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S04.E13: Judgement Day/S04.E14: Tell All

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6 minutes ago, Toaster Strudel said:
2 hours ago, greekmom said:

Andrei should just shut up.  I can’t believe he stood up for Colt. Well, yeah I can

They both hate women with the fire of 10,000 volcanoes, but also hate that they lust after them, and depend on them, for sexual gratification.

Neither has sexually gratified a woman in his life.

"Making my wife happy: it's not what I want to do now."

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2 minutes ago, sasha206 said:

Pedro is just staying with Chantel for the reality TV money.   If there is any love in that union, I'd be surprised.

I think the whole story and how they are portrayed is the joke. I have the feeling that the entire family is in on it and in reality, they all do get along. 

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50 minutes ago, MajorNelson said:

Coltee was considering wishy-washy Ashley might made a good next victim...

The two of them sitting on the couch reminded me of the cool cheerleader sorority sister types when they were forced to interact with the Tri Lams on "Revenge of the Nerds." But maybe Colt thinks he and Ash will end up together like Lewis and Betty. 

2 hours ago, Drogo said:

Karen and Thomas are evidence that there truly is a lid for every pot calling the kettle black.

Looks like Thomas is about to burst his shirt buttons. 

Edited by magemaud
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On 7/22/2019 at 9:23 AM, greekmom said:

My thoughts:

5.       Nicole (and Azan), you cannot go on tv and get paid for showing your life and when asked a simple question: “Why was the trip to Morocco cancelled?” say

“it’s private”.

Damn it TLC, withhold their $$!

9.       The tell all – told NOTHING.


Edited by MajorNelson
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What’s up with Azan, unless it’s their TV reception? He looked like a giant head on  narrow sloping shoulders in that preview.

i wonder how he’s going to explain where the $6K went.  Poor May. 😠

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3 hours ago, Chippings said:

The unabashed pimping for 'Family Chantel' was really repulsive.  I have figured from watching the promos (which included old bits from previous fights &c) that TLC had to have said to these people "Do you think you can keep on fighting for, say, nine months or so?  'Cuz if you can, we can scrape another series out of this."  And the answer was "Why, Yes, we believe we can.  The possible future of this marriage, which will only survive with some serious calming down and probably frequent therapy, certainly takes second place to rehashing the same stupid fights and the glory of being stars on reality TV."

That bolded part is gold!  Exactly the way it must have happened!

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5 minutes ago, RealReality said:

I think he is gay, and I thought that from the first video clip of him (it's Eric E-R-I-C).  

And that's fine.  If Larissa has learned a lesson about keeping her real business off this show as much as possible..good for her.  

Frankly, Larissa should take a minute before jumping back into the dating scene.  But, it is nice to see her stick it to Colt by "finding" someone better looking.  

Colt just found drunk debbie.  Again.

I agree.  Out of all the attorneys on this show I think Adam is the one who will see an uptick in business from this show.  He seems competent and sympathetic.  

I think Larissa has a massive crush on him, and I can't blame her...though he may have been wearing a wedding ring?

I can't stand either of them, but Debbie takes the cake.

Half the money that they get for filming should go to Larissa.  I assume Debbie gets paid separate since she is not colts wife...as much as she hates to admit it.  

So leaving Larissa with $38 was an asshole move.  And just another Colt move to try to force Larissa to talk to him so he could gaslight her some more.

They have been married how long?  And he happily admitted that he hadn't filed for the adjustment of status, so she could NEVER work.  Which was exactly colts game.  He didn't want Larissa to be financially independent or able to earn her own money. 

I KNOW he was pissed when he found out she found a place to stay and wasn't living on the streets and begging him to take her back.  

I hate this so fucking much.  I think Nicole is the true TLC diva with her "it's private" protestations.  If you want to enjoy your privacy that fine.  Go back to being a barrista. 

I would love to hear that TLC held her check because she refuses to share.

I don't think she is a green card scammer.  I think she was perfectly willing to stay married to Colt and put up with terrible sex 10 times a day in exchange for stability and a green card.  A transactional marriage isn't scammy to me because people do it domestically all the time. 

One partner has money and power and the other has the youth and looks and sex appeal.  

But I believe Larissa when she says that Colt made promises about what her lifestyle would be in America and she got none of that.

I just meant that once she could get away she would.  I don’t think she planned to stay the next 50 years with Coltie.

In the cab in NYC Coltie said Larissa withdrew her request for alimony.  But I call bullshit on his histrionics re her initial request for  1k per month.  She would hardly be living the glamorous life on 12k a year.  And with him splitting expenses with Deb I also don’t believe that he could not afford it. Forgo the new car with AC,  d-bag.  I am not suggesting that she should get alimony after a six-month marriage, I just think the crying poor was nonsense.

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1 hour ago, Chippings said:

I'm sure it would have been much discussed if it had been shown, and he had made even a very sketchy answer.  I did see him answering about why they had not had a visit ("That's private so I won't say.")  But as to that money ??   Thank you to anybody with a stronger stomach than I, who stuck with the entire thing.  

The producers and editors of this show (loved the cutaway to the aerospace-rocket science NASA type console configuration they use to give them gravitas😃) must think their audience is extremely stupid and unaware of phony "ploys" to keep us interested.  EARTH TO PRODUCERS:  STOP WITH THE TEASES that never materialize into anything even remotely interesting during the entire show!!

I always FF through colt and the woman and the young jay and the woman (can't recall either name at the moment) so essentially I FF'd over 85% of the show.  

Nobody has to actually HEAR what azan has to say because his facial expressions of revulsion and disgust about anything having to do with "marriage" and nicole tell the entire story.

I'm laughing as I'm writing this and I know laughter is really great for the spirit so on that basis I'll tune in tonight and tell the producers and editors THANK YOU!!!

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23 minutes ago, Pondlass1 said:

What’s up with Azan, unless it’s their TV reception? He looked like a giant head on  narrow sloping shoulders in that preview.

i wonder how he’s going to explain where the $6K went.  Poor May. 😠

Her new story is there was never $6K that she gave him. They made it all up for the “show”. Sure Jan.

I don’t think she’s lost any weight either. To me it looks like she just found a more flattering outfit and hairstyle.

I was surprised at how nice the rest of the cast was to her. I think they probably feel sorry for her and were too busy hating on Coltie. I guess they didn’t show the full exchanges he had with the rest of the cast - apparently he was being a real asshole - it just wasn’t Chantel.

Edited by Jennifersdc
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Marrying a mamma's boy can be a nightmare. Because they think they can pout and stomp and get their way. As adults, that only works for the mom, since she is the only one that still looks at him like a cute little boy. For everyone else, it looks immature and annoying. 

My husband does like to pout, and he love to look cute to get his way. He's also from Latin America, where his female relatives lavish him with love and attention. However, his mom thinks I spoil him! That gives me hope. LOL! 

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So I’m not sure why but this makes me very happy... I’m only 2 (or is it 3?) degrees of seperation from Coltee. A friend of mine went to law school with coltees lawyer. I’m dying for him to ask her whether their Coltee and Debbies relationship is as pathological as it looks on TV but so far I’m not getting anywhere. 

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4 hours ago, greekmom said:

I felt bad for Pedro. When Family Chantel showed up, he looked like he was going to cry.

I don't know why, I'm sure he and his family are getting paid for it.  See, his family told him to marry an American woman and it worked.  He married an American woman and now he's a reality TV star.  Maybe Mama Pedro isn't that bad after all.

And I don't know why they keep bringing up that fight.  Someone on YouTube was right when she said River said something to Pedro and ended with "My n****."  Now, if one black American says that to another black American, it's cool, but Pedro isn't American and he probably heard that word as a slur.  I think that's true, because TLC bleeped out what River said, but you can see it pissed off Pedro, but I think that's what River said that set Pedro off.

Edited by Neurochick
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1 hour ago, Normades said:

Will she be basing her chicken/egg theory on the celebrated work of Professor Harland Sanders, thillustrious chicken physicist

No.....Frank Perdue. 

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6 hours ago, mayvenne said:

Also forgot to mention that Coltee's mama Debbie- man oh man her shpeech impediment was a lot worsh thish week. I mean talk about shlurring the letter ESH!!!!

I really don't want this to be taken as a mean girls comment- it's more that I didn't notice it quite as much previously.

 And yes to the clubbing attire- Ashley in particular I notice on these tell alls can't find a short enough tight enough dress. and Chantal can't find one low cut enough. 


Chantel needs to cover those puppies up a bit, they are not symmetrical 

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20 hours ago, Real4real said:

I thought Coltee seemed like he was drunk—a mean drunk at that.  Ever since seeing him down that bottle, I wonder every time he’s on just how wasted he is.

Seriously. As somebody who likely drinks way too much bourbon myself - I cringed watching him do that. I’d have gagged way before 1/4 way through. He downed it like it was water. I have my doubts hardcore Russian’s in the Gulag, given a bottle of vodka and 60 seconds could have done that. Scary. 

And at least I’m a fairly happy drunk. Ask Uber.

Edited by Jennifersdc
Minor grammar
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1 hour ago, RealReality said:


I agree.  Out of all the attorneys on this show I think Adam is the one who will see an uptick in business from this show.  He seems competent and sympathetic.


How weird was it to see a somewhat normal attorney that was ok with appearing on this show? 

I only say somewhat normal because points have been deducted for the name “DUI Doctor”.  🙄

Personally I would like to go back to seeing more caveman lawyers. We don’t need streaks of normalcy on this show. 

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1 hour ago, FurBabyMama said:

So I’m not sure why but this makes me very happy... I’m only 2 (or is it 3?) degrees of seperation from Coltee. A friend of mine went to law school with coltees lawyer. I’m dying for him to ask her whether their Coltee and Debbies relationship is as pathological as it looks on TV but so far I’m not getting anywhere. 

I wish you could but confidentiality rules would prohibit him/her from disclosing.  DAMN!

Nicole, shut up with the "it's private" with that smug look on her face.  It is a Tell All, so TELL ALL!

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12 minutes ago, PinkFlamingo said:

How weird was it to see a somewhat normal attorney that was ok with appearing on this show? 

I only say somewhat normal because points have been deducted for the name “DUI Doctor”.  🙄

Personally I would like to go back to seeing more caveman lawyers. We don’t need streaks of normalcy on this show. 

Whenever I see the Geico caveman commercial airing during this show, I never cease to be amazed at the strong resemblance to Kody Brown.  I usually have to look twice at my TV screen to see if it's the Geico caveman or a commercial for Sister Wives.

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6 hours ago, Toaster Strudel said:

Here's what really happened. For years, Karen heard the saying "the apple doesn't fall far from the tree" and had no idea what the cryptic idiom meant. If a wit like Karen couldn't figure it out, what chance did the rest of us ever have?

So she gave this a lot of thought. She thought about it before going to sleep at night. Alone while drinking coffee. When stuck at a red light. While looking out the window on rainy days.

Then it dawned on her.

Of course. It should have been obvious, but there's no shame in that, since Einstein himself was involved. The man whose theory of gravity revolutionized agriculture; orchards were never the same. It turns out, one cannot make sense of the idiom unless intimately acquainted with the perplexing and mind-bending concept of gravity, and few are outside of the hallowed halls of academia. After all, helium balloons go up, the Road Runner can remain suspended, rake handles hit your forehead when you step on the tines, and magnets move sideways.  But apples, it seems, have a rather direct downward trajectory (known as a vector) from the branch whence they came from to the ground where they land with a thud.

We ought to be grateful for the blessing she bestowed on us by explaining the historical context and science behind the idiom. I only wish the producers had let her use the powerpoint presentation she had prepared and enhanced with only the best clipart that Google image search has to offer.

Last night, Karen shed some long awaited light on an enigma that combined the realms of physics, plant husbandry and language. She tried to vulgarize it to bring it down to a level that we could comprehend and she was prodigiously successful at it, as anyone who stayed awake could testify.

With confidence, I can now announce that with respect to her idiot daughter Chantel, one could say that the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

This post is made of awesome.

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6 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

I wonder who got the bright idea to give Chantel, Pedro and their families a tv show that only features them......OMG.  IT's so sickening.  Well, I hope they limit their appearances to that show, that way, I can avoid seeing it. 

I follow a 90  gossip Instagram page. They took a vote about who would watch family chantel. To my horror it was 55% would. These are snarky people too, not fan girls. Smh

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(Larissa) being a middle aged woman

She's 32.

If she has no money, how is she paying for things like getting her nails and hair done, food, etc. Even if she stays with her friend for free, she has expenses. That manicure she was sporting last night was at least $50, even if she goes to a cheap salon and is a shitty tipper.

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8 minutes ago, Cherrio said:

A new spin-off in the works.

Colt and Debbie

A story of Munchausen by Bith Phtew

First episode: Larrisa gets the slot machine in the divorce settlement.

Make it a game show. 

contestants are Debbie vs Larissa

The winner gets a new wardrobe. The LOSER gets Coltee.

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5 minutes ago, Toaster Strudel said:

The slot machine should be the only thing she asks.

Imagine how many people around the world would watch her take a sledgehammer to it.

She should auction spots for people to aid in its destruction:


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50 minutes ago, PinkFlamingo said:

How weird was it to see a somewhat normal attorney that was ok with appearing on this show? 

I only say somewhat normal because points have been deducted for the name “DUI Doctor”.  🙄

Personally I would like to go back to seeing more caveman lawyers. We don’t need streaks of normalcy on this show. 

DUI Doctor but only Domestic Violence Dental Hygienist.  

35 minutes ago, TipseyGirl said:

This post is made of awesome.

Pedro may be an apple but Chantel was hypnotized by the worm protruding from the apple.  

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4 hours ago, happy hobo said:

Yeah, that question is probably going to wait till next week after they push MORE Family Chantel......No matter.....because who is going to believe ANY answer he gives? (well, other than Nicole).

I got the impression that Chantel & Pedro were leaving, unless I misunderstood,  I thought the host had said something like 'this is where we say goodbye to Chantel and  Pedro...' then went into the big revel about the Family Chantal Variety Show

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8 minutes ago, alegtostandon said:

I got the impression that Chantel & Pedro were leaving, unless I misunderstood,  I thought the host had said something like 'this is where we say goodbye to Chantel and  Pedro...' then went into the big revel about the Family Chantal Variety Show

Yes, they might be gone but that doesn't mean we won't be reminded (again & again) about the new show. Wouldn't surprise me if they showed clips of it. 

Edited by happy hobo
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41 minutes ago, Angry Moldolvian said:

I follow a 90  gossip Instagram page. They took a vote about who would watch family chantel. To my horror it was 55% would. These are snarky people too, not fan girls. Smh

I know I will watch...

I actually want those 2 crazy kids to work out.  I think they need to move away from the Family Chantal, and get a marriage counselor.  One that will teach them how to argue.  I think they love each other, it's just that her family gets in the way.  She's very immature.  I can't believe she actually told Colt that he was supposed to "leave and cleave," yet she needs to look in the mirror and tell herself that.  I'm glad he told her as much.

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17 hours ago, magemaud said:

Chantel can't hear him because she's always talking over him! And everyone else! She made a very nasty comment to Colt then she had a hissy fit at him because he "disrespected" her? The whole second hour was just a set up for the dreadful new show. 

Chantal loves to act insulted and horrified. Remember her grand “Goodnight” exit last season in the DR? She can dish it out but she runs off like a coward as soon as anyone snaps back at her.  The new show with their awful families doesn’t stand a chance. 

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3 hours ago, Drogo said:

Honestly, DavidPoor and Annie would make great co-hosts for the Tell Alls. 

Or just Annie. I love her! Talk about making the best of a bad situation. 

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19 hours ago, Frozendiva said:

Do wonder if after her arrests, Larissa spoke to anyone who spoke Portuguese. She is in a difficult place with no support. The police can see through a lot of nonsense. Not everyone who brings in a K1 visa spouse is an exemplary person - some are abusive and hold them as hostages of sorts. Colt and Debbie should have been spoken to about this - and separately.

Larissa's friend Carmen that she lives with now (she was on the show last night) is from Brazil and speaks Portuguese and lived a few miles from Larissa in Vegas. In fact she is the one who set up Colt and Larissa. It made no sense to me why Debbie was taking Larissa shopping, to the doctor and to the lawyer when Carmen lived down the street? Larissa said she had no options but Debbie and could not use uber with a credit card so why not call Carmen for a ride. If Carmen was nice enough to take her in for 8 months rent free, why would she not give her a ride once in awhile before? Larissa did go to Carmen's after the last fight and the police came to Carmen's to arrest her so she did have Carmen with her for DV #3. 

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2 hours ago, Elizzikra said:

She's 32.

If she has no money, how is she paying for things like getting her nails and hair done, food, etc. Even if she stays with her friend for free, she has expenses. That manicure she was sporting last night was at least $50, even if she goes to a cheap salon and is a shitty tipper.

I know Larissa does some sort of advertising on social media for particular service based companies so maybe that's how she is getting the "extras"

Carmen could be helping feed Larissa and the stuff that goes along with housing her (basic hygiene and grooming) and the cost may be offset by TLC paying her an appearance fee. 

Larissa also seems to be very passionate about having a clean place so she may also be cleaning Carmen's place to offset her expense.  

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I am watching Part 1 now.  WHO takes their mommy to the divorce lawyer’s office with them????

Coltee, that’s who!!

Edited by Kid
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 Coltee Gets text from Larissa and he doesn’t know how to feel. So, what does he do?  Goes downstairs and talks to his mommy so that she can tell him how to feel.   EWWWWW!  Just EWWWWW!

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I'm not saying Larissa is blameless or did nothing wrong...or isn't a vain and demanding but....if I was in her position I'm not sure how pleasant I'd be either.  I don't for a second believe Debbie is the sweet old lady she portrays on camera, and was probably up in her business constantly.  I wouldn't want to be newly married and in that kind of situation either.  And the Colt shown less edited in these Tell Alls seems just like a COMPLETE ass.  I'm not sure how long I could stand it.

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5 hours ago, RealReality said:

Out of all the attorneys on this show I think Adam is the one who will see an uptick in business from this show. 

Not to mention his side job as a Justin Timberlake lookalike

Edited by 100Proof
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