far away while dancing.

Lily looked strong this episode dance wise. Did anyone catch her irritated looking face when Phil was calling up the dance party? 😂 probably just bad timing but I found it funny.

I think I like Meredith, but she needs more power in both her dancing and her talking!

Props to Julia for getting right back up like her fall never even happened.

Yeah, Lily now has two attitude strikes for me.  We didn't get to know her last year at all (shame on editing), and this year we aren't seeing a DCC attitude.  I certainly don't want her to stay til the last night and get cut again, but my prediction is that if we do, it will be a TRULY MEMORABLE DCC CUT!  She will put Megan F (RIP) to shame!

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11 hours ago, Lily80 said:

Also, if I have to hear one more stupid sob story about how a beautiful girl struggled with some minor issue over ten years ago, I will scream at this TV. I don't blame the girls. I blame the show makers.


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9 hours ago, Peanutflutter33 said:

Yes, so funny! The camera keeps catching her making stink-face. There was another when she was sitting in the chairs before finalists were announced. 😂

I love that about her. I didn't have strong feelings last year, but now I'm a big fan. It find it a little unsettling when they have smiles plastered on their faces at all times.

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My updated impressions on some of the girls based on last night's show:

Kat - Still gorgeous, but way too OTT. Really bad kicks. Crazy about the disparity in her kicks, too. Shows bad conditioning/technique. Not sure she's one of my favorites anymore.

Gina-Marie - Still cute. Thick/short legs. Memory issues. Still too young/immature.

Meredith - Absolutely lovely technique. Don't like her vocal fry. Needs to exude more power in her dancing.

Victoria - She looks better than last year. Appears to be saying the right things attempting to show she's a "team player," but still not impressed. Gonna take more to convince me that child deserves a spot on the squad.

Chandi - Could have done without the so-so sob story. She appears to be a really lovely girl outside and inside. She catches my eye every single time and that's what I like. My current favorite.

Kristen - Still gorgeous, too. Still a little soft with her dancing. Needs to project more power. Rooting for her all the way, though. One of my top choices. There's something about her that I really, really like and think that with more confidence, she could be a great DCC.

Julia - Didn't warm up to her from her weather girl intro the previous episode, but liked her quick recovery on the kick line flub. Still comes off as cold and somewhat fake. Not sure how I feel about her. Need to see more.

ULCA2.0 (Sorry, can't recall her name) - Cute as a button, but doesn't seem quite ready for this whole thing. Really adorable, though. Needs more polish, too.

Karate girl (Sorry, can't recall her name) - It's not going to happen. Seems like a great girl, but was lost through the test dance and her lack of training/technique showed. Loved her sleek bob from last year better, too.

Alexandra - Really lovely girl. Like her perseverance. Although, it seemed like Kelli has already nixed her in her mind, so if Alex is going to continue, she needs to figure out how to change that perspective. That's her biggest hurdle, honestly.

Bret - Cute girl - other than her weird eyebrows. Her dancing was good. Seems like she's sweet.

Lily - Didn't see much of her this episode, but she does look much older than her actual years. Needs to bring more joy to her dancing. 

Malena - I really, really wish they hadn't brought her to finals. And, to call her LAST?! Talk about a MF on an already under-confident girl. Ugh. K&J can be cruel sometimes. She needs to just dance for fun. Her memory issues will hinder her chances on any professional dance team. I hate being so negative, but she is amazingly lovely and man, I'd KILL for her body, but them's the facts.

Madeline S. - Quiet girl. Like a blonde shadow. Pretty in an unconventional way, but not quite DCC level yet. Needs more power. Needs to command attention. Needs a new hair color and style, too. Keep mixing her up with VK and that is NOT a good thing.

Amanda - Teeny-tiny waist! I am still not a fan, so luckily for me, she was kept to small segments this episode.

Overall... I was appalled by the lack of kicks and all the memory flubs with the routine test. Not really impressed with the talent (or lack, thereof) overall. Wondered how so many mistakes were made and they still made it into finals!

Edited by DzignerGurl
Typos get me every time!
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I spied some “ghosts” from seasons past! Was that Jackie who won the fan vote several seasons ago? Interesting she made it to finals, at least I thought I saw her celebrating.

I think I saw Lacey, the one with the bulky arms too.

UCLA Katy kind of looks like Sydney D, but needs to tone up or drop some weight.

I still don’t think Amanda has the look, but she’s a great dancer.

That poor girl Madi who comes back every year! Her hair was way too light this year too.

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This is Kim, long time viewer, I've watched every season. Can we PLEASE not make this into the Kat show? Right now, it's "Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders, Kat Making the Team". I liked her fine, but now, I'm so over her. You shoved Morgan, Breelan, the other Kat down our throats and made their seasons all about them. Don't do that again. Kat has to be interviewed on everything, I was certain you were going to have her opine on the veterans' farewells. She's not spectacular and barely caught my eye. Like when the other Kat, Breelan, and Morgan got cut the next year, I actively cheered because you made me dislike them so much.. 

Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter. 


PS LOVED the veterans' farewells! They all made me tear up, I've always adored Yuko, now she jumped even higher in my estimation. "My cat is American". Love it! Tasha, classy as always. All of them were great. More of this every year please. 


If you need an outside evaluation, give me a call, I'll keep you right in line. 

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